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`Inside JavaTM 2
`Platform Security
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`The Java‘” Series
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`Tutorial, Second Edition: Object-Oriented
`Programming for the Internet (Book/CD)
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`James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and The Java Team,
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`James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and The Java Team,
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`Henry Sowizral, Kevin Rushforth, and Michael
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`Seth White, Maydene Fisher, Rick Cattell, Graham
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`Lisa Friendly, Series Editor
`Tim Lindholm, Technical Editor
`Please see our web site ( /cseng/javaseries) for more information on these titles.
`ISBN 0—201—43328-1
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`Inside Javam 2
`Platform Security
`Bonn - Amsterdam 0 Tokyo 0 Mexico City
`Architecture, API Design,
`and Implementation
`An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
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`Page 6 of 275


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`Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA.
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`Page 7 of 275


`Preface.......... . .
`How This Book Is Organized .
`Acknowledgments .
`. . .
`. xii
`. .. xiii
`Computer and Network Security Fundamentals. . . . . . . . . .
`1.1 Cryptography versus Computer Security .
`1.2 Threats and Protection.
`1.3 Perimeter Defense .
`1.3.1 Firewalls .
`1.3.2 Inadequacies of Perimeter Defense Alone .
`1.4 Access Control and Security Models .
`1.4.1 MAC and DAC Models .
`1.4.2 Access to Data and Information .
`1.4.3 Static versus Dynamic Models .
`.. .
`1.4.4 Considerations Concerning the Use of Security Models .
`1.5 Using Cryptography .
`1.5.1 One—Way Hash Functions .
`1.5.2 Symmetric Ciphers .
`1.5.3 Asymmetric Ciphers .
`1.6 Authentication .
`1.7 Mobile Code .
`1.8 Where Does Java Security Fit In .
`. 1
`. .
`. 2
`. 3
`. 4
`. 6
`. 6
`. 7
`. 7
`. 8
`. 9
`. 10
`. .. 11
`. 12
`. 13
`. 14
`. 15
`. 17
`. 18
`Basic Security for the Java Language. . . . . . . . . . . .
`2.1 The Java Language and Platform .
`2.2 Basic Security Architecture .
`2.3 Bytecodc Verification and Type Safety .
`2.4 Signed Applets .
`2.5 A Brief History of Security Bugs and Fixes .
`. . .
`. 22
`. 23
`. 25
`. 27
`. 28
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`. 85
`3 JDK 1.2 Security Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
`3.1 From the Beginning .
`. 33
`3.2 Why a New Security Architecture .
`. 34
`. 3.2.1 Sandbox Restrictions on Applets Too Limiting .
`. 34
`3.2.2 Insufficient Separation Between Policy and Enforcement .
`. 35
`3.2.3 Security Checks Not Easily Extensible .
`. 35
`3.2.4 Locally Installed Applets Too Easily Trusted .
`. 36
`3.2.5 Internal Security Mechanisms Fragile .
`. 36
`3.2.6 Summary .
`. 37
`java.secur‘i ty.General SecurityExcept'ion .
`. .. 37
`Security Policy .
`. 38
`CodeSour‘ce .
`. .. 41
`3.5.1 Testing for Equality and Using Implication .
`Permission Hierarchy .
`3.6.1 java. security.Perm1'ss1'on .
`3.6.2 Permission Sets .
`3.6.3 ssion .
`3.6.4 java.'io.F1'1ePer'mission .
`3.6.5‘m1’ ssion .
`3.6.6 ssion .
`3.6.7 java. util .Pr'opertyPer'm'issi on .
`3.6.8 java.1ang.Runt'i mePermission .
`3.6.9 java.awt.AWTPermission .
`3.6.10 .
`3.6.11 java. lang. ref'l ect . Refl ectPer'mi 551' on .
`3.6.12'lizablePerm-ission .
`3.6.13 java. security.Securi tyPermission .
`3.6.14‘mission .
`3.6.15 Implications of Permission Implications .
`Assigning Pennissions .
`3.7.1 Positive versus Negative Permissions .
`ProtectionDomai n .
`Securely Loading Classes .
`3.9.1 Class Loader Hierarchy .
`3.9.2 java. 1 ang . C1 assLoader and Delegation .
`3.9.3 java. security.SecureC1assLoader .
`3.9.4'| assLoader .
`3.9.5 Classpaths .
`java.1ang .Secur‘ityManager .
`3.10.1 Example Use of the Security Manager .
`3.10.2 Unchanged APIs in JDK 1.2 .
`3.10.3 Deprecated Methods in JDK 1.2 .
`Page 9 of 275


