
`Alan Yagoda, Bassam Abi-Rached, and Daniel Petrylak
`ENAL-CELL CANCER (RCC) , as docu-
`mented in prior (1967,1 1975,2 1977 3 and
`19834) reviews has been a hormonally and cyto(cid:173)
`toxic chemotherapeutically resistant tumor: It re(cid:173)
`mains so today.
`Since the present review spans 11 years, January
`1983 through December 1993, it is of interest to
`examine changes in cancer incidence and death
`rates of 19835 and 1993.6 While the incidence
`increased for all and for renal malignancies by
`41.3% and 51. 7%, respectively, the percent of
`RCCs remained rather constant at 2.1% and 2.3%,
`respectively (Table 1). There was no change in
`males (each 2.7% and only a +0.2% in females
`(1.6% and 1.8%, respectively).
`The enormous increase in the number of pros(cid:173)
`tate cases from 75,000 to 200,000 dramatically
`impacted on the incidence of genitourinary tumors
`(renal, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, prostate, ure(cid:173)
`thra, testis, and others) resulting in increase of
`109.7% for such cancers; + 120.4% for men com(cid:173)
`pared with + 3 7 .3 % for women. The percentage of
`kidney tumors within the genitourinary group actu(cid:173)
`ally decreased by -3.7% to 9.6% in 1993 from
`13.3% in 1983 (Table 1), with a decrease in males
`by -1.8%, and an increase in females by + 5.2%.
`Overall cancer mortality increased from 440,000
`cases in 1983 to 538,000 in 1994, a + 22.3%
`change, yet the percentage dying from renal tumors
`remained about the same for all (1.9% and 2.1 %,
`respectively) males and females (Table 1). The
`change in the RCC death rate between 1983 and
`in relationship to all cancers increased,
`+32.9%, (8,500 to 11,300 cases) and although all
`genitourinary malignancies had almost a similar
`increase, +36.5%, (44,290 to 60.475 cases), the
`change was only + 1.1 % for the percent of genito(cid:173)
`urinary to all cancers. The estimated death rate for
`patients with RCC within the genitourinary group
`From the Medical Oncology Division, Columbia-Presbyterian
`Medical Center, New York, NY.
`to Alan Yagoda, MD, Division of
`Address reprint requests
`Medical Oncology, Colwnbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Atchley
`739,161 Fort Wasllington Ave, New York, NY 10032-3789.
`Supported by National Cancer Institute grant no. CA 13696, and
`the I. Moradoff Fund.
`Copyright © 1995 by W.B. Saunders Company
`0093- 7754 /95 /220 1 -0009$05.00 (0
`decreased slightly from 19.2% in 1983 to 18.7% in
`1993; for men it was 11.7% to 11.2%, respectively,
`and for females, it was 7.5% to 7.2%, respectively.
`There was no definitive evidence that therapy has
`favorably affected survival of patients with ad(cid:173)
`vanced local and distant disease, and any marginal
`improvement in survival, in fact, might simply be
`due to patient selection factors-"stage migra(cid:173)
`tion"-because of more patients being diagnosed
`with lower stage disease that was treated success(cid:173)
`fully by surgery alone.
`To assure consbLency in reporting results, ground
`rules were set when reviewing the large number of
`published studies. Differences in defining the catego(cid:173)
`ries minor response (MR) and stabilization of
`disease (STAB) (ie, a decrease of < 50% or < 25%
`with an increase of > 25% or > 50% in either all or
`selected parameters), coupled with varied patient
`selection (good risk factors 7), extent of restaging
`used, tightening of criteria for patient entry (ie,
`bidimensional parameters, absence of prior sys(cid:173)
`temic therapy, better performance status, exclusion
`of certain metastatic sites, etc), and introduction of
`new diagnostic tests (ie, computed tomographic
`(CT) scans, ultrasound), have led to more accurate
`documentation of the extent of tumor regression.
`Such refinements probably have resulted in decreas(cid:173)
`ing the number of complete (CR) and partial (PR)
`remissions while increasing the MR/ST AB group.
