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` Petitioner )
` ) Case No.
`vs. ) IPR2018-00437
` Patent Owner ) Patent No.
`______________________________) 9,537,071 B2
` November 7, 2018
`JOB NO. 150890
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
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`VIZIO Exhibit 1016
`VIZIO, Inc. v. Nichia Corp.


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` November 7, 2018
` 12:02 p.m.
` PTAB conference call, held before
`Administrative Patent Judges William V. Saindon,
`Sally C. Medley, and Nathan A. Engels, before Carrie
`LaMontagne, a certified shorthand reporter for the
`state of California.
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 1900 University Avenue
` East Palo Alto, California 94303
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 607 14th Street, N.W.
` Washington, DC 20005
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` JUDGE SAINDON: Hello, this is Judge
`Saindon. This is a conference call for
`IPR2018-00437. With me on the line are Judges
`Engles and Medley. I can hear a lot of feedback and
`static. So if the parties don't mind muting
`themselves when they're not talking, that would
` I'd like to do a quick roll call. Patent
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yes, your Honor, it's
`Marty Zoltick and Michael Jones for patent owner
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Welcome to the
` MR. ZOLTICK: Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Petitioner.
` MS. HIGGINS: Good afternoon, your Honor.
`This is Gabrielle Higgins and Christopher Bonny for
`petitioner Vizio.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Welcome to the
` Has either party secured a court reporter?
` MS. HIGGINS: Yes, your Honor, there is a
`court reporter on the line.
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`Page 5
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Welcome. What I'd
`like to ask the parties to do is whoever was
`responsible for the court reporter to have the
`transcript, once it's complete, uploaded as an
`exhibit. And then also after the panel is off line
`and the call is over, if the parties don't mind
`staying on for just a moment to ask the court
`reporter if there's any spellings or any issues like
`that that can be clarified. All right. Let's get
` I have the e-mail in front of me. I'd like to
`take the issue in series. We'll start with the one
`patent owner brings up regarding some IDSes as well
`as invalidity contentions of petitioner in the
`district court.
` So patent owner, if you don't mind going first,
`just give us a quick background of what exactly is
`going on here. Thank you.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Sure. Thank you, your
`Honor. It's Marty Zoltick.
` So this first issue is basically a request for
`the board's guidance. We filed a contingent motion
`to amend with some substitute claims. We are aware
`of 37 CFR 42.11 is duty of candor. There are
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`information disclosure statements that were filed
`during prosecution of the 071 patent, which is in
`the IPR, but there are also a number of related
`applications in which IDSes were filed. And in
`addition in the corresponding patent infringement
`lawsuit, the petitioner Vizio filed invalidity
` After considering the issue, we wanted to make
`a record in the IPRs. These IDSes and the
`invalidity contentions, we -- looking at the, I
`guess, what's available regarding the filing of this
`type of information in IPRs in connection with
`motions to amend the substitute claims, we weren't
`sure what the best way was to do it.
` I had my law clerk reach out to the board's law
`clerk. It was about a week or a few days after we
`filed the motion to amend to seek some guidances
`with respect to how to do it. That went around for
`a bit in terms of trying to get some information
`from the law clerk.
` In the interim we provided to Vizio, to
`petitioner, the IDSes and their own invalidity
`contentions and just said, you know, we are waiting
`to get some guidance with respect to how we can put
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`Page 7
`these into the record in the IPRs. And then at some
`point, I think it was maybe two weeks ago, the law
`clerk got back and said, you know, we should raise
`this issue in an e-mail to trials, which is what we
` We also consulted with Vizio's counsel, and our
`idea was that we could put these in as exhibits and
`file an updated exhibit list, but counsel for
`petitioner didn't agree that that would be the
`appropriate way to do it. So we thought we would
`raise the issue, you know, with your Honors and see
`if we could get some input about what to do.
` And I can say that part of what gave rise to
`the concern was a decision that we were aware of
`when we were doing the research, MLB Advanced Media
`versus Front Row Technologies, IPR2017-1127, which
`was really the only decision we could find that had
`an IDS being filed, you know, in this type of
` And in that case the board -- there was
`actually a motion to strike and the exhibits were
`stricken, and so we thought that we would seek
`guidance as to how to proceed in this case in view
`of that.
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` If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer
`them, but I think that's where we are at present
`with respect to this issue.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. I have one question
`and then we'll go over to petitioner.
` So you mentioned that MLB case, I think I
`heard, with the motion to strike and documents
`similar to what you were -- you wish to file now
`were stricken. I'm just wondering if you couldn't,
`so I don't have to look up it right now and spend
`the time, why were those stricken?
