`for Information Systems-
`Small Computer System
`ANSI INCITS 131-1994 (R1999)
`(formerly ANS! X3.131-1994 (R1999))
`Stabilized as
`INCITS 131-1994[$2013]
`Developed by
`WhereIT all begins
`—© a
`i -
`prerican Nations
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`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 2/468
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`American National Standard
`for Information Systems —
`Small Computer System Interface-2
`Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
`Approved January 31, 1994
`American National StandardsInstitute, Inc.
`The SCSI protocol is designed to provide an efficient peer-to-peer I/O bus with up to 16 devices,
`including one or more hosts. Data may be transferred asynchronously at rates that only depend
`on device implementation and cable length. Synchronous data transfers are supported at rates up
`to 10 mega-transfers per second. With the 32-bit wide data transfer option, data rates of up to 40
`megabytes per second are possible.
`SCSI-2 includes command sets for magnetic and optical disks, tapes, printers, processors, CD-
`ROMs, scanners, medium changers, and communications devices.
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`that the
`Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI
`requirements for due process, consensus, and othercriteria for approval have
`been met by the standards developer.
`Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards
`Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially
`affected interests.
`Substantial agreement means much more than a simple
`majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and
`objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their
`The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence
`does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards
`or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,
`or procedures not conforming to the standards.
`The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in
`no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
`Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of
`an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards
`Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or
`sponsor whose name appearson the title page of this standard.
`CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or
`withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards
`Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw
`this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current
`information on all standards bycalling or writing the American National Standards
`CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the
`implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisher
`have undertaken a patent searchin orderto identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of
`publication of this standard and following calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation
`of the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the developer or publisher in
`respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied thatlicenses are not required to avoid
`infringementin the use of this standard.
`Published by
`American National Standards Institute
`11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
`Copyright ©1994 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
`form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
`without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,
`Washington, DC 20005.
`Printed in the United States of America
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`Foreword 0... ccc ete ete eee ee eee eet tee eee ete teens xix
`Introduction... cece ee eee eee ete eee eee xxii
`STo1)0)-a 1
`Normative references ..... 0.0 eee cere eee 2
`Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ..........0c eens
`Definitions 20... cc eee cee eee 3
`Symbols and abbreviations ......... 0... eee e eee eee
`.0 0. eee etn eens 6
`OVEIVIEW oc cece ee eee ee teeters 6
`CorventionS 2... 00. cece cee te ee rete eee eee
`Physical characteristics 2.0.1... ccc eee 8
`Physical description ...... Lee ee eee eee ene ees
`Cable requirements
`...... 0.0 cece ccc e eee ents 8
`5.2.1 Single-ended cable .. 0.2....eee eee ee es 8
`Differential cable 0... ee ee ete 9
`Cable requirements for fast synchronous data transfer ......
`Connector requirementS 20.0. cece cece teens 9
`Non-shielded connector requirements ...............55.
`Non-shielded connector alternative 1-A cable ............
`Non-shielded connectoralternative 2- A cable ............
`Non-shielded connector- Bcable ....... 0... cee eee eee
`Shielded connector requirements ... 2.0.0... cece eee 15
`Shielded connectoralternative 1- A cable ................
