`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2018-00386, IPR2018-00437
`Thursday, January 17, 2019
`3:00 p.m.
`Job No.: 225431
`Pages: 1 - 22
`Reported By: Charlotte Lacey, RPR, CSR No. 14224
`Vizio, Inc. v. Nichia Corp.
`Case IPR2018-00386
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (All appearances telephonic)
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE ENGELS: Good afternoon. This is Judge
`Engels. And with me on the line are Judges Medley and
`Judge Saindon. We're here this afternoon to discuss
`IPR2018-00386 and IPR2018-00437.
` Who's on the line for the parties?
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yeah. Good afternoon, Your
`Honor. It's Marty Zoltick on behalf of the patent owner
` MS. HIGGINS: Hi. Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`This is Gabrielle Higgins and Christopher Bonny on the
`line on behalf of petitioner Vizio, Inc.
` MR. ZOLTICK: And, Your Honor, there should
`also be a court reporter on the line.
` THE REPORTER: Yes. This is Charlotte Lacey
`with Planet Depos.
` MR. JONES: And, Your Honors, you also have
`Michael Jones and Mark Rawls also for patent owner.
`Thank you.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you. At the end of the
`telephone conference today, if -- if the parties could
`submit a transcript of the hearing as an exhibit, we
`would appreciate that.
` MR. ZOLTICK: Yes. That's fine.
` JUDGE ENGELS: I understand we have a number
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`of things to discuss today, as -- as mentioned in your
` Let's begin with patent owner's request. I
`understand patent owner is requesting leave to file a
`sur-reply to patent owner's response. I understand from
`the e-mail that petitioner opposes the request.
` The practice guidelines generally allow a
`sur-reapply as a matter of course. Is there a
`particular reason that this sur-reply -- this request
`for a sur-reply is opposed?
` MS. HIGGINS: Your Honor, this is Gabrielle
`Higgins for petitioner, and we fully acknowledge what's
`in the August Trial Practice Guide. When we met and
`conferred with patent owner, we asked patent owner if it
`would be agreeable to the petitioner having a three-page
`sur-reply. And our position is petitioner doesn't
`oppose patent owner's request for sur-replies on the
`condition that the board also authorizes
`sur-sur-replies. And just like patent owner argues that
`the sur-reply replaces observations on cross, as -- as
`you know, Your Honor, the scheduling orders here, which
`have been in place for over six months, already provide
`petitioner with a response to observations on cross,
`which we believe, in this transitional period, the board
`has the discretion to replace with a sur-sur-reply.
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` Since the scheduling order already provides
`petitioner with a paper, taking away a briefing
`opportunity would be unfair, especially given that
`petitioner has the burden here, and we believe would
`effectively be sanctioning the petitioner.
` And I would like to point the board to
`GN Hearing versus Oticon. The same argument that I just
`made was made in GN Hearing, and the board granted
`petitioner's request for sur-sur-replies, which was also
`in this transitional period. That is IPR2017-01927.
`And the transcript from that teleconference where the
`sur-sur-replies were granted is Exhibit 1018 at pages 8,
` We also wanted to point out that in another
`proceeding involving the parties, IPR2017-01608,
`paper 47, at page 3, the panel there granted
`petitioner's request for a sur-sur-reply.
` And so our position is not that we oppose. We
`do acknowledge that the August Trial Practice Guide
`does, you know, talk about replacing the sur-reply --
`excuse me -- the observations on cross with the
`sur-reply. But we believe since the scheduling orders
`also have a response to that observation on cross, that
`petitioner should get a sur-sur-reply. And -- and we
`limited that, Your Honor, to three pages in each
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`proceeding, which we think would be sufficient.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you.
` Patent owner, do you have anything to add?
` MR. RAWLS: Yes. This is Mark Rawls for
`patent owner Nichia. So we -- we object to the -- your
`request for a sur-sur-reply for a number of reasons. We
`appreciate the citation to the GN Hearing case on
`September 18th, but our understanding is that the
`majority of the board's cases following the August 2018
`update to the Trial Practice Guide recognize the
`following. First, that the filing of a sur-sur-reply is
`not contemplated by the revisions to the practice guide.
