`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OBb (7——09)
`,‘r to: fezm 1449'”1>10
`Complete tfKnown
`EMApplication Number
`5 October6, 2015
`mes J. FALLON
`(ESP: 17.1 511111;}: sheets as NECESMIU')
` ] Attorney Docket Numbe
`“855. 05000le H
`Examiner »
`N" ;
`‘ U‘
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate) title of the item (book magazine journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc) date, page(s) volume number publishercityand/or country where published
`‘ Script for Realtimes' Technology Tutorial Presented to the Magistrate Judge in Realtime
`NPL420 Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v Packeteer, Inc. et al., Civil Action No.6: 08--c-v--00144LED,
`U S. District Court for the Eastern District ofTexas, March 16, 2009 69 pgs.
`; T2
`1 Opinion and Order of United States Magistrate Judge regarding Plaintiff‘s Motion to
`Strike Unauthorized New Invalidity Theories from Defendant Citrix's Opening and
`NPL421 Reply Briefsin Support ofits Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity, Realtime
`Data, LLD/B/A Ixo v Packeteer, Inc. et al. District Court for the Eastern District of
`tmfihvhtwmhhht ,“chive“,mhhhtwmht .
`Texas,No:__6__: 08cvl44 issuedDec.8,2009,101w
`Defendant Citrix Systems, Inc'sNotice Pursuant to 35 U.SC. Section 282 Disclosures
`; NPL422 Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc., et al. District Court for the Eastern
`\\\.‘““txx- -w
`DistrictofTexas, No 6:08cvl44"filed December 112009,7pgs»
`Blue Coat Defendants Notice Pursuant to 35 U. S.C. Section 282 Disclosures, Realtime
`Data LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc ,et al., District Court for the Eastern District of
`Texas, No. 6:08cvl44"filed December 11, 2009, 7pgs
`1 Expand Networks 35 U. S C. Section 282 Disclosures Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo
`v. Packeteer, Inc, et al., District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 6. 08cvl44,
`53 filed December 11, 2009, 4 pgs.
`.» Expand Networks” 35 U. S. C. Section 282 Disclosures (Amended), Realtime Data, LEC
`NPL425 D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc ,et al, District Court for the Eastern District of Texas No
`6:08cvl44, filed December 11,2009, 5 pgs.
`Defendant Citrix Systems, Inc.’5 Notice of Obviousness Combinations Pursuant to
`NPE426 Court Order, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc. et al, District Court for
`' he Eastern District of Texas No. 6: 08cvl44, filed December 11,2009, 3 pgs
` Order ofUnited States Magistrate Judge regardino Motion toEimitthe Number ofPrior :
`NPL427 Ai’t References to be Asserted at Trial, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteei,
`Inc., et al., District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 6:080vl44, filed
` :
` = Blue Coat Systems, Inc. and 7—Eleven, Inc's Notice of Obv10usness Combinations to be
`E;NPL429 Used at Trial, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc., et al., District Court for '
`Ell-the Eastern District of Texas, No. 6:08cvl44, filed December 22, 2009,38 pgs.
`my --
`\w-wvm‘“‘““w-w-v~““v~w“««“‘“““1 ‘-‘vv~r‘““‘~w~r-M««WWW‘
`Expand Defendants' Notice of Obviousness Combinations Pursuant to Court Order,
`NPL4285 Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo v. Packeteer, Inc. et al., District Court for the Eastern
`; District ofTexasNo 6:08cv144, filed December22, 2009 3pgs
`A m/
`l Signature
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`Page 377 of 1785
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1004 (part 2 of 3)
`Page 377 of 1785
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1004 (part 2 of 3)


`Ewiva'”. Of FormWW
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete if Known
`.EApplication Number
`(Use as many sheets as rtecessaijy)
` - \mewwmmwvmmym\“m
`Attorney Docket Number 3 2855. 005000C
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book magazine journal serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher city and/or countey where published
`Art References Within the Scope
`efendant Citrix Systems, Inc5 Notice of Other
`E of the References Discussed at the Dec. 17,2009 Hearing, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A
`EIxo v. Packeteer, Inc. et a1, District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No.
`WE26 08cv144, filed December 29,2009, 6 pgs
`Docket Listing downloaded March 10, 2010 for Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A Ixo V.
