` H.323
`Infrastructure of audiovisual services — Systems and
`terminal equipment for audiovisual services
`Packet-based multimedia communications
`ITU-T Recommendation H.323
`(Formerly CCITT Recommendation)
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` H.100-E0. 199
`Transmission rouliplexing and syncbronization
`Systems aspects
`Communication procedures
`Coding of moving video
`Related systems aspects
`For further details, please refer to the list of17U-TRecammendations
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`ITU-T Recommendation H.333
`Packet-based multimedia communications systems
`that provide multimedia
`This Recommendation
`communications services over Packet Based Networks (PBN) which may not provide a guaranteed
`Quality of Service. H.323 entities may provide real-time audio, video and/or data comnuunications.
`Support for audio is mandatory, while data and video are optional, but if supported, the ability to use
`a specified common mode of operation is required, so that all terminals supporting that media type
`can interwork,
`The packet based network over which H.323 entities communicate may be a point-to-point
`connection, a single network segment, or an internetwork having multiple segments with cornplex
`H.323 entities may be used in point-to-point, rmultipoint, or broadcast (as described in ITU-T
`Ree. H.332) configurations. They may interwork with H.310 terminals on B-ISDN, H.320 terminals
`on N-ISDN, H.321 terminals on B-ISDN, H.322 terminals on Guaranteed Quality of Service LANs,
`H.324 terminals on GSTN and wireless networks, V.70 terminals on GSTN, and voice terminals on
`GSTN or ISDN throughthe use of Gateways.
`H.323 entities may be integrated into personal computers or implemented in stand-alone devices
`such as videotelephones.
`Note that the title of H.323 (1996) was "Visual telephone systems and equipment for local area
`networks which provide a non-guaranteed quality of service”. The title changed in Version 2 to be
`consistent with its expanded scope.
`Products claiming compliance with Version 1 of H.323 shall comply with all of the mandatory
`requirements of H.323 (1996) which references ITU-T Rec. H.225.0 (1996) and H.245 (1997).
`Version | products shall be identified by H.225.0 messages containing a protocelidentifier = {itu-t
`recommendation (0) h (8) 2250 version (0)
`and H.245 messages containing a
`protocolidentifier = {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8} 245 version (0) 2}.
`Products claiming compliance with Version 2 of H.323 shall comply with all of the mandatory
`requirements of this Recommendation, H.323 (1998), which references ITU-T Rec. H.225.0 (1998)
`and H.245 (1998 orlater). Version 2 products shall be identified by H.225.0 messages containing a
`protecolldentifier = {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8) 2250 version (0) 2} and H.245 messages
`containing a pretocelidentifier = fitu-t (G) recommendation (G) h (8) 245 version (0) x}, where "x"
`is 3 or higher.
`Products claiming compliance with Version 3 of H.323 shall comply with all of the mandatory
`requirements of this Recommendation, H.323 (1999), which references ITU-T Ree. H.225.0 (1999)
`and H.245 (1999or later). Version 3 products shall be identified by H.225.0 messages containing a
`protocolidentifier = {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8) 2250 version (0) 3} and H.245 messages
`containing a pretocolidentifier = {itu-t (6) recommendation (0) h (%) 245 version (0} x}, where "x"
`is 5 or higher.
`ITU-TRec. H.323 (11/2000)
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`i C
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`Products claiming compliance with Version 4 of H.323 shall comply with all of the mandatory
`requirements of this Recommendation, H.323 (2000), which references TPU-T Ree. H.225.0 (2000)
`and H.245 (2000 or later). Version 4 products shall be identified by H.225.0 messages containing a
`protocolidentifier = {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8) 2250 version (G) 4} and H.245 messages
`containing a pretecolidentifier = {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8) 245 version (0) x}, where "x"
`is 7 or higher.
`ITU-T Recommendation H.323 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 16 (2001-2004) and approved
`under the WTSAResolution | procedure on 17 November 2000, and on 1 March 2001 for Annex L.
`ITU-TRec. 1.323 (11/2008)
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`The International Telecommunication Union @TU})is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
`telecommunications, The ITU Telecommnunication Standardization Sector (TU-T) is a permanent organ of
`ITU, ITU-Tis responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations
`on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
`The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years,
`establishes the topics for study by the ITU-Tstudy groups which, tn turn, produce Recommendations on these
`The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSAResolution 1.
