Ulllted States Patent [19]
`Whitridge et al.
`[75] Inventors: Frederick W. Whitridge, Greenwich;
`Brendan E Hemingway, New Haven,
`both of Conn
`[73] Assigneej PDA Peripherals Inc,’ Greenwich,
`[21] App1_NO_:09/143,188
`[22] Filed:
`Aug. 28, 1998
`Int. Cl. ............................ ..
`U-S- Cl- .......................... ..
`455/572; 235/380; 235/472-01; 320/114;
`[58] Field Of Search ........................... .. 320/114; 235/380,
`235/472.01; 375/222; 455/556, 557, 572;
`709/302; 710/72
`References Cited
`9/1987 O’Sullivan ............................ .. 455/557
`5,468,948 11/1995 Koenck et a1.
`6/1996 Gustafson et al
`2/1997 Register et a1~ -~
`~~ 455/550
`gre‘ge ettal'l
`11g 65 6 a .
`et al' """""""""""" "
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date Of Patent:
`Sep. 12, 2000
`Primary Examiner—Thomas C. Lee
`Assistant Examiner—Albert Wang
`Attorney, Agent, or F irm—BroWn Raysman Millstein Felder
`& Steiner LLP
`A portable adapter that provides non-repudiable telecom
`munications services to bar-code reading hand-held com
`puters and palm-top or tablet-type mobile computers is
`disclosed. The adapter provides supplemental poWer supply
`and processing capacity that supports API communications
`functions, such as interactive voice recognition, conference
`calling, data encryption, VoIP packetiZation and other
`signal-format conversions that are not implemented on
`mobile computers. In particular, the device automatically
`logs IP packet identi?ers and DOV dialing and status
`Signals, Without the user having access to edit this
`information, thereby providing a “non-repudiation” record
`of all Communications_ The adapter also Supports intensive
`use of the host computer’s serial port by supplementing the
`poWer available from the host computer’s battery, or replac
`ing that battery With a connector. For plant inspection and
`inventory auditing, ground-based cellular communications
`are implemented for supporting on-site Work, including
`conference calling to discuss apparent pilferage or imminent
`safety hazards, and removable WORM recording media for
`documenting these discussions. For repair shop use, a stan
`dard phone jack or 10-base-T connector alloWs the device to
`upload engine test-data, With reports or estimates dictated by
`the mechanic to the repair shop’5 LAN server- For hospital
`use, the device includes removable WORM media for log
`ging patient test results and examination reports. The hos
`pital device also uses a dedicated local-area RF or IR
`transmitter, With location-speci?c encryption, to protect the
`th d '
`privacyo a reporsreceive y e ev1ce, an o 1m1 use
`of these devices to hospital’s oWn premises.
`5,983,073 11/1999 DitZik ...... ..
`3/2000 Henderson ............................ .. 455/556
`4 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
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`Page 1 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12,2000
`Sheet 1 of3
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`Page 2 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12,2000
`Sheet 2 of3
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`Page 3 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12, 2000
`Sheet 3 0f 3
`FIG. 5a
`IP Version (4)
`Header Length (4)
`Total of Service (8)
`Total Length (1 6)
`Identifier (16)
`Flags (3)
`PDU Fragment Offset (l 3)
`Time to Live (8)
`Protocol (8)
`Header Checksum (l 6)
`Source Address (32)
`Destination Address (32)
`Options and Padding (Variable)
`Data (Variable)
`FIG. 5b
`Code Length Pointer
`oflw Flags IP Addressl Timestamp 1+|P Address n Timestamp n
`Page 4 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention pertains to hand-held computers,
`such as personal data assistants (PDAs). More particularly,
`the present invention is directed to providing automated
`telecommunications for mobile computers.
`2. Discussion of Related Art
`Desktop computers are designed to be used at a desk.
`Portable or “laptop” computers are designed to be carried
`from place to place, but are used in essentially the same Way
`as desktop computers, With the computer device resting on
`some ?xed surface. In contrast, hand-held or “mobile”
`computers are computers designed to be used on the move.
