Filed on behalf of Unified Patents Inc.
`By: Jason R. Mudd, Reg. No. 57,700
`Eric A. Buresh, Reg. No. 50,394
`6201 College Blvd., Suite 300
`Overland Park, Kansas 66211
`Telephone: (913) 777-5600
`Roshan Mansinghani, Reg. No. 62,429
`Unified Patents Inc.
`13355 Noel Road, Suite 1100
`Dallas, TX, 75240
`Telephone: (214) 945-02A00
`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`Jonathan Stroud, Reg. No. 72,518
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Floor 10
`Washington, D.C. 20009
`Telephone: (202) 805-8931
` ____________
`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,577,813
` ____________


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`Petitioner Unified Patents Inc. (“Petitioner”) files this motion respectfully
`requesting correction of a clerical mistake in the Petition filed in this proceeding.
`On October 16, 2017, Petitioner filed its Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 8,577,813 (the “’813 Patent”). Paper 2, Petition.
`Ground 1 of
`the Petition challenges certain claims,
`independent Claim 1, as obvious over the combination of U.S. Patent 6,016,476 by
`Maes et al. (“Maes”), U.S. Patent 5,870,723 by Pare et al. (“Pare”), and U.S. Patent
`Publication 2004/0107170 Al by Labrou et al. (“Labrou”). Petition, at 4, 7.
`Ground 2 of the Petition refers to the combination of Maes, Pare, and
`Labrou cited in Ground 1 and cites an additional reference, WO 2001/024123 by
`Burger et al. (“Burger”). Id. at 5, 45. Petitioner cites Burger in Ground 2 for its
`teachings of the limitations of Claims 6 and 18. Id. at 45-47. Claim 6 depends from
`Claim 1. EX1001, Claims 1 & 6.
`Claims 7-10 depend from Claim 6, either directly or indirectly. Id. at
`claims 6-10. Claims 7-9 contain limitations that Petitioner contends are taught by the
`primary reference, Maes, which was introduced in Ground 1 of the Petition and which
`is also relied upon as the primary reference in the combination proposed for Ground 2.
`Petition, at 30-33 (Sec. IV.A.v-Sec. IV.A.vii); id., at 45-47. Claim 10 contains
`- 1 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`limitations that Petitioner contends are taught or rendered obvious by Labrou and that
`Petitioner contends would have been obvious to incorporate into the system of Maes,
`both of which are introduced in Ground 1 of the Petition. Id. at 33-34 (Sec. IV.A.viii).
`The combination proposed in Ground 2 also relies on Maes and Labrou, but relies
`exclusively on Burger for the limitations added by dependent Claim 6. Id. at 45-47.
`Between September 2017 and October 2, 2017, in the process of copying
`and pasting into a draft petition, associate Michelle Callaghan mistakenly transcribed
`prior art mappings and arguments for Maes related to Claims 7-9 and for Labrou
`related to Claim 10 into Ground 1 of the draft petition, instead of including these
`mappings and arguments in Ground 2 of the draft petition where they were intended
`to be inserted. See Callaghan Decl. (EX1020) at ¶¶2-5. Ms. Callaghan transmitted the
`draft petition with the mistake to Jason Mudd for review on October 2, 2017. See id.
`at ¶5. Mr. Mudd provided comments for Ms. Callaghan to incorporate into the draft
`petition but failed to notice the mistake. Id. at ¶6.
`On multiple dates between October 2, 2017, and the filing date of
`October 16, 2017, various individuals reviewed the petition without noticing Ms.
`Callaghan’s error. See id.
`On February 7, 2018, Ms. Callaghan first identified the mistake upon
`reading the Preliminary Response filed by Patent Owner Universal Secure Registry
`LLC (“PO”), which contended that Ground 2 contained the grounds for obviousness
`- 2 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`of Claim 6 (the limitations for which Burger was cited), while Ground 1 had
`incorrectly included Claims 7-10, which depend directly or indirectly from Claim 6.
`See id. at ¶7; see also Paper 6, Preliminary Response at 23-24.
`Petitioner contacted PO via e-mail on February 16, 2018 to indicate that
`Petitioner intended to seek authorization to file a motion to correct the mistake, and
`PO requested to schedule a telephonic meet and confer with Petitioner, which was
`held on February 21, 2018. PO informed Petitioner on February 22, 2018 that PO
`intended to oppose the motion. On February 23, 2018, the parties agreed upon the
`content of a joint e-mail that was sent to the Board in which Petitioner requested
`authorization to file this motion. The Board held a conference call on February 27,
`2018, and the Board granted Petitioner authorization to file this motion (Paper 8).