`In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T’s purview,
`preparedon a collaborative basis with TSO andIEC.
`the necessary standards are
`the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
`In this Recommendation,
`telecommunication administration and a recognized operaling agency.
`ITUdraws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may
`involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. TFU takes no position concerning the evidence,
`validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU! members or others
`ouside of the Recommendation development process.
`As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had received notice of mieHectual property,
`protected by patents, which maybe required to implement this Recommendation. However, tmplermentors are
`cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the
`TSB patent database.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utdized in any form or by any means,
`electronic or mechanical, inchiding photocopying and microfilm, without permission in wnting from ITU.
`© ITU 2002
`ITU-TRec. H.323 (11/2000)
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`SCOPC .ccccesccesssesesesesenacesssarecsesseaaeecsesecesecenseusessascseasenseeesernescaeeneseeessaueseseteascseeesseseses
`Normative references oo... cccscscsccececctssnssesensesscesssevsuseassesarseeseseeceecervsvssevsceaeeneesarenesaes
`DCEMITIONS Looe cc cecccceceeceseceeesceesesessscanaceescssssseseoeenunecesseeaesneneneceeeeesensnesarercaesesssnens
`Symrbols and abbreviations ..... cc ecccssccsssesersnecsssesecseeeeessseesescesesseesseveaesersensseenassateves
`CONVENTIONS 0... ccccsecescsecesseeseeeseensceessesessaesneaecsssssssasecussessucaessecseraccesevensueessevsnsnessssases
`System Mescription 0... cccccecceccccneesccseeeers ess sesssseeceevecsseesssaeseesseeeseasstesensesreveeesate
`Tr fOrenmation StOQIMS oo. cc cceceseecesseneceseceencnssesesacusenscussacenesensaesasereserscseaenereensnesesetes
`Terminal Characteristics ....cccccsecccsccccssstesssecssesecssesessesaessecesssesessecesenesecsaesseuaeenenesnreraes

`erminal elements outside the scope of this Recommendation ok is
`Terminal elements within the scope of this Recommendation... ee
`Packet based network interface oo. cceseseceecseeeceecesceseneeseenecneoeeseeeesateases
`GB.2.4—VideO COdGC ec cccccctcceeescctneceseseeesececenessaeenescasceseveseseetescnesereneseeetersnetiresetees i6
`G25—ANMIO CODEC ccc cecccecececetereeectuescsaetecesesasnesersnsseesaeenesseenesesesesasneeeeesesaeatoetes 17
`oN las
`Receive pathdelay. cece cccssceeeesessssecesesevsececeevetesecaeeesseuevereearerennessseses
`6.2.7 Data channel] oo. cece escecsecaceeeeecsssssesecasenssesestoesavacseaeresaseseenesenesevencaeanes
` H.245 control Antonccc eee cceaunenececese ceeeeneeeeecueesaseecueeseneeesaseneeas
`RAS signalling function ..ccuccesssscecscsccsseccecsceesevessseesssesevesesetessesssevessvesseee
`6.2.10 Call signalling fiction0 ceeeeecteeseeeeeeenees seeteeeeeneeeeees sessteeeeseeeees
`G2LL i225 0 Layer occ sccscsecccnecesesesnsesecsoneverccscenenseescesesevavesesaevesenenessasaeeneseaeressseatea
`Gateway Characteristics 0... cceccececsssesessceseccessesesecnassnesecesesecnecsessesnenanseseseeesneseneneenins
`Gateway decomposition 0... cccccccccesessesesencsscseceeeneeecsecececeseeseceesaueaeesesseasans
`6.3.2 Gateway applicationsocc csescceseccneseusesssecesesnuecneesseseeesssesecsesaesaesaseas
`Gatekeeper Characteristics 0... ccccccsccsscsccenscesseseneseaaessscusnensneseeseaecueresereseasensnesanens
`Multipoint controller characteristics ....ccccccsescssssessesecvssesessvsnssscsesesscevsseeceneeevsngeeseaes
