A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A
`Synthesis of Static and Dynamic Analysis
`R. Crawford, R. Lo, J. Crossley, G. Fink, P. Kerchen, W. Ho,
`K. Levitt, R. Olsson, and M. Archer
`Division of Computer Science
`University of California, Davis
`Davis, CA 95616
`In the past five years, there has been an explosion in the number ofTro-
`jan horses, time bombs, and viruses that have been found on computers,
`Furthermore, the ease with which one may write a virus or trapdooris
`certainly cause for concern: In his Turing Award lecture, Ken Thompson
`demonstrated an elegant yet simple trapdoor program that was quite ef-
`fective in subverting the security of a UNIX system [5]. The situation is
`even less encouraging in the personal computer arena — literally hundreds
`“SPONSORS:National Comput-r Security Center, Lawrence Livermore National Labora-
`tory, Deloitte Touche
`translating it into our internal form laneuage. Becanse not all assembler
`This paper proposes an environment for detecting many types of ma-
`licious code,
`including computer viruses, Trojan horses, and time/logic
`bombs. This Malicious Code Testbed (MCT)is based upon both static and
`dynamic analysis tools developed at the University of California, Davis,
`that have been shown to be effective against certain types of malicious code.
`The testbed enhances the power of these tools by using them in a com-
`plementary fashion to detect more general cases of malicious code. The
`MCTallows administrators and security analysts to check a program be-
`fore installation, thereby avoiding any damage a malicious program might
`Keywords: Detection of Malicious Code, Static Analysis, Dynamic
`Departmentof Energy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`4.2.1 Disassembly — Translation into Internal Form
`To statically analyze the behavior of an executable machine code program,
`we must first “disassemble” it, that is, translate its code into our internal
`form. We have designed a set of procedures that, given a 2-tuple (Mem-
`ory-Address, Memory.Contents), will disassemble its Memory.Contents,


`time bombs, and Trojan horses exist for all of the
`of computer viruses,
`major personal computers in use today.
`Malicious code detection — in the most general case — is known to be
`an undecidable problem. However, a number of techniques already exist
`for coping with certain restricted forms of malicious code. Although no
`algorithm thatidentifies malicious code in all its guises can exist, various
`heuristics may be applied to detect, e.g., viruses that are not very cleverly
`hidden in legitimate code. Such an approach to managing the problem
`is valid toward all formsof malicious code: stopping a large percentage
`of destructive programs is a considerable improvement over not stopping
`any of them.
`This idea forms the basis for a Malicious Code Testbed (MCT) ca-
`pable of detecting a large majority of current and future malicious pro-
`grams. Given the absence of a decision procedure for malicious code, such
`a testbed would allow one to examine a program to ascertain whether or
`notit is suspicious. The MCT will employ heuristics to analyze and sim-
`plify a program. Although these techniques may not always succeed, they
`should cover all “tricks” thought to be employed by malicious code.
`We first discuss some of the known methods of coping with malicious
`code, and then summarize previous work at UC Davis aimed at provid-
`ing defenses against malicious code. Finally, we explore in greater detail
`the idea of the Malicious Code Testbed that builds on our previous work,
`and melds several different heuristic techniques into a more effective, in-
`tegrated system.
`that only the (Memory_Address, Memory.Contents) fields are needed.
`stored in a table in the MCT.
`4.2.3 Memory Model for the Data Segment
`Cells in a suspicious Pprogram’s data memory can be represented by the
`same structures as are used for its code, although at first it might appear
`2 A Sample of Current Methods for Cop-
`ing with Malicious Code
`the majority of malicious code defenses are concerned with
`computerviruses. However, someare morebroadly applicable to malicious
`code in general. Table 1 shows the applicabiity of some of these methods.
`These methods can be divided into two distinct classes depending on when
`they are applied: as a pre-ezecution check or at run lime. Pre-execution
`techniques are applied to a suspicious program before it can be executed
`by a user.
