
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1002 pt. 2


`null_ values
`zero_ values
`dates_ values
`<!ELEMENT data_x (#PCDATA) >
`<!ATTLIST data_x
`. <!ELEMENT li_class_set (li_class+)>
`<!ELEMENT li_class (#PCDATA)>
`<!ATTLIST li_class
`<!-- LINE_ITEM -->
`<!--Information about the Line .Item-->.
`#FIXED 'simple'
`<!ELEMENT line_item· (data_x?, data_y, linkset?, note_set?) >
`<!A TTLIST line_item
`. level
`Exhibit 1002_0401


`li_ad justment
`<!ELEMENT data_y (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT analysis (linkset?)>
`<!ELEMENT note_set (note+)>
`<!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)>
`<!ATTLIST note
`Exhibit 1002_0402


`APPENDIX B: Sample RDML Document
`rdmldoc_ID = "rdml_thomson_csr'
`doc_title ="Computer Services Companies"
`timestamp= "1999-01-19T23:00:00"
`version = "1.0.0"
`expiration= "2000-01-19T23:00:00"
`freq_of_update = "Annual"
`num_line_items = "0"
`num_datapoints = "0"
`x_indexes = "-9, -8, -7"
`first_li_ withdata = "3" >
`<data_ source>
`role = "Daia Source"
`name= "Russell T. Davis"
`company= "RDML, Inc."
`address =:: "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city ="Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815"
`country= "USA"
`email= ""
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`</data_ source>
`<formatting_ source>
`role= "Formatting Source"
`name = "Russell T. Davis"
`company= "RDML, Inc."
`address = "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city = "Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815"
`country= "USA"
`email= ""
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`Exhibit 1002_0403


`</formatting_ source>
`role = "RDMLDoc Source"
`name= "Russell T. Davis"
`company= "RDML, Inc."
`address = "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city= "Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815"
`country= "USA"
`email= ""
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`colliments = "" >
`copyright_cite ="Copyright 1998, RDML, Inc. All Rights Reserved"
`holder = "RDML, Inc."
`license_type = "Payment Per Download"
`warranty:; "No warranty is expressed or implied. Use this data at your own risk."
`disclaimer= "This data is provided 'as-is'. The provider assumes no
`responsibility for its use or misuse ....
`terms= "$1 per RDMLDoc download"
`date= "1999.0123000000.00"
`email= ""
`href = "http://www"
`country= "USA" >
`state= "MD"
`. role = "RDMLDoc Source"
`name= "Russell T. Davis"
`company = "RDML, Inc."
`address = "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city= "Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815"
`· country= "USA"
`email= ""
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`comments = "" >
`</license _terms>
`Exhibit 1002_0404


`line_item_set_type = "Category"
`time_period = ""
`character_set = ""
`missing_ values = '"'
`null_ values=""
`zero_ values = ""
`dates_ values = ""
`x_title = "Company"
`x_notes = ""
`x_desc = ""
`x_prec = ""
`x_unit= ""
`x_mag = '"'
`x~mod = ""
`x_measure = ""
`x_scale = ""
`x_adjustment = ""
`x_links = "" >
`class_name = ""
`parent_class = ""
`xlink:form = "simple"
`href= ""
`<lli_class set>
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role = ""
`content-title = ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`<IIi_ class>
`Exhibit 1002_0405


`li_ID = "1"
`li_legend = "Computer Services Companies"
`li_title = ""
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title = ""
`level= "1"
`relation = "Parent"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = ""
`li_unit = ""
`li_mag = ""
`li_mod = ""
`li_measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role= ""
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "2"
`li_legend ="Stock Performance"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title = ""
`level= "2"
`Exhibit 1002_0406


`format = '"'
`relation = "Parent"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = ""
`li_unit = '"'
`li_mag = '"'
`li_mod = ""
`li_measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`behavior = ""
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate ;, "user" >
`li_ID = "3"
`li_legend ="Stock Price (12/31/98)"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title.= "$per share (12/31/98)"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0.00; (#, ##0.00)"
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = '"'
`li_prec = "2"
`I_um =
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod = "per"
`Exhibit 1002_0407


`li_measure = "share"
`li_scale = '"'
`li_adjustment = "">
`40.1, 51.63, 69.81, 64.44, 22.13, 67.06, 50.19, 51.44, 43.5, 51.44, 44.5, 39.69,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show ="new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "4"
`li_legend = "Shares Outstanding"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="Shares outstanding"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0; (#, ##0)"
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc·= ""
`li_prec = "0"
`li_unit =·:shares"
`li_mag = "6"
`li_mod = ""
`li_measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`627,27, 74,162, 145,64,494,85, 105,166,131,107,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`Exhibit 1002_0408


