United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`DeHon et al.
`[45] Date of Patent: Sep. 21, 1999
`Inventors: André DeHon; Ethan Mirsky, both of
`Cambridge; Thomas F. Knight, Jr.,
`Belmont, all of Mass.
`Massachusetts Institute of
`Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
`Appl. No.: 08/632,371
`Apr. 11, 1996
`Int. Cl.6 ...................................................... G06F 15/80
`US. Cl.
`....................................... 395/800.15; 395/653
`Field of Search ............................ 395/800.1, 800.15,
`395/20051, 280, 653
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`Primary Examiner—Eric Coleman
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Hamilton, Brook, Smith &
`Reynolds, PC.
`Aprogrammable integrated circuit utilizes a large number of
`intermediate-grain processing elements which are multibit
`processing units arranged in a configurable mesh. The
`coarse-grain resources, such as memory and processing, are
`deployable in a way that takes advantage of the opportuni-
`ties for optimization present in given problems. To accom-
`plish this, the interconnect supports three different modes of
`operation: a static value in which a value set by the con-
`figuration data is provided to a functional unit, static source
`in which another functional unit serves as the value source,
`and a dynamic source mode in which the source is deter-
`mined by the value from another functional unit.
`31 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets
`£11m J
`J o
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 1


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`M. Sowa, et al., “Parallel Execution on the Function—Parti-
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`tems and Computers in Japan, 22(4) :22—27 (Nov. 1991).
`T. Alexander, et al., “A Reconfigurable Approach to a
`Systolic Sorting Architecture,” IEEE, pp.
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`Microprogramming 21, pp. 39—46, (1987).
`S. Morton, et al., The Dynamically Reconfigurable CAP
`Array Chip I, IEEE Journal of Solid—State Circuits, SC21
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`“A Taxonomy of Synchronous Parallel
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`L. Snyder, “An Inquiry into the Benefits of Multigauge
`Parallel Computation,” Proceedings of the 1985 Interna-
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`(Aug. 1985).
`A. DeHon, “DPGA Utilization and Application,” FPGA
`’96—ACM/SIGDA Fourth International Symposium on
`FPGAs, Monterey, CA (Feb. 11—13, 1996).
`D. Epstein, “Chromatic Raises the Multimedia Bar,” Micro-
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`J. Labrousse, et al., “Create—Life: A Modular Design
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`E. Tau, et al., “A First Generation DPGa Implementation,”
`FPD ’95 —Third Canadian Workshop of Field—Program-
`mable Devices Montreal, Canada (May 29 —Jun. 1, 1995).
`S. Kartashev, et al., “A Multicomputer System With
`Dynamic Architecture,” IEEE Transactions on Computers,
`vol. C—28, No. 10, pp. 704—721 (Oct. 1979).
`D. Bursky, “Programmable Data Paths Speed Computa-
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`V. Bove, Jr., et al., “Cheops: A Reconfigurable Data—Flow
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`M. Schaffner, “Processing by Data and Program Blocks,”
`Transactions on Computers, vol. C—27, No.
`11, pp.
`1015—1027 (Nov. 1978).
`J. Nickolls, “The Design of the MasPar MP—1: A Cost
`Effective Massively Parallel Computer,” IEEE CH2843, pp.
`25—28 (Jan. 1990).
`B. Narasimha, “Performance—Oriented, Fully Routable
`Dynamic Architecture for a Field Programmable Logic
`Device,” UCB/ERL M93/42, University of California, Ber-
`keley, pp. 1—21 (Jun. 1993).
`M. Bolotski, et al., “A 1024 Processor 8ns SIMD Array,”
`Advanced Research in VLSI 1995, pp. 1—13 (1995).
`D. Cherepacha, et al., “A Datapath Oriented Architecture for
`FPGAs,” Second International ACM/SIGDA Workshop on
`Field Programmable Gate Arrays ACIVI, pp. 1—11 (Feb.
`D. Jones, et al., “A Time—Multiplexed FPGA Architecture
`for Logic Emulation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 Cus-
`tom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 495—498 (May
`G. Nutt, “Microprocessor Implementation of a Parallel Pro-
`cessor,” Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on
`Computer Architecture, pp. 147—152, (1977).
`W. Kim, “MasPar MP—2 PE Chip: ATotally Cool Hot Chip,”
`Proceedings of Hot Chips V pp. 1—5 (Mar. 29, 1993).
`E. Mirsky, et al., “Matrix: Coarse—Grain Reconfigurable
`Computing (Abstract)”, Published at the 5th Annual MIT
`Student Workshop on Scalable Computing, pp. 1—2 (Aug.
`1995) (Available on the Internet May 1, 1995).
`E. Mirsky, et al., “Matrix: A Reconfigurable Computing
`Architecture With Configurable Instruction Distribution and
`Deployable Resources,” Published at FCCM’96 —IEEE
`Symposium on FPGA’s for Custom Computing Machines,
`pp. 1—10 (Apr. 17—19, 1996).
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 2


