
`electric power substation
`units} to the ratio of
`the polarization to the
`electric power substation=|ELec| An assembly of
`product. of the electric field strength and the
`equipment in an electric power system through
`vacuum permittivity Also known as dielectric
`which electric energyis passedfor transmission,
`| ilek-trik sa,sep'ta'bil-ad-€
`transformation, distribution, or switching. Alse
`electric switchboard See switchboard.—[illek-trik
`known as substation.
`ilek-trik jpal-ar ‘sab
`lewieh bord |
`ista-shon |
`COMMUN | System to
`electric power transmission
`|ELEC| Process of
`transmit electric impulses from the primary
`transferring electric energy fram one paint
`detector to a remote receiving station, with or
`anotherin an electric power system.
`| Wek-trik
`without wire interconnections
`iileketrik ,tel-
`inaiiar trang,mish-on )
`aiméd-a-rin }
`electric protective device
`[kLEC| A particular
`electric transducer
`[ELECTR] A transducer
`type of equipment used in electric power systems
`which all of the waves are electric.
`{ ilek-trik
`to detect abnormal conditions and to. initiate
`tranz'dil-sar |
`appropriate corrective action Also known as
`electric transient Etec] A temporary compo-
`protective device,
`{ HHek-tik prottek-tiv divis |
`nent of current and voltage in an electric
`electric quadrupole
`jeLec| Acharge distribution
`circult which has been disturbed.
`{ Wlek-trik
`that produces anelectric field equivalent to that
`‘tran-ahant }
`produced by two electric dipoles whose dipole
`electric tuning
`§[ELECTR| Tuning a receiver to a
`moments have the same magnitude but point
`desired station by switching a set of preadjusted
`in oppesite directions and which are separated
`trimmer capacitors or coils into the tuning
`from each other by a small distance.
`| ilek-trik
`{ lek-trik*tuin-in }
`electric vector Swrelectric-field vector,
`{ Hlek-trlk
`electric quadrupole lens
`ELECTR) A device for
`focusing beams of charged particles which has
`electric-wavefilter Seefilter
`(illek-trik wav ‘fil-
`four electrodes with alternately positive and
`negative polarity: used in electron micrascopes
`electric wind See convective discharge.{ilek-trik
`and particle accelerators
`illek-trik NowH-cra
`‘writiel |
`ypal jlenz |
`electric wire See wire
`{ hek-trik "Wit }
`electric quadrupole moment ELec| A quantity
`electric wiring Sewiring,
`{ Hlek-trik 'wit-ig ]
`characterizing an electric charge distribution,
`electrification=|ELEC| 1, The process of establish-
`obtained by integrating the productof the charge
`ing a charge in an abject.
`2. The generation,
`density, the second power of the distance from
`distribution, and utilization of electricity {ilek-
`the origin, and a spherical harmonic Y*om OVET
`tro-fa\ka-shian |
`the charge distribution,
`{ ilek-trik ‘kwa-dro,pdl
`|ELEC| The electric polarization di-
`ima-mant |
`vided by the permittivity of empty space. {ijlek-
`electric raceway Ser raceway
`( i{lek-trik'ras,wa |
`tra'za-shan |
`electric reactor Sr reactor.
`( lek-trik eak-tar |
`electroacoustic effect Set acoustoelectric effect
`electric relay Seerelay
`| iMek-trik rela )
`( ilek-trd-alkii-stik (fekt |
`electric rotating machinery
`{ELEc] Any form of
`electroacoustics§|NG ACOUS| The conversionof
`apparatus which has a rotating member and
`acoustic energy and waves into electric energy
`generates, converts,
`transforms, or modifies
`and waves, or vice versa.
`| Hek-tro-a'kiestiks|
`electric power, such a5 a motor, generator, or
`electroacoustic transducer
`synchronous converter
`| Hektrik{rdtad-in ms
`transducer that receives waves from an electric
`sshérvré |
`system and delivers waves to an acoustic system,
`electric scanning
`[ELECTR] Scanning in. whieh
`or vice versa. Also known as sound transducer
`the required changes in radar beam direction are
`| iNek-trd-ajkl-stik tranz'dil-sor \
`produced by varlations In phase or amplitude of
`electrochemical power generation
`jena] The
`the currents fed to the various elements of the
`direct conversion of chemical energy to electric
`energy, as ina battery or fuel cell,
`[ ilektra
`antenna array,
`| ilek-trik ‘skan-in |
`electric shielding
`{ELECTROMAG| Any means of
`‘hem-arkal ‘patear jjen-ara-shan |
`avoiding pickup of undesired signals or noise.
