Automated Assistance for Detecting Malicious Code *
`R. Crawford, P. Kerchen, K. Levitt, R. Olsson, M. Archer, M. Casillas
`Department of Computer Science
`University of California, Davis
`Davis, CA 95616
`This paper gives an update on our continuing work on the Malicious Code Testbed
`(ACT). The MCT is a semi-automated tool, operaiing in a simulated, cleanroom en-
`cironment, that is capable of detecting rnany types of malicious code, such as viruses,
`Trojan horses, and time/logic bombs. The MCT allows security analysts to check a
`program before instailation, thereby avoiding any damage a malicious program might
`Keywords: Detection of Maidons Code, Static Analysis, Dynamic Analysis.
`The Malicous Code Testbed (MCT) was originally designed to use both static and
`dynamic analysis tools developed at the University of California, Davis, that have
`been shown to be effective against certain types of malicous code. One goal of the
`testbed is to enhance the power of similar tools by using them in a complementary
`fashion to detect more general cases of malicious code.
`In our report to this conference last year [1], we presented a design overview of the
`MCT. In the present paper, we report on our progress towards upereding the MCT
`environment for dynamic analysis.
`Although, in prindple, the notion of a Mahdous Code Testbed is independent of any
`particular operating system or architectural platform, our initial implementation efforts
`have focused on simulating a DOS operating system running on PC zrchitectures. This
`design decision was made primarily because the PC/DOS ervironmentis so widespread
`and accessible to intrusions; thus this environmentis the one that has engendered the
`most real-world malicious code we can use to challenge our detection techniques.
`Sections 2 and 3 provide backgrornd material on malicious code and current detec-
`thon methods. Section 4 reviews the use of events in dynamic analysis techniques, and
`Section S$ describes the architecture of the MCT. Section 6 presents some results from
`our experience using the MCT on malicious code.
`“SPONSORS: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, US. Department of Energy
`Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of EnergybyLawrence
`Livermore National Laboratory underContract W-7405-Eng-48.
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`Page 1
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`Page 1


`2 Malicious Code — A Brief Overview
`In recent years, various forms of malicious code have appeared on virtually all major
`families of computer platform. The prevalence of malicious code — Trojan horses, time
`bombs, worms, and viruses — threatens the traditional “open systems” approach that
`has evolved in the academic realm, as well as in much of the commercial sector.
`The current situation in the personal computer arena may be indicative of future
`trends in workstation and mainframe environments. On PC systems — where literally
`hundreds of comprter viruses, time bombs, and Trojan horses have proliferated —
`the problem is caused by rogue programs that unwittingly are muited in to the system.
`Thus malicious code may be inserted into almost any type of compater system via these
`same avenues — “shareware” may be installed, or malicious code might be produced
`in-house by a disgrantled employee, or a program containing malidous code might even
`be purchased from a legitimate vendor of commercial software.
`Onr definition of what constitutes “malicious” code shall address only the probable
`effects of executing such code; we shall not concern ourselves with the “original intent”
`of the (possibly unknown) writer. Although the intentions of the writer may be crucial
`in determining legal! culpability — ¢g., whether malice and forethought were present —
`to include such considerations within the scope of our “working definition” for malicions
`code would clearly render the problem incomputable.
`Yet even using our restncted, operational definition of “malicious code”, the prob-
`lem of malicious code detection — in the most general case — is not decidable by
`purely formal methods. This follows not merely from the results of [4] [2] [3], bat
`rather because the inherent semantics of the problem statement demand that a value
`judgement regarding the nature of the code’s probable effects be remdered. But because
`doing so would require that the ment of the program’s potential users be considered,
`no article of faith akin to Church’s Thesis can serve to bridge the gap between our
`intuitive sense of “malicious effects”, and algorithmic solutions. It would seem that, in
`all but the most severely restricted programming environments, the problem statement
`must remain a fuzzy one.