`Shielded connector alternative 2-A cable ..............05 15
`Shielded connector - Bcable ..... cece ct eee tenes 15
`Connector contact assignments ........... 0.0000. eee 20
`Electrical description .... 0.0... cee eee 25
`Single-ended alternative... 0.0.0... cece eee ees 25
`Output characteristics 0.0.0... cece eee reece ee nee 25
`Input characteristics .... 0... cee eee 25
`Differential alternative ..... 002... cee ee ee ee 26
`Output characteristics 2.0... cee cee eee 26
`Input characteristics ©... cece eee eee eens 26
`Terminator power... 6... ce ene eee eee 26
`RESERVEDlines ........-- sec e eee eee eens 29
`SCSI DUS . 0. et eee tee 30
`SCSI bus signals 1... 6.0 cee ce eee ete ees 32
`Signal values 2... cc cee eee teens 33
`OR-tied signals oie eee eee 33
`Signal sources .. 0.6... cee eee eens 33
`SCSI bus timing... 1... cee eee eee 34
`Arbitration delay... 1. ccc eee ee tet ee eens 35
`Assertion period 2.0.0... cece ee ee eens 35
`Bus clear delay 2.0.0... cc cece eee ees 35
`Bus free delay oo... ec ee te ee teen 35
`Bus set delay... ccc ccc ee ete ere eee 36
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`.... 0... ccc eee eee teens 36
`Bus settle delay
`Cable skew delay 2... 0... ccc cece ect e een e eee ees 36
`Data release delay 0.1... cece eet eens 36
`Deskew delay 2.0... . cece ete eee eee tne ees 36
`Disconnection delay 2... 0... ccc cere eee eee neces 36
`Hold time
`.. ccc cee eee tee eee ene 36
`Negation period 2.00... eee teens 36
`Power-on to selection time
`.. 0... ccc cece eee eee ee 36
`Reset to selection time 0... cc eee eee eee 36
`Reset hold time 2... 0.0... cece eee 37
`Selection abort time 1.0... cece eee eee 37
`Selection time-out delay 2... .. 6c cece eee eee eee 37
`Transfer period 2... wees 37
`Fast synchronoustransfer option ..... 0.00... 0c scene 37
`Fast assertion period 2... ccc cece eee ets 37
`Fast cable skew delay)... cee ee eee 37
`Fast deskew delay 1.0... .0. cece eee cee tees 37
`Fast hold time oc. ccc ce ee tee ete e ee eee 37
`Fast negation period ©... 0... cece cee eee 38
`Logical characteristics 0.0... . ccc eee eee eee eee 39
`SCSI bus phases .... 0.0... cece eee eee ees 39
`BUS FREE phase ...... 0... ccc cece eens 39
`ARBITRATION phase ....... 0.0: c ccc e eee tent eeeee 40
`SELECTION phase ...... cece weet terete nee teres 40
`SELECTIONtime-out procedure ...... 0.0.0... e eee eee 41
`RESELECTION phase ........ ccc eeu c cece cee eeenee 41
`coo ec cee teee te n eee 41
`RESELECTIONtime-out procedure ............. 00ers 42
`Information transfer phases ...... 0.0... cee eee ee eens 42
`Asynchronousinformation transfer ......... 0.0 cee eens 43
`Synchronous data transfer .... 0... ccc eee cece eee eee 43
`Wide data transfer 2... 1... eee ees 44
`COMMANDphase ......... 0: eee eee eee eee teres 46
`Data phase .... ccc cece eee tee reenter 46
`DATAIN phase 1... . 00. e cece ee eee eens 46
`DATA QUT phase 1... . cece ete ee ene eens 46
`STATUS phase ..... cece eee et ener eens eres 46
`Message phase ...... 0.02 eee e eee eee eee ees 46
`MESSAGE IN phase ........ 0c cece er cece eee eee eens
`MESSAGE OUT phase .. 0... ccc cee ees 46
`Signal restrictions between phases
`............0ceesnee 47
`SCSI bus conditions ...... 0... cc cece eee ee eee 47
`Attention condition 2.0.0... 00. cee ee eee 47
`Reset condition 0... ccc cece eee eee eee 48
`Hard reset alternative 60... ccc eee eee eens 49
`Soft reset alternative 0.6. ee es 49
`SCSI bus phase sequences ......... 2.0 e cece eee ence 50
`SCSI pointers
`. 0... ce eee ewes 51
