
`'11“me WFETEQN
`ASUS-1012, Page 1
`ASUS-1012, Page 1


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`Philippines Copyright 1993 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`First Printing 1993
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — 10th ed.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-87779-708-0 (unindexed). — ISBN 0-87779-709-9 (indexed).
`# ISBN 0-87779-710-2 (deluxe)
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`ASUS-1012, Page 2
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`, so
`. oi
`I926) : relating to
`-|- 4:7] (en.
`az i-do \‘n—rs-LMM ndj [ISV azirl'r
`containing the univ I
`Irnuu N — nllrn used in cmntnuntinn '
`a;.i.[l0.1hy.flli-di|1c \a
`in-.(it‘ll\ ll (I974):
`'11: mum-m d
`le,!ij_.l‘&i,t:)4 ttnit inhihn. rcnli
`ttsnu of some rctrovirt
`:n: I] IV) .:”E
`i's tlfirrl to treat Al — nllcd also :IZ' ', zin‘uvttrl't'rn‘
`nth \'u7.‘rrt:ttll.
`-\ n [M Fr. (assumed) ML. ft. m "Mun _
`the azimulll. pl, (it a.
`if the way] (Md 1 : an are of Ihr. Min-7"“
`red betwocn ll iutcd point (as true nUrTh] and lint: rel-um] Girl-in
`passing through tin: cunlcr ninu ut-jwt usu. in MIan
`ty and “vi”
`I‘tnn clockwise from litr: nurtli point through 360 due.
`' an.
`tat dircciiotl expressed its Ih: angular dintnnoc liclwc
`u fixed |lnint in: thuobrcrvur‘s handing) and tilt: dirt:
`n of [be 0h;
`at v
`7 uZ-i-nlllih-fli \.n—w;t.'ma-tls:ii\ ad) —— nz-i-muth-nl-ly \r'mn-lhmié“
`nzimuthnl cquidlflanl :lrnjccliort ll (W42): a man prcucoriou Oith
`surface ut‘ the earth so clintcrczl at any gwcn [minl 1lml it straight it c
`rndinnng frm'n Ihc center to any ntltnr point reprexcnts ttu: shun“
`liifilfli‘lL'L':tntlwn Imnn-usurcd ltiscalc
`azimuthal equidistant projection. centered on Washington, D.C.:
`London, 2 Algiers, 3 Moscow, '4 F20 de Janeiro. 5 Tokyo, 6 Auck-
`[0:11;qu i
`11 compound of the SCI'Ic‘llli
`azinc \‘meu. ‘u-\ n (1337) :
`RCl-izNH2CHk or R1C=NN=CR7 formed hy lllc aulion ni liar:
`rim-mu: nn fildcllydcfi or kclunrfi
`nza \‘fi-(Jzfi.
`'n-\ act; [ax-1 (on. um) : relating m or cunluiniug “l1:
`bivalent [,IDU'D N.—N united 21' lmth 9min tn curbmi
`384) : uny of numerous dyes conlnining am arm 5
`zr‘ 'k\ mi} [19‘ l Gk zfiélil:
`'ll'lt‘irL‘ilI QUchii-lua.
`: luwing n0 'li
`rsp -. of or rcinliru! la the pfll'l of geologic tituc Ilml
`nulcdutcs liic
`aznle \‘iumoi. 'u-\ u ca.
`I899} : mu.- nl nunmruur. clJlnpfiurltllt chum-
`terimcl by n 5-
`cmlicrud ring containing all lcusl. out: nitrogen mom
`nzon-nl \i.)§—'zovn’l\ ad} (1933} : of. Iclztting to. or being n final at! .
`major group at mils locking wellidcvulortL-d llnrizznn; nl'tcn bcuuurc ill
`lrnttutlurlly i cnmpnrc lNTlUtZOh-‘AL. 2mm.
`nut-nnpcr-min \[.)fiv.1fi-:-'8pat'4lli:-a\ n [NL l'r. Gk chnns lift-Jun {fr— 0-
`3n— + :06 life)
`spt-rmn surncu. .
`- mun: at SPERM} (cu.
`.' absence of spurmnlozon from the sctninnl fluid
`strode-min ‘—r
`‘ é-mE-n\ n [15V name nitrogen + NL --nn‘n — tnnrl.
`at AZ—l (an. 1900)
`an Exct‘tfi oi lllll‘()[-'.i!flfllll\ bottles in lhc blood as!
`result of kidney
`sufficiency — compare URUMIA — mote-mt
`\-Inik\ adj
`nzmth \‘nAl-zml-A u [Ar az-zri'iq Ilte nurt'cury] [ISol
`l : mercury If .
`gardtd by nlchcmists an tlu: first principle nl metals
`2 : 1h: univwfl
`remedy of l‘nrucclsus
`nnn-lo-bnc-tcr \tl-mfi’taqbuk—lafl n [NL gums numc. Ir. [5V aerl'E'
`imam-tum] tl9ltJl . any of n genus leoraimm-r) nl'
`shaped or spherical
`lutctcn‘n occurring in roll and seanc nnd tunlll
`atmospheric nilmgL-n
`tinnitu-ria \.o-zo-‘tt'Ir-a-a, -'ryflr~\ tr [15V (mail? -|- NL -urt'n] (Cu. “555]
`: nn nhuomml cundttinn oi her.