`And that's actually a direct quote from IPR2017-1738,
`paper 50. And that -- to the extent that the
`petitioner's going to request a sur-sur-reply, they
`should have to provide a substantial justification for
`departing from or not conforming to what is, quote, the
`standard board practices, which is from IPR2017-01785,
`paper 67.
` So the board is saying following the -- the
`Trial Practice Guide, it is the former practice that the
`patent owner files the final brief on the merits of the
`case. The petitioner should provide an adequate
`rationale why we should not conform to the standard
`board practices. Again, that's quoting from the
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`2017-01785 paper 67 I just mentioned.
` The board has also addressed the argument that
`the petitioner made about the motion for observation and
`their reply to the motion for observation. In another
`proceeding, IPR2017-2194, paper 30, the board said
`"Because patent owner may not file motion for
`observation, it follows that petitioner may not file a
`response. Put differently, motions for observations or
`responses thereto are no longer authorized by" -- it
`refers to the TPG, or the updated Trial Practice Guide.
` The board has also held, in circumstances were
`it was heard but hadn't been filed yet, that it's
`premature to assess whether a sur-sur-reply is
`warranted, and it's held that it is not prejudicial to
`the petitioner to have to provide justification to be
`authorized for a further response. That's from two
`different proceedings; IPR2018-340, paper 54, and
`IPR2017-1886, paper 24.
` And so I think our -- our understanding, from
`the overall practice of the board is that it's
`premature, 'cause they haven't even looked over our
`sur-reply. And they have to be able to see that,
`because they actually have to provide sort of
`justification to counteract what is normal practice,
`following the August update to the Trial Practice Guide.
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` So that's our position, Your Honor.
` MS. HIGGINS: Your Honor, may I briefly
` MS. HIGGINS: Thank you. So we -- we do
`acknowledge that different panels have come out
`differently on this issue. And it is certainly within
`the board's discretion, in this transition period, to
`order sur-sur-replies. As I explained in GN Hearing, as
`well as in the other Vizio/Nichia proceeding,
`IPR2017-01608, that is how the board came out.
` And in GN Hearing -- I didn't hear, from
`patent owner, that the specific argument that the
`current schedule orders have a paper, have a response to
`observations on cross, and that it would be unfair. You
`know, it is -- it is taking away a briefing that the
`PTAB has provided for that has been in place for months.
`And we believe that in this situation, in this
`transition period, a sur-sur-reply should be granted,
`especially when -- when we have the burden. And -- and
`boards have done that.
` As far as patent owner's argument regarding
`premature, while, you know, we -- it would be great if
`we could wait to see what patent owner will say if the
`board were to grant a sur-reply, frankly, Your Honor, it
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`took at least three weeks to schedule this call with the
`board. And -- and the concern here is that if patent
`owner were to be given sur-replies due on January 29th,
`due date 5 is February 12th, and I really have concern
`that we'd be even able to get on the phone with the
`board and express our request in view of those papers.
` And in addition, there has been -- patent
`owner has filed its reply on the opposition to the
`motion to amend. And if the board looks at that paper,
`they will see that the patent owner has already
`previewed its positions on -- on claim construction,
`which are the principal issues here. And we can tell
`from that, that we believe that for a full record,
`petitioner should have a sur-sur-reply here. So we
`respectfully request that the board consider a
`sur-sur-reply. And it is certainly within their
`discretion to do so.
` MR. RAWLS: Your Honor, this is Mark Rawls for
`patent owner. Can I just make one brief comment?
` MR. RAWLS: I just want to clarify in terms of
`petitioner's argument about the motion for observation
`and the response to motion for observation being already
`on the scheduling order and it not being fair to conform
`to the new practice guide standards. And I've cited a
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`case before. And I just want to be clear that that
`issue has been addressed by these two panels that have
`found no prejudice and have found it was the correct
`procedure not to allow some exceptional reason for a
`sur-sur-reply. And those two cases are IPR2017-2194,
`paper 30, and IPR2018-340, paper 34. And those are from
`November 9th and December 14th, 2018. That's all.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you. Let's move on to
`the motion to strike. Help us understand what you seek
`to strike and why.