`Without more accurate immunological or biologi(cid:173)
`cal markers for this disease, attainment of MR/
`STAB may be due more to the eye of the observer,
`the absence of consistent restaging procedures, or
`the biological variation of tumor growth and cell
`death (so-called, "natural history").7 It remains
`unclear whether STAB represents a true biological
`effect of therapy on tumor growth, a lead-time bias,
`and/ or intermittent periods of cell division(cid:173)
`apoptosis. In older trials, many investigators fre(cid:173)
`quently recognized STAB as evidence of an "objec(cid:173)
`tive response" and thus, reported moderate to
`significant remission rates; others dismissed this
`category altogether, failed to mention MR/ST AB
`at all, or automatically placed it into the nonre(cid:173)
`sponding/progression (PROG) category. The latter
`view is now being questioned again because of
`Seminars in Oncology. Vol 22, No 1 (February), 1995: pp 42-60
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 1 of 19


`Table I. Incidence and Mortality Rat,,, in 19113 and 1994
`Change Between 1983 and 1993
`Of All
`Of All
`Of Genito-urinary
`Of All
`Of All
`Of Genito-urinary
`+ 109.7
`+ 120.4
`+ 13.3
`+ IB.7
`recent prospective randomized trials, particularly
`with immunological agents, describing modest CR
`-I- PR rates (about 18%) yet a statistically signifi(cid:173)
`cant increases in survival (about 2.5 times controls)
`for CR -I- PR + ST AB.8 In the present review
`(Table 2), MR/STAB, although listed, are ex(cid:173)
`cluded from the final response rate which denotes
`attainment only of CR -I- PRo Response durations
`also were not reported because definitions varied
`(most lasted < 3 to 9 months) but mixed responses
`always were included in the PROG category.
`Many phase II trials used different initial and/ or
`escalated dosages, as well as schedule adjustments,
`sometimes based on so-called "good-risk" and
`"poor-risk" factors usually defined by prior treat(cid:173)
`ment with irradiation, immunotherapy or chemo(cid:173)
`therapy, poor performance status, renal dysfunc(cid:173)
`tion, anemia, metastatic sites, single versus multiple
`organ involvement, etc. 7 To simplify the multitude
`of changes, only the initial highest planned plus the
`highest escalated doses (in parenthesis) were re(cid:173)
`corded in Table 2.
`Particular attention was given to trace final
`publications of abstracts presented before 1990; in
`fact, some investigators were contacted concerning
`manuscript status. Numerous studies, which were
`presented as an abstract or preliminary report
`initially, sometimes were summarized as part of a
`review of multiple drug- or disease-oriented trials
`within a cooperative group or institution. Except
`where otherwise indicated by a double reference,
`only the last and/or updated study result was
`Data are from phase II disease-oriented (not
`phase II drug-oriented) trials and almost all phase I
`pharmacokinetics/dose-finding studies were ex(cid:173)
`cluded because doses and schedules varied and, of
`more importance, response rates were absent. 9
`However, drugs evaluated in the time frame of this
`review that also had trials published before 1983
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 2 of 19


`Table 2. Chemotherapy Trials from I,!nuary 1983 to December 1993
`Acivicin, CI
`Elson et al'°
`Aclarubicin (aclacino(cid:173)
`Decker et ai"
`Elson et al lO
`Hansen et al"
`Elson et al'°
`Higano el al"
`Strayer et al 14
`Percent of Adequate
`CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`4 (0-19)
`3 (0-15)
`8 (1-26)
`2 (0-12)
`7 (1-21)
`o 0
`Initial (highest) Dose
`20 mg/m 2 d 1-3 Q3W.
`0/ I 2 65 mg/ m2 weekly for 4 weeks
`160 mg/m2 d 1-5QM.
`135 (162) mg/m2 Q2W.
`125 mg/m2 QW + Allopurinol
`300 mg QD.
`300 (450) mg/m2 d 1-5 Q3W.
`10 (120) mg BIW, or 200 (500)
`120 (180) mg/m2 Q3W.
`same (150).
`same (160).
`120 mg/m2 QM.
`75 mg/m2 Q8H on d I Q5W.