`{eLectr| Recording
`suppressing fadiation of undesired signals, of
`by means ofa chemicalreaction brought aboutby
`confining wanted signals to desired paths or
`the passage of signal-controlled current through
`regions, such as electrostatic shielding or elec
`the sensitized portion of the record sheet.
`| {ilek
`tromagnetic shielding. Also known as screening,
`tro'kem-a-kal ri'kord-in }
`| iNekstrik 'sh@le-iy |
`electrochemical valve
`{ELeC| Electric valve con
`electric shunt See shunt.
`| ilek-trik 'shant }
`sisting of a metal in contact with a solution or
`electric solenold Sere solenoid.
`| Nek-trik 's@vela
`compound, across the boundary of which current
`noid }
`flaws more readily In one direction than in the
`electric spark See spark.
`{ itlek-trik 'spark }
`other direction, and in which the valve acticin
`electric strength See dielectric strength—_{iilek-
`is accompanied by chemical changes.
`prik 'strenkth |
`tra'kem-a-kal 'valv }
`electric susceptibility
`[ELEC] A dimensionless
`electrochromic device
`[ENG] A self-contained.
`parameter measuring the ease of polarization
`hermetically sealed,
`of a dielectric, equal (in meter-kilogram-second
`two-electrode electrolytic


`electrokinetic transducer
`zation to the
`agth and the
`as dielectric
`a'bil-od-é }
`the primary
`tion, with or
`itlek-trik ,tel-
`trik |wav'fil-
`wersion of
`tric energy
`'kiiestiks }
`AcoUS| A
`an electric
`tic system,
`that includes one or more electrochromic
`oT ol an electron tube
`materials and an electrolyte.
`( ilek-tra{krom-ik
`Also known as
`electrode voltage,
`| Hlekvtra
`di'vis |
`electrade resistance
`ibenes'Peatensca |
`electrochromic display |euecrr| A solid-state
`electrode conductance; this |< the Sapa ot the
`passive display that uses organic or inorganic
`allel resistance and is not the real deli par
`insulating solids which change color when in-
`of the electrode impedance
`{ ek Hedeee
`ee lrodl
`jected with positive or negative charges
`{ lek.
`[roikrG-mik di'spla |
`electrode voltage See electro,
`de potential.
`|fLEc| An electric conductor through
`itrGd ,val-tij }
`which an electric current enters or
`leaves a
`electrodynamics ammeter IENG| Instrument whiel
`medium, whetherit be an electrolytic solution,
`measures the current passing through a fixed
`solid, molten mass, gas, or vacuum,
`coil and a movable coil connected in series
`trad |
`{ ilek-trik
`by balancing the torque on the movable coil
`electrode admittance=[eLecye| Quotient of divid-
`(resulting from the magnetic field of the fixed
`‘ary compo-
`ing the alternating component of the electrode
`coil) against
`that of a spiral spring.
`i lek.
`an electric
`current by the alternating component of the elec-
`tré-ci'nam-ik 'a,mé@d-ar|
`trode voltage. all other electrode voltages being
`electrodynamic instrument
`|éNc| An instrument
`maintained constant.
`{ |ekjtrad ad'mit-ans |
`that depends for its operation on the reaction
`eceiver to a
`electrode capacitance=[¢..ectr] Capacitance be-
`between the current
`in one of more Movable
`tween oneelectrode and all the other electrodes
`coils and the current In one of more fixed coils
`the tuning
`connected together—| j'lek, trod ka'pas-ad-ans }
`Also known as electrodynamometer
`electrode characteristic
`|eLectr]| Relation be-
`tween the electrode voltage and the current
`electrodynamic loudspeaker enc ACOUS| Dy-
`to an electrode, all other electrode voltages
`namic loudspeaker In which the magnetic field
`being maintained constant.
`lektrdd jkar-
`is produced by an electromagnet, called the field
`ik-ta'ris-tik |
`coil, to whicha direct current must be furnished
`electrode conductance={EL.ecrk| Quotient of the
`(ilek-tré-di'namsik lavd,spak-ar}
`inphase componentof the electrode alternating
`electrodynamic machine=[eLec) An electric @en-
`current by the electrode alternating voltage,
`erator or motor in which the output load current
`wirin }
`all other electrode voltage being maintained
`is produced by magnetomotive currents gener-
`of establish-
`constant; this is a variational and net a total
`ated in arotating armature.
