
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1006 pt. 1


`.,.. The definitive XML resource:
`applications, products, and
`.,.. Leverage your Web and
`intranet expertise with
`structured information
`.,.. CD-ROM: Unique trialware,
`demos, examples, specs, and
`more-plus 55 great, gen(cid:173)
`uinely free XML software
`FromeMake~ +SGML
`Free Trial with
`XML Update




`ISBN 0-13-081152-1
`9 780130 811523


`<f~f~) The Charles F. Goldfarb Series on
`,£1!! Open lnformaialon Nanaaemen•
`"Open Information Management" (OIM) means managing informa(cid:173)
`tion so that it is open to processing by any program, not just the pro(cid:173)
`gram that created it. That extends even to application programs not
`conceived of at the time the information was created.
`OIM is based on the principle of data independence: data should
`be stored in computers in non-proprietary, genuinely standardized
`representations. And that applies even when the data is the content of
`a document. Its representation should distinguish the innate infor(cid:173)
`mation from the proprietary codes of document processing programs
`and the artifacts of particular presentation styles.
`Business data bases-which rigorously separate the real data from
`the input forms and output reports-achieved data independence
`decades ago. But documents, unlike business data, have historically
`been created in the context of a particular output presentation style.
`So for document data, independence was largely unachievable until
`That is doubly unfortunate. It is unfortunate because documents
`are a far more significant repository of humanity's information. And
`documents can contain significantly richer information structures
`than data bases.
`It is also unfortunate because the need for 0 IM of documents is
`greater now than ever. The demands of "repurposing" require that
`information be deliverable in multiple formats: paper-based, online,
`multimedia, hypermedia. And information must now be delivered
`through multiple channels: traditional bookstores and libraries, the
`World Wide Web, corporate intranets and extranets. In the latter
`modes, what starts as data base data may become a document for
`browsing, but then may need to be reused by the reader as data.
`Fortunately, in the past ten years a technology has emerged that
`extends to documents the data base's capacity for data independence.
`And it does so without the data base's restrictions on structural free-
`CD I 9 9 H THE X M L H AND B o 0 K '"'


`dom. That technology is the "Standard Generalized Markup Lan(cid:173)
`guage" (SGML), an official International Standard (ISO 8879) that
`has been adopted by the world's largest producers of documents and
`by the World Wide Web.
`With SGML, organizations in government, aerospace, airlines,
`automotive, electronics, computers, and publishing (to name a few)
`have freed their documents from hostage relationships to processing
`software. SGML coexists with graphics, multimedia and other data
`standards needed for OIM and acts as the framework that relates
`objects in the other formats to one another and to SGML documents.
`The World Wide Web's HTML and XML are both based on
`SGML. HTML is a particular, though very general, application of
`SGML, like those for the above industries. There is a limited set of
`markup tags that can be used with HTML. XML, in contrast, is a
`simplified subset of SGML facilities that, like full SGML, can be used
`with any set of tags. You can literally create your own markup lan(cid:173)
`guage with XML.
`As the enabling standard for OIM of documents, the SGML fam(cid:173)
`ily of standards necessarily plays a leading role in this series. We pro(cid:173)
`vide tutorials on SGML, XML, and other key standards and the
`techniques for applying them. Our books vary in technical intensity
`from programming techniques for software developers to the business
`justification of OIM for enterprise executives. We share the practical
`experience of organizations and individuals who have applied the
`techniques of OIM in environments ranging from immense industrial
`publishing projects to websites of all sizes.
`Our authors are expert practitioners in their subject matter, not
`writers hired to cover a "hot" topic. They bring insight and under(cid:173)
`standing that can only come from real-world experience. Moreover,
`they practice what they preach about standardization. Their books
`share a common standards-based vocabulary. In this way, knowledge
`gained from one book in the series is directly applicable when reading
`another, or the standards themselves. This is just one of the ways in