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 1 0f 20
`_0_ mommmoommomog
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 3


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 2 0f 20
`>>_|_> mOmmmoOmaomBE
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 4
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 4


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 3 0f 20
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 5
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 5


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 4 0f 20
`Net 0 k
` I34
`Corry In
`Carry Out
`FIG. 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 6


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 5 0f 20
`mm2 -N._—Z§=Nn=—3—EN...
`FIG. 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 7


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 6 0f 20
`Level—2, Level—3
`Incoming Network
`Incoming Network
`Lines (L1, L2, L3)
`Level 2,3
`Floating Portl
`Floating Port 2
`Switch1(N_1) 1 NetworkDrivers
`Switch2(N3) I
`L3 Control fl
`1' (FP2) I
`" (E)
` C/R LogiCI
`Control Context
` Level—1
`C/R Logic
`FIG. 9
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 8


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 7 0f 20
`Control Byte
`Control Bit
`Control Bit
`Configuration Configuration
`Word 8
`Word A
`Registers on
`A3 Ports Only
`Configuration Configuration
`Word B
`Word A
`FIG. 11
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 9
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 9


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 8 0f 20
`Local Output
`Control Byte
`Control Bit
`Configuration Configuration
`Word A
`FIG. 12
`Word B
`.LevelISouth i
`Level-1 NorthWest
`Level-l North
`—->t Level-1 East]
`Eevel- lSouthWests_J
`BFU Output
`__ _i__,E
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 10
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 10


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 9 0f 20
`Reg Enable
`(Level-2 Only)
`Broadcast Cycle~|92
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 16
`BFU Output
`Context Select
`to Leve|1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 11
`L. __ _ _ _ _|
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 11


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 10 0f 20
`mco_n_IO 82828:50
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 12
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 12


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 11 0f 20
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 13
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 13


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 12 0120
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 14
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 14
`. O\l


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 13 0120
`Data OE
`1/0 Bit 0 Output
`I/O Bit 0 Input
`} 8
`324 312
`I/O Register } 1
`I/O Register ‘ 326
`B' 105
`I/O Bitl Output
`I/O Register > 1
`I/O BitI Input
`I/O Register ‘
`FIG. 23
`Data In
`Data Out
`Master CLK
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 15
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 15


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 14 0f 20
`PLA In Data
`I/O Input Data
`C/R Out
`I/O Input Bits
`PLA Out Data 372
`' C/R In 374
`1/0 OutpuTBits 376
`1/0 Oquuf Enables378
`PLA 360
`Output Multiplexor 384
`Col. I
`Col. 3
`FIG. 26
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 16
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 16


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 15 0f 20
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 17
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 17


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 16 0120
`FIG. 29
`BFU Output
`I/O Port 0 Input Data
`I/O Portl Input Data
`I/O Port 2 Input Doto
`PLA 0 Output Byte
`PLA I Output Byte
`PLA 2 Output Byte
`FIG. 30
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 18


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 17 0120
`FIG. 31
`I/O lnpUiS
`PLA Outputs
`Dynamic Source Switch
`FIG. 32
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 19
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 19


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 18 0f 20
`Control Lines
`Dynamic Control
`Control Lines
`FIG. 33
`I/O Inputs 3
`PLA Outputs
`FIG. 36
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 20
`(I6 bits output
`over 2 cycles)
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 20


`US. Patent
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Sheet 19 0f 20
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 21
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 21


`US. Patent
`Sep.21, 1999
`Sheet 20 0f 20
`‘9' I"-i E
`I=!"I I
`I=!['I I.I 2g
`'9’."II. l
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 22
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1019, p. 22