`{i lek-tré-di'nani-ik
`conductance. Also krown as grid conductance
`ma'shén |
`( ilek:
`( lektrod kan'dak-tans)
`electrodynamic wattmeter
`jewa| An electrody-
`electrode couple=|ELEC| The pair of electrodes in
`namic instrument connected asa wattmeter, with
`rization di-
`an electriccell, between which there isa potential
`themain current towing through the fixed coll,
`{ I'lek,trdd |ka-pal |
`and a small current propertional to the valtage
`electrode current)
`|eLecrr| Current passing to or
`flowing through the movable coil. Also known
`ctric effect
`from an electrode,
`through the interelectrode
`as moving-coil wattmeter.
`_{ i,lek-trd-d7’nam-ik
`space within avacuum tube
`| ['lek,trad jka-
`rant |
`electrodynamometer Ser electrodynamic instru-
`|eLecTR| The electrode
`electrode dark current
`{ ilek-tro,di-na'mam-ad-ar|
`current that flows when there is no radiant flux
`electroexplosive ena] An initiator or a system
`incident on the photocathode ina phototube or
`in which an electric impulseinitiates detonation
`camera tube, Also knownas darkcurrent,
`or deflagration of an explosive.
`itred fark ‘kavrant
`'spld-siy }
`electrode dissipation [ELecrR| Power dissipated
`electragram ELECTR] A record of an image of
`in the form of heat by an electrode as a result
`an object made by sparking, usually on paper.
`{ENG| The
`of electron or ion bombardment.
`'lek-tra,gram }
`to electric
`idis-a'pa-shan }
`electrograph [ENG| Any plot, graph, or tracing
`{ ilek-trd
`electrode drop=|ELecte| Voltage drop in the elec-
`produced by the action of an electric current
`trode dueto its resistance.
`| I'lek,trod (drip |
`On prepared sensitized paper {or other chart
`electrode impedance
`{ELecrr| Reciprocal of the
`material) or by means ofan electrically controlled
`tabout by
`electrode admittance|i‘lek,tracl im'pédians |
`{ "ek-tragraf )
`it through
`electrode inverse current
`[ELECTR] Current flow-
`electrographic pencil
`|eLecre} A pencil used to
`ing through an electrode jn the direction oppo-
`make a conductive mark on paper, for detection
`site to that forwhich thetubeisdesigned.
`by a conductive-rmark sensing device,
`valve con-
`(tod ‘invars .ka-rant |
`slution or
`electrodeless discharge
`|reLecte| An
`|ELEC| An instrument
`electrokinetic transducer
`sh current
`discharge generatedby placing a discharge tube
`which converts dynamic physical
`forces, such
`an in the
`In a strong, high-frequency electromagnetic
`ve action
`as vibration and sound,
`into corresponding
`{ iilek,trod-las ‘dischar| |
`electric signals by measuring the streaming
`electrodeless lamp [ELECTR| A lamp based onan
`potential generated by passage of a polar
`electrodeless discharge._[illek,trdd-las ‘amp |
`fluid through a permeable reftactary-ceramic or
`electrode potential
`[eLecte| The instantaneous
`fritted-glass member between two chambers.
`voltae of an electrode with respect
`to the
`[ ilek-trd:ka'ned-ik tranz'di-ser |


`electrodes are placed, and resistance is varied by
`[ELECTR| The emission of
`changing the distance between the electracdés,
`light, not due to heating effects alone, resulting
`the depth of immersionofthe electrodes, «ir the
`from application ofan electric field ta a material,
`resistivity of the solution Also known as water
`usually solid.