`There are three common con?gurations of these mobile
`computers: pistol-grip computers, such as those made by
`TelxonTM; keyboard-based palmtop computers such as the
`Psion OrganiZerTM; and tablet computers, such as Apple’s
`NeWtonTM or 3Com’s Palm PilotTM that provide an iconic
`“GUI” interface and accept handWritten information. The
`latter tWo, particularly the tablet computers, are also referred
`to as “PDAs”.
`Hand-held computers are Widely used for inventory
`control, in the publishing and retail grocery businesses, for
`example, and often share a pistol-shaped housing With
`devices that read and store bar-code information. Palmtop
`computers are essentially desktop computers including the
`conventional features of the desktop computer: display,
`keyboard, etc., but greatly reduced in siZe and usually
`housed in an open-faced case, rather than the “clamshell”
`folding case used for the larger, “laptop” computers. Tablet
`computers are similar to the palmtop computers in siZe, but
`they are computeriZed, paper-less note pads: the user
`‘Writes’ on the tablet With a stylus, and the tablet interprets
`the movement of the user’s stylus as commands and data.
`The tablet computers are often GUI driven, so that the stylus
`can be used to actuate GUI “button” icons, even operate a
`GUI keyboard.
`All mobile computers are designed to be as lightWeight as
`possible. This is particularly problematic for poWer supply
`design, and output devices, generally, require substantial
`poWer supply capacity. Having very little poWer to spare,
`these mobile computers have spaWned a ?ood of peripheral
`and accessory devices that offer various functions expanding
`the built-in input and output (I/O) capabilities of mobile
`computers as local area netWork
`and Wide-area
`telecommunications terminals, as Well as,
`printer terminals. For example, US. Pat. Nos. 5,606,594 and
`5,625,673 disclose communications accessories that provide
`an enclosure for and add functions to a PDA unit. HoWever
`“accessories”, unlike peripheral devices, do not have the
`computing poWer to provide an application program inter
`face (API) for the mobile host computer.
`With the rise of the Internet and the advent of Voice-over
`IP (VoIP) telephony, providing computer-based telecommu
`nications noW demands more processing capacity than ever
`before. In addition to the basic serial data-over-voice (DOV)
`connectivity Work done by conventional modems that are
`available as accessories, digital call-control features such as
`conference calling require API support. Also, conversions
`turning audio and other signals into bit streams, bit streams
`into bytes and bytes into IP packets, as Well as the reverse
`process turning received IP packets back into sound, text or
`images, require API support. Mobile computers simply do
`not have the computing poWer to provide the API support
`nor the poWer needed to support the data speeds and
`bandWidths required for initiating and maintaining the com
`munications services required for many current IP applica
`tions. Audio and video, in general, and VoIP audio in
`particular, have stringent real-time performance standards
`and require API support for their specialiZed high-speed
`control and data conversion functions.
`In accordance With the present invention, non-repudiable
`telecommunications services are provided for mobile com
`puters by a communications adapter having telecommuni
`cations server operating system and applications interface
`softWare. Telecommunications services are provided to the
`user by the adapter through a user interface (UI) client
`installed on the mobile host computer.
`The UI client installed on the mobile computer cooperates
`With a server operating system in the adapter to execute and
`support API communications functions. In particular
`embodiments these functions include voice mail, voice
`recognition, dictation, call logging and conferencing, as Well
`as encryption, IVR and data-format conversions. In particu
`lar embodiments, the adapter provides the computers the
`poWer supply and processing capacity needed for interactive
`voice recognition, conference calling, data encryption and
`VoIP packetiZation, capacity that the computers themselves
`lack, as Well as the connections and interfaces for commu
`nication links that are not implemented in standard mobile
`To use the adapter for telecommunications, a mobile
`computer having the interface softWare installed thereon is
`connected to the adapter. A communications link is con
`nected to the adapter, if necessary. In particular embodi
`ments the communications link is a PSTN line or a LAN
`connection, a cellular or Wireless telephone set, or a tele
`phone line. The adapter is then activated, Which activates the
`UI on the mobile host computer, Waking up the host com
`puter. The user selects the interface module for use With a
`link connected to the adapter and directs the UI to send an
`appropriate control message or messages to the adapter’s
`call-processing softWare. In particular embodiments the
`interfaces support PSTN, PPP, VoIP, DTMF or video
`communications, respectively.
