`Std 8~2.3
`Foudh edilion
`Information technotog~f-- Local and metropolitan
`area networks-
`Part 3:
`Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
`(CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer
`Technologie de l’information -- R~seaux focaux et m~ropolitains ~
`Pattie 3; Acc~s multiple par sruveillance du signal et d~tection de collision et
`sp~}cifications pour ta coucha ph y,~ique
`Reference number
`ISOIIEC 8802-3:1993 (El
`Std 802.3, 1993 Edition
`HPE 1022-0001
`HPE Co. v. ChriMar Sys., Inc.
`IPR Pet. - U.S. Patent No. 8,902,760


`345 Ea-% ,t7th Si.rcet, New York, NY 10017-239,1, USA
`Copyright, ~) Ua93 hy the
`ln::~titt~tc of iq31cctrica! and I~lce~ro,fies Engineer.% ],~c
`Afl rights rese~wed. Publi!flmd 1993
`Printed in lhe U~tited St,’tte~ of America
`|SBN 1-55937-32,I-5
`duty 8, 1993
`HPE 1022-0002


`(Thi.~:~ edition e~mtains ANSI/IEEE Std 802.8d988,
`A NEIBEE N SM ,q02+3c~ 198fi, ANS IHEEE Std 802.3d- 1957,
`ANStlIEEE Std 802.3h-1985~ ANS~EEE Std 802,3~-1987,
`ANS[/IEEE £1d t102.3hd990, ANSI~EEE S~I 802.3~-1991}, and
`cerrcctio~s resulting from Mainle~mnce Ballot #I ?
`Local. and me repoh$an area ne$wer s, .
`Part S:
`~oHis~o~ de,ceYlon
`access method, and
`physical layer
`AbstraeL’ This Local and Metropolitan Area Network standard, ISO/IEC 8802-3 : 1993 [/~iNSI/IEEE Std
`802.3, 1993 Editionl, specifies tim media access control characteristics fi)r the Carrier Sense Mult;iple Access
`will~ Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) access method. It also specifies the media, Medium At~achm.ent Unit
`(MAU) and physical layer repeater unit for 10 Mb/s baseband and broadband systems, and it provides a
`! Mb/s baseband implementation. Specifications ibr MAU types 10BASES, 10BASE2, FOIRL (fiber optic
`tot-repeater link), IOBROAD36, 1BASE5, and 10BASE-T are included. System considerations for multiseg-
`meat 10 Mb/s baseband networks are provided. Layer and sublayer interface specifications are aligned to
`the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model and 8802 models. The 8802~3 internal model
`is defined aud used.
`Keywords: data processing, intbrmation interchange, local area networks, mode ~f data transmission, net-
`wm’k interconnect:i0n, models
`Adopter! as an [aternationnl Nta.nt|nrd by the
`grad by the
`international Eleetrotechnicul Commission
`PubiiM~ed by
`Tim Institute of Elect~:ical and Electronics Engineer.% Inc,
`HPE 1022-0003


`ISO (the International Organization fin’ Stm~dm’dizafion) mad IEC (the ~nternationaJ Elec-
`Lrotechn.ical Commission) ~brm the spocializ(~d syatm~ for ~,~orldwide ~tandardization.
`National bodies that m’e members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of Intm’na-
`tional Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to
`dam wifl~ particular iields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technics! committees collaborate
`in fields of mutual interest. Oilier international organizations, governmental and nongovern-
`mental, in liaison wit,h ISO m~d IEC, also gake part il~ the work.
`In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical co~n-
`milieu, ISOBEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopged by the joint ~chnieal commit-
`tee are circulated to national b~dies fbr voting, Publication as an International Standard
`requires approvM by at: lem~t 75% of the national bodie~ casting a vote.
`In 1935. IEEE Standard 802,3-1935 was adopted by ISO ~bchnical Commit,tee 97, In~%rma-
`tion,~g systems, as draft. International Standard ISO/DIS 8802~3. Following film proce-
`dures described above, t:he S~andard was sub~;equently approved by ISO and published a~ ISO
`8802-3 : 1989, incorporating ISO 8802-3/DAD I which had resulted from the adop$ion by ISO
`in I987 ofANStflNEE Std 802.2a.
`A fm-ther revision wa~ subsequently apwoved by ISO/INC JTC 1 in 1990, i~corporating
`[SO/IEC 8802-3/Amendments 2 and 5.
`A third edition, published in 1992, incorporated ISOiIEC 8802-3/An~endm.en.ts 3 and 4.
`This Fourth edit:ion cancels and replaces ISOflEC g802-3 : 1992 and incorporates tSO/[EC
`8802-3/Amendment 6, Mainlen~uee Ballot; Am.eudment 7, Layer man.ageuwnt; and Amend-
`ment 9, ~,stem cousideralions for multis~,ment 10 Mb/s baseband networ/~s and ~oisted-
`pair medium attachment unit (MAU) and baseband medium, type IOBASE-T. These amend-
`ments were approved in 1992.
`For the purpose o1" assigning organizationally unique identifiers, the Instih~te of Electrical
`and Electronics Engdneers, Inc., USA, has been desigmated by the ISO Council as the ilegis-
`tration AuOmrity. Communications on this subject shoald be addrea~;cd to
`Registration Authorigy for ISOiIEC 8802-3
`do The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, inc.
`445 Hoes Lm~e
`RO, Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`During the preparatioa af Lhis International Standard, information was gathered on pat-
`eats upon wMch appBcati~n of this ~tandard migl~ depend. Relevant patents were identified
`as be!onNng to Xerox C~rporation. However, ISO and IEC cannot gdve authoritative or com-
`prehensive information about evidence, validity or scope of pa~ent and like rlghtn, The pate~t-
`holdm, has stated that licenses will be ~anted under reasonaMe terms and eoad.itlons and
`communications on this subject should be addressed to
`Xerox Corporation
`RO. Box 1600
`Stmnford, CT 06904
`InI:enaational Organization for S~mtardizat:io~fftnl.ernal~imml Electrotcchnical Comm~:mon ¯
`Case postalc 56 . CH-12t.1 (]e~,.~ve 20. Swii, zerland
`HPE 1022-0004


