`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent 1%.:
`US 6,339,819 B1
`Huppenthal et al.
`Jan. 15, 2002
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Inventors: Jon M. Huppemhal, Paul A. Leskal',
`b0“! 01‘ Cfilmfldfl Spring-5, CO (US)
`(73) N‘S'gflcei SF“; Computers, Inez, Celorad“
`Spring-s, CO (US)
`Subject to any dlsclatmer, the [em] 01 this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 1540;) by 0 days.
`( ‘ ) Notlee:
`(31) AFPI- NO-i 09/563,551
`May 3, 2000
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-impart of application No. D‘Jf481,9f12, filed on
`Jan, 12. 2am, nnw Pat. No. 6,247.]“1, which is :1 continue
`ation oi application No. 081992.703. filed on Dee. 1?. 1997.
`now Pat. No. 0,076,152.
`Int. Cl.7
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`(53) Field of Search
`GMI" 15116
`712/16; 326.r'39;32614l;
`326/39. 41; figfloI
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`47 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
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`K‘- 112
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`..._JAP_ "i
`lll I| .
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`j 53]
`EX. 2084, p. 1
`EX. 2084, p. 1


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`EX. 2084, p. 3
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`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 1 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
`Bank 0
`Bank 1
`Bank M
`| |1 l ll I K
`| || | | | 1
`112M I
`Fig. 1
`EX. 2084, p. 4
`EX. 2084, p. 4


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 2 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
` >EOEME%mum:«an:%
` _.e55:..59_.ue__"we
`EX. 2084, p. 5
`EX. 2084, p. 5


`US. Patent
`US 6,339,819 B1
` 1__H__mm15528umTimam?as).E.msw069m_5528_m@xz<mmmz:12:”:_m,w.2396_m_mmmmom<_m"><mm<
`EX. 2084, p. 6
`EX. 2084, p. 6


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 4 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
` mah§4mioum."E223_.m_z_I_mn=n__m_(an...20EVAMEmSE30963mwEEmJ___mmpzzouWNW,“2mm:"_mzfiwli_mzzwnzn.w.a?(on:W$55.32
`EX. 2084, p. 7
`EX. 2084, p. 7


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 5 of 1]
`US 6,339,819 B1
`'IOtllN OD
`EX. 2084, p. 8
`EX. 2084, p. 8


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 6 of 1]
`US 6,339,819 B1
`EX. 2084, p. 9
`EX. 2084, p. 9


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 7 of 1]
`US 6,339,819 B1
`EX. 2084, p. 10
`EX. 2084, p. 10


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 8 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
`ifldLnO NIVHO
` 0:4522:0.6528No5989amw\vM”mlmmmenEm‘5&2.m5&2.
`EX. 2084, p. 11
`EX. 2084, p. 11


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15,2002
`Sheet 9 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
`EX. 2084, p. 12
`EX. 2084, p. 12


`US. Patent
`Jan. 15, 2002
`Sheet 10 of 11
`US 6,339,819 B1
` §<Iu.-.1‘ILMIIIIEIJukIiwfirwl.__WUa_:_mJ...
`EX. 2084, p. 13
`EX. 2084, p. 13


