`Our Ref:
`a ‘3',” HT;
`(7'03) SIG-4900
`Telex 290797 NIXN UR
`Telecopier (703) MCI-4100
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`In the preferred embodiment, SPU 500 uses three general
`kinds of memory:
`internal ROM 532;
`internal RAM 534; and
`(3) external memory (typically RAM andfor disk supplied by
`a hest electronic appliance).
`The internal ROM 532 and RAM 534 within SPU 500
`provide a secure operating environment and execution space.
`Because of cast limitations, chip fabrication size, complexity and
`other limitations, it may not be possible to provide suificient
`memory within SPU 500 to store all information that an SPU
`needs to process in a secure manner. Due to the practical limits
`on the amount of ROM 532 and RAM 534 that may be included
`within SPU 500, SPU 500 may store information in memory
`external to it, and move this information into and out of its secure
`internal memory space on an as needed basis.
`In these cases,
`secure processing steps performed by an SPU typically must be
`segmented into small, securely packaged elements that may be
`"paged in" and ”paged out“ of the limited available internal
`memory space. Memory external to an SPU 500 may not be
`secure. Since the external memory may not be secure, SPU 500
`may encrypt and cryptographically seal code and other information
`before storing it in ext6rnal memory. Similarly, SPU 500 must
`typically decrypt code and other information obtained from
`external memory in encrypted form before processing (e.g.,
`_ 172 _
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`Page 002


`executing) based on it.
`In the preferred embodiment, there are
`two general approaches used to address potential memory
`limitations in a SPU 500.
`In the first case, the small, securely
`packaged elements represent information contained in secure
`database 610.
`In the second case, such elements may represent
`protected (e.g., encrypted) virtual memory pages. Although Virtual
`memory pages may correspond to information elements stored in
`secure database 610, this is not required in this example of a SPU
`memory architecture.
`The following is a more detailed discussion of each of these
`three SPU memory resources.
`SPU Internal ROM
`SPU 500 read only memory {ROM} 532 or comparable
`purpose (lax-ice provides secure internal non-volatile storage for
`certain programs and other information. For example, ROM 532
`may store ”kernel“ programs such as SPU control firmware 508
`and, if desired, encryption key information and certain
`fundamental ”load modules.“ The ”kernel“ programs, load module
`information, and encryption key information enable the control of
`certain basic functions of the SPU 500. Those components that
`are at least in part dependent on device configuration (e.g., POST,
`memory allocation, and a dispatcher] may be loaded in ROM 532
`along with additional load modules that have been determined to
`he required for specific installations or applications.
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`In the preferred embodiment, ROM 532 may comprise a
`combination of a masked ROM 532a and an EEPROM and/or
`equivalent ”flash“ memory 532b. EEPROM or flash memory 53%
`is used to stone items that need to be updated andfor initialized,
`such as for example, certain encryption keys. An additional
`benefit of providing EEPROM andIor flash memory 532!) is the
`ability to optimize any load modules and library functions
`persistently stored within SPU 500 based on typical usage at a
`specific site. Although these items could also be stored in
`NVRAM 534b, EEPROM andfor flash memory 532b may be more
`cost effective.
`Masked ROM 5323 may cost less than flash andfor
`EEPROM 532b, and can be used to store permanent portions of
`BI’II' soFtwareffirmwaro. Such permanent portions may include,
`for example, code that interfaces to hardware elements such as the
`RTC 528, encryptionldecryption engine 522, interrupt handlers,
`key generators, etc. Some of the operating system, library calls,
`libraries, and many of the core services provided by SPU 500 may
`also be in masked ROM 532a. In addition, some of the more
`commonly used uxocutaiiies are also good candidates for inclusion
`in masked ROM 532a. Items that need to be updated or that need
`to disappear when power is removed from SPU 500 should not be
`stored in masked ROM 532a.
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`Page 004