`1 clulmclcrimcl by an excess of Itrent‘li
`alhcr nitrogenous substances in lltc urine anti munch: dunmgi: t'fiil- tn
`the h'nd unrlcrs
`AZ‘J'mav .lr'—'ié\ "(1955): A21nu‘rnrmoma
`Az-lec \'u .It:k\ n Fin uzmza. lr. antuail tum-air. pl. nf mtfmtl] “757..
`: a I1
`bet u u NnhunIl-spenking [It-.tmlc that launder] li'lt' M 5
`can empire
`anucrcd by Cortes tn 1519 11: a member 0! any Mil"
`under mm.- influence
`2 : mun/.11. — Az-tcc-nn \':w.—.it:~k-1n- v“.
`‘tu-\ adj
`azure \‘n-zhnfl t: [ME .n'trr.
`ir. DF‘ azur. prob. fr. 03in. nmdif. 0i
`.Mts LAZII!..I 1 I: ‘
`Idzaword. fr. l‘ur lazltmnm'tfl (idol
`1 archaic:
`3 : HIE un-
`blue color oi the clcttr silty
`ltn: lmralrliu calm blue
`oloudcrl :tky —- azure ad}
`l : a minarnl Ill 1
`Slur-Etc \'n-t2I|\ u [l'-'. tr. arur nzurc] tut. [8(qu
`consist-a ni blur: lusts: curbnruttc of copper and is n copper are
`sumlureclmts slunL- dcrived [mm :lzurlll.‘
`'nzI-gus \n-"
`:M n [N].. l'r. Gk. unynlmd. fr. (1- + zyxarl Wk
`nmr-nlYnKE {lit-1(1): alluerusalullI-mliwi91W
`us also nay-nous \(th it got“ all} “631} : not bring ”tic ‘1
`pnn‘ : SINGLE {an “v vein)
`Axis o azygous
`tu' Egon: is sym-
`n hurl
`alaninltt line Milt want-rt In wt'
`slrnig 1 line I
`cnllml also uxt': rift'ynlnltrnjl
`t biiccls
`ill rigin :tuglt‘s a: system at pnrnlld t'lmr-‘ln at n ctnvc nuLI
`'-Ic; tin:
`curve Inln Iwn ytntuntriuttl purist
`tun; ul Ilu: rr 't‘cnm; lines of rI
`L'ljurdil'iuk'.‘ .. on:
`I n: ”It second
`rlcln'n Hi “I.
`i: on which tin:
`hunt! lllld [ll'E-l w clam turn us on n pivot
`11 : my I
`vuriults ccnirnl.
`iundillllclllJlt nr:
`iul nnt'l
`.1: a rtlnnl stem 4: one at several. inlngi-
`nary lll'lc‘. :tssumrit in (il:
`hing Ihc position: of Ilu'. [aluncet by winch n
`cryslul in buuudutl and the mention». (if mnmn in tin: structure oi lhc
`5 ; n maurlme ul
`lruulltm, tnntinu. growth. or uxtcnsinn IS
`: 1n implied llnc tn nnittting or sculpt."
`Ihrtntgh n comp:
`on In
`which clctncrtts in lhc Lunnnnltinn .
`h :
`line :Ictunlly
`drum. and mad as llu: basis at nmngurcmuntr in an ttrchilm. ural hr
`min: working drrtwmg 7 : nu),l ('li llu'rc tixrd linw nl' rcl'tr'nct. in an
`:iircrni'l Ilutt run in tin: lnngilutiinnl. lutcrul, :ttul vutucal flirtatious, nrc
`mutually purpcuriiculna. and mm. pass. through the :tircr:til'.-, center oi
`gravity H:
`I’ARIN .llfililT'.ALLtANl.'l:‘
`Axis adj i l‘illi] :
`in; relating to Elm lilrec powers Germany. Italy, and
`Japan engaged nunnuit IIIL- Milt-cl. unlit-n19.- in Wtu Icl War II
`iui.fiym.me_t-ric \.ak~sivsa-'mc-trik\ ut‘sn nxi-syrn-mel-ri‘rnl
`k:l\ adj [mos
`.r mmulric] (18123] : symmetric in respect to an axis -
`uxi-uym-mc-ITY{ 'N‘i-nln-lrt'fi u
`nx-lc Volt-53h u Ml! flIui- (as in nlerrell lids}
`II : u ain nr slutft
`on or with whim tt wheel or pair at win-elk rL-votvcx
`1) :
`:1 fixed
`liar nr lat-um with boat-tugs :11
`its ends on which win-cl: it»; nf :1 curt]
`. Ilte snindlcolsncla:abcatu lar'cirulc: AME
`axle-tree \-(.llrn\ I: Nil-"I. axelrre.
`lr. ON {twin-E.
