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`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` avidemux.c¬
`Group Overview:¬
` Extracts the incoming avi data stream into audio and¬
` video. Video is sent along the main path, while audio¬
` is forked onto a new child path.¬
` Guy Carpenter (guyc) 17-Jul-2001¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/avidemux"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosmultimedia.h>¬
`#include "riffparser.h"¬
`#include "aviformat.h"¬
`#include "wavformat.h"¬
`#include "bmpformat.h"¬
` "$Id: avidemux.c,v 1.36 2001/10/02 21:07:24 guyc Exp $"¬
`#define BEAD_NAME "avidemux"¬
`* Name of audio context to use if we get a pcm audio stream¬
`#define AUDIOCONTEXT_CLASS "pcmcontext"¬
`* Name of video context to use if we get a bmp audio stream.¬
`#define VIDEOCONTEXT_CLASS "rgbcontext"¬
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` * Name of sample clock class¬
` */¬
`#define SAMPLECLOCK_CLASS "sampleclock"¬
` * Specify level of detail in debug prints, from¬
` * minimum to maximum the useful values are:¬
` * 0 : no output¬
` * SOS_DEBUG_LEVEL_FuncTrace : basic procedure entry logging¬
` * SOS_DEBUG_LEVEL_DataTrace : data format logging¬
` * SOS_DEBUG_LEVEL_Detail : per-chunk logging¬
` */¬
` * The following parameters should really be set through¬
` * the InitContext.¬
` */¬
` * Maximum queue size (in messages) of the audio path¬
` */¬
` * play only 1 in N frame - useful on slow machines.¬
` */¬
`#define VIDEO_DECIMATE 1 /* 1 means play every frame */¬
` * AVIDEMUX_CONTEXT is the session context for the bead. Each¬
` * active session of this bead will get it's own copy of this¬
` * structure.¬
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` */¬
`typedef struct _AVIDEMUX_CONTEXT {¬
` RIFF_CONTEXT * Riff; /* riff parser */¬
` RIFF_CHUNK * Chunk; /* current riff chunk */¬
` SOS_UINT32 StreamIndex; /* counts streams in avi */¬
` ¬
` SOS_UINT32 VidStreamId; /* fourcc identifier */¬
` SOS_UINT32 VidStreamIndex; /* index of video stream */¬
` SOS_UINT32 VidFrameNumber; /* count of sent frames */¬
` BMP_FORMAT VidStreamFormat;/* bmp format header */¬
` SOS_UINT32 VidFrameRate; /* frame rate numerator */¬
` SOS_UINT32 VidFrameRateDivisor; /* frame rate div */¬
` SOS_IVIDEOCONTEXT * IVideoContext; /* progagates format */¬
` SOS_PATH * AudioPath; /* path for audio output */¬
` SOS_UINT32 AudStreamId; /* fourcc identifier */¬
` SOS_UINT32 AudStreamIndex; /* index of audio stream */¬
` WAV_FORMAT AudStreamFormat;/* audio format from wav */¬
` SOS_IAUDIOCONTEXT * IAudioContext; /* propagates format */¬

` SOS_ISAMPLECLOCK * IAudioClock; /* master sample clock */¬
` SOS_ISAMPLECLOCK * IVideoClock; /* slave sample clock */¬

` SOS_UINT32 AudioSampleCount;/* total samples sent */¬
` SOS_UINT32 AudioSampleBytes;/* bytes per sample */¬

`Debug Output Functions¬

` * Print out the avi header for debugging¬
` */¬
` AVI_HEADER * AviHeader¬
` "MicroSecPerFrame %u\n"¬
` "MaxBytesPerSec %u\n"¬
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` "Reserved1 %u\n"¬
` "Flags %u\n"¬
` "TotalFrames %u\n"¬
` "InitialFrames %u\n"¬
` "Streams %u\n"¬
` "SuggestedBufferSize %u\n"¬
` "Width %u\n"¬
` "Height %u\n"¬
` "Scale %u\n"¬
` "Rate %u\n"¬
` "Start %u\n"¬
` "Length %u\n\n",¬
` AviHeader->MicroSecPerFrame,¬
` AviHeader->MaxBytesPerSec,¬
` AviHeader->Reserved1,¬
` AviHeader->Flags,¬
` AviHeader->TotalFrames,¬
` AviHeader->InitialFrames,¬
` AviHeader->Streams,¬
` AviHeader->SuggestedBufferSize,¬
` AviHeader->Width,¬
` AviHeader->Height,¬
` AviHeader->Scale,¬
` AviHeader->Rate,¬
` AviHeader->Start,¬
` AviHeader->Length¬
` );¬