`Thus, although no algorithm that identifies malicious code in all environments and
`in all guises can exist, a number of techniques already exist for coping with certain re-
`stricted forms of malidous code. Since the problem cannot with certainty be prevented
`in current programming environments, it must be managed instead.
`This idea forms the basis of the Malicious Code Testbed — an automated assistant
`whose mission it is to perform the “grunt work” necessary to aid a homan analyst
`in detecting not only currently known forms of malicious code, but also mutated or
`entirely novel forms. Given the absence of a decision procedure for malicious code,
`such a testbed would allow one to examine a program to ascertain whether or notit is
`We first discuss the most prevalent methods of coping with malicious code, and
`then describe some of onr previons work aimed at providing defenses against malidons
`code. Then we explore in greater detail the Mclicious Code Testbed.


`3 A Sample of Current Methods for Coping
`with Malicious Code
`Presently, the majonty of malicious code defenses are concerned with computer viruses.
`However, some are more broadly applicable to malicious code in general These meth-
`ods may be divided into two distinct classes depending on when they are applied: as
`& pre-ezecution check or at run time. Pre-execution techniques are applied to a suspi-
`cious program before it can be executed by a user. In contrast, run time methods are
`actually applied to the program as it executes, in hopes of stopping the program before
`it can cause damage or allow a virus to propagate. Another taxonomy of malicious code
`defenses divides all methods into the categories of staticor dyramic analysis. Although
`most static analysis techniques are applied as pre-execution checks, certain static anal-
`ysis techniques can be applied at run time. Similarly, although most dynamic analysis
`techniques are applied as ran time checks, certain dynamic analysis techniques (such
`as our own Malicions Code Testbed) can be applied as pre-execution checks.
`Manyof the more sophisticated pre-execation methods rely on the prior existence of
`2 copy of the program that is assumed to be “clean”, perhaps because it was originally
`written by a trusted programmer and then translated into an executable file by a trusted
`compiler on a secure system. One such method compntes cryptographic checksums that
`are characteristic of that trusted executable file, and embeds them in that file. [6] The
`file is then copied to an insecure environment, whose operating system will not allow a
`user to execute any program until it has recomputed what those checksums should be
`and compared those values with the ones actually embedded in the program. In this
`way, most alterations made to a trusted executable file after it leaves the secure system
`can be detected before the program is executed in the insecure environment.
`It is important to note that this technique shares one important characteristic
`in common with most other sophisticated pre-<xecution methods — ultimately, they
`depend on the prior application of detection (or formal verification) techniques in order
`to certify an executable file as “clean” in the first place.
`Keeping Ken Thompson’s admonition “on trusting trnst” firmly in mind [5], how
`should a security administrator proceed when faced with programs so large or complex
`that “trust, but verify” is not a feasible option? We suggest that — in the middle
`ground between the two extremes of exhanstively provable correctness and trust based
`on nothing more substantial than personal familiarity with, or a background security
`check on, a program's writer — the MCT (acting to assist 2 human analyst) can provide
`&@ practical alternative basis for trust.
`3.1 Simple Scanners and Monitors
`Simple scanners such as McAfee’s Scanv or Norstad’s Disinfectant are by and large
`the most common pre-execution method in use today. Typically, the user will invoke
`a scanner to search the static text of a binary program for fixed patterns (bitstrings)
`that match those of known malicious programs. If none of those bitstrings are found,
`the user them proceeds to execute the program. Thus these scanners boast a very good
`record in defending against known malicious programs, such as polymorphic viruses
`that use a known “Mutation Engine”, but they cannot be applied in general to finding
`new malicous code, or even to finding familiar malicious code protected by 2 “Mata-


`tion Engine” thatis, itself, slightly mutated. Another popular approach uses simple
`monitors to observe program execution and detect potentially malidous behavior at
`Tun time. Such monitors usually sit astride the system call interface, e.g., to watch
`all disk accesses and ensure that no unauthorized writes are performed. Unfortunately
`such techniques incur a substantial speed penalty during execution of normal programs,
`and typically become quite a nuisance to the user.