`This standard is par[ of a family of s[andards fbr Local and Metropolita~ Area Networks. The relation.
`ship bel;ween this standard and the other members of the family is shown below. (The nmttbers in fhe fig.
`are refbr to ISO standard nmnbers.)
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link layers as defined by t;he. ISO Opm~ Sys-
`tems Intercmm¢ction Basic Reference Model (!SO 7498 : 1984). The. access standards define four types of
`medium access technologies and associated physical media, each appropriate part:icular npplications ar
`system objectives. Other types are under investigation.
`The standards defining these technologies are as follows:
`ISO/IEC 8802-3 [ANSI/iEEE Std 802.3, 1993 Edition]° a bus utilizing CSh£gICD as lhe acces,,.~
`ISO/IEC 8802-4 [ANSI~EEE Std. 802.4-1990]~ a bus utilizing Ioken phasing as the access method,
`ISO/IEC 8802+5 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5-!992], a ring utilizing token passing as the access method,
`ISO 8802-7, a ring utilizing slotted ring as the access method.
`ISO 8802-2 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2-1989], Logical Link Control profocot, i,’~ used in conjunctim~ with the
`medium access standards.
`ISO~EC 10038 {~SYIEEE Std 802.1D, 1993 Edition], Media access con#’ol (MAC) bridges, specifics an
`architecture and protocol for i;he interconnection of ]EEE 802 LANs below [he MAC service bmmdary.
`The reader of fihis document is urged to become t~amiliar witl~ the complete ihmity of standm-ds.
`The main body of this standard serves for both t, he ISO/IEC 8802-3 and ~S]/fEEE Std 802.3 stan-
`dards. ISOBEC and IEEE each. have unique foreword sect:ions. The Annex applies to the IEEE standard
`only. The Appendixes serve as useful ret[~rence material to both standards.
`HPE 1022-0005


`~EE 8~and~rds dacume~t,’~ are developed w~t.hin the ’ll~chuical Committees of the
`Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees (d ~he IEEE S~.andards Board.
`bets of lhe committees se~’e vohm~arity and withmtt emnpam~atlon, They are not necessarily
`members of fi~t~ Institute, The standards develo!~ed within IEEE rapre~mn~ a consensus of the
`broad expertise o~ the subject within i;he Institute as well as th~se aCiix, ities ~ut.~ide of tEI~E
`which have expressed an interest, in parI;~cipating in tim development of~he standard,
`Use of an IENE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEN Standard does no~
`imply ~ha~ there are no other ways to produce, tes~, measure, purchase, marke~, or provide
`other grinds and se~wice~ related to ~he scope of fl~e tEEN S~andard. Furthermore, the view-
`poise expressed aL fl~e time a staudard is approved and issued is subjec~ [~ change brough~
`abau~ ~]~rnugh developments in the state of the art and comments received 5"om users of the
`s~:andard. Every IEEE Standard is m~bjeetcd ta review el; leasl; nuce avory ~iv~ years f~r
`sion or reaffirmation. Vflmu a document is more than five years old, and has no~ been rest:
`firmed, it. is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although stil! oF some value, do
`wholly reflec~ the pre~en~ sta~e of the nrt. Users are cautioned to check to determine fhag ihey
`have fl~e latest edition ~f any IEEE S~andard.
`Comments Nr revision nf IEEE Sta~dards are welcmne t~om any inl:created p~?rt.y, regard-
`Iess ofnmmberahip affiliation wiLh IEEE. Suggesiions Nr chin, tea in. documents should
`fl~a form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
`lnterpreta~Aons: Occasionally questions nmy aNsa regarding the meaning of portions of
`standards a~ ~tmy relate to specific applications. When the need Nr interpretatMn~ is broughi,
`to the attention of IENE, the Institute will initiate action te prepare appropriate responses.
`Since IEEN Standards represent a consensus of eli concerucd in~erea~s, i~ is important
`ensure fl~a~ any interpretation has also received the c~ncun’ence of a balance of interests. For
`tSia raagon IENE mid tim members of its technical cmnmittees are not able to provide
`instant response to interpreter.ion requests except in flmse cases where the matter has previ-
`ousIy rcccNed fbrmal consideration.
`Comments on standards a~d requests tbr interpretai;ions should be addressed
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`345 East 47fl~ Stree~
`New York~ ~ 10017
`IEEE Standm’ds documents are adopted by the Insiitut, e of ElecLrical and Electronics
`Engineers wi~,hou~ regard to whether their adoption may involve potm~ts oa m~l.icle~b moo
`teriafs, or processes, Such adoptions does not assume any liabilit~y to any pal:est, owr~er, nor
`does it assume any obligation whatever to parties a&~pting ~he standards documents.
`HPE 1022-0006