` * Print out the avi stream header for debugging¬
` */¬
` AVI_STREAMHEADER *AviStreamHeader¬
` "Type %.4s [%lx]\n"¬
` "Handler %.4s\n"¬
` "Flags %u\n"¬
` "Reserved1 %u\n"¬
` "InitialFrames %u\n"¬
` "Scale %u\n"¬
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` "Rate %u\n"¬
` "Length %u\n"¬
` "SuggestedBufferSize %u\n"¬
` "Quality %u\n"¬
` "SampleSize %u\n"¬
` "Reserved2 %u\n"¬
` "Reserved3 %u\n\n",¬
` &AviStreamHeader->Type,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Type,¬
` &AviStreamHeader->Handler,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Flags,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Reserved1,¬
` AviStreamHeader->InitialFrames,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Scale,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Rate,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Start,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Length,¬
` AviStreamHeader->SuggestedBufferSize,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Quality,¬
` AviStreamHeader->SampleSize,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Reserved2,¬
` AviStreamHeader->Reserved3¬
` );¬

` * Print out the wav format header for debugging¬
` */¬
` WAV_FORMAT * WavFormat¬
` ¬
` "WAV Header:\n"¬
` "FormatTag %u\n"¬
` "Channels %u\n"¬
` "SamplesPerSec %lu\n"¬
` "AvgBytesPerSec %lu\n"¬
` "BlockAlign %u\n"¬
` "BitsPerSample %u\n"¬
` "Size %u\n\n",¬
` WavFormat->FormatTag,¬
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` WavFormat->Channels,¬
` WavFormat->SamplesPerSec,¬
` WavFormat->AvgBytesPerSec,¬
` WavFormat->BlockAlign,¬
` WavFormat->BitsPerSample,¬
` WavFormat->Size¬
` );¬

` * Print out the wav format header for debugging¬
` */¬
` BMP_FORMAT * BmpFormat¬
` ¬
` "BMP Header:\n"¬
` "Size %lu\n"¬
` "Width %ld\n"¬
` "Height %ld\n"¬
` "Planes %u\n"¬
` "BitCount %u\n"¬
` "Compression %lu\n"¬
` "SizeImage %lu\n"¬
` "XPixelsPerMeter %d\n"¬
` "YPixelsPerMeter %d\n"¬
` "ClrUsed %lu\n"¬
` "ClrImportant %lu\n\n",¬
` BmpFormat->Size,¬
` BmpFormat->Width,¬
` BmpFormat->Height,¬
` BmpFormat->Planes,¬
` BmpFormat->BitCount,¬
` BmpFormat->Compression,¬
` BmpFormat->SizeImage,¬
` BmpFormat->XPixelsPerMeter,¬
` BmpFormat->YPixelsPerMeter,¬
` BmpFormat->ClrUsed,¬
` BmpFormat->ClrImportant¬
` );¬
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`Routine Name:¬

` AviDemux_AudioFormatSet¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Used only for raw pcm audio streams. Creates an audio context¬
` containing the audio format. This is stored in the path context¬
` for use by subsequent beads to determine the format of the audio¬
` data they are receiving.¬


` AVIDEMUX_CONTEXT* Context - [in]¬
` The session context.¬

` SOS_PATH* Path - [in]¬
` The path to set the attribute for.¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_Success if everything succeeded.¬

` SOS_True if more data is required to determine the audio format.¬

` other error codes are returned if an error occuerd¬



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` SOS_PATH* Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` /*¬
` * Create a new audio context.¬
` */¬

` Context->IAudioContext = SOS_Interface_CreateFromClassName(¬
` );¬

` Context->IAudioContext!=NULL,¬
` "Could not create new audio context"¬
` );¬

` if (Context->IAudioContext) {¬
` format.Frequency = Context->AudStreamFormat.SamplesPerSec;¬
` format.Channels = Context->AudStreamFormat.Channels;¬
` format.SampleBits= Context->AudStreamFormat.BitsPerSample;¬