`Under some circumstances, RAM 534a andz’or NVRAM 534i]
`(NVRAM 534b may, for example, he constantly powered
`conventional RAM) may perform at least part of the role of ROM
`SPU Internal RAM
`SPU 500 general purpose RAM 534 provides, among other
`things, secure execution space for secure processes. In the
`preferred embodiment, RAM 534 is comprised of different types of
`RAM such as a combination of high-speed RAM 534a and an
`NVRAM (”non—volatile RAM“) 5341:. RAM 534a may be volatile,
`while NVRAM 5341) is preferably battery hacked or otherwise
`arranged so as to be nonwolatile (i.e., it does not lose its contents
`when power is turned off).
`High-speed RAM 534a stores active code to be executed and
`associated data structures.
`NVRAM 53% preferably contains certain keys and summary
`values that are preloaded as part of an initialization process in
`which SPU 500 communicates with a VDE administrator, and may
`also store changeable or changing information aesociated with the
`operation of SPU 500. For security reasons, certain highly
`sensitive information (e.g., certain load modules and certain
`encryption key related information such as internally generated
`private keys} needs to be loaded into or generated internally by
`. 175 -
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`SPU 500 from time to time but, once loaded or generated
`internally, should never leave the SPU.
`In this preferred
`embodiment, the SPU 500 non—volatile random access memory
`(NVRAM) 53413 may be used for securely storing such highly
`sensitive information. NW 5341) is also used by SPU 500 to
`' store data that may change frequently but which preferably should
`not be lost in a power down or power fail mode.
`NVRAM 534k: is preferably a flash memory array, but may
`in addition or alternatively be electrically erasable progran'u'nable
`read only memory {EEPROM}, static RAM (SRAM), bubble
`memory, three dimensional holographic or other electronptical
`memory, or the like, or any other writable {e.g., randomly
`accessible) non-volatile memory of sufficient speed and
`SPU External Memory
`The SPU 500 can store certain information on memory
`devices external to the SPU. If available, electronic appliance 600
`memory can also be used to support any device external portions
`of SPU 500 software. Certain advantages may be gained by
`allowing the SPU 500 to use external memory. As one example,
`memory internal to SPU 500 may be reduced in size by using
`non-volatile readfwrite memory in the host electronic appliance
`600 such as a non-volatile portion of RAM 856 andfor ROM 658.
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`Such external memory may be used to store SPU programs,
`data andJc-r other information. For example, a VDE control
`program may be, at least in part, loaded into the memory and
`communicated to and decrypted within SPU 500 prior to execution.
`Such control programs may be re-encrypted and communicated
`back to external memory where they may be stored for later
`execution by SPU 500. ”Kernel“ programs andfor some or all of
`the non-kernel ”load modules“ may be stored by SPU 500 in
`memory external to it. Since a secure database 610 may be
`relatively large, SPU 500 can store some or all of secure database
`610 in external memory and call portions into the SPU 500 as
`As mentioned above, memory external to SPU 500 may not
`be secure. Therefore, when security is required, SPU 500 must
`encrypt secure information before Writing it to external memory,
`and decrypt secure informatiOn read from external memory before
`using it. Inasmuch as the encryption layer relies on secure
`processes and information (c.g., encryption algorithms and keys)
`present within SPU 500, the encryption layer effectively ”extends“
`the SPU security barrier 502 to protect information the SPU 500
`stores in memory external to it.
`SPU 500 can use a wide variety of different types of external
`memory. For example, external memory may comprise electronic
`appliance secondary storage 852 such as a disk; external EEPROM
`_ 177 -
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`Page 007
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`Page 007


`or flash memory 658; andior external RAM 656. External RAM
`656 may comprise an external nonvolatile (e.g. constantly
`powered) RAM andfor cache RAM.
`Using external RAM local to SPU 500 can significantly
`improve access times to information stored externally to an SPU.
`For example, external RAM may be used:
`to buffer memory image pages and data structures prior to
`their storage in flash memory or on an external hard disk
`(assuming transfer to flash or hard disk can occur in
`significant power or system failure cases);
`provide encryption and decryption buffers for data being
`released from VDE objects 300.
`to cache ”swap blocks“ and VDE data structures currently in
`use as an aspect of providing a secure virtual memory
`environment for SPU 500.
`to cache other information in order to, for example, reduce
`frequency of access by an SPU to secondary storage 652
`andfor for other reasons.
`Dual ported external RAM can be particularly effective in
`improving SPU 500 performance, since it can decrease the data
`movement overhead of the SPU bus interface unit 530 and SPU
`microprocessor 520.
`Using external flash memory local to SPU 500 can be used
`to significantly improve access times to virtually all data
`- 173 -
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`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 008


