United States Patent [191
`Shimizu et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Feb. 28, 1989
`[75] Inventors: Atsuko Shimizu; Hiroshi Fujii;
`Shinichi Ohki, all of Tokyo, Japan
`[73] Assignee: Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
`[21] Appl. No.: 901,783
`[22] Filed:
`Aug. 28, 1986
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Aug. 31, 1985 [JP]
`.. 60-192632
`Aug. 31, 1985 [JP]
`Japan .............................. .. 60-192633
`[51] Int. Cl.‘ .............................................. .. A61B 5/02
`[52] US. Cl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 128/690; 128/706
`[58] Field of Search ...................... .. 128/690, 707, 706
`References Cited
`3,937,004 2/1976 Natori et al. ...................... .. 128/690
`3,978,849 9/1976 Geneen . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 128/690
`4,009,708 3/1977 Fay, Jr. . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 128/ 690
`4,086,916 5/ 1978 Freeman et al. .................. .. 128/690
`4,101,071 7/1978 Brejnik et al. .................... .. 128/690
`4,202,350 5/1980 Walton .......... ..
`4,278,095 7/1981 Lapeyre
`4,281,663 8/1981 Pringle ...................... ..
`.. 128/707
`4,305,401 12/ 1981 Reissmueller et al. .
`4,425,921 1/ 1984 Fujisaki et al. ....... ..
`.. 128/690
`.............. .. 128/690
`4,450,843 5/ 1984 Barney et al.
`4,489,731 12/ 1984 Baumberg
`.............. .. 128/690
`4,566,461 l/l986 Lubell et a1. ...................... .. 128/689
`Primary Examiner—-Francis J aworski
`Assistant Examiner-George Manuel
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Frishauf, Holtz, Goodman &
`A pulse detection apparatus includes a memory for
`storing the normal pulse count of a user. After taking
`some exercise such as jogging, the percentage of the
`pulse count, detected by a pulse sensor, with respect to
`the normal pulse count, is calculated, and the results are
`displayed, to allow the user to determine the recovery
`rate of his physical strength.
`21 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets


`US. Patent—Feb. 28, 1989 Sheet 1of19
`‘US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 1 0f 19
`FIG. 9B


`US. Patent
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 2 of 19
`A .


`US. Patent
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 3 of 19
` aS|wae3ae,IzDSsOz


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 4 0f 19
`F I G. 5
`--------- --
`N3 N2 N1
`M10 M1


`US. Patent I
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 5 Of 19


`US. Patent I Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 6 Of 19
`F l G. 7
`NI——NI+I V/T42
`x0—— PULSE
`NI — O
`\- g__ 9+1
`N2 -— O
`N3-— N3+ I
`{I —— I
`m-—m + 1


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 7 0f 19
`F l G. 8
`Tr-—- Tr+I
`|NT—— INT-I “J63
`INT = 0
`INT—— 5 J
`Y _-
`CT<-— cT+ I
`CT___ 0
`SR—-- I
`J __ 0
`SR~—— 0


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 8 of 19 i0
`5c\ JOG LPuLsEQQEcov
`N30 N20 NiO
`M0 M5


`U.S. Paten't
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 9 of 19
`' MO“— 1
`YES ST605
`NIo——I\IIo + I
`N2o—— N20+ I
`N20 __._ O
`N30<—— N30+ I
`T6“ x
`M5 ‘— 1
`c -— PULSE
`m3“ DISPLAY "c"


`US. Patent—Feb. 28, 1989 Sheet 100f19 4,807,639
`x Y


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 11 of 19
`F l G. 16
`FIG. 17


`Patent 'Feb.28,1989
`Sheet 12 0f19


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 13 0f 19
`FIG. 19A,Ln/l/l/l/L/LA“r
`F was“,
`F|G.19D| *
`FIG. 20
`GND “


`US. Patent
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 140f 19
`F 1G.
`47 Aw wo CO)
`F 1G. 22


`US. Patent
`Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 150f19
`FIG2A toomoooo
`FIG.23B toOOomoooo
`FIG 23
`F1G230 wmoooooo
`FIG 23— sooooooo
`FIG. 23F
`F 1G. 24