`Message system description ........ 0. 0c cee er erence 52
`Messages ........ 0c eect ee ee ee ee ees 55
`ABORT wo ccc cee cc cece tree etree nett eens 55
`ABORT TAG . 0. cc ccc te rete eeet eee ee 55
`BUS DEVICE RESET ......... 20. e eres eee eee eee 56
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`CLEAR QUEUE ........ cece ec eee et ete ene 56
`COMMAND COMPLETE ..... cere rece ree eee ae 56
`DISCONNECT .. 0... cece cc eee eee eer tee eee ees 56
`IDENTIFY 0... 0c ce te eee eee eee eens 57
`IGNORE WIDE RESIDUE Lee een een eee bee eee e eee
`INITIATE RECOVERY 1.0... 00. e cece ete eee eee eens 58
`INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR ........ cece cee ees 59
`LINKED COMMAND COMPLETE ....... ees reece recess
`MESSAGE PARITY ERROR .......... 0. ee cece eee nee 59
`MESSAGE REJECT ....... See eee eee etna e en eeaeg
`MODIFY DATA POINTER Message ........-.+. 02-0 eee 60
`NO OPERATION .. 0. ccc cece eee e tet e eens 60
`Queue tag messages ...... 0. - cee ee 60
`HEAD OF QUEUE TAG .....,.. 2 cece eens Lene eens 61
`ORDERED QUEUE TAG .... 1... cece ee eee 61
`SIMPLE QUEUE TAG 1.0... . cee eee ee tenets 61
`RELEASE RECOVERY ........ 00 cee cece eee c eee e eens
`RESTORE POINTERS ..... ccc cece cece een ee eens 61
`SAVE DATA POINTER 1... ec cee cee cre eee eens 62
`TERMINATE I/O PROCESS ......... 00 cece tee eee 64
`WIDE DATA TRANSFER REQUEST .......-0 see eeeees
`SCSI commands and status.... 2... ce eee eee eee 67
`Command implementation requirements ...........000 05
`Reserved 00... ccc ere eee eet eens 67
`Operation code types oo. cece tee reece rte eenees
`Commanddescriptor block ......... 000. cee eee eens 68
`Operation code 1... cc te eee 69
`Logical unit number... 1. eee eee eee 70
`Logical block address 1.0... cs ccc eee eae e een eee 70
`Transfer lerigth 1.6... cece ccc tee eens 70
`Parameterlistlength 20. .... 0. cece eee eee eee eens 70
`Allocation length ..... 0.0. eee cece eee eee 70
`Control field 6... ccc eee ee eee teeters 71
`Status oo. cece eee eee ee ee eee ee eens 71
`Command examples ......0 0. cece cece e eee 73
`Single command example ..,..0 0... csceeureeueeeneee 73
`Disconnect example ...... 00 cc eee cee eee eee eens 73
`Linked command example ........... 00 cece cee evens 74
`Commandprocessing considerations and exception conditions 74
`Programmable operating definition ....... 0.60. c ceases 74
`Incorrectinitiator connection ........ 0.0 cece eee eee 75
`Selection of an invalid logical unit... 2.0.0... ee ee es
`Parameter rounding .........- 0c e cece eter eee teen eeee
`Asynchronous event notification 2.0... 0... cece eee 76
`Unexpected reselection .. 0... 0. cee eee eee eae 77
`Contingent allegiance condition ....... 0... cee ete ee eee 78
`Extended contingent allegiance condition ................ 78
`Queued I/O processes .. 0... ccc eee eee 79
`Untagged queuing ... 0.0... cc ccc ee eee tet ee 79
`Tagged queuing «1... ccc cee cee eee e eee 79
`Example of queued I/O process ....... 00. e ee eee eee eee 80
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`Typical sequencesfor tagged queuing .................4.
`Example of tagged queuing ...... 0... cee e eee e nett eeee
`Unit attention condition .... 0.0... 0. cece eee ee eee 83
`All device types 2.0... ccc creer eee eens 84
`Model! for all device types
`.. 0... ccc cece ec eee ee eee 84
`SCSI addresses ... 0... eee eee eee 84
`SCSI device address .... 0... cc cc ee eee eee 84
`Logical units 2... cee ee ee eens 84
`Target routines 2... ke eee ee ee nes 84
`Commands impiemented by all SCS] devices ............