`NPL431EPacketeer, Inc., et a1. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 6:08cv144,
`filed Aprll ”18"2008“"165pgs
`NPL432 CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4, RFC 804, January 1981, 12 pgs.
`SNA Formats, IBM Corporation, 14th Ed., November 1993, 3 pgs.
`Munteanu et a1, "Wavelet-Based Lossless Compression Scheme with Progressive
`NPL434 Transmission Capability," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Int'l J. Imaging Sys. Tech., vol. 10,
`Mug“ MAQW““““““““ .
`(1999) pgs 76—85.
`Forchhammer and Jensen, "Data Compression of Scanned Halftone Images," IEEE
`‘ Trans. Commun., vol. 42, Feb-Apr. 1994, pgs 1881-1893.
`Christopher Eoyang et a1., "The Birth of the Second Generation: The Hitachi S-820/80,"
`Proceedings of the 1998 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, pgs 296303
`NPL439 Nelson, "The Data Compression Book," M&T Books (2nd Ed. 1996), 283 pgs.
`Transcript for Hearing on Motions for Summary Judgment, Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a
`IXO v Packeteer, Inc. et a1 Civil Action No 6. 08——cv—-00144-LED; US. District Court
`for the Eastern District of Texas, 133 pgs, November 8,2009.
`Transcript for Motions Hearing (Including Supplemental Claim Construction Hearing),
`NPL438 Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et a1, Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144—
`E LED; US. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, 88 pgs, November 10, 2009
` ““‘»>»“‘“3!»Eaaxxhfi‘a~\\x\\\-xx-
` r’Tesfaide-t Boeure/
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL RErnestineea‘eessrbstrsssxeswnws 13181815 Wfifififi‘fis.Ea‘EfifW“
`Page 378 of 1785
`Page 378 of 1785


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`NON 15"}‘1‘31'Iii-1‘11'1‘ LITERATURE fiGCUMEN'I‘S
`"The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms," 7th Ed. 2000, pg. 273.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OBb 137-09
`Ccmpt’etc if 5112mm
`. To Be Assigned
`1 Exam er Name
`105 \xxxxx~\x\\‘<~t“<xt<xx~
`Attorney Docket Number
`Inciude name offlic au-9110.1 {in CAPITAL IETTERS) titie oft‘ae article (“hen
` Examiner
`appropriate}, title orthe item(book::11agazine 30111111 561151}, sympos:um. catalog,
`NPL441§:Larousse Dictionary (3i Scie-:.:1<e a-1d I‘ech:iologv, 11st Lt
`,3 Plaintiff Realtime Data's Motion to Strike Unauthorized New Invalidity Theories from
`NPL442 Defendant Citrix's Opening and Reply Briefs in Support Its Motion for Summary
` ~s~~~~xx»xxxxxxxxx\\\\\\\\\\xx\\\xx»\\\\\~x»x\\\\\\\\\x»k\\xxx\\\\\\xxxx\\\\\x\\\\\x\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\x\\x\\x\\\\\\sxxxxxsxxxx\\\~sx~x~xx .............
`Judgment ofInvalidity ofU.S. Patent No. 7,352,300 (September 22, 2009),l4 pgs.
`Realtime Data's Reply in Support of Its Motion to Strike Unauthorized New Invalidity
`Theories from Defendant Citrix's Opening and Reply Briefs in Support of Its Motion for
`Summary Judgment of Invalidity of US. Patent No. 7,352,300 (October 19, 2009), 17
`Defendant Citrix Systems, Inc.'s Sur-Reply in Opposition to Realtime Data LLC's
`‘ Motion to Strike Unauthorized New Invalidity Theories from Citrix’s Opening and
`NPL444 Reply Briefs in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of US.
`i Blue Coat Defendants' Response to Realtime Data, LLC's Notice Re Proposed
` NPL445 Construction of"Data Storage Rate" (November 11, 2009), 3 pgs.
`NFL446 g Order for Supplemental Briefing on Blue Coat 7-1 1 MOthI’l for Paitial SJ on Non-
`infeingement of Pat 6,601,104 (November 13, 2009), 6 pgs.
`NPL448 Memorandum Opinion and Order (December 8, 2009), 10 pgs.