`In one particular embodiment, the mobile computer is
`connected to the poWer supply of the adapter by replacing a
`battery in the mobile computer With a connector shaped like
`the battery. In another embodiment the adapter connects to
`the poWer supply of the mobile computer through a con
`nector provided by the computer.
`In a particular embodiment, the adapter stores data
`received and transmitted by the adapter as part of a non
`repudiable communications log. Preferably, the mobile com
`puter is provided read-only access to communications pay
`load data stored in the log ?le through the UI installed on the
`mobile computer. In a further particular embodiment, the
`adapter includes a record button that selects a dictation
`interface module Which logs the dictation event and converts
`the spoken information to a data format.
`The conventional computer peripheral devices designed
`for desktop and laptop computers are simpler and have less
`computing poWer than their host computer. The present
`invention, instead is more specialiZed and has more com
`Page 5 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`puting power than its host computer, providing security and
`connectivity applications programming that cannot be
`implemented on the host computer.
`The features and advantages of the present invention Will
`be better understood When the detailed description of a
`preferred embodiment given beloW is considered in con
`junction With the ?gures provided, Wherein:
`FIGS. 1a and 1b are tWo perspective vieWs of a mobile
`computer adapter for medical use in accordance With a ?rst
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a perspective vieW of a mobile computer adapter
`for repair shop use in accordance With a second embodiment
`of the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a perspective vieW of a mobile computer adapter
`for performing inspections in accordance With a third
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic block diagram of call-processing
`apparatus in accordance With the present invention;
`FIG. 5a is a diagram of a standard header used by an IP
`packet; and
`FIG. 5b is a diagram of an IP option ?eld Where times
`tamps are implemented.
`In these ?gures, like structures are assigned like reference
`A telecommunications adapter 10a for hospital use is
`shoWn in FIG. 1a and FIG. 1b. The adapter 10a is attached
`to a keyboard-based palmtop computer 11a by side clips 12a
`and a front ledge 12b that also accommodates the latch 12c
`on the lid of the palmtop computer’s case to hold the case
`shut, as shoWn in FIG. 1b. The adapter also has a belt hook
`12d for hands-free operation of the adapter. The adapter 10a
`also has a slot for loading dictation minidiscs 18b and a
`“RECORD/PLAYBACK” button 18c for use in recording
`voice messages on the removable discs, Which provide
`storage and logging for patient test results transmitted to the
`adapter as Well as examination reports dictated and stored or
`transmitted for typing by the doctor or intern.
`With reference to the general schematic provided in FIG.
`4, using the keypad and screen of the palmtop computer 11a,
`the UI program 20f installed in the RAM memory 20g of the
`palmtop’s CPU 16b provides an interactive communications
`interface and personal phone book so that an intern Wearing
`the device shoWn in FIG. 1a and FIG. 1b can also use it as
`a cordless telephone, using an ear piece 40 and a miniature
`tie-tack microphone 42a or a headset 40b, 42b. HoWever, the
`digital audio input provided by the tie tack 42a or headset
`42b may also be used to provide IVR control of the cordless
`telephone. The IVR feature is activated by an IVR activation
`sWitch 41 that also controls audio muting, storing muted
`incoming signals to a voice-mail ?le as digital audio With
`data attachments, if any, to prevent untimely communica
`tions from distracting medical staff. With communications
`formatting and encryption, and IVR voice input, being
`processed by the adapter 10 the PDA CPU 16b remains
`continuously available for the user-directed tasks of retriev
`ing stored Physician’s Desk Assistant data on dosage or
`patient histories, and Word processing, calculations, or pre
`paring faX or e-mail transmissions, etc. If the hospital’s IR
`or RF infrastructure includes Internet access, VoIP provides
`the physical professional “chat room” long-distance confer
`encing With video output on the screen of the mobile
`computer 11a.
