`Time Synchronization Over Networks
`Using Convex Closures
`Jean-Marc Berthaud
`Abstract—This paper presents a general time synchroniza-
`tion algorithm that analyzes the time offset between any two
`computers’ clocks in a network and its evolution, by using math-
`ematical topology properties. It builds a conversion function that
`produces precise and guaranteed bounds for each time conversion,
`and which provides accurate time synchronization. It is able to
`automatically adjust the observation process so as to maintain
`the error bound within some specified limit. It does not require
`adjustments to local clocks, and it features a way of filtering
`observation data based on a criterion of usefulness to improve
`precision, thus discarding only useless information.
`Advantages over approaches using other tools to filter out and
`analyze observation data (mean and variance, linear regression,
`midpoint functions, etc.) are exposed. Special attention is given
`to assessing the uncertainties and errors made in the observation
`process, and to their propagation in the estimation processes. The
`developed technique allows one to globally achieve a better preci-
`sion than what has been reached on each single observation, given
`some conditions of operation that are explained.
`Index Terms—Continuous estimation from discrete samplings,
`distributed processing, error propagation, network time synchro-
`can play both slave and master roles in relation to different hosts
`at the same time.
`Exact time synchronization over a network of computers
`cannot be achieved when there are uncertainties on transmis-
`sion delays in the network, and on processing delays in the
`protocol layers of the computers [1], [6]. Unfortunately, this is
`the very vast majority of the cases, and thus uncertainties have
`to be managed to provide approximate time synchronization.
`In addition, determining the offset to the master’s time at one
`specific moment does not imply that a slave is synchronized
`with it after or before that moment. Indeed, independent com-
`puter clocks tend to evolve at different rates unless there is an
`atomic cesium clock in every host (this is referred to as clock
`Therefore, hosts attempting to time synchronize must con-
`stantly refresh their observation data and handle uncertainties
`to guarantee that they remain synchronized within a requested
`error interval.
`C ONSIDER a system of distributed processes over a net-
`work of communicating and independent devices, used,
`for example, to manage distributed databases, or handle coor-
`dinated actions distributed over several processors, or record
`events for time duration measurements, or distribute time of
`the day. They have one common feature: they all require some
`kind of time synchronization, to be able to refer to a common
`timescale when carrying out their work.
`Definitions and Terminology on Time Synchronization: One
`device is said to be synchronized in time with another device if
`at any moment it can tell what is the time offset between its own
`clock and the other device’s clock, or it can display the same
`time. The first device is called slave or client, and the second one
`is called master or reference. Time synchronization designates
`the process executed by one or more devices linked by a commu-
`nication medium, so that some or all devices are synchronized
`in time with other devices through observation of their time.
`In this paper, the terms “slave” and “master” will be used
`to refer to the roles defined in the above definitions. The term
`“host” will be used to refer to a device having a processor and a
`local clock, and running a time synchronization process. A host
`Manuscript received August 31, 1998; revised December 1, 1999; approved
`The author is with the IBM Networking Division, La Gaude Laboratory,
`06610 La Gaude, France (e-mail:
`Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6692(00)03315-X.
`A. Related Work
`Techniques generally applied in networks regularly measure
`the offsets between clocks of the computers to synchronize. To
`avoid bursts of messages happening in narrow synchronization
`periods, some introduce randomness in the synchronization pe-
`riod [8], to stagger messages in time. Others [5], [7] let each
`synchronizing host decide its own synchronization rhythm.
`Existing work can be divided into two major groups:
`• In the first group, strong relationships are defined between
`hosts, specifying for each host some other hosts it can ob-
`serve, and/or the ones it should not. In this hierarchical
`model, one or several special hosts are declared reference
`hosts, and provide the initial external time without looking
`at any other host. Examples of this kind of approach are
`encountered in the 4.3BSD timed protocol [2], the Internet
`Network Time Protocol (NTP) [5], [7], or the digital time
`service (DTS) [4]. These solutions have the advantage of
`reducing the number of synchronization messages over the
`network. They also allow the building of history of obser-
`vations between slave and masters, to improve precision
`of time synchronization.
`• In the second group, no static role is enforced for each
`host, but rather it is tried to get the set of hosts synchro-
`nized between them as a whole. Some special hosts can
`also be time synchronized with an external clock source
`[10]. This typically can lead to a quadratic number of mes-
`sages being exchanged over the network. However, some
`1063–6692/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
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`work allows reducing this drawback [8]. The main advan-
`tage of such solutions is that they are more robust and sup-
`port failures of a number of hosts in the network.
