`Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran
`in the parallelization of the GROMOS96
`molecular dynamics module
`Piotr Bałaa, Terry Clarkb and L. Ridgway Scottb
`aFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, N.
`Copernicus University, Chopina 12/18, 87-100 Toru ´n,
`Tel.: +48 56 611 3468; Fax: +48 56 622 8979;
`bDepartment of Computer Science, University of
`Chicago and Computation Institute, 1100 E. 58th
`Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
`E-mail: {ridg,twclark}
`After at least a decade of parallel tool development, paral-
`lelization of scientific applications remains a significant un-
`dertaking. Typically parallelization is a specialized activity
`supported only partially by the programming tool set, with
`the programmer involved with parallel issues in addition to
`sequential ones. The details of concern range from algo-
`rithm design down to low-level data movement details. The
`aim of parallel programming tools is to automate the latter
`without sacrificing performance and portability, allowing the
`programmer to focus on algorithm specification and develop-
`ment. We present our use of two similar parallelization tools,
`Pfortran and Cray’s Co-Array Fortran, in the parallelization
`of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module. Our paral-
`lelization started from the GROMOS96 distribution’s shared-
`memory implementation of the replicated algorithm, but used
`little of that existing parallel structure. Consequently, our par-
`allelization was close to starting with the sequential version.
`We found the intuitive extensions to Pfortran and Co-Array
`Fortran helpful in the rapid parallelization of the project. We
`present performance figures for both the Pfortran and Co-
`Array Fortran parallelizations showing linear speedup within
`the range expected by these parallelization methods.
`1. Introduction
`Molecular dynamics (MD) is widely used to inves-
`tigate function of biomolecular systems with large size
`and long time scales. Biomolecular complexes con-
`Scientific Programming 9 (2001) 61–68
`ISSN 1058-9244 / $8.00 © 2001, IOS Press. All rights reserved
`sisting of components such as proteins, lipids, DNA
`and RNA, and solvent are typically large in simulation
`terms. The explosive growth in interest in investigat-
`ing inherently complex biomolecular systems such as
`solvated protein complexes leads to molecular systems
`with tens to hundreds of thousands of atoms, as for
`example in [39]. Parallel algorithms are critical to the
`application and progress of MD in order to 1) improve
`the accuracy of simulation models, 2) extend the length
`of simulations, and 3) simulate large, complex systems.
`Numerous MD parallelizations have been described in
`the literature, ranging from the easy to implement repli-
`cated algorithm [6,20] to the more difficult to imple-
`ment spatial decomposition [9,30], which is generally
`more scalable. The force decomposition algorithm is
`an intermediate approach in that it is generally more
`efficient than the replicated algorithm and easier to im-
`plement than the spatial decomposition [27].
`The ease of implementation of an MD algorithm is
`important given the need for multiple algorithms to ad-
`dress the variability encountered in mapping molecu-
`lar dynamics algorithms onto parallel architectures [8,
`In addition, experimenting with MD algorithms
`on novel parallel architectures is facilitated by tools
`aiding the parallelization process. Various tools have
`been applied to molecular dynamics simulations with
`varying success. Data parallel approaches have been
`found to be problematic due to the irregularity inherent
`to molecular dynamics [38], which is compounded by
`unstructured legacy applications [7]. Low-level tools
`such as MPI have been successful for performance[27],
`but do compromise readability and consequently main-
`tenance after the development period. Many good tools
`have been developed for problems structured similar-
`ly to molecular dynamics, but often target regularly
`structured applications, for example [12].
`There remains a long way to go in expediting the
`development of robust molecular dynamics algorithms.
`At the moment, there are tools which we have found
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 61


`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`to fill somewhat the void. We used the tool Pfortran
`to implement the replicated algorithm for the GRO-
`MOS96 MD module [36], followed by a parallelization
`using Co-Array Fortran. Our Pfortran parallelization
`was completed after an aggregate of about 60 hours for
`a team of two over a period of one week. The effort
`started with an SGI parallelization based on SGI direc-
`tives. The parallelization is machine independent and
`performs robustly.
`We briefly review the MD model; the interested read-
`er is referred to [1,21,18] for detailed treatments. The
`MD method provides a numerical solution of classical
`(Newtonian) equations of motion
`= Fi(r1, r2, . . . , rN )
`where the force Fi(r1, r2, . . . , rN ) acting on particle i
`is defined by the interaction potential U i(r1, r2, . . . , rN ).