`Claims 7-10 were mistakenly entered under Ground 1 instead of Ground 2 in
`the Petition. Parts v-viii of Section V.A (Ground 1) of the Petition were intended to
`be written under Section V.B (Ground 2) of the Petition, after the grounds for
`Claim 6, from which each of Claims 7-10 depend, either directly or indirectly.
`Petitioner respectfully requests that it be allowed to correct its Petition by shifting
`the discussion for Claims 7-10 from Ground 1 into Ground 2, which contains the
`discussion for Claim 6. No text containing the discussion for Claims 7-10 is being
`altered except for adjusting the heading numbering. Per the Board’s request, a
`- 3 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`redlined proposed Corrected Petition tracking the proposed corrections has been
`filed as EX1021. The proposed edits minimize the changes necessary to correct
`the mistake and include the following:
`correcting the chart on pages 3-4 to remove Claims 7-10 from Ground 1 and
`include them in Ground 2;
`ii) correcting the headings on pages 7 and 45 of the Petition to move Claims 7-10
`from Ground 1 to Ground 2;
`iii) moving Parts v, vi, vii, and viii (Claims 7-10) of Section V.A (Ground 1) to
`Section V.B (Ground 2) under the new numbered headings of Parts ii, iii, iv,
`and v, respectively, and re-numbering the heading for claim 18 as Part vi; and
`iv) updating the Table of Contents, as well as some internal cross-references to
`update section heading numbers.
`The proposed changes should be applied because they relate to a non-
`substantive, clerical transcription error made by a subordinate attorney that was not
`identified prior to filing, and Petitioner promptly sought to correct its mistake after
`discovering it from review of the Preliminary Response. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(c)
`(“A motion may be filed that seeks to correct a clerical or typographical mistake in
`the petition.”). The proposed changes rely on the exact same text applying Maes to
`dependent Claims 7-9 and applying Labrou to dependent Claim 10. That is,
`- 4 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`Petitioner’s requested correction seeks to merely shift the exact same text for the
`sections regarding Claim 7-10 from Ground 1 into Ground 2, which had already
`included Maes and Labrou. Petitioner is not requesting to alter any of the text in
`these sections (other than updating heading numbering), and, thus, Petitioner is not
`requesting to make any substantive changes to arguments or citations to the applied
`prior art—the grounds for claims 7-10 will rise or fall based on what was already
`in the Petition, other than correcting the error in their placement in the Petition.
`See, e.g., Amkor Technology, Inc. v. Tessera Inc., IPR2013-00242, Paper 32, at 5-6
`(PTAB Aug. 29, 2013) (allowing correction of copying and pasting error by
`subordinate attorney where no new analysis was added by correction); see also id.,
`Paper 12, at 1.
`Additionally, Ground 2 of the Petition relies on Burger exclusively for
`teaching the limitations added by dependent Claim 6 and combines Burger with
`the same combination of references already relied upon in Ground 1 (Maes, Pare,
`and Labrou). Petition, 45-46. And the Petition already argues in Ground 2 that it
`would have been obvious to combine Burger with this same art. Id. Petitioner’s
`proposed correction does not seek to alter its motivation to combine argument.
`Petitioner’s proposed correction,
`therefore, merely seeks
`to correct an
`organizational clerical error by moving the same arguments and citations to prior
`art for claims 7-10 from Ground 1 into Ground 2 where they were intended to be,
`- 5 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`with no substantive changes. See also, e.g., Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp v. Ono
`Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. et al., Case IPR2016-01217, Paper 10, at 3-4 (PTAB Oct.
`3, 2016) (allowing correction of petition to move inadvertent listings of challenged
`claims from one ground to another); see also id., Paper 8, at 2-3.
`Correction of this mistake will not prejudice Patent Owner or sacrifice the
`notice function of the Petition. Patent Owner recognized that Burger was the only
`reference cited for the limitations of Claim 6 and that Claims 7-10 depended from
`Claim 6. See Preliminary Response at 23-24. In addressing Ground 2, PO already had
`an opportunity to address whether Burger teaches the limitations of Claim 6 and
`Patent owner already provided responses to Petitioner’s substantive arguments
`regarding the motivation to combine Burger. Petition, at 24-26. PO also already had
`an opportunity to address Petitioner’s same substantive arguments regarding the art
`specifically applied to Claims 7-10—which are unaffected by this correction.
`Petitioner understands from the call with the Board that PO contends it
`strategically chose to rely exclusively on the mistake in the Petition for PO’s response
`regarding Claims 7-10, rather than present further argument regarding Claims 7-10
`even though it had sufficient additional word count available to do so. If the Board
`deems it necessary and appropriate, Petitioner would not oppose a reasonable
`supplemental Preliminary Response to address any prejudice alleged by PO. Per the
`Board’s request, Petitioner proposes that any supplement: i) be limited in scope to
`- 6 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`addressing only Claims 7-10 because the correction only affects these claims, and ii)
`be filed within one month and be limited to no more than ten pages given the limited
`scope of the correction (i.e. about four full pages of text limited to Claims 7-10).