`Multipoint processor Characteristics 00... .ccsccsscsescsseessscssecsssesersescecssessassresoreresesscnaees
`Multipoint control unit Characteristics 0c cscssssesesesseestecessseneceeceseessesesateneeseasnesesans
`Multipoint capability... ccccssccscssssscssesssssceneserecsseseccrersuesesenscnssenessaseassateseeseesesessasa
`Centralized multipoint capability oo. cccsescseceterecnsessetsecssersreevsteceses
`6.8.2 Decentralized mraltipoint capability... csscesseseneeseneseseesesecseeesrernerenaey
`Hybrid multipoint -- Centralized audio... cece ceeceetsecenevteeveseeesnseaeens
`6.8.4 Hybrid multipoint — Centralized video... cccccccsecenscecncessesettecaneneesseesezes
`Establishment of common mode 200... ccceccececsecesecee cece seenseenseseeeneeserteenenees
`6.8.6 Multipoint rate matching oc cccesessssseresenersenevececeasterscnesesensaesasneeesensareana
`6.8.7 Multipoint lip synchronization 00. cccscccsceceseeeecenessenecneecneteresesesnseanens
`6.8.8 Multipoint encryption... eeeeccssececetesacacecesnesenssecnaveccnesesensteeneceaenegeersnsen
`Cascading multipoint control units oo... eee ccccneseseeeneceecenneteersveneeeeeanssseeess
`ITU-TRec. H.323 (11/2000)
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`Modeis for supplementary Services oo. ccs ccnseeeseesceeensesvsececsetesseseceavaeeseevsnseees
`Call SiGMaNING ees ccseeseressserececneceeenssensacsecnecetssenseeeeraecasaseseneaesavensensceeateneceeseaeersenes
`AGGreSSOS occ cssccssectctcceserscnnenecascceesesaseasenensceescessasaecescessvevsasueessnceenesesaeaseeteneeesereness
`«Network address oo cccccccccccsencsesenececesecsessteseesuassecsususesecaessesaesatenaneseaseaeenes
` TSAP Identatier ec cccecccsenecnecsnenenssareateeceeeeeresenesseaennesessneneseeserceevsneneseses
`Alias address... ccecseecsceeeseeeeeseetenene besebtegeuacenatersceeseenatees deteteseeuetenes
` HiB23 URL scheinte oc ecccesccscecceeeeseeneeenereceesesacesecateseeseceuensneseserecesetenens
`Registration, Admission and Status (RAS) chantiel oc cccscccsessesseteeeertreeeseees
`Gatekceper GisCOVery cc ccccccccscsecsessesecececeetenecstesatessearsenssesecateneventesatenes
`Endpoint registration ccc eeeescecescesessseeeeeecensaeaecnasenceesuseseesscseseerssuaeneoeaeas
`Endpoint Locator... ccc ccccseesesceseceesececeseeeeeeseceecaeceeeaeeaecaneneaeseeeseeeeeaeeaees
`7.2.4 Admissions, bandwidth change, status and disengage oo...ccc 57
`FAS Access tOkens eee ccc cee ceseneeneesesaceuceseseesacseseessecscenansecnenreneseneeseeeateaes
`a oo
`7.2.6 Alternate gatekeeper procedures ......ccccsscescereerscsesenssesecsccevsnecessevereeeseseaesues
`7.2.7 Usage information reporting... ccc ccccssececseesessctsesceseesesserseesentnesenereseees
`Call credit-related capabilities 0c ccseceeetsetececesenetenasneeesecesecenseeeneeseseses
`7.2.9 Alternate transport addresses... cscs scseesesersetsessseseseecseceaessessreseseresensseaees
`Call signalling chantielocc cccecssssensserssecesscvssesuteneessececssscesecesersesseaaeseeenseseeensnenass
`Call signalling channel routing... cccessecscsccrsesesssenseseccnsvessseseseeeeenarerseaes
`Control channel routing ccc cccececcsseneeceeateecsessasenesecaeesecaenasereseeeaeeaseetenss
`Call signalling and control protocol reviSiOns 0... ccc cccscssecsnecsstecssessneveses
`Call reference Value occ ccceseecsssesscnsceecsesscuseseesseeausecesesassacaeeseceaesssaesenseuneseaessoeoes
`CAL UD. ccc ccccccssseccsscsseesenssscsevsecasesscsesutesesaenseseesueetenscasssesasseevsssaenssesesusatenseneeeenesents
`Conference TD and conference 20a)... ccccceecccusessscescresccnsecescecseeneccoesevasnesenenesevenees