`{ itlek-trd,li-ma'nes-ans}
`{ i'lek-tra,lid-ik 'ré-o,stat }
`electroluminescent cell
`Sce electroluminescent
`electrolytic switch
`|ELec| A switch having two
`{ illek-trd,lii-ma'nes-ont'sel }
`electrodes projecting into a chamber partly
`electraluminescent display
`[ELECTR] A display
`in which various combinations of electrolumi-
`filled with electrolyte, leaving an air bubble af
`predetermined width; the bubble shifts position
`nescelit segments maybe activated by applying
`and chariges the amountofelectrolyte in contact
`voltages te produce any desired numeral or other
`with the electrodes whenthe switchis tilted from
`( {HJek-tra,lU-ma'nes-ant di'spla |
`true horizontal._{i'lek-tra,lid-ik 'swich }
`electroluminescent lamp See electroluminescent
`electromagnetic cathode-ray tube
`[ Nlek-tr,}i-ma'nes-ant ‘lamp|
`cathode-ray tube in which electromagnetic de-
`electroluminescent panel
`|ELFCTR| A surlace-
`flection is used on the electron beam.
`arealight source employingthe principle of elec-
`trd-mag'ned-ik 'ka,thdd 'ra ,tiib }
`troluminescence: consists of a suitable phosphor
`electromagnetic compatibility=|ELecTR] The ca-
`placed between sheet-metal electratls, one of
`pability of electronic equipment or systems
`which is essentially transparent, with an alter-
`to be operated in the intended electromag-
`nating current applied between the electrodes.
`netic environmentat design levels of efficiency
`Also known as electroluminescent cell; electro-
`{ Hlek-trd-«mag'ned-ik kom,pat-o'bil-ad-é }
`luminescent lamp; light panel; luminescent cell
`electromagnetic constant
`See speed of light
`{ ilek-trd,li-mo'nes-ont 'pan-al }
`{ illek-trd-mag'ned.ik 'kan-stont}
`electrolyte-activated battery
`|ELec| A reserve
`[ELECTR] Motion
`battery in which an aqueous electrolyte is stored
`in a separate chamber, and a mechanism, which
`ionosphere) giving rise to electric and magnetic
`maybe operated from a remeate location, drives
`_{ i}lek-tr6-mag'ned-ik 'ka-ront}
`the electrolyte out of the reservoir and into the
`electromagnetic damping
`[ELEC] Retardation of
`cells of the battery for activation.
`{ ijlek-tro,ITt
`motion that results from the reaction between
`ak-talvad-od 'bad-o-ré }
`eddy currents in a moving conductor and the
`electrolyte-MOSFET [eNnc| A metal oxide semi-
`condictor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) that
`magnetic field in which it
`is moving.
`tr6-mag'ned-ik 'damp-in }
`immersed in a solution to determine the
`concentrations of dissolved redox active species;
`§|ELECTR| Deflection
`electromagnetic deflection
`of an electron stream by means of a magnetic
`the bulk part of the work function of the gate elec-
`{ iflek-trd-mag'ned:ik di'flek-shan }
`trode ofthe transistor changes when the sensor
`membrane is oxidized or reduced, Abbreviated
`electromagnetic energy
`erey associated with electric or magnetic fields
`EMOSFET._{illek-tra,lit 'mos, fet }
`{ tlek-tr-mag'ned-ik ‘en-or-jé }
`electrolytic arrester See aluminum-cell arrester
`{ i'lek-tro,lid-ik o'res-tor}
`tadio-frequencyfields existing in a given area
`electrolytic capacitor
`|ELEC] A capacitor con-
`{ ilek-tro-mag'ned-ik en'vi-ron-mont)
`sisting of two electrodes separated by an elec-
`electromagnetic fleld
`§(ELECTROMAG] An electric
`trolyte; a dielectric film, usually a thin layer of
`or magnetic field, or a combination of
`gas, is formed on the surface of one electrode
`two, as in an electromagnetic wave_{ijlek-tra-
`Also known aselectrolyticcondenser—_{i'lek-tro
`mag'ned-ik ‘féld )
`ilid-ik ka'pas-od-or }
`See Maxwell
`electromagnetic fleld equations
`electrolytic condenser Sce electrolytic capacitor
`field equations.{ijlek-tr6-mag'ned.ik 'féld i,kwa-
`( Wiek-traliddk kan'den-sor|
`electrolytic interrupter=jevec| An interrupter that
`electromagnetic focusing
`[ELECTR] Focusing the
`consists of two electrodes in an electrolytic solu-
`electron beam ina video display device by means
`tion; bubbles formed in the solution continually
`of a magneticfield parallel to the beam; thefield
`the passage of current between the
`is producec| by an adjustable value of direct cur-
`{ i'lek-tra,lid-ik ,int-o'rap-tar J
`rent through a focusing coil mounted on the neck
`electrolytic recording
`[ELECTR] Electrochemical
`{ illek-tro-mag'ned-ik 'fo-kos-in }
`recording in which the chemical change is made
`electromagnetic horn See horn antenna—_{ijlek-
`possible by the presence of an electrolyte
`tré-mag'ned-ik 'horn }
`'lek-tra,lid-ik ri'kord-in }
`electrolytic rectifier
`{ELec| A rectifier consisting
`of metal electroctes in an electrolyte,
`in which
`production of an electramotive force either
`rectification of alternating current is accompa-
`by motion of a conductor thraugh a magnetic
`field so as to cut across the magnetic flux or
`nied by electrolytic action; polarizing film formed
`on one electrode permits current flow in one
`by a change in the magnetic flux that threads a
`conducter Also known asinduction.