` MR. ZOLTICK: One of the reasons was that
`they weren't mentioned in the motion to amend. And
`then there was also 1,100 references, approximately
`1,100 references and copies, it says, of a large
`subset of foreign patent and non-patent literature
` And, in addition, the patent owner said that it
`did not believe that any of the listed references
`were material of the patentability of that claim and
`not even relevant to the proceeding for any other
`purpose. So in view of all of that, the board
`struck those exhibits from being entered into the
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` JUDGE SAINDON: And to be clear, you're
`just looking to file the IDSes themselves, not the
`actual exhibits listed therein?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Exactly, the IDSes
`themselves and then the invalidity contentions
`without the exhibits.
` JUDGE SAINDON: I see. Okay. Let's hear
`from petitioner.
` MS. HIGGINS: Thank you, your Honor.
` So first, to be clear, patent owner informed
`petitioner that it might seek to file additional
`exhibits. The first we heard of this was
`October 15, which is roughly a month after patent
`owner filed its contingent motion to amend. And,
`you know, at that time I suggested to patent owner
`that if he wanted to do so that they should e-mail
`the board, and he didn't do so until much later. I
`understand that he says he contacted a law clerk at
`the PTAB.
` In any event, petitioner opposes patent owner's
`request to file the new exhibits now because the
`requested filings are late. And patent owner hasn't
`shown why the information, which these IDSes are
`numerous and they came hundreds -- references to
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`hundreds of references, patent owner hasn't shown
`why the information could not have been filed
`earlier, and allowing the late filing now would
`prejudice the petitioner.
` As an additional matter, we also told patent
`owner that we believe its request to file new
`exhibits was a request to file supplemental
`information under 37 CFR 42.123 in that we believed,
`regardless, patent owner should request
`authorization from the board to file a motion to
`submit late information and that patent must show,
`as it's set forth in the rule, why the supplemental
`information reasonably could not have been obtained
`earlier and it hasn't done so.
` Patent owner cannot show, we believe, that it
`couldn't have filed these exhibits earlier because
`it had all this information prior to filing its
`contingent motion to amend, which was September 18.
`And while there's at least one information
`disclosure that's dated after the deadline for
`patent owner's motion to amend, all of the cited
`references were known to the patent owner before its
`motion to amend.
` We believe that allowing the patent owner to
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`file exhibits after the motion to amend deadline
`would prejudice petitioner because, as I said, they
`referenced hundreds of prior art references,
`including at least some new references.
` In fact, one of the information disclosure
`statements has not been public. It is in connection
`with the pending patent application that was not
`made public until October 18, well after patent
`owner had filed its motion to amend.
` Patent owner hasn't explained why it hasn't
`filed these exhibits earlier in order to give the
`petitioner the full amount of time which is already,
`in our view, not enough time to consider them prior
`to our briefing.
` Additionally, patent owner hasn't shown that
`the proposed new exhibits need to be filed in this
`IPR. Patent owner represented in an e-mail to
`petitioner that it is, quote, "not aware that any of
`the information in these exhibits is material to the
`patentability of the substitute claims," and that is
`an e-mail dated October 26.
` So then if we go to the MLB Advanced Media
`decision, which is IPR2017-01127, that's paper 24,
`we see there that, as patent owner says, the board
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`expunged uncited exhibits, including IDSes where the
`patent owner stated that it did not believe that any
`of the listed references are material to the
`patentability of the amended claims.
` So it's petitioner's position that patent owner
`could have filed these exhibits earlier, chose not
`to do so, and is doing so now in an attempt to drop
`references to hundreds of exhibits into this
`proceeding late in the game to prejudice the
` JUDGE SAINDON: Could you expand on the
`prejudice aspect that you just mentioned, please.
` MS. HIGGINS: Sure. The prejudice, your
`Honor, is the timing of this request, months, excuse
`me, after, excuse me, patent owner filed its motion
`to amend where they identified, you know, eight new
`substitute claims and over 21 amendments.
` And it's only after that now that they're
`requesting to put in exhibits, IDSes, that have
`hundreds of references, and, in fact, the prejudices
`that some of these references were contained in that
`nonpublic pending patent application IDS and so were
`not previously available to the petitioner.
` JUDGE SAINDON: What about the invalidity
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`contentions separate from the IDS, is that a
`different way to look at it?
` MS. HIGGINS: The invalidity contentions
`are a different document than the various IDSes that
`the patent owner has proposed to file. And they
`were filed in an underlying suit involving Vizio and
`so we're not claiming that at least based on what's
`identified there that that is new.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Let's go back to
`patent owner.