`Endpoint call capacity... ccc ccccccscscsenesseecesseescnsesreesesscaseceegarstensseseseenesiteauseseeesaeeets
`Caller identification SOrVIGeS oo... ccecesscscesececscersesecesesecatectaceassoneaecaeenssussecerenateesenestenee
`Description OF SCLVICES oo. cceeceeetecsenecereeenetsnsecscseaeeecaenaesesscnenstacenesesneees
`7.8.2 Messages and information elements 0... cc ccsssesesesssscseseeseeneserenseerseneesass
`7.8.3 Actions at the originating endpoint 0.0. ccc ccsseeseeecnsensenseeeeneteeeseeeeeas
`7.2.4 Actions at the termimating endpoint... cceccsesssecseceesseectessvereseessseseneseses
`Actions at a gatekeeper... ccesesceeeessseseteesenseeseseavseecsccecserseseseseeneeenenenssiey
`Generic extensible framework o.oo cccecccceseeecseseee co ceseecsesussesaeseseenevesateneneeaeeseeaens
`Format of a GenericData Structure cc ccsssscecesesssccesseeserseessrenseneesereeseeaes
`7.9.2 Negotiation using the extensible framework-generaloo... cece eects
`7.9.3. Negotiation using the extensible framework-RAS ooo eeeereeneeeenenenetees
`7.94 Negotiation using the extensible framework —call signalling oe 76
`Call signalling procedures ooo. ccccccccccecesesecerscseseseceneeeenseeaesaesauceessesasnucerveateasenseseetes
`TFU-T Ree. 4.323 (11/2000)
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`Phase A ~ Call Stup oo... cccccecccccsesssessssceesenscessscesseeenesessessasecseesasecuressesscseesseesneesnisenees
`Basic call setup — neither endpoint registered oo... ceeesecnseecseretseenneeeees
`Both endpoints registered to the same gatekeeper... ccs cceecueseeeeseeeees
`Only calling endpoint has gatekeeper... cc ssesssssscneceseceecenecetenerersenesenetess
`8.1.4 Only called endpoint has gatekeeper ccc ceesecseteeecesesesessenecesereneenenese
`Both endpoints registered to different gatekeepers occ eter eeeeees
`21.6 Optional called endpoint signallingccc ceeeeescseceesseeeessseasenseescneesees
`Fast commect procedure oo... ccccccceccssscneesesseesseesssesnecenseesecesesereseseenssesatens
`Call setup via 2ateways oo. ccccseecececceseseseseeserccerenecseestetenraees seveeteseneesaees bases
`Call setup with an MCUoc ce ceeeee cece sseeeceeenectesatsessueeasnenetiaeaesees
`BAL TO Call forwarding... ccecccseseserescecssssevseseneseeessevapensestscateaseeseneseseseserseennscesess
`SLL] Broadcast call setap seccseessesscsesteeeescesesaesteesscnerssesesesseeseenaresesesesns
`B.E.E2 Overlapped Sending oe csccscsceseesreecesessneneevsececesecateaecaecanesecareaeeesenseseees
`8.1.13 Call setup to conference alias oo. ccssesseesscsssesssecsssesereceaesssecnssenssersnsonsees
`8.1.14 Gatekeeper modification of destination addresses oo... ecseseeretseerseeneees
`Indicating desired protocols... .ccccccsseascceceectesseereccececssneerectestecestiesarens
`8.1.16 Gatekeeper requested tones and AMnounCeMments.... ccc ccsescesvsesesecensessees
`Phase B — Initial commranication and capability exchange oc es eececseeeeeeeeeees
`Encapsulation of H.245 messages within 0.931 messagesoe 99
`Tunnelling through intermediate signalling entities oo eee ceerereneeneees
`Switching to a separate H.245 COMMECTION......ccceccsseceeectscssessessesetenscneseneess
`Initiating H.245 tunnelling in parallel with fast connect... eee
`Phase C — Establishment of audiovisual COMMMUMICAIONoo. ceccceeeseceeenereeeneeneeenes
`B.S.1 Mode changes 0... .cccssscccssecessesecsessesssessaeceesesecssesessseeessceseessesratenstenevsreeneses
`Exchange of video by mutual agreement oo. cccccccsccessssesecesscessassnesenessnevsssns
`8.3.3 Media stream address distribution... ccc cccessenceeceesensessescsaeseesseesaesaeene