`lr. oxnifnxl: + In;-
`trcc] ”4::
`AXLE "l l]
`tut-mun \' k-summ n (In? I} : one who wields. an ax
`Ax-mimstcr \'::l-:—.sminftlvslm*\ u [Axmim 'r: town in England (1818)
`: n rnnc‘lnnnwovon carpet with rule Inlls inserted mechanica ly in a
`variety of trxturcs and patterns
`nx-o-totl \‘nkvso-J'd-t‘tx n [Nahuatl (ixt'iiritlj (cu. Hos) : any ol several
`ltlldcl'fi [genus AntlJyxromrr sun. A. mrxirattmn und {1. turmmrrr'i nt
`mut nun lnkcs of Mexico tlnd tin: want-t II US. tlml nrrlinnrtly llvcund
`Int-m wit hunt ntctntnmpliosing
`33.011 \‘nk-.s':i||\ (rim nx-onc \'tn\ n fNL axon, Er. Gk man] (:41.
`[HOW ; n nsu.
`lung and singlc liEI'VC-K'L'l protons tilul usu. conducts
`irn )ulses nwuy lrnm lim cell hftd)’ — see NEURoN illustration — ax-n-
`no \'0i(-5:|
`rtx-u-nemr: \ ukvsa
`ut\ n [Git nxr‘in tons
`rréma thread. lr. Him to
`in — more at Nkumfl [1901) :
`[lu- lihnllnr lnntdlu of a flagellum or
`mlmm l‘nnt usu. consists oi
`tune pairs oi tuicmltthulnn urrttngerj in a
`run: around [I singlc Lellll'fli mr — nx-n-ne-nlnl \.nk-.-t::-'nE-mnl\ adj
`nx-o-nn-ntut- c \.nk-sn~no-unutrik\ ml; [Gk axon axis
`l“. illiflirl‘CJ
`illicit) : hi. 1g or prepared lay the projection of ninjtzcut an Ihc drnwing
`surface so that they appear inclined will: ll'lt‘ue sides showingI and wilh
`horizontal and um Iicnl distances drawn to ncnle but diagonal and
`curved lines distorted (in: ~ drawing}
`nxuoplnsrn \':tii-|ao—.nltt~zan1\ n [axon + [alarm] “900) : [he 11min-
`plusm o! :m rnnm — nxn-nlus‘mu: Mal:
`Dina-1111'!“ mi}
`my \'I\ t'rriiarj [M17 aymt' ny mu} il-ic} — tlSll. used with lollowing me In
`uxptcis sorrow 0r rL‘BII‘EJ
`at Mt \'|-.-::
`-y:1.'n\ l1 {Hindi fryri. fr. Pl: ur'u, fr. L uvt'u grandmother]
`l'fl'i): it must ur mnitl muirr: In India!
`|n-scrl \.t-ya-'lrwilsvka. -'w':is~\ n [Ann-15in] (19491; tut hallucino-
`llcvm'ngc [prepared [rum the b '1: ol [I So. American vim: (Built)-
`rc ups't'r Ctmpi'u the Family Mnlrlig 'ttccnel
`I \.i-:t-'tfi-l.1.
`. -'tn-. 'i~:a-.\ rt [Pan ”1.. Sign of God. Ir. A:
`£in bi]: mlraulc 1' «Huh God] (1953'! :
`:t rciiginm lt-mIt-r among Shiiit:
`Musilmn- - “Hui an n llllt: 0t ream-cl up. for mu: who in not an imnm
`n. -e intro ny \‘i‘t\ advIME. lr. ON I
`n In 0]"; {i' always, ]. (lEt'url'l age.
`1i climu. Gk mun :tgu‘] (13c) ! AIWAth. (ONTINUALIA’. EVER (low. that
`will —- nudurr. —-W. S. Gilbert)
`~. -. :ur
`new: arrange \'1\ min Irtcrll. fr. ME yu. Jl'it‘ 7 more :Il WM] (1516) : Va;
`luwe u
`Jnye air)” my \‘i\ n. pl :1st i | 589}: :m :tlfirlnmivc vote or vnlrr (III: Na
`IIYLFRYE \‘i-.i\ n llF. Er Malagasy flirty) (ca.
`i'Iflll :
`il sntnll primitive
`[oral—t. We I g primntu (Dtttriicnmuiu rundown-scarf:
`s] ol
`northern Mating-mayo: tlutt trust
`it round hand. large eyes and r:
`long thin fingers
`hrcw alphabet
`Sci: MJ‘I'IMIIEI um :-
`tlIc li‘lii tulle-r oi the He-
`ayin \‘iiam. l! {Huts 'ayiu.
`iil.. syn]! ”823} :
`Ay-mn-nl \n—I
`.i\ rt. 1;! Aymara or Aymnrns {Sp aymrmi‘] (I360)
`: u mambo: ui nn [lldlifll people of Bolivia and Peru
`2 :
`the inn-
`gungc oi the Ayn-turn prank:
`Ayr-Ellirl! \'::r—.shir.
`'cri. Asher; '\ n lilyflill'fl'. Scotland] (1856}
`: any at :1 brand nl hnrsly dairy mutt.- origttuttcd in Ayr and uru.