`href = ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "5"
`li_legend = "% Institutional Holdings"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="%of outstanding shares"
`level= "3"
`format= "0.00%; (0.00%)"
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = '"'
`li_desc = '"'
`li_prec = "2"
`li_unit = "%"
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod ="of'
`li_measure ="outstanding shares"
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`0.65, 0.8, 0.75, 0.64, 0, 0.44, 0.49, 0.67, 0.25, 0.53, 0.13, 0.71,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role = ""
`content-title= ""
`role = "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`Exhibit 1002_0409


`li_ID = "6"
`li_legend = "Market Capitalization"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="$in Millions"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0; (#, ##0)"
`relation = "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`~i_prec = "0"
`li_unit = "$"
`li_mag = "6"
`li_mod = "in"
`li_measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`25142.7, 1394.01,5165.94, 10439.28,3208.85, 429L84, 24793.86,4372.4,4567.5,
`8539.04, 5829.5, 4246.83,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`.behavior = "."
`content-title= ,; ..
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "7"
`li_legend = "Reported EPS"
`li_title ="Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`Exhibit 1002_0410


`y_axis_title = ''Earnings per share"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0.00; (#,##0.00)"
`relation = "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "2"
`li unit="$"
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod = "per"
`li_measure ="share"
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`1.13, 2.05, 1.9, 2.1, 0.71, 1.48, 1.7, 1.35, 1.86, 0.82, 1.72, 1.17,
`xlink:form = "simple"
`href = ""
`content-role = ""
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "8"
`li_legend = "Earnings"
`. li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="$in Millions"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0; (#,##0)"
`relation = "ChildStyle"
`Ii_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "0"
`li_unit = "$"
`Ii_mag = "6"
`Exhibit 1002_0411


`li_mod = "in"
`li_ measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`708.51, 55.35, 140.6, 340.2, 102.95, 94.72, 839.8, 114.75, 195.3, 136.12,
`225.32, 125.19,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role = ""
`content-title =
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`li_ID = "9"
`li_legend ="Cash Flow per share"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="$per share"
`level= "3"
`format = "#, ##0; (#,##0)"
`relation = "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "2"
`I_um =
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod = "per"
`li_measure ="share"
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`1.41, 2.13, 3.71, 4.95, 1.39, 3.18, 4, 1.98, 3.44, 0.96, 3.2, 2.5,
`Exhibit 1002_0412


`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`behavior= ""
`content-title = '"'
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`<II ink>
`li_ID = "10"
`li_legend = "Cash Flow"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = "."
`y _axis_title = "$ in Millions"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0; (#, ##0)"
`relation = "ChildStyh~"
`li_not~s = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "0'.'
`·li_unit = "$"
`li_mag = "6"
`li_mod = "in"
`li_measure = ""
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`884.07, 57.51, 274.54, 801.9, 201.55, 203.52, 1976, 168.3, 361.2, 159.36, 419.2,
`xlink:form = "simple"
`href = ""
`behavior= ""
`content-role= ""
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`Exhibit 1002_0413


`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`<II ink>
`li_ID = "11"
`li_legend ="Price/Earnings Ratio (PE)"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title = "PIE Ratio"
`level= "3"
`format= "#, ##0; (#,##0)"
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "2"
`li_unit = "PIE Ratio"
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod = ""
`li_measure = 1111
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`35.4867256637168, 25.1853658536585, 36.7421052631579, 30.6857142857143,
`45.3108'108108108, 29.5235294117647, 38.1037037037037,
`23.3870967741935, 62.7317073170732, 25.8720930232558, 33.9230769230769,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-role= ""
`content-title = ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`Exhibit 1002_0414


`li_ID = "12"
`li_legend = "Estimated 5-year growth"
`li_title = "Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title = "%growth"
`level= "3"

`format= "0.00%; (0.00%)"
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li.:_prec = "2"
`li_unit = "%"
`li_mag = "0"
`lit_mod = ""
`li_measure = ""
`li.,...scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`0.15, 0.18, 0.2, 0.22, 0.23, 0.22, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.13, 0.2,
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = "http://www"
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title= "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`<II ink>
`Exhibit 1002_0415