`Correlation of media strearns in multipoint conferences... eee 105
`Communication mode command procedures occ te ceeterne renee
`Phase D ~ Call services ccc ccecccccccsscecesesesesecssesesseresenessenscaeeneneceseanseeseaeteseneceaeeneeesens
`Bandwidth changes ....cccccssscccssscsssssssseccsecssccssenevenensesesesesecesesesaesaesssssnseaes
`SUAS eee cece ceee ce cesnceseeteseseeeenscesesanenensceeesaeeeaens cececeaneeeeeessseseeeeeeenenes
`Ad hoc conference expansion... ic ccccccessesesescseecessesecetscerensessnecataneeeeenetesens
`Supplementary Services oo. ccc cecsessecssesecseeerscesessesseenevscensesesesseneecnspeneseeeees
`S$.4.5 Multipoint cascading 0. ccccsccsseessesssesenecenerersevssesenesssesessecenesersteravenseeetesee
`Third party initiated pause and re-routing oo. ceeeececeeecteceeetsctseneeeens
`Phase E — Call termination... cc ccccccccsesccssccssessesstessecstesceetenesesseseseatensstetseeneresesnass
`Call clearing without a gatekeeper oo... cccscssserscsesescerseescssessseseseseenscesssesoes
`Call clearing with a patekeeper occ cceesesesnersesecesceeseeseessensnseeneees
`Call clearing by gatekeeper oo... cccccscccssecesesenecesecssessesenecensessueceesenesenanesatess
`ITU-TRec. H.323 (11/2008)
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`Protocol failure handbag oo... cece ccccesecsecsesceecsuesecesesseesssssesececatsenesesessusesereseseees
`Interoperation with other terminal types... cc cc cccecsceesceecerecececsecenssnsesaneaecnrerseceseses
`Speech-only terminals... cece sscssceeeescscesessecsseneesesesecsaquesececeesessssaeveussecneseesaees
`Visual telephone terminals over the ISDN GTU-T Rec. H.3203 oo cccccenteeeees
`Visual telephone terminals over GSTN (ITU-TRec. H.3 24) ccccesssecteceneecneesiees
`Visual telephone terminals over mobile radio (TU-T Rec. H.324/M —
`AMMOX CHEB 24 ecccccscsescsscecncnesesssecesnerseaecesssesessesecsesesssesecerseeesasesstaseceeeeesnenesenes
`Visual telephone terminals over ATM(H.321 and H.310 RAST) oo eects
`Visual telephone terminals over guaranteed quality of service LANs
`CTO-T Ree. F322) ccc scsseececceccnreserscsenerevescrenessecenenecesavenaavacenesenaneaeseesoneneseenessaee
`Simultaneous voice and data terminals over GSTN (ITU-T Ree. V.70) ues 125
`T.120 terminals on the packet based NetWOTK...... ccc ccccsesssesecesecesseerenseeecesenetsrenesnecess
`Gatewayfor H.323 mediatransport over ATM.....cccccscsesssesecseceeceeseseseeneeessaeetoees
`Oyptional emhancements oo... cece cccccssssesesuescessssasenesecsesseessnusesecatssesecsaseuseeterseesseases
`Emryprttn ec ccceccccecceeeeecenenececceecsesasaeaceneceuceeseaenseneesscsessnasestecaeenenesaresseteeeacessersaesece
`10.2 Multipoint operation oo... c ccc cscessceeeetesesessesenvevenscseseseusseusassaesesessqeaeeseseessanesseees
`16.2.1 H.243 control and indication 0. cceeessccserecseescescecececesasecueseecerenererenrerseenes
`Call Linkage in Hib 23 occ ccccccsesssesseseescesesscsseseeseesscressssseevsssenesesessavsesssusesreatenes
`10.3.1 Description... ccc cceecsesssesesesesscessvenecsssesasseecsesssvsasesetenseesacesseseresseseesenscatess
`10.3.2 Invocation and Operation 0. cecccceccccenecsceseencesseseseseceeenercneaesteceeeareeeeienaaes
`Interaction with F450 supplementary services occ ececeseceteeeteeneeenes
`Tunnelling of non-H.323 signalling Messages .....ccccecscsssseseeesececnesesenseeeeereteesesenees
`Indicating support of tunnelled protocols... ceeeeectsesseetetetetereeeentenes
`10.4.2 Requesting a specific protocol tunnel to a gatekeeper oo. ceeccseereererneennes
`10.4.3 Tunnelling a signalling protocol in H.225.0 call signalling messages «0...
