`(12) [.1111th States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 6,434,687 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Jon M. Huppenthal, Colorado Springs,
`co (US)
`(73) Assignee: SRC Computers, lnc., Colorado
`Springs, (‘0 (U5)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U511, 154(1))hy 0 days.
`(a) Notice:
`(21) App}, No: 093883.76
`Jun. 22’ 2001
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`(74) Army-rage, Agent, or Finn—William J. Kubida; Hogan
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 3


`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 1 of 14
`US 6,434,687 B1
`Bank 0
`Bank 1
`Bank M
`_L (3
`Fig. 1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 4
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 4


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 5m.
`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 2 MM
`US 6,434,687 B1
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 6o.
`US. Patent
` vmrmS_0.004*_40m+zooU2wxz<mmmz:x235_m_555$_m,Mmmmmggm"u”_><mm<E052mm?mAm___mmmmw


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 7n.
`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 4 of 14
`US 6,434,687 B1


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 8w.
`US. Patent
` 5o?mmm:Iotgm
` >¢mm<0>m0§m§mom<omof“la.108331


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 9m.
`US. Patent


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 10S.
`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 7 MM
`US 6,434,687 B1


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 11S.
`US. Patent


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 12S.
`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 9 0f 14
`US 6,434,687 B1


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 13.
`US. Patent
`Sheet10 0f14
`US 6,434,687 B1


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 14E.
`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 11 0f 14
`US 6,434,687 B1
` Ema93> IIwearI!


`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 12 0f 14
`US 6,434,687 B1
`SRC 6
`3 0
`Fig. 12
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 15
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 15


`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Shect13 0f 14
`US 6,434,687 B1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 16
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2002
`Sheet 14 0f 14
`US 6,434,687 B1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 17
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 17


`US 6,434,653? B1
`The present invention is a continuation-in-part application
`of US. patent application Ser. No. 091563561 tiled May 3,
`2000, now issued US. Pat. No. 6,339,819 Bl, which is a
`continuation-in-part application of US. patent application
`Ser. No. 09r481,t)02 tiled Jan. 12, 2000, now issued US. Pat.
`No. 6,247,110 which is a continuation of US. patent appli—
`cation Ser. No. 082991763 filed Dec. 17, 1997 for: “Mul-
`tiprocessor Computer Architecture Incorporating a Plurality
`of Memory Algorithm Processors in the Memory
`Subsystem”. now issued US. Pat. No. 6,076,152 assigned to
`SRC Computers, Inc., Colorado Springs, Colo, assignee of
`the present
`invention, the disclosures of which are herein
`specifically incorporated by this reference.
`in general, to the field of
`The present invention relates,
`computer architectures incorporating multiple processing
`elements such as multi-adaptive processors (“M/\PTW’, is a
`trademark of SRC Computers,
`lnc., Colorado Springs,
`Colo.) . More particularly, the present invention relates to
`systems and methods for accelerating web site access and
`processing utilizing a computer system incorporating recon-
`figurable processors operating under
`a single operating
`system image.
`Presently, many different forms ofelectronic business and
`commerce are transacted by means of individual computers
`coupled to the Internet. By virtue of its computer-based
`nature, many electronic commerce (“e-commerce”) web
`sites employ various methods to allow their content to be
`varied based on the demographics of the particular user.
`This demographic information may be obtained in a
`variety of ways, with some sites simply requesting the site
`visitor respond to one or more questions while others may
`employ more sophisticated techniques such as “click
`stream” processing. In this latter instance, the prospective
`interests of the site visitor are inferred by determination and
`analysis of, for example, the previous sites he has visited. In
`either instance however, this data must be processed by the
`site such that the web page content may be altered in an
`effort to maximize it appeal to thatparticular site visitor with
`a view toward ultimately maximizing site revenue.
`Since studies have shown that the average Internet user
`will wait but a maximum of twenty seconds or so for a web
`page to be updated, it is vitally important that the updating
`of the page contents be completed as rapidly as possible.
`Consequently, a great deal of elfort is placed into maximiz-
`ing the software performance of algorithms that process the
`user demographic data. Currently, all known web servers
`that accomplish this processing employ industry standard
`microprocessor based servers and, as a result, their maxi-
`mum performance is thereby limited by the limitations
`inherent in the standard microprocessor “Ioadlstore” archi—
`SRC Computers, Inc., assignee ot‘the present invention, is
`an industry leader in the design and development of multi-
`processor computer systems including those employing
`industry standard processors together with multi-adaptive
`processors (“MAPTM”) utilizing, for example, field program-
`mable gate arrays functioning as the programmable MAP
`Particularly disclosed herein is a system and method for
`accelerating web site access and processing utilizing a
`multiprocessor computer system incorporating one or more
`micropmcessors and a number of reconfigurable processors
`operating under a single operating system image. In an
`exemplary embodiment, a web site may be serviced with a
`hybrid multiprocessor computer system that contains both
`industry standard microprocessors and one or more reconn
`figurable processors that share all the system’s resources and
`operate under a single operating system image, (although, in
`an alternative embodiment, cluster management software
`may be used to make a cluster of microprocessors appear to
`the user as a single copy of the operating system). In such
`a system, demographic data processing algorithms may be
`loaded into the reconfigurable processors which may be
`provided in the form of specially adapted field program—
`mable gate arrays ("FPGAs"). In this manner, the appropri-
`ate algorithm may be implemented in hardware gates (as
`opposed to software) which can process the data up to 1000
`times faster than a standard microprocessor based server.
`As an exemplary implementation, one particularly eflica-
`cious hybrid computing system is the SRC Computers, Inc.
`SRC-ti incorporating multi-adaptive processors (MAP). In
`such a system, the algorithms loaded into the MAP elements
`to process the data can be completely changed in under 100
`msec. This allows for the possibility of quickly altering even
`the processing algorithm without significantly delaying the
`site visitor. The ability to change the algorithm, coupled with
`highly accelerated processing times allows for more com-
`plex algorithms to be employed leading to even more refined
`web page content adjustment.
`Through the use of such a hybrid system operating under
`a single operating system image,
`a standard operating
`system, such as Solaris"M (trademark of Sun Microsystems,
`Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.) may be employed and can be easily
`administered, a feature which is important
`in such
`e-commerce based applications. Since the MAP elements
`are inherently tightly—coupled into the system and are not an
`attached processor located, for example, on an inputloutput
`("HO”) port, their effectiveness and ease of use is maxi-
`Demographic data processing is merely an example of
`how the unique capabilities of such reconfigurable process-
`ing systems can be utilized to accelerate e-commcrce, and
`"secure socket" operation is yet another possible applica-
`tion. In this instance. such operations can often consume as
`much as 80% of the typical, traditional site server micro-
`processor cycles. SRC Computers, Inc. has demonstrated
`that reconfigurable processor based systems, such as the
`SRC-o. can perform decryption algorithms up to 1000 times
`than a conventional microprocessor
`thereby also
`allowing for faster web site access while concomitantly
`allowing more robust data encryption techniques to be
`employed. Similarly significant speed advantages could be
`realized in, for example, implementing database searches
`wherein the search algorithms can be directly implemented
`in the hardware of the reconfigurable system providing two
`to three orders of magnitude execution time improvements
`over conventional microprocessor based solutions.
`In general, the use of hybrid computer systems with a
`single system image of the operating system for web site
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 18