`In contrast, run time methods are actually applied to the
`program as it executes, in hopes of stopping the program before it can
`cause damage orallow a virus to propagate.
`Many of the more sophisticated pre-execution methods rely on the
`prior existence of a copy of the program tha;is assumed to be “clean”,
`perhaps because it was originally written by a trusted programmer and
`then translated into an executable file by a trusted compiler on a secure
`system. One such method computes cryptographic checksums that are
`characteristic of that trusted executable file, and embeds them inthatfile.
`Thefile is then copied to an insecure environment, whose operating system
`will not allow a user to execute any program until it has recomputed
`what those checksums should be and compared those values with the ones
`Department of Energy Computer Security Group
`14th Arnual Conference Proceedings


`actually embedded in the program. In this way, most alterations made to
`a trusted executable file after it leaves the secure system can be detected
`before the program is executed in the insecure environment.
`It is importantto note that this technique shares one important char-
`acteristic in common with most other sophisticated pre-execution methods
`— ultimately, they depend on the prior application ofdetection (or formal
`verification) techniques in order to certify an executable file as “trusted”
`in the first place.
`Table 1. Applicability of Defenses.
`treated as data (the anestion of whether » civen Trine machine will aver
`2.1 Simple Scanners and Monitors
`Simple scanners such as McAfee’s Scanv or Norstad’s Disinfectant are by
`and large the most common Pre-execution method in use today. Typically,
`the user will invoke a scanner to search a binary program for patterns (bit-
`strings) that match those of known malicious programs.
`If none of those
`bitstrings are found, the user then proceedsto execute the program. Thus
`these scanners boast a very good record in defending against known ma-
`licious programs but they cannot be applied in gencral to finding new or
`mutated malicious code. Another popular approach uses simple monitors
`to observe program execution and detect malicious behavior at run time
`Such monitors usually watch all disk accesses to ensure that no unautho-
`tized writes are made. Unfortunately such techniques incur a substantial
`speed penalty during execution.
`In addition,
`to be effective these pro-
`grams must err on the conservative side, resulting in many false alarms
`which require user interaction.
`Departmentof Energy
`Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`4.3.1 Distinguishing “Code” from “Data”
`Contrary to popular belief, disassembly can be a formidable task.
`general,it is formally undecidable to determine whether a region of “data”
`could be executed as code (the so-called “state-entry problem” for Turing
`machines), or to determine whether a region of “code” could ever be


`2.2 Program Access Control Lists
`The next approach, program access control lists (PACL’s) [6], consists of
`associating with each file in a system an access control list that specifies
`what programs can modify the file. This preventive approach has the
`effect of limiting damage that can be done by many malicious programs,
`especially Trojan Horses unknowingly executed by the user. In contrast,
`conventional ACL’s would be ineffective in such situations because they
`only limit which users can modify the file. Although the PACL approach
`can help to ensure integrity, it is ineffective against attacks exploiting
`covert channels that only violate information security, not integrity.
`2.3 Encryption & Watchdog Processors
`Encryptionis another method of coping with the threat of malicious code.
`Lapid, Ahituv, and Neumann (2) use encryption to defend against Tro-
`jan horses and trapdoors. When correctly implemented, encryption tech-
`niques are quite effective against many types of malicious code, but the
`cost of such a system is high due to the required hardware. Similarly,
`watchdog processors(3] also require additional hardware. Such processors
`are capable of detecting invalid reads/writes from/to memory, but they
`require additional support to effectively combat viruses. Also, both of
`these methods are dependent on the prior existence of a “clean” version
`of every program that is to be executed. As mentioned, to certify such
`copies as “clean” in the first place requires either formal verification or
`a malicious code detection capability, which is the subject of the present
`and record the resulting internal form syntax in the appropriate
`3 Ongoing Work at UC Davis
`We are pursuing two families of analytical
`techniques that, unlike most
`current virus prevention and detection methods, attemptto dissect a pro-
`gram to determine whatit does and how. By examining the code, static
`analysis techniques can determine certain properties for some types of
`programs. Dynamic analysis techniques attempt to learn about a pro-
`gram’s behavior by actually running it in a “cleanroom” environment or
`by simulating its execution.