`Using the INQUIRY command ........... se eee eee eee 85
`Using the REQUEST SENSE command ..............+-.
`Using the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command ................ 85
`Using the TEST UNIT READY command ................ 85
`Commandsfor all device types 1.0... .. 00. cee cere eens 85
`CHANGE DEFINITION command ........... 0.002 seus 86
`COMPARE command ...... 0. e cece tee eee eens 88
`COPY command .... cee cece teen n ene 89
`Errors detected by the managing SCSI device ............ 90
`Errors detected by a target ........ 0. ccc cc eee eee aee
`COPYfunction code OOH and O1h .... eee eee eee 91
`COPYfunction code 02h ........ 0.0.2 eee ee eee 92
`COPYfunction code O3h «11... cc eee te 93
`COPYfunction code 04h «0.6... ccc ee cc ee eee 94
`Copies with unequal biock lengths ..........000e eee eeee 94
`COPY AND VERIFY command .......... 0.0 cece ences 95
`INQUIRY command ...... 0... cece eee te te eae 96
`Standard INQUIRY data... 6... icc ee ee eee 97
`Vital product data 0... ce ee eee 100
`LOG SELECT command ......... 00 e cee ee eee ees 101
`LOG SENSE command ........... re 103
`MODE SELECT(6) command ........... 0.0202 eee eee ee 104
`MODE SELECT(10) command .......... 0... c cece eens 106
`MODE SENSE(6) command ........ 2c eer cece rete canes 106
`Current values 2.0... cece ee eee eens 107
`Changeable values ..... 0.0... ccc cece ee eens 108
`Default values 2.0.0... cee eee cee tenes 108
`Saved Values oe eee eee eee eee eee 108
`Initial responseS © 0... ce ee eee eens 108
`MODE SENSE(10) command ............ 002002 e eae 109
`READ BUFFER command ..... cc cece eer ce ee ett teens 109
`Combined header and data mode (O00b).............40- 110
`Vendor-specific mode (O01b) ... 2... cee eee 110
`Data mode (010b) 2... ice cee eee tee 110
`Descriptor mode (0116) 6... cece cee tenes 111
`RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command ............. 112
`REQUEST SENSE command ...........000 eee eee eeees 112
`Sense-key specific 0.0... cece eee tees 116
`Deferred errors ww ee tee eee ee eee 117
`Sense key and sense code definitions ...............04. 119
`SEND DIAGNOSTIC command..............-020000 2 ee 125
`TEST UNIT READY command ........ rn 126
`WRITE BUFFER command ....... 005s cece cece teenies 127
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`Combined header and data mode (O00b)............0005 128
` Vendor-specific mode (O01b) ..... 0... 0... eee eee eee 128
`Data mode (010b) ...... 0... cee ce es 128
`Download microcode mode (100b)
`...........00: cess 129
`Download microcode and save mode (101b) ..........005. 129
`Parameters for all device types 2... ..... 0c cee eee eee » 129
`Diagnostic parameters... 0... eee ee ees *, 129
`Supported diagnostic pageS ..... 1. ccc ee eee 130
`Log parameters 0... . cc eee tee eee teen nee 131
`Buffer over-run/under-run page ...... cece ee ee eee eee 134
`Error counter pages 2... ee eee eee 135
`Last n error events page ...... cee cee tee 136
`Non-medium error page
`..... eee eee ee eee ee 136
`Supported log pages ...... cere eee te ee ee tee ee 136
`Mode parameters ccc cece cee eee teenies 187
`Control mode page ..... 1... 0 ccc cece ee eee 140
`Disconnect-reconnect page ........ cee eee eee 142
`Peripheral device page... . cece ee eee eee 144
`Vital product data parameters
`..............02---0000% 144
`ASCIl implemented operating definition page ............. 145
`ASCIl information page .... 2... cece ce eee eee 145
`implemented operating definition page ....... cee eee 146
