
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 pt. 10










`Personalizing your work environment
`Personalizing a database
`Installing Wizards and Add-ins
`Using the Control Panel to customize Access
`Using command line options


`Personalizing Access
`ou can tailor your Access work envi(cid:173)
`ronment to your own requirements
`and working style. If you're happy with
`the way Access is working now, there's no need to change the default settings and you
`should feel free to skip this chapter. But if you'd like to learn how to tweak things a bit,
`read on.
`Note that other chapters in this book explain how to customize the features described
`in Table 15.1, so we won't repeat those discussions here.
`You can personalize many aspects of your Access work environment by following the
`general steps below:
`1. Open a database (if one isn't open already) and choose Tools~ Options. You'll see
`the Options dialog box shown in Figure 15.1.
`2. Click on a tab to select a category. (For your convenience, we've arranged the fol(cid:173)
`lowing sections in alphabetical order according to the category of options that
`each tab controls.)


`THIS ...
`ActiveX Controls
`Tools > ActiveX Controls
`Tool bars
`View> Toolbars > Customize
`Tools > Security
`View > Toolbars
`Tools >Add Ins >
`Switchboard Manager
`Look up ActiveX
`Controls subtopics in
`the Access Help Index.
`Tools > Options
`takes you to the
`Options dialog
`box, where you
`can change
`default settings
`in Access.

`· ·. D~tasheet
`I Tab.les{Queriesj· Fonils/Rep.orts l
`I General
`.. Hyperlinks/HT~ll I


`3. Change options, as described in the sections that follow. Depending on the option
`you're setting, you can type a value, select a value from a drop-down list, select an
`option button, or select (check) or deselect (clear) a checkbox. Selecting a checkbox
`activates the associated option (that is, it says "Yes, I want this option"); deselecting
`the checkbox deactivates the option (that is, it says "No, I don't want this option").
`4. Click on OK when you're finished making changes.
`For more about the options discussed in the following sections, choose Tools >
`Options and click on the appropriate category tab. Next, click on the ? button at the
`upper-right corner of the Options dialog box and then click on the option you're inter(cid:173)
`ested in; or right-click on the option name and choose What's This?; or click in a text
`box or combo box and press Shift+ Fl. You also can look up topics under Default Settings
`in the Access Help Index.
`The Advanced options (see Figure 15.2) control how Access handles data in a multiuser
`environment and how it handles OLE and DDE operations.
`The Advanced
`tab in the
`dialog box.
`j Hyperlinl<sfHTMLj
`Datasheet J T abies/Queries j Forms/Reports j
`Default Record Lod"ng
`r. flo\o<~l
`I"' AU Records
`( EQ.ited Record
`l Command·Llne Arguments:
`[ Conditional Compilation Arguments:
`ro- ' PrQject Name:
`r;:;---- ; J,-~1-or-,-th-w-in-,..d - - - - - -
`OLE/DDE Ti!!leout (sec):
`Nk[mber of Update Retries:
`ODBC Refresh (sec): 11500
`B.efresh Interval (sec):
` Retry Interval (msec): izso


`The OLE/DDE options are as follows:
`DDE Operations Select or clear options to choose whether to Ignore DDE Requests
`from other programs and whether to Enable DDE Refresh at the interval given by the
`OLE/DDE Timeout (Sec) setting.
`OLE/DDE Timeout (Sec) Specify the interval, in seconds (from 0 to 300), that
`Access will wait before retrying a failed OLE or DDE operation.
`See Chapter 18 and the online Help for details about these multiuser options on the
`Advanced tab: Default Record Locking, Default Open Mode, Number Of Update Retries,
`ODBC Refresh Interval (Sec), Refresh Interval (Sec), and Update Retry Interval (Msec).
`The Datasheet options, shown in Figure 15.3, let you change the default appearance of the
`datasheet view when you first open a table or query. Most options are self-explanatory, so
`we won't trouble you with reading through the details about them. However, you might
`want to know about the Show Animations option, which lets you enable or disable the ani(cid:173)
`mated insertion and deletion of records and columns in datasheets.
`You can override the Default Colors, Default Gridlines Showing, Default Font, Default
`Column Width, and Default Cell Effect settings in data-sheet view. To do so, choose the
`Font, Cells, and Column Width options on the Format menu, or use the Formatting
`(Datasheet) toolbar, as explained in Chapter 8.
`The Datasheet
`tab in the
`dialog box.
`T abies/Queries
`17 ~erlical
`Qelault Column Width:
`3 (103
`r Raised
`r Jionl<en
`17 ShoJ!iAnimations