` Anything that you would like to respond to?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Well, a couple things. On
`the prejudice issue, we don't believe there's any
`prejudice at all to the petitioner. They were aware
`for months, if not years, of all of these
`references, as far as we know, perhaps with the
`exception of what Ms. Higgins mentioned regarding
`this one not public history that had five new
`references in the IDS that was out, you know,
`after -- in fact, it was after the motion to amend
`was filed, as Ms. Higgins mentioned. So we wouldn't
`have been able to put that in with the motion to
`amend in any case.
` Secondly, we're not aware of any, you know,
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`Page 14
`sort of timing requirement with respect to 37 CFR
`42.11. We got the information together and it was,
`I think, less than a week after we filed the motion
`to amend that we tried to get some guidance as to
`how to put this in.
` So, you know, we tried to figure out the best
`way to put it in. We don't think it falls within
`what would be considered supplemental evidence. So,
`again, we're looking for guidance as to how to put
`it in.
` And, look, the third point is maybe we don't
`necessarily need to put it in because we aren't
`aware that the information that is in these IDSes
`and the invalidity contentions is material to the
`patentability to substitute claim.
` But I know how the duty of candor works, and my
`practice is -- our practice is that we would rather
`err on the side of putting it in the record so that
`the board has a reference to it if it wants to make
`reference to it. And certainly, as I said before,
`petitioner is aware of this information. And to the
`extent there's five references out of maybe hundreds
`that are listed that it isn't aware of, you know,
`all the more reason to put it in.
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` So that's our position with respect to, you
`know, this issue.
` JUDGE SAINDON: So, Counsel, is this
`really evidence? You're just submitting documents
`to what, to meet your duty of candor to the
`petitioner or to the office?
` MR. ZOLTICK: I guess the duty of candor
`would extend to the office, right? And whether it
`is or isn't evidence is a good question. We thought
`that out of an abundance of caution that it made
`sense to have in the record of this IPR, you know,
`these IDSes as well as petitioner's own invalidity
`contentions. So that's why we sought to put them
` MS. HIGGINS: Your Honor, may I raise two
` JUDGE SAINDON: Yes, please.
` MS. HIGGINS: I did want to point out that
`with respect to the nonpublic information disclosure
`statement, which counsel is correct that it did not
`become public until after filing the motion to
`amend. But that nonpublic IDS was filed by patent
`owner in the patent office in June, June 13, which
`is prior to the September 18 date when it filed its
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`Page 16
`motion to amend.
` So certainly it was aware of the art contained
`in that IDS, and that information could not have
`been available to us until raised by patent owner
` And, also, just in connection with the Major
`League Baseball IPR, which is the one decision that
`we were able to find for the very reason that patent
`owner is stating here that he's not aware that the
`hundreds of references cited are material, that's
`the reason why the panel in MLB decided that the
`references should be expunged.
` MR. ZOLTICK: If I may have one more point
`in response.
` We're not prosecuting those patent
`applications. So, you know, we're not trying to
`hide the ball to sit on something until now. We
`also set out to try and find these IDSes in the
`related case, and so we found them, you know, when
`they were public.
` And then in view of that and in consideration
`of our understanding of the duty of candor, and,
`again, not that we're aware that it's material
`patentability of the substitute claims, but out of
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`Page 17
`an abundance of caution, we at least wanted to put
`petitioner on notice of it and then raise the issue
`with the board.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Thank you. So just
`to summarize, you don't believe that there's
`necessarily anything material in here. You're
`describing trying to extinguish your duty of candor
`before the office by making us aware of these IDSes
`in these other proceedings before another portion of
`the office and also the invalidity contentions?
` MR. ZOLTICK: That is exactly it, your
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. What I'd like to do
`is take a quick break here for the panel to chat
`about this. We'll be back in about five minutes.
` (Pause in the proceeding.)
` JUDGE SAINDON: Thank you for your
`patience. This is Judge Saindon. The panel is back
` Just real quick, do we have somebody from
`patent owner on the line?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yes, your Honor,
`Marty Zoltick.
` JUDGE SAINDON: And petitioner?
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` MS. HIGGINS: Yes, your Honor,
`Gabrielle Higgins is here.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Great. So the
`panel has conferred and we are not inclined to allow
`patent owner to file the documents. We'll provide a
`specific explanation in an order, which we'll file
`in due course. And, of course, if patent owner, you
`believe we misapprehended or overlooked something,
`you know, just file [indiscernible] for rehearing
`and we'll reconsider.
` With that, let's move onto the second issue.
`Petitioner was requested additional pages for the
`contingent motion to amend.