`mnrkctl will: Hutches of rat or brown with wltitu
`512,- or uzn~ comtlfnrm [ISV. I1.
`I“ name nitrugcn. lr. u— 2a- —i- mun l1rDi'I.
`tr. Gk zrirr'ltm mainuunlnt: lil'c, ir. :t'ii- till.- 7, more at QUICK] : contain-
`ing nitrogen esp m: the ltivnlcnl group N—N (
`nztl- nrnz~ comirfurm [ISV az- -|- 41%: mnttti
`Ilg nitrogen in place of
`cttrlaon tun] Hall. the bivnlcul group
`1!: for the group Cl-i: nr rt aingl:
`ujvnicut niitunun lllOI'I'I lor 1hr: group CH (u::21.1lit1]‘u‘itu:}
`nan-Ian \nr'ml-yn u it‘ll... genus nnmc. Ir. Gk. Farm of oznl't'os dry. tr.
`main to Enroll. dry: 3km in Hill irar- to dry up il'nd prob. to L. “(for
`170?} ; any at it aul‘ncnus (Azalea) ui rhuuodcndrnns willt
`fuunul-elmpcd cornlln‘. and mu. deciduous Icavcr. including many unc-
`(i lu’lu'id form.
`ilil'nlod as ortutrunttlnls
`J-rJrim.‘ \.n
`ti-nimrfim n lluzu- —l-
`tili- + purine-“196?)
`put-int: anumctnholitc L'9H7N7()15 un .
`a:- nn Immunoaupprcsh
`Azn-zcl \av'
`at. 'n
`z:1\ I'I [Huh
`: ml evil spirit at the- Wii‘
`lluIllL‘sH lo
`u'cli n SC pagan! war. xcnr by the :tuuienl Hebrews in n
`l'lil'llli Ur :Tlfll'tl'll l‘l‘ll
`:tznn-lrnpc \” zoo-Aren‘t n [M- -1
`zru- “1'. Gt: win to boat] + 4mm
`mun-thing changed. lr._Ul-. rmpm-
` nu: nl 'rlt'MT TIlOl‘E] (1938]‘
`1! liquid tnixiuru that is hurnulr. zed t)_
`inuun nrnmx—
`lmlllll hurling unim which is Inwcr m lngltcr ttmn that nf any oi the
`azide \'§-.zid. 'a-\ n (ca. 1904) : a compound containing the group N;
`combined with an element or radical
`ASUS-1012, Page 3
`ASUS-1012, Page 3


`lu confer the t'i data
`3 :
`0 6076.115 feet (1852 meters) used officially in
`I “nit equal 1
`Jun 4: to cause in; a pliant) 3H1
`It: beutiiiit- established as
`.ll L" :fl‘tl'l"
`llll~\ 1: (ca. lit-171: u y olasubclass-{Nautiloi-
`t'clthnloymdti that were
`l-Jfl- ra-Shan
`ncltirn-\ H
`115) : a large granular lyinptioey. .
`. h-
`‘IluriutiIbuIl EII‘L‘ represented in lite recent fauna only
`" ,
`iliial cell wi
`inul prior exposure k “lit
`ilt "
`nut-ItIInIrl nri'j
`mm. HIM ii, pl
`1 presented With or marked by u “iii ”1.!
`'fiutirit": _.‘;“\.i=t
`\ [NL. fr IL.
`body ol’ law or a specific principt
`e M '
`III-“9:5 urlfllSi lr
`it rrniitIiius. III..
`new 511m]
`higvdmg upon human society in {h
`to : alogarithtlt witlieas
`l- --
`”Ii-"us (aniti'lurl oi cc .
`“ liml'lun'kfi of the 80. Put
`I: EFL-1i:
`Iii” Ot‘t‘k‘lllri with a Spirill
`1| shell
`Is pearly iiii
`In might be expected (we ~ ( “L21"?! iii»
`ghifi'mé: P- called also chambered
`id (haii'tllnlcurla ~) h: Wilflljul ““35““
`: Illenumhur I or
`I In nature: REALIFH'IC'ALIJ'
`one or more times
`1y number itlk- ,1
`“widest-l : n cit-VIM or system [in-
`H' heat-tin]
`that provides a
`.1 pot-1‘ tire llllcgcrl 2- 13h-
`ligh nnwgatlmntl data
`tel; NATURAL SCIENCE esp: truism-M
`industrial iiialcri
`l pl -
`Ella :i
`:ai'llii‘fgr :M Nn-vthn \ltln‘Vfl-
`find-ll?" “I pl -jn or dos also 1!“!