`The hospital device shoWn in FIG. 1a and FIG. 1b uses a
`dedicated local-area RF or IR transmitter, With location
`speci?c encryption, to protect the privacy of the Wireless
`digital voice communications discussing the lab reports
`received by the adapter device as Well as the transmission in
`Which they Were received and any examination report data
`transmitted by it. As a practical matter, by providing a
`secure, special-purpose, limited-access server OS that
`encrypts all communications transmitted by the adapter
`through an encryption routine such as PGP, using a ?rmWare
`key that is proprietary to the hospital, so that use of the
`adapter for Wireless communications, though not is dictation
`function, is limited to the hospital’s oWn premises. This
`dedicates the adapter for use With the hospital’s internal
`communications infrastructure, discouraging pilferage of
`such communications devices. Furthermore, this communi
`cations traffic is also logged using hospital’s encryption key,
`With read only access provided from the log through the
`encryption routine API. Thus a copy of material logged by
`the adapter can be retrieved for use in preparing dictation,
`but the non-repudiation security of the log is assured.
`In FIG. 2, a telecommunications adapter 10b for use in a
`repair shop is shoWn. The adapter 10b is connected to a
`tablet computer 11b having a GUI touch-screen interface.
`The adapter 10b is enclosed in a sheet metal housing and
`provides a loudspeaker 40c and several telecommunications
`connectors on one side of the housing, leaving the other side
`and the back of the housing blank for protection against the
`shop environment. The housing of the adapter 10b also
`provides a cradle de?ned by four prongs 40d for holding a
`handset (not shoWn). The housing provides a modular jack
`44a for the handset and a loudspeaker 40c. In cooperation
`With a keypad GUI provided by the UI client 20f, in
`cooperation With the graphics DPU 14b connected to the
`CPU 16b by the PDA bus 16c and controlled by the GUI
`softWare resident in the PDA RAM 20g this loudspeaker 40c
`can be used to provide DTMF signals to the microphone in
`the handset, for acoustic dialing of calls using a PSTN line
`connected to the RS] -11 jack 13a. Alternatively, the adapter
`10b may be used to place VoIP calls using either a dialup
`gateWay through the PSTN connection 13a, or a cable TV
`gateWay connection 13d or a LAN intranet or internet
`gateWay connection 13b.
`With communications Work, such as the setting up and
`tearing doWn a VoIP call and digitiZing the voice stream
`handled by the adapter 10b, the PDA 11b is free to decode
`and analyZe engine test data, retrieve data from parts
`catalogues, or input a creditcard number for veri?cation.
`VoIP also provides “Whiteboard” interactive draWing ang
`graphics editing for parties to the VoIP call Who have the
`tablet computers 11b, or the equivalent, full-?edged PC
`Workstation With a digitiZer pad.
`For plant inspection and inventory auditing, radio or
`ground-based cellular communications are implemented by
`an adapter 10c in a bar code reader 11c that records bar
`coded location, equipment and crate tags to support an log
`an inspector’s on-site Work. The adapter 10c, shoWn in FIG.
`3 includes conference calling and a video packetiZation API
`so that the inspector can use a VoIP link to discuss apparent
`pilferage or imminent safety haZards With both staff and line
`managers, While simultaneously transmitting a live IP video
`signal shoWing the condition being discussed by the inspec
`tor. The adapter 10c automatically logs IP packet identi?ers
`and timestamps produced or received by the DSP 14a if VoIP
`protocols are used for the call, or the dialing and status
`signals produced by the COM chip set 15a in cooperation
`With the DSP 14a for output through the direct access array
`Page 6 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`(DAA) that is provided by the chip set 15a for PSTN/DOV
`calls. However, the IU client software module 20f that
`provides the PDA CPU 16b access to the adapter’s commu
`nications facilities, cannot access the storage routine pro
`vided by the adapter’s server OS 20a, thereby providing a
`“non-repudiation” record of all communications. Remov
`able WORM recording media 18d are also included for
`providing non-repudiation documentation of these
`discussions, in addition to the separate communications log
`shoWing the radio transmission times and frequencies, or
`times and dialed cellular destinations, or the time-stamps,
`addresses and VoIP-standard audio and video packets trans
`mitted by the adapter 10c.