` "AVI pcm format is %u/%u/%u\n",¬
` format.Frequency,¬
` format.SampleBits,¬
` format.Channels¬
` );¬

` Context->AudioSampleBytes =¬
` (format.SampleBits+SOS_BITSPERBYTE-1)/¬
` SOS_BITSPERBYTE*format.Channels;¬

` status = Context->IAudioContext->FormatSet(¬
` Context->IAudioContext,¬
` &format¬
` );¬

` /*¬
` * Store the audio context as a path attribute¬
` */¬

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` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Path,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IAudioContext)¬
` );¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * Initialize the audio clock and store it in the¬
` * audio path as the master clock.¬
` */¬

`// if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
`// Context->IAudioClock->FrequencySet(¬
`// Context->IAudioClock,¬
`// format.Frequency,¬
`// );¬
`// }¬

` } else {¬
` /* error - couldn't create audio context */¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` /*¬
` * If everything succeeded we retain a reference to the¬
` * audio context in our context struct.¬
` */¬

` return status;¬

` * Create the audio path, assign a content-type¬
` * base on the audio stream format header, and¬
` * set the maximum queue length.¬
` */¬
` SOS_PATH * ParentPath¬
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` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *contentType;¬
` const char *contentTypeString;¬

` /*¬
` * Create a new path on which to send audio¬
` */¬

` Context->AudioPath = SOS_Path_Create(ParentPath);¬

` /*¬
` * Determine the audio format of the audio stream¬
` */¬

` switch (Context->AudStreamFormat.FormatTag) {¬
` contentTypeString = "audio/mp3";¬
` break;¬
` contentTypeString = "audio/pcm";¬
` AviDemux_AudioFormatSet(Context, Context->AudioPath);¬
` break;¬
` default:¬
` contentTypeString = "audio/unknown";¬
` SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,"Unsupported audio format");¬
` break;¬
` }¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("Audio format is %s\n",contentTypeString);¬

` /*¬
` * Add the format to the path context for the audio path to¬
` * allow mapping to find the correct codecs enroute to the speaker¬
` */¬
` ¬
` contentType = SOS_String_CreateFromString(contentTypeString);¬

` if (contentType) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Context->AudioPath,¬
` "Content-Type",¬
` contentType);¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(contentType);¬

` /*¬
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` * The audio path is seeded with the same clock for¬
` * both master and render clocks. The audio beads probably wont¬
` * even look at the master clock, but if they do¬
` * they will find that it is always right on time :-)¬
` */¬

` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Context->AudioPath,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IAudioClock)¬
` );¬

` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Context->AudioPath,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IAudioClock)¬
` );¬
` ¬

` /*¬
` * Set the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued on¬
` * a path before it will block pending delivery. Note that¬
` * there is only a queue at the beginning of each path.¬
` * Mid-path message sends are synchronously delivered.¬
` */¬

` status = SOS_Path_QosParameterSet(¬
` Context->AudioPath,¬
` SOS_PATH_QOS_MaxQueueLength,¬
` );¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

` * Create the video context and fill in values¬
` */¬
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` SOS_PATH * VideoPath¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` ¬
` Context->IVideoContext = SOS_Interface_CreateFromClassName(¬
` );¬

` Context->IVideoContext!=NULL,¬
` "Could not create new video context"¬
` );¬

` if (Context->IVideoContext) {¬
` format.Width = Context->VidStreamFormat.Width;¬
` format.Height = Context->VidStreamFormat.Height;¬
` format.Encoding = Context->VidStreamFormat.Compression;¬
` format.FrameRate = Context->VidFrameRate;¬
` format.FrameRateDivisor = Context->VidFrameRateDivisor *

` status = Context->IVideoContext->FormatSet(¬
` Context->IVideoContext,¬
` &format¬
` );¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` VideoPath,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IVideoContext)¬
` );¬
` }¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

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` * Returns true if the data for the¬
` * next chunk is ready to be read.¬
` */¬

` size_t available = 0;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN ready = SOS_False;¬