`| waterpowerl supplied by iiutilimgfifilfi
`J10- "; SP {Aunt-ll: dc} Navajo) llt.. Apache of Ntn'ujtft. lr. Nina: (1. area
`y-llfl.“ byNamjos. prob fr. Tcwn (Pueblo Indian language 0 north‘
`anynfthe licinlltfifns physics:
`a“ in; Mexico} nttraiui'. I
`.. arroyo with planted fiu1d5}ll7lllli
`l : a
`.r in: Alliancan Indium cople n! northern New Mcatco and
`nutter. energy. and their itttrii-tillll'lsmvpi
`2: the language ofthe
`ijctifl'llfy measurable phenomena ”Mint
`,3“ adj [ME lr. I. Ital-ails. fr. rim-is ship] (15(2)
`1 abs : of
`’) t a natural process that
`g to ships or shipping
`: at or relating to a navy
`I ,ril or involving warships:
`. -o 355
`u- s: of indiViduzils or groups best “'5”
`utect fl (an. IHISSJ: one who clematis ships
`._t leads to‘ the nerpclutttifin of gm .J-uslc‘lh
`‘ L tiircl
`es l'I pl ”1'. IllL'll' former use in the construction and mainte-
`IIcuIIIIr cnvlrunmcnt
`I ieolugy deriving its know!
`wouden railing vex. .
`1 (this) i. products (as turpentine.
`dependent nlspeciill revelation edge GIG“!
`.1, “mt rosin) obtained from I'
`inns conifers and can. pines
`f ti
`'l‘ll" ' v r.“ ii [ME fr. 0E Ilrtfa.‘ akin to 013‘ imfel'u navel] lbef. 12c)
`fr. MF. tr.
`l.. nature. fr. natus. |ip_ u
`IN] tl-tclI
`a :
`tnliureiit elm
`ton or thing :
`'NCL-Z b
`. tltt hub of a “it“
`w.- nnd controll
`A! force
`I13“ .1 ML RINK-T, fr. In ship; III-m1 to Oh. tiuvyemi Mlllrll’. Gk arms ship,
`" I mm “673} :
`lhc mugn part. (If the Interior of .1 ch nah} esp : the
`I ul welt forces in -'lII ind
`Fulll'l'nu' uflnlrtll hall In It oraniurni church that rise}; higher than
`l char
`.m' fundamental or assent
`- W
`“I: aislt'b flanking It reform t1 clerestory
`,m \‘niivvnn tl
`[ll-£13,. fr. OE nafela; akin to OHG nabalo navel. L
`i'llllJrSallllilflieSp: an ex
`J:; 3;) (nets of e L‘Cfclllfll'lfill a.)
`was, Gk nmphaina] (bef. 120)
`1 z a depression in the middle'of
`seslike the coil ofnature
`: ifgpflf mg“
`:ilTelrlirbtlnmcri Il‘tttl marks the point of former attachment of the umbili-
`alltl'l‘ftl or yolk stalk 2: the central point: MID_DLE
`6 : the external world in '
`entire: inmut
`intural rendition h: II
`nIW-l nrnngtI:
`Ir (15831 :
`It seedless nmn c _It mg a pit at the ones
`SllIIJDIlfictl mud“;
`8 : the genetically
`where the [run encloses a small secondary rui — called aim iiui-t-i
`scenery syn see T‘t‘l'E
`controller] qmlifin
`mmipunnr \nn-‘vukya-lofi atfi ME. naviettiure, fr. L rtttvictilu boat.
`3"“ alnavt's} (15c)
`_l : shaped it
`i: It boat (n k biinc) 2: of, relating
`l: NATURALISM1.2 2.,1
`tn (ttt4‘tl
`[n.IM' limilvin . a navteniar bum: ("-4 disease)
`3 :_ NIJntsm—na-tur-ist \‘fllfl‘fl‘ I
`it [ L (as) immature nrnncular hone] (lslfil : a navicular
`I'lpfl-Iffll5\ n (1901] :
`ti syhtein ol treaim
`1,0“ch : one situated on the bigvtne side (if the tarsus
`:i. and nursery and emnh.
`' es the m m
`m‘u-i-m-blc \‘iia-w-ga-Iial‘t adj
`enough and wide
`er. and sunshine} and 1th
`iii Inwntnffl
`it u afford [HER eIlo \hiptt
`1 : crumble (if mg steered — nay-
`treatment} — nn-lu-m-pntli \Iltivcltn
`li-I-t}l \.
`i-ga- lJI-l
`tin ii— nuv-i-gn-hly \'tl.’I-Vl—E:lvlilé\ adv
`mill-ii: \.nfi-cliai'vafpa-thik. .iiii-: na—‘ifil:
`“Inmate \'ntt‘$'fl~.[zfil\ vb ~gnt-ed: *Efll-il‘lg [L navigatus. on. of nami-
`ir. Ir. nevi: ship + Juan.- (ir. ugere to drive} — more at ALIEN"!
`trademark — used for vinyl-math]
`1 :
`to travel by writer : SMI
`2 :
`to steer a course throug a
`medium; spectf:
`to operate an airplane
`3 : GET AROUND. Move ~ vt
`E nought, fr. OE nciwt'lit. fr. ria' no
`NOTHING (effoni
`: tn fiflli river. on. or through
`to make nnc's way over or
`No, WIGHT] (bef. 12c) :
`+ W"
`through :
`n :
`to steer or manage (It limit) in sailing
`to operate or cool ml the course alias an airplane]
`HtNGNESS.NONEXlSTENCE 2: the arithmet-
`marina-titan \.t1ti—v:i~'
`.‘il'IDI1\ n “54?)
`the net or practice of
`auulI-li‘er; dist [MF
`2 :
`the science of getting ships.