`Further, as discussed on the call, Petitioner has not been served with any
`complaint and this correction, therefore, does not implicate any 1-year time bar.
`Forcing Petitioner to re-file a new petition to make this correction would not only
`needlessly tax Board resources, it would be contrary to the just, speedy, and
`inexpensive resolution of this dispute. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.1(b); NetApp, Inc. v.
`Intellectual Ventures II LLC, IPR2017-00276, Paper 12, at 3 (PTAB May 5, 2017).
`Given the clerical nature of the mistake, lack of prejudice to PO, and
`Petitioner’s prompt efforts to correct the issue upon its discovery, the proposed
`corrections are appropriate under Rule 104(c). See, e.g., ABB Inc. v. ROY-G-BIV
`Corp., IPR2013-00063, Paper 21, at 7 (PTAB Jan. 16, 2013) (Rule 104(c) is
`“remedial in nature” and should be “liberally applied”) (citing Tcherepnin v. Knight,
`389 U.S. 332, 336 (1967)).
`For the forgoing reasons, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board
`apply the above-proposed corrections to Petitioner’s Petition for Inter Partes
`Review. Further, Petitioner certifies the suggested correction will not cause the
`Petition to exceed the word count limit of 37 C.F.R. §42.24.
`- 7 -


`Dated: March 2, 2018
`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`Respectfully submitted,
`BY: /s/ Jason R. Mudd
`Jason R. Mudd, Reg. No. 57,700
`Roshan Mansinghani, Reg. No. 62,429
`Eric A. Buresh, Reg. No. 50,394
`Jonathan Stroud, Reg. No. 72,518
`- 8 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`Previously Filed by Petitioner:
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent 8,577,813 (“’813 Patent”)
`Exhibit 1002 File History for U.S. Patent 8,577,813 (“File History”)
`Exhibit 1003 U.S. Patent 6,016,476 to Maes et al. (“Maes”)
`Exhibit 1004 U.S. Patent 5,870,723 to Pare et al. (“Pare”)
`Exhibit 1005 U.S. Pub. US 2004/0107170 Al to Labrou et al. (“Labrou”)
`Exhibit 1006 WO 2001/024123 to Burger et al. (“Burger”)
`Exhibit 1007 U.S. Patent 7,865,448 to Pizarro (“Pizarro”)
`Exhibit 1008 U.S. Patent Application Publication 2002/0178364 (“Weiss I”)
`Exhibit 1009 Declaration of Dr. Eric Cole (“Cole Decl.”)
`Exhibit 1010 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Eric Cole (“Cole CV”)
`Exhibit 1011 U.S. Patent 5,615,277 to Hoffman (1994)
`Exhibit 1012
`Jin et al., Biohashing: two factor authentication featuring
`fingerprint data and
`random number, Pattern
`Recognition 37 (11), pp. 2245-2255 (2004) (“Jin”)
`Exhibit 1013 U.S. Patent 8,751,801 to Harris et al. (2005) (“Harris”)
`Exhibit 1014 U.S. Publication No. 2003/0219121 to van Someren (2002) (“van
`Exhibit 1015 Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2d Ed (1996) (“Schneier”)
`Exhibit 1016 American Bankers Association, Financial
`Institution Key
`Management (Wholesale), ANSI X9.17 (1995) (“ANSI X9.17”)
`Exhibit 1017 WO Publication No. 2001/06699 to Duane et al. (2001) (“Duane”)
`Exhibit 1018 U.S. Patent 6,950,939 to Tobin (2001) (“Tobin”)
`Exhibit 1019 U.S. Patent 4,998,279 to Weiss (1989)
`Currently Filed by Petitioner:
`Exhibit 1020 Declaration of Michelle Callaghan (“Callaghan Decl.”)
`Exhibit 1021 Redline Proposed Corrected Petition (“Corrected Petition”)
`- 9 -


`Motion to Correct, IPR2018-00067
`U.S. Patent 8,577,813
`The undersigned certifies that on March 2, 2018, a complete and entire copy
`of the foregoing Motion to Correct and accompanying exhibits were served on
`Patent Owner by sending via electronic mail, as consented to by Patent Owner, to
`the following counsel of record for Patent Owner:
`James M. Glass
`51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
`New York, NY 10010
`Telephone: (212) 849-7000
`Tigran Guledjian
`Christopher A. Mathews
`865 South Figueroa Street, 10th Floor
`Los Angeles, CA 90017
`Telephone: (213) 443-3000
`BY: /s/ Jason R. Mudd
`Jason R. Mudd, Reg. No. 57,700
`- 10 -

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