`In both groups, some common principles are used.
`Each time a slave (i.e., a host/process getting time informa-
`tion from other hosts/processes) acquire a new set of several ob-
`servations, it tries to reduce this set by excluding what it thinks
`could be erroneous or less accurate observations. Observations
`are filtered out based on statistical considerations [4], [5], on as-
`sumptions regarding maximum number of failing hosts [9], or
`on some time-constraints to respect [8]. It can lead to getting
`more observations if the size of the reduced set is judged insuf-
`ficient to produce a valid estimation.
`Then, an estimation is produced from that set of observa-
`tion(s), and several tools may be used in the estimation eval-
`uation process, such as: mean value, weighted average, linear
`regression, midpoint functions, etc. (see [8] and [9] for an ex-
`planation of the last one). The assessment of the error made on
`that estimation, when there is one, is done accordingly: statis-
`tical value (variance, dispersion in [4] and [7]), maximum bound
`derived from constraint or sometimes from assumption [9], [10].
`In [4] and [5], these two steps are improved using a history of
`selected observations.
`At last, the estimation is used to determine the amount by
`which a slave should adjust its local clock. To reflect the adjust-
`ment, it can either modify its local clock, either produce a vir-
`tual clock that is calculated by adding that amount to the local
`clock. The new value output by the system is then considered
`valid until the next synchronization round. In both cases, the ad-
`justment can be discrete [2], [4], [5], [8], or can be introduced
`continuously [3], [8].
`B. Paradigm Shift: Do Not Adjust Clocks, Measure Usefulness
`of Information, Provide Accurate and Continuous Error
`In the context of regular operations (no false-tickers), the
`main challenge that time synchronization techniques are facing
`is the calculation of uncertainties and the determination of
`optimal—or not far from optimal—and yet guaranteed error
`bounds when estimating a new time. That issue is not so strong
`when the application is just displaying the same time as the
`other computers. When this time has to be used for other
`more demanding fields such as distributed database merging,
`distributed processing or time elapsed between events, this
`becomes a major requirement.
`When using statistics to filter out observation data or to pro-
`duce an estimation, time synchronization processes are unable
`to supply an accurate estimation of the error made on time dis-
`played by slaves. The resulting error interval is either statisti-
`cally guaranteed, and hence they cannot guarantee that a re-
`quested error interval is satisfied, or it is large enough compared
`to results and uncertainties of the process, but in that case it is
`not optimal.
`When assumptions or general constraints are used, the filter
`and bounds are calculated using these maximum values, or some
`value derived from them. Then, the length of the guaranteed
`error interval is also not optimal. Moreover, the errors actually
`measured are rarely incorporated.
`In both cases, when a time synchronization process guaran-
`tees an error interval, its length is determined and fixed until
`the next synchronization point occurs. Since hosts’ clocks are
`drifting from each other, the error interval could clearly be better
`tailored by being continuously function of time.
`In any case, the process used to discard observation data can
`discard useful data. Since it is not able to measure the actual
`benefits an observation data is bringing to a time estimation,
`the criterion to filter it out is somewhat arbitrary. Indeed, even
`a seemingly erroneous data can contribute, when put together
`with other data and used correctly, to improve the overall result.
`In that sense, these processes are again suboptimal.
`Last, adjusting the local clock (either for real or by using a vir-
`tual clock) can destroy the coherence of local time on each slave
`host. The time elapsed between two events happening on the
`same host, when enclosing one or several adjustments, cannot
`be anymore expressed exactly in the host time. The time syn-
`chronization process introduces uncertainties and thus an error
`coming from the surrounding network, mainly because it does
`not keep track of all the adjustments and of when they were
`done. In some cases, the order of happening of the events can
`even appear to be reversed. Additionally, the action of really
`modifying a clock introduces by itself nondeterministic errors
`(mainly, the action of adjusting the clock value takes some time
`we cannot determine, cf. [3]).
`The proposed technique uses a continuous function to cal-
`culate a master’s time and the error made on it, and does not
`modify local clocks of slaves: events happening on them are
`recorded with the time read from the original unmodified local
`clock. For that purpose, it introduces mathematical topology ob-
`jects, based on the common linear model of computer clocks,
`to build structures that characterize an observed clock. If local
`clock modification is required by the application (for example:
`time-of-day distribution), the result of the conversion function
`can still be applied to the local clock to adjust it.