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 16 of 19
`—-——> 83 RAcE
`F | G 26 MI00
`---- —- §N300iN200iNI00
`M300 III
`‘J0 S0 SI


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 17 01 19
`H; .
`F l G. 27D


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 18 0f 19
`NiOO = 10
`N200———N2O +1
`\ Si___1
`T40? ‘YES
`N200 ~—- 0
`N300 <—- N300 + i


`US. Patent Feb. 28, 1989
`Sheet 19 of 19
`F l G. 29
`XO~—PULSE “T421
`DISPLAY "1-1"
`R8 —-—— 1
`P1-—- P1 - 5
`L ‘Rs-— 1
`T426\ P1<-— P1 + 5
`RQS__ O JT433


`increases. According to the present invention, the num-
`berof pulses is measured to detect the recovery rate or
`the recovery time, and the recovery rate or time is
`displayed to allow the user to easily determine the de-
`gree of increase in his physical strength.
`FIG.1 is a schematic view showing the outer appear-
`ance of a jogging watch with a built-in pulse detection
`apparatus according to the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a plan view showing the detailed arrange-
`ment of a display unit in the jogging watch in FIG.1;
`FIG.3 is a flow chart for explaining changes in dis-
`play. modes upon switching operations;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the jogging watch in
`FIG. 5 is a memory map showingthe detailed alloca-
`tion of the memory area in RAM 16 in FIG.4;
`FIG.6 is a flow chart showing the general operation
`of the jogging watch in FIG.1;
`FIG.7 is a flow chart showing the detailed operation
`in step T4 in FIG.6;
`FIG.8 is a flow chart showing the detailed operation
`in step T6 in FIG.6;
`FIGS.9A and 9B are plan viewsofthe display unit in
`FIG.2, showing different display states, respectively;
`FIG. 10 is a plan view of a display unit used in an-
`other embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG.11 is a memory map showing the detailed allo-
`cation of the memory area of a RAM used for the em-
`bodiment of FIG. 10;
`FIG.12 is a flow chart for explaining pulse recovery
`tate calculation in the embodiment of FIG. 10;
`FIGS.13, 14, and 15 are views showing details of the
`display unit in FIG. 10;
`FIG.16 is a schematic view showingpart of the outer
`appearance of a watch case of a jogging watch accord-
`ing to still another embodimentof the presentinvention;
`FIG.17 is a detailed view of the display unit used in
`FIG.18 is a diagram showing a jogging watchcircuit
`in FIG. 16;
`FIGS. 19A to 19D are timing charts showing the
`waveforms of the outputs from the circuit in FIG. 18;
`FIGS. 20 and 22 are respectively graphs showing
`output voltages of the circuit in FIG. 18;
`FIGS. 21A to 21F and FIGS. 23A to 23F are views
`showing display states of the output voltages in FIG.
`FIG.24 is a plan view showinga display unit accord-
`ing to still another embodimentofthe present invention;
`FIG.25 is a flow chart showing changes in display
`modes upon switching operations;
`FIG. 26 is a memory map of the memory area of a
`RAM used in the embodiment of FIG. 24,
`FIGS. 27A to 27D are respectively views showing
`the display states of the display unit in FIG. 24;
`FIG.28is a flow chart for explaining the operation in
`the jogging mode; and
`FIG,29 is a detailed flow chart showing pace control
`processing in FIG. 28.
`An embodiment of the present invention will now be
`described in detail with reference to the accompanying
`The present invention relates to a pulse detection
`apparatus incorporated in a jogging watch, a stop-
`watch, or a wristwatch to detect an increase in physical
`strength as a result of jogging or any other exercise,
`through detecting the numberof pluse (heartbeats).
`A conventional pulse counter for electronically
`counting the numberof pulses and displaying the count
`is well known. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,009,708
`describes a wristwatch type pulse counter capable of
`counting the numberof pulses per minute.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,101,071 describes an apparatus for
`calculating a calorie burn total according to the number
`of pulses and the length of exercise time.
`An assembly obtained by incorporating a pulse sensor
`in an electronic wristwatchis also known. For example,
`U.S. Pat. No. 3,937,004 describes a technique for incor-
`porating a pulse sensor in a wristwatch. U.S. Pat. No.
`4,086,916 describes a technique for incorporating a
`pulse sensor in a wristwatch band.
`In addition, U.S. Pat. No. 3,978,849 describes an ap-
`paratus for displaying an optimal exercise amount as
`well as the numberofpulses, or signalling to the user
`that the numberof pulses is too high.
`Although the conventional apparatuses can detect
`the numberof pulses, the exercise amount, dangerous
`physical condition, and the like, they cannot detect the
`level of increase in physical strength. More specifically,
`people do exercise such as jogging to maintain and
`develop fitness. Before exercise, the physical strength of
`individual persons varies. In addition, physical strength
`after taking exercise varies according to the degree of
`difficulty and duration of the exercise, and the physical
`fitness of each person. Therefore, no conventional appa-
`ratus can provide a criterion for detecting an increase in
`physical strength, thereby resulting in inconvenience.
`Thepresent invention has been madein consideration
`of the abovesituation, and has as its object to provide a
`pulse detection apparatus for accurately and easily de-
`tecting the degree of increase in physical strength upon
`taking exercise, through detecting the numberofpulses.
`In order to achieve the above object of the present
`invention, there is provided a pulse detection apparatus
`comprising key input means for input of a pulse count
`per unit time, storage means for storing the pulse count
`input at said key input means, a pulse sensor for detect-
`ing an actual. pulse, pulse measuring means for measur-
`ing the pulse count per unit time, according to a detec-
`tion output signal from said pulse sensor, operating
`means for performing a predetermined arithmetic oper-
`ation using at least the pulse count measured by said
`pulse measuring means and the pulse count stored in
`said storage means,and for producing operation data on
`the basis of the pulse count stored in said storage means,
`and display means for displaying the operation data
`calculated by said operating means.
`With the above arrangement,
`the pulse detection
`apparatus of the present invention has an effect for
`detecting the degree of an increase in physical strength
`upon taking exercise. The increased number of pulses
`after a person takes a predetermined exercise can be
`generally reduced io the normal number of pulses
`within a shorter period oftime as his. physical strength
`— oO
`_ ry