`Expand's Conclusions of Fact and Law Regarding Defense of Inequitable Conduct
`NPL449 Conceming the Unenforceability of US. Patent No. 7,321,937 (November 12, 2009), 3
`Considered Signature
`/Tesfaldet Bocure/
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. liiclude copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL REFiéptifi‘we‘ge‘adbmibflfifitfifiakdgwWi—ifiifi‘TfifiEfiii-Itiiifitfil—ism‘fii59“.?“
`Page 379 of 1785
`Page 379 of 1785


`Complete IfKnown
`INFORMATION DIS CLOSURE F111,115,992?“““““““““““““““““““““““““I,Qgtgéexézfllé________________________________
`“t Named Inventor
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`i Examiner Name
`5T0 Be Assiu'ned
`E Attorney Docket Numberii2855.005000C “
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09)
`Q Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate) title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium catalog,
`etc)date, page(s) volume number publlshercityand/or country wherepublished
`; 1
`1Realtime Data'5 Sur——reply Supplemental Claim Construction Brief Concerning Whether
`.,1ENPL4501the Asserted Claims ofthe104 Patent are Product Claims (December 23, 2009), 6 pgs.
`Order regarding Defendant Citrix Systems, Inc's Notice of Other Prior Art References
`NPL451 Within the Scope of the References Discussed at the December 17, 2009 Hearing
`(December 30, 2009), 3 pgs.
`1§NPL452:Network Working group RFC 2068 (Jan. 1997), 163 pgs.
`NPL454 Network Working group RFC 1945 (May 1996), 6-1 pgs.
`NPL455 Network Working group RFC 1950 (May 1996), 10 pgs.
`NPL456 Network Working group RFC 1951 (May 1996), 15 pgs.
`NPL457 Network Working group RFC 1952 (May 1996), 12 pgs.
`Notice of Plaintiff Realtime Data LLC‘s Proposed Supplemental Construction of "Data
`NPL458§:Storage Rate" In Response to the Court’5 Comments During the November 10, 2009
`Supplemental Claim Construction Hearing (November 10,2009) 4 pgs.
`ECitrix'5 Amended Invalidity Contentions, Including Appendices G2-G8 (December 15,
`2009), 509 pgs.
`‘ m“.“..»n \\\\\\\\\\\\.\.\\\\“xx“
` 1 Examiner
` I
`Jeeraadet Bocure/
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609, Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered, Include copy ofthis form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL 1:1E’réeeeueesteeitepereemeszeeerwe EiiElEfiEiifiiFifififi‘F-Ii‘a‘iflf 9131“"
`Page 380 of 1785
`Page 380 of 1785


`Substitute for form l449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09)
`Complete ifKnown
`INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 3%....9229§9£.§2.29.1§.....................................
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`To Be Asswned
`:of E
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazwine journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`No 1
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`"Plaintiff Realtlme Data‘s Opposition to Defendant F5 N tw rks' MotlonforSummary
`Judgment that Claims 18—20 ofU. S Patent No 7,321,937 are Invalid (August 25,
`2009)” Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED Jury Trial Demanded Filed Under Seal; In
`the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division. [Under
`:Declaration of Dr James W. Modestino relating to US. Patent No. 7,161,506, March
`:,15 2010,49 pgs.
`ESecond Declaration of Dr George T Ligler under 37 CFR §l. 132 relating to U S.
`EENPL462:Patent No 6,601,104, executed May5 2010 3 pgs
`Realtime Data, LLC Complaint for Patent Infringement, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A
`NPL464:‘IXO v Thompson Reuters Corporation, et a1. (II), District Court for the Eastern District
`ofTexas No. 6.10c—v247, filedMay11,2010, 15 pages
`:Realtime Data, LLCComplaint for Patent Infringement, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A
`IXO v. Morgan Stanley, et a1. (II), District CouIt for the Eastern District of Texas, No.
`6:10—cv-248, filed May 11,2010, 27 pages
`Declaration of Padmaja Chinta In Support of Realtime Data's Reply Claim Construction
`NFL466 Brief (including Exhibits A—S), Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v. Packeteer,1nc.,et
`al, Dist1ict Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 6:08-cv-00144—LED, dated
`w M£9.11}.9...?999.-le.1:15.......................................................................................................................................
`.~Realtime Data, LLC Complaint for Patent Infringement, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A
`NPL463, IXO v. CME Group Inc. et al. (11), District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No.