`These structures allow filtering of observation data with a cri-
`terion based on usefulness in improving their global precision.
`Then, only useless information will be discarded. Since these
`structures are evolving, a useful information can become use-
`less at a later time. They represent the best information we can
`extract from the accumulation of observation data and of their
`associated uncertainty intervals, in relation to the model. This
`is by nature more precise than statistical information, assump-
`tions, or constraints.
`C. Justification for a Hierarchical Organization
`The topological algorithms proposed in this paper can be used
`in both groups of time synchronization solutions. However, a
`hierarchical organization is chosen here because:
`1) this kind of solution does not put a constraint on the un-
`derlying network (like fully meshed), is simpler to im-
`plement, and engenders intrinsically less synchronization
`messages overhead;
`2) it is more appropriate for developing a history about
`master/slave relationship because of the oriented nature
`of the relationship;
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`From a hardware point of view, a computer clock is composed
`of a counter and a frequency device that controls the increment
`of the counter. Each tick generated by the frequency device in-
`crements the counter by a small amount, which represents the
`granularity of the clock. For a given clock, the frequency device
`(generally a quartz) has a frequency that can change, but only
`slowly with time. It is then realistic to assume it is a constant or
`a slowly-changing function of time (cf. [3], [6], and [7]).
`A conversion law from a clock on host
`to another on host
`only has to know the shift in frequency
`(drift) between these
`two clocks, and an offset at some moment, for example at time
`0 on host . This can be expressed as
`is the time
`is the universal absolute time, and
`shown by local clock of host at that time. The proposed al-
`gorithms in this paper do not require
`to be fixed, they
`only assume that they are slowly changing functions of time.
`As said before, host cannot fully reconstruct the clock of
`host ; there are uncertainties. In this context, the following is
`“Synchronized” means that for any slave with master
`there is a conversion function
`such that it transforms time
`of host
`in time of host and that the calculated error interval
`provided with the result is guaranteed and is within a requested
`maximum interval [
`Formally: if
`represent the time of host and
`host , respectively, at universal absolute time , host and host
`are synchronized during time interval [
`] if, and only if,
`there exists
`as per (1) such that
`The proposed time synchronization process is split into two
`levels that are run in each slave host. A master has to know about
`its slaves to pass them commands or to collect information, and
`only has to serve the poll requests from slaves by returning time
`information in its answers. Time synchronization is completely
`handled by slaves, and these are responsible for guaranteeing
`the requested precision . This kind of structure is retrieved in
`NTP [7], for example.
`Level 1 is dedicated to get over the network observation data
`at one instant from the master clock, and it is responsible for
`formatting it and estimating accurately the uncertainty interval
`that is associated with it. It uses some information provided by
`Layer 2, such as
`surrounding the actual value of
`the drift between local and master clocks. It then gives the whole
`to Level 2 as a triplet (
`), which can be interpreted as:
`“when the clock at host
`, the clock in host
`a value somewhere in [
`].” This paper uses a
`common algorithm for getting observation data, but refines the
`assessment of the error interval to a further point. Any other
`algorithm able to provide such a triplet of information can be
`used instead.
`Fig. 1. Examples of hierarchical organization.
`3) it is easy to find a common reference time that will be used
`for time calculations, namely the root of the hierarchical
`4) robustness problems can be overcome through diverse
`techniques, like
`a) in order to pass through network failures or host
`crashes, declare any or a number of hosts as ref-
`erences, and slaves who lose their master(s) broad-
`cast then a request for a reference, and choose the
`one(s) that answers first. A number of policies for
`reconnecting to an initial master when it is back op-
`erational can be developed. This is out of the scope
`of this paper;
`b) in order to avoid the problem of false-tickers, mon-
`itor several masters at the same time, and select the
`best one or combine the best ones. This is also out
`of the scope here.
`Fig. 1 illustrates hosts hierarchically organized in a tree over
`the network. This organization may be static or evolving over the
`time. When one wants to measure or order events that have hap-
`pened on different hosts, the local timestamps of these events are
`sent upwards over the tree to the nearest common node (the root
`of the smallest sub-tree containing these hosts). Timestamps and
`error intervals are converted into master’s time along the path to-
`ward the common root. Thus, comparisons and delay measure-
`ments can be done on this single node in this single time scale
`with correct and accurate uncertainty intervals.