`Changing Edit/Find 0
`Use the Edit/Find options, shown in Figure 15.4, to choose the default method for
`doing a Find or Replace operation, to control whether to confirm various types of
`changes, and to control the size of value lists when you use filter by form.
`The Default Find/Replace options are listed below. You can override these settings in
`the Find In Field (Edit > Find) or Replace In Field (Edit> Replace) dialog boxes, as
`explained in Chapter 9.
`Fast Search Searches the current field and matches the whole field.
`General Search Searches the current field and matches any part of the field.
`Start Of Field Search Searches the current field and matches the beginning char(cid:173)
`acter or characters in the field.
`The checkbox options below Confirm let you control whether Access displays a
`confirmation message when you change a record (Record Changes), delete a database
`object (Document Deletions), or run an action query (Action Queries). It's a good idea
`to leave these options checked.
`The options below Filter By Form Defaults For Database control which fields supply
`values when you use the Filter By Form feature (see Chapter 9), and how many rows to
`display in a filter-by-form list. These options affect the current database only, and you
`can set different defaults for other databases. You can override the options for a given
`filter-by-form operation, as explained in Chapter 9. To speed up filter-by-form opera(cid:173)
`tions, limit the Filter By Form Defaults settings to local indexed fields and reduce the
`number of records read.
`The Edit/Find
`tab in the
`dialog box.
`T obles/Queries


`Use the Forms/Reports options, shown in Figure 15.5, to control the default templates
`used for form and report designs and to define the selection behavior when you drag
`the mouse pointer to select controls in form and report design view.
`The Forms/Reports options are
`Selection Behavior Choose Partially Enclosed to have Access select controls that
`are even partially contained within the frame. Choose Fully Enclosed to have
`Access select only controls that are completely contained within the frame you
`draw while dragging the pointer.
`Form Template The default is Normal, a built-in, general-purpose template that
`Access uses to create an AutoForm or blank form. You can specify any existing
`form in the database as the form template, if you wish. If you specify a form that
`doesn't exist in the database, Access will use the built-in Normal form template.
`Report Template As with forms, the default report template is Normal, but you
`can specify any existing report in the database as the report template. Access uses
`this template to create an Auto Report or blank report. If you specify a report that
`doesn't exist in the database, Access will use the built-in Normal report template.
`I Hyperlinks/HH•ld
`j T-obles/Queries Forms/Reports j
`The Forms/
`Reports tab in
`the Options
`dialog box.
`r. &.~:.:::~::.c..':::.:.'c::";.':::.;;
`C F!!.IIY Enclosed
`E.orm Template:
`Report TemPlate:
`r Always Use ~vent Procedures


`Always Use Event Procedures When this option is selected (checked), Access
`will bypass the Choose Builder dialog box and go directly to the Module window
`after the builder button is clicked on a property sheet.
`<101> "1!1" IE.
`Form and report templates define whether to include a form or report header and
`footer, whether to include a page header and footer, the dimensions of each section,
`and the default properties for each control. A template does not create controls on a
`new form or report.
`When designing a form or report, you can override the default settings in many
`ways. For example, you can change the default properties for new controls that
`you add to a form or report in design view, and you can use AutoFormat styles to
`format all or part of a design. See Chapter 13 for complete details about designing
`forms and reports.
`If you'd like to use custom control settings for all new forms or reports that you
`design, customize the properties for each control to your liking. Then save the design
`and define it as a template in the Form Template or Report Template option setting
`described above.
`The General options (see Figure 15.6) let you change these default settings:
`Print Margins Use the Print Margins options to assign default Left Margin, Right
`Margin, Top Margin, and Bottom Margin settings for new reports and forms (the
`settings have no effect on existing forms and reports). Initially all the margins are
`one (l) inch wide.
`To change the margin settings in an existing form or report, open the form or report
`in design view, choose File >- Page Setup, click on the Margins tab, change the Top,
`Bottom, Left, and Right settings as needed, and then click on OK (see Chapter 9).
`Default Database Folder Specify the folder in which Access will store or search
`for databases. The default is the dot (.) which stands for the default Access work(cid:173)
`ing directory, a folder named My Documents. (If you rename the My Documents
`folder in Windows 95 later, Windows 95 will adjust the appropriate Registry set(cid:173)
`tings to point to the renamed folder automatically.)