`US. Patent
`EX. 2084, p. 14
`EX. 2084, p. 14


`US 6,339,819 B]
`The present invention is a continuation-in—part application
`ofU.S. patent application Ser. No. fl9f481,9f]2 tiled Jan. 12,
`2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,247,110, which is a continuation
`of US. patent application Ser. No. 08f992,763 filed Dec. 17,
`1997, now US. Pat. No. 6,076,152, for: “Multiprocessor
`Computer Architecture Incorporating a Plurality of Memory
`Algorithm Processors in the Memory Subsystem", assigned
`to SRC Computers, Inc., Colorado Springs, Colo. assignec
`of the present invention, the disclosures of which are herein
`specifically incorporated by this reference.
`The enhanced memory algorithmic processor architecture
`for multiprocessor computer systems of the present inven-
`The present invention relates, in general, to the field of
`computer architectures incorporating multiple processing
`elements. More particularly, the present invention relates to
`a multiprocessor computer architecture incorporating a
`number of memory algorithmic processors (“MAP") in the
`memory subsystem or closely coupled to the processing g
`elements to significantly enhance overall system processing
`As commodity microprocessors increase in capability
`there is an ever increasing push to use them in high perfor-
`mance multiprocessor systems capable of performing tril-
`lions ot‘ calculations per second at significantly lower cost
`than those made from custom counterparts. However, many
`of these processors lack specific features common to sys-
`tems in this category that employ much more expensive
`custom processors. One such feature is the ability to perform
`vector processing.
`In this form ofprocessing, a data register or buffer is filled
`with operands forming what is called a vector. All of these
`operands are then passed one after the other thmugh a
`functional unit capable of performing operations such as
`multiplication. This functional unit will output one result
`every clock cycle. This type of processing does require that
`the same operation be performed on all operands in the input
`vector and it
`is, therefore, widely used in that it exhibits
`much higher processing rates than the traditional scalar
`method of computation used in most microprocessors.
`Nevertheless, neither vector nor scalar processors perform
`very well when required to perform bit manipulation as is
`required. for example, in matrix arithmetic. One such func-
`tion is a bit matrix multiply operation in which two matrices
`of difl’crcnt sizes are multiplied together to form a third
`matrix. Another shortfall of both vector and scalar process-
`ing is their inability to quickly perform pattern searches such
`as those used in a variety of pattern recognition programs.
`A solution to all of these deficiencies can be found by
`building a high performance computer which contains num-
`bers of commodity microprocessors to reduce the system
`together with MAP elements developed by SRC
`Computers, Inc, assignee of the present invention, to pro—
`vide the deficient functions at very low cost. The MAP
`architecture and specific features thereof is disclosed in the
`aforementioned patent applications, the disclosures of which
`are herein specifically incorporated by this reference.
`tion is an assembly that not only contains, for example, field
`programmable gate arrays functioning as the memory algo-
`rithmic processors, but also an operand storage, intelligent
`address generation, on board function libraries, result store
`age and multiple U0 ports. Like the original MAP architec-
`turc disclosed in the aforementioned patent applications, this
`architecture ditfers from other so called “reconfigurable"
`computers in many ways.
`its function is intended to be altered every few
`seconds distinguishing itself from other systems with very
`long reconfiguration times primarily intended for a single
`function Secondly, it contains dedicated hardware to pro-
`vide for large data set operand storage (on the order of 16
`Mbytes or more) allowing the MAP element to function
`autonomously from its host system once operands are
`loaded. Thirdly, it contains dedicated data ports to allow, but
`not require, multiple MAP elements to be chained together
`to perform very large operations. As currently contemplated,
`it is intended that typically 32 to 512 or more MAP sections
`can be connected in a single systemi
`the MAP element is intended to augment, not
`replace, the high performance microprocessors in the sys-
`tem. As such,
`in a particular embodiment of the present
`invention, it may be connected through the memory sub-
`system of the computer system resulting in it being very
`tightly coupled to the system as well as being globally
`accessible from any processor in the system. This technique
`was developed by SRC Computers, Inc. and distinguishes
`the MAP architecture from all other so called “attached array
`processor” systems that may exist
`today. While such
`“attached array processor“ systems may bear some superfi-
`cial similarities to MAP based systems,
`they are entirely
`separate units connected to the host computer
`relatively slow interconnects resulting in test system per-
`The MAP architecture developed by SRC Computers, Inc.
`as defined in the aforementioned patent applications over
`comes many of the limitations of such “attached array
`processor" systems. Because of the particular limitations in
`the exemplary architecture disclosed therein surrounding the.
`attachment of input storage anti chaining capabilities, certain
`vector processing functions may not have been optimally
`implemented unlike relatively smaller algorithms.
`'l'hrough the addition of these and other features to the
`MAP architecture, a much more powerful multiprocessor
`computer system is provided. Moreover, while, as originally
`diselosed, another feature of the MAP architecture was its
`ability to perform direct memory access ("DMA") into the
`common the memory ofthe system, enhancements disclosed
`herein have expanded the potential utilization of this feature.
`Particularly disclosed herein is a Memory Algorithmic
`Processor ("MAP") assembly (or element) comprising
`reconfigurable field programmable gate array (“Fl’GA”)
`circuitry, an intelligent address generator, input data buffers,
`output first-in, first-out (“FIFO") devices and ports to allow
`connection to a memory array and chaining of multiple MAP
`assemblies for the purpose of augmenting the capability of
`a microprocessor in a high performance computer.
`Further disclosed herein is a MAP assembly comprising
`an intelligent address generator capable of supporting a data
`gather function from its associated input butler or common
`memory. The MAP assembly may also comprise circuitry to
`allow the reconfigurable elements to reprogram their
`on-hoard configuration read only memory ("ROM") devices
`to cause alterations in the functionality of the reconfigurable
`EX. 2084, p. 15
`EX. 2084, p. 15