`This sgnndard i’,i part of a thmily of aiaadards lbr locnl and metropolitan area neiworkm The retaIion~;hip
`1)etwtmn the sLandm’d and other members ell:he lhmily is slmw~ bNow, (The mmJ3{~rs in the fi~re refer
`IENE sLandm’d nmnbers.)
`This family of standards deals with the Physieat and DaLa Link layers a~; defined by the Internatiotml
`Organizat,lon for StandardizaLion ([[SO) Open Systems in~erconneetion Basic Ilefbren¢o Model
`7493 : 1994). The access standards define several Lypes oFmedium access technologies and associated phys,
`ieal media, each appropria{e Ibr particular applications or system objectives. Other gypes are under lnvesi.i-
`Tlm standards defining these teehnologbs are as follows:
`~ INNN S~d S0ffl’: Oveix, iew and ~a’chitee~ure, This s~andard provides an overview
`to the family oflNEE g02 standards. This document form~ parl
`of the g02.1 scope of work.
`- IEEE SM 802.1B:
`~ISO/IEC 10038 : 1993
`IANSI/IEEE Std S02.] Dt
`~ 1NEE Std 802.1E:
`L?dg/M.tMq ManagemenL Defines an Open System Interconnec-
`t,ion (OSI) management-compatible architecture, and services
`and protocol elements ~br use in a [,AN/MAN enviromneafi for
`perfbrming remote management
`MAC, Bridging. Specifies an architecture and protocol tbr ~]le 1~
`tereonnec~ion of I]i]EE 802 LANs below the MAC ~mrvice
`System Load Protocol. Spedfies a seg of services and protocol fbr
`~hose aspects of management concern.ed wi~h the binding of sys-
`tems oa ILEE 802 LANs.
`~ !SO 8802-2 IANSI/IEEE Std 802.2]:
`Logical Link Control
`~ ISOfIEC 8802-3 tANSI/IEEE Std 802.3t: CSMAiCD Access Method aml Physical Layer Specifications
`~The. 802 Archih?e~.ur,, and Ovel’~ir*w Speeitlt’atbn, originally known as IEEE Std 802AA, ha~ boon rmmmbo]’ed n~ tBNE Std 802. Thb
`has been done to accommodate reeognltidn of the base ~tandard in :t Elmiiy ofstnndi~rds. References to 1EI~Z Sial 862.1A should
`conuidered a~ refmcnce~ to II~EB S@ 802.
`HPE 1022-0007


`ISO/.IEC 8802-4 [AN~I/I!i]I~E Std 802.4]: Token Bus Actress Method a~d Physical Layer
`ISO/IEC 8802-5 [~qS~EEE Std 802.5J: ’l~ken Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specificatiom~
`IEEN Std 802.6:
`1NEE Std 802.10:
`Me~ropoIitan Area Nelwork Access Method and Physical Layer*
`Interoperable Local t~’ea Network Securil.y, C~rr~mlty Conlains
`Secure Data Excl~ange {SDE~
`In ad~tion to fl~e family of s~mdards tim tbllowi~g is a recommended practice tbr a common technology:
`IEEE Recommended Practice tbr Broadband Local
`The reader of this docmneat is urged to become Nm.iliar with ~he comNete Nmily of standards,
`Conformance Test
`Asmtber standards series, identified by the number !802, has been established to ident:il)’ the conform-
`ance test methodolos"y documents for the 802 family of standards. This makes the correspondence between
`the various 802 standards and their appticaNe conformance test requirements readily apparent. Thus the
`ctmformance test docmnents for 802.3 are numbered I802.3, the confbrmance test documents tbr 802,5 will
`be 1802.5, and so on. Similarly, !SO will use 18802 to numb~,r conformance te~t, stm~.dards liar 8802
`ISO/[EC 8802-3 : 1993 (ANStflEEE Std 8112.3, 19~3 Editi(m)
`This edition of the standard defines 10 Mb/s baseband and broadband implementations and a 1 Mb/s
`baseband implementation of the Ph.ysical Layer using the CSM~CD access method. It is anticipated flm~
`future editions of the s~andard may provide additional implementations of the physical layer to support
`different needs (for example, media, and data rates).
`This s~andard contains state-of~flm-art material. The area covered by t.hi8 s~a~tdard is undergoing evolu-
`tion. Revisions are anticipated to fl~is s~andard within tim next few years ~ clari!}* existing material, to
`corrcc~ passible errors, and to incorporate new related material.
`Readers wishing to know the state of revisions should contact
`IEEE Standards Board
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
`PO Box 1331~ 445 Hoes Lane
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`The IEEIg 802,3 WorMng Group acknowledges and appreciaies that many concepts embodied in this
`standard are based largely upon the CSM-,adCD access method earlier described in The Elttcrnet specifica-
`tion as written jeint;ly by individuals from Xerox Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Intel
`Corporation. Appreeiatimt is also expressed to Robert M. Metcalfe and David R, Boggs tbr their pioneering
`work in establishing the original concepts.
`HPE 1022-0008


