`Table of contents
`BAS on
`IP and ATM Convergence”
`Sheraton Hotel, Tuesday Afternoon, Room Uavea A
`Proposer Paulo T de Sousa, European (omission
`IP and ATM Convergence ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1660
`Paulo T. de Sousa, European Commission
`Symposium on Global Internet: Application and Technology (V03)
`Resource Management for Wireless Networks
`lU:45-i l:25, Sheraton, Room loanerna
`(hair: Ramon faceres, IlTIST Research
`1 Adaptive inverse Multiplexing for Wide-Area lI'I'ireless Networks
`Alex Snaeren Massachusetts institute of ierhrroiogy, USA
`2 Fair Allocation oi ElosticTrolliclor u Wireles; Base Station...
`6oneg Miklos fricsson Research, Sandor Mother Technical UniversityofBudapest, Hungary
`Routing Algorithms
`tl:25-12:30, Sheraton, Room ioanema
`Choir: L'hrisroahe Uiot, Sprint tabs
`i The Use at lP-Anycost for Building Ellicient Multicost Trees
`Dino Il’atoor’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
`2 A Distributed Algorithm for Multiputh [amputationm
`Saniaas Vaiakury andJJGarciaiuno-Ilceres, University oifolrfornia USU“
`3 A Randomized Algorithm for Finding a Path Subiect to Multiple floS Constraints
`Torgoy Korknroz and Martian Il’rurrz, University of Arizona, USA
`Analyzing TCP
`l4:45—l6:20, Sheraton, ltooni loanenro
`(hair: Erich Unhanr lBhi Watson
`Iinalysis of a Method for Diflerentiol TEP Service.
`Panos Gowns, Fuluia Rrsso and Peter Kirstera Universiiy (allege iondan,United iirngdonr
`hnalysis ol T[P with Several Bottleneck Nodes
`(haa‘i Horokotand Eiton Unnao I'NRI'A Trance
`3 The Window Distribution of Multiple TCF's with Random Loss flueuesuu
`nrcharr Misra and Tennis [in Telconiia Technologies; iahn Barns Untiersity oihiorylonriUSU"
`4 Detection and Measuring Asymmetric LinkS'In on IP Network.
`Weave liang, Columbia Universrty TIIIIothyE lir'r'lir'arns, Uerwortr PennheroistncUSIim
`Buffer Management Mechanisms
`16:4018: 15, Sheraton, Room lpaaema
`Chair: Jennifer Rexford, ATRT Research
`l Class-Based Butler Management using Early Fair Drop .............................................................................................................................................................................. lmi
`John Bruno, Banu Ozden, Abraham Silherschatz, and Toroon Mandhano, lucent Technologies, USA
`2 0n the Provision of Integrated QoS Guarantees of Unicost and Multicast Traffic in lnput-Queued Switches ................................................................................................ ”42
`Ge Nang and Mounir Hamdi, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
`Blobecom’99 Conference R
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`3 Random Early Marking for Internet Congestion Control .............................................................................................................................................................................. i747
`David lapsley, Melbourne Information Technologies Steven law, The University ofMelbourne, Australia
`4 Flour-valve: Embedding a Safety-valve in RED
`Xenilm Clio, Sony Computer Science laboratories, inc, lonan
`Application Level Services
`9:30-lU:4Q Sheraton, ri‘aam loonerna
`Chan: flinesh Vanna, lBM Watson
`Integrating WWW Caches and Search Engines
`Wagnerhlelra it, Rodrigo Fanseca, Marcia Cesaria, and Uivio Ziviani Federal University ofMines Uerar's, Brazil
`2 En Passant: Predicting HTlPll .1 Traffic
`Balachotrder rTrishaarnarthy and ienniler Rexlord, ATM labs Research, USA
`3 Comparison of Scalable Key Distribution Schemes lorSerure Group Communication ................................................................................................................................. We
`latisltminotlr liana‘eti, University ofliebraslcalincoln; Sarit rtiakheriee, Panasonic technologies, lac; Asbolc Samol University atliebraslralincaln, USA