`ROM (Read Only Memory) 14 and othercircuits to be
`described later.
`ROM 14 stores a microprogram for controlling all
`operations of the jogging watch and outputs parallel
`microinstructions OP, DO, and NA. Microinstruction
`OP is input to instruction decoder 15. Decoder 15 de-
`codes microinstruction OP and supplies it as a read/-
`write instruction to input terminal R/W of RAM (Ran-
`dom Access Memory) 16 and as an operation instruc-
`10 tion to input terminal S of operation unit 17. Decoded
`microinstruction OP is also supplied as an operation
`instruction to input terminal S of pacemakercircuit 18.
`Circuit 18 supplies a signal to address controller 19, to
`generate pacemaker tones. Microinstruction DOis sup-
`15 plied as address data to input terminal Addr of RAM 16
`through a data bus and as numeric data to input terminal
`DI2 of operation unit 17. Microinstruction DO is also
`input to pacemakercircuit 18 and address controller 19.
`Microinstruction NA is next-address data input to con-
`0 troller 19, Address data output from controller 19 is
`input to input terminal Addr of ROM 14. Decoder 15
`outputs an alarm tone generation instruction and a stop
`instruction which are respectively supplied to input
`terminals S and R of SR flip-flop (SR-FF) 20, thereby
`25 setting and resetting SR-FF 20. A Q output from
`SR-FF 20 is supplied as a drive signal to alarm circuit
`21, to cause alarm tone generation section (i.e., a loud-
`speakeror a piezoelectric element) 22 to produce alarm
`FIG.1 is a plan view showing the outer appearance
`of a jogging watch with a built-in pulse detection appa-
`ratus according to the present invention. Display unit 1
`is arranged on the upper surface of the watch case. Unit
`1 comprisesliquid crystal display elements. As shown in
`FIG.2, unit 1 includes upperdigital display section 1A
`for digitally displaying the date, and lowerdigital dis-
`play section 1B for displaying the time (hour, minute,
`second, and second/100). Unit 1 also includes mode
`indicators 1C showing jogging mode name “JOG”,
`pulse count mode name “PULSE”, and recovery time
`count mode name “RECOV”for indicating the time
`required for the user to recover to the preset normal
`number of pulses after he has stopped jogging. These
`names are printed in positions corresponding to indica-
`tors 1C. Display unit 1 further includes display section
`1D of a 20X30 dot matrix. As shownin FIG.1, push-
`button switches SA, SB, Si, S2, and S3 are arranged on
`the upper surface and the sides of the watch case. These
`switches function as shownin FIG.3. Switch S3 serves
`as a modeselection switch for cyclically setting a basic
`timepiece mode, a jogging mode, a timer mode, and an
`alarm mode. Switch S2 serves as a set modeselection
`switch for selecting jogging pace setting or normal
`pulse count setting. Upon operation of switch $2, the
`currently set mode is cancelled, and the previous jog-
`ging mode is restored. Although omitted in FIG. 3,
`upon operation of switch S2 in the basic timepiece
`mode, the time correction mode is set; upon operation
`of switch $2in the alarm mode, the alarm setting mode
`is initiated. Upon operation of switch S3 in pace or
`normal pulse countsetting, a desired pace count (num-
`berof steps/minute) can be set according to the number
`of operations of switch $3. In addition, when switch SA.
`is operated, a desired normal pulse count falling within
`the range of 30 pulses to 100 pulses can be set according
`to the number of operations of switch SA. The desired
`normal pulse count is then stored in the P register in