`6: lO-cv—246, filed May 11, 2010, 24 pages.
`NFL467 Extended European search report issuing from European Patent Application
`; 09150508.1, August 3, 2010, 5 pgs.
`EComplaint, Thomson Reuters Corporation v. Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO, Southern
`::ENPL468EDistrict ofNew York, No. 2:09cv--7868—RMB, filed September 11, 2009, 6 pages.
`ERealtime Data, LLC Complaint for Patent Infringement, Realtlme Data, LLC D/B/A
`NPL469 IXO v MetroPCS Texas, LLC et al., District Court for the Eastern District of Texas,
`E.No 6. 10-cv-00493, filed September 23, 2010,14 pages.
`H----~ H~«-----------6 -
`- \“~\\§A-\‘\\\\Vnnannnh“\“‘\nh‘nn~
`’TmedEde 800”'e/
` Considered 01 [116/2‘01 6 E
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL REE—EE‘E‘EEENEEEatt‘ipéfii‘ifi’§ifb"§15€%°fi°fi%ép§EEEWEZEEE“ El‘NE@%fiEEfi‘fiS.EE‘EETEW“
`Page 381 of 1785
`Page 381 of 1785


`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OSb {7-09)
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Attorney Docket Number E 2855.005000C
`Complete If Known
`5 14/876,276
`Application Number
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title ofthe article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher cityand/or country where published
`Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated
`5 NFL-470 v Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO, United States District Court for the Northern
`District of Illinois No 09 CV 4486, filed July 24, 2009, 6 pages.
`Realtimes Responsein Opposmon tothe Defendants JointObjections to Report and
`Recommendation ofMagistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of
`Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et al.,
`Civil Action No 6: 08--cv- 00144-LED; US. District Court for the Eastern District of
`Texas, Julg 27, 2009 15
`Reply to Realtime'5 Responseto Blue Coat Defendants ObJeCUOHS to Report and
`Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge Regarding Motion for Partial
`Summary Judgment of Invalidity for Indefiniteness Entered June 23, 2009, in Realtime
`Data, LLC d/b/a’IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED;
`Realtime Data's Sur-Reply in Opposition to the Defendants' Joint Objections to Report
`and Recommendation of Magistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
`of Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et
`al., Civil Action No. 6: 08--cv——00144-LED; US District Court for the Eastern District of
`9_9Texas August 3_,99290990999,3rgs
`Defendants Invalidity Contentions, RealtimeData,LLC d/b/a IXO vs. MetroPCS
`NPL474 Texas, LLC, eta1., Case No 6: 10-CV- 00493-LED, In the United States District Court
`Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, June 17, 2011, 138 pages.
`.«..........................,....................tsWWWMWWdWWfiLWWWW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5
`i Appendix A, Claim Charts A-1 to A-25, from Invalidity Contentions, Realtime Data
`LLC v, MetroPCS Texas, LLC, eta1., Case No. 6:10-CV—00493-LED, June 17, 2011,
`173 pages.
`NFL47 6 Appendix B, Claim Charts B-l to B-23, from Realtime Data LLC v. MetroPCS Texas,
`LLC et al., Case No. 6:10-CV-00493-LED, June 17, 2011, 809 pages.
`NPL477 Appendix C, Claim Charts G1 to C-22, from Realtime Data LLC v. MetroPCS Texas,
`LLC eta1,, Case No. 6:10-CV-00493-LED, June 17, 2011, 530 pages.
`iAppendix D, Claim Charts D- 1 to D- 16, from Realtime Data LLC v MetroPCS Texas,
`NPL478ELLC et al., Case No 6 10cv00493-LED June 17, 2011, 253 pages
`NPL479iiAppendix E, Claim Charts E 1 to E-20, from Realtime Data LLC v MetroPCS Texas,
`ELLC eta1., Case No 6: 10-CV-00493 —,LED June 17, 2011, 397 pages
`a e
`0 ”123/2016 E
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 6'09, Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL RElfifififiltfiqfiSaifi‘éiifie‘ib‘fi‘ifieéifiifikzéfifitiifififiwkE11083Efi’iiiéafitfitfi‘filimttfétithw'
`Page 382 of 1785
`Page 382 of 1785


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PT_O_/_SB/08b (7--09)
`("1.,/'59. as many Sheers as necessary)
`Include name of the author’1 in CAI’I‘TAI. IETTER.S),t1:111e of ihe amid 13 (when
`appropriate), 11119 01 the 11cm E361“, iragaz111: E10rmai serial, symposium, catalog
`number 131113 her city and/or coun:ry WI11312 published
`Appendix F Claim Charts F- 1 to F— 19, f‘om Realtime Data LLC v MetroPCS Texas
`:E'NPL480:ELLC et a1., Case No. 6:10-CV-00493-LED, June 17, 2011, 462 pages.