`{ ijlek-tro-
`direction but not
`the other
`mae'ned-ik in'dok-shan |
`‘rek-ta,fl-ar }
`electromagnetic interference=|iLEc| Interfer-
`electrolytic rheostat
`[ELEC] A rheostat that con-
`ence, generally at radia frequencies,
`sists of a tank of conducting liquid in which


`electron-beam ion trap
`generated inside systems, as contrasted to radio-
`[comput sci] An auto-
`electromechanical plotter
`frequency interference coming from sources
`matic device used in conjunction with a digital
`outside a
`system Abbreviated emi
`to produce a graphic or pictorial
`tro-mag'ned-ik ,in-tar'fir-ans }
`representation of computer data on hard copy
`[ELEC| Interfer-
`{ iflek-trd-mi'kan-a-kal 'plad-orJ
`ence, generally at
`radio frequencies,
`recording [ELECTR] Recard-
`generated inside systems, as contrastedto radio-
`ing by means of a signal-actuated mechanical
`frequency interference coming from sources
`device, such as a pen arm or mirror attached
`outside a system Abbreviated emi
`mag'ned:ik ,in-tor'fir-ans }
`to the moving coil of a galvanometer
`electromagnetic lens=|ELEcTR] An electron lens tr6-mi'kan-a-kal ri'kérd-in }
`electromechanical transducer
`[ELECTR] A trans-
`in which electron beams are focused by an @lec-
`ducer lor recelving waves from an electric system
`tromagnetic field.{ijlek-trd.mag'ned-ik ‘lenz |
`electromagnetic noise
`[ELEC] Noise in a cam-
`and delivering waves to a mechanical system, or
`munications system resulting from undesired
`vice versa. Also known as electromagnetic (rans-
`electromagnetic radiation. Also known as radi-
`[ Ilek-trd-mi'kan-a-kal tranz'dii-sar|
`ation noise_{ijlek-trd-mag'ned-ik 'ndiz }
`electrometer=[ENG] An instrument for measuring
`electromagnetic pulse
`|rLecrromac| The pulse
`voltage without drawing appreciable current
`of electtomagnetic radiation generated by a
`{ ilek'tram-ad-or}
`large thermonuclear explosion: althought nat
`electrometer ampllfier
`{ELECTR| A low-noise am-
`a direct threat to human health,
`is a threat
`plifier having sufficiently low current drift and
`to.electronic communications systems_{i!lek-
`other characteristics required for measuring
`troa-mag'ned:ik 'pals }
`currents smaller than 10-!? ampere.
`electromagnetic pump=|ELec| Apurnpinwhicha
`tram:ad-or 'am-pla,fi-ar }
`conductive liquid {s made to move through apipe
`electrometer tube
`[ELECTR] A high-vacuum elec-
`by sending a large current transversely through
`tron tube having a high input impedance (law
`the liquid, this current reacts with a magnetic
`control-electrode conductance) to facilitate mea=
`field that is at right angles to the pipe and to
`surement of extremely small direct currents or
`current How, to move the current-carrying liquiel
`{ ilek-tré-mag'ned-ik ‘pamp |
`{ ilek'tram-ad-or,tiib }
`electromagnetic radiation |ELecrramaa| Electra.
`electron acceptor See acceptor.{i'lek, tran ak
`magnetic waves and, especially, the associated
`'sep-tar }
`electromagnetic energy.
`electron avalanche
`See avalanche
`{ Mektran
`‘av-ajlanch }
`electromagnetic reconnaissance=[ELEcTR| [e-
`electron beam={ELEcTR} A narrow stream of elec-
`the purpose of
`trans moving in the same direction, all having
`and identifying potentially hostile transmit-
`about the same velocity.