`raft, or spacecraft from
`Plan: In place; esp :
`tlic method of determining position. course. nod
`in moral-:1
`aeter: w tttil) b: gaiityn
`giiri. fr. Ilflftfllli
`ILiIltntue ltIthtlud
`3 : Ship lrrtffit: tir cttliimcrce 7 nav-i-gu-tinn-nl
`2 :
`lacking. III
`taste or propriety—
`I-ihnal, ~sha-n'l\ adj — nuv-i
`ion-ul-ly adv
`ttiit g naugh-tt-ness \‘tttb-lérltrrs. 'nii-\ n
`Intt-\ it. pf mill-:19 blot-.5. -k .1 at -I.'ili-
`illlY‘l'Efl-lur \‘niiwvaugn-Iafl It
`590) : one that nnv‘igalca or iii qllljli-
`find in navigate
`mm: ship I iiiaetiesthnttn light — 1'1le
`DEV'VJ‘ \‘naiwfi ii. pl nnwies by filtni'trniu' It; ulter. fr. navigator mn-
`:llu'aflomilfl spectacle rflprcflrnlltlg ll mm?
`stmcliutt worker on it wiiall onI'L'l'
`IBM] thrifty Brit : an unskllltd lit-
`plu \-ple-.i, -.e\ [NL. fr. L, a shellfish. fr.
`tacean larva in usu. [he first stage 3le
`'“I'Vl‘ \‘ilfl-an II. [If llflvifls [ME rim-IE. fr. MF. fr 1. ttnvt'gltt ships. fr.
`mutate] {Mel
`1 : a group of ships : FLEET 2 : a nation‘s ships of
`e pairs of appendages, a median eye. Ami
`“Wand of logistic sup on 3 often mp: the complete Ilnval establish-
`ta. -sh9\ n [L. scasickness, nausea. fr- Oi
`mcnt eta nation inelu ing yards. stations. filll|13.flllll personnel
`4 : a
`pr] (15_69)
`l : a stomach distress Will]
`dark ’litl'lliii purplish blue
`.0 vomit
`2 : extreme disgust i nan-Ee-
`WWI . all H (”5561 : n white-seeded kidney been grown nip. lur its
`"‘0’ adj
`\eulntimis seeds
`-Ze-. -sé»\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing vi' (1640)
`' “'3" 07985 n “919] i. a US. Navy decoration IIWHl'dctl lot L'Xll'ill‘lltii-
`sea 2 : to feel disgust N W :
`to alfacl
`III'lnfl‘ llL'I‘ntzIm III I) Jerittttms against an armed enemy
`II“? urd H lil'.’ l I a yard where naval witch. are built (31‘ repaired
`\‘W'Wfi'fi u Urdu iiait-itvti'tilil‘tfis): NAIOU
`igg nausea or esp. disgust
`usage 5‘“
`\ adj (1612)
`l : causing nausea Ufndisr'
`m; 11:» miviME.
`r. 0N i’lt’l. fr. nc nrit
`et' ever— more :11 MLM‘EJ
`: a negative reply or vote
`d with nausea or disgust — nawseofls'
`: Dewitt. REFUSAL 2
`’it ”In: WI!" vote: no
`Iritiiiscnm can property he used Ollll’ “1
`is an El‘l‘fll' l'nr ttcttucai'rri’f an: “stake"-
`llf'filllu"; flfinU} : not merely this but also : not only so but (Ila: letter
`flay Ehltll htliln)’. Aw. ees - tic)
`i'nct. nauseous is must irertufilllll‘ 1”
`rt (1'?le : utte _w|1u deities. refuses.
`lll'l nausea, usu. after a linking verb sutl‘
`ir. (unto a hit
`lens frequent. List?
`“Efrai- (It
`In skeptical or cynical about something. — mlyany-ing
`or: often figurative than literal. mld [1'5
`m'r'fnne \.IItI—z:iv'rt':n\
`II IME. Nazareth fr. Ll. Nuzurwllts.
`l'_r. Gk
`nd to Jinan-urine. Nniiseriiea‘. “'ll'l‘m'
`earn [[1 sense 3..
`l'r. Nazareth Hargtrcth. Palestine] (lJul
`ti native ot
`Chan-m of Nararetli
`Itatsnau In
`: a Inieniher 0? the
`. Si.“ F'F’J‘fl. lt'. urn-mi lie dttituiz‘i] “Ha-9}
`“with M the. Nazarene [lint
`n Protestant dlennmtnntmn deflvtng
`)IlSIlillllg chit-fly elf dancing by “mm-
`”Uni fl"! morning of 'tln'ec holiness groups. SIl'CStilfifl snitcttl’tcatinn. and
`New» EIMrithuriIslpohl!
`fL imitri't'iit. fr. Gk naiiti’fi‘m. ff- "gulf!
`fr. til
`'tIIt[-\ It IG, by shortening S; alter. fr. Nuriiinuhuzittftli.