` MR. JONES: Thank you, Your Honor. This is
`Michael Jones for patent owner Nichia.
` So as you may recall, we had a call in
`November where petitioner asked for an additional
`25 pages of briefing for its opposition to the motion to
`amend. And during that call, petitioner said that they
`had too many arguments; they couldn't fit it in
`25 pages; they would need an extra 25 pages, if not an
`extra 50 pages. And that request was denied. And Your
`Honors told them they had to stick to the 25-page limit.
` In the face of that, petitioner did not limit
`it to arguments. They went ahead and argued, you know,
`broadening 112. And it may introduce 14 new grounds of
`obviousness, including up to five-way combinations of
`obviousness. They tried to cram that all into a 25-page
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`paper. And in doing so, they -- obviously they were not
`able to do that. And so what they had to do was
`incorporate by a reference, by our calculation, more
`than 200 pages of argument. They submitted a 277-page
`declaration to accompany their 25-page opposition. And
`our position is that, you know, that's a circumvention
`not only of the page limitations set forth in the rules
`but also a circumvention of a pretty direct order from
`Your Honors.
` And so in our view, the portions of that paper
`that heavily incorporate the argument from the expert
`are improper and should be stricken from the record.
`And we think that the motion to strike is the
`appropriate vehicle here given your direct order on
`point and the circumvention of the rules. This is an
`improper paper. So we believe our motion to strike is
`warranted, or at least the opportunity to brief a motion
`to strike.
` And I want to be clear. You know, this isn't
`simply incorporation of evidence or support. There are
`instances were the entire argument is -- is in a
`different paper. It's simply incorporated. And I'm
`happy to give some examples.
` At the top of page 12 of their opposition,
`there's -- there's a single sentence that reads
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`"Alternatively, it would have been obvious to combine
`Lin's similar disclosures for similar reasons."
` Now, no -- no similar disclosures are
`identified. No similar reasons are given. Instead,
`they incorporate seven pages of argument from their
`expert dec. And that -- that's just one example.
` In another place, you have, on page 10, a
`single sentence that incorporates 32 pages of argument
`from their expert dec. And there's plenty of cases on
`point in terms of the effect of incorporation by
`reference. And there's an informative decision in
`Cisco, IPR2014-00454, that I think helps -- helps to
`make a point, and that is that citing other documents
`effectively circumvents the page limitations, and it's
`an abuse. And that's why we think a motion to strike is
` And one final point I'd like to make. The
`opposition does more than just incorporate by reference
`the expert declaration -- and again, there's more than
`200 pages of that -- it also incorporates, by reference,
`from the petition, for instance, at page 23, it just
`says "As in the petition, when Oshio disclosed this
`element." And then it incorporates four pages of
`argument from the petition. And it also incorporates
`from different IPRs. So there's an argument about
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`written description of a new claim. That's at page 8.
`And rather than make the argument, it incorporates three
`pages of discussion from a different IPR.
` Again, you know, we understand that a motion
`to strike is an extreme remedy, but we think, given that
`the board expressly considered their request and then
`was denied and they chose -- instead chose to try to
`circumvent that decision with a 277-page declaration, we
`think this is a pretty clearcut motion to strike
` And you know, in terms of prejudice, I won't
`belabor it. Obviously having hundreds and hundreds of
`pages of argument sitting in the record is prejudicial
`to patent owner. You know, we tried to file a reply,
`and we were -- we were selective and addressed things
`that were actually in the opposition. But having
`something like this out there is unworkable and
`prejudicial, and for instance, I don't know what that
`would mean for our oral argument. I don't know if we're
`going to be expected to address the hundreds of pages of
`new arguments in the declaration or what that would
`mean. So you know, in sum, we'd like to brief it.
` MS. HIGGINS: May I respond, Your Honor?
` JUDGE ENGELS: Yes, please.
` MS. HIGGINS: Thank you.
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` All right. So first of all, we -- we disagree
`with patent owner's arguments that you just heard and
`that the board should authorize -- and disagree that the
`board should authorize a motion to strike.
` First of all, petitioner's arguments and
`evidence are presented in the opposition brief itself.
