(12) United States Patent
`US 7,225,324 32
`(10) Patent No.:
`Huppenthal et a1.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`May 29, 2007
`Inventors: Jon M. Huppenthal. Colorado Springs.
`C}O_(USJ:PaVId1 15- Callga, €010me
`firmness (-0 (U5)
`(73) Assignee? SRC COMPuK‘l‘Ss lno. Colorado
`Springs. CO (US)
`( “ ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term (illliis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 550 days.
`(2” APP“ N0" ””8531”
`(22) Filed:
`OCt- 31-. 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`U S 20(l4f()088527 Al
`May 6. 2004
`Int. Cl.
`GQ6F 17/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`Field of Classlfieation search
`712119. 226. 215
`See application lilc for complete search history.
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`Multl—avdaptlve processmg systems and technlques-
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`US 7,225,324 B2
`CROSS Rl'il’]'£I{l.iN('.‘l'i T(J RIEIA'I‘iiD PJVI'i-ZN'I‘
`The present invention is related to the subject matter of
`US. patent application Ser. No. ()9i’755344 filed Jan. 5.
`2001 for: “Multiprocessor Computer Architecture Incorpo-
`rating a Plurality of Memory Algorithm Processors in the
`Memory Subsystem” and is further related to the subject
`matter of U S Pat. No. 6.434.687 for: “System and Method
`for Accelerating Web Site Access and Processing Utilizing a
`Computer System incorporating Reconfigurable Processors
`Operating Under a Single Operating System Image”. all of
`which are assigned to SRC Computers.
`Inc.. Colorado
`Springs, Colo. and the disclosures of which are herein
`specifically incorporated in their entirely by this reference.
`A portion of the disclosure of this patent document may
`contain material which is subject to copyright protection.
`The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile
`reproduction by anyone of the patent document or the patent
`disclosure as it appears in the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office patent
`file or records. but” otherwise.
`reserves all copyright rights whatsoever. The following
`notice applies to the software and data and described below.
`inclusive of the drawing figures where applicable: Copy-
`rightffli' 2000, SRC Computers, Inc.
`The present invention relates, in general. to the field of
`computing systems and techniques. More particularly, the
`present invention relates to multi—adaptive processing sys—
`tems and techniques for enhancing parallelism and perfor—
`mance of computational functions.
`Currently. most large so [tware applications achieve high
`performamce operation through the use of parallel process-
`ing. This technique allows multiple processors to work
`simultaneously on the same problem to achieve a solution in
`a fraction of the time required for a single processor to
`accomplish the same result. The processors in use may be
`performing many copies of the same operation. or may be
`performing totally different operations, but in either case all
`processors are working simultaneously.
`The use of such para lle] processing has led to the prolif—
`eration of both mnlti-processor boards and large scale clus-
`tered systems. Ilowever. as more and more performance is
`required. so is more parallelism, resulting in ever larger
`systems. Clusters exist today that have tens of thousands of
`processors and can occupy football fields of space. Systems
`of such a large physical size present” lnany obvious down-
`sides. including, among other factors. facility requirements,
`power. heat generation and reliability.
`However. if a processor technology could be employed
`that ofl'ers orders of magnitude more parallelism per pro—
`cessor. these systems could be reduced in size by a compa—
`rable factor. Such a processor or processing element
`possible through the use of a reconfigurable processor.
`Reconfigurable processors instantiate only the functional
`units needed to solve a particular application. and as a result.
`have available space to instantiate as many functional units
`as may be required to solve the problem up to the total
`capacity of the integrated circuit chips they employ.
`At present, reconfigurable processors, such as multi-
`adaptive processor elements (MAPTM. a trademark ofSRC
`Computers. Inc.) can achieve two to three orders of magni—
`tude more parallelism and performance than state-of-tlle-art
`microprocessors. Through the advantageous application of
`adaptive processing techniques as disclosed herein, this type
`of reconfigurable processing parallelism may be employed
`in a variety of applications resulting in significantly higher
`perfonnance than that which can now be achieved while
`using significantly smaller mid less expensive computer
`However. in addition to these benefits. there is an addi—
`tional much less obvious one that can have even greater
`impact on certain applications and has only become avail-
`able with the advent of multi-million gate reconfigurable
`chips. Performance gains are also realized by reconfigurable
`processors due to the much tighter coupling of the parallel
`functional units within each chip than can be accomplished
`in a microprocessor based computing system.
`In a multi-processor, micmprocessor—hased system. each
`processor is allocated but a relatively small portion of the
`total problem called a cell. However. to solve the total
`problem. results ol‘one processor are often required by many
`adjacent cells because their cells interact at the boundary and
`upwards of six or more cells. all having to interact
`compute results, would not be uncommon. Consequently,
`intermediate results must be passed around the system in
`order to complete the computation of the total problem. This,
`of necessity, involves numerous other chips and bosses that
`run at much slower speeds than the microprocessor thus
`resulting in system performance ofieu many orders of mag—
`nitude lower than the raw computation time.
