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`WIT de
`Micheal A. Johnson RDR CRR
`Exhibit 1016
`Apple v. Qualcomm


`is MML NO
`W M1
`IMF w
`NEW w
`T L
`MM ý
`ME ow
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`send a blank email
`to news updates and corrections
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`tie . 7 ti3
`1. I
`-Y khirryNerrtunr.tisr
`iii Sle fi
`Ikury tý_ lrni
`Pvr F.iirSeirt1lllibelesleotl000stmeot.oOm
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`une 4111S Door of tmrr rno thereof
`0 Copyrrlot con e
`In ony form wb.9scevet.
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`Fhone 415-947.u4
`enoil boo rrorers
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`S end lox
`a s
`LnilCw 1ttatow Pa1enii
`For nrvrdonl cr
`r uorrni y ornier
`IMJP Book
`6600 Sim.- Wu
`el 1 itý11.rli-riý1J
`Fax tf38-h48 .78
`or 1-408-8148-S44
`trnpsýwshou er.rorn
`Ilgrs book r alsooltii
`Ydsd .ltllila
`Nohntiron and oil
`friie booksellers
`the ouok
`in rhe U.S. by
`Gran V14est
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`1 78708I
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`Con Cl lri
`tI I
`rnliir 11131
`1 rrs1 1IIl1i
`En for
`rod Domnn
`S Fý4I
`rmn.ri Gsxirnxr Ort.f Orsiyr


`-TelephofleIntel-c _
`guaranteedcoo-L criY


`prom OM



`ItJJlfUiiLUl4promiscuous mode to EiietiiTJf
`Index U.f %F

`lf a%ilj tat EilIf
`firm tll . t
`to nl.I
`fiGOx w 01
`U I
`d r
`fie 11
`oa .
`P y S it .f.iair..S
`flay d lilovl
`e 1
`in n Vialljrtl M IA is 3001x11 t0tsJ
`73 St
`z to Pfrlltl13li3tG
`or 3ni

`I a3
`3 1i862810
`ily ftnli
`in ir
`t il3s
`.lonioei par
`%sfr t1Ji nly
`f 13.l
`-r a
`i 1t t
`a1 r tliGEtz1ts
`d frtC
`ref Vll
`proprietary telephone sets 11I1fYetat
`Ifl 1L1fS 1r
`A I
`rnf 34VICtIf
`JP spFciflf
`flF1F.i of
`As IlifY 1 t41if.N I
`so4tz 71
`l..5 ritltl Il
`it IaiNal7tl nI I
`Jnt Id illof
`tt l
`al l I
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`and ifand
`rx lcf
`r 1.11ilf1
`allalil%f arllt.
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`Y fi
`D t
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`I ý-
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`t 1dr Ct111Jif
`y - of
`ix seo 1
`f1Joply 200100 kilftrTdup5
`L fi r.3iL U rlfc ii
`-tsia.un fn
`to ti-r
`L C
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`tls_IJhfr.tlst if
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`If et till
`Y. ItihWt
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`f11111q.c WfllIt
`rorifted O1L1Inttl79a

`1 31-ýFIV7.e eý e.
`ýrcr 1tirýIiitir
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`rlufr 1D nieiril

