`US 6,088,802
`INVENTORS: Bialick. William P.
`Sutherland, Mark J.
`Dolphin Peterson, Janet L.
`Rowland, Thomas K.
`Skeba, Kirk W.
`Housley, Russell D.
`Peripheral device with integrated
`security functionality
`04 JUN 1997
`11 JUL 2000
`03 OCT 2016
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0001
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0001


`“"i‘l'JI'JNTi[i'.||..r1|\n’,i fumvr
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`I {IE-NW -'-:B-I’-‘|.‘|
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`Fallon prlnnlydllnad
`aauso “Ewan-urns
`Asslstanl Examiner
`U.B.DEPT. 090mm! mum—ML -
`g. g 59
`M 1
`Tatar Claims
`Print Clglyn
`Sheets Drwg. Flgs.Drwg_.
`#39188“: FEE [N m.
`(Rev. WI
`w 52%
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0002
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0002


`Transaction History
`06 04-199?
`Workflow - Drawings Finished
`06 04-1997
`Workflow - Drawin ; Matched with File at Contractor
`06—04» 1 997
`Workflow - Drawings Received at Contractor
`Initial Exam Team nn
`0?- 1 4- l 997
`08-07- 1991l
`IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
`11-04-1997 Notice Mailed--Agplication Incomplete-Filing Date Assigned
`03—05-1998 Anglication Is Now CornElete
`A . ulication Dis natched from OIPE
`. lication Dispatched from OIPE
`Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`Information Disclosure Statement IDS Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement IDS Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS! Filed
`Non-F inal Rejection
`Mail Non-Final Re'ection
`Res onse after Non—Fina] Action
`lemental Response
`03-25-1999 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`IDS Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Date Forwarded to Examiner
`Mai] Notice of Allowance
`06-07-1999 Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
`Workflow - Drandn 5 Received at Contractor
`Workflow - Drawin 3 Sent to Contractor
`06-24- I999
`09- l 3- I 999
`Workflow - Incoming Corresgondence - Finish
`Workflow- Incomin Cortes ondence- Be ‘11
`Information Disclosure Statement tIDS} Filed
`Informatiori Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`| 09-13-1999
`UnMatched Pa ets in Pubs
`UnMatched Papers in Pubs
`M Issue Fee Pa
`Mail Miscellaneous Communication to A
`Miscellaneous Communication to A licant « No Action Coant
`0 1 -04-2 000
`Workflow - Com lete WF Records for Drawi
`lication Is Considered Ready for Issue
`Issue Notification Mailed
`1 1-2000 | Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
`1 06252003 | Correspondence Address Chan e
`‘ 0112-2012
`03-02-2015 Chan e in Power of Attorne Ma Include Associate POA}
`L 09-29-20}6
`03-02~2015 Correspondence Address Chan e
`Workflow - File Sent to Contractor
`ent Verified
`_ loos-1998
`File Marked Found
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0003
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0003


`I .— 1. Agrpficatfon _.L ‘
`Scum. huh-«IMF- |-
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0004
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0004


`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0005
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0005


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`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0006
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0006


`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0007
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0007