`The General tab
`in the Options
`dialog box.
`I T ables,{Queries l Forms/Reports I Module
`!,_eft Margin:
`BJght Margin:
`!l_ottom f"largin:
`Q.efault Database Folden
`je:V1y Documents
`[l!ew Database Sort Order:
`New Database Sort Order Choose the language used for alphabetic sorting of
`new databases. Options include General (for English), Traditional Spanish, Dutch,
`and several other languages. To change the sort method for an existing database,
`make the change here (in the New Database Sort Order text box) and then com(cid:173)
`pact the existing database as discussed in Chapter 17.
`Provide feedback with sound When this option is selected (checked), Access
`will play sounds when events like completion of printing happen.
`l Options
`The Hyperlinks/HTML options let you customize the way hyper links are shown on the
`screen. You can also set options for connecting with HTML data and ActiveX Server data.


`Hyperlink Color Tells Access what color to use for showing hyperlinks that have
`not yet been followed.
`Underline Hyperlinks When checked, has Access display hyperlinks with
`Followed Hyperlink Color Specifies the color on screen of hyperlinks that have
`been followed (jumped to).
`Show Hyperlink Addresses in Status Bar When checked, has Access show the
`hyperlink address for a hyperlink that is clicked on. (Hyperlinks can appear as a
`shortcut name, instead of an address.)
`HTML Template Names a template for HTML: files that are created by export(cid:173)
`ing to HTML format or using the Publish to the Web Wizard. An HTML template
`has specifications for file headers, footers, and other visual elements.
`Data Source Name Specifies the name of the Open Database Connectivity
`(ODBC) connection used to query Access data for dynamic Web pages.


`User to Connect As The user name for connecting to the ODBC data source
`named above.
`Password The password for the above user name.
`Server URL The location of the ActiveX Server Page (ASP) file on the Web server.
`ASP files are used with Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 or later.
`Session Timeout (min) Sets a limit in minutes for how long a Web session can
`remain inactive before it is timed out (terminated).
`You can get more detailed information on ODBC data connections, ASP files, and
`HTML templates from the Office Assistant. Enter any of these topics in the search box
`of the Assistant and press Enter. Then click on your choice in the list that appears.
`The Keyboard options, shown in Figure 15.7, let you control how the Enter key, arrow
`keys, Tab key, and insertion point behave when you use the keyboard to move within
`or between fields in a form or datasheet.
`Move After Enter Determines what happens when you press Enter in a field. Your
`options are Don't Move (Enter has no effect), Next Field (Enter moves the cursor to
`the next field), or Next Record (Enter moves the cursor to the first field in the next
`Arrow Key Behavior Choose Next Field if you want the cursor to move to
`another field when you press f- or ---7, or choose Next Character if you want the
`cursor to move within the field when you press those keys. If Next Field is
`selected, you can press F2 and then f- or ---7 to move the cursor within a field.
`The Keyboard
`options in the
`dialog box.
`T abledQueries
`: t·~oveAfterEnler
`r Do!)'tMove
`" ~~~~fe:e.ii!
`r Cyrsor Stops at First/Last Field


`Behavior Entering Field Determines what happens when the cursor lands in a
`field. Your options are Select Entire Field, Go To Start Of Field, or Go To ~nd Of Field.
`Cursor Stops At First/Last Field Determines what happens in a datasheet when
`you press the f- key in the first field of a row or the ~ key in the last field of a
`row. Select (check) this option to have the cursor stay in the current field, or dese(cid:173)
`lect (clear) it to move the cursor to the previous or next record.
`When designing a form, you can control the behavior of the Enter key in text boxes
`(that is, Text and Memo fields). To do this, open the form in design view, open the property
`sheet, and click on the Other tab on the property sheet. Next, select the text box control,
`and then change the Enter Key Behavior property either to Default (so that it uses the Move
`After Enter setting discussed above) or to New Line In Field (so that pressing the Enter key
`moves the cursor to a new line in the field). To simplify entry of multiple text lines in a
`Memo field, the control's Enter Key Behavior is initially set to New Line In Field. If you
`choose Default instead, you typically must press Ctrl+Enter to enter a new line in the
`Memo field's text box.
`The Module Design options, shown in Figure 15.8, determine the default characteristics
`of the module design window used for creating Visual Basic procedures and functions
`(see Chapter 25).
`As Figure 15.8 shows, you can change colors and font used for your code, various
`coding options, how code is displayed in the Module window (Code View), and some
`settings that apply to the Current Database Only. For more about using and customiz(cid:173)
`ing the Module window, see Chapter 25 and the online Help for the Module tab, or
`type Modules in the search box of the Office Assistant.
`Use the Tables/Queries options (see Figure 15.9) to choose defaults for new table fields
`and indexes and to control default behavior in the query design window.
`The Table Design options are
`Default Field Sizes Lets you specify the default field size for newly created text
`and number fields in table design view. Specify a Text field size from 0 to 255;
`choose a default Number field size from the Number drop-down list.
`Default Field Type Lets you choose the default field type for newly created
`fields in table design view.


