Towards a Testbed for Malicious Code Detection
`R. Lo, P. Kerchen, R. Crawford, W. Ho, J. Crossley, G. Fink, K. Levitt, R. Olsson, and M. Archer
`Division of Computer Science
`University of California,z Davis
`Davis, CA 9561o
`This paper proposes an environment for detecting many
`types of malicious code,
`including computer viruses,
`Trojan horses, and time/logic bombs. This malicious
`code testbed (MGT) is based upon both static and dy(cid:173)
`namic analysis tools developed at the University of Cal(cid:173)
`ifornia, Davis, which have been shown to be effective
`against certain types of malicious code. The testbed ex(cid:173)
`tends the usefulness of these tools by using them in a
`complementary fashion to detect more general cases of
`malicious code. Perhaps more importantly, the MGT
`allows administrators and security analysts to check a
`program before installation, thereby avoiding any dam(cid:173)
`age a malicious program might inflict.
`Keywords: Detection of Malicious Code, Static Analy(cid:173)
`sis, Dynamic Analysis.
`In the past five years, there has been an explosion in
`the number of Trojan horses, time bombs, and viruses
`that have been found on computers. Furthermore, the
`ease with which one may write a virus or trapdoor is
`certainly cause for concern: in his 'lUring Award lec(cid:173)
`ture, Ken Thompson demonstrated a simple trapdoor
`program which was quite effective in subverting the se(cid:173)
`curity of a UNIX system. The situation is even less
`encouraging in the personal computer arena: literally
`hundreds of computer viruses, time bombs, and Trojan
`horses exist for all of the major personal computers in
`use today.
`However, there are techniques for coping with these
`problems. While one will never be able to distinguish a
`cleverly disguised virus from legitimate code, one may
`detect a not-so-cleverly hidden one. The same holds
`true for all malicious code: stopping a large percentage
`of destructive programs is considerably better than not
`stopping any. This idea forms the basis for a malicious
`code testbed (MCT) capable of detecting a large ma(cid:173)
`jority of current and future malicious programs. Such
`a testbed would allow one to examine a program to
`ascertain if it is suspicious. In the following section,
`we present a taxonomy of malicious code with exam(cid:173)
`ples. Following the taxonomy, we discuss many of the
`known methods of coping with malicious code. We then
`summarize the progress which has been made at UC
`Davis. Finally, we propose the idea of the malicious
`code testbed, which combines this previous work into a
`more effective system.
`2 Taxonomy of Malicious Code
`Computer security should insure that no unauthorized
`actions are carried out on a computer system. Security
`is violated when someone succeeds in retrieving data
`without authorization, destroying or altering data be(cid:173)
`longing to others, or locking up computer resources to
`make them unavailable. Malicious programs are those
`programs which cause such violations.
`To categorize malicious activities, we may examine
`the following aspects of a malicious program [Table 1].
`What are the malicious actions?
`A malicious program may not only directly retrieve
`or alter confidential information, but it may also mod(cid:173)
`ify the security state of the computer system so that
`an unauthorized person could access this information.
`Therefore, malicious activities refer to all activities
`leading to such consequences.
`How do malicious programs obtain privilege?
`Before any damage can be done, the malicious pro(cid:173)
`gram must obtain the required privilege from an autho(cid:173)
`rized user or from the operating system. A common
`way is to act as a Trojan horse, claiming to perform
`some useful functions, but performing others in addi(cid:173)
`tion or instead. A malicious program can also obtain
`privilege from the operating system by exploiting sys(cid:173)
`tem bugs, taking advantage of administrative flaws, or
`faking authentications.
`CH2961-1/91/0000/0160$01.00@ 1991 IEEE
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 1


`Covert channel
`Trojan horse
`Time/Logic Bomb
`Salami Attack
`Malicious Actions
`Obtain Privilege
`Distribution Chan- Triggers
`Installed by pro-
`Exhaust resources, Writer
`User execution
`it, Network
`Gain privilege
`Exchange of soft- User execution
`programs, User execution, self- Contact with an in-
`fected system
`Installed by pro-
`Holes implanted by
`by pro-
`Time/date, condi-
`tions satisfied
`Started by attackers
`Table 1. Types of Malicious Code
`How do malicious programs euter a system?