`United States Patent
`Bialick cl al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[late of Patent:
`Jul. 11, 2000
`lnwnlors: William P. Blulick. (‘lnrkwlllc. MIL;
`Mark J. Sulllerlnnd. Milpilas. Calif;
`Janet L. llulphln-Petursun. Bclvcdcm.
`filliE; Thomas K. Rowland. L05
`11%. (infill; Kirk W. Skebn, Frutnoul.
`(”alils. Russell D. Housley. llcrndou.
`Assiyicu: Spyrus, Inca. Selma ('laru. {‘allil'
`Amal. No.1 081869.305
`Jun. 4. 1997
`Im. CI.’
`GIMK 147'67
`US. Cl.
`”3300. 7l392l1l; 713/203
`Field of Search
`. 49; 713.200. 201. 202
`395486; 350:4
`Rafi-mucus Ciled
`“11087 Walmlllbc .
`31'1”“ Dykc
`31003 lung
`Irl‘l‘H Mclxrm GI
`3.0994 Orton
`3.1905 llullc)’
`”1.4005 Harlutlclnl.
`:1 Mi:
`21min ”all
`(‘ruslulsnn et al.
`711‘101- Mousnwu 1-1 «I.
`1S!) 15
`('nptlm cl al.
`11 7.0 1
`BI] ”‘30 Durmluw .....
`5.. 48.731
`311997 MOIlllk'y l'l .’Il
`5!]‘1‘17 Stone. lll cl ul.
`3r- 1 mm
`imam: MW? Kikinb
`. JMJF I 4
`5.702.083 MEWS [.cc cl Ell.
`hr'lllI’H Nuvir- cl a]
`811095 lluuvcner cl :1].
`IWIWS llnldcn el al.
`.. £111,135
`1099‘) Farm“ er al.
`W0 82,1328“
`11111132 Wll’i).
`KIIWT Wll’fi.
`LLS. appliculiml Nu, 081309.120. Bizrlick cl :Il.. lilccl Jun. 4.
`I997. pending.
`Primary I:.'.rrum'.rlrr—Ly V. Ilu.‘
`.Mlurnqu 439m, ur Finn—David R. lirulmm
`'I'hu ilwunlion unulalcs 1| periphrrul dcvicr to mnunlmiculu
`will] u husl mmPuIing device 10 2113th nne or mun: sucurily
`operations In hr: pcrl'mmcd by [he pcriphural device on (lnln
`slnrcd willu'n lhc lmsl computing dcvicc. dala pmvidcd l'rrJrrI
`Ihu hosl compuling device In ll'rc pcriphcral duvicc (which
`can then lac. fur cxnmplc. 510m! in the peripheral dcvicc nr
`Iransmillml In yr] anolhur LIL-vim), or dam relriuvurl by Ihc
`husl cumpuling dcviuc [rum ll’u: peripheral dcviu; (cg. dala
`Ilul has Iwun stored in Ihc puriplrural device. Iransmillurl In
`lhc peripheral device from another (lcvicc or inpul
`to 01¢
`pariphcra] dcviu: by a person]. In particular. 1111: peripheral
`device can be adapted to cnalvlc. in a single integral periph-
`eral device, pcrformanw [if one or more Securily opuralionfi
`un dala. and a (lEl'llIl—‘ll inlcracliun will] a husl crumpuling
`Llwicc Ihal has not prcviuusly been iuaegrulcd will: sucun'ly
`l'lpbrllllflfl‘i in x singl: inlcgral dcvim:
`'l'hu (Infincrl
`lions. can pmvidu :1 variety 0|]pr ol' l‘unclinnnlity (mg.
`dala sloragc. dalu cummuniculmn. dalu input and vulpul.
`user irlcnlifiurlliuu). Thu.- pcnphural dcvicc can 11150111: imple-
`mumcd so Ihal Ilic suturily upcralions arc pcrfnrmcd in-linc.
`lhc weurily armrarions an: purl'ormud l‘lclwucn 1111.-
`unmmunicaliun ul'dala [u or from [he hoezl compuling device
`and lhc performance (If the dclincrl imuraclinn. Momover.
`lhc peripheral duvicc can he ilnplcmcnwd 51: that Ihc secu‘
`riry funclicmalily nl‘ 1hr.- pun'phcral dwicu is Iransparcm lu
`Iln: husl rumpuling device.
`39 Claims, 9 llmwing Slit-em
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0008
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0008


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 1 ul' 9
`Device 101a
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0009
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0009


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 2 ul'9
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0010
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0010


`US. Patent
`Sheet 3 ul'9
`/ Security
`i 404
`Userconnects peripheral device
`to host computing device.
`Host computing device detects presence
`of peripheral device.
`Peripheral device establishes its identity.
`Host computing device identifies peripheral device.
`User interacts with host computing device
`to begin using peripheral device.
`FIG. 5
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0011
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0011


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 4 ul' 9
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0012
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0012


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 5 ul' 9
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0013
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0013


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 6 of 9
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0014
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0014


`US. Patent
`Sheet 7 0|")
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0015
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0015


`US. Patent
`Sheet 3 ul'9
`FIG. 9A
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0016
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0016


`US. Patent
`Jul. 11. 2000
`Sheet 9 ul' 9
` moimm._.z_
`mOEO—d: —2|—Lul:|:u.<l:0Lu
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0017
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0017