`At UC Davis,
`three analysis tools have been developed to help in
`determining whether a program has any potentially malicious codein it:
`VF1, Snitch, and Dalek. VF1 uses data flow algorithms during static
`analysis to determine the names ofall files that a program can access.
`Snitch statically examines a program for duplication of operating system
`services. Dalek is a debugger that forms the basis for a dynamic analyzer.
`3.1 Static Analysis
`From Table 1, one can see that static analysis [1] can be applied to a broad
`class of security problems. By closely examining the binary or source code
`14 3
`Department of Energy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`data. As with many programming languages, this concept of “fail-
`ure” may need to propagate outward (to other Memory_Addresses),
`perhaps even requiring certain aspects of the static analysis to be
`re-computed from scratch the next time the interpreter needs to rely
`onafield computed by static analysis.
`. Invoke the translator routines to disassemble the Memory.Contents


`of a program,static analysis attempts to detect the presence of malicious
`sections in that program. However,
`in the most general case such de-
`tection is known to be an undecidable problem, resulting in a need for
`more selective analysis techniques aimed at limited subclasses of problem
`instances. A generic virus designed to infect an arbitrary program will be
`unlikely to evade detection.
`In contrast, malicious code intended for one
`specific program can be more smoothly integrated with other sections of
`that program, therebyeffectively camouflaging its presence. In such cases,
`it is more cost-effective for the detection to focus on the services provided
`by the operating system that might be exploited by the malicious code,
`and on the strategic vulnerabilities of that operating system and underly-
`ing architecture. Thus our approach avoids the prohibitive cost of formal
`program verification in favor of slicing [1] and other static and dynamic
`analysis methods that reduce the problem space to a more tractable size.
`3.1.1 VFI
`3.1.2 Snitch
`Snitch is a prototype that detects duplication of operating system access
`routines in a program.
`Its strategy relies on the fact that most UNIX
`programs contain at most one instance of any operating system service
`(¢.g-, open, write, close). Since a simple virus cannotrely onall programs
`possessing the services it needs, it usually carries each of these services
`with it, inserting them into every program it infects. This will most likely
`result in 3 duplication of some operating system services. When Snitch
`is used to analyze an infected program, it will report this duplication
`VF1is a prototype system that was implemented to determine the vi-
`ability of applying static analysis to the detection of malicious code; it
`uses a technique called slicing. Slicing involves isolating the portions of a
`program related to a particular property in which one is interested. The
`sliced program (which is greatly reduced in size compared to the original)
`can then be analyzed to give information about that particular property.
`VF1's target property is filename generation — in particular, whichfiles
`can be opened and written to by a given program. By knowing whatfiles
`& program can write to, one can determineif there is a possibility of the
`program being a virus. For example,
`if a program that does not need
`to write to files (e.g., Is, the UNIX directory listing program) possesses
`code to open and write anyfile, then one might suspect that the program
`contains a virus.
`VFi translates a program written in the C programming language to
`@ program expressed in a Lisp-like internal form thatis easier to analyze
`This resultant program can then be sliced with respect to any given line
`of its code. That is, one can select a line of the resultant program that
`performs an interesting action (such as openingafile for writing), and have
`VF1 determine which statements of the resultant program have bearing
`on that selected line.
`ory.Address that was the target of a WRITE by the suspicious program
`Department of Energy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`| 44
`behavior would be grounds for more extensive dynamic analysis. How
`could dynamic analysis detect self-modifying code? Primarily for expos-
`itory purposes, we first introduce a special case of self-modifying code
`that builds on the two examples of the last section. Later, we describe
`self-modifying code in a more general context.