`Supported vital product data pages .............- 2.000. 148
`Unit serial number es 149
`Direct-access devic@S .. 1. cece ce tee eee eee 150
`Direct-access device model ............ 00.0002 e eee 150
`Removable medium ... 0.0.0... cc eee ees 150
`Logical blocks 2.0... cece eee eee eee 150
`Ready state... ee ec ee eee cee tee tees 151
`Initialization 0. ee eee eens 151
`Medium defects .. 20... 0. ccc cee ee ene 151
`Data cache .........eseae Cee eee ee ete eee 152
`Reservations 0.0.0... . 0c cece ee eee eee een aeees 153
`Seek and reZ@ro ww ce eee eee 154
`Notched drives 2.0... . ccc eee ee eee eee ees 154
`Rotational position locking ....... ccc ese eee reece eens 154
`Relative addressing .....-.....00 0 cece eee r tee eeneee 154
`Error reporting «0.0.0... cee ee eee e nee 154
`Examples cee ce eee te eee ene 155
`Rotating media 2... cc et cece eet ens 155
`Sequential media ......... cece ee eee tenes 156
` Memory media......... cece ee ee ee eens 156
`Commandsfor direct-access devices. ..............000- 157
`FORMATUNIT command... .. 0... cee eee eee eee 158
`Defect list formats 2... cece ee tee etter e ee 162
`Initialization pattern option ....... 0.0... cee eee es 163
`LOCK UNLOCK CACHE command ...........-....00005 165
`PRE-FETCH command ........ 0... c cee ence eee eens 166
`PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command ......... 167
`READ(6) command .....-. cee eee ee eee eee 168
`READ(10) command ...... 0... cece cee eee 168
`READ CAPACITY command ......... cece eee ees 169
`READ DEFECT DATA command ...... 0.0... cc cee ee eee 171
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`READ'LONG command ..............220022e eee eeeee 173
`REASSIGN BLOCKS command .......... 0c see eevee 174
`RELEASE command .... cece er eee ett eee ene 175
`Logical unitrelease ........... 0. cece eee ees 176
` Extentrelease .... 0... ce eee teens 176
`Third-party release . 6... eee eee eee eee 176
`RESERVE command ......-.0 +c ce eee rere cent eeeneee 177
`Logical unit reservation 2.0... 0... eee eens 177
`Extentreservation ....... 0: sec eee 177
`Third-party reservation
`...... 0.00 e cece eee eee eee 179
`Superseding reservations ...... 0.0... cc eee ee ee eens 180
`REZERO UNIT command .............. 0.22 eee eee eee 180
`SEARCH DATA commands
`.......ccceceeeee ret eteees 181
`SEARCH DATA EQUAL command ............. ec ee eaee 183
`SEARCH DATAHIGH command ............-...-..0008: 183
`SEARCH DATALOW command ..............0 ccc eeeee 183
`SEEK(6) and SEEK(10) commands ........000sseeeeeer 183
`SET LIMITS command ..........---2 cece eet eee eens 184
`START STOP UNIT command ......... 00: eee ence neers 185
`SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command ...... 0... cece eee ees 186
`VERIFY command ........... cece cee eee ences 187
`WRITE(6) command ... 0.0... cece ees 188
`WRITE(10) command ......... cece eee eee ee eee 188
`WRITE AND VERIFY command ..........- 000 e cere anes 189
`WRITE LONG command .........06: cee neta ee eee 190
`WRITE SAME command ........... Lene tenner ete 191
`Parameters for direct-access devices ........ 0.0000 ea aes 192
`Diagnostic parameters .....0. 000. c cece eee te eee eae 192
`Translate address page - SEND DIAGNOSTIC ............ 192
`Translate address page - RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC ......... 193
`Log parameters cee ee ee ee eens 194
`Mode parameters ....... 0... cee cece eee eee 194
`Caching page ...... cece eee eee ect nee eee 196
`Flexible disk page ... 0.0... eee eee eet tenes 199
`Format device page ...... 2... . cee eee eee 202