` With that, petitioner why don't you start out
`with that one.
` MS. HIGGINS: Sure, your Honor. Thank
` So first I wanted to start out by saying that,
`you know, the informative -- the Western Digital
`decision, which we all know is an important
`decision, does state that the parties may contact
`the board to request additional pages or briefing
`with respect to motions to amend.
` And here petitioner has requested 25 additional
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`Page 19
`pages for its opposition to patent owner's
`contingent motion to amend claims. And I would say
`after we sent the e-mail to the board, we actually
`came across a decision, Westinghouse, which I'll get
`to in a minute.
` But we would say that although we have framed
`the request as a request for additional pages, an
`additional word count limit of 10,000 words would
`also be acceptable to the petitioner. And we're
`getting that from the Westinghouse decision. In
`fact, that was the approach recently taken by the
`panel in Westinghouse Air Brake Techs. That's
`IPR2017-00580, paper 25 of this year.
` And in the Westinghouse IPR, the petitioner
`requested a word limit that was equivalent to the
`words allowed for a petition, that is 14,000 words
`under 37 CFR 42.24. In particular in that decision
`we see that the petitioner was pointing to this in
`view of Aqua Products, and indeed the board
`referenced Aqua Products when it did grant the
`10,000 words to the petitioner.
` And specifically in Westinghouse the board
`authorized petitioner 10,000 words for its
`opposition and the patent owner 5,000 words for the
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`reply. And here the board -- we respectfully
`request that the board respectively grant Vizio's
`request for 25 additional pages or 10,000 words
`because we believe they're needed to address prior
`art under 103, and we also believe that there are
`112 issues to be addressed.
` And we believe that we need these additional
`pages or words due to the volume of patent owner's
`proposed claim amendments. So if the panel looks
`for patent owners Exhibit 2020, that's two zero, two
`zero, you'll see that the situation here is actually
`more complex than Westinghouse.
` Patent owner here is proposing eight substitute
`amended claims, including two lengthy independent
`claims. And collectively the proposed substitute
`claims include at least 21 amendments, that's 25 new
`or modified claim limitations.
` And it's for this reason and the burden
`shifting that's occurred post Aqua Products that
`Vizio respectfully requests that the board grant 25
`additional pages, that's a total of 50 pages, or a
`total word count of 10,000 words for its opposition
`to patent owner's motion to amend.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Counsel, a few questions
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`before we go over to patent owner.
` Have you begun drafting this paper yet? Do you
`know you actually need this much space or is this
`looking to the future?
` MS. HIGGINS: No, your Honor, this is the
`situation where we are indeed heavily into the
`drafting process and we know we can't do it within
`the 25-page limit; and, frankly, I don't know that
`we can do it within the 50, you know, page limit or
`10,000 words.
` We're trying to request, you know, something
`that's reasonable here where we believe we can set
`forth, you know, the prior art and in addition to
`that address the 112 issues that we've identified.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Thank you. Let's
`go over to patent owner.
` MR. JONES: Thank you, your Honor. This
`is Michael Jones for patent owner.
` I'd like to respond on three points, the first
`being the reference to Aqua Products. We don't
`think that has any bearing on what's going on here;
`and indeed on the memorandum from Judge Ruschke
`following Aqua Products, November 21, 2017, he
`specifically mentions that the board will continue
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`Page 22
`its current briefing practice, including the page
`limits of the briefs. So we don't think that has
`any bearing here.
` Counsel mentioned a few times that there were
`eight new claims and 21 amendments. And while I'm
`not entirely sure how they arrived at the 21 number,
`I think it's worth looking at what these eight new
`amendments are. Some simply changed dependency.
`Some fixed a typo; for instance, the word laborers
`is replaced with layers. So I think that while what
`they're saying may be technically true, I'm not sure
`it's entirely reflective of the scope of our
` Indeed, the scope of the amendments is pretty
`succinctly laid out in our motion to amend at
`page 2. We summarized the amendments made of the
`dependent claims. They're pretty few in number.
`This is not a huge number of amendments or
`significant substantive changes. So I'm happy to
`talk about what those are, but it's pretty well laid
`out in the motion to amend.
` This seems like a pretty typical case and we
`didn't hear anything that would suggest what we
`think is sort of an extraordinary measure doubling
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`Page 23
`the page limits from 25 to 50 that would sort of
`warrant that. As counsel alluded to, it would
`effectively be a new petition, and that doesn't seem
`all too consistent with the just speedy and
`inexpensive resolution, which is sort of the guiding
`point for these IPR proceedings.