`Suppose thatin the second example of the previous section, the Mem-


`as being suspicious. The Snitch prototype is specific to Sun-3’s running
`SunOS, but many ofthe concepts underlying the prototype can be applied
`to other architectures and operating systems.
`Snitch consists of two major modules. Thefirst module, the disassem-
`bler, takes an executable program as input and produces the equivalent
`Motorola 68020 assembly language representation as output. The second
`module, the analyzer, examines the output from the disassembler for du-
`plication of operating system services, reporting any such duplications as
`well as the number of occurrences ofall system calls.
`3.2.1 A Fully Programmable Debugger
`Dalek is a prototypical debugger originally designed to demonstrate that
`significant further progress in debugging sequential programs was possible.
`For brevity in our discussion, we will refer to the suspicious program being
`executed under Dalek’s control as “the inferior”. Although Dalek has a
`number of unusual features, one of the most importantis thatits debugger
`language is fully programmable; that is, it includes mechanisms typically
`found only in general-purpose programming languages. Dalek's debugger
`language supports mechanisms such as conditional and looping constructs,
`3.2 Dynamic Analysis
`Dynamic analysis offers a reasonable potential for detecting a large class of
`malicious code. By closely observing a program at run timein a controlled
`environment, one may determine exactly what it is doing and how it
`accomplishes its goals.
`It is important to bear in mind one essential difference between static
`and dynamic analysis: In those cases where static analysis is able to assert
`something about a program, that assertion will be valid for every possible
`execution of the program.
`In contrast, in order for dynamic analysis to
`detect behavior that has eluded static analysis,
`the suspicious program
`may need to be run on a particular set of input data that causes that
`behavior to manifest. Thus the testing strategy (i.c., the selection of input
`data for the suspicious program)is as vital for the detection problem as
`it is for the general problem of debugging.
`Like static analysis techniques, dynamic analysis is best used “off-line”
`to avoid burdening the user with an execution-time penalty. Asa result,
`clever programs may be able to elude the analyzer by only executing
`malicious sections of code when they “know” that they are not being
`One obvious approach to dynamic analysis is to base the analysis on a
`debugger. Over the last two years, an event-based debugger called Dalek
`has been developed at UC Davis [4] and is now being used to detect
`malicious code.
`a different location, thus successfully Propagating itself to a section of
`Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`guage, Lisp itself provides ample evidence that there are often good rea-
`sons to (i.c., benign programs that) treat code as data. At the level of
`a machine language, an in-memory virus is a shining (albeit malicious)
`example of an application that may first execute a region of “code”, then
`READ that sameregion as “data” in order to WRITE that “code” to


`the ability to dynamically declare new global convenience variables’, and
`procedures and functions with local convenience variables.
`In Dalek, these general-purpose language constructs have been fully in-
`tegrated with the traditional application-specific debugging features such
`as breakpoints and single-stepping. Thus, for example, Dalek permits a
`single-step command inside a WHILE loop. Such a construct might be
`employed to programmatically observe the sequence of changes made to
`a particular variable.
`In any monitoring activity,
`there is concern for whether the act of
`observation could disturb the normal execution of the suspicious program.
`It is important to note that Dalek code (e.g., for debugger procedures)
`and convenience variables do not reside in the address space ofthe inferior
`(i.e., the suspicious program). Thus thelikelihood that Dalek’s monitoring
`activities might be noticed by the inferior is minimal.
`Dalek also provides support for detecting hierarchical events — occur-
`rences of interesting activities during the execution of the inferior — as
`a way to form higher-level abstractions explaining the inferior’s behavior.
`Dalek employs a novel, coarse-grained dataflow approach for combining
`events in which the dataflow graph’s nodes contain fragments of code
`written in the Dalek language.
`Thus Dalek code can be executed in a variety of different situations:
`interactively from the debugger’s commandlevel, when read in fromafile,
`and automatically when theinferior hits a breakpoint or when an event
`triggers the dataflow graphinto activity.