`When l:he t]gBE 802.3 Working Group approved t.t~~ m igin:d stmtda, d tANSI!IEEB Sttl 802.3-i9S5) i~
`!983, it. had tim fallowing membership:
`Phil L, At,%
`l?ohert~ F. Bridge
`Charle~ grill
`G. J. Clancy
`John I)av~dsm~
`Ralph DeMent
`[Iao!; (H. N,) Dorris
`Judith Estfin
`Richard Fabbri
`Ingrid Promm
`M[Ron C. Ilarpar
`Bryan H~over
`George D, dclafi~
`ttnrold W. IL~tz
`Danakl N, Ko|as
`William P. Lidin~ky
`Laurie IAndsey
`William D. Livingston
`Andy Luqtm
`Daniel Malibie
`Jerry McDov:eR
`G, Kenneth Mitter
`Robert L, Morreil
`Wendell Nakamine
`W~ P, NebIet£
`dame3 NeD~n
`’rhmna~ L. Phinney
`David Potter
`R,~bert S, Printia
`Gary S+ Robinson
`llabr::rt Ro~mmh~l.
`Gary Stephen~
`t.hmi~q P. ~tokeaberry
`t{en. P, Strainer
`Daniel Sze
`Victor d. Taras~:~v
`P, E. Wait~wright
`Lyle Wdman
`Hugh E~ WhRe
`Choa.Pmg Wa
`Nick Zades
`Me R, gonoun
`Additional individuals who contributed activeIy in the development of the origina! aiandard iANSUIEEE
`802.3-1985) through.out its elaboratim~ were
`Juan Bulaes
`Ron Craue
`Dane Elliot
`Alan Flatmnn
`Maria Graube
`Guy Harkin~
`Deau Lind.qay
`Then. T. Liu
`R,~hert Mole~;
`Tony l,auck.
`.loyseph SL, Anmnd
`Richard Seilbrt
`Mark Tmw,~.:eml
`R~ger Van Brua~
`B~ Vickhmd
`Chain Wargo
`Riclmrd Williams
`Ran Yarn
`The ECMA T024 Committee on Communication Protocoiu also provided ]mlpfut input in t:l~.e developmen!
`of this standard.
`When the ItgI~E 802.3 Worldng Group approved ANSIilEEE Std 802.3a-t988 (Section t0) in November
`I984, it, had the following membership:
`Donald C. Loughry, Chair
`Alan Platman, Chai~5 ~!’t)~." IOBASE2 7ktsh l,~orce
`Menadmm Abrahmn
`R. V. gnlakr~shnan
`William Bellump
`Charles Brill
`Juan Bulnes
`Stephen Cooper
`Ron aid Craue
`John Davidzon
`Mtlrk DeVOtl
`Phil Edhohn
`Gregory Ennis
`Jndy Estfn
`Richard Fransea
`Ingrid Fromm
`Robert Oalin
`Rich Graham
`Guy Harkins
`Greg H~pkins
`Joe Kennedy
`lib o~dfi Kobayushi
`Tony Laucl~
`Wittiom Livingston
`t/ngh Logan
`Leland Long
`Amly Luque
`Daniel Malthie
`Steven Mou:~takas
`Wendell Nakamiae
`glwd Oliver
`Aidm~ Paul
`David Patter
`Eugene Reilfy
`,hi~cph Riekert
`Gary Robin~n
`Rol)~,rt. Rosenthat
`Joaeph St:, Ammid
`Waiter Schreuer
`Stel)hen Soto
`(;art Spencer
`Robert Summers
`Pat Tlmlr~r
`WendeI~ Tunacr
`David White
`Lawrence White
`[/ich Willh~mz
`Renald Ya ra
`Mo Zonoun
`HPE 1022-0009


`W, Adams
`R. Applebv
`G. Arnold
`Y. Baeg
`]L Beauragard
`J. Beeker
`~, Ber~aimini
`A, Carvato
`G, Carson
`S. Chakrndarti
`S. Chandra
`F. Chang
`C. Chao
`C+ Chen
`P, Chert
`11, Chon
`R. Chow
`G. Clinque
`I. Cotton
`D~ Cox
`R. DeJardina
`D. Dlel~el
`C. gldrklge
`J, Fendirch
`M. Figuetva
`D. Fishm’
`J. Fh~tcher
`W, Fran~.
`R. Gaglinno
`D, Gan
`M. Grauhe
`M, Gree~a
`iI, Gustin
`K, Harbaugh
`G. Hnrkina
`IL IIarriuatoa
`It. tleilhorn
`L. He,effort
`D. HMop
`C. Hobb~
`S, Holkmdcr
`P, Ilutt~m
`P, lnduiago
`J, Jelcmeushy
`O, Kaim
`S. Kak
`K. Katxeff
`C, l(essIm"
`l), Kirzdlen
`R. Kolm
`T. Kuki
`R, Kunkd
`W, Lal
`V, La:dmr
`N, [,au
`R, Lnughti~
`F, Lira
`T_ Liu
`D. Lm~gluW
`’1"~ Louhcnkillbi
`D. Manchester
`M, Marco
`D. Mattm~
`D, Mdnode
`D: Miclml~
`L, Moraes
`D. M~rris~
`d. Mm’ayama
`D, Of~evit
`C O.:~b:’roicher
`M, Papa
`S. Pefer
`[L Phuoe
`T. Phhmey
`G. Power
`M~ Repko
`L. l~ich
`D. Rine
`R Roaenthal
`S. Samoyh,r~ko
`13. Sa~hi
`A, gnuer
`N. Schneidewind
`O, Sm’lia
`D, Shcpard
`D, gloy(w
`[I. Salmnon
`1}, Stephens
`C. Stillebr~er
`K. Sumn{~r
`K Tu
`D, Umbaugh
`~0 Vm’hiea
`A. Wei~,~hergor
`W, Wenk~r
`T. Wick!und
`’t’. Wolf
`F. Wolff
`HPE 1022-0010