`%furity rllll
`fyettltiv3 tifilie
`tloo- sttvltt--
`Gil I.
`proprietary network it
`rlemn K
`Iy li dofldCr
`tffiifo do P1 of Is tInt
`tx11 nrtvrs.JtA.ritlr
`e iitllnefir
`Jf e I. Tl117 yiJu
`hoc I
`rde hr
`n rr -
`o 41.
`le tltlifit
`lt7t f 1111L
`Il WWIaou
`ffe1 PJ tk_r
`to __F ýf$t 1a f
`la r a It OLIO or buy the onposy S sttof
`roof of relativity VV3iPi.
`ryoio wr1I Alt11 w3I1t
`tttal Mr illun.
`it n I
`f uflf olneltla level
`Propagation delay Thfl
`D no I nil
`111 VI.
`if tft
`E f.Si
`lP4 fill
`UI_ Y
`sit v Cell f$Ihlil
`nn 131tý.ý6iJI1
`-lisir JCd chill
`IItifF rbF t.JS 7t oillet
`t by voic
`ýite5tlilJ 1.1h FrlUItfO OIY
`is filfoyeC elclt
`tllf omjitl 15Ifrff
`l e
`lifneyol get
`how to USE
`file stein fe
`ra 4S fi
`is picir only it
`ilar% itVill
`only woi
`ftot1I Ala Neoioocki
`Proprietary If 4oiteifli3tt
`See trl noo Infer
`o quifNllNill.
`proprietary LAN A LAN
`ruuoo the
`IBM PCs to UK nI
`veilllr. A A14ltelo y FAN1
`toy 0f1A% lI
`ji-flee bei J t ile r Il1toe
`e flOOiile
`Ie tfl
`to fie rilo1 p llE l
`of orif 01e
`dttetJ SU1110
`r ý6ftSrolllors oYofes
`for exfffiifll$
`lý Y.ot
`n t er
`proof of concept
`IV. They
`also tgili
`to ft
`Yr irt
`pr stect
`t U
`1 .1Y
`1r M
`propeller head An Gxrcsi V ft
`lt S I f1S SPndovils
`irWifi yawl
`fUL flliitýttý
`Ii5 01H IIOI_-as 1I1J 010I
`f3lift.-4 Yo t.lltl
`f anan Cf1...1
`Property Management
`1 tl hlF3s lIIJt 1y.1rrl
`61tid USN ffoJ1P1r
`mIaipeN l
`4 ritok it%ot fi1C
`fle Ifist
`rlrt 0 torte segi 3ice before
`lJl be Ctl3rl
`Ui by It113
`each pr rilpt
`tJ lI S % l
`dolu tril
`I- af31Je of FO fly
`toe Il
`device that
`a c d
`.aDS C oil Vie E.._
`t lilinr
` nfIlYilil
`D nllutlllfJ
`rn VaQrfytrlf
`ff arg ffa Tloll e 1Sllinq tl
`Innlp ur preS tGJflt
`f ul J
`1 ffJtil
`Ina end
`t.iaof t
`. t
`ion l
`in Goat.f
`f fj
`It IlefeS have veryng
`fii f lFtt
`es _. i.
`t lllef
`i ffialf9F dn
`Il jlopixtiol
`t.1C i_.l 1j
`s off
`JYidtf5. A l
`r.r 1r.
`prompt togging and encoding Acco
`1111 i
`lu.l Li.I
`U IIIiiE1 f lUftlElJel1
`t t a
`i ltlPf
`to Svtr ýIrýstýllý ttiiiIlnh
`t JiIIiJfl
`rfTJrt 1 12-69
`rnsq pktnif.
`film.Tifilit bat v
`8 71fs
`Flp . J
`ihý tJt1If1U
`l9 olio knoiwll
`propagation delay skew TIl
`f W chile.
`IID fo.sllS folio FioA sf hills if
`-ei DII fS IP 1-40 SI Civ Ifi
`propagation time Bate
`tan n
`Si n ilcult.
`ioVt I
`f f4lllati0i1
`See i11so
`Pr l t iihto eiedri
`ation Velocity Pre S
`ilfrTn sitf
`ria rlLrt Six fslr FtiEISifwinll
`s t


`ffti nrltiio
`iofu fhrj
`t hnit1 llEISII fi3uisaIl11 ki I Ii
`Ef 5 Milli
`fiFele hsbed by tJarltft
`Ifs to 1u1
`i4 IttlalTli
`13 %iUfrlflt6 C
`ý x
`ý IfiyLS rýt.r