`10.4.4 Gatekeeper considerations 00... ccccccccccssesecerececerserssenessseceeeeseseussstenatestenesenese
`Use of RTP payload for DTMF digits, telephony tones and telephonysignals .........
`Maintenance occ scesesssscseseaceenseecseeneacosenetessenaseaeausesseseeaenssececnensesesasietareeeseraeatees
`LL.1|Loopbacks for maintenance Purposes... cccccsecssetecnsesecerseeseeesconesecseeessceceseessiseetenesecets 133
`11.2 Monitoring methods... .cccscscscsssenesscsceserecssrssestecseenssrseseneveesersseusnenesseseareeseesevaneass
`Annex A — H.245 messages used by H.323 endpoints oo... ccc ccecsescesccsesesesesesseneseveetensceaee
`Annex B— Procedures for layered video COdGCS oo... ccecccensecccecesscnstenutsccessesscnatesetnsesseensetens
`SCOPC .. ceeesccsssecneesseeecenecssesenacsceeusressecnassanesenevsseaseneaesenssatsesacerecsceneseneasererasnevesesesaees
`Petrouection oc eee ccseseeesscnecsceeesecessceeacneeeesecaecseaeenesecesesnseeecsesesneanaesieaeceeeeesenessseas
`Scalability methods 0... cscesccscecesecerecenteseeesssecanesaeceseesanecauessaesssnessnesevacesaeeraeessecesere
`Call establishment... ccc cc csecceccesecceeseceecasereeseeseueuseeesesaetuesenaesesestseseseeseeenersetieseges
`TPU-T Ree. H.323 (11/2000)
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`Use of RTP sessions and codec Layers... cies ccccnceseesecsecetesseeseeseaeeeteuecerevensesesaeeaen
`B.S.1 Associate base to audio for Hip synchronization oo... ceeesseeceeecereeneeeneteees
`Enhancement layer depondency oo... cc ecceccseeccseeeseseecenetesceeeseseseveaseesseanents
`Possible layering models oo... cee ccscecscceceeeenececenecevee see ceseeauessecasesseeeescatsnereaesaseenetats
`B.6.1 Multiple logical channels and RTP sessions for a layered stream oo.
`Impact of one layer per logical channel and per RTP session...
`Impact on multipoint Comferences cece ceeccesenececeeeaeeeseneseneeenenecaenecatenerervesesesees
`B.7.1 MCImpartial model oo ceecesceseceseseaeeterersteseeeveesseceeesaeestetateneeneeeessenee
`B.7.2 MC Deoiston model ccc cecceecceceeecseaeceeceesneeeceaececeeeeevevsceaneaseeeenenesene
`B.7.3 Multipoint conference containing endpoints on different bandwidths...
`Useof network QOS for layered video Stre@ims occ ccceccecceseeneeeceenenctetceeaecaevenenens
`Ammex C - F323 On ATMoc cccccssseseeceseceneseneecneeenecennesenasennevensoeneseneesaeseseenesesenssunenseseeesenenans
`SCOPC. eeccecescecscseseesncesssecescneeceseseseseenetseeesinenaeceeteesieteas sca seedaaeneasseuneegeeaueresavegeneseeeaene
` Point-to-point conferencing 0. cece eseseeenereee ses eneneseesesveeseseseaneseaes — 145
`C.2.2 MCU-based multipointcc csceseceeeeneessesesseeveeeceesceeseeesnetateneeeeeennenes
`C.2.3 H.323 interoperability with endpoints using [Poo ee cccecnseateteeceenenenenes
`APChitecture oo cce cess csceneeseceeceeseceeeenceeeeeceeseecaeeaeeseuseeeneeseeveescreseseenievaveeseenasnaeaie
`C3.) Overview Of SYStCIND oc cccccseseseecseeceseneeeeaeecnanensaererereneesenesevareanenteesenetens
`Interoperation with other ITU-T H-series Recommendations endpoints......