`li_ID = "13"
`li_legend = "Return on Equity"
`li_title ="Stock Overview"
`li_cat = ""
`y_axis_title ="Earnings as% of Book Value"
`level= "3"
`format= "0.00%; (0.00%)"·
`relation= "ChildStyle"
`li_notes = ""
`li_desc = ""
`li_prec = "2"
`li_unit = "%"
`li_mag = "0"
`li_mod = '"'
`li_measure = '"'
`li_scale = ""
`li_adjustment = "">
`, t
`xlink:form ="simple"
`href = ""
`content-title= ""
`role= "Original Data Sources"
`title = "RDML Formatted Source Table"
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" > · <!link>
`Exhibit 1002_0416


`APPENDIX C: UnitList XML document
`<?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
`<unit name="inch">
`conv _target = "centimeter"
`conv _factor = "2.5400050"
`conv _constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "FGM"
`conv_href = "">
`<alias> in</ alias>
`<desc>Approximately the width of a man's thumb.<ldesc>
`<icon href="inch.gif'><licon>
`<unit name="foot">
`conv _target = "meter"
`conv_factor = "0.30480060'i
`conv_constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv_source ="ISO"
`conv_href = "">
`<alias>ft </alias>
`<desc>Originally, the average length of a human foot<ldesc>
`<icon href="foot.gif'><licon>
`<unit name="yard">
`conv _target = "meter"
`conv _factor = "1.082"
`conv _constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "ISO"
`Exhibit 1002_0417


`conv _href = '"'>
`<alias><! alias>
`<desc>Three feet<ldesc>
`<icon href="yard.gif'><licon>
`<unit name="meter">
`conv _target = "meter"
`conv_factor = "1.0"
`conv _constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source·= "ISO"
`conv_href= "">
`<desc>One thousandth of a kilometer<ldesc>
`<icon href="meter.gif'><licon>
`<unit name="mile">
`conv _target = "kilometer"
`conv_factor = "1.6093472"
`conv_constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "FGM"
`conv _href = "">
`<alias><! alias>
`<desc>English surveying unit, set to be equal to 8 furlongs.<ldesc>
`<icon href="mile.gif'><licon>
`<unit name=" dollar">
`Exhibit 1002_0418


`conv _target = "pound"
`conv_factor = "1.312"
`conv _constant = '"'
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "ISO"
`conv_href= "">
`<de~c>British pound sterling. <Jdesc>
`<icon href="pound.gif'><licon>
`<unit name="Deutschmark">
`conv_target ="dollar;'
`conv_factor = "1.732"
`conv _constant= '"'
`conv_log = ""
`conv_source ="ISO"
`conv _href = "">
`<desc>Gerrnan Deutschmarks<Jdesc>
`<icon href="marks.gif'><licon>
`<Junit> ·
`<unit name="Francs">
`conv _target = "dollar"
`conv_factor = "0.812"
`conv_constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "ISO"
`conv _href = '"'>
`. </conversion>
`<alias>ff <Jalias>
`<desc>French francs<ldesc>
`<icon href="francs.gif'><licon>
`Exhibit 1002_0419


`<unit name="acres">
`conv_target ="square meter"
`conv _factor = "5125"
`conv_constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "ISO"
`conv_:href = "''>
`<desc>ln medieval times, the amount of land one man could plow in one day.<ldesc>
`-:::icon href=" acre.gif'><licon>
`<unit name=" square foot">
`conv _targ~t = "square meter"
`conv_factor = "0.15"
`conv_constant = ""
`conv_log = ""
`conv _source = "ISO"
`conv _href = "">
`<type>area<ltype> .
`<plural>square feet<lplural>
`<alias>sq ft<lalias>

`<desc>An area on~ foot by one foot.<ldesc>
`<icon href="sqfoot.gif'><licon>
`Exhibit 1002_0420


`APPENDIX D: RMML Document Type Definition ("DTD")
`<?xml encoding="UTF-8"?>
`<!:--The root element: a whole macro is a "macrodoc".
`A macrodoc consists of three elements:
`a macro_header, a macro_code, and a macro_references element.
`<!ELEMENT macrodoc (macro_header, macro_code, inacro_references)>
`<!-- MACRO_HEADER -->
`<!--Information about the. macro.
`. <!ELEMENT macro_header (macro_source, license_terms, linkset?, documentation)>
`<!ATTLIST macro_header
`freq_of_update CDATA
`<!ELEMENT macro_source ( )>
`<!ELEMENT licepse_terms (contact_info, linkset?)>
`<!ATTLIST license_terms
`<!ELEMENT contact_info (#PCDATA)>
`<!A TTLIST contact_info
`Exhibit 1002_0421