`RAM16(to be described later). Switch SA serves as a
`start/stop switch in the jogging mode. When jogging
`begins upon operation of switch SA, alarm tones are
`generated at the pace set with switch $3. Switch SB
`servesas a split/reset switch (not shown). U.S. Pat. No.
`4,510,485 describes a technique for setting a pace count
`and generating pace tones upon operationof the start/-
`stop switch.
`Referring to FIG. 1, fingerstall 2 is detachably con-
`nected to one side of the watch case, through cord 3.
`Pulse sensor 4 is arranged inside fingerstall 2. Sensor 4
`consists ofa light-emitting element such as an LED,and
`a light-receiving element such as a phototransistor.
`Light from the light-emitting element is emitted onto a
`finger, and light reflected by the fingeris incident on the
`light-receiving element. A change in the amount of 55
`blood flowing, caused bypulses, is detected as a change
`in the amountof received light. The numberof pulsesis
`measured according to the resultant photoelectric pulse
`wave. Pulse detection will be described in more detail
`The arrangementof the jogging watch circuit will be
`described with reference to FIG. 4. The jogging watch
`is operated according to a microprogram control sys-
`tem capable of 8-bit parallel processing. A 32.768-kHz
`clock signal normally generated by oscillator 11 is fre-
`quency-divided by frequency divider 12. The frequen-
`cy-divided signal is supplied to timing signal generator
`13. Generator 13 supplies various timing signals to
`Although the arrangement of RAM 16 will be de-
`scribed in detail later, RAM 16 has an inputdata regis-
`ter, an operation register, and the like, and is used for
`timepiece processing, key input processing, arithmetic
`processing, and jogging processing. RAM 16is read/-
`35 write accessed under the control of instruction decoder
`15. Data read out from output terminal DO of RAM 16
`is supplied to input terminal DI1 of operation unit 17
`and pacemaker circuit 18, and is displayed on display
`unit 1 through display controller (consisting of a de-
`40 coder and a driver) 25. Operation unit 17 performs
`various arithmetic operations in response to operation
`instructions from insiruction decoder 15. Operation
`result data from output terminal DO of operation unit
`17 is supplied to input terminal DI of RAM 16 and
`45 stored therein. Operation unit 17 also outputs a signal
`representing the presence/absence of the operation
`result data, and a signal representing the presence/ab-
`sence of a carry signal in the judging sequence. These
`signals are supplied to address controller 19, to update
`50 the address of ROM 14, so that timepiece processing is
`executed by interruption for every 1/32 second. An
`output from pulse detection control circuit 23 for con-
`verting a photoelectic pulse wave detected by pulse
`sensor 4 to a signal representing the corresponding
`numberofpulses, is input to input terminal DI3 of unit
`17. A key code output upon operation of a switch is
`supplied from inputunit 24 to input terminal DI2 ofunit
`FIG. 5 shows the memory map of the memoryarea of
`60 RAM 16. Referring to FIG. 5, reference numeral 16A
`denoies a register for storing current time data. Refer-
`ence symbols N1, N2, and N3 denote registers for stor-
`ing time periodsafter the start ofjogging; and J, a regis-
`ter for storing the end of jogging. Reference symbols
`65 Mi and M10 denote registers for respectively storing
`one minute and 10 minutesafter the start ofjogging; and
`X1 to X10, registers for storing pulse counts, respec-
`tively. The 1 register designates addresses of registers