`3.11 .
`3.11.1 Interface Design ofAccessContr'oller .
`3.11.2 The Basic Access Control Algorithm .
`3.11.3 Method Inheritance .
`3.11.4 Extending the Basic Algorithm with Privileged Operations .
`3.11.5 Three Types of Privileged Actions .
`3.11.6 The Context of Access Control .
`3.11.7 The Full Access Control Algorithm .
`3.11.8 Securi tyManager versus AccessControl ler .
`3.11.9 A Mini—History of Privileged Operations .
`3.12 Summary and Lessons Learned.
`. .. 90
`. .. 91
`. 92
`. 94
`. 95
`. 98
`. 101
`. 102
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`. 105
`. 106
`. . . .
`. . . .
`4 Deploying the Security Architecture. . . .
`4.1 Installing JDK 1.2 .
`4.2 Policy Configuration .
`4.2.1 Configuring System-Wide and User-Specific Policies .
`4.2.2 Configuring Application-Specific Policies .
`4.2.3 Configuring an Alternative Policy Class Implementation .
`4.2.4 Default Policy File Format .
`4.2.5 Policy File Examples .
`4.2.6 Property Expansion in Policy Files .
`Digital Certificates .
`Helpful Security Tools .
`4.4.1 Keystore Databases .
`4.4.2 Keytool
`4.4.3 Policy Tool
`4.4.4 Jarsigner .
`4.4.5 Code Signing Example .
`4.5 Managing Security Policies for Nonexperts .
`. 113
`. 115
`. 115
`. 116
`. 117
`. 118
`. 122
`. 123
`. 125
`. 130
`. .. 130
`. .. 133
`. 139
`. .. 143
`. 148
`. 150
`. . . . . . . . . . 153
`. . . .
`Customizing the Security Architecture. . . . . .
`. 153
`5.1 Creating New Permission Types .
`. .. 155
`5.2 Composite Permissions .
`. 156
`5.3 Customizing Security Policy .
`. 158
`5.4 Migrating JDK 1.1-Based Security Managers .
`. 158
`5.4.1 JDK 1.1 Security Manager Classes .
`5.4.2 Accommodating JDK 1.1 Security Managers on JDK 1.2 .
`. 160
`5.4.3 Modifying JDK 1.1 Security Managers for JDK 1.2 .
`. 163
`6.1 Security Exceptions .
`6.2 Fields and Methods .
`. .. 173
`. 174
`Page 10 of 275