`which we strive for the utmost technical accuracy and consistency
`with the OIM standards.
`And we also strive for a sense of excitement and fun. After all, the
`challenge of OIM-preserving information from the ravages of tech(cid:173)
`nology while exploiting its benefits-is one of the great intellectual
`adventures of our age. I'm sure you'll find this series to be a knowl(cid:173)
`edgable and reliable guide on that adventure.
`About the Series Editor
`Dr. Charles F. Goldfarb invented the SGML language in 197 4 and
`later led the team that developed it into the International Standard on
`which both HTML and XML are based. He serves as editor of the
`Standard (ISO 8879) and as a consultant to developers of SGML and
`XML applications and products. He is based in Saratoga, CA.
`About the Series Logo
`The rebus is an ancient literary tradition, dating from 16th cen(cid:173)
`tury Picardy, and is especially appropriate to a series involving fine
`distinctions between things and the words that describe rhem . For the
`logo, Andrew Goldfarb incorporated a rebus of the series name within
`a stylized SGMLIXML comment declaration.
`©1998 THE XML HAN0600KT'-'


`cFo) 'lhe Charles F. Goldfarb Series on
`• Oi M Open lnformai:ion Manaaemenc
`As XML is a subset of SGML, the Series List is categorized to show the degree to
`which a title applies to XML. "XML Titles" are those that discuss XML explicitly
`and may also cover full SGML. "SGML Titles" do not mention XML per se, but
`the principles covered may apply to XML.
`XML 'lii:les
`Goldfarb, Pepper, and Ensign
`I SGML Buyer's Guide ™: Choosing the Right XML
`and SGML Products and Services
`I Structuring XML Documents
`Leventhal, Lewis, and Fuchs
`I Designing XML Internet Applications
`Goldfarb and Prescod
`I The XML HandbookT"
`I The XML and SGML Cookbook: Recipes for
`Structured Information
`SGML 'lii:les
`Turner, Douglass, and Turner
`I ReadMe. I st: SGML for Writers and Editors
`I Industrial-Strength SGML:An Introduction to
`Enterprise Publishing
`I SGML:The Billion Dollar Secret
`Rubinsky and Maloney
`I SGML on the Web: Small Steps Beyond HTML
`I ParseMe.l st: SGML for Software Developers




`I Charles F. Goldfarb
`I Paul Prescod
`Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
`http:/ /


`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Goldfarb, Charles F.
`XML handbook I Charles F. Goldfarb, Paul Prescod.
`em. --
`(Charles F. Goldfarb series on open information
`Includes index.
`: alk. paper)
`ISBN 0-13-081152-1 (pbk.
`1. XML
`(Document markup language)
`I. Prescod, Paul. II. Title.
`III. Series.
`QA76.76.H92G65 1998
`98-16 708
`Edit01ial!Production Supervision: Patti G!terderi
`Acquisitions Editor: Mark L. Taub
`Editorial Assistant: Audri Ba;:.lan
`Marketing Manager: Dan Rush
`Manufacturing Manager: Alexis R. Heydt
`Cover Design: Anthony Gemmellaro
`Cover Design Direction: Jerry Votta
`Series Design: Gail Cocker-Bogusz
`It © 1998 Prentice Hall PTR
`Prentice-Hall, Inc.
`A Simon & Schuster Company
`Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
`Prentice Hall books are widely used by corporations and government agencies for training,
`marketing, and resale.
`The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in bulk quantities. For more information, contact:
`orporate Sales D eportment, Phone: 00-382-3419; Fax: 201-236-71 4 l; E-mail: corpsales@pr;
`or write: Prentice HnTI PTR, Corp. Sales D pl., One Lake Str e.t, Upp r Saddle Riv r, NJ 07458.
`All rigbts res •rved. No part of this book may be
`reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
`permission in writing from the publisher.
`Printed in the United States of America
`10 9 8 7 6 54 3 2
`ISBN 0-13-081152-1
`Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London
`Prentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney
`Prentice-Hall Canada Inc. , Toronto
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`Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
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`Simon & Schuster Asia Pte. Ltd. , Singapore
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`Adob , the Adobe logo, Acmbut, From Mnke r, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems
`JncorpomL d. Microsoft and Windows are r>gist r cl trad · marks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and
`other ·ow1tdes. Dyna':D xt, Dynal3as , lnso, and th
`l nso Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
`Inso Corporation.
`The ML Handbook, HARP, and oth r r gi. t red and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos,
`company na mes, and product names appearing in this book or on its cover are the property of their respective
`Series logo by Andrew Goldfarb for EyeTech Graphics, copyright ©1996 Andrew Goldfarb.
`Series foreword copyright ©1996, 1997 Charles F. Goldfarb.
`Excerpts from the following Intenmtiom1l Standard are copyright ©1986, 1988 International Organization for
`Standardization, and are included wlt:U lhe kind permh;sion of the copyright owner:
`ISO 8879:1986, Information processing- Text and office systems- Standard Generalized Markup
`Language (SGML).
`Complete copies of this standard can be obtained from the national member body of ISO in your country, or
`contact ISO, case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
`Excerpts from the following World Wide Web Consortium documents are included in accordance with the
`W3C IPR Document Notice, Copyright
`©World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en
`Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University) . All Rights Reserved.
`Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, http:l!, W3C Recommendation
`Extensible Linking Language (XLink),!TRIWD-xlink, W3C Working Draft 3-March-
`XML Pointer Language (XPointer),!TRIWD-xptr, W3C Working Draft 03-March-1998.
`A Proposal for XSL,!TRINOTE-XSL-970910, Note submitted to W3C on 27 August
`HTML 4.0 Specification,, W3C Recommendation, revised on 24-Apr-
`The development of this book was partly subsidized by Sponsors, who provided both fin ancial support and
`expert assistance in preparing the initial draft of the text identified with their nom
`. How ver, as the Authors
`exercised final editorial control over the book, the Sponsors are in no way responsible for its content. In
`particular, opinions expressed in this book are those of the Authors and are not necessarily those of the Series
`Editor, Sponsors, or Publisher.
`This book, and the CD-ROM included with it, contain software and descriptive materials provided by (or
`adapted from materials made publicly nvniluble by) product developers, vendors, and service providers. Said
`software and materiab have not be n r viewed, edited, or tested, and neither the Authors, Contributors,
`Series Editor, Publisher, Sponsors, or other parties connected with this book are responsible for their
`accuracy or reliability. H aders are warned that they use said software and materials at their own risk, and are
`urged to test the softwar and confirm the validity of the information prior to use.