`mhnthne 2 Mam anes Addncce mee DDAT La 2 en antatanw. ------ = tea
`3.2.2 Primitive Events in Dalek
`Under Dalek, one can define an event to capture details of the occurrence
`of any interesting activity during the execution of the inferior. To define
`an event, one must declare names for it and for its at¢ributes and write a
`block of Dalek code. How does Dalek know when to execute the code for
`an event? The simplest way to effect this is to explicitly issue an event
`raise command (giving the name of that event) once Dalek has suspenued
`the inferior program’s execution. Events whose code is activated in this
`mannerare called primitive events, and include those activated by an event
`raise command executed automatically at a breakpoint. When activated,
`the code associated with an eventwill try to recognize a valid occurrence of
`that event in the inferior. The attributes associated with an event should
`contain information sufficient to characterize a particular occurrence of
`that event, allowingit to be distinguished from other instances of the same
`event. The Dalek code one writes for an event’s definition can cause it,
`uponactivation, to assign values to these attributes from inferior variables,
`debugger convenience variables, or computation based on those variables.
`1A “convenience variable” is a variable that the user defines and manipulates within the
`DepartmentofEnergy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`point or eventfield. Depending on its value, this field would cause
`the suspicious program’s execution to be suspended whenever it
`attempted to READ, WRITE,and/or execute the corresponding
`Memory.Address. The MCT interpreter would then automatically
`execute the Lisp code defined for this event by the user.
`. The defined field would be used to detect access anomalies, ¢.g.,


`3.2.3. Hierarchical Events in Dalek
`Dalek also supports high-level events. When defining a high-level event,
`one must specify the names of other events on whichit depends. A high-
`level event is not explicitly raised; instead, Dalek can automatically exe-
`cute a high-level event’s code whenever an occurrence of a primitive event
`on which it dependsis successfully recognized. Dalek provides a coarse-
`grained dataflow view of events. In most models of dataflow, tokens flow
`between the nodes of a directed graph. In Dalek, the leaves of this graph
`Tepresent primitive events (independent sources of tokens) and the inte-
`tior nodes represent higher-level events whose activation and subsequent
`behavior depend on instances of those primitive events. Thus the struc-
`ture of the dataflow graphis implicit in the events that are defined by
`the user. It is derived automatically by Dalek from the dependencies that
`were explicitly specified between primitive and higher-level events.
`3.2.4 A Dataflow Model of Event Recognition
`Activity within the inferior — such as reaching a breakpoint — can raise
`an instanceof a primitive event, which if recognized will generate a token.
`This token carries copies of the attributes characterizing that instance
`of the primitive event, allowing that particular occurrence to be distin-
`guished from other occurrences of the same Primitive event. The token(s)
`generated by recognizing a valid instance of a primitive event flows to
`any high-level event(s) that depends on the primitive event. The arrival
`of such a token at the high-level event can trigger that high-level event,
`causing it to execute its own Dalek code so it can decide whetherto rec-
`ognize a valid instance of that high-level event. In making that decision,
`the Dalek code for a high-level event node has access to the tokens, and
`their attribute values, from all occurrences of the lower-level constituent
`events on which the high-level event depends.
`An event history is also maintained to record all recognized event
`occurrences and their attributes.
`It may be browsed selectively by the
`user in interactive mode or accessed programmatically via pre-defined
`functions in the Dalek language.
`detected by the MCT.
`3.2.5 Effectivencss of a Debugger Against Viruses
`Many programmers findit difficult to debug even non-malicious software
`they have written themselves.
`In comparison,
`the task of detecting a
`malicious section of code in a program written by another appears truly
`daunting. Yet with the support Dalek provides for detecting primitive
`events and for recognizing patterns of lower-level events as higher-level
`abstractions, much of the burdenis offloaded from the user.