`<!ELEMENT linkset (link*)>
`<!AITLIST linkset
`<!ELEMENTlink (#PCDATA) >
`<!ATTLIST link .
`#FIXED 'extended'
`#FIXED 'simple'
`#FIXED 'new'
`#FIXED 'user' >
`<!ELEMENT documentation (macro_description, help_page*)>
`<!ELEMENT macro_description (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT help~page (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT macro_code (code, instructions, gui, variable_set?, qualifiers, error_l,landling,
`<!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT instructions (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT gui (comp_rpanel? I comp_ipanel? I comp_iist? I comp_vector?)>
`<!ELEMENT comp_rpanel (comp_rbutton*)>
`<!ATTLIST comp_rpanel
`Exhibit 1002_0422


`<!ELEMENT comp_rbutton (#PCDATA)>
`<!A TTLIST comp_rbutton
`<!ELEMENT comp_ipanel (comp_ifield*)>
`<!ELEMENT comp_ifield (#PCDATA)>
`<!ATTLIST comp_ifield
`default_ value
`legend_ type
`<!ELEMENT comp_list (comp_listitem*)>
`<!A TTLIST comp_list
`legend_ type
`<!ELEMENT comp_listitem (#PCDATA)>
`<!A TTLIST comp_listitem
`Exhibit 1002_0423


`<!ELEMENT comp_vector (line_item)>
`<!ATTLIST comp_ vector
`<!ELEMENT variable_set (variable*)>
`<!ELEMENT variable (#PCDATA lline_item)*>
`<!ATTLIST variable
`<!ELEMENT qualifiers (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT ~rror_han~ling (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT testing (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT macro_references (macrodocs?, datadocs?)>
`<!ELEMENT macrodocs· (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELJ?MENT datadocs (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT line_item (data_x?, data_y, linkset?, note_set?) >
`<!A TTLIST line_item
`Exhibit 1002_0424


`<!ELEMENT data_y (#PCDATA)>
`<!ELEMENT note_set (note+)>
`<!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)>
`<!ATTLIST note
`<!ELEMENT data_x (#PCDATA) >
`<!ATTLIST data_x
`. x_title
`Exhibit 1002_0425


`APPENDIX E: Sample RMML document
`<?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
`<!DOCTYPE macrodoc PUBLIC"-// .. " "RMMLl.dtd" >
`macrodoc_ID = "rmml_sort"
`macr6_title = ;'Sort"
`macro_type = "TSL"
`result_type = "replace_each"
`rdmldoc_type = "TS"
`timestamp = "1999-0 1-19T23 :00:00"
`version = "1.0.0"
`expiration = "2000-0 l-19T23:00:00"
`freq_of_update ="Annual">
`role::;;, "Macro Source"
`name= "Russell T. Davis"
`company = "RDML, Inc."
`address = "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city= "Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815''
`country= "USA"
`email =.""
`href = "http://www"
`comments = "" >
`copyright_cite ="Copyright 1998, RDML, Inc. All Rights Reserved"
`holder = "RDML, Inc."
`license_type = "Payment Per Download"
`warranty== "No warranty is expressed or implied. Use this data at your own risk."
`. disclaimer= "This data is provided 'as-is'. The provider assumes no responsibility for its use
`or misuse."
`tenns = "$1 per RMMLDoc download"
`date= "1999.0123000000.00"
`email= ""
`state= "MD"
`country= "USA" >
`Exhibit 1002_0426


`role = "Licensee"
`name= "Russell T. Davis"
`company= "RDML, Inc."
`address = "2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700"
`city= "Chevy Chase"
`state= "MD"
`zip= "20815"
`country= "USA"
`email= ""
`href = ""
`comments = "" >
`xlink_form = "extended"
`href = "" >
`xlink_form ="simple"
`href = ""
`behavior = '"'
`content-role = ""
`content-title = '":
`title= ""
`show= "new"
`actuate = "user" >
`<macro _description>
`Adds a line showing the minimum or maxim~m, according to the parameters
`. <help_page>
`No Help Page is currently available
`Exhibit 1002_0427


`IF(ichoice=O, SORT(A,O), IF(ichoice=l, SORT(A,1), A))
`variable_name = "ichoice"
`intro .. Jabel ="Select a parameter:">
`label = "Ascending"
`value= "0"
`isDefault ="true"
`label = "Descending"
`value= "1"
`isDefault ="false"
`<macro _references>
`</macro _references>
`Exhibit 1002_0428