`The Module tab
`in the Options
`dialog box.
`l General
`l Tables/Queries l Forms/Reports
`Te;s_t Area:
`!Automatic ~
`!Automatic ~
`!Automatic ~
`17 A;tto Indent
`P' Auto S~tntax Check
`P' Rll_quire Variable Declaration
`17 <;;_ompile on Demand
`17 AutQ.list Members
`17 Auto Q.uick Info
`P' Auto Q,ota .Tips
`IabWidth: r
`T abies/Queries
`.Q.efaOJit Field Type:
`j Long Integer
`,<\.OJto!ndex on Import/Create:
`It D ;key;code;num
`QlJery Design
`P' .9_how hble Names
`r iJ~,JtputAitFie!ds
`P' Enable .AutoJoin
`The Tables/
`Queries tab in
`the Options
`dialog box.


`Autolndex On Import/Create Lets you specify field names that are indexed auto(cid:173)
`matically when you first create them in table design view or when you import them
`from an external file. The Indexed property on the General tab of the table design
`window will display Yes (Duplicates OK) for automatically indexed fields.
`In the Autoindex On Import/Create text box, enter the beginning characters or
`ending characters that the automatically indexed field names should contain, and
`separate each field name (or partial field name) with a semicolon (;). Example: the
`Autoindex On Import/Create setting shown in Figure 15.9 will cause Access to auto(cid:173)
`matically index field names such as ID, MyiD, KeyField, Codel, and AutoNum.
`Each table can have up to 32 indexes. You're likely to bump up against that 32-
`index limit rather quickly if you include many field names in the Autolndex On
`Import/Create option or if many fields that you create or import include the field
`names listed in the Autolndex On Import/Create text box.
`The Query Design options are
`Show Table Names Lets you display or hide table names in the QBE grid. To over(cid:173)
`ride this setting, choose View > Table Names in the query design window.
`Output All Fields When selected, all fields in a query's underlying tables or que(cid:173)
`ries appear when the query is run; when deselected only the fields added to the QBE
`grid appear. To override this setting, change the query's Output All Fields property.
`Enable Autojoin Lets you choose whether to create automatic inner joins
`between two tables that you add to the query design window. Access can create an
`inner join for tables if those tables are already joined in the Relationships win(cid:173)
`dow, or the tables contain fields that have the same field name and the same or
`compatible data type in each table. Even if you disable automatic joins, you can
`create them manually in the query design window.
`Run Permissions Choose Owner's to run new queries with the owner's permis(cid:173)
`sions, or choose User's to run new queries with the current user's permissions.
`These permissions are important on secured databases. To view or change a query's
`owner, choose Tools > Security> User And Group Permissions from the menus
`and then click on the Change Owner tab. To override the query's default run per(cid:173)
`missions, open the query in design view and change its Run Permissions property.
`See Chapter 6 for details about designing tables, Chapter 7 for more information
`about importing tables, Chapter 10 for more about queries, and Chapter 18 for tips on
`networking and security.


`Use the View options, shown in Figure 15.10, to control the appearance of the database
`window and macro design windows and to choose whether the status bar and startup
`dialog box appear.
`Status Bar Lets you display or hide the status bar. (Your life will be easier if you
`leave the status bar visible, so you can see the helpful hints Access displays there.)
`Startup Dialog Box Controls whether the startup dialog box appears when you
`start Access. When this option is selected, Access displays the initial dialog box that
`lets you choose which database to open; when deselected, you're taken directly to
`the Access main menu, which has only the File, Tools, and Help menus.
`If you turn off the startup dialog box, you must open a database (File > Open
`Database) or create a database (File > New Database) before you can choose
`Tools > Options again.
`The View tab
`in the Options
`dialog box.
`l T ables[Queries l Forms/Re!)orfsl
`I General
`j HypefiiQI<s[HTMLj
`Mv~rlced !•