`C.3.3 H.225.0 on TP over ATM... cc cescccseeccenseseseceensceeeneseneeeeaseneenessesanearseeeneesseaee
`4.245 on TCP/IP over ATMocc cceccccccsssesces cesses seseeeenetsecsesseeaereveeseaenenneeesen
`C.3.5 Addressing for A/VStreais ooo. cc cccecserecesecaceenenesseaseresaseeneeetveeseesnanenees
`C.3.6 Transport Capabilities added to TransportCapability Set. eee 146
`Elements of ATMsignaling oo eee crerecneteerseeecreenveaenesneeesnernrseas
`C.3.8 A/V streams on RTP On AALS. ceseeeescneeneceseneneeererneneeneneterenarneeeseees
`C.3.9 QOS considerations (Optional oo. ce cece creesnueene sees seeneeenaeeseseneeecees
`Protocol SOCHON ie cccescsesssenetescneceeeeeeccsesseeeaensassaceaesesraecanenenenasertesesenevraeeaereaesenesessees
`ATMsignalling information clements occ cece eneesenereneceetseennneneeeesen
`C42 H.24S Usage oo ceecccecccccnnneeesecerenecesscaesusecuseacerssneedsenecnansesueeeecierensnaeesvanenegs
`C.4.3 RIP USage... ccccscssecceccenestsesessnraestnecnsvssessacegusessoesacessscaneregesersesensenesnseseses
`Interoperation with H.323 on TP oo ec eeeceeneecreeveeseesaeeneeenenesaeeneeeseneeanye
`Annex D — Real-time facsimile over H.323 SYSteris oo .cececcceceeccteececsereensceeeteteneeneneeraeaeses
`TtroductiOn.... cc cccccccesccssscsssesetesorscevsaesasecesecenssiaesecserseeeuesesessoeereseneseseseonanonesenenasenats
`Procedures for opening channels to send T.38 packets 0... eecesereseneeeterererreenes
`D.3.1 Opening the voice Channel oo. eccccssectcee tes cresereceoaeceeeenerestatenenneegenievise
`D.3.2 Opening the facsimile channels oo cece eeeerecenreeneenenreenesee penne censeeaes
`ITU-T Rec. 9,323 (11/2006)
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`D.3.3° DIME transmission... ccc eccecnececscnecsseneenersreesseeseeenstereesasnetatersaeeeeaenetatees
`Non-Fast Connect procedures... ..ccccscccesetsrecerseseseseseesrcrsesaesesesecusessesenesatssareneeasenases
`Replacing an existing audio stream with a 1.38 fax stream oo. escent eeeeesees
`Usage ofthe MaxBitRate in messages oo... ecsenecsecssesceeceeeceeereeeceeeaceaeeaenseeaeeaneaens
`Interactions with gateways and T.38/Annex B devices occ esecccetcsestsrenecneneeesnnaenes
`Annex E ~ Framework and wire-protocol for multiplexed call signalling transport...
`SCOOPS. eecceeccesccsscseseeterusseesnsnanececssesasusavsusesucasesassstenenesesssscnsseeveoecnasqecssaeaagereteeeeecneeaees
` Tintrodhictiont occ ecccececeeceneseseecceeeeneseaesseseasscesseceaesasecseceneseserestaeeesenesntesaes
`Signalling models oc cccceccesecesssesenesenecssecersesenecresssesnetesaneeseetsseevieenens
`F.1.3 Optional payload fictds o.oo cccccccnccnsecsseaceecessensesessaeesencecrenessneasenesonenesreate
`ED Wire-protocod. ccc ccsccccesscneeeteteeesssesavsnsesecssesasescusecscasesasengeasenaeenevensesesaus
`H.225.0 call signalling over ANNOX Eo... ccessesssesecerersccenssseetecsuerensnesascnatenecersenecess
`E21 Rationales... ccccccseeccesscrsecscsseosseeeesressssoseenscnessessseeevessenssesestseceseneneatieesees
`E.2.2 H.323 Call-Setup using this annex 00... cceccsceecscseeereeeceeeeeseceecereneeeaesereeeenes
` Specefics. oe. cece cesesssssceceeeesesenecsensecsecensaeaseaseceeeeseasaesseveceneceneeneanenenenesasenens
`Annex F — Simple endpoint types. cc eeeseeceesesneesseneeereesessseceeceesnesaessesneeavsesesenecgsees
`Ttrod ction... cc ecceccccsesssesecsecseseeecsseeseseseseseenessseauseseeseuseseeaesesacsessesneneateesersesaseneteay
`SPCCHACATION CONVENTIONS ...cccesessescstseceseesesenssestreseeccescrenesessssareecnestneseseagenteesesnesaea