`structures. Since most available flash storage devices have limited
`Write lifetimes, flash storage needs to take into account the
`number of writes that will occur during the lifetime of the [lash
`memory. Hence, flash storage of frequently written temporary
`items is not recommended.
`If external RAM is nonvvolatile, then
`transfer to flash (or hard disk) may not be necessary.
`External memory used by SPU 500 may include two
`external memory dedicated to SPU 500, and
`memory shared with electronic appliance 600.
`For some VDE implementations, sharing memory (e.g.,
`electronic appliance RAM 656, ROM 658 andXor secondary storage
`652} with CPU 654 or other elements of an electronic appliance
`600 may be the most cost effective way to store VDE secure
`database management files 610 and information that needs to be
`stored external to SPU 500. A host system hard disk secondary
`memory 652 used for general purpose file storage can, for example,
`also be used to store VDE management files 610. SPU 500 may be
`given exclusive access to the external memory (e.g., over a local
`bus high speed connection provided by BIU 530]. Both dedicated
`and shared external memory may be provided.
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`The hardware configuration of an example of electronic
`appliance 600 has been described above. The following section
`describes an example of the software architecture of electronic
`appliance 600 provided by the preferred embodiment, including
`the structure and operation of preferred embodiment ”Rights
`Operating System“ (”ROS“) 602.
`Rights Operating System 602
`Rights Operating System (”ROS") 602 in the preferred
`embodiment is a compact, secure, event—driven, services-based,
`”component" oriented, distributed multiprocessing operating
`system environment that integrates VDE information security
`control information, components and protocols with traditional
`operating system concepts. Like traditional operating systems,
`ROS 602 provided by the preferred embodiment is a piece of
`software that manages hardware resources of a computer system
`and extends management functions to input andfor output devices,
`including communications devices. Also like traditional operating
`systems. preferred embodiment R08 602 provides a coherent set of
`basic functions and abstraction layers for hiding the differences
`between, and many of the detailed complexities of, particular
`hardware implementations. In addition to these characteristics
`found in many or most operating systems, R08 602 provides
`secure VDE transaction management and other advantageous
`features not found in other operating systems. The following is a
`- 180 -
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`Page 010
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`Page 010


`of functionality can remain unexploited until market realities
`dictate the implementation of corresponding VDE application
`functionality. As a result, initial product implementation
`investment and complexity may be limited. The process of
`"surfacing“ the full range of capabilities provided by R08 602 in
`terms of authoring, administrative, and artificial intelligence
`applications may take place over time. Moreover, already»
`designed functionality of R05 602 may be changed or enhanced at
`any time to adapt to changing needs or requirements.
`More Detailed Discussion of Rights Operating System 602
`Figure 12 shows an example of a detailed architecture of
`R03 602 shown in Figure 10. ROS 602 may include a file system
`687 that includes a com mercia] database manager 730 and
`external object repositories 728. Commercial database manager
`730 may maintain secure database 610. Object repository 728 may
`store, provide access to, and/or maintain VDE objects 300.
`Figure 12 also shows that R08 602 may provide one or more
`SPEs 503 andZor one or more HPEs 655. As discussed above, HPE
`655 may ”emulate" an SPU 500 device, and such HPEs 655 may be
`integrated in lieu of (or in addition to) physical SPUs 500 for
`systems that need higher throughput. Some security may he lost
`since HPEs 655 are typically protected by operating system
`security and may not provide truly secure processing. Thus, in the
`— 221 -
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`Page 011
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 011