`MVE] (1552) : of. relating TU. UT "55w-
`(5 Dfrottfl'l national + Socialist sectiiltst] (1930)
`I : a lIlcrlIbc—l‘ of It
`r shins — iiau-ti-cal-ly \lLta-lli“ ‘1 '
`f WHOM-5 Ulttlr- fll distance used it"
`tint party cottttollitt Germany from In?” in I945 under
`“nil “lllflt‘ 1 after] not cup
`' who resembles a German Nan‘ —
`(their m i
`'-f1-cn-lion \.niitvsiiiar‘kfiishnn. .not-\
`I: length of a minute of are of L1 5”“:
`it became the earth is not
`:1 Fm“:
`llll in 6080 feet {1853.3 tIIeIerI-‘J I“ "'1
`333;" mp ,_ na-zi- y \'
`if. .I'Ifll‘\ at. often (up
`”4'“: Dr NBZ-fl-l’ill’ \‘Iut-z. -.r|l\ H [L].. tiaxttrueus, fr. (ii; mtzirar'iu.
`nautiloid a neat
` 775
`|tl.. CUIIMJlIflIEd] ”5601 :
`Ilcb iiilzr'i:
`rquumt'us. fr.
`:I Jew Lil biblical
`TIITtL‘S consecrated In God by :‘l vnw
`ntt‘l drinking wine. cutting the
`hair. and being deliletl by the pfdsultu: or a corpse — ani-rllatum
`”A or Natal-ism \Am':
`n\ it Nazi + -i.mi]
`“931]: the body oi pnlit
`of and in:
`lOIIIlC duct
`he! and put into
`effect by the National Sutlflli'tl German Workers‘ party in the Third
`German Reich including the totalitarian PIlllUiPiL‘ oi gaucrniiient *ilnle
`cuntt'ul ofnll industry. predominance (if nruttjh tissumerl In lie r‘:II,in|Iy
`uufieritir. '
`t:| nttpt't‘mfl 3" (If the liillrer
`NLO Men-[.1
`'n\ is ten 18ml : NoNcm-isusaiomzn i.
`' clan
`NC—l'f \'ct1-
`,se-va||-'IE'II\ certifir'utfmt mark —
`ltt t'ctlify that :t
`motion pic ire is of such a nulnri: that 1m out: under the age (if I'.’ can
`lie fidlllilll.
`compare ci
`In. mm. P.
`.iij‘l'tlflof i used after the figure 2 En Indicate. the ordinal Illltttttcr
`52mm! (2nd) (Hm!)
`I at NEE] “905} 1 .
`need to indicate
`tté \‘nfn adj [Ft lit. htirti
`Iltt: original, former. er It:
`rnt‘. Lil .1 mail (Raberl Roe. "v Jnlm nos}
`2 : originally nr {tn-merl'y called
`Tlc- 01' new t‘riinfifunir Kiln fr. nan} new — more til NEW]
`I at ttcw
`' recent (ngene)
`1:: new untl difici'cnl period or form at (Nirotllatu-
`imam) :
`in ti new and different form nr It
`ncr (Neaplntomc)
`t: : New
`I'tnul (neoplasm)
`2 : new
`World (Neolrepical)_ d 5 new and a
`chemical L'Dlllpflul'ld moment: With or ulhcrwts: ralatcd m (such) a
`compound (Hafillgmltlc)
`-.tltnl; nit—"'ii—dnr-niih mi} lllit‘ill
`Neoaii-der-tlial \IIE-‘nn-doi
`ni'su Noun-dental \'i1.
`: being.
`rclalmlz In. or reselilhling
`Neanderthal man 2: sti'gesling rt caveman in appearance. mentality.
`Cir behavior , - Ncnndert
`Neanderthal man u [Neunrlerllluh valley in western Germany] [Ilififil
`: a Middle Paleolithic hominid (Home wptmtt iteutIdI-rtlitiietu'ts) known
`lrnm skeletal renmitts In Europe. northern Africa. and western Nita 7
`Ne-Iinnder-thnl-oid \ milk-Jr. —.tii-\ ml} or tr
`lump \'nt':rt\ adj MF, "Up. fr. 0E ruin being til the stage of itenp tide]
`(bet. 12r.) : of. r- ating to. Dr constituting a Heap Iidu
`Ineap n (1534) : Nlli’tl"l‘|DE
`an \.IiE-:
`a-t’m n [M E. fr. 1. nruprilt'tuttus of Naples. fr.
