Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors
`Subbarao Palacharla
`Norman P. Jouppi
`J. E. Smith
`Computer Sciences Department
`University of Wisconsin-Madison
`Madison, WI 53706, USA
`Western Research Laboratory
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engg.
`University of Wisconsin-Madison
`Madison, WI 53706, USA
`The performance tradeoff between hardware complexity and
`clock speed is studied. First, a generic superscalar pipeline is de-
`fined. Then the specific areas of register renaming, instruction win-
`dow wakeup and selection logic, and operand bypassing are ana-
`lyzed. Each is modeled and Spice simulated for feature sizes of

`, and    

`. Performance results and trends are
`expressed in terms of issue width and window size. Our analysis in-
`dicates that window wakeup and selection logic as well as operand
`bypass logic are likely to be the most critical in the future.
`A microarchitecture that simplifies wakeup and selection logic
`is proposed and discussed. This implementation puts chains of de-
`pendent instructions into queues, and issues instructions from mul-
`tiple queues in parallel. Simulation shows little slowdown as com-
`pared with a completely flexible issue window when performance is
`measured in clock cycles. Furthermore, because only instructions at
`queue heads need to be awakened and selected, issue logic is simpli-
`fied and the clock cycle is faster – consequently overall performance
`is improved. By grouping dependent instructions together, the pro-
`posed microarchitecture will help minimize performance degrada-
`tion due to slow bypasses in future wide-issue machines.
`1 Introduction
`For many years, a major point of contention among microproces-
`sor designers has revolved around complex implementations that at-
`tempt to maximize the number of instructions issued per clock cycle,
`and much simpler implementations that have a very fast clock cy-
`cle. These two camps are often referred to as “brainiacs” and “speed
`demons” – taken from an editorial in Microprocessor Report [7]. Of
`course the tradeoff is not a simple one, and through innovation and
`good engineering, it may be possible to achieve most, if not all, of
`the benefits of complex issue schemes, while still allowing a very
`fast clock in the implementation; that is, to develop microarchitec-
`tures we refer to as complexity-effective. One of two primary ob-
`jectives of this paper is to propose such a complexity-effective mi-
`croarchitecture. The proposed microarchitecture achieves high per-
`formance, as measured by instructions per cycle (IPC), yet it permits
`a design with a very high clock frequency.
`Supporting the claim of high IPC with a fast clock leads to the
`second primary objective of this paper. It is commonplace to mea-
`sure the effectiveness (i.e. IPC) of a new microarchitecture, typ-
`ically by using trace driven simulation. Such simulations count
`clock cycles and can provide IPC in a fairly straightforward man-
`ner. However, the complexity (or simplicity) of a microarchitecture
`is much more difficult to determine – to be very accurate, it requires
`a full implementation in a specific technology. What is very much
`needed are fairly straightforward measures of complexity that can
`be used by microarchitects at a fairly early stage of the design pro-
`cess. Such methods would allow the determination of complexity-
`effectiveness. It is the second objective of this paper to take a step
`in the direction of characterizing complexity and complexity trends.
`Before proceeding, it must be emphasized that while complexity
`can be variously quantified in terms such as number of transistors,
`die area, and power dissipated, in this paper complexity is measured
`as the delay of the critical path through a piece of logic, and the
`longest critical path through any of the pipeline stages determines
`the clock cycle.
`The two primary objectives given above are covered in reverse
`order – first sources of pipeline complexity are analyzed, then a
`new complexity-effective microarchitecture is proposed and eval-
`uated. In the next section we describe those portions of a microar-
`chitecture that tend to have complexity that grows with increasing
`instruction-level parallelism. Of these, we focus on instruction dis-
`patch and issue logic, and data bypass logic. We analyze potential
`critical paths in these structures and develop models for quantifying
`their delays. We study the variation of these delays with microarchi-
`tectural parameters of window size (the number of waiting instruc-
`tions from which ready instructions are selected for issue) and the is-
`sue width (the number of instructions that can be issued in a cycle).
`We also study the impact of the technology trend towards smaller
`feature sizes. The complexity analysis shows that logic associated
`with the issue window and data bypasses are likely to be key lim-
`iters of clock speed since smaller feature sizes cause wire delays to
`dominate overall delay [20, 3].
`Taking sources of complexity into account, we propose and eval-
`uate a new microarchitecture. This microarchitecture is called
`dependence-based because it focuses on grouping dependent in-
`structions rather than independent ones, as is often the case in super-
`scalar implementations. The dependence-based microarchitecture
`simplifies issue window logic while exploiting similar levels of par-
`allelism to that achieved by current superscalar microarchitectures
`using more complex logic.
`The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
`the sources of complexity in a baseline microarchitecture. Section
`3 describes the methodology we use to study the critical pipeline
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2044, p. 1