`To Linda- With love, awe, and gratitude.
`Charles F. Goldfarb
`For Lilia- Your support makes it possible and
`your love makes it worthwhile.
`Paul Prescod




`I Pan one
`The Who, What, and
`Why ofXML
`Chapter I Why X MLt
`1.1 1 Text formatters and SGML
`1.1.1 Formatting markup
`1.1.2 Generalized markup
` Common document representation
` Customized document types
` Rule-based markup
`1.2 1 HTML and the Web
`1.2.1 HTML gets extended - unofficially!
`1.2.2 The World Wide Web reacts
`1.3 1 Conclusion


`Xl V
`Chapter 2 Where is XML goingt
`2.1 1 Beyond HTML
`2.2 1 Database publishing
`2.3 1 Electronic commerce
`2.4 1 Metadata
`2.5 1 Science on the Web
`Chapter:. Just enough XML
`3.1 1 The goal
`3.2 1 Elements: The logical structure
`3.3 1 Unicode: The character set
`3.4 1 Entities: The physical structure
`3.5 1 Markup
`3.6 1 Document types
`3.7 1 Well-formedness and validity
`3.8 1 Hyperlinking and Addressing
`3.9 1 Stylesheets
`3.1 o 1 Conclusion
`Chapter • XML in the real world
`4.1 1 Is XML for documents or for data?
`4.2 1 Endless specbum of application opporhmities
`4.2.1 Presentation-oriented publishing
`4.2.2 Message-oriented middleware
`4.2.3 Opposites are attracted
`4.2.4 MOM and POP- They're so great together!
`4.3 1 XML tools
`4.4 1 XML jargon demystifier
`4.4.1 Structured vs. unstructured


`4.4.2 Tag vs. element
`4.4.3 Document type, DTD, and markup declarations
`4.4.4 Document, XML document, and document instance
`4.4.5 Coding, encoding, and markup
`4.5 1 Conclusion
`1 Pan Two What You Can Do with XML
`chapcer s Personalized frequent -flyer
`Web site
`5.1 1 Today's frequent-flyer sites
`5.1 1 What's wrong with today's Web model?
`5.3 1 A better model for doing business on the Web
`5.4 1 An XML-enabled frequent-flyer Web site
`5.5 1 Understanding the Softland Air scenario
`5.6 1 Towards the Brave New Web
`Chapcer • Building an online auction
`Web s~e
`6. 1 1 Getting data from the middle tier
`6.1.1 Defining the XML document structure
`6.1.2 Using ASP files to generate XML documents
`6.1.3 Generating XML from multiple databases
`6.1.4 Generating XML from both databases and XML data sources
`6.1 1 Building the user interface
`6.2.1 Using procedural scripts
`6.2.2 Using descriptive data binding
`6.3 1 Updating the data source from the client
`6.4 1 Conclusion