`Medium types supported page ....... eee e eee ee eee 205
` Notch and partition page 0.6....cee ee eee 206
`Read-write error recovery page ......... 2.0... e eee eee 207
`Rigid disk drive geometry page ......... 200. 214
`Verify error recovery page ....... cece eee eects 215
`Definitions specific to direct-access devices .............. 217
`Sequential-access devices ........ 0 cece urea eee 218
`Sequential-access device model ........0. cc ccc eee euee 218
`Physical elements ........ 0.0... ccc eee eee eee e reese 218
`Data storage characteristics ©... 0... . 0. cece ee ee ee 219
`Partitions within a volume 26... ke ee eee 221
`Logical elements within a partition 2.0.0... eee 222
`Data buffering .... 20... . 0... eee eee ee eens 223
`Recorded object descriptors (block identifiers) ............ 224
`Direction and position definitions ......... 0. ccc eee e aces 224
`Error reporting .. 0... 0... sce ee eee ee tee eee nenae 225
`Commanddescriptions for sequential-access devices ...... 226
`ERASE command ....... 0c cece eee ee tee eevee eae 227
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`LOAD UNLOAD command ........ 0 ccc eee cent ene 228
`LOCATE command ...... cee ee reece ence ence teers 229
`READ command ......- cece eee eee ere eee teens 230
`READ BLOCK LIMITS command ..........0 cs erect eee 232
`READ POSITION command .........0 ccc eevee eee ee 233
`READ REVERSE command ........0: eee e cence eee eee 235
`RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command ...............6. 236
`RELEASE UNIT command ......... 20.00 cee eee eee tees 237
`Third-party release 0... eee eens 237
`RESERVE UNIT command ......0-: 0c eee eset e eens 238
`Third-party reservation ...... 0.00 ee eee ee ee eee eee 238
` Superseding reservations .......-.- 6 eee eee eee eee 239
`REWIND command .........00 eee tee eee e eens 1.» 239
`SPACE command ..... cc: cece eee e eee tenets 240
`VERIFY command ..... ccc c cece er ee eee tet ee 242
`WRITE command ......-...- ccc eee etna 243
`WRITE FILEMARKS command ............0.000 0 vee 244
`Parameters for sequential-access devices .............4, 246
`Diagnostic parameters 0... cc cece teen e teens 246 —
`Log parameters ©... 0... ete es 246
`Mode parameters ........ cece eee tenes Cone enee 246
`Device configuration page ......... 0c ccc eee ees 250
` Medium partition page(1) .. 0. cece eee ee ees 253
` Medium partition page(2-4) 2.0.0... eee 254
`Read-write error recovery page ......... 0c cece tees 254
`Definitions specific to sequential access devices .......... 256
`Commandsfor printer devices ........ 0.0 cc ee eee eae 257
`Model for printer deviceS 6... eee eee ees 257
`11.2 Commandsfor printer devices ... 0... 0:.cece nee eens 258
`FORMAT command .....- 0c: cere cee terete nnee 259
`PRINT command ..... 0.0. c cr cece et eee eee ett eee 260
`RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command ...........0050e5 260
`SLEW AND PRINT command ........ 00. ce cee sentences 261
`STOP PRINT command ......... 00 cece cece rete eeeee 262
`SYNCHRONIZE BUFFER command ..............00000) 262
`Parameters for printer devices ........ 0. eee e crete es 263
`Diagnostic parameters 1.0... cc eects 263
`Log parameters ... 0. ccc eect eee ete eters 263
`Mode parameters 0.2... eee ete tee eee 263
`|Parallel printer interface page... 1.6... eee ees 264
`Printer options page ..... eee eee tees 266
`Serial printer interface page ..... cee eee ee eee 269
`Processor devices ...... 0... cece ee eee eee eens 271
`Mode! for processor deviceS 2... ccc ec cee ete eee 271