`732. All user API requests are built on top of this basic interface.
`The API Service Manager 742 preferably provides a service
`instance for each running user application 608.
`Most RFC calls to ROS functions supported by API Service
`Manager 742 in the preferred embodiment may map directly to
`service calls with some additional parameter checking. This
`mechanism permits developers to create their own extended API
`libraries with additional or changed functionality.
`In the scenario discussed above in which ROS 602 is formed
`by integrating ”add one“ with a preexisting operating system, the
`API service 742 code may be shared {e.g., resident in a host
`environment like a Windows DLL}, or it may be directly linked
`with an applications's code~— depending on an application
`programmer's implementation decision, andfor the type of
`electronic appliance 600. The Notification Service Manager 740
`may be implemented within API 682. These components interface
`with Notification Service component 686 to provide a transition
`between system and user space.
`Secure Database Service Manager (”SDSM‘] 744
`There are at least two ways that may be used for managing
`secure database 600:
`a commercial database approach, and
`a site record number approach.
`_ 253 _
`loos [6:13.011
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`Page 012
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`Page 012


`Which way is chosen may be based on the number of records that
`a VDE site stores in the secure database 610.
`The commercial database approach uses a commercial
`database to store securely wrappered records in a commercial
`database. This way may be preferred when there are a large
`number of records that are stored in the secure database 610.
`This way provides high speed access, efficient updates, and easy
`integration to host systems at the cost of resource usage (most
`commercial database managers use many system resources).
`The site record number approach uses a ”site record
`number" (”SEN“) to locate records in the system. This scheme is
`preferred when the number of records stored in the secure
`database 610 is small and is not expected to change extensively
`over time. This way provides efficient resources use with limited
`update capabilities. SRNs permit further grouping of similar data
`records to speed accesa and increase performance.
`Since VDE 100 is highly scalable, different electronic
`appliances 600 may suggest one way more than the other. For
`example, in limited environments like a set top, PDA, or other low
`end electronic appliance, the SEN scheme may he preferred
`because it limits the amount of resources (memory and processor)
`required. When VDE is deployed on more capable electronic
`appliances 600 such as desktop computers, servers and at
`_ 254 -
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`Page 013


`clearinghouses, the commercial database scheme may be more
`desirable because it proVides high performance in environments
`where resources are not limited.
`One difference between the database records in the two
`approaches is whether the records are specified using a full VDE
`ID or SRN. To translate between the two schemes, a SRN
`reference may be replaced with a VDE TD database reference
`wherever it occurs. Similarly, VDE IDs that are used as indices or
`references to other items may be replaced by the appropriate SRN
`In the preferred embodiment, a commercially available
`database manager 730 is used to maintain secure database 610.
`ROS 602 interacts with commercial database manager 730
`through a database driver 750 and a database interface 748. The
`database interface 748 between R03 602 and external, third party
`database vendors’ commercial database manager 730 may be an
`open standard to permit any database vendor to implement a VDE
`compliant database driver 750 for their products.
`ROS 602 may encrypt each secure database 610 record so
`that a VDE-provided security layer is ”on top of“ the commercial
`database structure. In other words, SPE 736 may write secure
`records in sizes and formats that may be stored within a database
`record structure supported by commercial database manager 730.
`. 255 -
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`Commercial database manager 730 may then be used to organize,
`store, and retrieve the records. In some embodiments, it may be
`desirable to use a proprietary andfor newly created database
`manager in place of commercial database manager r1’30. However,
`the use of commercial database manager 730 may provide certain
`advantages such as, for example, an ability to use already existing
`database management productfs).
`The Secure Database Services Manager (”SDSM“) 744
`makes calls to an underlying commercial database manager 7 30 to
`obtain, modify, and store records in secure database 610.
`In the
`preferred embodiment, ”SDSM“ 744 provides a layer ”on top of"
`the structure of commercial database manager 730. For example,
`all VDE—secure information is sent to commercial database
`manager 730 in encrypted form. SDSM 744 in conjunction with
`cache manager 746 and database interface 748 may provide record
`management, caching (using cache manager 746}, and related
`services (on top of) commercial database systems 730 andfor record
`managers. Database Interface 748 and cache manager 746 in the
`preferred embodiment do not present their own RSI, but rather
`the RFC Manager 732 communicates to them through the Secure
`Database Manager RSI 7443.
`Name Services Manager 752
`The Name Services Manager 752 supports three subsen'ices:
`user name services, host name services, and services name
`- 256 -
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`Page 015


