111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
`US007923536 B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Desai et al.
`(1U) Pate nt No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,923,536 B2
`"'Apr. 12,2011
`DEI.lVERY OF I'Il A lli\l,\ CO I,oGICA I.
`M-;.~ NTS
`Inventors: Neil .... Lk-sai, Los Angeles, CA (US);
`P~tric k Soon-Shio ng, [.m Angeles, CA
`(US): Vuong Tri~u, Cnlobasas. C:\. (US)
`(73) Assignee: A hra ~ is nifiScience, LLc' Los Angeles,
`CA (US)
`( . ) NOIK:c:
`Suhject to any disclaimer, the tcnn Oflhi5
`p~lcnl is cXlcndt-d or adjusK-d under 35
`U,S.C.154(b)by Odays.
`Ibis patent is subject to a tcmlinaJ dis-
`(21 ) App!. No' 12n58,4 13
`(22) Filed:
`Ap r. 12, 20 10
`Prior Publi.:ution Data
`US20 1OJOJ %490AI
`Aug_ 5, 2010
`Related U.S. Ap pl ka tion 1)>11>1
`(63) Continuation of applicatinJ\ No. I I / SB~139, filed on
`Oct. 26. 2006. now J\ll. No. 7,820,788. which is n
`continualion of a pplic:Jtion No. 101731,224. fib..! on
`De.:. 9, 200), nOW abandoned.
`(60) Provisio na l application No. 60/432,.'\ 17, filed on Dec.
`9, 2002, provisiollol opplicntioll No. 60/526,544. filed
`on Dec. 3, 2003. provisional
`tlpplicmion No.
`6Qf526,773, !lied on
`lX-.::. 4, 2003, provision .. )
`application No. 6(\1527,177, tiled on Dec . 5, 2003
`C07K 14176
`u.s. u .
`530'350; 9771779; 977/906 ; 977/911
`Field o r C I~~sific~l i otl S~~rc h ...... .................. None
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`TIle present in\"~nlion rel,des to a ph"nlrncemical (;omposi,
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`16 <':I .. ;m~, N o iJraw;ng.
`Apotex v. Abraxis - IPR20 18-00 153, Ex. 100 1, p.O I of24


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`undcsirnble side effe(;ts upon administr:nion when compared
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`r<--duccd pH, drug dcgradmion, and discolorntion, thereby
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`cardiovascul<lr complic<ltions). or c<luse dl'Slllbilisati()n of
`propolol emulsions.
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`fommbted with a lowcr pll (see. e.g., US. 1'n1. Nos. 5,; 14,
`520,5.7:> 1.355.5,731 ,35(,.6.0211.1<», 147,122.
`6,177,4 71, 6,399,081, 6,469,069, and IntcmatioJ

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