`Hidden Objects Controls whether to display or hide objects in the database
`window if they have a property of Hidden. When you choose to display hidden
`objects, their icons will be dimmed in the database window. To hide an object, go
`to the database window, locate the object you want to hide, right-click on the
`object's name, select (check) the Hidden property near the bottom of the dialog
`box, and then click on OK.
`System Objects Controls whether to display or hide the names of internal sys(cid:173)
`tem objects that Access creates, or system objects that you create. These system
`objects start with the letters Msys or Usys. If you select (check) the System Objects
`option, Access will show system objects along with other table names in the data(cid:173)
`base window, though their icons will be dimmed. (It's best to leave these objects
`hidden to avoid confusion.)
`Don't mess around with any of the system objects that Access creates if you aren't
`absolutely sure of what you're doing. The results can be disastrous.
`Names Column Controls whether to display or hide the Macro Name column in
`the macro design window. To override this setting, choose View> Macro Names
`from the macro design menus.
`Conditions Column Controls whether to display or hide the Condition column.
`To override this setting, choose View > Conditions from the macro design menus.
`To change your screen's video resolution (if your screen supports adjustable reso(cid:173)
`lutions and you're using Windows 95), minimize Access and other programs you're
`running, so you can see the Windows 95 desktop. Then right-click on any blank
`area on the Windows desktop, choose Properties, click on the Settings tab in the
`Display Properties dialog box, drag the slider control below the Desktop Area
`option, and then click on OK. When prompted, click on OK and then click on Yes
`to accept the changes.
`Personalizing a
`You can personalize a database in several ways:
`" Set startup options that take effect when you open the database. See the next section.


`• Set database properties that document your database and make it easier to find the
`database later. See "Changing the Database Properties" in Chapter 5.
`• Set object properties for objects that appear in the database window. See "Changing
`Properties of an Entire Table or Object" in Chapter 6.
`The Startup options let you control options that take effect when you open a particular
`database. You can use the Startup dialog box instead of, or in addition to, an AutoExec
`macro. The AutoExec macro will run after the Startup dialog box options take effect.
`(See Chapters 20 and 28 for more about macros.)
`To set the Startup options:
`1. Open the database for which you want to set startup options.
`2. Choose Tools > Startup; or right-click on any gray area on the database window
`and choose Startup. You'll see the Startup dialog box, shown in Figure 15.11.
`3. Change any of the options described just below.
`4. Click on OK to accept the new settings and close the Startup dialog box.
`§. Close the database and open it again if necessary.
`To bypass the Startup settings and use the default options shown in Figure 15.11,
`hold down the Shift key while opening the database.
`The Startup
`dialog box after
`we clicked on
`the Advanced
`AQplicalion Title:
`.1\pplication !C•)n:
`!7· Display J;!atabase Window
`.::,1 W Display Status ]!ar
`Ehortcut Menu Bar:
`i} .:J jldefaull)
`Menu Bar:
`II default)
`W Allow F !!11 Menus
`W Allo!t! Default Shortccrl Menus
`W .<\flow Viewing Code After [Hor
`17 Ajlow Suilt·in T ooltiars
`17 Alfow T ooltiaJ Changes
`17 Uw.<\ccess Spedal!';;e9s
`(Show Database \.1/indo\\•; Show Code
`\\Iindow, and Pause Executipn)


`The Startup dialog box options are described below. Note that some options take
`effect as soon as you close the Startup dialog box; however, others don't take effect
`until the next time the database is opened (these "delayed" options are marked with an
`asterisk below).
`Application Title Lets you display your own application title in the Access title
`bar. Type Jhe title you want to display. To use the default application title of
`Microsoft Access, leave the Application Title text box empty.
`Application Icon Lets you replace the standard Access "key" icon with an appli(cid:173)
`cation icon of your own choosing. The icon appears in the Access title bar and on
`the application's Taskbar button. To specify an icon, type its name into the Appli(cid:173)
`cation Icon text box; or click on the Build button next to the Application Icon
`option, locate the icon (*.ico) or bitmap (*.bmp) file you want to display, flnd
`then double-click on its file name. (On Windows NT, you can use icon files only,
`not bitmap files.) If you'll be distr!buting your application, it's best to put the icon
`or bitmap file in the same folder as your application. To use the default icon for
`Access, leave the Application Icon text box empty.
`Menu Bar * Lets you choose a global menu bar to display when you open the
`current database. Choose an existing menu bar from the drop-down list next to
`the Menu Bar option, or choose (Default) to use the Access default menu bar.
`Chapter 24 explains how to create custom menu bars. Until you create a custom
`menu bar, the only choice you'll see for this option is (default).
`Allow Full Menus * Lets you choose whether a full set, or a restricted set, of
`menus appears on the Access built-in menu bars. Select (check) this option to dis(cid:173)
`play a full set of built-in menus; deselect (clear) this option to display a restricted
`set of built-in menus that doesn't allow design changes to database objects.
`·Allow Default Shortcut Menus * Lets you choose whether the Access default
`shortcut menus are available. Select (check) this option to display shortcut menus
`when you right-click on a toolbar or other object; deselect (clear) this option to
`prevent shortcut menus from appearing when you right-click.
`Allow Viewing Code After Error * Lets you control whether to enable the
`Ctrl+Break key and allow code viewing in the Module window after a run-time error
`occurs in the application. (When you're finished developing your application, you
`may want to deselect this option to prevent users from viewing your code.)
`Display Form * Lets you choose which form to display when the database is
`opened. To avoid displaying any form, choose (None) from the Display Form
`drop-down list. The applications you create with the Database Wizard specify a
`form named Switchboard as the Display Form.