`When one wants to generate synchronized or ordered dis-
`tributed actions from different hosts, the commands are sent
`from the root node with the root times of their future occurrence.
`These times are converted back into the local time along their
`way to the target nodes, where they will be used to schedule the
`desired actions. If along the conversion path, the error interval
`becomes larger than some requested value, the action can then
`be aborted.
`D. Paper Organization
`Section II describes the computer clock model that is used
`for the conversion function. Then in Section III, the time syn-
`chronization process is decomposed in two independent levels.
`Topological structures used for building the conversion function
`are situated in Level 2, together with features to overcome “ac-
`cidents.” Section IV explains the use by the conversion function
`of the structures built at Level 2, to produce estimated times and
`error intervals. Finally, experimental results from a real imple-
`mentation are presented in Section V.
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`Level 2 is in charge of calling Level 1 to get triplets, of
`maintaining and filtering a history of the triplets, of evaluating
`the conversion function parameters, and of determining when
`it should get observation data through Level 1 to guarantee the
`requested precision .
`has a lower limit that depends on
`The requested precision
`the granularity of host clocks (that is, the time increment at each
`clock tick), and on the underlying communication protocol and
`network used [1]. In this paper, the latter part can be reduced to
`the minimum transmission round-trip delay experienced for the
`synchronization messages exchanged between hosts.
`One advantage of using a conversion function is that it can
`estimate times and calculate associated error intervals either in
`the past before the time synchronization process was started, or
`in the future. Thus, time synchronization is not limited to the ob-
`served period, although best results are of course achieved in this
`interval. Another advantage is that, since the conversion func-
`tion is evolving and its precision is monotonously increasing, a
`conversion that does not provide sufficient precision can be re-
`done at a later time with a better precision.
`A. Level 1 of the Time Synchronization Process
`The Level 1 mechanism attempts to determine the current
`offset between the local clock and the master clock, and the un-
`certainty on this value. It is based on the exchange of two mes-
`sages as per Fig. 2, conveying time information between the two
`hosts. The principle is the same as for NTP [7], which is by it-
`self a variant of the returnable-time system used in some digital
`telephone networks [1]. It is designed to deduce bounds on the
`offset to apply to the time information from another host it con-
`veys, keeping in mind that it is impossible to exactly determine
`the transmission delay of a message.
`The poll mechanism is an exchange of two messages con-
`veying time information
`defined as per Fig. 2. With the
`, and
`collected through this
`mechanism by host , it is possible to determine the current
`offset with an uncertainty which is function of the round-trip
`expressed in the time of host .
`cannot physically be determined, but as shown
`in Appendix I-A, if was exactly known, we could express
`Fig. 2. Poll mechanism.
`Then, as per Appendix I-B, the triplet (
`in the history would be
`) to remember
`is not available and
`Due to uncertainties, an exact value for
`a [
`] interval must be used instead. As a consequence,
`the triplet to enter in the history at the moment where the Level
`1 is run should be as shown in (4), shown at the bottom of the
`page; see Appendix I-C for details.
`When Level 1 is run for the first time, there is no value yet
`calculated by Level 2 for
`. Some initial values
`have then to be supplied.
`It can be seen from calculations in Appendix I-B that exact
`offset determination is achieved when
`. This is
`when both paths of the poll mechanism are symmetric. There
`is no way however to determine when this happens. Inversely,
`maximum error is introduced when the paths are totally asym-
`metric, that is when one of the travel times tends toward zero.
`As a result, there is an interest in using a protocol as sym-
`metric as possible and in having the same message length on
`both directions for the poll mechanism, so that the actual point
`is best centered in the uncertainty interval [
`Moreover, in order to limit the width of the uncertainty interval,
`the interest is also to minimize
`. This means re-
`plying as quickly as possible in host
`to the incoming messages
`of the poll mechanism.
`1) Impact of Clock Granularity: The primary effect of clock
`granularity when reading the value
`from a clock is that the
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`, where
`real-valued time is in fact somewhere in
`is the value of the clock increment (the notation
`any real value between , included, and , not included). This
`has a nonnegligible impact on the uncertainty associated with a
`measurement by the polling mechanism. Indeed, it is frequent to
`have increments of 10 or 20 ms for a clock, while the round-trip
`can be for example of the order of 10 ms on LAN’s.