`The general functional form of the potential is
`U(r1, r2, . . . , rN )
`Kb(rij − r0
`ij)2 +
`Ka(ψij − ψ0
`reduced to close to a linear dependence with the cutoff
`radius approximation coupled with strategic use of a
`pairlist [16,37]. Other algorithms used to reduce the
`cost of evaluation of nonbonded interactions include
`reaction field methods [32] and multipole expansions
`of coulombic interactions [1,5,10,28].
`The shortcomings of parallel paradigm support for
`molecular dynamics stems from the difficulties posed
`by the irregularity of the calculation [12,14,40], and a
`general shortage of integrated tools for parallelization.
`Popular parallelization libraries such as PVM [13] and
`MPI [24], while suitable for irregular applications, of-
`fer little abstraction, requiring the programmer to man-
`age low-level details in the communication mechanism
`such as message identifiers. Higher-level methods such
`as HPF [17] encounter difficulties in dealing with ir-
`regular problems and legacy code [7].
`3. Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran
`A Fortran implementation of the Planguages, the
`Pfortran compiler extends Fortran with the Planguage
`operators which are designed for specifying off-process
`access [2,3]. In a sequential program the assignment
`statement specifies a move of a value at the memory
`location represented by j to the memory location rep-
`resented by i. Planguages allow the same type of as-
`signment, however, the memory need not be local, as
`in the following example in a two-process system
`i@0 = j@1
`stating the intention to move the value at the memory
`location represented by j at process 1 to the memory
`location represented by i at process 0.
`With the aid of the @ operator one can efficiently
`specify broadcast of the value at memory location a
`for logical process 0 to the memory location a on all
`a = a@0
`The other Pfortran operator consists of a pair of curly
`braces with a leading function, f{}. This operator
`represents in one fell swoop the common case of a
`reduction operation where the function f is applied to
`data across all processes. For example, to sum an array
`distributed across nP roc processes, with one element
`per process, one can write
`sum = +{a}
`Although a is a scalar at each process, it is logically
`an array across nProc processes. With @ and {}, a
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 62
`1 + Ctcos(mtφt − φ0
`t )
`(cid:2) i
`+ Bij
`(cid:2) i
`where rij is the distance between atoms i and j, and
`other constants define force field parameters for dif-
`ferent chemical atom types. Well known algorithms
`such as leap-frog [34] and Verlet [33,22] are used to
`calculate new positions and velocities.
`2. Related work
`The parallelization of molecular dynamics has been
`explored widely in the literature [4,6,8,9,11,15,19,23,
`27,29–31]. Fortunately, molecular dynamics simula-
`tions of biomolecular systems are well suited for par-
`allel computation since the forces acting on each atom
`can be calculated independently with a small amount
`of boundary information consisting of a neighborhood
`of atomic coordinates and in some cases, velocities.
`The leading computational component of the MD cal-
`culation involves the nonbonded forces, a calculation
`generally quadratic in the number of atoms that can be


`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`variety of operations involving off-process data can be
`concisely formulated.
`In the Planguage model, processes interact through
`the same statement. Programmers have access to the
`local process identifier called myProc. With myProc,
`the programmer distributes data and computational
`workload. The Planguage translators transform user-
`supplied expressions into algorithms with generic calls
`to a system-dependent library using MPI, PVM, shared
`memory libraries or other system-specific libraries.
`Cray Co-Array Fortran is the other parallelization
`tool considered in this study [25,26]. Co-Array For-
`tran introduces an additional array dimension for arrays
`distributed across processes. Co-Array Fortran gen-
`erally requires more changes in the legacy code than
`does Pfortran, however, Co-Array Fortran provides au-
`tomatic distribution of user-defined arrays. Co-Array
`Fortran does not supply intrinsic reduction-operation
`syntax; these algorithms must be built on point-to-point
`exchanges by the programmer.
`4. Parallelization strategy
`We noted in the introduction that the molecular dy-
`namics parallelization methods of domain decomposi-
`tion and the replicated algorithm are at the extremes in
`implementation difficulty, domain decomposition be-
`ing the more difficult.
`In terms of minimizing com-
`munication, domain decomposition can be shown to
`be optimal for various communication topologies and
`switches. With the replicated model, on the other hand,
`the accumulation of forces is a global operation. Both
`algorithms scale with respect to increasing problem size
`while maintaining a suitable workload per process [8,
`9], however, the replicated algorithm reaches a scala-
`bility limit as a function of the number of processes
`as a result of the global force accumulation [8]. The
`replicated algorithm, which was implemented in this
`study, performs more robustly than the spatial decom-
`position for a range of processor and problem configu-
`rations [9], making it the preferred method under some
`common conditions. In addition, the replicated algo-
`rithm is straightforward to implement.