`US 6,339,819 B1
`Still further disclosed herein is a MAP assembly com-
`prising dedicaled input and output ports for the purpose of
`allowing an infinite number of MAP elements to be chained
`together to accomplish a single function. The MAP assem-
`bly may also incorporate provisions to create a single MAP
`chain or multiple independent MAP chains automatically
`based on the contents of the reconfigurable circuitry.
`l-‘unhcr disclosed herein is a MAP assembly comprising
`output FIliOs for the purpose of holding output data and
`allowing the MAP element to not stall
`in the event the
`processor reading these results is delayed due to outside
`[actors such as workload or crossbar switch conllicLs. The
`MAP assembly may further comprise relatively large dedi-
`cated input storage buffers to allow for optimization of
`operand transfer as well as allow multiple accesses to an
`operand without requiring external processor intervention.
`Still further disclosed herein is a MAP assembly com-
`prising a dedicated port for connection to an input buffer so
`that the MAP element can simultaneously receive operands
`via the chained input (chain) port and the input [wires This
`allows the MAP element to perform mathematical process-
`ing at the maximum possible rate while also allowing the
`MAP element to accept operands via the chain port while
`accessing reference data in the input buffer (such as recip-
`rocal look up tables) to allow the MAP element to perform
`operations such as division at the fastest possible rate.
`Also further disclosed herein is a MAP assembly which
`may comprise connections to the memory subsystem of a
`high performance computer for the purpose of providing
`global access to it from all processors in a multiprocessor
`high performance computer system. The MAP assembly
`incorporates the capability to update multiple on board
`function ROMS under program control while in the system
`and may also include connections to the memory subsystem
`of a high performance computer utilizing DMA to accept
`commands from a microprocessor.
`The aforementioned and other features and objects of the
`invention and the manner of attaining them will
`become more apparent and the invention itself will be best
`understood by reference to the following description of a
`preferred embodiment taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a simplified, high level, functional block dia-
`gram of a multiprocessor computer architecture employing
`memory algorithmic processors (“MAP") in accordance
`with the disclosure of the aforementioned patent applica-
`tions in an alternative embodiment wherein direct memory
`access (“DMA”) techniques may be utilized to send com-
`mands to the MAP elements in addition to data;
`FIG. 2 is a simplified logical block diagram of a possible
`computer application program decomposition sequence for
`use in conjunction with a multiprocessor computer archi-
`tecture utilizing a number of MAP elements located, for
`example, in the computer system memory space, in accor-
`dance with a particular embodiment ofthe present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a more detailed functional block diagram of an
`exemplary individual one of the MAP elements of the
`preceding figures and illustrating the bank control
`memory array and MAP assembly thereof;
`FIG. 4 is a more detailed functional block diagram of the
`control block of the MAP assembly of the preceding illus~
`tralion illustrating its interconnection to the user FPGA
`thereof in a particular embodiment;
`FIG. 5 is a functional block diagram of an alternative
`embodiment of the present
`invention wherein individual
`MAP elements are closely associated with individual pro-
`cessor boards and each of the MAP elements comprises
`independent chain ports for coupling the MAP elements
`directly to each other;
`FIG; 6 isa functional block diagram ofan individual MAP
`element wherein each comprises on board memory and a
`control block providing common memory DMA capabili-
`FIG. 7 is an additional functional block diagram of an
`individual MAP element illustrating the on board memory
`function as an input buffer and output FIFO portions thereof;
`FIG. 8 is a more detailed functional block diagram of an
`individual MAP element as illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7'.
`FIG. 9 isa user array interconnect diagram illustrating, for
`four user Fl’GAs interconnected through
`horizontal, vertical and diagonal buses to allow for expan-
`sion in designs that exceed the capacity of a single l’I’GA;
`FIG. III is a functional block diagram of another altema-
`tivc embodiment ofthc present invention wherein individual
`MAP elements are closely associated with individual
`memory arrays and each of the MAP elements comprises
`independent chain ports for coupling the MAP elements
`directly to each other; and
`FIGS. 11A and 11B are timing diagrams respectively
`input and output timing in relationship to the system clock
`(“Sysclk”) signal.
`With reference now to FIG. I, a multiprocessor computer
`10 architecture in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention is shown. The multiprocessor computer 10
`incorporates N processors 1200 through 12” which are
`[ii-directionally coupled to a memory interconnect fabric 14.
`The memory interconnect fabric 14 is then also coupled to
`M memory banks comprising memory bank subsystems 160
`(Bank 0) through 16M (Bank M). N number of memory
`algorithmic processors ("MAP”) 1120 through IIZN are also
`coupled to the memory interconnect fabric 14 as will be
`more fully described hereinafter.
`With reference now to FIG. 2, a representative application
`program decomposition for a multiprocessor computer
`architecture [0|] incorporating a plurality of memory algo-
`rithm processors in accordance with the present invention is
`shown. The computer architecture 100 is operative in
`response to user instructions and data which,
`in a coarse
`grained portion of the decomposition, are selectively
`directed to one of (for purposes of example only)
`parallel regions “)2,
`through 1024 inclusive. The instruc-
`tions and data output from each of the parallel regions 1021
`through 1024 are respectively input
`to parallel
`segregated into data areas 104, through 1044 and instruction
`areas 106] through 106... Data maintained in the data areas
`through Ill-ll;l and instructions maintained in the
`instruction areas 106J through 196,. are then supplied to, for
`example, corresponding pairs of processors 1081, 1082 (P1
`and P2); 1083, 108., (P3 and P4); 1085, 1086 (P5 and P6);
`and 1087, 1088 (P7 and P8) as shown. At this point,
`medium grained decomposition of the instructions and data
`has been accomplished.
`A fine grained decomposition, or parallelism, is elfcctu-
`ated by a further algorithmic decomposition wherein the
`output of each of the processors 1081 through 1GB”,
`broken up, for example,
`into a number of fundamental
`algorithms 1101“, 11013, 11014, 110213 through 110M as
`EX. 2084, p. 16
`EX. 2084, p. 16