`Dilierenfiated Services
`ӣ04230, Sheraton, Room loanerno
`Chart: Fdnnmdo A de Soazo e Silva, Federal University olri’ia de laneiro
`I Micro-Tier Resource Management Model tor the Internet
`Andreas ilerzis, lan Wang, .lrrn Ugorva, and livia Zhang, University of California at las Angeles, USA
`2 Bandwidth Assurance Issues for TCP llotvs in a Differentiated Services Network
`h‘abrl Seddrgh, Uiswair‘t Mandy, and Peter Pieda, Contouring lechnology labs-llartel Networks, Canada
`3 Supporting Best-Effort Traffic With Fair Service Curve
`I5. Eugene Ug, Carnegie Mellon University; Bonaoal E. Stephens, Carnegie Mellon Universinr/lacent Technologies; Ian Stoico and Hal Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
`4 A Quantitative Study at Dillerentiated Services for the Internet
`Sontbr'tSaha, Don Tonaley, and lint Karose, University olAlassachosetts, USA
`s"lililirt for Multimedia Traltic
`”film-’95, Sheraton, Room lpanerrro
`”All.“ BanalAhlgren, SlCS
`l “(P-Friendly Congestion Control Scheme for Real-time Packet Ilideo Using Prediction ........................................................................................................................... lBlB
`MSW? and Finding lsoa, National Taiwan University; Along Chang Chen, Academia Sinica; Zsehong Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
`2 USInoothing Proxy Service for Variable-Bit-Rate Streaming Video
`' .ifititth‘er Revlon}, ATM labs Research; Sabhahrota Sen, University allrlassarhuseits; Andrea Basso, Aldl labs Research, USA
`3:.rElllEll’fllMethonisms ior Recovering Voice Pockets in the Internet
`“ll-ENRflffon figaeiredo and Edmondo de Sabra e Silva, Federal Universinr ofRio de ianeiro, Brazil
`4 MUM Internet Telephony Quality; 1r'r'here Are We Today? .................................................................................................................................................................... 1833
`Mill-Woo: SlCS; ri’iell Hanson, Fricssan Business Netti/oils; lan Marsh, SlCS, Sweden
`.0 Sheraton, lioom loonrnrro
`jsuflilt-lmnin, University alldichigan, USA
`mflmlflfl the Scaling Behavior, Crossover and Anti-persistence al Internet Packet Delay Dynamics ...................................................................................................... 1343
`.li DndUovidl. Mills, USA
`. Mot Internal Loss Rates in the Mbone ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1353
`res and lid. Dollield, Allil labs Research; See 3. Moon and Una Fowsley, Universinr atMassachusetts, USA
`Kill? 5A5Tm
`llic Patterns and Their Implications .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1359
`mill and lorry Peterson, Princeton University, USA
`etence Record
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`4 The Current State and Likely Evolution of the Internet ................................................................................................................................................................................ I869
`Andrew Odlyzko, AMT labs Research, USA
`Symposium on Enterprise Application and Services (V03)
`WEB Based Management
`iO:45-i2:30, Sheraton, Room Vidigal B + C
`Organiser: John Buford
`(hair: Pradeep Ray
`I Next Generation Computing [Invited Talk}
`Michael Broodie, GTE halts, USA
`2 Agent and Web-Based Technologies in Network Management
`Matthew J. Wren ondtairo A. Gutierrez, The University at Auckland, New Zeoland
`A Scalable, Web-based Architecture Ior Hierarchical Network Management
`iiohai tang, Peiyu Wong e lianping Wu, Tsinghua University, China
`4 Distributed Network Management by HTTP-Based Remote Invocation
`itrvaChun tin and Chien-Hsing Wang, National lsing Hua University China
`5 Web—based Customer Service Management System tor a ‘r‘irtuai Private Network Service Based on Semi-permanent Connections 139A