` Wakeup logic. This logic is part of the issue window and is
`responsible for waking up instructions waiting for their source
`operands to become available.
`Selection logic. This logic is another part of the issue window
`and is responsible for selecting instructions for execution from
`the pool of ready instructions.
` Bypass logic. This logic is responsible for bypassing operand
`values from instructions that have completed execution, but
`have not yet written their results to the register file, to subse-
`quent instructions.
`There are other important pieces of pipeline logic that are not con-
`sidered in this paper, even though their delay is a function of dis-
`patch/issue width. In most cases, their delay has been considered
`elsewhere. These include register files and caches. Farkas et. al. [6]
`study how the access time of the register file varies with the number
`of registers and the number of ports. The access time of a cache is a
`function of the size of the cache and the associativity of the cache.
`Wada et. al. [18] and Wilton and Jouppi [21] have developed de-
`tailed models that estimate the access time of a cache given its size
`and associativity.
`2.2 Current Implementations
`The structures identified above were presented in the context
`of the baseline superscalar model shown in Figure 1. The MIPS
`R10000 [22] and the DEC 21264 [10] are real implementations that
`directly fit this model. Hence, the structures identified above apply
`to these two processors.
`On the other hand, the Intel Pentium Pro [9], the HP PA-8000
`[12], the PowerPC 604 [16], and the HAL SPARC64 [8] do not
`completely fit the baseline model. These processors are based on
`a microarchitecture where the reorder buffer holds non-committed,
`renamed register values.
`In contrast, the baseline microarchitec-
`ture uses the physical register file for both committed and non-
`committed values. Nevertheless, the point to be noted is that the ba-
`sic structures identified earlier are present in both types of microar-
`chitectures. The only notable difference is the size of the physical
`register file.
`Finally, while the discussion about potential sources of complex-
`ity is in the context of an out-of-order baseline superscalar model,
`it must be pointed out that some of the critical structures identified
`apply to in-order processors, too. For example, part of the register
`rename logic (to be discussed later) and the bypass logic are present
`in in-order superscalar processors.
`3 Methodology
`The key pipeline structures were studied in two phases. In the
`first phase, we selected a representative CMOS circuit for the struc-
`ture. This was done by studying designs published in the literature
`(e.g. ISSCC proceedings) and by collaborating with engineers at
`Digital Equipment Corporation. In cases where there was more than
`one possible design, we did a preliminary study of the designs to
`decide in favor of one that was most promising. By basing our cir-
`cuits on designs published by microprocessor vendors, we believe
`the studied circuits are similar to circuits used in microprocessor de-
`signs. In practice, many circuit tricks could be employed to optimize
`critical paths. However, we believe that the relative delays between
`different structures should be more accurate than the absolute de-
` International Solid-State and Circuits Conference.
`structures identified in Section 2. Section 4 presents a detailed anal-
`ysis of each of the structures and shows how their delays vary with
`microarchitectural parameters and technology parameters. Section
`5 presents the proposed dependence-based microarchitecture and
`some preliminary performance results. Finally, we draw conclu-
`sions in Section 6.
`2 Sources of Complexity
`In this section, specific sources of pipeline complexity are consid-
`ered. We realize that it is impossible to capture all possible microar-
`chitectures in a single model, however, and any results have some
`obvious limitations. We can only hope to provide a fairly straight-
`forward model that is typical of most current superscalar processors,
`and suggest that analyses similar to those used here can be extended
`to other, more advanced techniques as they are developed.
`Register file
`Figure 1: Baseline superscalar model.
`Figure 1 shows the baseline model and the associated pipeline.
`The fetch unit reads multiple instructions every cycle from the in-
`struction cache, and branches encountered by the fetch unit are pre-
`dicted. Next, instructions are decoded and their register operands
`are renamed. Renamed instructions are dispatched to the instruction
`window, where they wait for their source operands and the appro-
`priate functional unit to become available. As soon as these condi-
`tions are satisfied, instructions are issued and executed in the func-
`tional units. The operand values of an instruction are either fetched
`from the register file or are bypassed from earlier instructions in the
`pipeline. The data cache provides low latency access to memory
`2.1 Basic Structures
`As mentioned earlier, probably the best way to identify the pri-
`mary sources of complexity in a microarchitecture is to actually im-
`plement the microarchitecture in a specific technology. However,
`this is extremely time consuming and costly. Instead, our approach
`is to select certain key structures for study, and develop relatively
`simple delay models that can be applied in a straightforward man-
`ner without relying on detailed design.
`Structures to be studied were selected using the following crite-
`ria. First, we consider structures whose delay is a function of issue
`window size and/or issue width; these structures are likely to be-
`come cycle-time limiters in future wide-issue superscalar designs.
`Second, we are interested in dispatch and issue-related structures
`because these structures form the core of a microarchitecture and
`largely determine the amount of parallelism that can be exploited.
`Third, some structures tend to rely on broadcast operations over
`long wires and hence their delays might not scale as well as logic-
`intensive structures in future technologies with smaller feature sizes.
`The structures we consider are:
` Register rename logic. This logic translates logical register
`designators into physical register designators.
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2044, p. 2