`Chap•er 7 XML and EDI:
`The new Web commerce
`7.1 1 What is EDI?
`7 .I. I Extra nets can't hack it
`7.1.2 XML can!
`7.1.3 The new EDI
`7.1.4 Ubiquitous EDI: A quantum leap forward
`7.1.5 The value of EDI
`7.2 1 Traditional ED I: Built on outdated principles
`7.2.1 The history ofEDI
`7.2.2 EDI technology basics
`7.2.3 The problems of traditional EDI
` Fixed transaction sets
` Slow standards evolution
` Non-standard standards
` High fixed costs
` Fixed business rules
` Limited penetration
`7.3 1 The new ED I: Leveraging XML and the Internet
`7.3.1 XML
`7 .3.2 The Internet
`Internet technologies
`7.3.4 XML data storage
`7.3.5 Data filtering
`7.4 1 Conclusion
`Chap•er a Supply chain integration
`8.1 1 Linking up a supply chain
`8.2 1 Supply chain integration requirements
`8.3 1 The B2B Integration SeiVer
`8.4 1 OveiView of the system


`8 •5 1 The manufacturer seiVices
`8.5.1 B2B plug-in
`8.5.2 Server stub
`8.5.3 XML requests and replies
`8.5.4 Java thin client
`8.5.5 Manufacturer interface specification
`8.a 1 The supplier seiVices
`8.6.1 Client stub
`8.6.2 Supplier interface specification
`8.7 1 Conclusion
`chapter • Comparison shopping service
`Web site
`t.l 1 Shopping online for books
`t.1 1 The Junglee Shopping Guide
`t.J 1 How the Shopping Guide works
`t.4 1 Conclusion
`chapter •• Natural language translation
`1 o. 1 1 Mistakes can be costly
`10.1 1 It's a small world
`10.3 1 Business challenges
`I 0.3.1 Cost containment
`I 0.3.2 Fast-paced product development
`I 0.3.3 Diverse documents
`1 o.4 1 Translations today
`1o.s 1 New directions
`I 0.5.1 Components
`I 0.5.2 Reduce reinvention with reuse
`Identify changes with versioning
`I 0.5.3
`1 :Jl


`I 0.5.4 Alignment enables concurrent authoring and
`1o.e 1 In the real world
`Chapter 11 Securities regulation filings
`1 1.1 1 Visualizing an XML document
`1 1.2 1 An EDGAR Submission with XML
`11.2.1 Reviewing the EDGAR DTD
`11.2.2 Creating an instance of the DTD
`11.2.3 Checking your EDGAR instance for conformance
`11.2.4 Repairing non-conforming elements
`I 1.2.5 Generating your EDGAR submission
`I 1.2.6 Publishing for the SEC
`I 1.2. 7 Repurposing for your Web site
`11.3 1 Conclusion
`Chapter 12 Help Desk automation
`12.1 1 1he hapless Help Desk
`12.1.1 The old way
`12.1.2 What needed to be done?
`12.1.3 Helping the Help Desk
`12.2 1 How the Solution System works
`Information flow
`12.2.2 Architecture
`12.3 1 Using the Help Desk Solution System
`12.3.1 Make the query
`12.3.2 Research product information
`12.3.3 Write a solution
`12.3.4 Update the repository
`12.3.5 Route for approval