`Static Fields .
`Private Object State and Object Immutability .
`Privileged Code .
`Serialization .
`Inner Classes .
`Native Methods .
`. 176
`. 176
`. 178
`. 179
`. .. 181
`. 182
`. 182
`. 185
`. 186
`. 188
`Signing Objects .
`. .-.
`Sealing Objects .
`Guarding Objects .
`6.11.1 Examples of Using GuardedObject .
`7 Programming Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. 192
`. 193
`. 197
`. 199
`. .. 199
`. .. 200
`. .. 200
`. .. 201
`. 204
`. .. 207
`.. .
`Design Principles .
`Cryptographic Services and Service Providers .
`7.2.1 Installing and Adding a Provider .
`Cryptography Classes .
`7.3.1 java.secur1'ty.Security .
`7.3.2'der .
`7.3.3 java.secur‘ity.MessageDj gest .
`7.3.4'gnatur‘e .
`7.3.5 Algorithm Parameters .
`7.3.6 java. security. Key and java. security.spec . KeySpec .
`7.3.7 java. security. KeyFactor‘y and java. security. cert.
`Ce rti fj care Facto ry
`7.3.8 KeyPai r and KeyPai rGenerator .
`7.3.9 .
`Randomness and Seed Generators .
`. 225
`7.4.1 .
`Code Examples .
`7.5.1 Example 1: Computing a Message Digest .
`7.5.2 Example 2: Generating a Public/Private Key Pair .
`7.5.3 Example 3: Generating and Verifying Signatures .
`7.5.4 Example 4: Reading a File That Contains Certificates .
`Standard Names .
`7.6.1 Message Digest Algorithms .
`7.6.2 Key and Parameter Algorithms .
`7.6.3 Digital Signature Algorithms .
`7.6.4 Random Number Generation Algorithms .
`7.6.5 Certificate Types .
`7.6.6 Keystore Types .
`Algorithm Specifications .
`7.7.1 SHA-l Message Digest Algorithm .
`. 212
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`. 224
`Page 11 of 275


`7.7.2 MD2 Message Digest Algorithm .
`7.7.3 MDS Message Digest Algorithm .
`7.7.4 Digital Signature Algorithm .
`7.7.5 RSA—Based Signature Algorithms .
`7.7.6 DSA KeyPair Generation Algorithm .
`7.7.7 RSA KeyPair Generation Algorithm .
`7.7.8 DSA Parameter Generation Algorithm .
`. 225
`. 225
`. 225
`. 225
`. 226
`. 227
`. 227
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`. 230
`. 232
`. 234
`. 234
`. 235
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`. 239
`. 241
`. 242
`Index . . . .
`. . . .
`. . . . ...251
`8 FutureDirections........
`8.1 Security Management .
`8.2 JDK Feature Enhancement .
`8.3 Java Authentication and Authorization Service .
`8.3.1 Subjects and Principals .
`8.3.2 Credentials .
`8.3.3 Pluggable and Stacked Authentication .
`8.3.4 Callbacks .
`8.3.5 Access Control .
`8.3.6 JAAS Implementation .
`8.4 Conclusion .
`.. .
`Page 12 of 275


`Give me a lever and a fulcrum, and I can move the globe.
`Since Java technology’s inception, and especially its public debut in the spring
`of 1995, strong and growing interest has developed regarding the security of the
`Java. platform, as well as new security issues raised by the deployment of Java
`technology. This level of attention to security is a fairly new phenomenon in com-
`puting history. Most new computing technologies tend to ignore security consider-
`ations when they emerge initially, and most are never made more secure
`thereafter. Attempts made to do so typically are not very successful, as it is now
`well known that retrofitting security is usually very difficult, if not impossible, and
`often causes backward compatibility problems.
`Thus it is extremely fortunate that when Java technology burst on the Internet
`scene, security was one of its primary design goals. Its initial security model,
`although very simplistic, served as a great starting place, an Archimedean ful-
`crum. The engineering talents and strong management team at JavaSoft are the
`lever; together they made Java’s extensive security architecture a reality.
`From a technology provider’s point of view, security on the Java platform
`focuses on two aspects. The first is to provide the Java platform, primarily through
`the Java Development Kit, as a secure, platform on which to run Java—enabled
`applications in a secure fashion. The second is to provide security tools and ser-
`vices implemented in the Java programming language that enable a wider range of
`security-sensitive applications, for example, in the enterprise world.
`I wrote this book with many purposes in mind. First, I wanted to equip the
`reader with a brief but clear understanding of the overall picture of systems and
`network security, especially in the context of the Internet environment within
`which Java technology plays a central role, and how various security technologies
`relate to each other.
`Page 13 of 275