`S. De Smit, if. Damon, and W Ilan teelcwiicic, Alcarel Corporate Research Center, Begium
`Enterprise Network Design, Implementation and Operation
`l 4:45-l8:l5, Sheraton, li’oom Ir'iolignIB + C
`Chairotiasayoshi Eiirr'
`Organiser: Giovanni Part
`Topological Design Comparison for Multicast Network
`talcumi r‘rtiyoshi and Yoshialci lanolin, Wasedo Unhersity/Telecornmunications Advancement Organization or‘Japan; liaorcr Sezairi, University of iokr‘o, Japan
`2 Modeling, Simulation, and Verification of an Enterprise Network
`Jonathan Felten, Ozgiir Oriritc'iz, and Henry Owen, Georgia institute of Technology‘OShym
`lhomas Grossmana, Bord Kinsman, and Werner Sclrn‘iclc, OeI'eSystem Deutsche Telelcom Systemlrisongen, Germany
`3 Analysis and Implementation of a Transparent Priority Mechanism for LAN Internet Access
`rl. Giovonarrt'i and 6, Mazrini, University at Ferrara, Italy
`Interfaces for Interworlcing among Intelligent Networks, Computer Telephony, and Ir‘oice over IP Systems
`Rye lakeuchr‘, ri’azrrltiro Nagoyarrro, Akira Miura, and ltirolci lanalca, illIT Information Sharing Platform laboratories, laoatt
`5 Active TCP Control by a Network
`Arata Koilre, litT Inlarnrah‘on Sharing Platform laboratories, lapan
`6 A Trunsudionol Approach for Cross-Organizational Cooperation
`hi. Munier, K. Benoit, and C. Dorian, IORIA, France
`7 The Evolution Towards the Inlormation Society, A Market Driven Perspective tram the Convair Proiect in ACTS
`I? Briggs and B. tlopwood, Marconi Communications; E. fiaretti, CSEEI' I? Polese, EitCAJ/Aicatel), Belgium
`Enterprise Applications and Network Management
`9:30i2:30, Sheraton, Room Ir'irtigoltE' + C
`Organiser: Simon tierrirlge
`Chair: tuncly iewis
`I On Workllow and Agent Technologies on the Internetllntranet
`GengSheng (G, S.) Kuo and Howard I’. Chang, National Cannot University Taiwan
`2 The (00 Operator to Support and Improve the Flexibility oI Adoptive Workliaws
`O. Perrin and C. Godort, IORlA-lNRIA, France
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`3 Using the Internet to Communicate Software Metrics in a Large Organilation
`tony iokikyyny Ericssan Research; Casper iassenius, Helsinki University at technology Finland
`4 A Study an Efficient Inlormotion Searchers with Agents lor Large—Scale Networks
`Sirinii Sugawura, Katsunori i’antaolca, and Yoshinori Sakai, Tokyo institute of technology Japan
`5 A Web Ontology Description Language
`itidront £1th and Ahmed ltornrauclr, University of Ghana, Canada
`6 EDI-Oriented Agents tor Network Mongement
`Mossy M. Chellclrraohou, institatfurecam, France
`It Security Managementhgainst Cloning Mobile Phones
`Mirelo SeclritriorettiAnnoni Notare, Federal University at Santa Catarina, Brazil; Azzedine Unokerche, University atNorth ieiros, USA;
`Fernando A. do 5. (can, Bernardo 6. Rise, and Carlos 8. Westphall Federal University atSanta Catarina, Brazil
`Enterprise Service and System Management
`l4:30-l3:UU, Sheraton, Roam iridigal B + C
`Urgan'ner: G. 5. Ken
`Chan: Sontir (batteries
`Service Level Management: Definition, Architecture, and Research Challenges
`hardy tewis, Cobletron Systems, USA; Fradeep Ray, University at New South Wales, Australia
`2 Cooperative Service Management [Iver Enterprise Networks: A Case Study in Healthcare Environments
`Pmdeep lion Westtneod Hospital; Gemini Weerakkady University atNew South Wales, Australia
`3 A Pricing and Accounting Architecture for DoS Guaranteed Services on a Halli-domain Network
`Who Nakonraro, Faiista tid, tapan,‘ Mosakoza Soto,
`iAU, Japan; iakeo Honrado, Fuiitsu iabaran‘es atAmerica, USA
`4] EificientAgent—Bosed Negotiation for Telecommunications Services
`George 0. Starnoulis, Uinritrios Kalapsilralris, Anna itinkogloo, and Castes Coorcoabetis, University at Crete, Greece
`5 Managing Users, Applications and Resources with RMDN?