`And we worked very hard, following the last November 7th
`teleconference, to follow the board's guidance during
`that conference. And -- which was that the brief go
`right to the core of the issues. And that -- that was
`at the -- the last teleconference, the transcript
`Exhibit 1017, page 27, lines 2 to 9 -- Exhibit 1016.
` Regarding Section 103, which is what I think I
`just heard the patent owners objecting to, the
`opposition brief addresses each of the eight substitute
`claims and specifies where each of the 28 claim
`limitations is found in the prior art.
` And here, Your Honor, as we tried to explain
`on the first call, in order to bring 103 obviousness
`grounds, we felt that it was necessary to turn to new
`arts. The brief also addresses the obviousness
`combinations, for example, stating reasons why a person
`of ordinary skill would have been motivated and found it
`straightforward, for example, to use Kahn's teachings of
`the resin part in implementing Hsu's device. So for
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`example, in our opposition briefs, paper 32 at 11, we
`have a full page which -- addressing motivation to
` We disagree that Dr. Shanfield's declaration
`includes new argument. It contains analysis of the
`arguments and evidence that are in the brief itself.
`And in fact, as I think -- I know, from going to
`countless, you know, presentations where various judges
`have spoken, you know, there is -- there's certainly a
`tension between -- you know, we've heard many times to
`not have a declaration that merely mimics the -- the
`brief or the petition.
` And here, we also want to point out that under
`37 C.F.R. Section 42.65, that expressly requires that
`the declaration disclose the underlying facts or data on
`which the opinion is based. And that's what
`Dr. Shanfield endeavored to do here.
` And with respect to a motion to amend, we are
`entitled -- the petitioner is entitled to raise grounds,
`you know, such as 112 and 103.
` Now, patent owner complains about the length
`of Dr. Shanfield's single declaration. I think it's
`important to point out that we filed a single
`declaration that's actually covering both
`Dr. Shanfield's opinions related -- in rebuttal to the
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`patent owner response, and that same declaration also
`covers the motion to amend. And Dr. Shanfield was
`responding to two Dr. Schubert declarations, which
`themselves totaled 275 pages. Those are Schubert
`Declaration Exhibit 2008 and Schubert Declaration 2019.
`And we also have, in connection with this reply brief on
`the motion to amend, patent owner has submitted three --
`a declaration and two declaration excerpts, totaling
`123 pages.
` So -- so yes, there is a record, and we
`believe in the context of a -- of a motion to amend, it
`is there for -- for the board to consider in -- in its
`entirety under the case law.
` A motion to strike, we believe is not
`appropriate in this context. As patent owner said, and
`as it states in the August 23 Trial Practice Guide
`update, striking the entirety or a portion of a party's
`brief is an exceptional remedy that the board expects
`will be granted rarely. We believe the board is capable
`of weighing the arguments and evidence presented in
`brief. Moreover, we point out that patent owner, in its
`reply, has already had an opportunity to address the
`contents of petitioner's opposition brief and has also
`stated it -- its alleged arguments regarding
`deficiencies, which we can address in a sur-reply, which
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`we've requested.
` With respect to the informative decision,
`Cisco Systems, we have reviewed that, and we believe
`that it is distinguishable from the situation here.
`First of all, Cisco addresses a petition, not an
`opposition to a motion to amend. Unlike in Cisco, we
`have our arguments and evidence here in the brief. We
`don't cite to other claim charts. And unlike in Cisco,
`petitioner's arguments and explanations are in -- in the
`opposition brief itself. And that goes specifically to
`what patent owner has called out in its reply brief, the
`motivation to combine. Unlike Cisco, we have a page,
`for instance, with respect to the combination of Hsu --
`Hsu and the combination reference where we lay out in
`detail what the reasons are for motivation to combine.
`And we even point to the express motivation within
`secondary reference Kahn.
` Patent owner has also pointed out that we
`somehow improperly cross-referenced the petition. We
`disagree. We do reference the petition because we are
`pointing out that, as discussed in the position, we are
`using the same secondary references such as Oshio and
`Wang in exactly the same way. And then we go on, in
`the -- in the opposition brief, to point out what the
`position was. And it's in the -- in the brief itself.