`Schneider et ailS
`Van Echo et al 16
`Amrein et al"
`Earhart et al"
`Abele et al"
`Scher et al'°
`Myers et al"
`Evans et al22
`Spicer et al"
`Elson et aI"
`T ait et al"
`Trump et al26
`Inhorn et al"
`Cimetidine + coumarin
`Marshall et al'8
`Glynne-Jones et al29
`Vennok et apo
`Hermann et al"
`Dexeus et al"
`Kokron et al"
`Cimetidine + interferon
`Kotake et al34
`Cyclophosphamide +
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`5 (2-10)
`5 (1-18)
`12 (8-17)
`33 (20-50)
`7 (1-21)
`6 (1-17)
`13 (4-27)
`30 (12-54)
`3 (0-17)
`260 (300) mg/m2 Q3W.
`same (280).
`180 mg/m2 weekly for three
`150 (175) mg/m2 QW.
`260 mg/m2 QM.
`450 mg/m2 QM.
`400 (440) mg/m2 QM.
`600 mg QID.
`0/ I 2 300 mg Q6H daily starting d
`15 + Coumarin 100 mg QD.
`same, except Cimetidine 400
`same (400 mg), or with Cimeti-
`dine 900 mg QD (8 cases).
`400 mg QD + Coumarin
`100 mg QD starting d 7.
`200 mg QID + Interferon 5 mU
`1M twice in week I, three
`times in week 2, then QD.
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 3 of 19


`Tab!e 2. (continued)
`Reference( 5)
`Glover et al 35
`Scher et al36
`Venner et al37
`Witte et al'°
`Nichols et al39
`Hansen et al40
`Decker et al41
`Un pre-
`Percent of Adequate
`CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`0/ I
`Initial (highest) Dose
`1.2 g/m' + Misonidazole 5
`2 (0-6)
`37.5 mg/m' QW.
`4 mg/ m' weekly for three
`weeks, then Q2W.
`4 (8) mg/m' Q2W.
`27.5 mg/m' QM.
`20 mg/ m' weekly for four
`40 mg/m' Q3W.
`Stephens et al42
`Motzer et al 43
`Taylor et al44
`Marshall et al45
`Sternberg et .146
`Caille et al47 ; Droz
`et al48
`Droz et al40
`Fossa et .149
`Benedetto et alSO
`Carlson et alSi
`VanOstrom et al52
`Kish et al53
`Braich et al54
`Hurteloup et al55
`Floxuridine, CI
`Hrushusky et al56
`Damascelli et al57
`Dexeus et a15•
`Huben et al"
`Clark et al60
`Budd et al"
`12 36
`10 30
`2 (0-12)
`2 (0-11)
`13 (6-25)
`21 (10-37)
`3 (1-9)
`15 (11-19)
`15 (11-20)
`14 (5-29)
`10 (3-24)
`43 (22-66)
`8 (1-25)
`4.2 (4.8) mg/m' QM.
`3.47 mg/m' QM.
`1.25 mg/m' QM.
`100 mg/ m' weekly for four
`weeks, then QOW.
`0/18 100 mg/ m2 QW.
`80 mg/ m2 d 1-3 Q3W.
`75 mg/m2 Q3W.
`85 (110) mg/m2 Q3W.
`30 mg/m2 Q3W.
`0/12 same.
`same (32.5).
`35 mg/m2 Q3W.
`4/28 0.15 (0.325) mg/kg IV d 1-14, or
`0.25 mg/kg via hepatic artery d
`1-14 QM at 68% of the dose
`between 1500-2100 hours +
`15% between 2100- 0300
`hours + 2% between 0300-
`0900 hours + 15% between
`0900-1500 hours (51 cases
`same (0.20).
`same (0.25).
`same (0.225).
`same (20 cases), or with minor
`modification ,(6 cases).
`0/ IS
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 4 of 19


`Table 2. (continued)
`Unpre- - -
`CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`Percent of Adequate
`Initial (highest) Dose
`DeMarsh et al62
`Merrouche et al"
`Wilkinson et al 64
`Conroy et al65
`Poorter et al"
`Hrushusky et al56
`Richards et al 67
`Wilkinson et al 64
`Floxuridine + inter-
`Falcone et al'8
`20 (1-72)
`14 (4-33)
`7 (0-32)
`12 (6-23)
`29 (4-71)
`21 (8-40)
`23 (11-39)
`33 (12-62)
`same, except minor mod inca-
`tion by 2%.