`John Admm~
`\Viii[am B, Adanm
`S, R, Ahuja
`Ki~ Athui
`William Ay~n
`Youg-Myun~ Baeg
`WeMey A~ Ballenger, Jr.
`Edwardo W, Bergamin~
`llenl~ F. B~ley
`Betty grmmiek
`G~orge S, Caraon
`Po Chert
`Kitnam Chum
`"P, Ricky Ctmw
`David Cohen
`Aflen F. Conrad
`Ira W. Cotton
`Robr~vt S, Crowder
`Michel D~az
`MReheH G. Duncan
`Philip II. gn~iow, Or.
`Juditt~ Eslain
`John W. Fendrlch
`llarvey A. Freeman
`P/itrM~ (Ionia
`Amhu~ (’~oyat
`Mielmet D. Grapb~er
`Maria Graube
`Nobuhi~v Hamnda
`Jo:;eph L. Hammond
`S.M. IIard,~i
`<l. Scott llaus.;dah!
`SlmroB llealy
`C.W. }tabby;
`Jim P. Hang
`Paul L, }]utt:on
`Ridmrd tliff
`Geor~o D delad~:
`Guy do:mole
`Siege[ L. Junker
`Karl i!. Kelku’m aye
`Mladoa Kezunovie
`l)~vid I~lhn
`Sash’[ L Kota
`]lirayr M Kudyan
`Takohiko Kuki
`L~,e LnBalr~*
`Wai-Sum Lai
`Valerm I.aaker
`l.,anae M. Leach
`Edward Y S 1,ca
`Stephen I’L Levin
`F, C, Lira
`Don (2 I.,oughLv
`ao~et,h F P, Luhukay
`Wo-Shun Luk
`Marco Marsan
`do~eph ~las3t
`Darrell B+ Mch~doe
`Patrick S. Meh~ioah
`David ,~.L
`Adi~’a N. Mi~ht’a
`David E
`Ki~ji Mori
`D, J, Morri~
`[1. ’P. MouflMi
`Dale A, ~lurray
`Ruth Nelson
`,L Duo n¢ Noel hcu
`Geor~:e Pm’owoM
`~ holna~ L, Phinnoy
`Nik~ta# Pimopoui.n~
`David Potter
`John Pal
`Gin3’ S. Robh~on
`Mm’v~ Repko
`Rolm~ t Ro~entl,M
`(,lion Paolo I{o>d
`Davhl J, Rypka
`S L
`Oacar Sepuiveda
`Omri Seriin
`D. Sheppmq
`R, M, Simmons
`David W, Sioyer
`~ ~
`80~..3-~9 .... n June- 9, 1988, and ANSIKiEEI’;
`When t:he I!s]sE Standards Board approved. ANSIiIEEE Sfd ’~ , o~ o
`Std 802.8t>1988 (Section 10) on October 20, 1958, it had {Jm ~bllowing members!tip:
`Donald C, Fl[eeke~,stein, Choir
`M~drew G, [~atem., S~x;1 elaO,
`5iarco g~figlim’o, Vice (~hair
`,loire W~ I Iord~
`Jack M, Kinn
`Frank D. Kir~dmm’
`FraM’. C. Kitzantide:;
`lrvmg Kolodny
`Edward l,oh~o
`gohn E. May,
`Lawrence V~ McCal~
`b. Bruce M~C!oag
`Donald T. Mic[mel
`L, Jolm R;]MdBe
`Frauk L, }io:~e
`[lolon M. Wood
`Earl It, Zainin~wr
`Donald W. Zip!:e
`9 ,~,
`MqsI/IEEE Std 802,3-1.988 and ANSt!IEEE Std 80 ..... ~-J98~ were
`Standards Inst, itute on January 12, !989,
`appPoved by l.he American Nati{mai
`HPE 1022-0011


`When the IEEE 802.3 Working Group approved ANSHIEEE SI:t1802.3c- t985 (9. I-9.8) h~ duty t985, it had
`ghe following membership:
`Donald C. LoughL~ Chair
`Geoffrey O. Thompson.~ Chair; )~epeater [t?mk !;brce
`Monaehem Abraham
`Keith Albrigh~,
`R. V. Balakri~hnan
`William Bel~ap
`Richard Bem~tt
`Cbarie~ BHI[
`Juan Butnca
`Stephen Cooper
`Paul Eastman
`Phil Edbolm
`Gregory Eanis
`Alan FIa~man
`Ridmrd Fran~en
`lugrkl Fromm
`Rober~ Galin
`Shncad Gandhi
`Rich Graham
`Richard Onmpertz
`Hacene Harltl
`Gay Harkin~
`Fred Huang
`S~epben Janstmgo
`Donald Johnson
`Kwi-Yung Ju~g
`Paul K~llam
`Joe Kennedy
`Hiro~hi Kobaya~hi
`L~e L~Barra
`Tony Lauck
`John Laynor
`William Livingston
`Terry ~ckyer
`,lames Lucas
`Andy Luque
`Daniel Mattbia
`Sloven MousLakas
`Lloyd OIiver
`AJdan Pou|
`David Potter
`Eri~ Raw~;en
`do~eph Rickert
`Gait Robinson
`Timothy Reck
`]lober~ ]losontlmt
`Joseph St. ~mnd
`Walter Schreucr
`Semlr Sira~i
`Robert Summe~
`Pa~ Thaler
`Wendell Turner
`Marc W:m;haw
`Ronald Yara
`The ibllowing persons were on the balloting committee that approved ANS1/IEEE Std 802.3c-1985
`9.8) ibr submission to fl~e IEEE Standards Board:
`Marzhall Abram~
`Johu Adams
`William B, Adam~
`S, R. Aimja
`P, D. Amer
`I~ Athul
`William Ayen
`Yong-Myung Bneg
`Wesley A, Ballenger, dr.
`Edwarda W. Bergamini
`H, F. Boley
`Pout W. Campbell, dr,
`George S. Carson
`Po Chen
`L, Y. Cheung
`l~l~ttm Cbon
`T. Ricky Chow
`W. F, Chow
`David Cohen
`Alien F. Conrad
`Robert S. Crowder
`Michel Diaz
`Philip H, Ennlow, Jr.
`Judith ~trin
`John W. Fendricb
`Hm~,ey A, Freeman
`R. J, Gaglinno
`Pa trick Goals
`Amlmj Goyat
`Michacl D. Oraebner
`Marls Grnube
`Nobushiro Hamada
`Joseph L. H~mm~ad
`S. M. Han5~
`J, Scott Haugdah]
`C. W. Hobbs
`Jim P. Hong
`Paul L, Hutton
`Richard Iliff
`George D. detatia
`E:D. den~en
`Guy Juanolo
`Karl H. Keflermayr
`Mladen Kozm~ovic
`Samuel Kho
`David Kollm
`Sastri L. Kota
`Hirayr M, Kudyaa
`Takabiko Kuld
`~ LaBarre
`Wai-Sum Lai
`Lance M. Leach
`Stephen E. Levin
`F.C. Lira
`William Livinga~on
`Don C. gougbry
`Joseph F. P~ Lubukny
`Meli Marco
`Marco Marian
`Joseph Ma~si
`Darrell B, McIm]oa
`Patrick S. McIntosh
`David S, Millman
`Aditya N. Mishra
`David E. Morgan
`Mike Morganti
`lfinjl Moil
`D, J, Morris
`H.T. Mouftnh
`Dale A. Mun’ay
`~uth Nelson
`J. Duane Northcng
`Cbarles Ocstereicher
`Young Oh
`George Parow~ki
`Thomas L, Pbinney
`David Potter
`John Potvcek
`Gary S, Robinson
`Marya Repko
`Robert Rosentba!
`Gian Peele
`David J, Rypka
`S, L Samoylenko
`Norman F. Sdmeidewind
`Oncar Sepulveda
`Omrl Serlin
`D, 3heppard
`R.M. Simmonz
`L, Sintonen
`David W. Slayer
`Fred Strauss
`Bnrt W. Stuck
`Ta~uya Suda
`Ef~t.athio~ D. Sykaa
`Daniel q’, W,
`Ahmcd N. Tantmfi
`Marie T~koro
`H.C. Torr~g
`Do,aid P. Tow~ley
`Wei-Tek T~ai
`M, Tzucbiya
`Richard Tnng
`Stanko ~ rk
`L. David
`Jame~ Vorbie~
`Pear] S. C, Wang
`Don Weir
`A~aa d. We]~bcrger
`William J, Weaker
`Earl J, Wbitaker
`Michael Willett
`’l’~ong-I-Io Wu
`Orcn Yuen
`HPE 1022-0012