`Appendix F: MS Excel Visual Basic routine for adding "attribute value columns" to a data table
`Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
`txtChartTitle.Text = ""
`txtY AxisTitle.Text.= ""
`cboFormat.Addltem ("#,##0;(#,##0)")
`cboFormat.Addltem ("#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)")
`cboFormat.Addltem ("0.00% ;(0.00%) ")
`cboFormat.Listlndex = 0
`txtFootnote.Text ="Source: "
`Dim NodeX As Node
`Set NodeR = treeUnit.Nodes.Add(,, "r", "Select One: (Default is blank)")
`Set NodeA = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("r", tvwChild, "c", "Currency")
`Set Nodes= treeUnit.Nodes.Add("c", tvwChild, "dus", "$US")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("c", tvwChild, "puk", "Pounds UK")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("c", tvwChild, ')'jp", "Yen Japanese")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("r", tvwChild, "1", "Length")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("l", tvwChild, "Feet", "Feet")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("l", tvwChild, "Meters", "Meters")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.AddC'r", tvwChild, "a", "Area")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("a", tvwChild, "SqFeet", "Square Feet")
`Set NodeX = treeUnit.Nodes.Add("a", tvwChild, "SqMeters", "Square Meters")
`'tree formatting
`NodeA.Ensure Visible
`'Magnitude ComboBox
`cboMagnitude.Addltem ("As-Is")
`cboMagnitude.Addltem ("Thousands")
`cboMagnitude.Addltem ("Millions")
`cboMagnitude.Addltem ("Billions")
`cboMagnitude.Listlndex = 0
`End Sub
`Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
`Exhibit 1002_0429


`End Sub
`Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
`rcount = Selection.Rows.Count
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "li_ID"
`ActiveCell.Offset(1, O).R~ge("Al ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("A1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+1"
`Selection. Copy
`r = "A1:A" & (rcount- 3)
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range(r).Select
`· ActiveSheet.Paste
`Application.CutCopyMode =False
`ActiveCeli. Offset( -3, 1 ).Range("A 1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "li_legend"
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.lnsert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "li_title"
`ActiveCell.Offset( 1, O).Range("A1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = txtChartTitle.Text
`Acti veCell.Select
`Selection. Copy
`r = "A1:A" & (rcount- 2)
`ActiveCell.Offset( 1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A ").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.lnsert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = "li_cat"
`Exhibit 1002_0430


`'y _axis_title
`ActiveCell. Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.lnsert Shift:=xlToRight
`Acti veCell.Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "y_axis_title"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("A1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = txtY AxisTitle.Text
`Selection. Copy
`r.= "A1:A" & (rcount- 2)
`Selection.ColumnWidth = 8
`ActiveCell.Offset( 1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, 1).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 ="level"
`ActiveCell.Offset( 1, O).Range(" A 1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1Cl = "1"
`Selection. Copy
`r = "Al:A" & (rcount- 2)
`Selecti01:~.ColumnWidth = 8
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range(r).Select
`· Application.CutCopyMode = False
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, l).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 ="format"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("Al ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR 1 C 1 = cboFormat. value
`r = "A1:A" & (rcount- 2)
`ActiveCell. Offset( 1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`-137- .
`Exhibit 1002_0431


`ActiveCell.Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl ="relation"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("Al ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl ="Parent"
`Selection. Copy
`r = "Al:A" & (rcount- 2)
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).~ange(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`· 'li_notes
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, l).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1Cl = "li_notes"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("Al ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = txtFootnote.Text
`Selection. Copy
`r = "Al:A" & (rcount- 2)
`Selection.ColumnWidth = 8
`ActiveCell.Offset( 1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`ActiveCelLOffset(O, l).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = "li_de~c"
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, l).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = "li_prec"
`ActiveCell.Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A ").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
`Exhibit 1002_0432


`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = "li_unit"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("Al ").Select
`u = '"'
`On Error Resume Next
`u = treeUnit.Selectedltem.Text
`ActiveCell.FormulaRlCl = u
`Selection. Copy.
`r = "Al:A" & (rcount- 2)
`ActiveCell. Offset( 1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode = False
`'first calculate the value to put in
`If (StrComp(cboMagnitude.value, "As-Is")= 0) Then
`End If
`If (StrComp(cboMagnitude.value, "Thousands")= 0) Then

`End If
`If (StrComp(cboMagnitude.value, "Millions")= 0) Then
`m:;:6 ·
`End If
`If (StrComp(cboMagnitude.value, "Billions")= 0) Then
`End If
`ActiveCell. Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A ").EntireColumn.Select
`Selection.lnsert Shift:=xlToRight
`ActiveCell.FormulaR 1 C 1 = "li_mag"
`ActiveCell.Offset(l, O).Range("A1 ").Select
`ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = m
`Selection. Copy
`r = "A1:A" & (rcount- 2)
`ActiveCell.Offset(1, O).Range(r).Select
`Application.CutCopyMode =False
`ActiveCell. Offset(O, 1 ).Columns(" A:A ").EntireCo

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