`L l? Gaspary Federal University at Rio Grande do Sal/Vole do Rio dos Sinos University; i. ii. iorauca, University of Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil
`6 Broadband connectivity Management Service for Matti-domain ATM and SDH Networks
`Alex Emir, University Callege tendon, United Kingdom
`7 Enterprise Directory Support for Future SNMPVS Network Management Applications
`5 Union, University of Versailles, France; Ii. Boutoba, University of Toronto, Canada; 0. Cherkooui, 00AM University, Canada
`st'mposium on Multimedia Services and Technology Issues (V04)
`4’ I0; State of the Art [invited Session]
`3% 0, Intercontinental, RoomAgata
`Tile fifimhdflptation Framework; Bringing the Internet to Information Appliances ..................................................................................................................................... 20i5
`ll =95!) Mohan, John It. Smith and (hung-Sheng Ii, [8/0 I]. Watson Research Center, USA
`ali’%flpd 1l'itleo Compression on Programmable Chips lot Mobile Communication
`1.1 ..
`”Elliott: and lctrira Kurodo, tiff Corporation, Japan
`'WfitgmMmiwfion Advances and Applications
`“a“ 5W. UniversityatErlangentiurenrherg, Germany
`its '
`'- 1... .m Calorimoge Segmentation 2038
`5' mm” "lid5- ll. Mitre, University atColdornldiiUSAm-I
`High “"0th Audio f
`or Multimedia: Key Technologies and MPEG Standards
`EM! WtUniversity atBerlin, Germany
`will User Interlace
`9171/9, Incent Technologies, USA
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`Table of contents
`Multimedia Applications and Systems
`Id:30—l6:O§, intercontinental Roam Agata
`Organizer: Alelson Fonseco, State University or‘ Campinas. Brazil
`Chair: tell it. Derby, lBM Corporation
`The II‘ideo Conference Service in on Intelligent Broadband Network: Design, Load Balancing and Performance Analysis in the Control Plane
`E [name and M. Ustonti, Universin' of Rome ”La Saprenza”, ltaly
`Duality of Perception to Duality of Service Mapping Using a Dynamically Reconfigurable Communication System
`i3. Ulrinea J. i! themes and R 5. Fish University ailieading, United Kingdom
`Overview ol Risksto Multimedia Broadband Upgrades...
`KiellStoIdalil ielenar; I'iils Kristian Elnegaard iele Uenmadr; IeIlerttIunlrns andBargdrlarreOlsenFeledar Nonvay
`A Stream Relationship Monitor for Adaptive Multimedia Document Retrieval...
`Eduardo Carneiro do Conha, iaiz Fernando Rustda Costa Carma and loci Pirrnez FedeIdiUdrversrtyoi Iii:deldneiroBrdzil"
`I 2 3 4
`Multimedia Services Access and Control
`id:25- i8:OO intercontinental Raonrdgata
`Organizer: Nelson Fonseca State University aI‘Carnpinas Brazil
`(hair: Otto CarlasM B Uuarte Federal University aiRio de Joneira Brazil
`Threshold-Based Admission Policies for Video Services.
`5.1”. Gary Chan Hong Kong University olScience and TechnologyliohgIdng;FdaadAlohagiStanfordUniversity USA”
`Perlormance Evaluation oi an Adaptive Access Control SchemeIn an Integrated Uoicei‘lideolData CDMA System...
`Seung Silc Chat and Dong-Flo Che, Korea Advanced institute of Science and Technology, Korea
`Resource Reservation Admission Control Algorithm with User Interactions
`ESallahiandII. Karmaaclr Universiton‘OttanIa Canada
`FEC- PSD. A FEC--oware ‘I‘ideo Packet Drop Scheme...
`Ahmed Mehaaua University alllersailles France Siting Zhang, Unrversrty alfamhndge United Kingdom linoIdBaIItoha Universnyolioranto Canada
`I 2 3 4
`Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing for Communications (V04)
`Antenna oncl Array Processing
`l4:45-i8: l5, Intercontinental Roam Oaartzo B
`Organisers: Fomaliilco liInigaclIi, Fuiitsn, USA; Nanhisa Ohio, Sony, Japan
`Chair: Harstiiessai University oiSiegen Germany
`Downlink Beomlorming Ior Frequency Division Duplex Systems...
`Klaus Hagl Julia laanln nndFmstBonek TechnIsche Universrta‘t Wk”.'Ailshia..
`Field Measurements of High Speed DAM Wireless Transmission Using Equalization and Real-Time Beomlorming
`Jeanirancois Fn'gan and Babel: Oaneshrad University of California or los Angeles, USA
`Distribution Analysis at SIR'In Adoptive Antenna Arrays under Rayleigh Correlated Chonnel5..