`Figure 2: Register rename logic.
`ister to which it is mapped. The number of entries in the map
`table is equal to the number of logical registers.
` CAM scheme
`An alternate scheme for register renaming uses a CAM
`(content-addressable memory) [19] to store the current map-
`pings. Such a scheme is implemented in the HAL SPARC [2]
`and the DEC 21264 [10]. The number of entries in the CAM is
`equal to the number of physical registers. Each entry contains
`two fields: the logical register designator that is mapped to the
`physical register represented by the entry and a valid bit that is
`set if the current mapping is valid. Renaming is accomplished
`by matching on the logical register designator field.
`In general, the CAM scheme is less scalable than the RAM scheme
`because the number of CAM entries, which is equal to the number
`of physical registers, tends to increase with issue width. Also, for
`the design space we are interested in, the performance was found to
`be comparable. Consequently, we focus on the RAM method below.
`A more detailed discussion of the trade-offs involved can be found
`in [15].
`The dependence check logic proceeds in parallel with the map ta-
`ble access. Every logical register designator being renamed is com-
`pared against the logical destination register designators of earlier
`instructions in the current rename group. If there is a match, then
`the physical register assigned to the result of the earlier instruction is
`used instead of the one read from the map table. In the case of mul-
`tiple matches, the register corresponding to the latest (in dynamic
`order) match is used. Dependence check logic for issue widths of
`2, 4, and 8 was implemented. We found that for these issue widths,
`the delay of the dependence check logic is less than the delay of the
`map table, and hence the check can be hidden behind the map table
`4.1.2 Delay Analysis
`As the name suggests, the RAM scheme operates like a standard
`RAM. Address decoders drive word lines; an access stack at the ad-
`dressed cell pulls a bitline low. The bitline changes are sensed by a
`sense amplifier which in turn produces the output. Symbolically the
`rename delay can be written as,
`        "!#$ %&'(!#) "!#$ %*+  + 
` %,
`The analysis presented here and in following subsections focuses
`on those parts of the delay that are a function of the issue width and
`window size. All sources of delay are considered in detail in [15].
`In the rename logic, the window size is not a factor, and the issue
`width affects delay through its impact on wire lengths. Increasing
`In the second phase we implemented the circuit and optimized the
`circuit for speed. We used the Hspice circuit simulator [14] from
`Meta-Software to simulate the circuits. Primarily, static logic was
`used. However, in situations where dynamic logic helped in boost-
`ing the performance significantly, we used dynamic logic. For ex-
`ample, in the wakeup logic, a dynamic 7-input NOR gate is used
`for comparisons instead of a static gate. A number of optimizations
`were applied to improve the speed of the circuits. First, all the tran-
`sistors in the circuit were manually sized so that overall delay im-
`proved. Second, logic optimizations like two-level decomposition
`were applied to reduce fan-in requirements. We avoided using static
`gates with a fan-in greater than four. Third, in some cases transis-
`tor ordering was modified to shorten the critical path. Wire para-
`sitics were added at appropriate nodes in the Hspice model of the
`circuit. These parasitics were computed by calculating the length
`of the wires based on the layout of the circuit and using the values
` and