`To be effective, these programs must also err on the conservative side, resulting in
`many false alarms which require user interaction. But ir these interactions, current
`techniques require the user to make relatively immediate (and usually uninformed)
`decisions regarding whether the program should be allowed to pro_ced. Such decisions
`would benefit immensely from the opportunity to explore a trace of the program’s
`history, as well as its then-current execution state.
`3.2 Encryption & Watchdog Processors
`Encryption is another metiod of coping with the threat of malicious code. Lapid,
`Ahituv, and Neumann [7] use encryption to defend against Trojan horses and trapdoors.
`When correctly implemented, encryption techniques are quite effective against many
`types of malicious code, but the cost of such a system is high due to the required
`hardware. Similarly, wotchdog processors [8] also require additional hardware. Such
`processors are capable of detecting imvalid reads/writes from/to memory, but they
`require additional support to effectively combat viruses. Also, both of these methods
`are dependent on the prior existence of a “clean” version of every program that is to
`be executed. As mentioned, to certify such copies as “clean” in the first place requires
`either formal verification or a malicious code detection capability, which is the subject
`of the present paper.
`4 Review of Dynamic Analysis using Events
`Over the last few years, we have developed a powerful, state-of the-art debugger called
`Dalek [9]. Dalek incorporates two significant advances over traditional debuggers:
`featnres a fully-prograrnmable language for manipulating the debugging environment,
`and it provides extensive support for user-definable events.
`The MCT user’s environment was designed in accordance with the philosophy un-
`derlying the Dalek debugger, and features analogous to those in Dalek have been incor-
`porated into the MCT. But we have also customized the MCT environment, in light
`of its specific mission to help ferret ont malicious code. We believe that “dynamic
`analysis” (and the development of appropriate methodologies for it) should be seen
`as representing an extremely promising avenueofinquiry, rather than as being just a
`fancy word for the sorts of things people have always done with traditional debuggers.
`By folly programmable, we mean the MCT is an extendible environment, in a sim-
`ilar sense that the Emacs text-editor is extendible. But due to the nature of the
`MCT’s mission, these general-purpose language constructs have been fully integrated
`with traditional appication-specific debagging features such as breakpoints and single-
`Like the Dalek debugger, the MCT also provides automated support for detecting
`hierarchical events — occurrences of interesting activities during the execution of the


`suspicious program. This capability allows the MCT to represent the suspideus pro-
`gtam’s behavior in terms of whatever higher-level abstractions have been defined by
`the security analyst.
`In some ways, an event is conceptually similar to a tuple in a relational database
`— once the structure of a particular database table has been defined by the user, every
`oceurrence of an event of that type that is detected by the MCT will have its attributes
`recorded permanently, as fields in a newly inserted tuple. That is, whem the MCT
`detects an event occurrence, it causes a corresponding tuple (or record) to appear in
`the appropriate database table. The attributes associated with an event should contain
`information sufficient to characterize a particular occurrence of that event, allowing it
`to be distinguished from other instances of the same event. The code written by
`a security analyst for an event’s definition can cause it. upon activation, to assign
`values to these attributes from variables in the suspicious program, from variables in
`the “outer” MCT environment, or from computation based on a combination of such
`In addition to defining an event as a template for passive data, the security analyst
`also needs to define an active, procedural aspect for that event. This is accomplished
`by writing a body of code in the MCT’s language, and associating it with that event.
`The purpose of this code, when activated,
`is to recognize exactly those conditions
`in the suspicious program's execution state that the security analyst has specified as
`constituting a valid occurrence of this particular type of event.