`EAppendix G, Claim Charts G- 1 to G-18, from Realtime Data LLC v. MetroPCS Texas,
`NPL481LLC et a1 Case No 6: 10—CV-00493 -LED, June 17, 2011 543 pages
`Appendix H, Claim Charts H-l to H—ZZ, from Realtime Data LLC v. MetroPCS Texas,
`LLC et a1., Case No. 6: 10-CV-00493—LED, June 17, 2011, 151 pages.
`NPL483 AMIRetal., "AnApplicationLevelVideoGateway,‘l 1995, 11 pages.
`E,KATZ Randy H. and Eric A Brewer, "The Bay Area Research Wireless Access
`NPL484szNetwork Towards a Wireless Overlay 1nternetworking Architecture, " Computer
`EScience Division, EECS Department, U.C. Berkeley, 1995,56 pages.
`E,KATZ R.H. and EA. Brewer, "The Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network
`:NJ)14485E(BARWAN)," UC Berkeley, 1995, 68 pages.
`sBRUCKMAN, Alfred and Andreas UHL, "Selective Medical Image Compression
`UEsing Wavelet Techniques," June 1998,23 pages.
`iCROWLEY et a1.,”Dynamic Compression During System Save Operations, " May 1,
`:siNPL487E1984 3 pages.
`HERSHKOVITS, "Universal Data Compression with Finite--Memory,” February 1995,
`NEH”E99 pages
`sKATZ et al., "The Bay Area Research Wireless Access Networks (BARWAN)," 1996,
`E6 pages.
` Pun“,m,.,,,,,,,,u.
`01/23/201 6 Date
`E Signature
`z’TesfaEdet Bocure/
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`coreformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to appIicant,
`ALL 1:1Elfififiafi’fifigga‘ifilfifi‘étfifi‘fiféfimfikzd‘fiwwwkEfifilfiefiifififififififilflli‘“ sfé‘fihed'
`Page 383 of 1785
`Page 383 of 1785


`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/Osb (7-09)
`Complete ifKnown
`We“.................................................................................................................. -
`EApplication Number
`iFiImg Date
`October 6, 2015
`EFirSt Named Inventor
`{Use as many sheets as irrecessmy}
`Examiner Name
` T1§eAss1gned
`2855. 005000C\\\
`Attorney Docket Number 3
`Substitute for form l449/PTO
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`NPL490 KLEIN, "Compression and Coding in Information Retrieval Systems," June 1987, pages
`vii-viii, 1-4, 10-15, 22—30, 43—48, 62—66, 86-89, 108-111.
`ENPL491 i75-
`Defendants' Joint Preliminary Invalidity Contentions filed in Realtime Data, LLC
`NPL492 D/B/A IXO v. Packeteer, Inc., et al;, Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-l44-LED, United States
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, December 8, 2008, 19
`NPL493 Appendix A, Claim Charts A-l to A-46, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et
`al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv—l44-LED, December 8, 2008, 345 pages.
`NPL494 Appendix B, Claim Charts B-l to B—l7, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Irac., et
`al., Civil Action No, 6:08-cv-l44-LED, December 8, 2008, 1893 pages.
`,,,,,,,,,,,,r................................................................................................................................................................................ -_
`Appendix C, Claim Charts C-l to 034, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et
`al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-l44-LED, December 8, 2008, 1,055 pages.
`Appendix D, Claim Charts D-l to D-l4, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et
`NPL496 i al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-144-LED, December 8, 2008, 197 pages.