`This application is related to the commonly owned.
`cit-pending United States patent Application entitled
`"Modular Security Device." by William P. Biatick. Mark J.
`Sutherland. Janet
`l.. Dolphin-Peterson. Thomas K.
`Rowland. Kirk W. Sheba and Russell D. ltuusley. tiled on
`the same date as the present application and havingAttorncy
`Docket No. SPY-003. the disclosure of which is incorpo—
`rated by reference herein.
`t. Field of the invention
`This invention relates to a peripheral. ut'ten portable.
`device (as wet] as the methods employed by such a periph-
`eral device. and systems including such a peripheral device
`and a host computing device with which tltc peripheral
`device communicates) that can communicate with a host
`computing device to enable one or more security operations
`to be performed by the peripheral device on data stored
`within the host computing device. data provided from the
`host computing device to the peripheral device. or data '
`retrieved by the host computing device from the peripheral
`1 Retated An
`Computing. capability is becoming increasingly portable.
`to particular, there are more and more portable peripheral
`devices that an: adapted for communication with a host
`computing device (Lag, desktop computer, notebook corri—
`pttter or personal digital assistant) to enable particular fune-
`tionalily to be achieved. These portable peripheral devious
`can take a variety of physical forms (c.g.. PCMCIA cards.
`smart cards. CD-ROMs) and can perform an monument of
`functions (e ,g,. storage. communications and cryptography).
`However. while portable computing attracts a number of
`it has a significant disadvantage in that
`computational environment (including the pnnablc periph-
`eral devices. the host computing devices in which they are
`used. and any other computational devices that communi-
`cate with these devices) is more susceptible to security
`i.c.. unauthorized access to. or modification of.
`programs audior data resident Within the environment.
`Consequently. cryptographic devices and methods have
`heen developed for use with such wmputatiunal environ-
`ments (as well as other computational environments) to
`enable increased levels of environment security to he
`is a block diagram of a prior art system iinr
`cnablinga host computing device to provide secured data to.
`and retrieve secured data from. a portable device. In FIG. I.
`a system 100 includes a host computing device 101 and a
`portable device 102. The Imst computing device It“ and
`portable device 102 are adapted to enable communication
`between the devices lttl and I02. The host computing
`device 10] includes asccurity mechanism 10hr (which can
`be embodied by appropriately configured hardware. soft-
`ware and/or
`firmware. such as. for example. a general
`purpose mieroprncesmr operating in accordance with
`instructions alone or more computer programs stored in a
`data storage device such as a hard disk) which can be
`directed to perform one or more cryptographic operations.
`In the system 1%, if it is desired to provide secured data
`from the host computing device wt to the portable device
`102, the host computing device 101 causes the security
`mechanism 10111 to perform appropriate cryptographic
`operations on data before the data is transferred to the
`portable device 102. Similarly. the host computing device
`101 can receive secured data from the portable device 102
`and perform appropriate cryptographic operations on the
`data to convert the data into a form that enables the data to
`be accessed and/or modified by a person who is authorized
`to do so.
`A significant deficiency of the system 100 is that the
`security medianisnt 101:: is itself typically not adequately
`Ls commonly accepted that
`the components
`(including hardware. software andxor firmware) of most host
`computing devices are inherently insecure. ~l'his is because
`the system design of host computing devices is. typically.
`intentionally made open so that components made by dif-
`ferent manufacturers can work togethcrseamlcssly. Thus. an
`unauthorized person may obtain knowledge of the operation
`of the security mechanism Ulla (tug. identify a crypto-
`gmpllit: key). there'hy enabling that person to gain access to.
`andfor modify, the (thought in be secured) data.
`[‘16. 2 is a block diagram of another prior art system for
`enabling a host computing device to provide secured data to.
`and retrieve secured data from. a portable device. In FIG. 2.
`a system 200 includes a host computing device 20L a
`ponable device 202 and a security device 203. The host
`computing device 201. the portable device 202 and security
`device 2a: are adapted to enable utmrnunication between
`the devices 201. and 202, and between the devices 201 and
`203. The security device 203 includes appropriately config-
`ured hardware. software umlmr firmware which can be
`directed to perform one or more cryptographic operations.
`in the system 200. it it is desired to provide secured data
`from the host computing device 201 to the ponable device
`202, the host computing device 201 first causes data to he
`transferred to the security device 203. where appropriate
`cryptographic operations are performed on the data. The
`secured data is then transferred hack to the host computing
`device 20!. which. In turn. transfers the secured data to the
`portable device 202. Similarly. the host computing device
`201 can receive secured data from the portable device 202
`by. upon receipt ot‘securcd data. transferring the secured
`data to the security device 203. which performs appropriate
`cryptographic operations on the: data to convert the data into
`a form that enables the data to be accessed anrlr‘or moditied
`by a person who is authorized to do so, then transfers the
`unsecured data back to thI: bust computing device 201,
`The system 200 can overcome the problem with the
`system 100 identified above-.111: security device 203 can be
`constructed so that the cryptographic functionality of the
`device 203 can itselfbe made secure. (Such a security device
`is often referred to as a security “token.") Ari unauthorized
`person can therefore be prevented (or. at least. significantly
`deterred) from obtaining knowledge of the opcmtioo of the
`srantrily device 2015. thereby preventing (or significantly
`deterring) that person from gaining access to, anchor
`modifying. the secured data.
`tinwuver, the system 200 may still not always ensure
`adequately secured data. In particular. unsecured data may
`he provided by the host computing device 20f
`to the
`portable device 202 if the host computing device 2.01—
`whether through inadvertent error or deliberate attack by a
`user of the host computing device 201. or through malfunc-
`tion ofllu: host computing device fill—fails to first transfer
`data to the security device 203 for appropriate cryptographic
`treatment before providing the data to the portable device
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0018
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0018