`12.3.6 Check in document to knowledge base
`chapi:er 11 Extended linking
`u. 1 1 The Shop notes application
`13 .1.1 What is extended linking?
`13.1.2 Displaying extended links
`13.1.3 Notes survive to new versions of manuals
`13.1.4 Vendors can use the notes
`13.1 1 Other applications of extended linking
`13.2.1 Public resource communities of interest
`13.2.2 Guidance documents
`13.2.3 Computer-augmented memory
`13.2.4 Intellectual property management
`13.3 1 Strong link typing
`13.3.1 Hiding the installation log
`13.3.2 Why do we need strong link typing?
`13.3.3 Anchor role identification
`13.4 1 Conclusion
`I Part Three What's Being Done with XML 191
`Chapi:er •• Hitachi Semiconductor
`14. 1 1 Introduction
`14.1 1 The business case
`14.3 1 Phase 1: Creating a single source file
`14.4 1 Phase 2: Automating transformations with XML
`14.s 1 "Publishing on steroids"
`14,6 1 Facilitation ofWeb-based searching
`14.7 1 Quantifiable savings
`14.a 1 Conclusion: A new dimension of automation


`Chap•er 1s The Washington Post
`1 s.1 1 The Post Web site
`1 s.1 1 Job searching online
`I 5.2.1 Andersen Consulting
`I 5.2.2 CACI International
`I 5.2.3 Career Post
`1 s.:~ 1 How JobCanopy works
`1 s.4 1 Summary
`Chap•er 16 Frank Russell Company
`1 cs. 1 1 Background
`1 cs.1 1 Project strategy considerations
`16.2.1 Proceeding from a theoretical abstraction to
`practical applications
`16.2.2 Phasing deliverables with measurable return on
`16.2.3 Continuing research in parallel with focused
`development projects
`16.2.4 Alignment with overall corporate strategies
`16.2.5 Executive sponsorship
`1 C5.3 1 Identifying the needs
`16.3.1 Business requirements
` Compliance
` Premium typographic quality
` Data integrity
` Security
`16.3.2 Technical requirements
` Scalability
` Low licensing impact for reader software
` Ease of use
` Cross-platform
` Multilingual capability
`11 o


`4 I Create an abstract architecture
`16.5 1 Implement applications
`16.5.1 Real-world design issues
`16.5.2 Document representation
` Abstract document representation
` Rendered document representation
`16.5.3 Phased implementation plan
` Phase 1: Records management business study
` Phase II: Document management of PDF files
` Phase Ill: Document assembly and formatting
` Phase IV: XML and the future
`16.6 1 Conclusion
`chap•er 1 7 A gent Discovery
`17.1 1 Agent Discovery
`17.2 1 Picture this
`17.2.1 Access vs. integration
`17.2.2 The solution: Web automation
`17.:J 1 \Vhat is Web automation?
`17.4 1 Discovering common ground
`17.5 1 What about XML?
`17.6 1 Architecture principles
`17.7 1 Conclusion
`Chap•er •• Major Corporation
`18.1 1 Background
`18.2 1 First generation: Client/server
`18. :J 1 Second generation: Three-tier
`18.3.1 Data extraction
`18.3.2 Database maintenance
`18.4 1 Summary


`Ch•pter •• City Of Providence
`1 ~. 1 1 The Providence Guide prototype
`1 ~.2 1 Information architecture
`1 ~.3 J Conversion to XML
`1 ~.4 1 Generating the electronic book
`19.4.1 Using multiple stylesheets
` Contextual searching and personalization
`1 ~.s 1 Web delivery
`1 ~.cs 1 Dynamic Web delivery
`1 ~.7 1 Updating the XML data
`1 ~.8 1 Revising the Electronic Book
`1 ~.~ 1 Summary
`Ch•pter 20 lnternationa• Organization
`for Standardization
`20. 1 1 ISO 12083; DTDs for publishers
`20.2 1 Adapting ISO 12083 to XML
`20.2.1 Automated modifications
` XML declaration
` Omitted tag minimization rules
` Grouped element type and attribute declarations
` Comments in other declarations
` Quoted default attribute values
` Parameter entity references
` Example of automated modifications
`20.2.2 Assisted modifications
` Attribute types and defaults
` Declared content
`20.2.3 Other modifications
` Eliminating inclusions
` Eliminating AND connectors
` Eliminating exclusions
`© 19 98 THE X ML H ANDBOOK™