`()n the other hand, in the use of an adaptive processor-
`based system, since ten to one thousand times more coin-
`putations can be performed within a single chip. any bound—
`ary data that is shared between these functional units need
`never leave a single integrated circuit chip. Therefore, data
`moving around the system. and its impact on reducing
`overall system performance, can also be reduced by two or
`three orders of magnitude. This will allow both significant
`improvements in perfomJance in certain applications as well
`as enabling certain applications to be performed in a prac-
`tical timeframe that could not previously be accomplished.
`Particularly disclosed herein is a method for data process—
`ing in a reconfigurable computing system comprising a
`plurality of functional units. The method comprises: defin—
`ing a calculation for the reconfigurable computing system;
`instantiating at least two of the functional units to perfonn
`the calculation; utilizing a first of the functional units to
`. operate upon a subsequent data dimension of the calculation
`and substantially concurrently utilizing a second of the
`functional units to operate upon a previous data dimension
`of the calculation.
`Further disclosed herein is a method for data processing
`in a reconfigurable computing system comprising a plurality
`of flmctional units. The method comprises: defining a first
`systolic wall comprising roWs of cells forming a subset of
`the plurality of functional units; computing a value at each
`of the cells in at least a first row of the first systolic wall;
`. communicating the values between cells in the first row of
`the cells to produce updated values; communicating the
`updated values to a second row of the first” systolic wall: and
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1001, p. 24
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1001, p. 24


`US 7,225,324 B2
`substantially concurrently providing the trpdated values to a
`first row of a second systolic wall of rows of cells in the
`subset of the plurality of functional units.
`.Also disclosed herein is a method for data processing in
`a reconfigurable processing systeln which includes selling
`up a systolic processing form employing a speculative
`processing strategy.
`The aforementioned and other features and objects of the
`present invention and the manner of attaining them will
`become more apparent and the invention itself will be best
`understood by reference to the following description of a
`preferred embodiment taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a simplified functional block diagram of typical
`clustered inter—processor communications path in a conven—
`tional multi-proccssor computing system;
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of an adaptive
`processor conuntrnications path illustrating the many flinc-
`tiona] units (“FU”) interconnected by reconfigurable routing
`resources within the adaptive processor chip;
`FIG. 3A is a graph of the actual perfonnance improve-
`ment versus the nulnber of processors utilized and illustrat-
`ing the deviation from perfect scalability of a particular
`application utilizing a conventional multi—processor com—
`puting system such as that illustrated in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 313 is a corresponding graph of the actual perfor-
`mance improvement versus the number of processors uti-
`lized and illustrating the performance improvement over a
`conventional multi—processor computing system utilizing an
`adaptive processor—based computing system such as that
`illustrated in FIG. 2;
`illustrating a
`FIG. 4A is a simplified logic flowchart
`sequential processing operation in which
`nested Loops A and B are alternately active on different
`phases of the process;
`FlG. 413 is a comparative, simplified logic l1owehat’l
`illustrating multi-dimensional processing in accordance with
`the technique of the present
`invention wherein multiple
`dimensions of data are processed by both Loops A and B
`such that the computing system logic is operative on every
`clock cycle;
`FIG. 5A is illustrative of a general process for perfonning
`a representative multi-dimensional pipeline operation in the
`form of a seismic migration imaging function utilizing the
`parallelism available in the utilization of the adaptive pro—
`cessing techniques of the present invention;
`FIG. 51-3 is a follow-oil illustration of the computation
`phases employed in implementing the exemplary seismic
`migration imaging function of the preceding figure;
`FIG. 6A is a simplified logic flowchart for a particular
`seismic migration imaging application illustrative of the
`parallelism provided in the use of an adaptive processor-
`based comptrling system;
`FIG. 6B illustrates the computational process which may
`be employed by a microprocessor in the execution of the
`seismic imaging application of the preceding figure:
`FIG. 6C illustrates the first step in the computational
`process which may be employed by an adaptive processor in
`the execution of the seismic imaging application of FIG. 6A
`in which a first shot (81) is started;
`FIG. 6D illustrates the second step in the same compli—
`tational process for the execution of the seismic imaging
`application of FIG. 6A in which a second shot [32) is started:
`FIG. 613 illustrates the third step in the salne computa-
`tional process for the execution of the seismic imaging
`application ofFIG. 6A in which the operation on the first and
`second shots is continued through compute;
`FIG. 6F illustrates the fourth step in the same computa-
`tional process showing the subsequent

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