`US 6,434,653? B1
`hosting allows the site to employ user selected hardware
`accelerated versions of software algorithms currently imple-
`mented in a wide array of e-commerce related functions.
`This results in an easy to use system with significantly faster
`processing capability which translates into shorter site visi-
`tor waiting periods.
`invention including a typical web site server as
`would be replaced by an SRC-fi reconfigurable server;
`FIG. 13 is a flowchart illustrating a conventional data
`processing sequence in a conventional application of the
`typical web site server depicted in the preceding figure. and
`FIG. 14 is a corresponding flowchart
`illustrating the
`processing of demographic or other data utilizing a recon-
`tigurable server for implementing the system and method of
`the present
`invention and which results in significantly
`improved access and data processing times.
`With reference now to FIG. 1, a multiprocessor computer
`to architecture in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention is shown. The multiprocessor computer 10
`incorporates N processors 120 through IZN which are
`bi-directionally coupled to a memory interconnect fabric 14.
`The memory interconnect fabric 14 is then also coupled to
`M memory banks comprising memory bank subsystems 160
`(Bank 0) through 16M (Bank M). N number of multi-
`adaptive processors ("MAW-W) 1120 through 112” are also
`coupled to the memory interconnect fabric 14 as will be
`more fully described hereinafter.
`With reference now to FIG. 2, a representative application
`program decomposition for
`a multiprocessor computer
`architecture 100 incorporating a plurality of multi-adaptive
`processors in accordance with the present
`invention is
`shown. The computer architecture 100 is operative in
`response to user instructions and data which, in a coarse
`grained portion of the decomposition, are selectively
`directed to one of (for purposes of example only) [our
`parallel regions 1021 through 102.: inclusive. The instruc-
`tions and data output from each of the para llcl regions 1021
`through 11124 are respectively input
`to parallel
`segregated into data areas 1041 through 1044 and instruction
`areas 106] through 1064. Data maintained in the data areas
`through 10-14 and instructions maintained in the
`instruction areas 1061 through 106_. are then supplied to, for
`example, corresponding pairs of processors 1083, 1082 (P1
`and P2); 1083, 1118,, {P3 and P4); 1085, 108,j (P5 and P6);
`and 1087, 1033 (P7 and P8) as shown. At
`this point, the
`medium grained decomposition of the instructions and data
`has been accomplished.
`A fine grained decomposition, or parallelism. is effectu—
`ated by a further algorithmic decomposition wherein the
`output of each of the processors 1081 through 1088,
`broken up,
`for example,
`into a number of fundamental
`algorithms “OH, 110m, 1102‘, 110:5 through 110,”, as
`shown. Each of the algorithms is then supplied to a corre-
`sponding one of the MAP elements 112M, 112”}, 1122.4,
`112:3, through 11233 which may be located in the memory
`space of the computer architecture 100 for execution therein
`as will be more fully described hereinafter.
`With reference additionally now to FIG. 3, an exemplary
`implementation of a memory bank 120 in a MAP system
`computer architecture 100 of the present invention is shown
`for a representative one of the MAP elements 112 illustrated
`in the preceding figure. Each memory bank 120 includes a
`bank control logic block 122 Iii-directionally coupled to the
`computer system trunk lines, for example, a 72 line bus 124.
`The bank control
`logic block 122 is coupled to a
`bi-dircctional data bus 126 {for example 256 lines) and
`supplies addresses on an address bus 128 (for example 17
`lines) for accessing data at specified locations within a
`memory array 131].
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1014, p. 19
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1014, p. 19
`The aforementioned and other features and objects of the
`invention and the manner of attaining them will
`become more apparent and the invention itself will be best
`understood by reference to the following description of a
`preferred embodiment taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a simplified. high level. functional block dia—
`gram of a multiprocessor computer architecture employing
`multi-adaptive processors ("MAW-“'1 in accordance with
`the disclosure of the aforementioned patent applications in
`an alternative embodiment wherein direct memory access
`(“DMA”) techniques may be utilized to send commands to
`the MAP elements in addition to data;
`FIG. 2 is a simplified logical block diagram of a possible
`computer application program decomposition sequence for
`use in conjunction with a multiprocessor computer archi-
`tecture utilizing a number of MAP elements located, for “
`example. in the computer system memory space, in accor-
`dance with a particular embodiment ofthe present invention;
`110.25 is a more detailed functional block diagram of an
`exemplary individual one of the MAP elements of the
`preceding figures and illustrating the bank control logic,
`memory array and MAP assembly thereof;
`FIG. 4 is a more detailed functional block diagram of the
`control block of the MAP assembly of the preceding illus~
`tration illustrating its interconnection to the user FPGA
`thereof in a particular embodiment;
`FIG. 5 is a functional block diagram of an alternative
`embodiment of the present
`invention wherein individual
`MAP elements are closely associated with individual pro-
`cessor boards and each of the MAP elements comprises
`independent chain ports for coupling the MAP elements
`directly to each other;
`FIG. 6 is a functional block diagram ofan individual MAP
`element wherein each comprises on board memory and a
`control block providing common memory DMA capabili—
`FIG. 7 is an additional functional block diagram of an
`individual MAP element illustrating the on board memory
`function as an input butter and output FIFO portions thereof;
`FIG. 8 is a more detailed functional block diagram of an
`individual MAP element as illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7;
`FIG. 9 is a user array interconnect diagram illustrating. for
`t‘our user
`lil’GAs interconnected through
`horizontal. vertical and diagonal buses to allow for expan-
`sion in designs that exceed the capacity of a single FPGA,‘
`FIG. 10 is a functional block diagram of another alterna-
`tive embodiment of the present invention wherein individual
`MAP elements are closely associated with individual
`memory arrays and each of the MAP elements comprises
`independent chain ports for coupling the MAP elements
`directly to each other;
`FIGS. 11A and 11B are timing diagrams respectively
`illustrating input and output timing in relationship to the
`system clock (“Sysclk”) signal
`FIG. 12 is a simplified illustration of a representative
`operating environment for the system and method of the