`Cff lf3t
`r tft-
`f vtRi
`1. $N
`sup f
`f i
`.1.. LýII
`Interface N1
`AA. F
`t. I
`a tIi.
`I llýla
`_f s
`A t6plmnc sstenis lhiGt4
`fM f Iipo
`e -.
`fR x
`D ire
`J sgftlc 1 df o y._f
`3. F
`lrs . a11
`f5 tIIJ e f.
`fioETll. This S aftti
`113 l ti i
`I.U t
`Ili-LI4 III 1.Fh to lifffHlltr
`.wr P.1 5 k l
`l by hse.lfilfi
`i .
`yl 1
`tables it
`tsar will
`Project Evaluation Review Technique % Proprietary Telephone
`_ .1
`Elt f1a
`IsJfC a
`llf I iT S.I
`t .
`N1 t
`.1 1Et
`t .1r fl
`lath astir
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`I ý.ýt ilfellf-
`fflf1 al i.
`l7is 3
`ý tf. I1f3.
`IY s ptt
`zl Lf
`1J 1i
`ix sJ call
`eElla.. ohlniiI
`7 i
`f 111 1
`J1 t.t
`Iii Fslbllin rtt
`Oil co f
`Iri yfj
`1 tC.f
`io ir
`tE P fff
`ti r
`Jf flfr
`y 1

`st tllir
`y fIlfl
`yr 411t10
`r i
`5 or 11 1i
`UI.lGS 3rlat
`fI rl1fl
`T of
`r t.Yf
`1IL Ili
`I11 7
`tak Ili
`Prolet Evaluation Review Technique i EP i-
`fC1V1rfIýJS if
`lýrta f
`t Li. a1 ai I MMfilllii
`PROM f tt11oil
`Il vdliz illti mitim flit Pot
`i Irli
`l r.
`f. rCII 11 11.411 t
`li FR.lW is c
`to it3 ýlely This I.vf
`lrtin% ifftn OlTv lJsll.I-11Sa
`lil y
`JriStrx1itiun ffIflý
`ass d
`TS iTý
`flay pEr.
`lr 7ltfCadrltint
`.Gtf11la UJUul
`lu t
`I ati
`Ulcm tnf
`iT iilelfetiyt_
`t O
`to be alieted difiinf

`Jlt1t3fboof Fkltr. of lily
`Nvo k 5rVr
`Iý ftlQllc
`t.1TiaE IIIijst cIa life sod iilll
`1iv vll
`f P
`r jfi
`ttfe rIi1l7d
`tiwo k
`if til1s
`nn ýlie
`tt ilt
`nfds iq ntlil
`renal a-
`IiiCti1 Ytiiltlii4.
`1 i. C3
`4J 1
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`f lAflr
`sxiviIYl s Iude icrflll
`it11I1y ii5 Vrtd
`1 111
`s rl
`. on
`rMif i of
`ilip flarfsIcnl
`a t
`flu If
`ti or
`a pi
`.ý lý
`f Ihwfiý
`i fiS totGft
`l KTfltira StfVtf
`Clr srlVil
`e Iý
`. 2I Ole. nod 3
`pVtt to tflri
`l7ltfr ý f
`J1E ClfýErf
`in- t--iJ ti
`i c.i
`1 .
`UPI.I ailllj
`ýi1ly IS flyiflvf
`to Pit
`IPI_ Ff rlt
`sI flra is G
`chid III-
`leýI of
`11 OUI.lII1C fif1ti1Cll
`w --t sk-
`fIOfo 5
`ryfo PS Lit aices its 11tfl .dlleil
`t. SIJif
`If. Lfleýtff
`tt. wool fllWrk

`lieiClis It
`fGaa 1
`. r
`lflIt rile E nlf fir
`Cl7 f1
`to flaVe til
`.-fi i
`to alld lffiwrvr rf 01
`fle 111all
`rneý f1Lfl
`lette of
`forth R
`it E _.
`I1% .tlll.luýC.i
`t 1.