`This event-recognition code can be execnted mannally by the security analyst as
`sfhe single-steps the suspicious program, or it can be executed automatically by the
`MCT, if the analyst has bound that event’s code to a breakpoint, or to a range of
`breakpoint addresses. Events whose code 1s activated in this manner are called primitive
`The MCT also supports high-level events. When defining a high-level event, one
`must specify the names of all lower-level events on which it depends. A high-level event
`is not explicitly raised; instead, the MCT can antomatically trigger a high-level event's
`code into executing whenever an occurrence of a primitive event on which that high-
`level event depends is successfully recognized. The high-level event’s code will have
`access to all the attributes of its lower-level constitnent events, as well as access to the
`“raw” state of the suspicious program and to variables defined in the “outer” MCT
`Note that the secunty analyst can define a high-level event whose recognition may
`depend on lower-level constituent events whose occurrences are widely separated im
`time. For a concrete example of a network of events used to detect self-propagating
`code, see [1].
`Viewed from the perspective ofa relational database, a high-level event is conceptu-
`ally akin to an ongoing query: In defining a high-level event, the security analyst poses
`a query. The MCT then provides mcremental answers to that activated query, as the
`behavior of the suspicious program canses new occurrences of primitive event/attnbute
`tuples antomatically to be inserted in the database.
`The “execution history database” maintains a record ofall recognized event oc-
`currences and their attributes. It may be browsed selectively by the security analyst
`in interactive mode, or accessed programmatically via actess functions written in the
`MCT’s language.


`5 Architecture of the MCT
`Onedesign goal for the MCT is that it be as universal as possible. Thatis, the testbed
`should in principle be capable of analyzing both source code and executable files from
`different processors and different operating systems. However, to achieve such broad
`applicability, we would have to develop various front-ends and back-ends for the MCT.
`In addition, becanse of the radically different “security architectures” (or lack thereof)
`on different platforms, that portion of the MCT between the front-ends and back-ends
`~ that portion common to all platforms - cculd tum ont to be the null intersection.
`Nevertheless, we feel that using a common machine-independentinternal form language
`may illuminate aspects common to many security architectures.
`Initial Program Loading
`If started, for example, with an “executable” file, a front-end will need to understand
`any loading (and possibly some dynamic linking) conventions of the target operating
`system. The front-end will also need to know the processor type of the machine code in
`order to properly translate it into the Lisp-based internal form. A back-end will need
`to emulate any dynamic linking operations of the target operating system, as well as its
`system call interface. Thus, for example, if a program running under the MCT “writes”
`a file and then “reads” it back again. it should not be apparent to that program that
`itispot, in fact, running directly on the target CPU and operating system.
`Either before or after translation of an executable program into an internal form,
`the MCT might also search it to identify any known standard system-library routines.
`Assuming those routines are “clean”, this step could significantly reduce the size of the
`In addition, since the fype of every parameter required by a system-library
`routine 15 known, this information permits subsequent phases of the amalysis to infe>
`the types of any variables in the suspicions program that are passed as arguments to
`those system-librarv routines.
`5.2 Program Representation — Internal Form Language
`In order for the MCT user profitably to apply various amalysis tools, those tools must
`share a common representation of the suspicious program that is the subject of their
`To analyze the behavior of an executable machine code program, we must first
`translate its code into our internal form language. We have designed a set of pro-
`cedures that, given a 2-tuple (Memory_Address, Memory.Contents), will translateits
`Memory.Confents into our internal form language. Because not all assembler instrac-
`tions have the same length,
`it behooves us to explicitly represent the original Afem-
`ory_Address as another field in the internal form representation. This will allow the
`transiation tool easily to access other 2-tuples representing the next few adjacent Mem-
`ory_Addresses, should the need arise, in order to complete the job of disassembling a
`single long instruction.