`Calculations with clock granularity are detailed in Ap-
`pendix I-D. The triplet to return to Level 2 accounting for slave
`and master clocks granularities is then
`defined as in Appendix I-D.
`B. Level 2 of the Time Synchronization Process
`This level is responsible for calculating the conversion func-
`tion and for guaranteeing the required precision level. It should
`get more data through Level 1 when needed, while limiting
`the number of exchanged synchronization messages to the min-
`imum. To do so, it calculates the interval in the time of host
`where this required precision is respected, at each synchroniza-
`tion sequence. Before the end of that interval, a new synchro-
`nization sequence should be executed.
`The following list of actions describes the synchronization
`sequence and the Level 2 process.
`1) Get one observation data by calling Level 1. If, current
`master clock cannot be reached, find a new one and
`restart. Else, add new data to history.
`2) Run the synchronization algorithm on the history to cal-
`culate the conversion function and the bounding struc-
`3) Calculate the next time a new observation data should be
`got from master clock to guarantee the requested preci-
`sion. Rerun the sequence at that time.
`The general problem faced here is, how to reconstruct a con-
`tinuous function giving as result a point and an uncertainty in-
`terval, from a linear model (1), and from a set of discrete sam-
`pling points with their associated uncertainty intervals (the his-
`tory of triplets).
`Classical approaches use statistics, usually with linear regres-
`sion or midpoint functions. The algorithm described here builds
`mathematical structures on the elements of the history. These
`are used to extract parameters for the conversion function and
`to calculate the uncertainty interval when a conversion is done.
`1) Outline of the Algorithm Used for Extracting Bounding
`Structures and Conversion Function Parameters: This algo-
`rithm is applied to the history
`of triplets received from Level
`is a set of triplets of the form
`. It represents the
`current set of observation data with their uncertainty intervals.
`The primary goal of the algorithm is to build bounding struc-
`tures that will be used for accurate error assessment when a con-
`version is done, and to place the conversion function between
`them. The secondary roles are to filter out the contents of
`that it does not become too big, and to detect “accidents” and
`recover from them.
`This algorithm is composed of the following steps.
`1) Calculate two sets of points, one made of maximum po-
`sitions of observation data in their error interval, and one
`of minimum positions.
`2) Build the convex closures of each one of these sets.
`3) Detect abnormal situations (crossing closures), and take
`corrective action by discarding points from history.
`4) Remove useless data from history (first step), not used by
`at least one of the convex closures.
`5) Calculate infinite lines with the maximum and minimum
`gradient for the observed clock, using convex closures.
`6) Remove useless data from history (second step), that are
`made obsolete by the preceding step.
`7) Choose conversion function, with regards to convex clo-
`sures positions, and infinite lines of step 5.
`2) Introducing Convex Closures: A definition of the convex
`closure of a set of points in a plane is given in Appendix II.
`It is highly recommended to look at that short section before
`continuing if the notion is not familiar to the reader.
`The interesting property of convex closures is that they math-
`ematically define the intuitive notions of “boundary” and “ex-
`terior” of a set of points. Any infinite line of the plane whose
`intersection with the convex closure
`boundary) of a set of
`points S is
`1) empty ( ),
`2) reduced to one point,
`3) or a segment of
`(i.e., the line is tangent to a segment of
`is said to be at the “exterior” of
`(it does not pass through , or
`there are not points of
`on both of its sides). This notion will
`be used to define areas where the infinite line representing the
`conversion function as per (1) cannot be.
`In the following, the notions of superior and inferior parts of a
`convex closure
`are also used. In a reference plane where
`points are defined by coordinates ( ,
`), these will, respectively,
`designate the parts of
`that are “above” and “below”
`, with
`regards to the
`axis. A more formal and mathematical defini-
`tion is given in Appendix II. To have a quick and intuitive un-
`derstanding, see also in Appendix II an example with a diagram.
`3) Detailed Description of the Algorithm: Fig. 3 depicts a
`representation in the plane of the observation data in history
`, of the bounding structures extracted from them, and of the
`chosen conversion function. The algorithm is composed of the
`following steps.
`a) If there are
`points in the history H:
`of maximum and minimum positions:
`i) Sets
`Build two sets of points:
`, and
`. Since the uncertainty
`are calculated
`by (5) of Level 1 so that the actual point cannot be
`is the set of upper possible positions for
`each observation data in
`, and
`is the set of lower
`possible positions. This inclusion condition is very
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`Fig. 3. Bounding structures and conversion function.