`Host-to-host communication, SEND only ........ 000 ee aae 272
`Host-te-host communication, SEND and RECEIVE ......... 272
`Host-to-special-output peripheral .......... 0.0 cca e eee 272
`Host-to-special-input peripheral 0.0... cee eae 272
`Commandsfor processor deviceS «0... cece ete eee eee 273
`RECEIVE command ......... 0: cee cece cece tere ees 273
`SEND command .....-. cece eee cee eee ee ee eee 274
`Parameters for processor devices ........... 0050s e enue 275
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`Diagnostic parameters ccc ee eee eee 275
`Log parameters 2.0... ee ee eee teas 275
`Definitions specific to processor devices
`..........:.005. 275
`Write-once devices oo. cece eee cere tte eteetnaees 276
`Model for write-once devices 2... 0. cece eee eee 276
`Logical blocks 2... 0... cee ee eens 276
`Initialization... ee eee teres 276
`Physical medium defects . 1... 0... eee eee eee eee 276
`Error reporting .... 2... cece eee ee ene 276
`Commands for write-once devices ..........02 00 eee a eee 277
`Parameters for write-once devices ......0 6.0 cece eee taee 279
`Definitions specific to write-once devices ................ 279
`CD-ROM devices ........ cece eee eee tere cna 280
`Modelfor CD-ROM devices ...... 0. cece eee eee tte 280
`CD-ROM media organization ......... 0.00 eens 280
`CD-ROM physical data format
`.. cece ee eee 283
`Frame format for audio 2. ..... cc cee eect eee eens 283
`Sector format for data 2.0... . ccc eee eee eee 283
`Sub-channelinformation formats ....... 0.0002 e eee eens 284
`CD Audio error reporting « ccc teeter ee eee vanes 285
`CD-ROM ready condition/not ready condition ............. 285
`CD-ROM addressreporting formats (MSF bit) ............ 285
`Sensing support for CD-audio commands, ............055 286
`Error reporting ....... cc eee tee eee ee eens 286
`Commands for CD-ROM devices .............02020 ees 287
`PAUSE RESUME command ....... 00: c eee e cere neta 288
`PLAY AUDIO(10) command ........0 0c cc cee eee eens 289
`PLAY AUDIO(12) command ........ 0... cece eee eee 290
`PLAY AUDIO MSF command ..........0 0. eee eee ee eee 290
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK INDEX command ................5. 292
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK RELATIVE(10) command ............ 293
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK RELATIVE(12) command ............ 294
`READ CD-ROM CAPACITY command................255 294
`READ HEADER command .........0.0 0: cee e eee ee ene 296
`READ SUB-CHANNEL command ...........0-0e. ee eaee 297
`Sub-Q channel data format ...... 0.0: cect eee eect ne nee 298
`CD-ROM current position data format .......... 2.00 eee ee 302
`Media catalogue numberdata format .................5. 302
`Trackinternational standard recording code data format .... 303
`READ TOC command ........ cece cere cet eee eres 305
`Parameters for CD-ROM devices .......--.. 00 eee uneee 307
`Diagnostic parameters .... 0... cee eet 307
`Log parameters 0.0... ee ee eee eee 307
`Mode parameters... ccc cee cence eens 307
`CD-ROM audio control parameters ............000. 0-0 ee 309
`CD-ROM device parameters
`...... 0.0.00. c eee eee eee 311
`Read error recovery parameters 2.0... cece eee eee 312
`Verify error recovery parameters 0... 0. cece eee eee 318
`Definitions specific to CD-ROM devices ................. 318
`Scanner devices oo. ccc cece cece eee ee et eee eet eene 321
`Modelfor scanner devices ..... 0... eee eee eee 321
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 12/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 12/468