`When the IEEE Standards Board approved ANSIIIEEE Std 802.3c-1985 (9.1-9.8) on December 12, 1985,
`had i.he following memberahip:
`James H, Beali
`FIe~O~er J, Buektey
`Rene Cao.tenachiold
`Edward Chelotti
`Edwm’d J. Cohen
`Patti G, Cummings
`Donald C. Flcekenstein
`*Membor emori(ua
`Save L Short, Secretao
`Jay Fm’zter
`Daalel L. Goldberg
`Kenneth D. Hen&ix
`h~,in N, Howell
`Jack I~nn
`Joaeph L, Kecpfi~gcr*
`hxing Koloflny
`R. F. Lawrence
`Lawrence V. McCall
`Donald T. Michael*
`Frank L. Ro~e
`Clifford O. Swanson
`,L Richard Wager
`W.B. Wilkens
`Chartca J. Wylie
`ANStilEEE Std 802,3c-I985 was approved by the American National Standards In.stitute on June 4,
`"~q~en the IEEE 802.3 Working Group approved ANSUIEEE Std 802.3d-1987 (9.9), it had the fallowing
`Donald C, Loughry, Chair
`Steven N[m~sgakas: Chair, Tos]’~ Force
`Menachem Abraham
`Keith Albrigh t
`Keith ~ntmd~en
`R, V. Balakrishnan
`Richard Bcnne{t
`Charles BNll
`Juan Buhma
`Robert Campbel!
`Luigi Canave~e
`Albert Claeasen
`Peter Dawc
`Peter Deaaulniers
`Raymond Duiey
`Jeff Ebeling
`Oianfranco Nm’ic~
`Alan Flatmaa
`Riclmrd Franson
`Ingrid Fromm
`Rober~ Galin
`Mark Gerhold
`Adi Golher~
`Rich Grai~am
`Rich Gumpertz
`Iiavene Hariti
`Lloyd Hasley
`Hawming Haung
`Charles Itoffacr
`Donald Johnson
`Mze avhn~o~
`Kwi-Yung Jung
`Mat g Kaftenbach.
`Paul ](ellam
`Scott Kealer
`Hiroshi K.baytmhi
`Hide~une Kurokawa
`~e LaBarre
`Ed Late
`Wayne Limiqui=t
`Terry Lockyer
`Dan Loughw
`damc~ Laca~
`Andy Luque
`Lloyd Oliver
`Aidau Paul
`Roy Pirate
`Erie Rawson
`Joseph Riclmrt
`Gary Robinson
`Timothy RocR
`David Ro~s
`Walter 8clu~er
`David. Smith
`Rd~ert 8ummer~
`Pat Thaler
`Ocoff Thompson
`Naihan Tobol
`Carlos Temaszewsld
`Wendell Turner
`Joseph Wiencko
`Bruce Williams
`Allen Chm’in
`John Decramer
`Paul Eastman
`Shiaji Emori
`Jiro Kashio
`Michad Lee
`buciano Marchitto
`Jim Mon~ro~e
`Peter Torrent
`The IEC TC83 Committee on Information Technology Equipment also provided very helpful, input to the
`development of the FOIRL Standard (9.9).
`HPE 1022-0013