`The interna] form language was deliberately designed to include only a small number
`of basic operators, thus simplifying the analysis. These operators are closely related
`to the hardware operations on a microprocessor, allowing convenient translation from
`machine code into the interna] form. Typical basic operations of the internal form


`language include READ or WRITEto a Memory_Address or Register. As an example
`of the syntax of the internal form, an indirect write of 0 through register CX might
`look like:
`The internal form is a Lisp-like language, whose order of evaluation is the same
`as that of Lisp. By defining the internal form’s operators (e.g., “READ.WORD”) as
`functions in Lisp, a program written in the internal form language can be interpreted
`by any standard Lisp system. Thus, by using Lisp as the “native language” of the
`MCT, dynamic analysis can readily simulate the execution of 2 program that has been
`translated from machine code into the internal form.
`5.3. Memory Model for the Code Segment
`Although the translator will produce a string of code in our internal form language, the
`MCT must store much more than just that string of syntax. To adequately represent
`even a 1-byte instruction of the original machine code, the MCT uses an elaborate data
`structure that also stores the original (Memory_Address, Memory. Contents) 2-tuple,
`along with various auxiliary fields to record other information that may be computed by
`dynamic analysis techniques. Representations ofevery Memory_Addressin a suspicious
`program’s code segment are stored in a table in the MCT.
`5.4 Memory Model for the Data Segment
`Cells in a suspicious program’s data memory can be represented by the same struc-
`tures as are used for its code, althongh atfirst it might appear that only the (Mem-
`ory_Address, Memory Contents) fields are needed. These representations ofits data
`can be stored in the sametable as the representations of its code. Named registers on
`the target CPU are treated as a special case of data memory. The MCT interpreter
`“allocates” data memory only as required by the dynamic behavior of the program (Le.,
`for the :un timestack and local variables, and for memory that is explictly allocated
`dynamically via calls to malloc). We must also load the MCT interpreter with any
`initialized data in the original executable machine codefile, as well as any sections of
`DOS we think the program might attempt to access directly (e.g., the interrupt vector
`6 Experience Using the Malicious Code Testbed
`The MCT is written in Common Lisp, and its execution of intermal form code in a
`simulated PC/DOSenvironment on a Unix workstation is several orders of magnitude
`slower than genuine execution of the original machine code on a PC platform. Never-
`theless, because the security analyst can define events, and then leave the MCT to ron
`unassisted for long penods to watch for occurrences of those events, this time penalty
`1s acceptable.
`In order to detect self-modifying code, we have included several predefined events in
`a standard library for the MCT. These events record every memory access — attributes
`such as the memory access mode (Le., Read, Write, or eXecute), and the memory
`address and contents. Thus, we can perfonm a relational join within this table, ¢.g.,


`if a particular location has been modified by some instruction, we can determine the
`address of the responsible instruction, and the contents of that instruction, even if they
`have been modified subsequently. The overhead incurred by this recordkeeping is one
`reason for the MCT’s slow execution.
`In implementing the MCT, we are extending the boundaries of our simulated DOS
`environment incrementally, as necessitated by the demands of our test programs for
`DOS/BIOS system services. Currently, the DOS system call interface is still somewhat
`skeletal. Our simulation of the PC hardwareis also fairly rudimentary, ¢.g., we do not
`currently simulate the periodic clock tick interrupts, and thus we avoid their associated
`processing time.
`As mentioned, the MCT is an extendible, customizable environment. Thus, the
`exact nature of the “display” it presents to the useris 2 matter of personal choice. In the
`sample displays that follow, we utilize a highly verbose mode, that, in most situations,
`would present the security analyst with far more undigested, low-level information
`than desired. Nevertheless, on occasion this level of detail is desirable, and is certainly
`justified in this case on expository grounds.