` , the resistance and parasitic capacitance of
`metal wires per unit length.
`To study the effect of reducing the feature size on the delays
`of the structures, we simulated the circuits for three different fea-
`ture sizes: 

`, and 

`respectively. Layouts for


`process were obtained by appropriately
`shrinking the layouts for the  

`process. The Hspice models
`used for the three technologies are tabulated in [15].
`4 Pipeline Complexity
`In this section, we analyze the critical pipeline structures. The
`presentation for each structure begins with a description of the log-
`ical function being implemented. Then, possible implementation
`schemes are discussed, and one is chosen. Next, we summarize our
`analysis of the overall delay in terms of the microarchitectural pa-
`rameters of issue width and issue window size; a much more de-
`tailed version of the analysis appears in [15]. Finally, Hspice circuit
`simulation results are presented and trends are identified and com-
`pared with the earlier analysis.
`4.1 Register Rename Logic
`Register rename logic translates logical register designators into
`physical register designators by accessing a map table with the log-
`ical register designator as the index. The map table holds the cur-
`rent logical to physical mappings and is multi-ported because mul-
`tiple instructions, each with multiple register operands, need to be
`renamed every cycle. The high level block diagram of the rename
`logic is shown in Figure 2. In addition to the map table, dependence
`check logic is required to detect cases where the logical register be-
`ing renamed is written by an earlier instruction in the current group
`of instructions being renamed. The dependence check logic detects
`such dependences and sets up the output MUXes so that the appro-
`priate physical register designators are selected. At the end of every
`rename operation, the map table is updated to reflect the new logical
`to physical mappings created for the result registers written by the
`current rename group.
`4.1.1 Structure
`The mapping and checkpointing functions of the rename logic
`can be implemented in at least two ways. These two schemes, called
`the RAM scheme and the CAM scheme, are described next.
` RAM scheme
`In the RAM scheme, implemented in the MIPS R10000 [22],
`the map table is a register file where the logical register desig-
`nator directly accesses an entry that contains the physical reg-
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2044, p. 3


`Sense Amp delay
`Bitline delay
`Wordline delay
`Decoder delay
`Figure 3: Rename delay versus issue width.
`Rename delay (ps)
`to indicate this. The issue window is a CAM array holding one in-
`struction per entry. Buffers, shown at the top of the figure, are used
`to drive the result tags
`is the issue width.
`, where I
`Each entry of the CAM has  
`comparators to compare each
`of the results tags against the two operand tags of the entry. The OR
`logic ORs the comparator outputs and sets the rdyL/rdyR flags.
`. . .
`opd tagR
`opd tagL
`opd tagL
`opd tagR
`Figure 4: Wakeup logic.
`4.2.2 Delay Analysis
`The delay consists of three components: the time taken by the
`buffers to drive the tag bits, the time taken by the comparators in a
`pull-down stack corresponding to a mismatching bit position to pull
`the matchline low , and the time taken to OR the individual match
`signals (matchlines). Symbolically,
`     ! &

` !  
`! #"%$
`The time taken to drive the tags depends on the length of the tag
`lines and the number of comparators on the tag lines. Increasing the
`window size increases both these terms. For a given window size,
` We assume that only one pull-down stack is turned on since we are in-
`terested in the worst-case delay.
`the issue width increases the number of bitlines and wordlines in
`each cell thus making each cell bigger. This in turn increases the
`length of the predecode, wordline, and bitline wires and the associ-
`ated wire delays. The net effect is the following relationships for the
`delay components:
` (    "!#$ '(!#) "!#$    
`is the issue width and , , and are constants that are
`fixed for a given technology and instruction set architecture; deriva-
`tion of the constants for each component is given in [15]. In each
`case, the quadratic component, resulting from the intrinsic RC de-
`lay of wires, is relatively small for the design space and technolo-
`gies we explored. Hence, the decode, wordline, and bitline delays
`are effectively linear functions of the issue width.
`For the sense amplifier, we found that even though its structural
`constitution is independent of the issue width, its delay is a function
`of the slope of the input – the bitline delay – and therefore varies
`linearly with issue width.
`4.1.3 Spice Results
`For our Hspice simulations, Figure 3 shows how the delay of the
`rename logic varies with the issue width i.e. the number of instruc-
`tions being renamed every cycle for the three technologies. The
`graph includes the breakdown of delay into components discussed
`in the previous section.
`A number of observations can be made from the graph. The to-
`tal delay increases linearly with issue width for all the technologies.
`This is in conformance with our analysis, summarized in the previ-
`ous section. Furthermore, each of the components shows a linear
`increase with issue width. The increase in the bitline delay is larger
`than the increase in the wordline delay as issue width is increased
`because the bitlines are longer than the wordlines in our design. The
`bitline length is proportional to the number of logical registers (32 in
`most cases) whereas the wordline length is proportional to the width
`of the physical register designator (less than 8 for the design space
`we explored).
`Another important observation that can be made from the graph is
`that the relative increase in wordline delay, bitline delay, and hence,
`total delay as a function of issue width worsens as the feature size is
`reduced. For example, as the issue width is increased from 2 to 8,
`the percentage increase in bitline delay shoots up from 37% to 53%
`as the feature size is reduced from 