`US 6,339,819 B1
`shown. Each of the algorithms is then supplied to a corre-
`sponding one of the MAP elements 112“, 112m: 112M,
`112:”, through 1123,, which may be located in the memory
`space of the computer architecture 100 for execution therein
`as will be more fully described hereinafter.
`With reference additionally now to FIG. 3, an exemplary
`implementation of a memory bank 120 in a MAP system
`computer architecture 100 of the present invention is shown
`for a representative one of the MAP elements 112 illustrated
`in the preceding figure. Each memory bank 120 includes a
`bank control logic block 122 bi—direclionaliy coupled to the
`computer system trunk lines, for example, a 72 line bus 124.
`The bank control
`logic block 122 is coupled to a
`bi-directional data bus 126 (for example 256 lines) and
`supplies addresses on an address bus 128 (for example 17
`lines) for accessing data at specified locations within a
`memory array 130.
`The data bus 126 and address bus 128 are also coupled to
`a MAP element 112. The MAP element 112 comprises a
`control block 132 coupled to the address bus 123. The
`control block 132 is also bi-directionally coupled to a user
`field programmable gate array (”FPUA") 134 by means of a
`number of signal lines 136. The user FPGA 134 is coupled
`directly to the data bus 126. In a particular embodiment, the
`lil’GA 134 may be provided as a Leccnt
`'l'echnolngies ‘
`ORSTSO device.
`The computer architecture 100 comprises a multiproces-
`sor system employing uniform memory access across com-
`mon shared memory with one or more MAP elements 112
`which maybe located in the memory subsystem, or memory
`space. As previously described, each MAP element 112
`contains at least one relatively large FPGA 134 that is used
`as a reconfigurable functional unit. In addition, a control
`block 132 and a preprogrammed or dynamically program—
`mable configuration ROM (as will be more fully described
`hereinafter) contains the information needed by the rccon~
`figurable MAP element 112 to enable it to perform a specific
`algorithm. It is also possible for the user to directly down-
`load a new configuration into the FPGA 134 under program
`control, although in some instances this may consume a
`number of memory accesses and might result in an overall
`decrease in system performance if the algorithm was short-
`li‘PGAs have particular advantages in the application
`shown for several reasons. First, commercially available
`1“l’UAs now contain sufficient internal logic cells to perform
`meaningful computational Functions Secondly,
`they can
`operate at speeds comparable to microprocessors, which
`eliminates the need for speed matching buffers. Still further,
`the internal programmable routing resources of F'PGAs are
`now extensive enough that meaningful algorithms can now
`be programmed without the need to reassign the locations of
`the inpultoutput ("NO”) pins.
`By. for example, placing the MAP element 112 in the
`memory subsystem or memory space.
`it can be

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