`4.1. Pairlist parallelization
`Our parallelization of the replicated algorithm mod-
`ified three parts of the program: 1) force calculation,
`2) pairlist calculation, and 3) I/O. We consider the
`principal components of the overall strategy shown in
`Fig. 1. Parallelization Schematic. One cycle through the flowchart
`constitutes a single timestep. The parallelized nonbonded pairlist
`and force calculations are shown as branched regions of the flowchart
`indicating the process-dependent control flow through that part of
`the program. The single-line edges between components represent
`portions of the program executed redundantly at each process. The
`pairlist is calculated at intervals (roughly once every 10 timesteps);
`inter-process data movement (black circle) follows to accumulate
`energies and to exchange pairlist data used to retain an indexing
`scheme compatible with the sequential code. The force calculation is
`performed in parallel and at every timestep; immediately following,
`the forces are accumulated with a reduction operation (second black
`circle) as described in the text. The remainder of the timestep is
`performed redundantly by all processes, with each process holding
`the same system state.
`In the pairlist calculation all atom pairs are
`Fig. 1.
`scanned, and for each atom a list of atoms located with-
`in the cut-off radius is tabulated:
`do i = 1, n
`jl = 0
`do j = i+1, n
`if ( | X(i) - X(j) | < R ) then
`jl = jl + 1
`JNBL(jl,i) = j
`JNB(i) = jl
`GROMOS96 interactions models non-bonded inter-
`actions collectively between charge groups, rather than
`atoms. This modification does not change the algorithm
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 63


`presented above, however its practical implementation
`is more complicated (see [7] for details).
`Based on the pair list, the forces can be evaluated
`efficiently as given in this pseudo code:
`do i = 1, n
`F(i) = 0
`do j = start(i), end(i)
`tmpforce = force ( X(i), X(JNB(j)) )
`F(i) = F(i) + tmpforce
`F(JNB(j)) = F(JNB(j)) - tmpforce
`Both the force and pairlist portions parallelization are
`based on a modulo strategy implementing a cyclic dis-
`tribution of pairs for the nonbonded-force routines [4],
`where in pseudo code
`if (MOD(chargeGroup-1,nProc).EQ.
`perform calculations
`Our parallelization began with the GROMOS96 dis-
`tribution’s SGI-specific shared-memory code where
`each process calculates neighbors and forces for the
`portion of the pairlist assigned to it by the cyclic dis-
`tribution. In a distributed memory implementation is a
`good idea to distribute (rather than replicate) the pairlist
`array since it is the largest data structure in the pro-
`gram. Note that the cyclic distribution approximately,
`but effectively, distributes the load in the calculation.
`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`F(1:natoms*3) = +{F(1:natoms*3)}.
`The notation specifies that the summation operator
`be applied to each instance of F in the process group
`with the mathematical meaning
`Fi = F (0)i + F (1)i + ··· + F (P−1)
`for 1 ≤ i ≤ natoms ∗ 3 and P processes.
`Without reduction operators, the Co-Array Fortran
`implementation of the force accumulation can be per-
`formed through explicit point-to-point exchanges as
`F(1:natoms) = 0.0
`call sync images()
`do iproc = 0, nProc-1
`F(1:natoms*3) = F(1:natoms*3) +
`F dist(1:natoms*3)[iproc]
`The co-array F dist is distributed across images,
`the Co-Array Fortran equivalent to processes, with the
`image specified by the index within the square brackets.
`The array F is a usual sequential array, local to each
`process and therefore considered replicated. So, in the
`code segment above,each process accesses the co-array
`portion of each other process to perform the sum in
`Eq. 3. sync images is a familiar shared–memory
`construct required to insure the one-sided accesses of
`non-local memory are consistent with the point of ac-
`cess in the program. In the Pfortran implementation,
`the consistency determination is left to the implemen-
`tation of the compiler. In the current Pfortran, synchro-
`nization is achieved through message buffering.
`The force calculation for covalent bonds, angles, di-
`hedrals and torsions may be performed independently
`and in parallel for each component. In the present im-
`plementation this part of the program was not paral-
`lelized due to its meager contribution to the total exe-
`cution time.