`X1 to X10. Reference symbols Z1 to Z30 denote regis-
`ters for storing average counts of 10 pulse detection
`cycles; and m,a register for designating the addresses of
`registers Z1 to Z30.
`Reference symbol P denotesa register for storing the
`jogging pace count; and A, a register for storing the
`normal pulse count.
`Reference symbol Tr denotesa register for counting
`a period after the end ofjogging; INT,a 5-second timer
`register; Y, a register for storing a pulse count for every
`‘five seconds; CT, a binary register; and SR, a register
`for storing an alarm tone generation flag.
`The overall operation of the circuit described above
`will now be decribed with reference to FIG. 6. In step
`TI, the circuit is held in the waiting state (HALT) until
`a timepiece or key processing request is generated. If a
`timepiece timingis obtained, the flow advancesto step
`T2. The timepiece processing program is accessed and
`timepiece. processing is. started. Basic timepiece data
`stored in timepiece storage register 16A in the first line
`of RAM 16 is added to predetermined unit data, to
`obtain current time. The currenttime datais transferred
`to register 16A in RAM 16, to update the time to the
`current time. In the next step T3, the content of the J
`register in RAM 16 is checked. The J register stores the
`jogging modeflag. During jogging measurement, J=1
`is set. In this case, jogging processing(to be described in
`detail later) is performed, in step T4. However,if the
`user doesnot jog,the flow advances to step TS to deter-
`mine whether J=2 is set. If YES in step TS, recovery
`time measurement is performed, in step T6. When jog-
`ging processing (step T4) and recovery time measure-
`ment (step T6) are completed, display processing is
`performed in step T7, and the flow returns to step T1.
`Upon operation of any switch, a corresponding key
`processing program is accessed, and key processing
`thereof is performed, in step T8. The processedresults
`are displayed in step T7, and the flow returns to step T1.
`When a jogging pace.or normal pulse countis set in the
`jogging mode, switch S2 is operated, to select the set-
`ting mode. If the pace countis set, switch S3 is oper-
`ated; and if the normal pulse countis set, switch SA is
`operated. As a result of key. processing in step T8, a
`desired jogging pace countis set in the P register, ac-
`cording to the number of operations of switch $3. A
`desired normal pulse countof the user is set in the A
`register, according to the number of operations of
`switch SA. Whenvarious necessary data are registered
`prior to jogging, the user operates switch S1, to change
`to the jogging mode. Thereafter,
`the user operates
`switch SA when he starts jogging. Upon operation of
`switch SA, a jogging modeflag “1”is set in the J regis-
`ter in RAM 16. Upon second operation of switch SA,
`the jogging modeis interrupted and “2” is set in the J
`FIG.7 is a flow chart for explaining detailed opera-
`tions ofjogging processing (step T4) in FIG.6. In step
`T41, a check is made as to whethera one-second signal
`after the start of jogging is present. If the one-second
`signal is determined to have been output, the content of
`the N1register (i.e., the jogging measurementregister
`for measuring jogging timein units of seconds) in RAM
`16 is incremented in incrementation processing, in step
`T42. As a result, if the value of the N1 register is “10”,
`ie., if the current timing is discriminated as each 10th
`second timing after the start of jogging, the flow ad-
