PTO/SB/17 (12-97)
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`l'l.Y \
`'l~~\\ ~A:p:~~ica:ti:on:N:u~mb~e~r ======~:u:'tJ1:'1B:11:,,:;j~::::========:
`J7Al LP
`'?,. \
`~1g Date
`uctober 28, 1998
`.~- 1-a...--.--..... -------..+-............ ---.-.,......--------1
`~~.~.!'Group Art Unit
`" Note: Effective October 1,
`~r.0~"' ·
`~.aiQ11 ·-
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`M. Wambach
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`March 15, 200 /
`,~ .... ...,, ... --,
`J o>"'
`Pyles e~al. :·r.<
`\ Date:
`Octobe 28, 199 \. '\) JJ Docket No.:
`0911811738 ~~-!'""
`~ p
`""·"IT~, .. ·
`Art Unit:
`Application No.:
`Certificate of Mailing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an
`envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`on~'1.«b I~~
`~- LlS--1~
`Jeffry W. Smith. Reg. No. 33455
`Name of applicant, assignee or Registered Representative
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Dear Sir:
`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. §1.56, applicant wishes to call the attention of the Examiner
`to the following documents:


`, __ ................ , .. ____________________ _
`Other Documents
`SPORTSLINE PRODUCTS, "Fitness Pedometer 360", web page, lpg.
`SPORTSLINE PRODUCTS, Fitness Pedometer 360 packaging labels, 5 pgs.
`Copies of these documents are submitted herewith along with Forni PTO/SB08B.
`Applicant respectfully requests that these documents be expressly considered during the
`prosecution of this application and made of record herein and appear among the "documents
`cited" on any patent to issue herefrom.
`This disclosure is being made pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.97(c)(2) and is accompanied by
`the fee set forth in 3 7 C.F.R. § l. l 7(p ). If this fee is deficient in any manner, please charge
`Account No. 15-0660. A duplicate of this paper is filed herewith.
`Respectfully submitted,
`mith, Reg. No. 33455
`Attorney for Applicant
`Lathrop & Clark LLP
`740 Regent Street, Suite 400
`P. 0. Box 1507
`Madison, Wisconsin 53701
`(608) 257-7766


`. ',,_.,,,, .. _ · - - - - - - - - ---------.
`.~ ... --~ ..... ~
`<. JC~a,te:
`March 15, 2000
`Pyles et al.
`":/. ~..
`October 28, 19~'-.
`~~~ D~-cket No.: EPIXINC-4
`'\. '\~
`,":'" .. ./lt Unit:
`09/ 181,738 { ~~CV
`'\~ .. "·
`\ .
`· .... ~ PATEN~-\>
`\ .. 'l
`28 16
`~._._..... .
`Examiner: M. Wambach
`Application No.:
`Certificate of Mailing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an
`envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`on~ ". c.r b I~ -iuv-v
`~· hlS--1:L
`a lure
`Jeffry W. Smith. Reg. No. 33455
`Name of applicant, assignee or Registered Representative
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 2023 1
`Dear Sir:
`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.56, applicant wishes to call the attention of the Examiner
`to the following documents:


`Other Documents
`SPORTSLINE PRODUCTS, "Fitness Pedometer 360", web page, lpg.
`SPORTSLINE PRODUCTS, Fitness Pedometer 360 packaging labels, 5 pgs.
`Copies of these documents are submitted herewith along with Form PTO/SB08B.
`Applicant respectfully requests that these documents be expressly considered during the
`prosecution of this application and made of reeord herein and appear among the "documents
`cited" on any patent to issue herefrom.
`This disclosure is being made pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.97(c)(2) and is accompanied by
`the fee set forth in 37 C.F.R. § l. l 7(p ). If this fee is deficient in any manner, please charge
`Account No. 15-0660. A duplicate of this paper is filed herewith.
`Respectfully submitted,
`B:--.... ::1!J:.J;::]~W~~----=--· :fl __
`mith, Reg. No. 33455
`Attorney for Applicant
`Lathrop & Clark LLP
`740 Regent Street, Suite 400
`P. 0 . Box 1507
`Madison, Wisconsin 53701
`(608) 257-7766