`The Malicious Code Testbed Displays a “Trace” of Program Execation
`*** Tnitializing Low-DOS *** for Compaq 386, DOS 3.31 : 0x0000 - 0x1000
`MCT will simulate — JMP 0x1195
`at IP 0x1100 ::
`— ((JUMP (T #x1195)))
`MCT will simulate -—- CLD at IP 0x1195 =:
`— ((WRITE.F DF #x0))
`at IP 0x1196 ::
`MCT will simulate — MOV AH, OxEO
`—- ((WRITE.B AB (READ.B (CONST #xE0))))
`MCT will simulate — INT 0x21
`at IP 0x1198 ::
`— ((LIB INT #x21))
`MCT will simulate — CMP AH, 0xEO at IP 9xl19A =:
`—- ((WRITE.F AF (AUX (- (READ-B AH) (READ.B (CONST #xE0)))))
`MCT will simulate — INC #£c11B5=at [P 0x2119D ::
`— ({JUMP ((=0 (READ.F CF)) #x11B5) (T #x119F)))
`MCT will simulate —- MOV AX, CS at IP OxL1BS =:
`MCT will simulate — ADD AX, #x10=at IP 0x11287::
`—- (WRITE.W AX (+ (READ.W AX) (READ.W (CONST #x10))))


`The first example MCT display above provides the conceptual equivalent of a pro-
`gram “trace”, such as might be provided by a debugger. For each newly executing
`instruction, the MCT displays the 5085 assembler mnemonic, the address of that in-
`struction, and its translation into our internal form language (which is then executed
`by the Lisp interpreter):
`In the next example, the security analyst has programmed the MCT to display
`a more high-level message immediately upon detecting an occurrence of the event
`named SELF-MOD-CODE.In this particular case, a memory location that was initially
`accessed in modes Read, then Write, is subsequently accessed in eXecute mode. The
`event code, written by the security analyst, notifies him after each subsequent ¢Xecute
`access, and also provides some higher-level information it has computed — namely,
`which instruction was responsible for modifying the instruction the MCT just executed.
`The Malicious Code Testbed Detects Self-Modifying Code
`MCT will simulate — JMP-INTER-SEG 0x3FC 060x000=at IP 6x123D::
`— ((JUMP-ABS #x3FC #x0))
`MCT will simulate —- REP at IP 0x3FC::
`— ((PREFIX "REP #x1))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x3FC modified by address 0x121B
`MCT will simulate — REP MOVS
`at IP 0x3FD ::
`(WRITE.W SI (+ (READ.W SI) #x2)) (WRITE.W DI (+ (READ.W DI) #x2)))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x3FD modified by address 0x121B
`MCT will simulate — REP MOVS|at IP 0x3FD ::
`(WRITE.WSI (+ (READ.W SI) #x2)) (WRITE.W DI (+ (READ.W DI) #x2)))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x3FD modified by address 0x121B
`the MO'VSinstruction that was modified is being repeated
`In the case above,
`because of its prefix, REP. Thus, every time it repeats, the MCT displays the fact that
`it detected another occurrence of the event, SELF-MOD-CODE. The security analyst
`might decide to redefine this event so that when not in “verbose” mode (as determined
`by examining a variable in the “outer” MCT environment), it will quietly record all
`eXecule accesses to this location after the first Head, Write, eXecute sequence, but will
`not announce those subsequent occurrences of the event mmmediately.


`In the next example, after a section of malicious code has decrypted itself (not
`shown), the decrypted code proceeds to read the realtime clock twice in rapid succession
`to check whether it is being single-stepped under a debugger. If less than 1 second has
`elapsed, it assumes it is not being watched, and then attempts a reboot.