`vances to step T44. In step T44, the content of the N1
`register is cleared, and at the same time the N2register
`(the jogging measurement register for measuring jog-
`ging time for every 10 seconds) in RAM 16is incre-
`mented by one. Whether or not each one minute has
`elapsed after the start of jogging, is determinedin step
`T45. In other words, it is determined whether the count
`of the N2 register is “6”. If YES in step T45, the content
`of the N2 register is cleared and the content of the N3
`register (the jogging measurementregister for measur-
`ing each one minute of the jogging time) in RAM 16is
`incremented by one, in step T46. In step T47, a one-
`minute lapse flag “1” is set in the M1 register in RAM
`16, so as to indicate the timing representing the lapse of
`each one minute after the start of jogging. This logic
`flag “1” in the M1 register is used to execute pulse
`measurement (to be described later). Uponstart of jog-
`ging, the N1, N2, and N3registers are updated to se-
`quentially measure time values for one-second, 10-
`second, and 1-minute digit positions. In step T48, the
`time measurementfor the upper “minute” digit position
`after the lapse of one minute, is detected in the same
`manner as described above.
`The pulse count operation, upon start of jogging, is
`performed in the following manner:
`In step T49, it is determined whether the value of the
`m register in RAM 16is “30”. If NO in step T49, in step
`T50, whether a one-minute lapse timing is obtained is
`determined according to whether the content of the M1
`register includesthe logic flag “1”. The pulse measuring
`operation is performed in step T51 at the timing repre-
`senting the lapse of each one minuteafter start of jog-
`ging. The measuredpulse countis stored in the XIregis-
`ter among the X1 to X10 registers in RAM 16,in re-
`sponse to the value of the | register. The X1 to X10
`registers are for storing pulse counts per minute. Incre-
`mentation processing is performed in step T52, to incre- ©
`mentthe valueof the | register by one. In step T53,it is
`determined whether the value of the | register exceeds
`“10". If ten one-minute pulse counts are detected, the
`value of the I register exceeds “10”. Initialization pro-
`cessing is then performed in step T54 to transfer “1” to
`the | register. The one-minute pulse counts are sequen-
`tially stored in the X1 to X10 registers. The ten one-
`minute pulse counts are subjected to an operation
`(1/10) 21 Xi,
`in step T55, thereby obtaining an average pulse count
`for 10 minutes. The average pulse countis stored in the
`2m register among the Z1 to Z30 registers, in response
`to the value of the m register. The Z1 to Z30 registers
`are 10-minute average pulse count storage registers. In
`step T56, the content of the M10 register in RAM 16 is
`checked. The M10register stores a 10-minutelapseflag.
`Whenever 10 minutes have elapsed,
`processing is performed, in step T57, to increment the
`value of the register by one. The contents of the Z1 to
`Z30 registers are displayed as a graph in dot matrix
`display section 1C, in step T58. This operation is re-
`peated until the count of the m register reaches “30”. A
`maximum ofthirty 10-minute average pulse counts (for
`a period offive hours) are sequentially stored in the 71
`to Z30 registers, and the contents thereofare displayed
`as a graph.
`FIG. 9A shows a displayed graph. Every time the
`pulse count is measured, the display state is set in the
`pulse measurement mode. The date data of jogging is