` Adding system identifiers
`10.3 1 Conclusion
`I Pan Four Tools for Working with XML 277
`chap•er 21 FrameMaker+ SGML:
`Editing+ composition
`11 .1 1 Leveraging information
`11.1 1 XML authming functions
`21.2.1 Guided editing
`21.2.2 Authoringflexibility
`21.2.3 Problem correction
`21 .2.4 Authoring utilities
`21 .2.4.1 Cross-references
` Hypertext
`21.2.5 Managing external content
`21.2.6 Welljormedness support
`11.3 1 Automated formatting and composition
`21.3.1 Rule-based formatting
`21.3.2 Interactive formatting
`11.4 1 Document fragments
`11.s 1 Publishing the document
`21.5.1 Paper publishing
`21.5.2 Online publishing
`11.cs 1 Customization and preparation
`21.6.1 DTD customization
`21.6.2 Defining formatting rules
`21.6.3 Extensibility


`Chapter 22 ADEPT•Editor:
`Edit for content management 296
`11. 1 1 Automated document systems
`22.1.1 Structure
`22.1.2 Content management
`11.1 1 What information warrants these tools?
`22.2. 7 Created by formal processes
`11.3 1 Characteristics to consider
`22.3.1 Authoring issues
`"Task-matched" tools
` Structure consistency
`22.3.2 Development issues
` Content management integration
` Customization
`22.3.3 Business issues
` Authoring productivity
` Batch composition
` Presentation independence
` Standards-based
`Chapter 2:. X MetaL: Friendly XML editing 318
`13.1 1 Familiar interface
`13.1 1 HTML markup transition
`13.3 1 Sbuctured editing
`23.3.1 Multiple views
`23.3.2 Tables


`3 3 Named bookmarks
`23 ..
`23 .3.4 Samples and templates
`23.3.5 Context-sensitive styles
`23 .3.6 Default HTML styles
`23.3.7 Direct DTD processing
`23.3.8 Customization
`21 •4 1 Extend XML capabilities to outside authors
`chapter 24 DynaTag visual conversion
`14.1 1 Concepts of document conversion
`24.1.1 Data rescue
`24.1.2 Style serves meaning
`14.2 1 Converting documents with DynaTag
`24.2.1 Getting started
`24.2.2 Mapping
` Automatic mapping
` Variant detection
` New-mapping helper
` Conditional mapping
` List wizard
` Tables
` Character mapping
` Cross-references
` Searching
` o Comments
` XML markup features
` Capturing structure
` Reuse
`24.1 1 Prepruing for electronic publishing
`Chapter 2s XML Styler: Graphical XSL
`stylesheet editor
`u.1 I Introduction to XSL
`© 1 9 9 8 THE X M L HAND B o 0 K 1M
`3 38


`u.1 1 Creating a stylesheet with XML Styler
`15.3 1 XSL patterns
`15.4 1 XSL actions
`25.4.1 HTML!CSS flow objects
`25.4.2 DSSSLjlow objects
`u.s 1 Conclusion
`Chapter !16 Astoria: Flexible content
`16.1 1 Components are everywhere
`26.1.1 Components in publishing
` System simplification
` Easier revision
` Efficient authoring
` Less routine editing
` Fast, easy customization
` Universal updates
` Streamlined translations
` Flexible distribution
`26.1.2 XML makes components
`26.1.3 Applications for content reuse
`16.1 1 A content management implementation
`26.2.1 Revision tracking
`26.2.2 Search
`26.2.3 Dynamic document assembly
`Chapter !17 POET Content
`Management Suite
`17.1 1 Managing the information life cycle
`27.1.1 Changes to the information life cycle
`27.1.2 The World Wide Web has changed the rules
`27.1.3 Object-oriented components
`17.1 1 The POET Content Management Suite


`· 369
`27.2.1 POET CMS components
` POET Content Server
` POET Content Client
` POET Content SDK
`21.2.2 The POET CMS Architecture
`27.2.3 Using POET CMS
` Server-side content management
` Client-side editing and viewing
`chapter 2a HoTMetaL Application Server 178
`28.1 1 Dynamic descriptive markup
`28.2 1 How HoTMetaL APPS works
`28.2.1 Middle-tier server tags
` Data access tags
` Conditional logic tags
`28.2.2 Guided construction of dynamic pages
`28.3 1 Functionality can be friendly
`Chap•er 20 Junglee Virtual DBMS
`20.1 1 Why virtual database technology?
`20.2 1 How the VDBMS works
`29.2.1 Wrapper Development Kit (WDK)
`29.2.2 The Extractor Development Kit (EDK)
`29.2.3 VDB Server and Data Quality Kit
`29.2.4 Administration interface
`20.3 1 Applications ofVDB technology
`Chapter :.o Free XML software
`30.1 1 What do we mean by "free"?
`30.2 1 The best XML free software
`30.2.1 Parsers and engines
` Xlink engines
` XSL engines
` DSSSL engines