` if (Context->Chunk) {¬
` Riff_DecodeDataAvailable(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &available¬
` );¬
` ready = available>=Context->Chunk->Size;¬
` }¬

` return ready;¬

` SOS_UINT32 *Numerator,¬
` SOS_UINT32 *Denominator¬
` SOS_UINT32 numerator = *Numerator;¬
` SOS_UINT32 denominator = *Denominator;¬
` SOS_UINT32 factor=2;¬

` while (factor<=numerator && factor<=numerator) {¬
` if (!(numerator%factor) &&¬
` !(denominator%factor)) {¬
` numerator/=factor;¬
` denominator/=factor;¬
` } else {¬
` if (factor>2) factor++;¬
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` factor++;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Rationalized %lu/%lu to %lu/%lu\n",¬
` *Numerator,¬
` *Denominator,¬
` numerator,¬
` denominator¬
` );¬

` *Numerator = numerator;¬
` *Denominator = denominator;¬

` * Acts on the next chunk in the data stream.¬
` * Assumes the chunk header has already been¬
` * read into Context->Chunk, and that the entire¬
` * data block associated with the chunk is available¬
` * to be read.¬
` */¬

` SOS_PATH * Path¬
` RIFF_CHUNK * chunk = Context->Chunk;¬

` SOS_UINT32 maskedType = chunk->TypeVal & AVI_CHUNKTYPE_STREAMIDMASK;¬

` if (maskedType == Context->AudStreamId) {¬
` /*¬
` * got an audio frame,¬
` * send it along the audio path.¬
` */¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *message;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("Processing audio chunk\n");¬
` ¬
` Riff_DecodeMessageGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
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` &message,¬
` chunk->Size,¬
` );¬

` /*¬
` * Note that only bare PCM needs to be¬
` * packed.¬
` */¬
` if (Context->IAudioContext) {¬

` Context->IAudioContext->TimeStampSet(¬
` Context->IAudioContext,¬
` Context->AudioSampleCount¬
` );¬
` Context->IAudioContext->Pack(¬
` Context->IAudioContext,¬
` message¬
` );¬
` Context->AudioSampleCount+=¬
` chunk->Size / Context->AudioSampleBytes;¬
` }¬

` if (1) {¬
` SOS_Path_MessageSend(¬
` Context->AudioPath,¬
` message¬
` );¬
` } else {¬
` SOS_Message_Destroy(message);¬
` }¬
` ¬
` SOS_Sleep(0); /* give audio path a chance to process */¬
` ¬
` } else if (maskedType == Context->VidStreamId) {¬
` /*¬
` * got a video frame,¬
` * Send it along our own path.¬
` */¬
` Context->VidFrameNumber++;¬

` if ((Context->VidFrameNumber%VIDEO_DECIMATE)==0) {¬

` SOS_MESSAGE *message;¬

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` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("Processing video chunk\n");¬

` Riff_DecodeMessageGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &message,¬
` chunk->Size,¬
` );¬

` Context->IVideoContext->Pack(¬
` Context->IVideoContext,¬
` message,¬
` NULL,¬
` Context->VidFrameNumber¬
` );¬
` ¬
` SOS_Path_MessageSend(¬
` Path,¬
` message¬
` );¬

` } else {¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("Skipping video chunk\n");¬
` }¬

` } else if (chunk->TypeVal==AVI_CHUNKTYPE_avih) {¬
` /*¬
` * avih chunk.¬
` * We don't use the information within, but we¬
` * dump the contents.¬
` */¬
` AVI_HEADER aviHeader;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("avih chunk\n");¬
` ¬
` Riff_DecodeDataGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &aviHeader,¬
` sizeof(aviHeader),¬
` );¬

` DumpAviHeader(&aviHeader);¬
` ¬
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` } else if (chunk->TypeVal==AVI_CHUNKTYPE_strh) {¬
` /*¬
` * a strh chunk identifies auds and vids.¬
` * We need to examine it to get the stream id¬
` * for the video and audio streams.¬
` */¬
` AVI_STREAMHEADER streamHeader;¬
` ¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("strh chunk\n");¬

` Riff_DecodeDataGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &streamHeader,¬
` sizeof(streamHeader),¬
` );¬