`The tbllowing persons were on tim balloting committee (.hot approved.
`tbr ,~mbmissjm: to the IEEE ~Landard,~ Board:
`W~lHam B, Adam~
`S. R Ah~ia
`Kit Athul
`Wililam Ayen
`l~duardo W. gergamhfi
`Pau [ W, Ca mpbell, ,h’,
`Gem’go S. Carson
`Po Chcn
`L. Y. Clmung
`]~i~mm Chou
`W, F. Chow
`Michael Coden
`A, F, Conrad
`Robert S. Crowder
`Michel Diaz
`N. I. Dimopoulos
`M. G. DLmcan
`Philip tt. Enslow, Jr,
`J ud it h t~t.rin
`Jo}m W, Fendrich
`!tam, ey A, Froeman
`Pal:rick S, Gonia
`R, L. Gordon
`A. (loyal
`M. D. Graebtmr
`Marls Graube
`doacph L. Hammond
`Stephen Han’i~
`d. Scott lIaugdnh!
`C. W. [’lobbs
`Paul Huteon
`Richard lllif
`~, D. de~aon
`Guy duande
`Karl If, t<ellermayr
`M Ke~unovic
`Samuel [~u
`S.E. }(lid
`David l(olhn
`Takalfiko ]{uki
`Ix, c LaBa rre
`Wai-Sum Lui
`Lan~e M, Leach
`Edward Y~ L~e
`R C~ Li~h~burn
`F. {~. Lhn
`William D, Livlngador~
`Don C, LouRlu3’
`Joseph F, P. Luhukay
`Wa-Shun Luk
`Marco Ajmono Mm~:an
`,Iozeph Mmt~J
`Marco MeIi
`Dar rd B. Melnd~e
`P S. Metntor,:h
`Davkt S, Milhnan
`Aditya N. Mishra
`David tL Morgan
`Mike Morganii
`l(a@ Mori
`Davkl Morris
`]L H, T. Mouflah
`Dnlo N, Murray
`R.R. Nelson
`J.D. Nort.hcttt
`Charle~ Oestereicher
`Young Oh
`George Parowski
`Timmaz L, Phhmey
`J, M. Potucek
`Mm’ya Replm
`Gory ~
`Robert Rosenthal
`Gian Pa¢~lt*
`t}avid J.
`S~ 1 Sm~mylenko
`Norman F,
`Omrl Scrlin
`D, Sheppm’d
`Ron Simmon~
`J, B, ShMair
`L, Sintmmn
`Cnrel M, St.illel)roer
`Tatauya Suda
`P, Sagar
`EfM~athio~ I). Syka~
`Dmfie! T. W. Szc
`Ahmed N. ’Kq n!.5~wi
`IL C. Torog
`I). F,
`Wei-’l?ek T;~al
`Staoko Turk
`L. Davkt Umbnugh
`J. T, Vm’hies
`Pearl S, C, W:mg
`Don Wail’
`Ahm d.
`W. J, Wenl;er
`I~m,l J, Whitnke~
`Bryan Whittle
`M~ehae] Willctt
`Davhl C,
`T~m~g-!tu Wu
`Oren Yuen
`When ~lae IEEE Standards Board approved A~NSI/IEEE Ski 802.3rb1987 19.9) on December 12, 1985,
`had the following membership:
`Donald C. Fteekenstein, Chair
`Marco Migliaro~V/ce Chair
`Andrew G. Salem, Secrela~3,
`James H. Beall
`Dennis Bodson
`Marshall L. Cain
`,James: M, Dnly
`Stephen R. Dillon
`Eugene P, Fogarty
`any Forster
`Kemmth D, Hondrix
`h~in N, Howell
`Lealie. R. Kerr
`Jack Kinn
`b~,ing Kolodny
`Joaoph L, Koepfingof
`Edw~lrd Lohar~
`John M ay
`Lawrence V, McCall
`L, Bruce McChmg
`Do,mid ’r. Michael<
`L. doim Rankino
`John P. Rigana~.i
`I~a~ S, I{obin~m
`Frank L Roaa
`I labor t E, Rounli’ca~
`William R, Taekaberry
`William B. Wilken~
`Ilolen M Woo~t
`ANSIfIEEE Std 802.3dq987 was approved by the American National Standards Inst.itu/.e on February 9,
`HPE 1022-0014