`Alime ( I’onartosl Ozyildirim and Yalcin lanilr Middle East Technical Unrversdy lurlcey
`Reducing Capture EIIerts'In DespreadRespreod Multi--Torget Adoptive ArraysIn CDMA Systems...
`Franciscaii. l? Cavalcanti Federal Unrversny oi (earn Jada M. F Romano State University olfarnprnosUlilCAMi’ Brazil"
`Space--Time Iterative MMSE Multiaser DetectionIn Frequency Selective Coded CDMA Wireless Mobile Channels....
`Joseph themes and Evaggelas Geraniatrs University of Maryland USA
`BandwidthEfficient Pilot Symbol Aided Technique inth Diversity Reception in Land Mobile Satellite Fading Channels
`M. ii. Hg and S. Iii Cheuog, ilre University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
`Implementation at Mobile UserTracking SyslenI..
`Ramin Baghale Md Perri Karminen Hem/1k, ”WWW afiechnalogy Finland
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`8 Fractional Lower-Order Statistics for EificientAdaptive Temporal and Spatial Methods in Non-Gaussian Environment ............................................................................. 2132
`M. Rani and E. Del tie, University of Florence, Italy
`Equalisatien and Channel Estimation
`9:30-l2:30, intercontinental Beam Unertzo B
`Urgeniset: Bin Clio, Maneslr University, Australia
`Grab: Jada Marcos Romano, State University at Campinas, Brazil
`1 On a New Multilayer BlindEquahzer
`lode B. Bestra Fillro, State University of CompinosUUiCAME Brozil‘ Gerard Fovier, CURS/UUSA, France; lode M. Trevossas Romano, State University at CompinesUlllCAME Brazil
`2 Informaticm Rate Maximizing FIR Transceivers: Filterbank Precoders andI Decision-Feedback Equalizers lor Block Transmissions over Dispersive Channels 2142
`Anostesras Sinmeolis, Wei lung, and Georgios B. Uionnelris, University otMineesete, USA
`3 llevr Results on Second-Order Statistics~Bosed Blind Identilicotion and Equalization ol S.I.M.l1 Channels
`litandro i’. Tugnoit, Aubum University, USA
`4 Comparison ol Equalization Techniques in a Wavelet Packet Based Multicarrier Modulation DS-CDMA System
`Yiferrg Zhong, Philips Semiconductors; leh‘rey Uiii, Ulrie University USA
`5 Han linear Channel Estimation in Fading DFDM Systems
`Fernando U. Bones andJose M. ii. teitcie, institute Superior iecnico, Portugal
`6 Channel Estimation with Superimposed Pilot Sequence
`Peter limiter, University of Mel, Germany; Fredrilc lulvessan, land University Sweden
`7 Reduced-State Biterbi Algorithm for Blind Sequence Estimation of DPSK Sources
`iongtang it; Aubum University: [in Bing, University at toWU, USA
`Communication Signal Processors
`”MU-Mild, intercontinental Boom Uuonzo B
`Baptism loafer Elmirglram', Universinr oltiortliumbrio, Newcastle, United Kingdom
`Chan: Uaoirisa Unto, SonyJapan
`1 B High-Speed Processor for Rectangulanto-Polor Conversion with Applications in Digital Communications
`WeiFu andAlan it. Willson, in, University of Colilornr'a at ios Angeles, USA
`2 Data-Aided ML Parameter Estimators ol PSK Burst Modems and Their Systolic V1.51 Implementations
`YUMBang, Embed3. Uernlrrami and Wenfirun ling, Hughes lletwark Systems, inc; Robert 1, Richmondendlobe 5, Burns, University atMaryland, USA
`3- Radial Basis Function Decision Feedback Eaueliser Assisted Burst-by-hurst Adaptive Modulation
`Al. 5. tee and l. lionzo, University atSouthamptorn, United Mngdem
`4 M“lllllllt Mess Over Digital Subscriber Loops Using Optimal FIR Transmit Filter Bank
`E Sbolash, NewJersey Design Center; Mohammad llelie, University ofMinnesota, USA
`5 NEWS ol a Partial Decortelotor in a Multi-cell DSlCDlrlA System
`. :Mtamtnad Senate, iSU' Boy totes, Rutgers University USA
`6;; ml Perceptual Binary Allocation lor MC Audio Coder
`BatmanEuimeroes, Madeleine Bonnet, endllicoles Moreen, Universite Rene Descartes, ironce
`- fil‘lnlmsive Whitening at Speech Using Least Mean Square and Divergence Detection Technique