`PTO/SB/OSB (10-96)
`for use through 10/31199. OMB 0651·0031
`Application Number
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`Patent and Trademark., ffice; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`I 1
`I Of
`I 1
`Filing Date
`October 28, 1998
`First Named Inventor
`Nathan Pyles
`Group Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`M. Wambach
`Attorney Docket Number
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of the item (book,
`magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog. etc.). date. pa9e(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city
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`SPOR=FSWll!! ~RO!;" 1CTS, "Filne!S Pedoill!!lel 3110 • Web page, 1 ~
`···················· .............. ;.:.;,--::i:£';············"1(:~ ..... :·············· .. ······················"········· .. ······"··············"""'"················· .. ······ .. ······························ .. ···· ............... .
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`t\.~ i.
`......................... 'i,. ................................... ">-~········ .. ·················•·•"'"''"''•••"•······ ............................................................................................................... .
`·-~ !!.§.N£.6.~r>'
`···················· ·············· .................................................................................................. :·······················································--·······--··················· ·····-··········
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................... ,.,·~· ................. -.......... ····· ....................... -. . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .............. .
`lAio\ rv\ h Q c.- '"
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`Considered G /-z...v /o 0
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`'Unique citation designation number. 2App1icant is to place a checK mark here if English language translation is attached
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`In The United States Patep.t And Trademark Office
`Date: March 15, 2~00
`Pyles et al.
`09/181 ,738 ; ;
`October 28, 199/68\'? 'i;.
`Jc.7.;.\Docket No.: EPIXTNC)
`\ti~~~ ~) Art Unit: 2816 /
`ii.; q
`~°J Examiner:
`Date Filed:
`App. No.:
`:('. ', .
`ri.!i~~e of Mailing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an
`envelope addressed to: Box Non-Fee Amendment,
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, D.C. 2023 1
`on~1.,,J, l~W
`(J~rn!7Je n . A £
`-···-- - -=-~.;,; 7L.
`Jeffry W. Smith, Reg. No. 33455
`Name of applicant, assignee or Registered Representati vc
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Dear Sir:
`This is in response to a January 28, 2000 Official Action. In view of the following
`amendments and remarks reconsideration and allowance of the application are requested.
`In the Claims
`. /L / / f / / I
`Please cancel claims 1, 2,.3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 without prejudice.
`Please amend the following claims as indicated.
`03/23/2000 "SHlfERA 00000032 09181738
`240.00 OP
`01 rc:t2f>


`,, _____ ,, ____________ _
`App141,,,::tnt: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`~ tra smi ter in communication with the ste
`a receiver mountable on a user second bod
`nal transmitted
`from the transmitter and use the si al to calculate a distance traveled
`(The pedometer of claim 1 ), wherein the ansmitter transmits the signal a wireless
`distance in the range of [thirty] zero to thirt - i
`counter to enerate a si nal
`ortion to receive the si nal transmitted
`the transmitter and se the si al to calculate a <l's ance traveled
`[The pedometer of claim 1 ], whfrein the receiver is mountable on a user's wrist.
`I n (Amended.) A pedometer comprising:
`a step counter mountable on a user first body portion;
`a transmitter in communication with the step counter to general¢ a signal
`coITesponding to each step and transmit the signal;
`a receiver mountable on a user second body portion to receive the signal transmitted
`from the transmitter and use the signal to calculate a distance traveled;
`a heart rate monitor; and
`a second_Jransmitter in communication with the heart rate monitor to transmit a signal
`corresponding to a heart rate monitored by the heart rate monitor to the receiver
`and display the calculated heart rate
`[The pedometer of claim 9], wherein the heart rate monitor and the [step counter]