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` Further, with respect to the Lin reference,
`the evidence and the citations are in the brief. And so
`for at least these reasons, we believe that a --
`authorizing a motion to strike here, in this -- this
`context, is warranted.
` MR. JONES: Your Honor, this is Michael Jones.
`If I may just briefly respond?
` JUDGE ENGELS: Very briefly, please.
` MR. JONES: Counsel pointed out that they, in
`one place, provided motivation in the brief itself. She
`mentioned a page. I just want to reiterate, you know,
`they -- they used about ten pages and raised 14 new
`grounds of obviousness, you know, up to one, two, three,
`four, and five-way combinations, across, I believe,
`eight different claims. The fact that in one place they
`may have included their arguments misses the point.
`There are many, many other places where they simply were
`unable to have argument, that they tried to do too much
`and instead incorporated it from their expert dec.
` I think what you've heard is that there's a
`lot here. And we obviously disagree with petitioner on
`what they've done. And I think what this shows is that
`a briefing makes sense. In a brief, you know, we could
`lay out specifically the ways in which they've
`circumvented not only the rules but your order. And --
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
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`and there's already briefing provided for in the
`schedule. There's a motion to exclude briefing
`schedule. We would propose we simply do a motion to
`strike on that schedule and follow the same page
`limitations. And we think that this is a -- an extreme
`case, again, given that they asked for the page
`extension; they were denied; and instead circumvented
`the order and the rules. So we simply ask that we be
`able to brief this issue, again, using the briefing
`schedule already provided for in the scheduling order.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you. Judges Medley,
`Saindon, and I will confer offline and get back with you
`all in just -- just a few minutes.
` MR. JONES: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Pause in proceedings)
` JUDGE ENGELS: This is Judge Engels rejoining
`the line. We will take these matters under advisement
`and issue an order in due course when we receive the
`transcript of today's hearing.
` MS. HIGGINS: Judge Engels, this is Gabrielle
`Higgins for petitioner. There are two items which I
`would appreciate addressing. One is to the extent that
`there is any authorization of a motion to strike, I
`would like to sort of counter-address the schedule.
` And also, there was a third item, Your Honor,
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`in the e-mail, regarding petitioner's request for a
`sur-reply on the motion to amend.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Yes. I understand that's
`unopposed. Do we need to discuss it?
` MS. HIGGINS: Not if -- not if I -- if it's
`unopposed and Your Honors plan to grant it, there's no
`need to do so.
` MR. RAWLS: This is counsel for --
` MS. HIGGINS: May I --
` MR. RAWLS: -- this is counsel for Nichia. We
`agree that sur-replies are proper.
` MS. HIGGINS: May I address the -- the timing
`on any motion to strike, Your Honor?
` JUDGE ENGELS: Briefly, please.
` MS. HIGGINS: Sure. I just wanted to point
`out that there is already a motion to exclude and
`opposition briefs due on -- on the day -- the days that
`counsel is proposing, due dates 4 and 5. We would
`propose that to the extent there is any further
`authorized motion, that the patent owner's motion be due
`on due date 4, which is January 29, and that
`petitioner's opposition be due on February 19, which is
`due date 6.
` In looking at this, I -- it appears that in
`most instances, reply briefs on motions to strike are
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`not authorized. I can point to one decision, I -- IBG
`versus Trading Tech, CBM2016-00054, paper 28, where no
`reply brief was authorized. So bottom line, our request
`would be for each party to have a single brief. We also
`believe that the normal 15 pages is excessive and would
`propose 5 -- 5 pages each.
` MR. RAWLS: Your Honor, this is -- if I may
`respond -- counsel for Nichia. We see that there's what
`are seemingly reasonable schedule for briefing in the
`current schedule with due dates 4, 5, and 6. We see no
`reason to deviate from that. And similarly, we see no
`reason to deviate from the typical page limits provided
`for motions, which I believe is 15 pages.
` And I'm not familiar with the case counsel has
`cited, but again, there seems to be a pretty good
`schedule in place, and we see no reason to deviate from
`that or the rules regarding page limits.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you very much. Any other
`issues to discuss today?