`“1’19 9, loafer Mil. Elmirglrani RA. Cryan, and Simon Bream, University atllartltumbne, United Kingdom
`Bill-Hllumhlml Image Transmission System for Telemedicine Using Segmented Wavelet Translorm and Salome-Rice Codes
`WUmbimota, Atsuslrit’oilre, andSyuiciriMetsumeto, BBB BBB laboratories, lepnn
`lmfirlerance Cancellation
`307mm Utiarcantinental iiaam Uuertzo 8
`OwnEm”-559W!Clarksan, Kings College tendon; loafer Eimirglrnni, Universityattiartltumbrio, lieivcestle, United Kingdom
`Miller-ties; Bewierseylnstitute oi ieclmolegy, USA
`lm‘ilflrence Cancellation in W—CDMA Cellular Structures Using Statistical Processing
`21 T2
`21 93
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`haei andA. it. Aglrvemi King’s College tendon, United Kingdom
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`Fast Adoptive Interference Cancellation In Chirp Spread Spectrum Systems ................................................................................................................................................ 2218
`Martin Brand), Alfred Fold, and Franz Seifert, UII/versity of Technology of Viena Austria, Leo Reindl, Siemens Corporate Research, Germany
`3 Multistage Symbal--by-Symbol Bayesian Interference Cancellation for UMTS-CDMA Links Affected by Severe Multipathm
`l? (usanrand M. Di Felice University at Rome to Sapienza”, truly;- l. Manila Helsinki University of Technology Finland
`Receive—Filtering for GSM ReceiversIn Interference Limited Environments.
`Gunner Foclr tens Boltersee and Heinrich Meyr Aachen University of Technology, Sermohy;lihhorIiinldcent TechnologresUSIIM
`Interference Cancellation for Downlinlc TDMA Systems Using Smart Antenna
`Christian lbars and Yelteskel Bartless, New lersey Institute of Ileclrnology USA
`6 Noise Reduction Based on Local Linear Representation Using Artificial Neural Networks
`It. Ittr'iller and t. M. ll. Elmirgliani, University at llortltanthn’a, United Kingdom
`T Direct Carrier Frequency Compensation in Burst Mode Satellite Communication
`S. Tim and III. Bellanger, (Until; II. Morguinoud and T de (ouasnon, Alcntel France
`MED-trim, intercontinental, Room Uuortzo B
`Organisers: Trevor Clarkson, Kings College tondon, United Kingdom; Bin Btu, I‘rlonasli University Australia
`Chair: laat‘or Flrnirgltani, University at llortlturnhria, United Kingdom
`Progressively Powerful Multiuser Detectors for Rapidly Time-varying Multipath Environments
`Tamer ti. Kadous and Iilrbor Itt. Sayeed, University of Wisconsinvitodr’son, USA
`2 Adaptive Blind Mlth Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Systems
`l-lor' to and laeyoung Knolr Polytechnic University USA
`3 Prediction- Based Decision Feedback Differential Detection for MDPSK"
`Robert Schober and Wolfgang ll. Gersteclcer University of Erlangen-Ilurentberg, Gennany
`4 Differential Detection of Multilevel Continuous Phase Modulation for Radio Applications
`Bernhard Spinnler and Berthold lankl Siemens AG; Johannes Huber, University ofFrlongen, Germany
`5 Polyhedral Methods for Blind Deterministic Separation of Binary Co-Channel Signals
`lotto Xavier and Victor Borroso, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
`Fast, Accurate and Simple Carrier Acquisition Algorithm for DFDM Systems
`Zulliquar Soyeed, latent Technologies, USA
`T Analysis Of DFDMI'DDAIII Systems Based On The Filterbank Theory 2
`PierreSioltanandllicolaslacaille (UH/DUE France
`8 Asynchronous Communication and Symbol SynchronizationIII Multipoint-to-PointMuittcarnerSystems? 1‘
`Ravi Chandran Mark}. Patton Peterl. W hlelsa and Uonielt. rttarclrolr Tellabs Research Center USII
`Symposium on Communication Theory (V05)
`lU:45- I230, intercontinental Room Aguo Morinlro
`(hair. llilcntetSon‘ IIlcatel France
`Froctionolly- Spaced Prefiltering for Reduced State Equalization...