`Sometimes a malicious program is advertised as public
`domain software available in public bulletin boards; se(cid:173)
`curity may be compromised if any user copies and exe(cid:173)
`cutes such programs on his computer. Another similar
`example is that of the Christmas Virus, which repli(cid:173)
`cates by sending copies of itself to users and requesting
`them to execute the message. In cases of planned at(cid:173)
`tacks, trapdoors previously implanted in the system are
`used by the malicious programs.
`How are the malicious actions triggered?
`A malicious program may stay dormant for an indef(cid:173)
`inite period. It works normally until a scheduled mo(cid:173)
`mentor certain conditions are satisfied. For example, a
`malicious program which exploits covert channels may
`only be active when confidential information is being
`displayed on a terminal; at other times, it may sleep or
`perform some diversionary action.
`3 Coping with Malicious Code
`Presently, the majority of malicious code defenses are
`concerned with computer viruses. However, some are
`more broadly applicable to malicious code in general.
`Table 2 shows the applicability of some of these meth(cid:173)
`ods. One can classify these methods into two classes:
`preventive and detective. While prevention is impor(cid:173)
`tant, detection is preferable since it does not rely on
`a program being in a "clean" state. Thus, detective
`approaches appear to be more generally applicable.
`3.1 Program Access Control Lists
`The first approach, program access control
`(PACL's) [5], consists of associating with each file in
`a system an access control list that specifies what pro(cid:173)
`grams can modify the file. This preventive approach
`has the effect of limiting damage that can be done by
`many malicious programs, but it is ineffective against
`attacks such as covert channels which only violate in(cid:173)
`formation security, not integrity.
`3.2 Static Analyzers
`From Table 2, one can see that static analysis [1) can
`be applied to a broad class of problems. By closely ex(cid:173)
`amining the binary or source code of a program, static
`analysis attempts to detect the presence of suspicious
`sections in that program. However, in the most general
`case such detection is incomputable, resulting in a need
`for more selective analysis techniques. Since malicious
`code in general can be more smoothly integrated with
`the code of the program it is infecting, detection must
`be focussed on the strategic vulnerabilities of the oper(cid:173)
`ating system and underlying architecture in question.
`In this way, more generalized detection is possible with(cid:173)
`out the full cost of program verification because slicing
`[1) and other static and dynamic analysis tools will re(cid:173)
`duce the problem space to a tractable size.
`3.3 Simple Scanners & Monitors
`Simple scanners are by and large the most common
`means of malicious code detection in use today. Typ-
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 2


`. .
`Table 2. Apphcab1hty of Defenses .
`Static Ana-
`Encryption Watchdog
`ically, a scanner will search a program for patterns
`which match those of known malicious programs. As
`a result, these programs boast a very good record in
`defending against known malicious programs but they
`cannot be applied in general to finding new or mutated
`malicious code. Another popular approach uses simple
`monitors to observe program execution. Such monitors
`usually watch all disk accesses to insure that no unau(cid:173)
`thorized writes are made. Unfortunately, for these pro(cid:173)
`grams to be effective, they must err on the conservative
`side, resulting in many false alarms which require user
`3.4 Encryption & Watchdog Processors
`Encryption is another method of coping with the threat
`of malicious code. Lapid, Ahituv, and Neumann [2] use
`encryption to defend against Trojan horses, trapdoors,
`and other problems. When correctly implemented,
`such a system would be quite effective against many
`types of malicious code, but the cost of such a sys(cid:173)
`tem is high due to the required hardware. Similarly,
`watchdog processors [3] also require additional hard(cid:173)
`ware. Such processors are capable of detecting invalid
`reads/writes from/to memory but they would require
`additional support to effectively combat viruses. Also,
`both of these methods are preventive in that they re(cid:173)
`quire a "clean" version of every program which is to
`be examined. In many instances, such clean copies are
`not available, thereby limiting the usefulness of these
`3.5 Dynamic Analyzers
`Finally, dynamic analysis offers a reasonable potential
`for detection of a large class of malicious code. By ob-
`serving a program at run-time in a controlled environ(cid:173)
`ment, one can determine exactly what it is trying to
`do. However, like static analysis, this technique must
`be used "off-line" to allow the analyzer to keep track
`of the program's actions. As a result, clever programs
`can elude the analyzer by only executing when they
`"know" that they are not being watched.