`ieTI tllfllf
`ts n4ffnv Arlo IPTlf1Sfly
`re fc yrý
`n 1iVE
`IYtive to hr
`is If for olf
`t l
`trip livW ofk
`l I17
`e 4d 1 itF .D t rrF rlvi
`t.Cs ifh
`L ot.1I1t
`i lllfiaIlioil
`t S I
`t f
`if eJ.
`1 1
`I11tlle Sue olso I1 ictIO1s Al
`10 t-11rs I
`refý ts toa H f1 u.i Mtfia
`S ft
`t fttitrs
`f t5UiJt r1Vie
`y aIlill
`e is
`d Ir
`the Idtr
`e f
`Elefflef aloe 11 lnlli115tPktf
`promotion r.
`t ta.
`i7. fl h algln. a esfrli
`l.. S ll1 le1
`I bJil
`f zI %
`n at
`j fYfl11IIt
`ib I .F randr
`J ti
`I ýk.
`t11 of %1110 Vsliefýýltt
`It tlf3a
`in ift HIto IiI u.tlt5s to
`Ic i
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`.s fl
`t rise e i dcf
`e in
`ltlDf1i7f1 iG. prcrr1D to1
`fitýr tv l
`t.l ztffiTtDt$Uf4 fClt fS 1.1 gEft
`it Lf
`U1 ytl
`if .i- PJIr
`r If hots ..S D mill Jt1 le
`tJIUS som ni
`tc i
`if1Ji it
`_ - f
`la f CC f1
`In arlt-115fDIl.
`i ttfr ýr lY
`Iii Vel
`toy .
`Ira b tr9$rt ItiJ
`iS IM i
`Tali ope kllf
`l be
`y fotlt.
`-iec 110
`prompt ltl
`t f
`oj ni
`i f
`ai 1ii
`til Arbo-l t sifPP7a
`is f re -
`is fflrTl
`irlher iii
`ffid of
`lu tile Y5101 U0 that
`ASO Use1 to sighf
`U fleet
`I1 file


`St y
`f.ý 371 iisvffE rIilit..
`of ri 7
`iiJl-o Pjl
`1LIs.S Ir
`- liil
`t he
`yrte ill
`rx If.r
`rgf 61udt
`W let
`tLU j
`tiS Vo C iliill
`s StCtSSýIýI. 1SN
`gl flopvlo
`Yf Mil
`s .l
`tý rmtes
`. ý..n4
`uuto oft
`the fir
`d- So tfiJ tfnij
`n few Iiltlfactlie hove
`ý i alpilff
`-rain . h.
`t._ i
`PTs Pat6gmllru_loniicll..pflt
`hose Will . t p-iý ri
`it Ast
`6ItI 11F. tieis flltr
`Im p
`efoEonn ttiidtel
`tyi-t diie
`and t
`rid a
`ýýý.sw j
`otit Ulm dilivit
`iIfollne illo i of
`. m he IN iatt
`i 1L p
`f i
`the Ps. ATA and maiy iimri o.tJ Isis aine. the ttt.ji
`the I1tercornec nr CLSoilet-owned one slsf
`rueh of

`si1np od
`iploife uO ork iffi
`tiJ . if dfir11t.ll
`r 84
`were desi
`tired to 7 wet
`11 hi

`- alaji
`tt lo
`sie clit 11141111
`Jiron.. rrl
`.i e$fpL.
`Vrli-s tltfrlti
`o0 i
`d f
`4 byi
`t E