`IttirlIIIei Schmrdt and Gerhardt? Fettweis, Dresden University of Technology Germany
`2 A Novel ReducedComplexity MAP Equalizer Using Soft-Statistics For Decision-feedback ISI Cancellation"
`E Baccarellinndll. Fosono University of Rome “to Sapienzo ltaly; S. Salli, Telcordio Technologies USII; It Zucchi Universrry IIIRomein SaprenzallIIly"
`3 Blind Spatio--Tempora| Decision Feedback Equalization: A Self—Adoptive Approach
`l. labor and C. Loot, FUSE France
`4 Delay Processing vs. Per SurvivorTechniques for Equalization with Fading Channels
`Slinn Gan, University of Melbourne; lain B. Collings, University at Sidney, Australia
`Globecom’99 Conference R.
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`5 PerTone Equalization Ior DMT Receivers
`IlatIeen iianAclcer, Geert teas, and not: Moonen, that;seventeenth:"on;inIt;vein"he;noninvasivethannineteen""""“"""'"
`SESSION uni-am
`Multiple-Antenna Systems
`TOMS-i230, intercanhnentai Roam Unix
`Chainien Cintini, ATA’T USA
`1 Multiple Antennas in Cellular CDMA Systems: Transmission, Detection and SpectralEfficiency 2316
`Howard Huang, tiarish Visrvanan‘ran, and 6. r'. Faschini, ivcent Technologies, USA
`2 New Spread-Spectrum Techniques for Multiple Antenna Transmit Diversity
`Uiiresh Raian, Eiza Erhrp, and Behnaam Aozhang, Rice University, USA
`Povter Control Schemes lorTDD Systems with Multiple Transmit and Receive Antennas
`Raymond Knapp, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland Giuseppe Cairo, Institat Eurécom, France
`'4' Exact Error Probability Expressions for MRC in Correlated Nakogomi Channels with Unequal Fading Parameters and Branch Powers ..................................................... 2331
`Moe Z. Win and Jack H. Winters, ATiiT labs-Research, USA
`5 Turbo Coded Modulation for Systems with Transmit and Receive Antenna Diversity .................................................................................................................................... 2336
`Andre] Stefanav and Ta/ga M. Duman, Arizona State University, USA
`Turbo Codes 8: Iterative Decoding I
`”345-18: l5, intercontinental, Room Agua Man'nha
`Choir Max Costa, State University of Campinas, Braz'l
`l A Capacity-Approaching Hybrid ARD Scheme Using Turbo Codes
`R. Uantha andF. ii. iCschischanp, University at Toronto, Canada
`2 Performance oITreIIis Coded CPM vrith Iterative Demodulotion and Decoding
`fistula r. iiarayanan, Texas AEM University; Garden 1, Stither, Georgia institute of Technaiagy; USA
`3 Semi-Random Interleaver Design Criteria
`Christine Fragoati and Richard U. Wesei, University oi California at [as Angeles, USA
`4 Adapted Iterative Decoding of Product Codes
`Anne Phart and Ramesh Fyndiah, EAST-Bretagne, France
`55 I'll-lithe Codes for Continuous Hidden Markov Channels with Unknown Parameters
`» JIM! Gataafnas, University ofDelaware; John D. Villasenor, University of folh‘amia at £05 Angeies, USA
`5“ ’qufive Iterative Detection for Turbo Codes with Carrier—Phase Uncertainty ............................................................................................................................................. 2369
`‘ AdulleasAnastasapoulas, University ofMichigan; Keith M. Chugg, University atSouthern California, USA
`7 Serial Encoding and Iterative Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation:
`Christophe Brute], Moira Nortel communications; Joseph Bauhas, rust onethis;not;"inclinations:into""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
` 5‘, Intercontinental, Room Unix
`"Taliesin/Bonita; NewJersey Institute of Technology, USA
`l lilllllinflflnull‘iavel
`arm Multiple Access with Sequential Resource Sharing
`. lflmsflfl Alcatei, France
`2 I#?M“Pme Channel Gain Estimator and Multiuser Detector Ior Asynchronous CDMA Time-Variant Multipath Channels
`' Wit Woes and It Barfless, New Jersey institute of Technology USA
`m“ Effect in Ritian Fading Channels with Application to Slottednoun 2390
`- MI. CtCESE Mexico; DavidR, Smith, the George Washington University, USA
`mmflefia Space-Frequency ncsc tor Multi-User coron
`Th. Andreas Senst, and Heinrich Ateyc Aachen University of Technology Germany
`mill"? Detection and Frequency Cllfset Correction ior Downlink MC-CDMA
`V558! and Yeheslcei Bar-Hess, Uervtersey institute oi Technology, USA
`Alerence Record
`Apple Inc. EX1006 Page 32
`Apple Inc. EX1006 Page 32


`Table of contents
`6 Perlormance oi Multiuser MMSE Decision Feedback Receiver with Convolutional Codes and Trellis Coded Modulation
`Slavim Matinlcovic, Branlca S.