`Unlike most virus detection techniques, two types
`of analysis attempt to peer inside a program to de(cid:173)
`tect what it is doing and how. Static analysis methods
`can determine certain properties for some types of pro(cid:173)
`grams. Dynamic analysis methods attempt to learn
`more about a program's behavior by actually running
`it or by simulating its execution.
`At UC Davis, three analysis tools have been devel(cid:173)
`oped which help in the determination of whether a pro(cid:173)
`gram has any potentially malicious code in it: VFl,
`Snitch, and Dalek. VFl uses data flow techniques to
`statically determine names of files which a program can
`access. Snitch statically examines a program for dupli(cid:173)
`cation of operating system services. Dalek is a debugger
`which forms the basis for a dynamic analyzer.
`4 Static Analysis Tools
`4.1 VFl
`VFl is a prototype system that has been implemented
`to determine the viability of applying static analysis
`to the detection of malicious code; it uses a technique
`called slicing. Slicing involves isolating the portions of
`a program related to a particular property in which
`one is interested. The sliced program can then be an(cid:173)
`alyzed to give information about that particular prop(cid:173)
`erty. VFl's target property is filename generation-in
`particular, which files can be opened and written to by
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 3


`a given program. By knowing what files a program can
`write to, one can determine if there is a possibility of
`the program being a virus. For example, if a program
`that does not need to write to files (e.g., Is, the UNIX
`directory listing program), possesses code to open and
`write any file, then one might be suspicious that the
`program contains a virus.
`VFl translates a program written in the C program(cid:173)
`ming language to a program expressed in a Lisp-like
`intermediate form that is easier to analyze. This re(cid:173)
`sultant program can then be sliced with respect to any
`given line of its body. That is, one can select a line
`of the resultant program that performs an action one
`is interested in (such as opening a file for writing) and
`VFl will determine which statements of the resultant
`program have bearing on that selected line.
`4.2 Snitch
`Snitch is a prototype of a detector of duplication of op(cid:173)
`erating system calls. This detector makes use of the
`fact that most UNIX programs contain at most one
`instance of any operating system service (e.g., open,
`write, close). Since a simple virus cannot rely on all
`programs possessing the services it needs, it will carry
`all of those services with it, inserting them into every
`program it infects. This will most likely result in a
`duplication of some OS services. When Snitch is used
`to analyze the infected program, it will report this du(cid:173)
`plication as being suspicious. The Snitch prototype is
`specific to Sun-3's running SunOS, but many of the
`concepts underlying the prototype can be applied to
`other architectures and operating systems.
`Snitch consists of two major modules. The first mod(cid:173)
`ule, the disassembler, takes an executable program as
`input and produces the equivalent Motorola 68020 as(cid:173)
`sembly language representation as output. The second
`module, the analyzer, takes the output from the disas(cid:173)
`sembler and examines it for duplication of OS services,
`reporting any such duplications as well as the number
`of occurrences of all system calls.
`5 Debug~er-based
`One obvious approach to dynamic analysis is to base
`the analysis on a debugger. Over the last two years, a
`debugger called Dalek has been developed at UC Davis
`(4]. Dalek offers support for the notion of user-definable
`events. The user defines an event template by writing
`Dalek language code (e.g., employing IF or WHILE
`statements) that will be executed by Dalek as it at(cid:173)
`tempts to recognize different occurrences of that event.
`One typical form of primitive event might be defined
`to capture certain details of a procedure's invocations,
`e.g., the values of its actual parameters. Another typi(cid:173)
`cal form of primitive event might be defined to capture
`the value of a particular variable every time it changes.
`Hierarchical events can also be defined. High-level
`events are used to correlate and combine (e.g., through
`Dalek's IF or WHILE statements) the attributes from
`instances of two or more primitive events that may have
`occurred widely separated in time. In this way, the user
`can construct behavioral abstractions - models or pat(cid:173)
`terns that characterize the activity of the application
`One can imagine how such capabilities might be ap(cid:173)
`plied to the detection and understanding of viruses or
`other malicious code but it might seem that in real(cid:173)
`world situations, such event-based methods would be
`ineffective against hostile or secretive programs. In the
`first place, one would expect that the malicious code
`would have been stripped of all (correct) symbolic infor(cid:173)
`mation. Thus the debugger would not know the names,
`sizes, or locations of procedures or data structures.