` I'm not familiar with the Westinghouse case.
`This is the first we're hearing of it, but -- yeah,
`and I'm looking at a summary of it, and it says that
`there are two sets of proposed substitute claims,
`one for a certain priority date and an entirely new
`set for a second priority date.
` Again, I'm just looking at a summary because
`this is the first we're hearing about the case. But
`that seems like a pretty clear distinction on why
`they would need twice the number of pages if there's
`two alternative sets.
` So, you know, we're happy to answer any
`questions, but nothing we heard, we think, justifies
`going from 25 to 50 pages. That seems like quite a
` JUDGE SAINDON: Patent owner, given that
`you would also get, you know, more pages on your
`reply, are you amenable to some amount of additional
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`Page 24
`pages or words?
` MR. JONES: Your Honor, one thing I would
`like to say is that, you know, we tried very hard to
`stay within the page limits in our opening. We
`narrowed our arguments, we narrowed our amendments,
`and we stuck to the 25 pages in our motion to amend.
`So we think it would be most appropriate that they
`in turn stick to the 25 pages in response.
` We already sort of narrowed the scope of what
`we're doing. That being said, if the board thinks
`that there's an appropriate amount, you know, we
`would like to hear what that is.
` MS. HIGGINS: Your Honor, may I briefly
` JUDGE SAINDON: Yes, go ahead.
` MS. HIGGINS: First of all, I did want to
`point out that the Western Digital case is still
`informative. And while we agree there are default
`page limits, it is certainly within the realm of
`what it says in Westinghouse that we may contact the
` We invite the board to look at Exhibit 2020.
`We do believe this is more complex than Westinghouse
`where there were two sets of six claims that were
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`Page 25
`very, very similar because they were dealing with
`the swear behind issue.
` And the other thing that we think is
`significant here is that petitioner has to address
`every limitation, okay, not just the 21 amendments,
`and we do think that this is akin to sort of a
`petition within a petition in a proceeding, which is
`why in Westinghouse the petitioner was looking at it
`from that perspective and requested 14,000 words and
`got 10,000 words.
` Finally, as you will see in our briefing, while
`patent owner was able to stay within the 25-page
`limit, as we set forth in the objections that we
`filed, we believe patent owner violated the rules by
`actually putting material -- the support for its
`claims in the claims listing, which is expressly
`prohibited by Western Digital. So we need to
`address that too. And so we actually think that
`10,000 words or 25 additional pages is very
` MR. JONES: Your Honors, if I may just
`respond quickly.
` MR. JONES: Counsel suggested that they
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`Page 26
`have to respond in every limitation. That's always
`the case with a motion to amend and the rules came
`up with 25 pages. There's, again, nothing unique or
`special about that.
` As to their assertion regarding incorporation
`or improper tables, I'm not sure we agree, but we
`filed supplemental evidence. And this is not the
`mechanism for which to address that kind of
` I'm happy to answer any questions. That's all
`from patent owner.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Thank you. Okay. I think
`the panel's going to take a minute to talk about
`this issue and we'll get back to you in a few
`minutes. Thank you.
` MS. HIGGINS: Thank you.
` (Pause in the proceeding.)
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. This is Judge
`Saindon. The panel is back online.
` We have conferred and we've decided we would
`like to take a closer look at that Westinghouse case
`before making any ruling. So, therefore, our ruling
`will come in the order along with our ruling for the
`first issue, which will come out in due course.
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`Page 27
` I will say, however, that in general -- and
`I've given this advice to petitioners and patent
`owners for all briefs, background information,
`summaries of case law, unless it's very much on
`point, those types of things we don't really find
`that valuable very often unless it's really core to
`the issues. So focusing on just getting down to the
`issue, I think, can save a lot of pages.
` But with that, we will issue a more definitive
`ruling once we have a chance to look at that case.
`All right. With that we have addressed the two
`issues raised by the parties.
` Is there anything else that the parties would
`like to discuss today?
` MR. ZOLTICK: This is Marty Zoltick for
`patent owner. We don't have anything else for
`today. Thank you.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Thank you.
` And petitioner, did I hear a no?
` MS. HIGGINS: Nothing here, your Honor.
`And thank you for your guidance.
` JUDGE SAINDON: Okay. Great. Well, the
`panel is going to adjourn. If the parties don't
`mind staying on for a moment to talk to the court
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`reporter about any spellings or any other issues.
`Thank you. This call is adjourned.
` MS. HIGGINS: Thank you.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Thank you.
` (Proceedings adjourned at 12:40 p.m.)
` * * * * *
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`VIZIO Ex. 1016 Page 00028



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