` MS. HIGGINS: No, Your Honor. Thank you very
` MR. RAWLS: No, Your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE ENGELS: Thank you very much. We'll
`take it under advisement.
` (The conference call concluded at 12:35 p.m.)
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`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
` I, Charlotte Lacey, the officer before whom the
`foregoing proceedings were taken, do hereby certify that
`the foregoing transcript is a true and correct record of
`the proceedings; that said proceedings were taken by me
`stenographically and thereafter reduced to typewriting
`under my direction; and that I am neither counsel for,
`related to, nor employed by any of the parties to this
`case and have no interest, financial or otherwise, in
`its outcome.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my
`hand this 17th day of January, 2019.
` __________________________________
` Charlotte Lacey, RPR, CSR #14224
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`7:22, 9:5,
`11:2, 19:9
`5:20, 7:3,
`9:22, 12:25,
`15:21, 18:12
`4:12, 5:19, 8:6
`6:13, 7:23,
`13:16, 15:24
`13:20, 16:22,
`16:25, 20:12
`7:2, 10:2,
`14:15, 14:21,
`15:2, 19:22
`19:17, 21:24
`3:2, 3:4, 3:7,
`6:25, 12:19,
`13:4, 19:6,
`19:9, 21:15
`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`3:23, 6:7,
`11:14, 12:16,
`5:7, 7:2, 8:13,
`8:22, 9:22,
`11:4, 11:11,
`11:21, 12:5,
`12:8, 12:24,
`12:25, 13:2,
`13:13, 13:19,
`15:5, 18:18
`10:17, 10:22,
`13:21, 14:2,
`14:5, 15:6,
`16:20, 16:24,
`17:7, 17:9,
`4:14, 10:14,
`4:13, 5:19,
`6:9, 7:25, 16:16
`2:2, 10:7,
`10:25, 14:1,
`14:5, 17:5,
`4:7, 10:4
`4:22, 5:1,
`9:10, 9:23,
`16:22, 19:1,
`19:10, 20:16
`3:14, 3:17,
`3:18, 4:18, 5:9,
`5:14, 5:23, 7:2,
`7:11, 11:8,
`12:20, 12:24,
`14:21, 15:13,
`16:1, 16:6,
`16:23, 17:18,
`19:25, 21:4
`9:9, 10:16,
`15:18, 16:2,
`16:7, 16:11,
`17:6, 20:2
`5:14, 7:4, 12:7
`19:23, 20:13,
`20:19, 21:18,
`14:3, 14:4
`7:9, 7:16,
`20:20, 21:1,
`5:2, 8:16
`7:6, 7:23,
`4:22, 7:12,
`8:17, 9:7, 10:2,
`12:1, 14:23
`1:3, 1:13,
`10:1, 22:3
`2:3, 2:11, 3:8,
`9:23, 9:24
`4:24, 5:4,
`5:22, 8:18,
`9:13, 11:16,
`16:11, 16:14,
`16:19, 17:3,
`18:3, 18:14,
`21:5, 21:13
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`1:3, 4:18,
`4:24, 5:6, 5:8,
`6:18, 6:20,
`6:25, 7:2, 7:5,
`7:11, 7:20,
`8:11, 8:25, 9:2,
`9:6, 9:9, 9:15,
`13:6, 14:3,
`14:4, 16:12,
`16:18, 16:19
`6:9, 8:8, 14:8
`2:5, 3:11
`6:22, 9:19,
`11:17, 13:22,
`14:6, 14:9,
`14:15, 14:21,
`15:6, 15:12,
`16:6, 16:18,
`16:21, 16:23,
`17:7, 17:10,
`17:11, 17:24,
`17:25, 18:2,
`18:10, 18:23,
`19:9, 21:3, 21:4
`5:2, 8:16,
`10:15, 18:23,
`19:1, 19:2,
`19:9, 21:9
`8:2, 18:7,
`18:8, 20:14
`15:1, 20:17,
`Transcript of Conference Call with Panel of Judges
`Conducted on January 17, 2019
`5:4, 8:20
`18:25, 19:7
`11:6, 11:8,
`1:13, 9:1,
`10:13, 10:16,
`12:12, 17:3,

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