`However, most operating systems offer some assistance
`in this regard, allowing a relatively complete behavioral
`trace of all system-related activity initiated by a sus(cid:173)
`picious program to be obtained. Secondly, a malicious
`program may alter its own code, making analysis dif(cid:173)
`ficult. Under Dalek, however, one may define events
`to recognize such self-modifying behavior. Therefore,
`self-modification does not present insurmountable dif(cid:173)
`ficulties for the debugger but it does increase its com(cid:173)
`Figure 1 illustrates how high-level events can be used
`to correlate attributes captured by lower-level events to
`provide a characterization of a suspicious program's be(cid:173)
`havior represented in terms of whatever semantic mod(cid:173)
`els the user has determined are most relevant.
`We envisage equipping Dalek with a library of prede(cid:173)
`fined events to capture suspicious and malicious behav(cid:173)
`ior, similar in spirit to the events shown in Figure 1.
`For example, attempting to open (or change/inspect
`the permissions on) all files in the current directory
`might be considered suspicious. Writing the same block
`of "data" to several different executable files would ap(cid:173)
`pear even more suspicious.
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 4


`Figure 1. Interaction of Events in Dalek
`6 Towards a Test bed
`The malicious code testbed (MCT) under development
`consists of a set of tools that will assist a user in de(cid:173)
`tecting viruses and Trojan horses and in identifying
`programs which exploit security flaws within developed
`software. It is based in part on the three tools men(cid:173)
`tioned above: Dalek, VFl, and Snitch.
`The primary goal is to provide an environment and
`tools to assist in the identification of malicious logic
`in developed software. Since malicious code detection
`is an incomputable problem, the tools will not be able
`to give a yes-no answer. Instead, the software is ana(cid:173)
`lyzed and its properties summarized to allow the ana(cid:173)
`lyst to understand the effect of its execution. The tools
`will identify suspicious code but it is up to the user to
`make the final decision about whether or not the code
`is malicious. For example, our tool may indicate that
`a program would destroy all information in the current
`directory. Most people would consider this a malicious
`activity. However, the program is not malicious if the
`intention of the user is to clean up his directory by
`using such a program.
`The other goal is to further examine a suspicious
`program identified by the MCT. The purpose of this
`further examination is to determine the severity of the
`identified suspicious activity, locate other suspicious ac(cid:173)
`tivities, determine its triggering conditions, and pro(cid:173)
`duce signatures that may be used to locate the exis(cid:173)
`tence of identical or similar malicious logic in other
`The MCT employs two kinds of analysis techniques:
`static analysis and run-time, or dynamic, analysis.
`Both techniques are necessary because they are applied
`in different situations, thus complementing each other.
`Compared with static analysis, dynamic analysis is less
`computation intensive and able to follow any execu(cid:173)
`tion sequence even if the program modifies itself on the
`fly. However, since only some executed sequences are
`tested, dynamic analysis can certify only the existence
`of certain activities, i.e. violation of security policy, but
`it cannot indicate their non-existence. Therefore, both
`are needed.
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 5


`The static analysis tool works in 5 stages: processor(cid:173)
`dependent disassembly, intelligent decompilation, data
`flow analysis, slicing, and symbolic simplification. The
`processor-dependent disassembly stage translates an
`executable program into an intermediate form, and
`then the decompiler attempts to determine how vari(cid:173)
`ables are allocated in the program. Knowing where the
`variables are stored, the data flow analyzer determines
`the relationship between variables, i.e. which variables
`influence the value stored in designated variables. Slic(cid:173)
`ing produces a bona-fide program that computes the
`value of the variables in question. Finally, the sym(cid:173)
`bolic simplifier tries to simplify the bona-fide program
`as much as possible.
`Stripped Executable programs
`nterme tate form
`! I
`Decompilation program
`' ldenttfied Properties
`Data Flow
`Depe~ dency
`Figure 2. Architecture of the static analyzer.
`6.1 Complementary Use of Static and
`Dynamic Analysis
`After some degree of intelligent decompilation, the
`static analyzer attempts to slice the program to iden(cid:173)
`tify all sections of the code involved in the generation
`of filenames.