`important, and any other mechanism chosen for Level
`1 must be designed to guarantee it.
`ii) Convex closures: Draw (i.e., calculate the segment
`equations of) the inferior part of the convex closure
`which will be called the upper closure
`, and
`the superior part of the convex closure of
`will be called the lower closure
`. This step can be
`computational intensive (see Section III-B6). That is
`why it is restricted to calculate only the parts of the
`convex closures that will be needed in the following
`iii) Abnormal situation: If
`the triplet of
`), then discard from history
`) belonging to the most
`the oldest point (smallest
`) of
`that are
`recent 2 segments (largest
`crossing. Discard also all the triplets that are before it,
`since they represent data that is no longer valid. And
`then restart the algorithm with the resulting reduced
`Abnormal situation may arise when an “accident”
`occurred and the algorithm couldn’t detect it (see Sec-
`tion III-B7, Detection of “Accidents”), when there are
`floating point computation errors, or when some data
`are very old, and the shift in frequency between
`the slave and master clocks has evolved since then (
`can be slowly-changing functions of time).
`In order to avoid the last, one can limit the time a
`triplet remains in
`is very
`Floating point errors may occur when
`small, due to very small clock increments (fine gran-
`ularities) and very short transmission delays. Intervals
`instead of exact numbers can be used in comparisons
`to remedy this situation, to the detriment of precision,
`or better, implement special handling for high preci-
`sion points.
`iv) Useless data (first step): Each triplet of whose both
`extreme points of the uncertainty interval, (
`) and (
`), are not used to build
`can be discarded from the history (like the fourth
`and fifth triplets in Fig. 3). Because of the convex na-
`ture of
`, these triplets will never more be of
`any use to increase the precision, in the future passes
`of the algorithm. This usefulness criterion is then used
`to filter out unnecessary triplets.
`v) Maximum and minimum gradient of the searched line:
`The actual line representing (1) should pass between
`the two closures, without crossing them (but it can
`touch them). See “proof of bounding by convex clo-
`sures” in Appendix III for a demonstration. The in-
`terval describing where the drift
`can be is then de-
`termined by the lines
`of maximum
`and minimum slopes that join
`. There can
`be only two such lines. Their gradient give
`vi) Useless data (second step): The triplets of
`the oldest point (smallest
`) of
`can be discarded now, they won’t be of
`use anymore: due to convex nature of
`, no
`maximum or minimum gradient line will pass through
`one of the extremities of their uncertainty interval in
`the future. This is the case of the first point of Fig. 3.
`However, to cover for floating point calculation errors
`that would lead to erroneously discard a point, one
`might want to keep in the history some of the oldest
`triplets. This to make sure that the overall valid domain
`always include the first/oldest triplet and is as wide as
`vii) Choose conversion function: Section IV-A shows how
`to use the conversion function and the bounding struc-
`tures to produce an estimation and an uncertainty in-
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`There can be an infinity of choices for the line repre-
`senting the observed clock (the conversion function).
`A good choice would be to center the infinite line be-
`tween the bounding structures, to produce estimations
`statistically well centered in their uncertainty interval.
`To make it fast, a good approximation is to take the
`bisecting line of
`passing through their
`intersection and which is between
`, as the
`conversion function
`we are looking for. This
`line will be of gradient
`are parallel, they must be the
`same, and
`. This would mean that the
`exact estimation of
`, within the floating point
`calculation errors, is found, or that the linear estima-
`tion is not appropriate (see step 3). In both cases,
`can be arbitrarily chosen as the conversion
`point in the history H: An initial value has
`b) If there is
`to be taken for
`. Then,
`be the lines of gradient
`which pass
`through the point (
`). Now, step 7 of the algorithm
`can be applied to determine
`. If
`, it will
`4) Guaranteeing Requested Precision: The requested pre-
`determines when the next synchronization sequence
`should be run (next polling time) by the slave. The next polling
`time, named
`, must be such that Uncertainty
`. To minimize the synchro-
`nization traffic on the network,
`can be chosen such that
`. If, by solving this linear equation, it
`is found
`current time, set
`current time and
`run a new synchronization sequence immediately.
`If it happens that
`are parallel, an arbitrary
`limit time without polling can be chosen to trigger a new syn-
`chronization exchange.
`5) Length of the History: The described algorithm can theo-
`retically lead to an infinite set of

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