`Additionally. the system 200 requires the use of two
`scparalc pcripbcral dcviccs [portable device 202 and secu-
`rity device 203) to unable the host computing device 20: to
`exchange scoured data with lhc portable device 102, For
`scvern] reasons,
`this may bi:
`inconvenient. First. both
`dwiccs 202 and 103 may not be available at the time that it
`is desired to perform a mun: data exchange (cg. one may
`have bccn forgotten or misplaced). Second. even if both
`dcvicus 202 and 203 an: available, it may not I): possible to
`connect hotlt devices 202 anrl 203 at the some time to the
`host computing device 201. nothing ust: of thc dcviccs 202
`and 203 cumbersome and increasing thc likelihood that
`unsecured data is provided by the host computing device
`201 to the punable device 202.
`A pflt’iphfitfll dcvict: according to the invention can hr:
`used to communicate with a host computing device to enable
`one or more security operations to In: pcrlbrmcd hy the
`peripheral dcvicc on data stored within the host computing
`device. data provided from the host computing duviec to the
`pcriphurul duvicc (which can then be. for example, stored in
`the peripheral etc-vice or transmitted to yet another device) or
`data retrieved by the host computing dcvicc from the periph-
`crul dcvicc (cg... data that hits been stored in the peripheral _
`device, transmittud to the peripheral device from another
`device or input to the poriphcrai device by a person). In
`particular. the peripheral devicc can be adapted lo enable, in
`a Kinglc integral peripheral device. performance ofnne or
`more security operations on dulu. and u defined interaction
`with a host computing device that has not previously been
`integratud with security opcralions in a single integral
`device, The defined interactions can provide a variety of
`types of functionality (6.3...
`(Iala sloragc. data
`Communication. data input and output. uwr identification).
`as describnd further below. The peripheral device can be
`implemented so that thc pcriphcral device can be operated in
`any one of mull iplc user-selectable modes: 3 security func-
`tionality only mode.
`target functionality mode. and a
`combined security and target
`functionality mode. The
`rluvioc can also hr:
`implementcd so that
`security opurations are pc-rl'ormnd invlinc. i.c.. the security
`operations an: pcrforrnod bctwccn thc mmmunt‘catiun of
`data to or from tho host computing dcviot: and the perfor-
`mance of thc dutincd interaction. Moreover. the peripheral
`device can be implcmcntcd so that thc woun‘ly functionality
`of the peripheral devict: is transparcttt to lhc host computing
`Aperipheral device acutrdingtn the invention can advan-
`tageously enlblc application of security operations to a wide
`variety of interactions with :t host computing device, In
`particular. a peripheral device according to the invcntion can
`accomplish this without neccstily to use two peripheral
`devices: on: that performs 1hr: security upcralions and not:
`that performs the defined interaction, This can, for example.
`minimize the pissilaility that the device adapted to perform
`thr: defraud interaction will he tlfl-‘(I with the trust computing
`system Without proper n|1pli€atiun of security operations to
`that interaction. Moreover. the provision nl'in-Iinc security
`in a peripheral dcvicc according to lhu invcntion enables a
`more secure exchange of data between a host computing
`device and the peripheral device. overcoming the problems
`identified ahuvc in previous systems for pcrfurmingsecurily