`" Set database properties that document your database and make it easier to find the
`database later. See "Changing the Database Properties" in Chapter 5.
`• Set object properties for objects that appear in the database window. See "Changing
`Properties of an Entire Table or Object" in Chapter 6.
`The Startup options let you control options that take effect when you open a particular
`database. You can use the Startup dialog box instead of, or in addition to, an Auto Exec
`macro. The AutoExec macro will run after the Startup dialog box options take effect.
`(See Chapters 20 and 28 for more about macros.)
`To set the Startup options:
`1. Open the database for which you want to set startup options.
`2. Choose Tools > Startup; or right-click on any gray area on the database window
`and choose Startup. You'll see the Startup dialog box, shown in Figure 15.11.
`3. Change any of the options described just below.
`4. Click on OK to accept the new settings and close the Startup dialog box.
`5. Close the database and open it again if necessary.
`To bypass the Startup settings and use the default options shown in Figure 15.11,
`hold down the Shift key while opening the database.
`The Startup
`dialog box after
`we clicked on
`the Advanced
`AQplication Title:
`Application !co~n:
`Sj d
`P' Allow Fyll Menus
`P' Allo!£1 Default Shortcut Menus
`P' .<),llow Viewing Code ,lifter f.rror
`,I ____ o_K~~
`~D·_rsp_~7Y __ ~_rm_: ___________ ~~-
`P' Display Qatabase Window
`. P' · Display Statui gar
`,2hortcut Menu Bai:
`r.l Ajlow Bui(t:in T ·~olbars
`P' Allow T oolbar Changes
`r.l Use Access Specialfl,eys
`(Show Database Window. Show Codec
`Window. and Pause E~ecution)


`The Startup dialog box options are described below. Note that some options take
`effect as soon as you close the Startup dialog box; however, others don't take effect
`until the next time the database is opened (these "delayed" options are marked with an
`asterisk below).
`Application Title Lets you display your own application title in the Access title
`bar. Type ,the title you want to display. To use the default application title of
`Microsoft Access, leave the Application Title text box empty.
`Application Icon Lets you replace the standard Access "key" icon with an appli(cid:173)
`cation icon of your own choosing. The icon appears in the Access title bar and on
`the application's Taskbar button. To specify an icon, type its name into the Appli(cid:173)
`cation Icon text box; or click on the Build button next to the Application Icon
`option, locate the icon (*.ico) or bitmap (*.bmp) file you want to display, find
`then double-click on its file name. (On Windows NT, you can use icon files only,
`not bitmap files.) If you'll be distributing your application, it's best to put the icon
`or bitmap file in the same folder as your application. To use the default icon for
`Access, leave the Application Icon text box empty.
`Menu Bar * Lets you choose a global menu bar to display when you open the
`current database. Choose an existing menu bar from the drop-down list next to
`the Menu Bar option, or choose (Default) to use the Access default menu bar.
`Chapter 24 explains how to create custom menu bars. Until you create a custom
`menu bar, the only choice you'll see for this option is (default).
`Allow Full Menus * Lets you choose whether a full set, or a restricted set, of
`menus appears on the Access built-in menu bars. Select (check) this option to dis(cid:173)
`play a full set of built-in menus; deselect (clear) this option to display a restricted
`set of built-in menus that doesn't allow design changes to database obje

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