`Commandsfor scanner devices .. 6.2.2... 0... 322
`GET DATA BUFFER STATUS command ...........00+05- 323
`GET WINDOW command ........000 eee e ere eee eens 325
`OBJECT POSITION command ..........- 00. neces 329
`READ command ........2 ec eee eee eee ee eee eee eeee 331
`SCAN command ....... 00. c ce eee eet eee tenes 332
`SEND command ..... 0... cee eee tee eee 332
`SET WINDOW command ........- 00 e eee ee eee eee 333
`Parameters for scanner devices ..........0 2. ee ee eee 334
`Diagnostic parameters 2.0... 6.6 eee ee eens 334
`Log parameters 2.0... cece ete eee eee eee 334
`Mode parameters
`. 0... cece ee eee ee etter eee 335
` Measurement units page ...... eee cece eee eee 335
`Definitions specific to scanner devices .............00005 337
`Optical memory devices ...... 6.00 cece eee eee eee 338
`Model for optical memory devices .......-- 0-00 eee eens 338
`Defect management .......... 2.2. cece eee teens 339
`Error reporting 6... cece terete eens 339
`Commandsfor optical memory devices ..........5055055 340
`ERASE(10) command .......0- 2-2 eee ee eee ees 341
`ERASE(12) command ....... 00ers 342
`MEDIUM SCAN command ....... 00.0 eee rece twee ees 342
`READ(12) command ... cere ee ete eee en eee eee 344
`READ DEFECT DATA(12) command.........-..0 eee eee 345
`READ GENERATION command ...........0 0000 cee eae 346
`READ UPDATED BLOCK(10) command ........ 00s een ans 347
`SEARCH DATA(12) commands ...... 0.0 cece ee ee ees 348
`SET LIMITS(12) command ........- 2.0.0 cece eee 348
`UPDATE BLOCK command .......... 000s eee ences 349
`VERIFY(10) command ...... 05s cece eee eee eee ees 350
`VERIFY(12) command 1... 0.0 cece cence teens 351
`WRITE(10) command ...... 0... cece e eee eee 352
`WRITE(12) command .......0 0... ee eee eee tee 353
`WRITE AND VERIFY(10) command ....... 0... cere eae 353
`WRITE AND VERIFY(12) command ...........ce eee aee 354
`Parameters for optical memory devices ................. 355
`Diagnostic parameters ..... 0.0 eee ee eens 355
`Log parameters 2... ee ete eee ee 355
`Mode parameters 0... cece eee eee eee nes 355
`Optical memory page ...... cece ete eee ee eee 357
`Definitions specific to write-once and optical memory devices . 358
`Medium-changer devices .... 0.0... ccc cee ee eee eens 359
`Medium-changer device model
`........0--05 cee eee eeee 359
`Medium-changer elements .........0. 000 e eee eee tees 359
`Medium transport elements .......... 00. eee eee ee ees 359
`Storage elements... 0... cee eee eee ees 360
`Import export elements ..... cee ee eee eee ees 360
`Datatransferelement ......... 20.0. c eee eee 360
`SCSI addressing of medium changer devices ............ 360
`Data access operations using a medium changer device ... . 361
`Elen ent status maintenance requirements ............005 361
`VOM tAGS occ ce eee eee eee eee 361
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 13/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 13/468


`Volume tag format 20... . ccc ce cece enn e nes - 362
`Primary and alternate volume tag information ............. 362
`Commands for medium changer devices ................ 363
`EXCHANGE MEDIUM command ............0....0.00: 364
`INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS command .............005 365
`MOVE MEDIUM command ........... 00.000 cece eeeaes 366
`POSITION TO ELEMENT command .................... 367
`READ ELEMENT STATUS command ............0000005 368
`Element status data 20.0... ee ee eee 369
`Element status page .....

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