`{ i'lek,tran ,bam }
`ters of electromagnetic radiation,
`electron-beam channeling [ELECTR| The
`radar, communication, missile-guidance, and
`nique of transporting high-energy, high-current
`navigation-aid equipment,_{i!lek-trd-mag'ned:
`ik ri'kan-a-sans }
`electron beams from an accelerator to a target
`through a region of high-pressure gas bycreati Ng
`electromagnetic susceptibility |i.ctr| The tol-
`erance of circuits and components
`to all
`a path through the gas where the gas density
`sources of
`interlering electromagnetic energy.
`may be temporarily reduced; the gas may be
`ilek-(rS-mag'nec-ik sasep-ta'bil-ad-é |
`jonizecl; or a current mayflow whose magnetic
`electromagnetic transducer
`See electro-
`field focuses the electron beam on the target.
`[ Hekitran bam ‘chanmal-in |
`trana'di-sar |
`electron-beam drilling
`(ELectR] Drilling of tiny
`ROMAG| A distur-
`electromagnetic wave
`holes in a ferrite, semiconductor, or other ma-
`banee which propagates outward [rom any elec.
`terial by using a sharply focused electron beam
`ne charge which oscillates or is accelerated. lar
`to melt and evaporateor sublimate the material
`from the charge lt consists of vibrating electric
`{ lektran ,b@m 'dril-in |
`and magnetic fields which moveat the speed of
`electron-beam generator
`[ELECTR] Welocity-
`light and are at right angles to each other and to
`modulated generator, such as a klystron tube,
`he direction of mation
`| ilek-trd-mag' ned-|k
`used Lo generate extremely high frequencies.
`| Hek tran bem 'jensa,rad-ar |
`|eiEC| A clreult con-
`electromechanical circuit
`electron-beam lon source
`{ELECTR] A source of
`aiming both electrical and mechanical param-
`multiply charged heavy ions which uses an
`eters of consequence In its analysis,
`tro«mi'kar-a-kal 'sar-kot |
`intense electron beam with energies of 5 to 10
`[r).ectr| Telephoned|-
`electromechanical dialer
`kiloelectronvolts te successively ianize injected
`alerwhichactivates oneof a set of desired num-
`gas. Abbreviated ERIS.
`{ i'lek,trin ,b&ém ‘7,an
`bers. precoded inteit, when the user selects and
`S06 |
`presses a start button
`{ ijlek-trd-mi'kan-a-kal
`electron-beam lon trap [ELecTR] A device for
`di-lor }
`producing the highest possible charge states


`electron-beam lithography
`JELECTR] A microwave amplifier
`electron coupler
`ionizatlon or
`in which impact
`of heavy ions,
`tube in which electron bunching is produced
`excitation by successive electrons is efficiently
`by an electron beam projected parallel
`lo a
`achieved by causing the ions to be trapped in
`magnetic field and, at the same time, subjected
`a compressed electron beam by the electron
`toa transverse-electric field produced bya signal]
`beam’s space charge. Abbreviated EBIT{i,lek
`generator Also knownas Cuccla coupler
`| lek
`strain ,bé 'i-an ,trap }
`strain |hap-lar |
`electron-beam lithography (ELEcTR| Lithography
`jELecre| A method of cou-
`electron coupling
`in which the radiation-sensitive film or resist is
`pling two circuits inside an electron tube. used
`placed in the vacuum chamber of a scanning-
`principally with multigrid tubes:
`the electron
`beam electron microscope and exposed by an
`stream passing between electrodes in one circult
`electron beam underdigital computer control
`transfers energyto electrades in the other circuit
`(lek, tran ,bém li'thdg-ro-Fé }
`Also known as electronic coupling.
`( i'lekytran
`{ENG| A magne-
`electron-beam magnetometer
`ikaps lin.)
`tometer that dependson the changein intensity
`electran cyclotron resonance lon source
`or direction of an electron beam that passes
`electron cyclotron resonance source.