`it‘ucetic, and Wen Feng, the University at Sidney, riccstralia
`iisymptoticPerformance Analysis of Linear Multiuser Receivers in iriultipath Fading Channels
`lamie 5. Evans, University at Sidney, Australia; David ll. C. tse, University atCalifomia, USA
`3 Wireless Molticasting using CDliiti and MultiuserDetection
`Chandrasekar Sankaran and rintltany Ephremides, University at Maryland, USA
`Source & Channel Coding
`9:30L l 2:30, intercontinental, Room tlgua Marinha
`Chair: Giuseppe Caire, lnstitut Eurecom, France
`Estimation of Bit Error Probabilities Using a Priori information
`M. Kaindl and i. Hindelang, Munich University of Technology, Germany
`ImprovedTight PerformanceBoundson Cancotenoted Codes
`Rupert iterzog and Cristina Weih, Munich University of technology, fiennon
`3 Coding For Privacy vrith Burst Adaptive Permutations
`Valdemar C. do Rocha in, Federal University at Pemamliuco, Brazil
`4 BER Boundson Parallel Concatenated Single Parity Checkhrraysand Iigzag Codes
`Jfiaaling Huang and item Phamda, State Universityoflien Yarlc atStony Brook, USA; it Ping, City University ofHong Kong, itang Kong
`5 Error Statistics of Constrained Codes on lion-Renewal BurstChannels 244]
`Cecilio Pimentel, Federal University at Pernambuco, Brazil
`tang Haddod andAbbas i’ongacoglu, University at Ottawa, Canada
`It Salt-Decoding CombinedTrellis-CodedDuantizationtihodulation
`2451 II
`KeangPo Ho andKivolr Hung Chet, the Chinese University ottlong Kong, Hong Kong
`SESSlDN Tlt'r-CiDb
`9304230, intercontinental Room Unix
`Chair: Valdemar Catdaso, Federal University at Pernambuco, Bmzil
`CDMA System Design Through Asymptoticlmolysis
`Giuseppe Cairo, Eurécom, France; Giorgio taricco and fzio Biglien', Politecnico di torino, italy
`Forward-Link Performance of Satellite CDMA vrith Linear interference Suppression and One-step Power Control
`Weirnin Xioo and Michael l. llonig, Northwestern University, USA
`3 Subspace-Based Adoptive Muitiuser interference Cancellation for CDMA System
`timmar Chlreil, Karim tibed-hietaim, and Ghassan Knives Kaleh, Hist Paris, France
`4 Effect of Circular-Cell Approximation on the Forward-Link BER Performance of a Power-Controlled CDMA System
`Set iii. Bit and Kivolc H.
`it, iianyang technological University, Singapore
`5 An improved Power-Control Latv for Forward-link Cellular DS-CDMA Systems
`Set it Uh and limit it. ii, lianyang technological University, Singapore
`it Analysis of a Pipelined Successive interference Cancellation Scheme for a DSlCDMA System with VariousTentative Decision Strategies
`Doe-t0Hong and taeYeon Kim, Yonsei University; i'oungh‘wan You, Korea Electronic technology institute; fhongfon Kong, Yonsei University, Korea
`0n DPSK Demodulation oi DS/CDMA Signals .............................................................................................................................................................................................
`George N. Karystinos and Dimitris A. Pados, State University ofNew York at Buffalo, USA
`Modulation & Demodulation
`i4:3Ui8:00, intercontinental, Room Agua Mannha
`Chair: Umberto Mengoli, University of Pi

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