`used to check further the now-unwrapped object, Assuming this
`”checking“ process 1054 does not reveal any improprieties (and
`block 1052 also indicates that the object has not become corrupted
`or otherwise damaged}, SPE 503 may then access or otherwise use
`the item (block 1058). Once use of the item is completed, SPE 503
`may need to store the item back into secure database 610 if it has
`changed. If the item has changed, SPE 503 will send the item in
`its changed form to encrypt/decrypt engine 522 for encryption
`(block 1060), providing the appropriate necessary information to
`the encrypte’decrypt engine (e.g., the appropriate same or different
`management file key and data) so that the object is appropriately
`encrypted. A unique, new tag andx‘or encryption key may be used
`at this stage to uniquely tag andfor encrypt the item security
`wrapper [block 1062; see also detailed Figure 3? discussion below).
`SPE 503 may retain a copy of the key andfor tag,r within a
`protected memory of SPU 500 (block 1064} so that the SPE can
`decrypt and validate the object when it is again read from secure
`database 610.
`The keys to decrypt secure database 610 records are, in the
`preferred embodiment, maintained solely within the protected
`memory of an SPU 500. Each index or record update that leaves
`the SPU 500 may be time stamped, and then encrypted with a
`unique key that is determined by the SPE 503. For example. a
`key identification number may be placed ”in plain view" at the
`front of the records of secure database 610 so the SPE 503 can
`determine which key to use the next time the record is retrieved.
`SPE 503 can maintain the site ID of the record or index, the key
`identification number associated with it. and the actual keys in
`the list internal to the SPE. At some point, this internal list may
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`Page 016
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 016


`fill up. At this point, SPE 503 may call a maintenance routine
`that re-encrypts items within secure database 610 containing
`changed information. Some or all of the items within the data
`structure containing changed information may be read in,
`decrypted, and then re-enorypted with the same key. These items
`may then be issued the same key identification number. The
`items may then be written out of SPE 503 back into secure
`database 610. SPE 503 may then clear the internal list of item
`IDs and correSponding key identification numbers. It may then
`begin again the process of assigning a different key and a new key
`identification number to each new or changed item. By using this
`process, SPE 503 can protect the data structures (including the
`indexes) of secure database 610 against substitution of old items
`and against substitution of indexes for current items. This process
`also alloWs SPE 503 to validate retrieved item IDs against the
`encrypted list of expected IDs.
`Figure 38 is a flowchart showing this process in more detail.
`Whenever a secure database 610 item is updated or modified, a
`new encryption key can be generated for the updated item.
`Encryption using a new key is performed to add security and to
`prevent misuse of backup copies of secure database 610 records.
`The new encryption key for each updated secure database 610
`record may be stored in SPU 500 secure memory with an
`indication of the secure database record or reoord(s) to which it
`SPE 503 may generate a new encryptionldecryption key for
`each new item it is going to store within secure database 610
`(block 1086). SPE 503 may use this new key to encrypt the record
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`Page 017
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 017


`made by end users 3310 related to transmissions and or reception
`of information related to the use of author 3306A‘s content (e.g.
`end user reporting of audit information, end user requests for
`additional permissions information, etc.)
`Some VDE managed content provided to end users 3310
`through the repository may be stored in content storage. Other
`infra-motion may be stored elsewhere, and be referenced through
`the content references.
`In the case where content references are
`used, the repository may manage the user interactions in such a
`manner that all repository content, whether stored in content
`storage or elsewhere (such as at another site), is presented for
`selection by end users 3310 in a uniform way, such as, for
`example, a consistent or the same user interface. If an end uSer
`requests delivery of content that is not stored in content storage,
`the VDE repository may locate the actual storage site for the
`content using information stored in content references (e.g. the
`network address where the content may be located, a URL, a
`filesystem reference, etc.) After the content is located, the content
`ma)r be transmitted across the network to the repository or it may
`be delivered directly from where it is stored to the requesting end
`user. In some circumstances (e.g. when container modification is
`required, when encryption must be changed, if financial
`transactions are required prior to release, etc.), further processing
`may be required by the repository in order to prepare such VDE
`managed content andfor VDE content container for transmission to
`an end user.
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`Page 018
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`Page 018


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