`same, except modified sinu-
`soidal peak at 1800 hours.
`same (0.4)
`same (0.4), except modified
`with 33% between 2300-
`1100 hours + 66% between
`1100-1 100 hours.
`0/10 0,15 (0.35) mg/kg IV d 1-14
`with 70% between 2000-
`0200 hours + 30% between
`0200-2000 hours.
`0,15 (0.325) mg/kgd I-140M
`(5 cases IV + 2 IA).
`0/13 0.15 (0.20) mg/kg d 1-5 OM,
`0/12 0.075 (0.275) mg/kg d 1-14 OM.
`et al"
`Saari et al70
`Floxuridine + Leu-
`Raminski et al"
`31 (9-61)
`Vokes et al72
`Floxuridine + Leu-
`covorin + Inter-
`Stadler et alll
`Floxuridine + Vinblas-
`Small etal"
`a 0
`a a
`a 2
`18 (2-52)
`a a
`0.Q75 (0.200) mg/kg d 1-14 CI
`OM + Interferon 10 mU 1M
`0.125 mg/kg circadian CI d
`1-14 OM + Interferon 1-2
`mU/m2 OD.
`0.15 mg/kg CI d 1-14 + Inter-
`feron 3 mU/m2 SOTIWOM.
`100-2000 mg/m2 d 1-5 given
`between 1800-2 I 00
`hours + Leucovorin 200
`mgt m 2 IV day 1-5 between
`1900-2100 hours OM,
`0.1 (0,375) mg/kg CI d 1-5
`hours 03W + Leucovorin
`100 mg PO OH for four
`doses, then 04H d 1-5 03W.
`0.1 mg/m2 CI d 1-5 + Leu-
`covorin 100 mg PO every
`four hours for 36
`doses + Interferon
`30xmU/m2 SC d 1-6.
`O.Q7S (0, 125) mg/kg CI d
`1-14 + Vinblastine 0.7 (0,8)
`mg/m2 CI d 15-28 OM.
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 5 of 19


`Table:t (continued)
`Percent of Adequate
`Un pre-
`CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`o 0
`o 0
`I 8
`o 4
`o 0
`o 0
`10 (5-17)
`9 (2-25)
`7 (9-25)
`II (3-27)
`No, Inade(cid:173)
`Shevdn et al75
`Balducci et al 76
`5-Fluorouracil, CI
`Kish et al 77
`Schulof et al70
`Ahgren et al"
`5-Fluorouracil + leu(cid:173)
`Zaniboni et al80
`5-Fluorouracil +
`Romero et al"
`Murphy et al"
`Sella et al83
`Schuth et al04
`Initial (highest) Dose
`20 mg/m2 IVP d I + 35 mg/m2
`Cld 1-2Q3W
`0/14 25mg/m2d I-SQM,
`0/13 Low dose Ct.·
`0/17 300 mg/m2 CI QD.
`370 mg/m2 d 1-5 + Leucovo(cid:173)
`rin 200 mg/m2 d 1-5 QM.
`19 (10-31)
`13 (0-53)
`o 0
`0/ I
`30 (12-54)
`24 (8-47)
`18 (8-34)
`10 mg/kg (Tegafur"') PO daily
`for six months + Interferon
`750 mg/m2 CI d 1-5, then 750
`mg/m2 QW + Interferon 9
`750 mg/m2 CI d 1-5 + Inter(cid:173)
`feron 5 mU 1M d 1-5 QD,
`500 mg/m2 d 1-5 in weeks 2, 6,
`10, 14 + Interferon 5 mU SC
`d 1-5 weekly for 14 weeks.
`5-Fluorouracil +
`Esteban et alBS
`Niijima et al"
`Ahmed et al87
`Flutamide + inter(cid:173)
`Hartlapp et al88
`Kaye et al'"
`Chevallier et al'o
`Lasset et al91
`Gallium nitrate
`Schwartz et al"
`Vugrin et al93
`Weiss bach et al'4
`Mertens et al95
`Brubaker et al"
`Scher et al97
`Ifosfamide ± mesna
`DeForges et al98 /
`Droz et al 48
`Fossa et al99
`Bodrogi et at' 00
`o 0
`2 12
`28 (12-49)
`4 (0-20)
`27 (16-41)
`400 mg/m2 PO QD.