`Ap(.JriJ. ~mt: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`transmi tter.arc mounted in a si~gk chest-mount housing.
`13 . (Amended.) A edometer co
`a ste
`a tra
`enerate a si nal
`al· and
`eceive the si nal transmitted
`fl o
`al to calculate a distance traveled
`[The pedometer of clai
`l], wherein the pedometer includes a data processor
`programmed to calculate [a) t e distance traveled by multiplying the number of strides taken by a
`stride length that varies ace
`·ding to [the] .!! rate at which strides are taken.
`17. (Amended.) A pedometer comprising:
`a step counter;
`e step counter to generate a step count signal
`nd transmit the step count signal; and
`ody ortion to receive the step count signal
`ter and calculate a distance from a number of stiides
`measured by the s p counter; and
`a data processor pro gr med to calculate a distance traveled by multiplying the number
`of strides ta n by a stride length that varies according to [the] ~rate at which
`tEb ~- (Amended.) The pedometer of clain~~. wherein the [transm~sion] step count signal
`is digitally coded.


`Api--.. :mt: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`~- (Amended.) The pedometer of claim~, [where in] wherein the transmitter transmits
`the signal a wireless distance in the range of [thirty] zero to thirty-six inches.
`\~~-(Amended.) The pedometer of claim W, and further comprising:
`a heart rate monitor; and
`a second transmitter in communication with the heart rate monitor to transmit a heart rate
`signal corresponding to a heart rate [calculated] monitored by the heart rate
`monitor to the receiver and display the calculated hea11 rate.
`:~.(Amended.) The pedometer of claim~, wherein the heart rate signal is at a
`different frequency than the [pedometer] step count signal.
`~- (Amended.) The pedometer of claim~ wherein the heart rate monitor and the step
`counter are mounted in a single chest-mount housing.
`'IP~. (Amended.) A pedometer programmed to calculate an actual stride length of a user
`by perfonning the steps of:
`timing a user first run of a predetermined distance to obtain a user first run time;
`counting l the] ~ total number of strides in the user first run;
`dividing the first run distance by the [stride count] total number of strides to obtain a base
`stride length;
`dividing the stride count by the first run time to obtain a base stride rate;
`counting strides in a period of time during a user second run to obtain an actual stride
`calculating the actual stride length using the fonnula:
`Actual Stride Length= Base Stride Length+ Base Stride Length *(((Actual Stride


`AtJ.,.' 1nt: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`Rate - Base Stride Rate)N)/Base Stride Rate);
`where N is in the range of between 1 and 3;
`calculates the actual stride length [distance] using a formula that correlates a specific
`stride length to a specific stride rate.
`' }
`~·(Amended.) The pedometer of claim~, wherein the [receiver processes the step
`count signal and displays] pedometer is further pro~ammed to calculate and display [the]~
`distance traveled on a viewing screen.
`7. (Amended.) A pedometer programmed to calculate an actual stride length of a user by
`performing the steps of:
`timing a user first run of a predetennined first run distance to obtain a first run time;
`counting [the] g total number of strides in the user first run;
`dividing the first nm distance by the [stride count] total number of strides in the user first
`run to obtain a first run [base] stride length and a base stride length;
`dividing the first run stride count by the first run time to obtain a first run [base] stride
`rate and a base stride rate;
`timing a user second run of a prcdetennined second run distance to obtain a second run
`counting [the] f! total number of strides in the user second run;
`dividing the second run distance by the total number of strides in the user second nm
`[stride count] to obtain a second [base] run stride length;
`dividing the total number of strides in the second run [stride count] by the second run
`time to obtain a second [base] nm stride rate;
`timing a user third run of a predetennined third run distance to obtain a third run time;
`counting [the] ~ total number of strides in the user third run~