`. Logic delays
`in the various components are reduced in proportion to the feature
`size, while the presence of wire delays in the wordline and bitline
`components cause the wordline and bitline components to fall at a
`slower rate. In other words, wire delays in the wordline and bitline
`structures will become increasingly important as feature sizes are re-
`4.2 Wakeup Logic
`Wakeup logic is responsible for updating source dependences for
`instructions in the issue window waiting for their source operands to
`become available.
`4.2.1 Structure
`Wakeup logic is illustrated in Figure 4. Every time a result is pro-
`duced, a tag associated with the result is broadcast to all the instruc-
`tions in the issue window. Each instruction then compares the tag
`with the tags of its source operands. If there is a match, the operand
`is marked as available by setting the rdyL or rdyR flag. Once all the
`operands of an instruction become available (both rdyL and rdyR
`are set), the instruction is ready to execute, and the ready flag is set
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2044, p. 4


`expected, the delay increases as window size and issue width are in-
`creased. The quadratic dependence of the total delay on the window
`size results from the quadratic increase in tag drive time as discussed
`in the previous section. This effect is clearly visible for issue width
`of 8 and is less significant for issue width of 4. We found similar
`curves for  


`technologies. The quadratic depen-
`dence of delay on window size was more prominent in the curves for

`technology than in the case of the other two technologies.
`Also, issue width has a greater impact on the delay than window
`size because increasing issue width increases all three components
`of the delay. On the other hand, increasing window size only length-
`ens the tag drive time and to a small extent the tag match time. Over-
`all, the results show that the delay increases by almost 34% going
`from 2-way to 4-way and by 46% going from 4-way to 8-way for
`a window size of 64 instructions. In reality, the increase in delay
`is going to be even worse because in order to sustain a wider issue
`width, a larger window is required to find independent instructions.
`Figure 6 shows the effect of reducing feature sizes on the vari-
`ous components of the wakeup delay for an 8-way, 64-entry win-
`dow processor. The tag drive and tag match delays do not scale as
`well as the match OR delay. This is expected since tag drive and tag
`match delays include wire delays whereas the match OR delay only
`consists of logic delays. Quantitatively, the fraction of the total de-
`lay contributed by tag drive and tag match delay increases from 52%
`to 65% as the feature size is reduced from  

`. This
`shows that the performance of the broadcast operation will become
`more crucial in future technologies.
`Match OR delay
`Tag match delay
`Tag drive delay
`(cid:9) (cid:9)
`(cid:9) (cid:9)
`(cid:9) (cid:9)
`Feature size
`Figure 6: Wakeup delay versus feature size.
`Wakeup delay (ps)
`4.3 Selection Logic
`Selection logic is responsible for choosing instructions for execu-
`tion from the pool of ready instructions in the issue window. Some
`form of selection logic is required because the number and types of
`ready instructions may exceed the number and types of functional
`units available to execute them.
`Inputs to the selection logic are request (REQ) signals, one per
`instruction in the issue window. The request signal of an instruction
`is raised when the wakeup logic determines that all its operands are
`available. The outputs of the selection logic are grant (GRANT) sig-
`nals, one per request signal. On receipt of the GRANT signal, the
`associated instruction is issued to the functional unit.
`A selection policy is used to decide which of the requesting in-
`structions is granted. An example selection policy is oldest first -
`the ready instruction that occurs earliest in program order is granted
`increasing issue width also increases both the terms in the follow-
`ing way. Increasing issue width increases the number of matchlines
`in each cell and hence increases the height of each cell. Also, in-
`creasing issue width increases the number of comparators in each
`cell. Note that we assume the maximum number of tags produced
`per cycle is equal to the maximum issue width.
`In simplified form (see [15] for a more detailed analysis), the time
`taken to drive the tags is:
`   !    
`    %
`The above equation shows that the tag drive time is a quadratic func-
`tion of the window size. The weighting factor of the quadratic term
`is a function of the issue width. The weighting factor becomes sig-
`nificant for issue widths beyond 2. For a given window size, the tag
`drive time is also a quadratic function of the issue width. For cur-
`rent technologies (  