` SGMUXML parsers
` XM L parsers
` XML middleware
`30.2.2 Editing and composition
` XML editors
`30.2.3 Control information development
` XSL editors
` DTD editors
` DTD documenters
`30.2.4 Conversion
` General S-converters
` Specific N-converters
` General N-converters
`30.2.5 Electronic delivery
` XML browsers
`30.2.6 Resources
` Useful programs
` Archiving software
`I PaM: F~Ye
`The Technology of XML
`Chapcer :. 1 XM L basics
`3 1 • 1 1 Syntactic details
`31.1.1 Case-sensitivity
`3 1.1.2 Markup and data
`3 1.1.3 White space
`31.1.4 Names and name tokens
`31.1.5 Literal strings
`31.1.6 Grammars
`3 1 .1. 1 Prolog vs. instance
`3 1. 3 1 The logical sbuchrre
`3 1.4 1 Elements
`3 1.s 1 Attributes


`3 1•6 1 The prolog
`31 .6.1 XML declaration
` Version info
` Encoding declaration
`31.6.1 .3 Standalone document declaration
`31.6.2 Document type declaration
`31 •7 1 Markup miscellany
`3 1. 7 .I Predefined entities
`31.7.2 CDATA sections
`3 1.B 1 Summary
`chap•er 12 Creating a document
`type definition
`3 2.1 1 Document type declaration
`3 2.2 1 Internal and external subset
`32.3 1 Element type declarations
`32.4 1 Element type content specification
`32.4.1 Empty content
`32.4.2 ANY content
`32.4.3 Mixed content
`32.5 1 Content models
`n.6 1 Attributes
`32.6.1 Attribute-list declarations
`32.6.2 Attribute defaults
`32.6.3 Attribute types
` Attribute value normalization
` CDATA and name token attributes
` Enumerated and notation attributes
` 10 and IDREF attributes


` ENTITY attributes
` Summary of attribute types
`12.7 1 Notation Declarations
`Chap•er ;~;~ Entities: Breaking up
`is easy to do
`u.2 1 Entity details
`11.1 1 Classifications of entities
`11.4 1 Internal general entities
`u.s 1 External parsed general entities
`33.5.1 External parsed entity support is optional
`11.cs 1 U nparsed entities
`11.7 1 Internal and exte1nal parameter entities
`11.a 1 Markup may not span entity boundalies
`33.8.1 Legal parameter entity reference
`u.9 1 External identifiers
`33.9.1 System identifiers
`33.9.2 Public identifiers
`u.1 o 1 Conclusion
`Chap•er i4 XML Linking Language(Xlink
`14.1 1 Basic concepts
`34.1.1 Simple links
`34.1.2 Link roles
`34.1.3 Is this for real?
`34.1.4 Link behaviors
` Show
`34.1.5 Actuate
`34.1.6 Behavior


`34.:1 1 Extended links
`34•2•1 Locator elements
`34.2.2 Link groups
`34•3 1 Addressing
`34•4 1 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
`34•5 1 Referring to IDs
`34•6 1 Location terms
`34.7 1 Conclusion
`chap~er :~s Extensible Style
`Language (XSL)
`35.1 1 XSL overview
`35.1.1 XSL stylesheets
`35.:1 1 Referencing XSL stylesheets
`35.3 1 Ru1es, patterns and actions
`35.4 1 Flow Objects
`35.5 1 UsingXSL
`u.6 1 Patterns
`u.7 1 Actions
`u.s 1 Flow objects and characteristics
`u.9 1 XSL and JavaScript
`Chap~er :~o Adva.,.ced features
`36.1 1 Conditional sections
`36.1 1 Character references
`36.3 1 Processing mstructions
`36.4 1 Standalone document declaration

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