`Figure 1 illustrates how high-level events were used to correlate at-
`tributes captured by lower-level events to provide a characterization of a
`Suspicious program’s behavior, represented in termsof the semantic mod-
`els the user had determined to be most relevant, For that demonstration,
`Dalek controlled a stripped executable under the UNIX operating system.
`\49 DepartmentofEnergy ComputerSecurityGroup
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`instructions. It could proceed to execute for an arbitrarily long pe-
`tiod without ever “re-synchronizing” with the framing assumptions
`made by the disassembler. Without the sequence field, such a faulty
`framing assumption might allow highly malicious code to escape un-


` Mes", *irwstt*"}
`(5, *Virwstt")
`Figure 1. Interaction of Events in Dalek.
`Figure 1 indicates that the inferior made a series of system calls, in-
`voking operating system services to access thefilesystem. For example,
`the attributes of the first ‘open event ? record the fact that the inferior
`requested Write access to “file!”, and that the operating system permit-
`ted that access by returningafile-descriptor of 5 for the inferior to use.
`the inferior used thatfile-descriptor to write “string!” to
`“filet”. The high-level event ‘write-to-file was able to deduce this abstract
`behavioral description by correlating the file-descriptor, returned by the
`‘open event with that later used by the ‘write event.
`It was nec-
`essary to make this deduction because under UNIX, one cannot write to
`24 leading backquote character allows names of events and their attributes to be distin-
`guished from objects in the inferior program (e.g., variables and procedures) having otherwise
`identical names.
` DepartmentofEnergy Computer Security Group
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings [4] R. Olsson, R. Crawford, and W. Ho. “A Dataflow Approach to Event-
`based Debugging”, SOFTWARE—Practice and Experience, Vol. 21,
`No.2, Feb. 1991, pp. 209-229.
`(5) K. Thompson. “Reflections on Trusting Trust”, Comm. ACM,Vol. 27,
`No. 8, 1984, pp. 761-763.
`[6] D. Wichers, D. Cook, R. Olsson, J. Crossley, P. Kerchen, K. Levitt,
`and R. Lo. “PACL’s: An Access Control List Approach to Anti-Viral
`Security", Proc. of NIST/NCSC 13th Nat'l Computer Security Conf..


`a file by name, but only througha file-descriptor previously returned by
`the operating system via an open system call. As shown in Figure 1,
`once theinferior closes “file”, UNIX recycles file-descriptor 5 so that af-
`ter the inferior’s next open system call, file-descriptor 5 denotes “files”
`instead. Fortunately, the expressiveness of Dalek’s general-purpose lan-
`guage features allow one easily to write debugger code for the ‘write-to-file
`high-level event so thatit is not confused by the reuse of a file-descriptor.
`From the example, one can imagine other ways in which Dalek’s ca-
`pabilities could be applied to the detection and understanding of viruses
`or other malicious code. Yet it might seem that in real-world situations,
`such event-based methods would be ineffective against hostile or secretive
`In the first place, one would expect that the malicious code
`would have been stripped ofall (correct) symbolic information. Thus the
`debugger would not know the names,sizes, or locations of procedures or
`data structures. However, most operating systems offer some assistance in
`this regard, allowing a relatively complete behavioral trace of all system-
`related activity initiated by a suspicious program to be obtained. Indeed,
`although the previous example involved a stripped executable file, we were
`nevertheless able to monitor its behavior in terms of certain extremely rel-
`evant, high-level abstractions, as shown in thefigure.
`Secondly, a malicious program may alter its own code, making analysis
`difficult. Under Dalek, however, one may define events to recognize such
`self-modifying behavior. Therefore, self-modification does not present in-
`surmountable difficulties for the debugger but it does increase the com-
`plexity of the events one must define.
`If Dalek were to be used as an isolated tool for dynamic analysis, it
`should be equipped with a library of predefined events to capture sus-
`picious and malicious behavior, similar in concept to the events shown
`in Figure 1. For example, attempting to open (or change/inspect
`permissions on)all files in the current directory might be considered sus-
`picious. Writing the same block of “data” to several different executable
`files would appear even more suspicious.