`US 6,434,653? B1
`The data bus 126 and address bus 128 are also coupled to
`a MAP element 112. The MAP element 112 comprises a
`control block 132 coupled to the address bus 128. The
`control block 132 is also bi-directionally coupled to a user
`field programmable gate array (“FPGA”) 134 by mearts ofa
`number of signal lines 136. The user FPGA 134 is coupled
`directly to the data bus 126. In a particular embodiment, the
`FPGA 134 may be provided as a Lucent Technologies
`()RSTSO device.
`The computer architecture 100 comprises a multiproces-
`sor system employing uniform memory access across com-
`mon shared memory with one or more MAP elements 112
`which may be located in the memory subsystem, or memory
`space. As previously described, each MAP element 112
`contains at least one relatively large FPGA 134 that is used
`as a reconfigurable functional unit. In addition, a control
`block 132 and a preprogrammed or dynamically program-
`mable configuration RUM (as will be more fully described
`hereinafter) contains the information needed by the recon-
`figurable MAP element 112 to enable it to perform a specific
`algorithm. It is also possible for the user to directly down-
`load a new configuration into the FPGA134 under program
`control, although in some instances this may consume a
`number of memory accesses and might result in an overall
`decrease in system performance if the algorithm was short—
`l-‘PGAs have particular advantages in the application
`shown for several reasons. First, commercially available
`F PGAs now contain sufficient internal logic cells to perform
`meaningful computational
`functions. Secondly,
`they can
`operate at speeds comparable to microprocessors, which
`eliminates the need for speed matching buffers. Still further,
`the internal programmable routing resources of FPGAs are
`now extensive enough that mean

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