`......... ........... --·------------------
`App .. :::ant: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181 ,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`dividing the third run distance by the total number of strides in the user third run (stride
`count] to obtain a third [base] run stride length;
`dividing the total number of strides in the third run [stride count] by the third run time to
`obtain a third run [base J stride rate;
`counting strides in a period of time during a user fourth run to obtain an actual stride rate;
`calculating the actual stride length using the formula:
`Actual Stride Length = Base Stride Length+ Base Stride Length *(((Actual Stride
`Rate· Base Stride Rate)N)/Base Stride Rate);
`where N is calculated by the fonnula ((Second Run Stride Length multiplied by
`First Run Stride Rate) - (First Run Stride Length multiplied by First Run Stride
`Rate)) I (First Run Stride Length multiplied by (Second Run Stride Rate - First
`Run Stride Rate)) when the Actual Stride Rate is greater than the First Run Stride
`Rate, and where N is calculated by the formula ((Third Run Stride Length
`multiplied by First Run Stride Rate} - (First Run Stride Length multiplied by First
`Run Stride Rate)) I (First Run Stride Length multiplied by (Third Run Stride Rate
`- First Run Stride Rate)) when the Actual Stride Rate is less than or equal to the
`First Run Stride Rate.
`. (Amended.) A method for calculating an actual stride length comprising the steps
`ti ming a first user run of a predetermined distance to obtain a first run time;
`counting a total number of strides in the [user] first user nm to obtain a stride count;
`dividing the first nm time by the stride count to obtain a Base Stride Length;
`dividing the stride count by the first run time to obtain a Base Stride Rate;
`counting strides in a pre-determined period during a user second run to
`obtain an Actual Stride Rate;


`Api--.. ~ant: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181 ,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`cakulating the actual stride length using the formula:
`Actual Stride Length= Base Stride Length+ Base Stride Length *(((Actual Stride
`Rate - Base Stride Rate)N)/Base Stride Rate); wherein N is between one and
`Claims l, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 were all rejected under 35 U.S.C. §102 or §103.
`Applicants believe these claims are allowable over the cited art, but have canceled these claims
`to expedite prosecution of the application. The remaining claims were rejected under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 112, for the specific reasons cited on page 2 of the action.
`Applicants have amended either the specific claims listed in the § 112 rejection or the
`independent claims from which the rejected claims depend. It is believed that all of the §112
`issues were addressed, but if the examiner disagrees, the undersigned counsel for Applicants is
`available for a telephone interview to expedite prosecution of this application.
`C laims 5, 6, 9, and 13 all depended directly or indirectly from independent claim l, now
`canceled. In claim 1 as originally filed, the last line included the phrase "calculate a distance
`measured by the step counter" to describe the function of the receiver after receiving a signal
`from the transmitter. In fact, the step counter does not "measure" anything. Step counters only
`count steps. In the invention as claimed herein, the receiver does the calculating based on the
`signal received from the step counter. Thus, in claims 5, 6, 9, and 13, the language of base claim
`1 has been amended to make clear that the receiver calculates a distance traveled based, at least
`in part, on the signal received from the step counter.
`Similarly, claim 12 depended from intervening base claim 9, which included the phrase
`"a heart rate calculated by the heart rate monitor." The heart rate monitocdoes not "calculate" a
`heart rate. Rather, the heart rate monitor recited in claim 9 simply "monitors" or counts heart
`beats. The receiver then calculates and displays the heart rate. Thus, the claim 9 language added
`to claim 12 has been amended to clarify this point. Claim 25 includes a similar amendment.


`. ··--·-- - -- -----------
`Applicant: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2816
`In addition, claims 5 and 21 were amended to make the transmission range from zero to
`th i11y-six inches. This reflects the broadest range supported by the specification at page 4, lines
`23-29. So long as the signal is transmitted no more than the thirty to thirty-six inch range, it
`avoids interference '"1ith other Rf or digital devices. Given this, the two portions of the device can
`be mounted on different body parts vvithout interference from external signals. Thus, zero inches
`is the smallest distance and thirty-six inches is the largest distance of transmission for this
`preferred embodiment as recited in claims 5 and 21.
`Next, claim 37 was amended to accommodate the examiner's proposed changes to this
`claim. In addition, the "first run stride length" was given the dual name of "base stride length'',
`and "first stride rate" was given the dual name "base stride rate". These terms are necessary to
`provide the necessary antecedent basis for the formula recited at the end of the claim.
`The claims that were allowable if rewritten to overcome the § 112 rejection and put into
`independent claim fonnat have been amended to include all of the limitations of their respective
`base claims. Thus, all remaining claims are in condition for allowance. No new matter is believed
`to be added by this amendment.
`Further, submitted herewith is a Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement citing a
`web page and instructions for a pedometer that is now commercially available. Applicants have
`no infonnation indicating that this is prior art to the present application, but in the interest of full
`disclosure bring it to the examiner's attention. It is noteworthy that the instructions describe the
`pedometer as able to distinguish a walking stride length from a running stride length, and to
`calculate a "steps per minute". (Page 4, "Speed Function".) Significantly, however, this
`pedometer can only measure distance based on a unifom1 stride length. These instructions
`specifically state, "It is important to walk or run or hike consistently. If tou vary your walking
`pace> your stride length will vary and your distance traveled will be [different]." (Page 3> "Your
`Stride Length".) Fm1her, the user's stride length must be measured and then input into this
`pedometer's "memory". It does not measure stride length automatically. (Page 3, "How to