` Context->StreamIndex++;¬

` DumpAviStreamHeader(&streamHeader);¬
` ¬
` if (streamHeader.Type == AVI_STREAMHEADER_TYPE_vids) {¬
` /*¬
` * found a video stream.¬
` * Take the first one we find.¬
` */¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("vids chunk\n");¬

` if (!Context->VidStreamId) {¬
` Context->VidStreamIndex = Context->StreamIndex;¬
` Context->VidStreamId =

` /*¬
` * get the frame rate from here, store it in the video
` */¬
` Context->VidFrameRate = streamHeader.Rate;¬
` Context->VidFrameRateDivisor = streamHeader.Scale;¬
`// {¬
`// SOS_UINT32 numerator = streamHeader.Rate;¬
`// SOS_UINT32 denominator = streamHeader.Scale;¬
`// Context->IVideoClock->FrequencySet(¬
`// Context->IVideoClock,¬
`// streamHeader.Rate,¬
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`// streamHeader.Scale * SOS_MSPERSECOND *
`// );¬
`// }¬

` /*¬
` * The current Path is the video path. We store the
` * clock as the render clock, and the audio clock as the¬
` * master clock. This will cause the video to sync¬
` * to the audio.¬
` */¬

` SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Path,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IVideoClock)¬
` );¬

` SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Path,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->IAudioClock)¬
` );¬
` }¬
` ¬
` } else if (streamHeader.Type == AVI_STREAMHEADER_TYPE_auds) {¬
` /*¬
` * found an audio stream.¬
` * Take the first one we find.¬
` */¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("auds chunk\n");¬

` if (!Context->AudStreamId) {¬
` Context->AudStreamIndex = Context->StreamIndex;¬
` Context->AudStreamId =
` }¬
` }¬

` } else if (chunk->TypeVal==AVI_CHUNKTYPE_strf) {¬
` /*¬
` * a strf chunk identifies the specific format¬
` * of the audio or video stream.¬
` */¬
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` if (Context->StreamIndex==Context->AudStreamIndex) {¬
` /*¬
` * It appears to be the format for the first audio stream.¬
` * We read it into our own context.¬
` */¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("strf chunk for audio stream\n");¬

` Riff_DecodeDataGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &(Context->AudStreamFormat),¬
` sizeof(Context->AudStreamFormat),¬
` );¬
` ¬
` DumpWavFormat(&(Context->AudStreamFormat));¬

` AudioPrepare(Context, Path);¬
` ¬
` } else if (Context->StreamIndex==Context->VidStreamIndex) {¬
` /*¬
` * It appears to be the format for the first video stream.¬
` * We sent it along our own path untouched.¬
` */¬

`// SOS_MESSAGE *message;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DETAIL("strf chunk for video stream\n");¬

` Riff_DecodeDataGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &(Context->VidStreamFormat),¬
` sizeof(Context->VidStreamFormat),¬
` );¬

` DumpBmpFormat(&(Context->VidStreamFormat));¬
` VideoPrepare(Context, Path);¬

`/* Riff_DecodeMessageGet(¬
` Context->Riff,¬
` &message,¬
` chunk->Size,¬
` );¬

`Page 19 of 27
`Implicit Exhibit 2043
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/be…/…/main/avidemux.c
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`Saved: 10/2/01, 4:07:24 PM
`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_Path_MessageSend(Path, message);¬
` } else {¬
` "Unused strf chunk [id=%d]\n",¬
` Context->StreamIndex);¬
` }¬
` ¬
` } else {¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DATA_TRACE("Unused chunk [%.4s]\n",chunk->Type);¬
` }¬

` * We don't have any particular identification for¬
` * this session, so we just assign a unique key.¬
` */¬
` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` static int s_UniqueId = 0;¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT* uniqueSessionKey =¬
` SOS_Int32_Create(s_UniqueId++);¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("AviDemux_KeyCreate called\n");¬

` SOS_Path_SessionKeySet(Path, uniqueSessionKey);¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(uniqueSessionKey);¬

` return SOS_PathBuild_Stop;¬

` * This is the handler that gets called by Strings when¬
`Page 20 of 27
`Implicit Exhibit 2043
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/be…/…/main/avidemux.c
`Page 21/27
`Saved: 10/2/01, 4:07:24 PM
`Printed for: Implicit

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