`How This Book Is Organized
`This book is organized as follows.
`Chapter 1. A general background on computer, network, and information
`Chapter 2. A review of the original Java security model, the sandbox
`Second, I wanted to provide a comprehensive description of the current secu-
`rity architecture on the Java platform. This includes language features, platform
`APIs, security policies, and their enforcement mechanisms. Whenever appropri-
`ate, I discuss not only how a feature functions, but also why it is designed in such
`a way and the alternative approaches that we—the Java security development
`team at Sun Microsystems—examined and rejected. When demonstrating the use
`of a class or its methods, I use real—world code examples whenever appropriate.
`Some of these examples are synthesized from the JDK 1.2 code source tree.
`Third, I sought to tell the reader about security deployment issues, both how
`an individual or an enterprise manages security and how to customize, extend, and
`enrich the existing security architecture.
`Finally, I wanted to help developers avoid programming errors by discussing a
`number of common mistakes and by providing tips for safe programming that can
`be immediately applied to ongoing projects.
`Chapter 8. A look ahead to future directions for Java security
`Chapter 3. An in-depth look at the new security architecture in JDK 1.2, which
`is policy—driven and capable of enforcing fine-grained access controls
`Chapter 4. An explanation of how to deploy and utilize the new security fea-
`tures in JDK 1.2, including security policy management, digital certificates,
`and various security tools
`Chapter 5. A demonstration of how to customize various aspects of the secu-
`rity architecture, including how to move legacy security code onto the JDK 1.
`2 platform
`Chapter 6. A review of techniques to make objects secure and tips for safe
`Chapter 7. An outline of the Java cryptography architecture along with usage
`Page 14 of 275


`This book is primarily for serious Java programmers and for security profes-
`sionals who want to understand Java security issues both from a macro (architec-
`tural) point of View as well as from a micro (design and implementation)
`perspective. It is also suitable for nonexperts who are concerned about Internet
`security as a whole, as this book clears up a number of misconceptions around
`Java security.
`Throughout this book, I assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamen-
`tals of the Java language. For those who want to learn more about that language,
`the book by Arnold and Gosling [2] is a good source.
`This book is not a complete API specification. For such details, please refer to
`JDK 1.2 documentation.
`It is a cliche to say that writing a book is not possible without the help of many
`others, but it is true. I am very grateful to Dick Neiss, my manager at JavaSoft,
`who encouraged me to write the book and regularly checked on my progress. Lisa
`Friendly, the Addison-Wesley Java series editor, helped by guiding me through the
`writing process while maintaining a constant but “friendly” pressure. The team at
`Addison—Wesley was tremendously helpful. I’d like particularly to thank Mike
`Hendrickson, Katherine Kwack, Marina Lang, Laura Michaels, Marty Rabinow-
`itz, and Tracy Russ. They are always encouraging, kept faith in me, and rescued
`me whenever I encountered obstacles.
`This book is centered around JDK 1.2 security development, a project that
`lasted fully two years, during which many people inside and outside of Sun
`Microsystems contributed in one way or another to the design, implementation,
`testing, and documentation of the final product. I would like to acknowledge Dirk
`Balfanz, Bob Blakley, Josh Bloch, David Bowen, Gilad Bracha, David Brownell,
`Eric Chu, David Connelly, Mary Dageforde, Drew Dean, Satya Dodda, Michal
`Geva, Gadi Guy, Graham Hamilton, Mimi Hills, Larry Koved, Charlie Lai, Sheng
`Liang, Tim Lindholrn, Jan Luehe, Gary McGraw, Marianne Mueller, Tony Nadalin,
`Don Neal, Jeff Nisewanger, Yu—Ching Peng, Hemma Prafullchandra, Benjamin
`Renaud, Roger Riggs, Jim Roskind, Nakul Saraiya, Roland Schemers, Bill
`Shannon, Tom van Vleck, Dan Wallach, and Frank Yellin. I also appreciate the
`technical guidance from James Gosling and Jim Mitchell, as well as management
`support from Dick Neiss, Jon Kannegaard, and Alan Baratz. I have had the pleasure
`of chairing the Java Security Advisory Council, and I thank the external members,
`Ed Felten, Peter Neumann, Jerome Saltzer, Fred Schneider, and Michael
`Schroeder for their participation and superb insights into all matters that relate to
`computer security.
`Page 15 of 275