`Applicant: Pyles et al.
`Application No.: 09/181,738
`Art Unit: 2e 16
`Measure Your Stride".) Thus, even if this pedometer were prior art, it has no bearing on the
`allowabi lity of the claims, particularly those relating to variable stride lengths.
`C on clusion
`For the foregoing reasons, Applicants submit that this case is in condition for allowance
`and respectfully request that the application be passed to issue.
`Respectfully submitted, I
`~ w
`. Smith, Reg. No. 33455
`Attorney for Applicant
`Lathrop & Clark LLP
`740 Regent Street, Suite 400
`P.O. Box 1507
`Madison, Wisconsi n 53701-1507
`(608) 257-7766
`Amdl I .res/arr.di


`PT0/$8121 (12·97)
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`a .~. ;
`/.i r:> '} '.~ ' ,
`' ( )
`October 28, 1998
`,. ...
`Nathan Pyles
`/' \ \' \
`M. Wambach
`0 Arter Allowance Communicalion
`D Appeal Communication to Board
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`M~R 2 9 2000
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`I ,Jeffry W. Smith, Reg. No. 33455
`;c,:._ t:b.
`I Dale -rfA. ... ~JL Ui z.o.ri>
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`PTO/SB/21 (12-97)
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`\· ;;:iJ o be used for all correspondence afler initial filing)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Group Art Unit
`October 28, 1998
`Nathan Pyles
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`(For an Application)
`Total Number of Pages in This Submission I
`D Fee Transmittal Form
`D Assignment Papers
`D Fee Attached
`D Amendment I Response
`M. Wambach
`D After Allowance Communication
`D Appeal Communication to Board
`Appeals and Interferences
`(Appeal Notice. Brief. Reply
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`Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53
`Firm or Individual name ~f fry w. Smith, Reg. No. 33455
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`1 hereoy oenify that this correspondence Is oeing l!eposlled with the united States Poslal Servioe as first Class
`mail in an envelOpe addressed to: Asslstanl Commissioner for Patents. Washington, 0.C. 20231 on this elate:
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`I ~Jeffry w. Smith, Reg. No. 33455
`I ' ~, -'· ~ Cf:.
`I Date f /At·· :. L zt, LMfi>


`/'b \ r' E-~·,,~
`~ MAR 2 7 2000
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`'<.. .. 9
`°"'~;J:::W In the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`<,{. .. ,
`Pyles et al.
`Docket No. :
`March 21, 2 ' l
`Application No.:
`Art Unit:
`October 28, 1998
`2816 /'I
`M. Wambach
`t!~~ 2 9 iuou
`~CHNOLOGY crn1r:.R 2aOO
`Certificate of Mailing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence
`is being deposited with the United
`States Postal Service as fim class mail
`in an envelope addressed to:
`Assistanl Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 2023 I
`On °1'L.Ad 7-- l 7Mt)
`Signatu%; J £-:tt
`Jeffry W. Smilh. ~~.Q, 33455
`Name of Applicant, assignc~ or
`Registered Representative
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`WashinglOn, D.C. 2023 1
`Dear Sirs:
`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.56, Applicants wish to call the attention of the Examiner
`to the following documents:
`United States Patents
`U.S. Patent No.
`Issue Date
`Kato et al.
`Foreign Patent Documents

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