`Static analysis also needs to look for other discernible
`suspicious properties. Suppose, for example, that the
`code resultant from slicing with respect to filename gen(cid:173)
`eration is not reachable from the main entry point of
`the original program. This indicates a very poorly writ(cid:173)
`ten program or a program that modified itself in order
`to reach the sliced section. Similarly, any other indica(cid:173)
`tions of self-modifying behavior would be grounds for
`more extensive dynamic analysis.
`Dynamic analysis can force the suspicious program to
`execute certain sections, suspending it periodically to
`communicate its status to the static analyzer. During
`this phase, the user of the MCT might devise various
`hypotheses explaining the goals of the suspicious pro(cid:173)
`gram and explaining its methods in pursuit of those
`objectives. For example, a program which encrypts
`part of its code would be analyzed dynamically in order
`to examine the decrypted code. This iterative process
`could continue until the MCT user had gained a thor(cid:173)
`ough understanding of the goals and methods of the
`suspicious program.
`An Example
`The ftp program associated with Sun Unix 3.4 has
`a bug that allows a masquerader to login as any other
`user provided that he has successfully logged into the
`system once. The masquerader first logs in with a valid
`userid and password, causing the logged_in variable to
`be set to 1. Then s/he performs a login with a 'vic(cid:173)
`tim' userid and any password, exploiting the flaw that
`the logged_in variable is not reset. Since check_/ogin
`only checks logged_in, the 'victim' userid is assumed to
`be logged in the system. The essential stripped code,
`written in pseudocode, is as follows:
`ftp: USER username CR
`{ set new user id
`... no reset of the variable logged_in }
`I PASS password CR
`{ if password is correct, set logged_in to 1
`else print error message }
`{ valid_/ogin = logged_in; }
`This bug can be identified with static techniques in
`two ways. The first method is to check for a data flow
`anomaly in the data dependency graph. We can see
`that the variable logged_in is never initialized in the
`program. The second method is to expand logged_in
`symbolically to see how it is computed. The symbolic
`output will indicate that its value is set with a correct
`password, but not changed with an incorrect password.
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 6


`7 Conclusions and Future Work
`We have described a testbed under development which
`detects malicious code that other techniques cannot de(cid:173)
`tect. This testbed uses static and dynamic analysis
`techniques in a complementary fashion to identify sus(cid:173)
`picious programs before they are installed and allowed
`to cause any damage. The static analysis uses slicing
`to reduce a program to a size which allows verification
`techniques to discover any suspicious code. The dy(cid:173)
`namic analysis uses an event-based debugger which is
`capable of analyzing code which static analysis cannot.
`We will be applying this testbed on known instances
`of malicious code, especially viruses, worms, and the
`like. Future work will include formalizing the concepts
`of maliciousness and suspiciousness and improving the
`static analysis techniques used to discover the meanings
`of loops in sliced programs.
`We thank Doug Mansur and Bill Arbaugh for their
`valuable insights.
`[1] P. Kerchen, R. Lo, J. Crossley, G. Elkin bard,
`K. Levitt, and R. Olsson. "Static Analysis Virus
`Detection Tools for UNIX Systems", Proc. of
`NIST/NCSC 13th Nat'/ Computer Security Con/.,
`Washington, DC, Oct. 1-4, 1990, pp. 350-365.
`[2] Y. Lapid, N. Ahituv, and S. Neumann. "Ap(cid:173)
`proaches to Handling 'Trojan Horse' Threats",
`Computers & Security, Vol. 5, 1986, pp. 251-256.
`[3] A. Mahmood and E. J. McCluskey. "Concurrent Er(cid:173)
`ror Detection Using Watchdog Processors-A Sur(cid:173)
`vey" IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 37,
`No.2, 1988, pp. 160-174.
`[4] R. Olsson, R. Crawford, and W. Ho. "A Dataflow
`Approach to Event-based Debugging", to appear in
`SOFTWARE-Practice and Experience.
`[5] D. Wichers, D. Cook, R. Olsson, J. Crossley, P.
`Kerchen, K. Levitt, and R. Lo. "PACL's: An Ac(cid:173)
`cess Control List Approach to Anti-Viral Security",
`Proc. of NIST/NCSC 13th Nat'/ Computer Security
`Conf., Washington, DC, Oct. 1-4, 1990, pp. 340-
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2017, p. 7

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