`Lz' Gong
`Los Altos, California
`Isabel Cho, Lisa Friendly, Charlie Lai, Jan Luehe, Teresa Lunt, Laura
`Michaels, Stephen Northcutt, Peter Neumann, and a number of anonymous
`reviewers provided valuable comments on draft versions of this book.
`G. H. Hardy once said that young men should prove theorems, while old men
`should write books. It is now time to prove some more theorems.
`June 1 999
`Page 16 of 275


`Computer and Network
`Security Fundamentals
`Security is all about ensuring that bad things do not happen. This brief statement
`is deceptively simple. It can in fact have very complicated interpretations. Explor-
`ing these can help in understanding What security really means.
`Certain “rule-of-thumb” principles apply to the concept of security in general.
`First, security is always related to utility. To ensure that bad things do not happen,
`you can simply do nothing. For example, a car stored in a garage cannot cause a
`traffic accident. But doing nothing with the car is clearly not what is intended. The
`real goal is to ensure that bad things do not happen while good things do get done.
`Second, security is relative to the threat that one considers. For example, the
`effectiveness of your house’s securely locked front door to prevent theft depends
`heavily on the types of thieves against which you are guarding. While the lock
`might deter a small-time thief, it might not pose a problem for a sophisticated one
`equipped with the right tools.
`Third, security must be considered from an overall systems point of view. It is
`only as secure as the system’s weakest point. That is, it is not enough to just secure
`the front door. A smart thief will try to enter the house from all potentially weak
`spots, and in particular those furthest away from where you have installed strong
`The three golden rules to ensure computer security are: do not own
`a computer; do not power it on; and do not use it.
`—Robert (Bob) T. Morris
`Fourth, security must be easy to accomplish. If it takes 30 minutes and great
`effort every time to unlock a complicated lock, you will tend to ignore the lock
`m and leave the door open.
`Page 17 of 275


`Fifth, security must be affordable and cost effective. For example, it clearly
`does not make sense to install a lock that is worth more than the contents it is
`guarding. This is made more complex by the fact that different people tend to
`value things differently.
`Last but not least, security must be as simple as possible because, as experi-
`ence indicates, the more complex a system is, the more error—prone it tends to be.
`It is better to have something that is simpler but more dependable.
`Throughout this book, you will see that these “rule—of—thumb” principles
`apply equally well to computer security.
`Before moving on to specific topics, I want to clarify that cryptography and com-
`puter security are two distinct subjects. Cryptography is the art of encoding
`information in a secret format such that only the intended recipient can access the
`encoded information. The use of cryptography has progressed extensively over a
`long period of time, ranging from the ancient Caesar cipher, to cipher machines
`widely used in World War I], to modern cryptosystems implemented with com-
`puter hardware and software.
`Computer security first became an issue only in the 19603, when timesharing,
`multiuser computer (operating) systems were first built, such as Cambridge’s
`early computing system [80] and MIT’s Multics [69, newref 1]. After that, the
`field of computer security remained relatively obscure for years, apart from a brief
`active period in the mid—1970s [3, 32, 36, 75, newref 2, newref 3]. Security con—
`cerns then were based mostly on military requirements. Commercial security did
`not become fully mainstream until
`the Internet and electronic commerce
`(e—commerce), and Java technology in particular, took center stage in the 19905.
`Security mechanisms often can benefit from the use of cryptography, such as
`when running a network-based user login p

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