`This invention was made with Government support under
`the Advanced Research and Projects Agency (ARPA) of the
`Department of Defense under Rome Labs Contract No.
`F30602-94-C-0252. The Government has certain rights in
`the invention.
`Continuing advances in semiconductor technology have
`greatly increased the amount of processing that can be
`performed by single-chip, general-purpose computing
`devices. The relatively slow increase in inter-chip commu-
`nication bandwidth requires that modern high performance
`devices use as much of the potential on-chip processing
`power as possible. This results in large, dense integrated
`circuit devices and a large design space of processing
`One way of viewing this design space is in terms of
`granularity. Designers have the option of building very large
`processing units, or many smaller ones, in the same space.
`Traditional architectures are either very coarse grain, such as
`microprocessors, or very fine grain, such as field program-
`mable gate arrays (FPGAs). Both architectures have advan-
`tages and disadvantages.
`Microprocessors incorporate very few large processing
`units that operate on wide data-words, and each unit is
`hardwired to perform defined instructions on these data-
`words. Usually each unit is optimized for a different set of
`instructions, such as integer and floating point, and the units
`are generally hardwired to operate in parallel. The hardwired
`nature of these units allows very rapid instructions. In fact,
`a great deal of area on modern microprocessor chips is
`dedicated to cache memories in order to support a very high
`rate of instruction issue. Thus, the devices efficiently handle
`very dynamic instruction streams.
`Very fine grain devices, such as FPGAs, incorporate a
`large number of very small processing elements. These
`elements are arranged in a configurable interconnect net-
`work. The configuration data used to define the functionality
`of the processing units and network can be thought of as a
`very large, semantically powerful, instruction word. Nearly
`any operation can be described and mapped to hardware.
`Unfortunately, because microprocessors are highly opti-
`mized for simple, wide-word, dynamic instructions, they are
`relatively inefficient when performing other kinds of opera-
`tions. For example, many cycles are required to build up
`complex operations that are not part of the processor’s
`pre-selected instruction set. Also, when performing short-
`word operations, much of the processing unit is not being
`used, and when the instructions being issued are very
`regular, the large instruction caches are unnecessary. Thus,
`very coarse-grain microprocessors are not equipped to take
`the maximum advantage of these cases.
`The size of the “instruction word” creates a number of
`problems with fine-grain FPGA devices, however. Reload-
`ing new instructions takes a relatively long time, making
`dynamic instruction streams very difficult for these devices.
`Moreover, if the operation being performed is, in fact, a wide
`word operation, a great deal of this “instruction word” must
`be dedicated to re-describing the operation for each of the
`small processing elements. Thus, fine grain processing ele-
`ments are not well equipped to take advantage of a large
`number of common computing operations.
`The present
`invention utilizes a large number of
`intermediate-grain processing elements which are arranged
`in a configurable mesh. Thus,
`the regularity and rapid
`instruction issue features of coarse-grain units are exploited,
`but a reconfigurable or programmable interconnect allows
`these units to be connected in an application-specific man-
`ner. This means that coarse-grain resources, such as memory
`and processing, can be deployed in a way that takes advan-
`tage of the opportunities for optimization present in any
`given problem. In addition, configuration memories may be
`deployed to take advantage of application specific redun-
`In general according to one aspect, the invention features
`a programmable integrated circuit that comprises a logic
`units that perform operations on data in response to instruc-
`tions and memories that store and retrieve addressed data. A
`configurable or programmable interconnect provides a mode
`of signal transmission between the logic units and memo-
`ries. Configuration control data defines data paths through
`the interconnect, which can be address inputs to memories,
`data inputs to memories and logic units, and instruction
`inputs to logic units. Thus, the interconnect is configurable
`to define an interdependent functionality of the functional
`units. A programmable configuration storage stores the
`configuration control data.
`Thus the present invention may be configured to operate
`according to a number of traditionally distinct computing
`architectures. For example, a centrally located functional
`unit may be assigned the role of arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
`with memories of surrounding functional units being con-
`figured to act as instruction caches, register files, and pro-
`gram counters. Wider data paths are accommodated by tying
`near-neighbor ALUs to each other. Wider instructions are
`achieved by configuring instruction memories of separate
`functional units as if they were a single memory. For a
`different problem, the same integrated circuit may be recon-
`figured to emulate a single instruction multiple data (SIMD)
`architecture. The logic units of rows of functional units are
`tied together to create wider data paths, and the rows
`perform separate serial tasks.
`In specific embodiments, functional units may provide at
`least part of the instructions to logic units of other functional
`units. Also,
`the configuration storage may hold multiple
`contexts of configuration control data for reconfiguration of
`the programmable interconnect.
`In other embodiments, the interconnect may support three
`different modes of operation: a static value in which a value
`set by the configuration data is provided to a functional unit
`or static source in which another functional unit serves as the
`value source. A dynamic source mode can be included in
`which the source is determined by the value from another
`functional unit.
`In still other embodiments, each logic unit can also have
`programmable logic arrays on data paths between functional
`units which perform bit level logic operations. Additionally,
`reduction logic can be added that performs logic operations
`on the output of the logic units and passes a result to other
`functional units as control information. Network drivers are
`assigned to each unit to transmit received signals to other
`functional units. The sources of the signals received by the
`drivers may also be dynamic so that the sources are pro-
`grammable by other functional units.
`the invention
`In general according to another aspect,
`features an integrated reconfigurable computing device,
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 23
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 23