`R V. t~alaMMman
`£{eplmu Jana~w~
`David Pat
`Chade~ Drill
`Juan Bu~nc:~
`Ronald Crane
`John Davidson
`Phil Edh~)lm
`Gregow Ennis
`Jndy E~I r~n
`Alan Flagman
`Richard Franso~*
`I n~rid Fronnn
`Rich Graham
`Ridmrd Gump~,~r~ z
`I I acen e I I~Mti
`Guy Ihn’kins
`Paul gellnm
`Joe Kennedy
`Lee [mBarre
`Ed bare
`Wilt*am I.ivint~,[m*
`Terry Lockyer
`t Iugh Logan
`t.dand Long
`,lames l.,u<~
`Andy Luque
`gt.even Mr)~stal¢n~
`Naraya n Mutt h y
`Wendell Nakamitm
`MWd Oliver
`doseph Rickcrt
`Walter Sehreuer
`Gary Spe~cor
`M arc Wa
`The following persons were on l:he lmfh) committee lha~ ~f)pro\,~,d ANSTflEEE Ski 802,3bo1931,
`Lo,eeimn ] !) Ira, submis~dun t.o the IEEE Standards Bx re’d:
`Marahall Abram:*
`John Adams
`WiIliam B, Adam<~
`S. R Ahuja
`Kit Athul
`Willinm hyen
`Yong~Myung Baeg
`Wev.dey A, Balleuger, ,Jr,
`Edwa)do W, Bergnmini
`l’h, Mt F, BoIw
`Gem’ge S. Car=~on
`Po Chea
`L: Y, Chetmg
`l(flnam Chon
`T. Rid~y Chww
`AIl<~n F. Conrad
`Michel Diaz
`Milehell O, Duncan
`Phi}ip H. En:flo~v. Jr,
`fludlth gstrin
`John W. Fen& ich
`[lnrw, y A. Iq-m,man
`Patrick Oonin
`Amtm] Goyal
`Michael D. Gmetmer
`Maria Oraul.)e
`Nnbuhiro ttamada
`3oaeph L. l:Iamnmnd
`l(ei~h W Iiarhauich
`S M: llnrria
`d, Seutt, lfm~g(kdfl
`Shad’on Ileal)’
`{L W, tlobbs
`d im P. lIo ng
`Ih~ul L. Itutton
`RMmrd t[iff
`t~eorge D. aelatiq
`I’?,. Dt~uglas derr:~a
`Guy daanoD
`S~eg~l L, 3unker
`Karl It. Ke[termayr
`Mla(len Kazunovie
`Samuel Iiho
`David Kolhn
`Sastrl L. l{uta
`liirayr M: l{udyan
`T,d<ahilm Ruld
`Lee LaBm’re
`Wai-gum L:d
`Vaterie Lasker
`l,an~.e M. Leach
`Edward Y. S, Lee
`F, C, l,hl~
`Wo:Shun Luk
`Marco Mar~:m
`.Iosepk Ma<~i
`f3orret~ B, Mctndor~
`Pah’iek S, Mcln!o~:h
`Man:o Meli
`DavkI S, Milhaa~
`Aditya N. M~shra
`lliehard d. Moff
`David E, Mo~ gan
`Mike Morganti
`l(inji Mori
`D. d, M{~rrig
`lt, T. Mouftah
`Dale A. Mnrn~y
`Ruth Nell.on
`,I, Duane Northcutt
`(?ha r Ic.s Oealercieher
`David Of~vx’it
`}%ant; Oh
`Lleorge Parawa.M
`’rhonmu I,, Phlnney
`Nikih~s ISmolmula~
`David Povw~r
`Jol,n th)i~’eek
`Gary S, Robinson
`Marya ll~@m
`Robert Ro~enihat
`Gian Poolo R¢~si
`David .1. Ilypka
`S. t, Samoylenlm
`Norman F. Sdmoidewi~)d
`O~<ar Sepuh’edu
`Oa*ri ~erlin
`l). Simppa)’d
`David W. Slayer
`CareI M, Stillebfa~r
`Fred Si, mus,s
`Bart W Smek
`Ta~uya Suda
`Peter Sugar
`Ef~b~dfios D, ~yh.~*;;
`Daniel T, W, Sze
`Ahmed N ’ra~)~am
`Mm’io Tokore
`[I. C. Torng
`Donald F, Towaley
`Wei-Teh Temi
`M. Tauchiya
`f{iehan! "rtmg
`St;ml¢o Turk
`L. David lImbongl~
`James, Vorhies
`Pearl S C. Wang
`Dwn Weir
`Alan d. Weia, al)erg~.r
`Willmm ,J, Weaker
`HPE 1022-0015


`Earl J, Whitaker
`Bryan S. Whittle
`Michael Wiilett
`Bamdd WiI, t:man
`Gevrl.:e R, Woud
`T~ong-Ha W~,
`When the IEEE Standards Board approved ANSI/IEEE SM 802,3b.1985 (See:ran 11) on September 19,
`1985, it had the following membership:
`John E. May, Chair
`Jotm P. ~iganagi,Vice Chair
`JamEs H. Beatt
`Fletcher J. BucMay
`Rene Ca~tenschiold
`Edward Chelo~ti
`Edward a. Cohea
`Paul G. Cummings
`DonaId 0. Fleckenstein
`*Memb~x emeritus
`Nava !. Sherr, Secregn.,y
`Jay Forsl~r
`Daniel L. Goldberg
`Kenneth D, Hendrix
`In, ln N. Howell
`Jack I~nn
`Joseph L, K~epfinger*
`h~,ing Kolodny
`R F. Lawren¢~
`L,~.wre~cc Vr McCall
`Donald T, Michael*
`Fr~mk L. Rose
`Cliflbrd 0. Swanson
`a. Richard Wager
`W.B. Wilkens
`Charlaa J. Wylie
`ANSt/IEEE Std 802.3b-1985 was approved by the American National Standards h~stitute on February
`28, 1986.
`When the tEEE 802.3 Worldng Group approved ANSIf!EEE Std 802.3e-1987 (Section 12) in November
`1986, it had ~he following membership:
`Donald. C, Loughry, Chair
`Robm~ Galin, Chai~; Type 1BASE5 Task Force
`Menachem Abrahmn
`Keith Albrlght
`Keith Amundsen
`Jean-Pierre Ast~rg
`R. V, Balakfi~lman
`Ion Barker
`Ohafl~s Brill
`Juan Bulnea
`R~ber~ Campbell
`Luigi Canavese
`Albert Claez~en
`Michael Coden
`Bill Crania
`Pe~r Dawe
`Peter Des~ulniers
`Raymond Duley
`Jeff Eheling
`Gianfranco Enrico
`AIan Flatman
`Richard Fran~en
`Mark Gerhold
`Adl Golher~
`Riel* Graham
`Richard Gumpertz
`[Iacene Hari~i
`Lloyd Ha~ley
`Haw Miag Haung
`Obarlc~ Half, or
`Michael Hughes
`Donald ,Johnson
`Mize Johnson
`liwi-Yung dung
`Mat~ Kaltenbach
`Paul Kef}am
`Se~t ~ Kesler
`Hiroahi Kobaya~hi
`HideNune Kurokawa
`Michael Lee
`Lee LaBmTe
`Terry Lockyer
`James Lugs
`Andy Luque

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