`and longer) the quadratic component is
`relatively small and the tag drive time is largely a linear function of
`issue width. However, as the feature size is reduced to   

`, the
`quadratic component also increases in significance. The quadratic
`component results from the intrinsic RC delay of the tag lines.
`In reality, both issue width and window size will be simulta-
`neously increased because a larger window is required for find-
`ing more independent instructions to take advantage of wider issue.
`Hence, the tag drive time will become significant in future designs
`with wider issue widths, bigger windows, and smaller feature sizes.
`The tag match time is primarily a function of the length of the
`matchline, which varies linearly with the issue width. The match
`OR time is the time taken to OR the match lines, and the number of
`matchlines is a linear function of issue width. Both of these (refer
`to [15]) have a delay:


` ! #"%$     
`However, in both cases the quadratic term is very small for the de-
`sign space we consider, so these delays are linear functions of issue
`Window Size
`Wakeup Delay (ps)
`Figure 5: Wakeup logic delay versus window size.
`4.2.3 Spice Results
`The graph in Figure 5 shows how the delay of the wakeup logic
`varies with window size and issue width for   
`technology. As
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2044, p. 5


`where  and are constants determined by the propagation delays
`of a single arbiter. We found the optimal number of arbiter inputs to
`be four in our case, so the logarithm is base 4. The selection logic
`in the MIPS R10000, described in [17], is also based on four-input
`arbiter cells.
`4.3.3 Spice Results
`Figure 8 shows the delay of the selection logic for various win-
`dow sizes and for the three feature sizes assuming a single func-
`tional unit is being scheduled. The delay is broken down into the
`three components. From the graph we can see that for all the three
`technologies, the delay increases logarithmically with window size.
`Also, the increase in delay is less than 100% when the window size
`is increased from 16 instructions to 32 instructions (or from 64 in-
`structions to 128 instructions) since one of the components of the
`total delay, the delay at the root cell, is independent of the window
`Grant propagation delay
`Root delay
`Request propagation delay
`16 32 64
`128 (cid:9) 16 32 64
`128 (cid:9) 16 32 64
`Figure 8: Selection delay versus window size.
`Selection delay (ps)
`The various components of the total delay scale well as the fea-
`ture size is reduced. This is not surprising since all the delays are
`logic delays.
`It must be pointed out that we do not consider the
`wires in the circuit, so the selection delays presented here are op-
`timistic, especially if the request signals (the ready flags discussed
`in the wakeup logic) originate from the CAM entries in which the
`instructions reside. On the other hand, it might be possible to mini-
`mize the effect of these wire delays if the ready signals are stored in
`a smaller, more compact array.
`4.4 Data Bypass Logic
`Data bypass logic is responsible for forwarding result values from
`completing instructions to dependent instructions, bypassing the
`register file. The number of bypass paths required is determined by
`the depth of the pipeline and the issue width of the microarchitec-
`ture. As pointed out in [1], if
`is the issue width, and if there are
` pipestages after the first result-producing stage, then a fully by-
`passed design would require   
`   bypass paths assuming
`2-input functional units. In other words, the number of bypass paths
`grows quadratically with issue width. This is of critical importance,
`given the current trends toward deeper pipelines and wider issue.
`Bypass logic consists of two components: datapath and control.
`The datapath comprises result busses, that are used to broadcast by-
`the functional unit. Butler and Patt [5] studied various policies for
`scheduling ready instructions and found that overall performance is
`largely independent of the selection policy. The HP PA-8000 uses
`a selection policy that is based on the location of the instruction in
`the window. We assume the same selection policy in our study.
`anyreq enable
`from/to other subtrees
`root cell
`Figure 7: Selection logic.
`4.3.1 Structure
`The basic structure of selection logic is shown in Figure 7. Modi-
`fications to this scheme for handling multiple functional units of th

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