`Git tieupu ttes' citizen u
`plus. fr. Neapolix Naples] (15c) :
`:t l'iflllVL‘ or
`inhabitant ofNaples, ltnly i Neapolitan a '
`Neapolitan ice cream ii “595) : a brick of rum two to four layers of
`ice cream of dillemnt flavors
`nest]: tide ii (an. 1548): Y: tide anIIIIIimuiii range tit-earring ill the first
`and [he third quarters of lho moon
`'ncnr \‘nlr\ unit [ME t
`It. partly fr. rlcr nearer, ft. OE“. near. coronal-alive
`tif mirth nigh; partly I'l'. (TN rum- ttearer. Compnr. iii nii- tttglt — tttm'c t'II
`HIGH] “Jul
`1 : til. within. or In a xlImI‘l distance or time 2 : ALMOS'EZ
`NIJAItL‘r {m dead)
`3 :
`in ll clone or Intimate matmei
`relalt‘d) 4 archaic :
`tti rt I‘rugnl manner
`incur preplllel: clone to
`Jllcttl' adj {NC}
`a :
`IIUI far dlslatlt tn lune. plane. or degree (m the
`«- future)
`: almost happening :
`arriiwly 'I'l'lISiiCEl or avoided (8 “-
`win in the priinnry) (ti ~ iitirlair eollimnn)
`it: nearly not happening (a
`~ escape)
`2 I closely related or intimately associated
`a :
`the tlutiur ul twn (the m side)
`Ii 2
`lining tin: left-hand one of :1 pair
`(the n- wheel ole eat-t) 4: DIRECI'.SI{URI(II1C rwest road)
`SI: S‘l'lNG‘i’.
`closermrnn 6
`n : etc-teiy resembling the standard on typical
`(It ~
`b :
`ii )pruximulliig the senator {m sill-z) — I'IcEI-IICSS it
`‘rtenr vtitlfilii
`: M‘I‘tttmtiil
`near bear it “9me : any It! various mull
`liqunn ctlttsiderei'l nrmaL
`coholic because they contain less than a specified percentage of alcohol
`"earthy \IIir-‘b 'n' -.\ Ito‘v or ad} l I4cl : Clerc at hand
`NQtflI‘L'ilil: \,ni_
`k-Iik. -'iiT-lik‘. «off “853} : oi. relating Itt. ctr lteillll
`lltt‘ hiugcogrtitthic tittbrcgirnl that includes Gtm‘cltltmti and No. America
`north of tropical Mexico
`near gale ii (ca. 1975) : MODERATE GALE— see BEAUFORT scur- table
`Itcnrutn-I'I'a-red \.tIir7.iI1vFr=I7'rt.‘d.(Lil‘riii‘. art} “950) : of or relating to
`the shorter wavelengths of
`'nlmlt In the infrared spectrum and esp
`to those between 0.7 and 2.5 micrometers
`”Par-'3’ \'niI'-lfi\ miu UV,” T '
`in :I I‘lnuiu manner or i-nlnlirrnuhip {Au
`rclnled) 2 .II
`: almonl but not t|ttilc ("- Identical} (~ a year litter)
`tn the least extent (Hot n- 1‘: good as we expected)
`near miss tl (NM-Oi
`I miss (III. will
`it bomb) L'IURL‘ enough to
`uninit- damage 1:: something that hill!- litst itltni'l nl success.
`it t
`near collision {as between aircraft)
`near money it
`: assets (as savtngn accounts or governiiiuut
`near mi in H (IRTbl; the point rtcartuil the eye at which on nbiecl l'i
`bonds) {Flickly and easily converted to CM“
`:IL‘tllll'lllBl)’ focused on the retina at full aucoiimioelntiuii
`near-shore \‘nirA‘in-ztl'r “shot. 'nir-.\ ndjilSGGl : exlcnding outward nn
`Indefinili: hul usu. ‘illl‘ll tlislatiue fI‘tIm :thtJrc (“-4 fiL‘ill'lllcl'llh)
`near-side \-.5Iil\ nthi (ca.
`ill-ID} Brit 1 LI
`r-IMNI) l — ncnrsidc ir
`neur-slghl-ud \-.$i-I‘Jd\
`ttdj (1636)
`.1th In set: near
`iltillgtt nlure
`clearly than distant ones : Mt’ortc i Iicar-siglIt-cd-ly edit 7 near
`sight-cd'ness ti
`t \‘vt-tn-llnn attjtilfitfill : til. relating to.
`or being the longest wavutengths of ratliolion esp. between Hut) and «100
`lineal \‘nEH rt, pf Heat in" Heals [ME (lt’i‘f. ft. UE ”Em: akin ti) OIIG ttfi'z
`head of cattle. 0E iientnit to make use of.
`l.itlI ituutt‘tt use] (bet.
`the common Illilllfl‘ilil.‘ liovuu: (flax warm-l
`2neat adj [MF net, fr. L nitidus bright. neat. fr.
`tiitEre to shine; prob.
`akin to MIT niam luster] (1542)
`1 : free from dirt and disorder : ha.
`bitually clean and orderly
`a : iree'irom admixture pr dilution
`: STRAIGHT (~ brandy) (~ cement)
`: free from irregularity
`: SMOOTH (N silk)
`3 : marked by tasteful simplicity (a ~Ioutfit)
`a : PRECISE. SYSTEMATIC b : marked by skill or ingenuity : ADROlT 5
`: NET<~ profit) 6: FINE. ADMIRABLE—l'leat‘ly adv—neatmess n
` \a\ abut \’\ kitten. F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \i\ ace \ii\ mop. mar
`\at‘i\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\é\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\j\ job
`\9\ sing \6\ go \6\ law \éi\ boy \th\ thin \t_h\ the \ii\ lout
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision \a, l_(. ". 0:, E, [2, E, y\ See Guide to Pronunciation
`ASUS-1012, Page 4
`ASUS-1012, Page 4

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