`tran !st-klo,tran 'rez-o-nons 'T,4n ,sors }
`through the magnetic field to be measured
`electron cyclotron resonance source
`{ Nek,tran ,b@m mag-no'tém-ad-ar }
`A source of multiply charged heavy ions that
`electron-beam parametric amplifler
`uses microwave power
`to heat electrons to
`parametric amplifier in which energyis pumped
`energies of tens of kilovalts in two magnetic
`from an electrostatic field into a beam of
`mirror confinement chambers in series,
`electrons traveling down the length of the tube,
`formed in the first chamberdrift into the second
`and electron couplers impress the input signal
`chamber, where they become highly charged
`at one end of the tube and translate spiral-
`Abbreviated ECR source. Also known as electron
`ing electron motion into electric output at the
`cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS)
`( i‘lek
`i'lek,tran ,b@m ,par-alme-trik 'am-plo
`tran ‘stkla,tran 'rez-an-ans \sors}
`if-or }
`electron device
`(ELecTr| A device in which con-
`duction is principally by electrans moving
`—|ELECTR| The use of an
`electron-beam pumping
`electron beam to produceexcitation for popula-
`through a vacuum, gas, OF semiconductor, as
`in a crystal diode, electron tube, transistor, or
`tion inversion and lasing action in a semiconduc-
`selenium rectifier(i'Jek,tran di'vis }
`{i'lek,tran ,bém 'pamp-in }
`electron donor Seedonor_{i‘lek,tran ,d6-nor}
`electron-beam recorder
`|ELECTR| A recorder in
`electron efflelency
`[ELECTR] The power which an
`which a moving electron beam is used to record
`electron stream delivers to the circuit of an oscil-
`signals or data on photographic or thermoplastic
`lator or amplifier at a given frequency, divided
`film in a vacuum chamber
`i'lek,tran ,bém
`by the direct power supplied to the stream.
`ri'kord-ar }
`Also known as electronic efficiency.
`_{ i'lek, train
`ELECTR] An electron tube
`electron-beam tube
`a'fish-on-sé }
`whose performance depends on the formation
`JELEC) 4. Carrying a negative
`and control of one or more electron beams
`electric charge
`2. Capable of acting as the
`{ iflek-tr6
`(i'lek,tran ,bém 'tib }
`negative electrode in an electric cell,
`‘negead-iv }
`liberation of
`electron emission
`\ELECTR| In a multimode display-storage tube,
`electrons from an electrode into the surrounding
`a process using an electron gun to erase the
`space, usually under the influence of heat, light,
`image on the cathode-ray tubeinterface.
`_{ i'lek
`ora high electric field.
`( i'lek-tran i'mish-an }
`train bim|bard-montin,diist kan-dok'tiv-od-é }
`electron emitter
`|ELECTR| The electrocle from which
`electron bunching
`See bunching.
`electrons are emitted.
`{ i'lek,tran i'mid-or}
`‘banch-in }
`electron flow |ELEC| A current produced by the
`electron collector
`movementoffree electrons toward a positive ter-
`Jek-tor }
`minal; the direction of electron flow is opposite
`electron conduction=|ELEc| Conduction of elec-
`to that of current.
`{ i'lek, tran ,f16 }
`tricity resulting from motion ofelectrons, rather
`electron gun
`[ELECTR] An electrode structure
`than from ions in a gas or solution, or holes ina
`that produces and may control, focus, deflect,
`solid{i'lek,tran kon,dok-shan}
`and converge one or more electron beamsin an
`electron tube.{i'lek,tran ,gan }
`electron-coupled oscillator=[ELECTR| An oscilla-
`tor employing a multigrid tube in which the
`electron-gun density multiplication§|ELECTR]
`Ratio of
`the average current density at any
`cathode and two grids operate as an oscillator;
`the anode-circuit load is coupled to the oscil-
`specified aperture through which the electron
`stream passes to the average current density al
`lator through the electron stream Abbreviated
`the cathode surface
`[ lek, tran gan 'den-sad-é
`eco. Also known as Dowoscillator.
`{ i‘lek,tran
`mol-to-pla'ka-shan }
`ikap-ald 'ds-o,lad-ar }
`i'lek,tran ko
`See collector


`{ i'lek,tran {hal }
`electronhole Sehole.