`4.2. Force calculation parallelization
`At the end of the force-calculation loop the replicated
`algorithm leaves processes with incomplete nonbonded
`forces, making it necessary to accumulate the values
`with a global summation. This step requires significant
`communication and becomes the barrier to scalability
`with the replicated algorithm. However, the algorithm
`is effective over a wide range of process and problem
`configurations where the computation costs dominates
`the communication cost.
`The partial results calculated at each process are
`stored in a local copy of the force array (F in Pfortran
`pseudo code and F dist where Co-Array Fortran is
`used). Upon completion of the force calculation in
`each timestep, the partial forces are summed into the
`the force array at each process.
`The global accumulation of the force array is ex-
`pressed concisely by the Pfortran reduction operator
`4.3. I/O
`A typical I/O strategy for SPMD codes is to use a
`designated process to open and read data, then to com-
`municate the data obtained from files to all other pro-
`cesses over a network. Similarly, non-replicated data is
`sent to, and then output from, a designated process. In
`that way, sequential semantics are retained for file I/O.
`In the Pfortran model, I/O from the sequential program
`must be modified to retain the sequential semantics.
`With the Cray Co-Array Fortran, however, the compil-
`er allows for synchronous file operations; that is, the
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 64


`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`disk operations are performed by all nodes and data is
`read by all images. Thus with Co-Array Fortran, I/O
`modifications are not required in general.
`A typical read operation is written using Pfortran as
`if ( myProc.eq.0 ) then
`read(unit,*) temperature
`temperature = temperature@0
`with the designated process broadcasting the value
`read. For the typical write operation, the designated
`process outputs the values. In the following example,
`partial energy terms are summed to the total energy
`for the system, and output by the designated process:
`energy = +{energy}
`if ( myProc.eq.0 ) then
`write(unit,*) energy
`More complicated “gathers” of data to the designated
`process may be required, however for the replicated
`algorithm, the resulting replication of state simplifies
`this step. Performed manually, the I/O modifications
`were the most tedious aspect of our replicated algorithm
`implementation using Pfortran.
`4.4. Parallelization details
`GROMOS96 is written in FORTRAN77 for which
`Co-Array Fortran and Pfortran are supersets. The Pfor-
`tran implementation can run on systems where Pfortran
`is ported, independent of the underlying communica-
`tion paradigm; at present, MPI, PVM and a parallel
`simulator are targeted by Pfortran. 1 A port to a new
`communication library requires only changes in the
`Pfortran communication library. The Co-Array Fortran
`version is dependent on Cray systems, thus limiting the
`The roughly 40,000 lines of GROMOS molecular
`dynamics code required the introduction of 65 declara-
`tions of co-arrays, about 300 lines containing co-array
`syntax, and almost the same number of calls to the Co-
`Array Fortran image-synchronization procedure. With
`Pfortran, various reduction operations were required
`33 times, with another 290 off-process data-access op-
`In both the Co-Array Fortran and Pfortran
`parallelizations, most of modifications were associat-
`1Other Pfortran ports exist, but for machines that are no longer
`ed with the I/O subroutines, a feature of the replicated
`algorithm and I/O in general. The source code mod-
`ifications to the code were reduced with the abstrac-
`tions provided by Co-Array Fortran and Pfortran, com-
`pared to an implementation using standard communi-
`cation libraries such as MPI or PVM. Co-Array Fortran
`and especially Pfortran requires just one additional line
`for each point-to-point communication compared to at
`least several lines of code using MPI or PVM libraries.
`Moreover, the co-array syntax and Pfortran operators
`provide an intuitive notation aiding the reasoning about
`the program in a way not dissimilar to the “+” operator
`in sequential languages.
`5. Program performance
`The performance of the parallelized GROMOS MD
`codes was measured using HIV-1 protease in water.
`The total system of 18,700 atoms consists of 1,970 pro-
`tein atoms, 14 ions and 5,572 water molecules. Peri-
`odic boundary conditions were used and a nonbonded-
`interaction cut-off radius of 8 Å. The principal features
`of the three multiprocessor systems used in this study
`are summarized in Table 1.
`We found close to linear speedup for the systems
`tested (Fig. 2). On the Cray T3E the program scales
`up to 32 processors (Fig. 3). With more processors we
`expect the communication costs to dominate (Figs 2
`and 3) for the HIV-1 system and parameters. Note that
`the one-time cost of data inputting was not removed
`from the total time. In practice this cost will be amor-
`tized by runs longer than our short, 100-step run with
`the I/O costs effectively going to zero and improving
`prospects for scalability.