`operations on data exchanged between such dcviccs.
`Additionally. implementing a modular device awarding to
`the invention so that the performance out security upcralions
`hy the: modular dcvicu is transparent can reduce or eliminate
`the need to modify aspects of the operation of the host
`computing dcvico (cg, dcviu: drivers oflhc host computing
`device). making implementation and use of a data security
`system including the modular device simpler and cusicr.
`Thus, the possibility that a usur will use thc system incor-
`rectly (cg. fail to apply security operations to an interaction
`with thc host computing devicu. or apply the security
`operations incorrectly or invomplctcly) is reduced. Making
`thc security opcrations transparent can also enhance the
`security of those ope-rations.
`is a block diagram of a prior art syslcm for
`enabling a host computing device to provide secured data to.
`and retrieve secured data from. It portable device.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of auolhcr prior art syslcrn [or
`enabling a limit computing rlcvicu to provide secured data to.
`and retrieve secured data from. a portable device.
`FIG. 3A is a block diagram of a system according to the
`FIG. .38 is a perspective vicw of a physical irrtplcmcnta-
`tion of the system of FIG. 3A according to one embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. It is a block diagram of a peripheral dcvicc according
`to an nmhndimcnt ofthc invention
`ttcmrding to an
`FIG. 5 is a flow chart of a method.
`embodiment of the invention, for initiating use of a system
`accord ing to the invention.
`FIG, 6 is it block diagram of ll system. according to an
`cmbortimunt of thc invuntiun. illustrating operation of the
`system during a method awarding to the invention as in
`FIG. 5.
`FIGSA 7A and TB is a llow chart of a method. according
`to an embodiment of the invention. for using it pcriphcrnl
`dcvicc according lu lltc invention.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram nfa peripheral device according
`to another embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 9A is a block diagram illustrating the [low of data
`through the interface control device of FIG. 8.
`FIG. SIB is a block diagram of it particuiar embodiment of
`an interface control device for use in a peripheral device
`according to the invention.
`FIG. 3A is a block diagram ot‘a system 300 according to
`thc invention. The system 300 includes a host computing
`duvicc 3lll anti .1 peripheral device 392 that communicate
`via a communications.
`intert'aoc 363.
`llurcin, "peripheral
`device" can refer to any device that operates outside of a
`host computing dcvicc and that
`is connected to the host
`computing device. The peripheral device 3|l2 includes a
`security mechanism Stilt: that enalalcs security operations
`(examples of which are dcscrilrcd in more detail below) to
`he performed on data that is stored within [he hunt comput-
`ing device 30]. data that
`is transmitted from the host
`computing device 30! to the peripheral device 302. or data
`that is transmitted from the peripheral device to the host
`computing device Sill, As explained in more detail below.
`thc peripheral device 302 also provides additional function-
`ality (referred to hcrcin as "target functionality") In the
`system 300, such as. for example. IItt: capability to store data
`in u snIiddslate disk storage device. the capability to onatblc
`communications from the host computing device 30! to
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0019
`Toshiba_Apricorn 1003-0019