`4 44
`iAppendix E, Claim Charts E— l to EU, from Realtime Data, LLC v Packeteer, Inc., et
`:EENPL497‘E‘a.l, C1v1l Act1on No. 6:08-cv-l44-LED, December8, 2008, 735 pages
`\«eeceeeexw ‘exeeeeeeeweewxeec~~~~teeee.e“e.e..e..w,.~~~e.aaeee....c~~e.w.e_awce~~.e\a.~~~e~u~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~.Wfimwwwmcccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
`NPL4 98 Appendix F, Claim Charts F-l to F-l 1, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et
`al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-144-LED, December 8, 2008, 775 pages.
`i Appendix G Claim Charts G-l t0 G-8 from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et
`al., Civil Action No. 6:08—cv-l44-LED, December 8, 2008, 567 pages.
`Ex28iiEe‘PWWWWEWW wam
`Oi {232016
`'TCS aicet BOUUie
`*EXAMINER: Initial
`if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`ALL RE1iffiiif’ifiNEEEgaii‘iféfiiifiigifbfifiiéifli°Ei§<zéi§ii§iiiiiitii5i§§i¥ Eliflfiiflfiifiifififiiéifliii‘il‘ii?gif/‘i‘i
`Page 384 of 1785
`Page 384 of 1785


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
` Complete if Known
`Appllcation Number ..
`3 14/876276
`lOctober 6, 2015
`James J. FALLON
`First Named Inventor
`11'7.99 as mam/.3“?eetsm nee0.3151111)
`EAttorney DocketNumber
`Equivalent of Form PT'O/SB/OBb (7-093
`‘xt<~wwww\x\\\\\\\\ _
`111-iucEe name of :1-ec.uthor (£11 CAPl’l-“AI l13'1"'1‘lE1RS) 11.116. of {he article {when
`aspropllete), 311130111113 item!book, magazine, 3011111211, semal, sympcslum, catalog,
`etc ,1, 11211e, 3321-5113(3), 1101111116.- n‘11111'ner, publisher, cityand/01001111113! Where published
`.m.m.mmmmgw.mm1mmm@.w...................................................................................... =
`EAppendix H Claim Charts 11— 1 to H-18, from Realtime Data, LLC V Packeteer, Inc ,et
`NPLSOOE a1. ,Civil Action No 6:08———cv 144-LED, December 8 2008, 97 pages
`NPL501 Appendix 1, Claim Charts I—1 to I-18, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc., et al.,
`Civil Action No. 6:08—cv-144-LED, December 8, 2008, 146 pages.
`EAppendixJ, Prior Art Chart, from Realtime Data, LLC v. Packeteer, Inc, et al,Civil NPL5023Action N0. 6:08--cv144LED, December 8 2008 25 pages.
`Realtlme DataLLC53553103611] PR 3— 1 Disclosures and Preliminary Infringement
`NPL503EEContentions filed1n Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc., et a1CM]
`3Action N0. 6: 08——c-v-0-0144LED, United States District Court for the Eastern District of
`Texas Tsler Dwrsmn October 8, 2908, 591)aves
`Amended Answer and Counterclaims of DefendantsDluieCoat Systems Inc
`EPacketeer, Inc., 7—Eleven, Inc. ,ABM Industries, Inc, ABM Janitorial Services—South
`ECentral, Inc., and Build»A—Bear Workshop, Inc. to Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint
`NPL5 04E
`3for Patent Infringement filed1n Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc, et a1,
`ECivil Action No, 6: 08cv144-LED, United States District Court for the Eastern District
`Eof Texas Tyler“D1v1510n October 28,2008,8__1__ pies,“
`E "Packeteer iShaper, PacketShaper andiSharedAppliancesDrive Intelhgent Applicatlon
`NPL5053Acce1erati0n Across Coogee Resources Wide Area Networ',Business Wire, accessed
`3.___.____._.......__..__._,1..._..111111111111111_E11111111........ ................,““,“,‘,Z‘,‘,‘.“‘4‘,\\~“‘-‘
`NPL506 WHITING, Doug, "Deflate vs. LZS", November, 2000, 2 pages.
`"The Packeteer Q4 2005 Financial Conference Call", January 26, 2006, 9 pages.
`“Data Compression Ratio", Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, accessed on August 10,
`2011 from http://en.wikipedia.0rg/wiki/Data_compression_ratio, 2 pages.
`..4444..44-44..44~4~~~~~4 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`NPL509E3"Hard Disk Data Control Method", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin NN9302301,
`3E.Vol 36, N0 2, February 1993, pages 301 -.302
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