`i 117
`i1 i1
`s l
`18 fi
`No a trpni
`.i tiaftfrl
`1 sIiii
`I i 1ril
`t he
`91 i v i
`.lfi1n i i
`Ill make p otpr.etOry
`ses litoiii
`ikrlofiii ally phone.
`ke lihorlc-s
`pr2i1 iii pafl rtOJritlfidr
`w OS.drr
`f tf@S to it e palls 3f
`lo Poo s
`5treok a Pill phltyf c for
`xatnple1 in
`is goinft to Paris rind tto fur 0111i on.
`fa Iliar
`Si IltEite the
`s on the
`tlkat sfalI bo tyued. Sce
`hie cuesror
`Thf y fete iirobi
`onger exist xit in a
`S Od utaot srf.ce the Chc I es Arid the levies no
`JsPUnI or Q t EC tfiGrV Old egufpnyen See also Prolertlfe rCLpliutt r1rlLafInCftt
`Protective Coupling Arrangement R.A. A
`hln rlepulys inhilt
`and yoin pate Liflf
`The objective
`rIPilUte 0mpanj S lines from your equipment and t1JS pfd ECi
`is not nfe.u Iv
`d s pilsSHft
`The device
`6.8 of tie IC Cs rakes. See also Protective
`e placed
`reh.een the
`t ie PEA Is
`their lines
`iolrlectng arrorigemient
`Itii of
`It Soifrf3S.---IITE
`to Se.C f
`l e
`Lraer Part
`f trs ail
`1 nlrgs in the fitric
`-ihic I
`is Cnot1e tee n for
`the some thine.
`nfeos Ilne
`t pfatert
`3qeC fqd currents
`illisio is involve
`eced co
`4C t
`limits unwonted
`is the
`er f
`Ito is
`also Pro rdiy
`In tea to stmb t1rOSf uy lifhrS to how natJlal
`prosody liltGnntfon.
`CI. See
`i ý r aOtfis.
`up niTt no4tls of
`ifrvV w Rcrttil0vl. Moss
`pfospecthe The opp l
`ff hile I j
`fafe sei we plostlt
`ilve ieh ch uenm filly
`however are retfouriye or etrospettive w ch
`rate Cases
`f f -rlfs
`and dirge to ih p st tsý4o
`in the fcoon
`iiclney to its Subscnhefs
`rotund iiiteCStlfi3
`IN C.ofttistIi to letulrt
`this ooE room
`prote r block A device
`to on eocildnnge
`trot l over-votac e and rDI over ur4int. fooi 4iCt.95
`Eo around.
`In other words a surge prOtetor
`we shunted
`surgevotages to
`etloOdive CC13tltlizýtkn
`ore troioc.ibtf.ttvely
`ieroo tlve.
`to other worth.
`they airy
`values which
`coo be handled
`take effect some time in
`he future when.
`the. deosioc
`is voted
`open by nil
`file commission
`in the customer
`where they
`safely by the insu aticrt on inside wire and by
`temina equipment. Protectors
`and phones
`theofetca 1y keep wires
`he electron
`are very important
`in high-lighning areas
`from welting phone systems from being
`town off
`and end users thorn being electrocuted.
`the moll.
`h. Original protectors
`surges. Subsequently gas tube
`mprovements n the speed
`to incoming
`high voltage
`the imprcvemenls in technology While
`have been at
`were based on carbon
`blocks which
`blocked aberrant
`were used. Solid
`of of
`ire forefront of
`the rf
`ird generation
`nigh currents
`prospero UNIX software ahifh hety. you storl Lino iive conrlnito
`system whidr elwfles ono to ironpwentYyr mow 1ediorrs
`Prospeiro roon a virtual
`that H 3vi
`resources Willie trrkirq odour ioe of
`fit-o to 5110i 1 fto pe o is ib dislui_tott
`rt diI
`logy sermo and file systmi
`users to construct
`of ovodnble
`to 11 he
`f af7
`variety of protectors
`are either
`rY on
`two voices
`one I. They cent distinguish
`tone and fast busses
`1C3 16 17 y Ti
`Ora signals
`are specifically
`dered. protocol
`fefies tire procedure
`for adding
`to the
`vta rimlion t 16yi77
`of date
`i.E a conversation. A protocol
`is a specific
`ilsn Alone thorn ootie
`or conventions
`a standard
`pocedJie that
`for data com uriicctiotls
`things as frninfic
`two devices.
`to trlaEf
`set of roles procedures
`to format and timing or data transnissien between
`inLSt meet acid use to he chic
`two data
`hnno nnrrrthor
`rtfr f
`eosin rr efrllory
`Prf ieciii
`the rules by which
`mode A
`the format of messages
`s operating
`entiinded memory dimerly The opofotiog tinJtfe for tIre frltel 80286 cfld
`ccmluters and
`call. You pick up t

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