`another device. the capability to accept biometric input to
`enable user authentication to the host eornpulingdeviee 301.
`and the capability to receive and read a smart card inserted
`into the peripheral devirx 302.
`Generally. the communications interface 303 can be any
`embodied by any of a variety of communication interfaces.
`such as a wireless communications interface. a PCMCIA
`interface. a smarleard interface. amrial interface [such as an
`R3423? interface). a parallel intdface. a SCSI interface or an
`IDE interface.
`litreh embodiment of the communications
`interface 303 includes hardware present in ettch of the host
`computing device 301 and peripheral device 392 that oper-
`ates in accordance with a communications protocol (which
`can be embodied. for example. by software stored in a
`memory device artdr‘or firmware that is present in the host
`computing device 31" and/or peripheral device 302) appro-
`priate for that type of communications interface, as known
`to those skilled in the art. Each embodiment of the commu-
`nications interface 303 also includes mechanisms to enable
`physical engagement.
`it' any. between the host computing
`device 301 and. peripheral dcvirx 302.
`Generally. the security mechanism 302" can he mnllg—
`urcd to perform any electronic data security operation
`referred to simply Its "security operation")
`including, for example. operations that provide one or more '
`of the basic cryptographic functions. such as maintenance of
`data confidentiality, verification of data integrity. user
`authentication and user non-repudiation. Particular security
`operations that can be implemented in a peripheral device
`aceurding to the invention are described in more detail
`for example.
`The security mechanism 302a can be.
`embodied as a security token. Herein, “security token" refers
`to a device that performs security operations and that
`ineludes one or more meehrtniSrns (such as, I'urexatnple. use
`of a hardware random number generator anchor protected
`memory) lo provide security for the content of those open--
`FIG. 33 is tr perspective view of a physical implementa-
`tion of the system 300 of l-‘lti. 3A. aemnding to one
`embodiment of the invention.
`In FIG. 3”. the peripheral
`device 392 is embodied as
`card 312 that can be inserted
`into a corresponding slot 313 formed in a pon able computer
`311 that.
`in FIG. SB, embodies the host computing device
`301. Often a peripheral device according to the invention is
`a portable device. sud) as the card .312 shown in FIG SB.
`Herein. “portable device" can refer generally to any device
`is capable of being easily carried by hand
`HO. 4 is a block diagram of in peripheral device 400
`according to an embodiment at the invention. The peripheral
`device 400 includes security functionality 40L target func—
`tionality 402 aunt
`in host
`interface 403 that arc former]
`together as part of a single physical device. For example. the
`security functionality 4m and target functionality 402 can
`be enclosed in a single, cant-like housing (designated in
`FIG. 4 by the numeral 404) conforming to a l’C‘Mf‘tA card
`or smart card standard.
`111:: peripheral device 400 can have a number of advan-
`tageous characteristics. The peripheral device 400 can be
`implemented in a manner that enables [he security opera-
`tions of the security functionality 40] to he performed in a
`manner that is transparent to a host computing device (and.
`depending upon the particular implementation of the periph-
`eral device 400. to n user of a system including the periph—
`eral] device 400) of a system according to lllL' invention, so
`that the bust mmpnting device (and. perhaps. user) is aware
`functionality 402.
`only of the presence of the target
`Additionally. the peripheral device 400 can be implemented
`so that security operations are pcri‘onncd "in-line." i.e.. the
`security operations are performed between the communica-
`tion of data to n: from the host computing device rind the
`perlbrmancc of the target functionality provided by the
`peripheral device. Furthet. the peripheral device 1le enables
`a wide variety of secure target functionality to be easily
`protrided lo a host computing (Jet/ice.
`FIG. 5 is a flow chart oi it method Hill. recording to an
`embodiment of the invention. for initiating use of a system
`according to the invention. The method 500 enables an
`aspect of the invention in which the presence of security
`functionality :L'i pan of a peripheral device is not detected by
`a host computing device. thus making the security function-
`ality transparent to the host computing device trod. depend-
`ing upon the particular manner in which the security fune-
`Lionulity is implemented, to a user of the system.
`[‘16. IS is a block diagram of a system 690. according to
`an embodiment ut‘the invention. illnstralirtguperutlon ofthc
`system 60“ during a method according to the invention such
`as the method Sill} of FIG. 5. The system 600 includes a host
`computing device 601 and a peripheral device 602. The host
`computing device mt includes a display device 603" (mg.
`a conventional computer display monitor) and user input
`device 693!) (mg. a keyboard, mouse, trackball. joystick or
`other appropriate device). referred to collectively hereinafter
`as user interface device- MIJ. The host computing device bill
`also includes. mounted within a housing (IN. a processing
`device 605. a memory device 606. an inputfoutput (1/0)
`device 607 for enabling communication with the user inter-
`face device m3, and an inpultnutput (”0) device 608 for
`enabling communication with peripheral device 602. The
`devices 605. 606, 607 and 608 can each be implemented by
`conventional such devices and can communicate with each
`other via a conventional computer has 6139.15 is Well known
`and understood, The peripheral device 602 include. security
`functionality 611, a memory device fill. an I'DPl-IUI'JIIIPII‘I
`(lift) device 613 for enabling communication with the host
`computing device 6m and target functionality 614. The
`security functionality 61]. memory device 612.. IN) device
`613 and target functionality 614 can each be implemented by
`conventional devices and can communicate with each other
`via a conventional. computer

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