`which has functional units of multi-bit arithmetic logic units
`and memories. A configurable interconnect that connects the
`units includes function ports which determine the source of
`the instructions to the logic units. Network ports of the units
`are configurable by the functional units and determine the
`source of addresses to the memories and the source of data
`to the logic units and memories.
`In general according to still another aspect, the invention
`can also be characterized in the context of a method for
`organizing signal transmission within an array of functional
`units. Data read from the memories of functional units may
`be transmitted as instructions to the logic units of other
`functional units. Also, data read from logic units may be
`transmitted as addresses for the memories of other func-
`tional units. Finally, the data read from functional units can
`also be used as data inputs for the logic units of other
`functional units.
`In specific embodiments, the paths of the data and instruc-
`tions are dynamic in response to control from the functional
`units. More specifically, static values, values from other
`functional units, and values from sources may be transmitted
`between functional units.
`The above and other features of the invention including
`various novel details of construction and combinations of
`parts, and other advantages, will now be more particularly
`described with reference to the accompanying drawings and
`pointed out in the claims. It will be understood that the
`particular method and device embodying the invention are
`shown by way of illustration and not as a limitation of the
`invention. The principles and features of this invention may
`be employed in various and numerous embodiments without
`departing from the scope of the invention.
`In the accompanying drawings, reference characters refer
`to the same parts throughout the different views. The draw-
`ings are not necessarily to scale; emphasis has instead been
`placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention. Of
`the drawings:
`FIG. 1 shows a programmable integrated processing
`device of the present invention, which has been configured
`as an 8-bit microprocessor;
`FIG. 2 shows a SIMD processor configuration for the
`processing device according to the invention;
`FIG. 3 shows a 32-bit processor configuration for the
`processing device according to the invention;
`FIG. 4 shows a very long instruction word (VLIW)
`processor configuration for the processing device according
`to the invention;
`FIG. 5 shows multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD)
`processor configuration for the processing device according
`to the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram showing the architecture of a
`basic functional unit (BFU) core of the present invention;
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing the inter-BFU con-
`nectivity provided by the level-1 network connections;
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing the BFU interconnec-
`tion provided by the level-2 network connections;
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing the network switch
`architecture for a BFU of the present invention;
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating the function switch
`architecture of the present invention;
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram showing the address/data and
`network switch architecture of the present invention;
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating the floating port
`architecture of the present invention;
`FIG. 13 is a block diagram showing the level-1 network
`drivers of the present invention;
`FIG. 14 shows the level-2 drivers of the present invention;
`FIG. 15 shows the level-3 drivers of the present invention;
`FIG. 16 shows BFU input registers of the present inven-
`FIG. 17 shows the reduction logic in the BFU control
`architecture of the present invention;
`FIG. 18 is an example of multi-BFU reduction performed
`by the reduction logic of the present invention;
`FIG. 19 is a block diagram illustrating the operation of the
`distributed programmable logic array (PLA) associated with
`each BFU according to the invention;
`FIG. 20 is a block diagram showing the control logic for
`a single BFU;
`FIG. 21 shows an alternative embodiment of the configu-
`ration memory supporting multiple contexts;
`FIG. 22 is a block diagram of the configurable logic
`device of the present invention in the form of an integrated
`FIG. 23 is a block diagram showing the input/output port
`architecture for the chip of the present invention;
`FIG. 24 is a block diagram showing the structure of an I/O
`register according to the invention;
`FIG. 25 is a block diagram of a programmable logic array
`for customizing the chip’s interface;
`FIG. 26 is a block diagram showing the movement of data
`from the BFU core off-chip according to the invention;
`FIG. 27 is a block diagram of a selector switch that
`chooses the core outputs to be driven on an output wire
`according to the invention;
`FIG. 28 is a block diagram showing a tri-state buffer used
`in the selector switch of FIG. 20;
`FIG. 29 is a block diagram illustrating how data enters the
`BFU core from off-chip;
`FIG. 30 is a block diagram showing the selector switch
`that selects among incoming data bytes from I/O ports and
`PLAs according to the invention;
`FIG. 31 is a block diagram of a C/R input architecture
`according to the invention;
`FIG. 32 is a block diagram showing the construction of
`the controller switches of the level-3 network lines accord-
`ing to the invention;
`FIG. 33 is a block diagram illustrating the dynamic
`control of the controller switches, which is shared between
`pairs of controllers at each column, according to the inven-
`FIG. 34 shows the architecture of one of the dynamic
`control switches according to the invention;
`FIG. 35 is a block diagram showing the connectivity of
`BFUs in a systolic-type configuration according to the
`FIG. 36 shows the configuration of the BFUs for a
`microcoded-type implementation for the convolution prob-
`lem according to the invention;
`FIG. 37 shows the organization of the BFUs for a VLIW,
`horizontal microcode-type implementation according to the
`invention; and
`FIG. 38 shows the organization of the BFUs for a VLIW/
`MSIMD-type implementation according to the invention.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 24
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1019, p. 24