`Decrypted Code Reads Clock to Check if being SingleStepped under Debugger;
`IfNot Being Watched,It
`“Attempts a Reboot
`MCT will simulate —MOV at IP 0x1035 ::
`— ((WRITE.B AH (READ.B (CONST 0x2))))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x1035 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT wall simulate -INT at IP 0xi037 ::
`—~ ((LIB INT 0x1A))
`Program desires to read 24-hr realtime clock (base 10):
`Enter hours:
`Enter mmutes:
`Enter seconds
`Enter hundredths:
`SELF-MOD.CODE EVENT — Location 0x1037 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will simulate -PUSH at IP 0x1039 ::
`— ((WRITE.WSP (- (READ.W SP) 0x2))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x1039 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will simulate —MOV_=at IP 0x103A ::
`— ((WRITE_B Ai (READ.B (CONST 0x2)))}
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x103A modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will simulate ~INT at IP 0x103C ::
`—- ((LIB INT 0x14))
`Program desires to read 24-hr realtime clock (base 10):
`Enter hours:
`Enter minutes:
`Enter seconds:
`Enter hundredths:
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x103C modified by address 0x105C
`a: IP Ox103E::
`MCT will amalate —POP
`(WRITE.W SP (+ (READ.W SP) 0x2)))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x103E modified by address 0x105C


`MCT will simulate —CMP
`at IP 0x103F ::
`—- ((WRITE.F AF (AUX (- (READ.B DH) (READ. A3))))
`——— (WRITE.F SF (SIGN (- (READ.B DH) (READ.B AH))))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x103F modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will simalate —JNZ at IP 0x1041 ::
`— ((JUMP ((=0 (READ.F ZF)) 0x1063) (T 0x1043)))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Loaation 6x1041 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will smulate —AND=at IP 0x1043 ::
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x1043 modified by sddress 0x105C
`MCT will smulate ~CMP at IP 0x1046 ::
`— ((WRITE.F AF (AUX (- (READ.B CL) (READ.B (CONST 6x1)))))
`(WRITE.F ZF (ZERO (- (READ.B CL) (READ.B (CONST 6x1))))))
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x1046 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT will smriate —JNZ at IP 0x1049 ::
`— ((JUMP ((=0 (READ.F ZF)} 0x1063) (T 0x104B)))}
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x1049 modified by address 0x105C
`MCT wil smulaee —UINTI
`— ((LIB INT 0x19))
`Program attempting a Reboot — OK to proceed?
`SELF-MOD-CODE EVENT — Location 0x104B modified by address 0x105C
`az IP 0x104B ::
`[ Decrypted Code Reads Clock to Check if being Single-Stepped under Debugger, |
`If Not Being Watched, It Then Attempts a Reboot


`7 Future Research
`One direction to pursue is to focus on the so-called “polymorphic” viruses that, by
`using unknown “Mutation Engines”, can easily evade static scanners, Our event-based
`dynamic analysis techniques should be able to handle all polymorphic “mutants”, since
`all polymorphic variants of a given virus should share a common behavioral profiie —
`acommon dynamic canonical form.
`We also plan to return to umplementing one of our origimal design goals for the
`MCT,namely integrating static analysis tools [1] into the common MCT environment.
`We feel there is great potential for the complementary use of these two families of
`analysis techniques, leading ultimately to the development of a more rigorous detection
`t may be that a two-tier detection scheme will be warranted — an efficient-running
`coarse-zrain eventfilter that could quickly screen large sections of code, and a slower,
`more thorough, fine-grain event mesh for especially critical systems or software.
`We thank Doug Mansur for his valuable insights.
`{1] R. Crawford, R. Lo, J. Crossley, G. Fink, P. Kerchen, W. Ho, K. Levitt, R. Olsson,
`M. Archer. “A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A Synthesis of Static and Dy-
`namic Analysis Techniques ”, Secure Networks — Proceedings: Fifth International
`Computer Virus & Security Conference, March 1992, pp. 225-236.
`[2] F. Cohen. “Computer Viruses — Theory and Experiments”, Computers & Securify,
`Vol. 6, 1987, pp. 22-35.
`[3] Len Adleman. “An Abstract Theory of Computer Viruses” (abstract), CRYPTO
`[4] M-. Harrison, W. Razzo. and J. Ullman. “Protection in Operating Systems”, CACM,
`VoL 19, No. & Aug. 1976, pp. 461-471.
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`pp. 761-763.
`[6] F. Cohen. “A Cryptographic Checksum for Integrity Protection”, Computers &
`Security, Vol. 6. 1987, pp. 505-510.
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