`600 mg PO QD.
`250 mg PO TID.
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`5 (1-13)
`3 (0-15)
`8 (2-20)
`3 (0-15)
`120 mg/m2 d 1-5 Q3W
`0/19 100 mg/m2 d 1,8, 15, then
`from d 42 Q3W.
`200 mg/m2 CI d 1-7 QM,
`700 mg/m2 Q2W.
`0/17 800 mg/m 2 weekly forthree
`0/16 same (1250).
`3.8 (4.75) g/m2 weekly for four
`0/ I
`17.5 mg/m' Q3W,
`3 g/m' d 1-2 + Mesna 3.6
`g/m'd 1-2 QM.
`50-60 mg/kg d 1-5 QM,
`40 mg/kg d 1-5 QM.
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 6 of 19


`Table~. (e(Jllt/flue<!)
`Iseador (mistletoe)
`Lomustine + ampho-
`Presant et aP 02
`Unpre- - -
`CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`Percent of Adequate
`2 9
`9 (3-22)
`6 (0-30)
`4 (1-12)
`6 (3-11)
`10 (3-31)
`16 (5-36)
`5 (I-II)
`Initial (highest) Dose
`I (+escalation*) mL SC Q2D.
`120 mg/m2 + Amphotericin 7.5
`mg/m2d I + 30mg/m2d2Q6W.
`0/12 350 mg/m2 QD.
`60 (450) mg/m2 QD.
`1000 mg/m2
`30 mg/m2 IV QM.
`200 (220) mg/m2 QM.
`same (240).
`500 mg/m2 QW.
`same (825).
`600 mg/m2 QW.
`same (700).
`same (700).
`Stahl et aPOl
`Weinerman et al"M
`Schomberg et apos
`Falkson et apo,
`Long et aP07
`Stephens et apoa
`M Itoguazone
`Child et apo,
`Todd et ai lio
`Fuks et aPIl
`Knight et al1l2
`Zefferin et aPIl
`Mltoguazone + mel-
`Guimares CI et aPI4
`Mischler et aPls
`Brubaker et aPI'
`vanOss tram et al l17
`Gams et ai lia
`Taylor et alII'
`VanOsterom et
`Dejager et aP2I
`Sternberg et aP22
`Abrams et al i23
`Canobbio et aPH
`Wilding et al12s
`Elson et al'4
`Harvey et al 12'
`DeVassal et al 127
`Roche et al12a
`Allen et all29
`Shevrin et aPlO
`9 (3-22)
`3 (0-14)
`I (0-7)
`5 (1-17)
`2 (0-9)
`500 mg/ m2 d I, 8, 22, 29 + Mel-
`phalan 0.5 mg/kg d I Q6W.
`200mg/m2d I-IOQM.
`180 mg/m2 d 1-10 QM.
`0/3 No dose given.
`12 mg/ m2 Q3W.
`15 (19) mg/m2 Q3W.
`14 mg/ m2 Q3W.
`1000 mg/m2 d 1-5 QM.
`30 mg/m2 QW.
`100 mg/ m2 Q6W.
`50 mg/ m2 Q3W or 40 mg/ m2
`d 1-3 Q3-4W.
`20 mg/m2 d 1-3 Q3W.
`150 (180) mg/ m2 Q3W.
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 7 of 19


`Tabl .. 2. (continued)
`Poly IC:LC
`Droller et al" l
`Sparfosic acid (PALA)
`Earhart et al"
`Natale et al'll
`Saiers et al ll3
`Schulman et al'14
`Licht et al llS
`Weinerman et al' J6
`Iverson et al '37
`Motzer et al'38
`laRocca et aI'''
`No. Inade(cid:173)
`Percent of Adequate
`treated CR PR CR + PR (95% CI)
`o 0
`o 0
`3 (0-10)
`6 (0-27)
`10 (3-23)
`o 2
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 0
`o 4
`o 0
`Initial (highest) D

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