`FIG. 1 shows a multi-bit microprocessor configuration of
`a reconfigurable processing device, which has been con-
`structed and programmed according to the principles of the
`present invention. A two-dimensional array of basic func-
`tional units 100 are located in a programmable interconnect
`101. Five of the BFUs 100 and the portion of the reconfig-
`urable interconnect connecting the BFUs have been config-
`ured to operate as a microprocessor 102.
`Each of the BFUs 100 preferably has addressable memory
`resources and logic resources, such as an 8-bit arithmetic
`logic unit (ALU). One of the BFUs 100, denoted ALU,
`utilizes its logic resources to perform the logic operations of
`the microprocessor 102 and utilizes its memory resources as
`a data store and/or extended register file. Another BFU
`operates as a function store F that controls the successive
`logic operations performed by the logic resources of the
`ALU. Two additional BFUs, A and B, operate as further
`instruction stores that control the addressing of the memory
`resources of the ALU. A final BFU, PC, operates as a
`program counter for the various instruction BFUs F, A, B.
`As shown in FIG. 2, the same reconfigurable processing
`array, however, may be reprogrammed to function as a
`SIMD system, and as described below, this reconfiguration
`can occur on a cycle-by-cycle basis. The functions of the
`program counter PC and instruction stores A, B and F have
`been again assigned to different BFUs 100, but the ALU
`function has been replicated into 12 BFUs. Each of the
`ALUs is connected via the reconfigurable interconnect 101
`to operate on globally broadcast
`instructions from the
`instruction stores A, B, F. These same operations are per-
`formed by each of these ALU, or common instructions may
`be broadcast on a row-by-row basis.
`FIG. 3 shows how wider data paths can be constructed in
`the programmable device. This 32-bit microprocessor con-
`figured device has the same instruction stores A, B, F and
`program counter as described in connection with FIG. 1.
`Four BFUs, however, have been assigned an ALU operation,
`and the ALUs are chained together to act as a single 32-bit
`wide microprocessor in which the interconnect 101 supports
`carry-in and carry-out operations between the ALUs.
`FIG. 4 shows how the device can be configured to operate
`as a very long instruction word (VLIW) system. The various
`instruction stores A, B, F are defined to encompass multiple
`BFUs 100 to accommodate the desired instruction word
`FIG. 5 shows the configuration of the present system to
`operate as a multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD)
`system. The 8-bit microprocessor configuration 102 of FIG.
`1 is replicated into an adjacent set of BFUs to accommodate
`independent processing units within the same
`device. Of course, wider data paths could also be accom-
`modated by chaining ALUs of each processor 102 to each
`1. Basic Functional Unit Architecture
`FIG. 6 shows the moderately coarse grain, preferably
`8-bit, BFU core. Primarily, the BFU core has memory block
`110, basic ALU core 120, and configuration memory 105.
`The main memory block 110 is a 256 word><8 bit wide
`memory, which is arranged to be used in either single or dual
`port modes. In dual port mode, the memory size is reduced
`to 128 words in order to be able to perform the two
`simultaneous read operations without increasing the read
`latency of the memory. The memory mode is controlled by
`control logic 114 accessed through a Memory/MuX function
`port 112, and the write enable can be controlled either
`through the memory/muX function port 112 or by the control
`logic 134 accessed through ALU function port 132. Control
`logic is hardwired and also controls the ALU functions.
`In single port mode, the memory 110 uses the AiADR
`port for an address and outputs the selected value to both
`AiPORT and BiPORT. In dual port mode, the AiADR
`port selects a value for AiPORT only, and BiADR port
`selects a value for the BiPORT.
`In either

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