`SCOPC. cecccccccssesssssesesececesscsssesececeeeeeeenssseatesecesseessaneatenseessassautesateagesnaaeadvaasersayeuseesante
`Normative references oc. ceceseceeserensnsesecansceenesesseneseseacsesnenenesesvanaeneenevessenerseseesseaes
`ADDreViatiONns oo... cecccce cscs cesceeeecesceseceeeateneeececesesacesecaueasesesaseaeerecescsenesesesersaeseeaesersateas
`Simple (Audio) Endpoint Type - System functionality overview oe
`Procedures for Simple Endpoint Types oo... ccc csceecrenenerecscneeeeesenerevarescneenenseeoneese
`RAS Signalling (H.225.0 RAS). ceceeecseseceseseeneeetseseeeneeeneneneteeetacneneevents
`Call signalling (H.225.0 Call Control) 0c cccccscseenerecersseeeereeetenenereneneeeate
`F.7.3 Multimedia system control signaling CH.245)eee eceeeeeeeeeeeeneneeees
`F774 Media Exchange occ ceccscneeccecesceceseceesaececnesnaseetssesavsesesensnerereseneresccess
`Supplementary services (HLASO.K)cc cesencscsssecnseseceereteseseseseceeenseseatneetaes
`Third-party initiated pause and re-routingoe ceceeescesnseenesecanerseeeneteees
` Conference-mode Operation.........ccccccccssscsessescecssesecsseeseeseccsseesescessneseeesssases
`Support for loosely-coupled conferences (ITU-T Rec. H.332).0
`F.7.9 Management Information Bases (MIBS) oc ccesceseesereeenenecneeetesererenerereats
`SOCUTILY OXTCTISIONS coo cece cecesecnnecneeseeterseeceaesueeaenssnsesesesueseessvepsaeaseeeceesusesasenaeas
`Interoperability considerations... eee sseneccseseneeecersnenenetenseetensesesecsunecneeassesesesees
`Implementation notes (informative) oo... eee cccscscsssseteccseceseresesecneseenssessscareneseesnaeeeoe
`F.10.1 Open Logical Chane... ccccescceecscenscenevecenercceecececeaecneeeesereesetsereesnneerseata
`ITU-T Ree. 4.323 (11/2060)
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`Annex G — Text conversation and Text SET oo. ccccccccsccccseusecssesevecestasecesesecsucevensseceneresns
`Introduction... esc cseeecteseeesesenetseacceceuevsesesassasaceeesessteseseaesaeeessesauseessaeeesesvantesaeneeaes
`SCOPC. scscsceccseccssecsaecssuevsuessecsessessucceuscenssesseserscescssaseecentecssesssesseeeestesssessueseaeessnessneseaeess
`RePTONCES ee cccesececeetenessseseececseeececsacanseescoesessssseetesssesassssgateneeeessuaeseeesaunesssereeesasy
`Definitions ooo. eceecetesececseeeesesessstesecusececsesesersaersvseceseceseaeesseeesesenenetasereaeenenesase
`Procedures for opening channels for T.140 text conversation... eee eee
`Framing and buffering of T.140 cccsenecsesenseeseseneceeeseseesesecetsneeeesneneces
`Common considerations 0... cccccsesscsssssssscssonscssssssseneseseccenscesazeeeseesensaessoeases
`G.6.2 Usage of reliable channels 0000 ccc ccsceeescesesececseaecoenseseceesenesennseneeseneeess
`G.63 Usage of unreliable channels 0... cccccccccsessenessecssssseeseacsssscecrsascsecencaesersaesases
`Interaction with text conversation facilities in other deViCes ooo. ccscsseeeetceeeeeecees
`Multipoint COMSIGCTALIONS oo cecscessesesucseeseeeceanenesecsecsseseuasenucetssecsessnetateteneceessseteness
`Situations for multipoint text COMVETSATLON oc cecsseccsccesssessesersnerecserseseoes
`Text SET: Text Conversation Simple Endpoint Type oo... ceccccccceseseceseeseesetereecenes
`Introduction to Text SET occ ccscccceesessseeaeesescesssesenseseneceseneaessssenesencneseses
`G.9.2 Text SET System Functionality Overview (F.6/H.323) cc csecceeeteenreeees
`Procedures for Text SET devices (F.7/H.323) oo. cccccsccscsretestseseeeteesesesssanes
`G.9.4 RAS Signalling

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