`These PDA adapters 10 comprise a digital signal proces
`sor 14a converting voice and keyboard signals input to the
`PDA adapter 10 by the user to packets for automatic logging
`by the PDA adapter and transmission on a VoIP link over
`digital and analog links in the Public SWitched Telephone
`NetWork (PSTN) communications system using a conven
`tional modulator/demodulator communications interface
`chip set 15a, or over cable 13c, 15b, or 10-base-T LAN
`connections 13b, a local IR communications link 13c, 15c,
`or digital cellular or radio services 13f, 15d, using the
`corresponding communications formats and protocols. A
`RISC or CISC-type central processing unit (CPU) 16 pro
`vides general-purpose computation, coordination and con
`trol operations using a read only memory 18a Where boot
`code, default I/O parameters and operating system kernel is
`stored. The rest of the adapter’s operating system 20a, its log
`20c local data ?les and the applications softWare supporting
`communications management API programs 20b are stored
`in a random access memory (RAM) 20.
`The port connector 23a on the PDA adapter 10 commu
`nicates With the CPU communications circuitry 22 Which
`carries the messages exchanged betWeen the PDA adapter 10
`and the host computer 11. The port facility 23b provided by
`conventional mobile host computers such as the palmtop 11a
`or the tablet 11b is a simple, standard serial port, but optical
`links may be necessary in place of the standard communi
`cations circuitry 22 in industrial environments Where high
`emf levels interfere With communications signals. The PDA
`adapter 10 also provides one or more communications
`connectors 13 and the corresponding analog interfaces 15a
`15b, if any are required. Infra-red (IR) links, or cellular or
`radio Wireless (RF) links rather than a telecommunications
`line 13a or the 10-base-T connector 13b, etc. may be used
`to connect highly mobile users to the telecommunications
`infrastructure, if necessary.
`The PDA adapter’s poWer supply 30a has a connector 32
`for an external DC step-doWn transformer (not shoWn)
`Which supplies poWer to the adapter 10 When plugged into
`the local public poWer grid or mobile poWer sources. When
`the transformer is not connected, the adapter is poWered
`either by an internal rechargeable battery pack or standard,
`single-use battery cells (not shoWn). Mobile computers’
`emphasis on high-mobility, loW bulk has resulted in many
`not being designed to even accept external poWer input,
`much less support VoIP multimedia communications. To
`support intensive use of the host computer’s serial port 22,
`23b, during communications operations, Which can reduce
`operating time available from a PDA such as the Palm
`PilotTM by as much as 60%, the poWer supply of the PDA
`adapter 10 is connected to the host computer 11 through its
`edge connector 23b, if possible. Alternatively, the host
`computer’s batteries are replaced by a connector in the
`original main battery compartment 30d. The connector is
`shaped like the batteries it replaced and the batteries can then
`be saved for later use, When the host computer 11 is used
`apart from the PDA adapter 10.
`The CPU 16a of the PDA adapter 10 uses a message
`based server operating system (OS) that is native to its oWn
`CPU 16a, for maximum operational ef?ciency. Similarly, the
`adapter OS 20a also installs a UI client 20f on the host
`computer 11 that is native to the host computer 11, for that
`In the quiescent state the central dispatcher of the server’s
`OS softWare 20a Waits for a message from either the UI
`client softWare 20g in the host computer 11 or its oWn
`communications interfaces 14a, 15, 20c, 22. When a mes
`sage is received, a central dispatcher routine in the OS
`identi?es the appropriate API module and/or the signal
`processing routine to Which the message must be forWarded.
`PSTN audio is processed using the PSTN API module, PPP
`messages by the PPP API module, IP packets by an IP API
`module, etc.
`For example, FIG. 5a shoWs the header information
`required by the IP packet transmission protocol. Each pack
`et’s “Identifer” ?eld and a “timestamp” in the “Options”
`?eld are automatically recorded by the adapter’s logging
`API. This timestamp is automatically supplied to all packets
`transmitted from the adapter 10 by the DSP 14a. On the
`Internet, each IP module Where the timestamp option is
`active records its address and the current time in the header
`of each packet it forWards, as shoWn in FIG. 5b. Thus the
`headers of incoming packets Will also have respective iden
`ti?ers and timestamps that are copied to the log 20c by the
`adapter’s logging API.
`During PSTN communications, the dial tone, circuit busy,
`number busy and other netWork signals are received and
`processed by the chip set 15a.