`The communication costs are dominated by the re-
`duction of the force array during each timestep. This
`cost depends on the algorithm and the underlying
`communication layer. From Fig. 4, as expected, the
`O(N +logP ) algorithm underlyingPfortran reductions
`outperforms the Co-Array Fortran reduction algorithm
`we implemented in this study, a collection of point-to-
`point exchanges (see Fig. 3).
`6. Concluding remarks
`We completed an adaptation of the replicated algo-
`rithm implemented in the GROMOS96 MD module (as
`an SGI-specific implementation for shared-memory) to
`a portable distributed-memory version in about 60 pro-
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 65


`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`Table 1
`Features of the parallel computer systems and environments
`mk 2.0.5
`MPT 1.3
`4 Gbit/sec
`3D torus
`194 MHz
`300–600 MHz
`8 Gbit/sec
`0.1 Gbit/sec
`IRIX 6.2
`Linux 6.2
`MPICH 1.1.2
`Time [s]
`Number of nodes
`Fig. 2. Total execution time for several processor configurations on SGI, Cray T3E and cluster of workstations. “CAF” denotes results for
`Co-Array Fortran on the Cray T3E, whereas the Pfortran implementation using MPI is labeled “T3E”.
`grammer hours. The parallel version of the code re-
`tains full functionality of the numerous options in the
`GROMOS96 MD module. The adaptation of the SGI-
`specific code was tantamount to parallelizing from the
`sequential version given the few changes made to the
`sequential coded to arrive at the SGI-specific shared-
`memory. The abstractions provided by the Planguages
`allowed us to focus our attention on details of logic
`unhampered by message-passing details, such as pro-
`viding a message-passing API with message sizes and
`tags, proper communicator and so on. What is more,
`the maintainability of the Pfortran code after parallel
`development is improved over an MPI version and the
`source code is portable to systems where the Pfortran
`compiler has been ported.
`We next adapted the Pfortran code to Co-Array For-
`tran, finding both implementations to scale with num-
`ber of processors as expected using the replicated al-
`gorithm on a constant-size problem. Pfortran has per-
`formance comparable to Co-Array Fortran, without the
`portability limitations. Pfortran also provides built in
`reduction operations and the facility for user-defined
`ones. On the T3E, the O(N + logP ) algorithm un-
`derlying Pfortran reductions outperforms the Co-Array
`Fortran reduction algorithm that we implemented as a
`collection of point-to-point exchanges. Development
`of efficient Co-Array Fortran reductions is left to the
`programmer. Having a library of such routines would
`be very useful.
`The small number of extensions and intuitive appli-
`cation of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran contribute to
`making them effective tools for developing explicitly-
`parallel scientific applications. Key advantages in us-
`ing both approaches are 1) code with performanceclose
`to if not at the underlying libraries, 2) machine inde-
`pendence, 3) compiler optimizations, and 4) improved
`code readability. The abstractions allowing the pro-
`grammer to manipulate off-process data accesses fa-
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 66


`P. Bała et al. / Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module
`Total time
`Force reduction
`Number of nodes
`Time [s]
`Fig. 3. Execution time for different sections of the code for as a function of the number of Cray T3E computing nodes.
`Time [s]
`Number of nodes
`Fig. 4. Communication time for the reduction of the long-range force array for different numbers of computing nodes. CAF denotes results for
`Co-Array fortran on Cray T3E.
`cilitate one’s ability to reason about a code. That the
`off-process data access syntax are part of the language
`also permits compiler optimizations, which would be
`difficult to perform with an API such as that provided
`by MPI (unpublished work in progress). Our use of
`Co-Array Fortran does not take advantage of its shared-
`memory paradigm, but it does highlight the advantage
`of the abstractions provided by Co-Array Fortran and
`Pfortran. The parallel programming models provided
`by the two paradigms have orthogonal and potentially
`complementary aspects. We are exploring the use of
`the paradigms together in a programming language.
`Piotr Bala was supported by the Polish State Com-
`mittee for Scientific Research. Terry Clark and L. Ridg-
`way Scott were supported by NSF with the Nation-
`al Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastruc-
`ture, NPACI. The computations were performed at the
`ICM, Warsaw University and the High Performance
`Computing Laboratory at the University of Chicago.
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 67


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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1057, p. 68


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`The Scientific
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`International Journal of
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` Applied
`Intelligence and Soft
`Hindawi Publishing Corporation
`Volume 2014
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