`displayed in digital display section 1A. Time data of the
`pulse count measurementis displayed in digital display
`section 1B. A graph showing the 30 average 10-minute
`pulse counts is displayed in display section 1D. Since
`changesin pulse counts during jogging can be displayed
`as a graph, the user can check changesin the graph, to
`obtain subsequent pacemaking criteria, thereby effec-
`tively improving his physical strength.
`FIG.8 is a flow chart of recovery time measurement
`(step T6) in FIG. 6. This flow is started by interrupting
`jogging. In step T61, the count of the Tr counter in
`RAM 16is incremented by one. The Tr counter is a
`recovery time measuring counter for measuring the
`time required for recovering to normalpulse countafter
`jogging. The recovery timeis displayed in display sec-
`tion 1B, in step T62. The count of the INT counter in
`RAM 16is decremented by one, in step T63. The INT
`counteris for counting a pulse count measuring interval
`for every five seconds after the end of jogging. In step
`T65, it is determined whether the count of the INT
`counter has reached zero. If YES in step T65, the initial
`count value “5 seconds”is set in the INT counter. After
`a lapse of 5 seconds, the pulse count is measured, in step
`T66, and the count valueis transferred to the Y register
`in RAM 16.In step T67, the count value in the Y regis-
`ter is compared with the normal count value in the A
`register in RAM 16. If the measured value is smaller
`than the normal pulse count, the flow advances from
`step 167 to step T68, in which the count of the CT
`counter in RAM 16 is incremented by one. The CT
`counter counts the number of events that the measured
`value is smaller than the normal pulse countin order to
`find that such an event happens twice succesively. In
`step T69, it is determined whether the value of the CT
`counter is “2”. If the values measured for every five
`secondsafter jogging are smaller, twice consecutively,
`than the normal pulse count, this is detected in step T69.
`The flow advances to step T70, and the count of the CT
`counter is cleared. The recovery time measurement end
`tone flag “1”is set in the SR register in RAM 16,in step
`T71. In step T72, the recovery time measurement end
`tones are generated at alarm tone generation section 22,
`to signal to the user, by use of a tone, the end of recov-
`ery time measurement. At the same time, the content of 4
`the Tr register is displayed. Thereafter, the SR and J
`registers are cleared, in step T73. The Tr counter mea-
`sures as the recovery time, a period after which the
`pulse count measured for every five seconds is smaller,
`twice consecutively, than the normal pulse count. As a
`result, the recovery timeis digitally displayed, as shown
`in FIG, 9B. FIG. 9B thus showsthe display state in the
`recovery time measurement mode. In this manner,since
`the recovery time required to restore normal pulse
`count after jogging is measured and displayed, the jog-
`ger who runs a predetermined course every day or for
`every predetermined interval can determine the degree
`of improvement of his physical strength by checking
`the recovery rate after running along the predetermined
`FIGS. 10 to 15 show another embodiment of the
`present invention. In the embodiment of FIGS, 1 to 9B,
`the improvementof physical strength is determined by
`measuring the time required for restoring the normal
`pulse count. However, the object of the present inven-
`tion is achieved in the embodiment of FIGS. 10 to 15,
`by displaying the recovery rate to the normal pulse
`FIG. 10 shows the segment electrode structure of
`display unit § in a jogging watch with a built-in pulse
`detection apparatus according to the present invention.
`The segment electrodes in unit 5 are constituted by
`liquid crystal display elements. Unit 5 includes upper
`and lowerdigital display sections 5A and 5B. The mode
`i.e., jogging mode name “JOG”, pulse count
`mode name “PULSE”, and recovery rate operation
`mode name “RECOV”are printed, and mode indica-
`tors 5C are arranged in the same mannerasin display
`unit 5 in FIG.2.
`Switches SA, SB, S1, $2, and S3 are arranged on a
`watch case, as in FIG. 1. Fingerstall 2 with built-in
`pulse sensor 4 is connected to the case through cord 3.
`The operations of the switches and the circuit arrange-
`ment are the same as those shown in FIG.4.
`The overall flow is the sameas that in FIG.6, except
`that the flow in step T6 (FIG. 6) differs from that in
`FIG. 8. The operation in step T6 is performed accord-
`ing to the flow chart in FIG. 12. RAM 16 has memory
`area allocation to perform the flow in FIG.12, as shown
`in FIG. 11.
`In addition to the P register for storing the pace
`count, the A register for storing the normal pulse count,
`and the J register for storing the jogging mode flag
`shownin FIG. §, RAM 16 also includes an MOregister
`for storing a signal representing interruption ofjogging,
`an MSregister for storing a signal representing the lapse
`of five minutes after jogging, a B register for storing the
`pulse count at the interruption of jogging, a C register
`for storing the pulse count five minutes after the inter-
`ruption of jogging, N10, N20, and N30 registers for
`measuring times after the interruption of jogging, and
`an R

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