`The call-processing module then executes the requested
`communication operation on an applications-layer (API)
`level using the adapter’s telecommunications applications
`softWare 20b and the hardWare and ?rmWare resources of
`the DSP 14a. The DSP acts as a high-speed, special-purpose
`adjunct to the RSC CPU 16a for minimiZing the burden of
`encryption and formatting on the CPU that executes the
`adapter’s server OS 20a and its API programs 20b.
`ADigital Signal Processor (DSP) 14a handles most signal
`formatting, and signal control functions are provided by the
`API modules, as is knoWn in the art. Internal modules Within
`the DSP also generate signal control messages Which they
`pass back to the server OS 16a executing in the CPU 16a of
`the PDA adapter 10. The server OS 16a sends interface
`control messages through the connector on the adapter 23a
`and the port 23b on the mobile host computer 11 to the user,
`using the UI client softWare. Alternatively, those control
`messages are communicated to the user by the speaker 40 in
`the PDA adapter, using the IVR utility routines provided by
`the DSP 14a.
`The server OS program 20a, particularly the OS kernel
`stored in the ROM 18a, automatically records the signal
`format indicia processed by the DSP 14a, such as IP packet
`identi?ers and DOV or PSTN dialing and status signals, into
`the log 20c. Because the logging API executing on the RISC
`CPU 16a is independent of the PDA CPU and not even
`de?ned by the UI client program that provided to operative
`connection betWeen these tWo CPUs, 16a, 16b the PDA
`CPU cannot edit the log 20c, thereby providing a “non
`repudiation” record of all communications traf?c processed
`by the adapter I0. For the sake of security, the log may also
`be stored for use by the server OS as read-only data, While
`being erasable only by a separate, maintenance OS imple
`Page 7 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020


`mented in another computer device through one of the
`adapter’s communications connectors. The log may also be
`backed up to a removable Write-once read many times
`(WORM) disc 1 8d. The WORM is particularly useful if
`voice or data communications payload is to be stored With
`the corresponding traffic signals processed by the DSP 14a.
`The present invention has been disclosed With reference
`to particular presently preferred embodiments thereof.
`HoWever, it Will be apparent to one skilled in the art that
`variations and modi?cations possible Within the spirit and
`scope of the invention. The invention is de?ned by the
`claims appended beloW.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A communications adapter for supporting telecommu
`nications operations for a portable device that has a program
`storage memory, a programmable controller, and a poWer
`supply, said communications adapter comprising:
`a signal processing unit for converting an analog voice
`signal to digital data in substantially real-time, said
`signal processing unit compressing said digital data and
`arranging the compressed digital data into a plurality of
`packets, said signal processing unit further arranging a
`predetermined number of packets into a frame and
`providing timing and identi?cation indicia to said
`a memory unit for storing application interface code that
`generates a read-only record of said timing and iden
`ti?cation indicia such that a non-repudiable communi
`cations log is produced and operating system code that
`encrypts and decrypts said digital data; and
`a poWer supply for supplying poWer to said signal pro
`cessing unit and for providing supplemental poWer to
`said portable device.
`2. The communications adapter as claimed in claim 1,
`Wherein said poWer supply of said communications adapter
`includes a battery selected from a rechargeable battery and
`a single-use battery.
`3. The communications adapter as claimed in claim 1,
`Wherein said poWer supply of said communications adapter
`provides said supplemental poWer by docking said commu
`nications adapter to said portable device.
`4. A method for supporting telecommunications opera
`tions by a communications adapter for a portable device that
`has a program storage memory, a programmable controller,
`and a poWer supply, said communications adapter compris
`ing a signal processing unit, a memory unit, and a poWer
`supply, said method comprising:
`converting, by said signal processing unit, an analog voice
`signal to digital data said in substantially real-time;
`compressing, by said signal processing unit, said digital
`arranging, by said signal processing unit, the compressed
`digital data into a plurality of packets and a predeter
`mined number of said packets into a frame, said frame
`including timing and identi?cation indicia;
`storing, by said memory unit, application interface code
`that generates a read-only record of said timing and
`identi?cation indicia such that a non-repudiable com
`munications log is produced and operating system code
`that encrypts and decrypts said digital data; and
`supplying poWer, by said poWer supply, to said signal
`processing unit and to said portable device.
`Page 8 of 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1020

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