`14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`3.3 Test Data Generation for Dynamic Analysis
`Successful dynamic analysis is dependent on a nearly complete test set of
`input data. Without a high level of confidence that most or all situations
`that may be suspicious are reached, the sample runs are unlikely to be
`useful. By using and adapting classical test data generation algorithms
`(7)[8], we can gain sufficient coverage to activate all suspicious code.
`Generation of test data typically involves extracting a set of possible
`paths through a program, and for each path selecting a set of inputs
`that activates that path. Path generation algorithms fall into three main
`categories [9]:
`¢ Control flow - Ensuring each statement of the program is executed.
`@ Data flow ~ Ensuring all paths containing certain relationships be-
`tween variables are traversed.
`Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group


` e Expression coverage - Ensuring that each variable is bound to a
`variety of nontrivial values during executions.
`Of these, data flow methods are most commonly used. For programs of
`significant size, the set of paths is far too large for an actual testing scheme
`[9]. Some work has been done to identify easily computable subsets of
`possible paths that cover in a reasonably complete way the activities of a
`program [7}[8], but these subsets vsually comprise a significeut percentage
`of the full set of paths (8), and so offer little improvement.
`For our purposes, it is possible that by focusing our test data gen-
`eration algorithm on specific suspicious events or “critical points” in the
`Program,(¢.g., requests for operating system services), we will be able to
`generate dramatically smaller test sets of input data. By thus reducing
`the size of the test set, such an approach would necessarily reduce the ab-
`solute percentage of path Coverage, yet it would retain the property that
`the malicious code lies on one of the paths that are covered. To explore
`this conjecture, the general algorithm in [8] for “critical points” appears
`Testing techniques generally assume an “oracle” for determining the
`validity of results over some set of input data. Our oracle need not be as
`comprehensive as ai: oracle for debugging purposes, as a consequence of
`our specific interest in security properties.
` 4 A Testbedto Integrate Static and Dy-
`namic Analysis
`Our current efforts are directed towards devgloping a Malicious Code
`Testbed (MCT) that will allow us to explore andrefine our ideas for inte-
`grating static and dynamic analysis. The goal of the MCT Project is to
`provide a set of tools — operating in a seamless, integrated environment
`— that will assist a user in detecting various forms of malicious code,
`and in identifying programs that exploit security flaws within developed
`software. The MCT will incorporate features from the tools mentioned
`above (Dalek, VF1, and Snitch), whose capabilities were demonstrated in
`our previous work. It is expected that the power of the resulting toolset
`to detect and understand malicious code will exceed the sum of that of
`its componentparts when operated in relative isolation.
`Both static and dynamic analysis techniques are necessary because
`they can be applied in different sitnations, and their strengths complement
`one another. Compared with static analysis, dy’ amic analysis can follow
`any execution sequence — even if the program modifies its code on the fly.
`However, dynamic analysis can follow only a finite number of execution
`sequences inafinite time period. Thus, in the absence of a test set of input
`data known to provide complete coverage, dynamic analysis might be
`able to certify the presence of certain activities (ie., violations of security
`policy), but it could not unconditionally guarantee their absence.
` Department of Energy Computer Security Group14th Annual Conference Proceedings
`An Architecture for a Distributed
`Intrusion Detection System
`James Brentano, Steven R. Snapp,
`Gihan V. Dias, Terrance L. Goan,
`L. Todd Heberlein, Che-Lin Ho,
`Karl N. Levitt, Biswanath Mukherjee,


`4.1 Architecture of the MCT
`Onerequirement for the MCT is that it be as universal as possible. That
`is, the testbed should in Principle be capable of analyzing executable code
`from different processors and different operating systems. We propose to
`meet this requirement by developing various fr

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