`electronic chart display and information system
`electron halography=[ELEcTR] An imaging tech-
`to a
`INAV) A navigation Information system with an
`nique using the wave nature of #lectrons and
`electronic chart database, as well as Mavigational
`in which an interference pattern between
`andpiloting information (typically, vessel-route-
`an object wave and a reference wave is formed
`track-keeping, and track-planning
`using a coherent field-emission electron beam
`information), Abbreviated ECDIS,
` {ilek'tran-ik
`from a sharp tungsten needle, and is recorded
`‘chart displa an jin-lar'nia-shan ,sis:tam |
`of cou-
`on film as a hologram, and the image of the
`electronic chart reader
`jcommuy sei] A device
`de, used
`original object
`is then reconstructed by iilu-
`which scans curves by a graphical recorder on
`minating a light beam equivalent to the refer-
`a continuous paperform and converts theminto
`ie circuit
`ence wave onto the hologram—{i,lek,tran hd
`digital form,
`{i lek'trin-k chart jréd-ar |
`‘lag-ro-fé }
`electronic circuit,
`|cLectr| An electric circuit in
`‘lek tran
`|ELECTR] Pertaining to electron de-
`which the equilibrium of electrons in some of the
`vices or to circuits or systems utilizing electron
`components(such as electron tubes, transistors,
`devices, including electron tubes, magnetic am-
`or magnetic amplifiers) is upset by means other
`plifiers, transistors, and other devices that do the
`than an applied yoltage
`| jlek'trdn-ik'sar-kat }
`work of electron tubes.
`_{ i,lek'tran-ik }
`electronic codebook mode Sybleck encryption
`electronically agile radar
`|eNG|An airborne
`{ lek'tran-ik kod, bok med |
`radar that Uses a phased-atray antenna which
`commerce {copy scl) Business
`changes radar beam shapes ane beam positions
`done onthe Internet. Also knowas &-business-
`at electronic speeds.
`i lek'trindk-lé ,a-jal 'ra
`| i-lek}trdin-ik
`'ke-mars |
`electronic commutator
`{ELEcre| An
`electronic alternating-current voltmeter
`tube or
`transistor circult
`switches one
`JELECTR| A voltmeter consisting of
`a direct-
`circuit connection rapidly and successively to
`current milliammeter calibraled in volts and
`many other circuits, without the wear and noise
`of mechanical switches.
`[ ilek'trandk 'kam-ya
`itad-ar }
`{ ilek'tran-ik jaletarnad-in tko-ront 'valt,méd-or}
`electronic altimeter
`See radio altimeter.
`{ i,lek
`ch con-
`electronic component
`[ELECTR] A conmiparent
`‘tran-ik al’tim-acdar J
`which is able to amplify or control voltages or
`electronic atlack=|ELECTR] A term embracing all
`currents without mechanical ar ather nonelectri-
`tor, as
`means in electronic warfare both to counter the
`itor, Or
`cal command, or to switeh currents or voltages
`enemy's electronic or electromagnetic sensing
`without mechanical switches: examples irelude
`and communications and alse ta effect offense
`electron tubes, transistors, and other solid-state
`with high-power
`electromagnetic weaponry
`| i,lek'trédin-ik kam'p&-nant |
`Abbreviated EA,
`{ |,lak'tran-ik altak|
`electronic computing units
`|eLecra| The setis-
`{nay A
`electronic attitude directional indicator
`ing sections ol
`tabulating equipment which
`multicolor cathode-ray-tube display of attitude
`enable the machine to handle the cantents
`information(fall and pitch} showing Lhe alreraft's
`of punched cards
`in a prescribed manner
`pasition In relation to the Instrument
`| Glek'trindk kam'pyiielin yiienats |
`tom of a very high-frequency omrirange
`electronic control
`[evecte| The control of a ma-
`station Abbreviated EAD).
`|,lektrdindk ‘adea
`chine or process by circuits using electron tubes,
`tid do'rek-shanval 'In-do,kael-or|
`transistors, magnetic amplifiers, or other devices
`electronic azimuth marker
`ELECTR) On an air-
`having comparable functions.
`borne radar plan position |ndicater
`(PPI) a
`kon'tral |}
`bright rotatable radial
`line used for bearing
`[ELECTR| Electronic device
`electronic controller
`determination. Also known as azimuth marker
`incorporating vacuum tubes or solid-state de-
`| ilekiranik ‘aza-math mark-ar |
`vices and used to control the actionor position
`electronic bearing cursor
`ELECTR) Of a marine
`of equipment;
`for example. a valve operator
`radar set,
`the bright rotatable radial
`line on
`[ijlektranik kan'tral-ar }
`the plan position:
`indicator used for bearing
`electronic counter
`|eLectr| A circuit using elec-
`determination. Also known as electronic bearing
`tron tubes or equivalent devices fer count-

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