A O 9 '"97
`ENGH ·- · ARY
`INTEL EX.1219.001
`INTEL EX.1219.001


`l 27 n I n 1.
`T nfc,i,j or l rl
`'--' . 18 (Jul 1-C>e c 30, 1996)
`— .
`INTEL EX.1219.00
`INTEL EX.1219.002


`wi1h Outlook
`,:J[ 11\111
`/'.J GtOOJl)\lhodlllet
`b Actmlift joumll
`Inside Outlook: Microsoft's successor to ·
`Schedule+ 1vill bring users one step
`i ::i~,.~lf closer to the paJJerless otfi-·cc. 91
`., · o.ittop0tg•nu,r Outsourcing insights: Le\ Vis f (1 k es
`on this.111uch-n1aligned and 111is(cid:173)
`understood corporate practice. 73
`Object spec wakes up Web
`Netscape p_uts weight behind Internet Inter-O RB Protocol
`\\· .. ,,., \\ .. , •. \\d,
`\l1•h .mil m,1r1.~
`,,,- ,Ii \d,, 1J'l
`,,1-...,,ll'l t·1i.J111,nl If( •I• ,i, 1'1~
`J'l liJ 1IC' \\ ill h-.•~ lo"U',1h ,.tfl 111u,,.;, t
`pn ... 1.11,r m,h-,ht ol ., \\,b J·ft,
`m ,, lut,·J11, t ,1,111,L1r,I l.1 .. 1 ''''1.'l ,,t
`t lh,r .. I\\, •rill. in ' .m I r.111..1,,u I .. u
`lin th1, m11t11h 1h, ,11mp.111, _,.11,l
`l'fr,h.1111c th.,t , .. h,,lf'l \\,111
`... h,r :u 1111lh~m,h1.·11! ·,>"I'- 0!•1\,t h·,
`It\\ 111 bur1Jf,· lht • ih 111 \I. I "'I• •11 t•I
`tJll'-'"'f l1r1,l,., r, I t t}{!\ .. fu 11h10 ,1 \\·.u
`\ "1,1t:,·111, '••ll\\,th· 111':-, \ 1,1br11k,'r
`H111'1,1t11.·11t.tl1t•U 111 fh W ,,,iii ,I,
`\1hlrn , "'-\·11 ,,11,I
`\\',- hd1," JI« •f 1
`\\1!11, rt..,, 111 11'
`,1,·1~ .. 11t1r \\d, 1'11•\\,,·,
`.. m, 1.m1t,· ..
`I f11\\+. h·r .. 1 numl1+.·1,,1
`l 11,t11f'uk,l 1,l-,.1,,h,th tlh Ht\
`,lh.' t,1,.111~ ht,f\ llf1+. !h, 1•h1,,.I inh I
`.. ,t 1h1.· h'\, •hllJHIL ,.ud .\ 1,,r ..
`\ n:l.h, ...... ,·u., l1hl tnfith•1, ,~, , ,11,
`IIOP /'".~' .!I
`/h /11111!11/,l, ·1,1,~
`1t•1& l /1 ,m fJuml,111
`,1 1,, \l' I t ,,mu1t1U11,. •. 1t 1u1ht ,,rp
`1,dt.:h ·11111111.·d lt 11u, ,,,. tlh· lm .. ,11,1
`tu 1h .. 1111..-rnd htt1.·r t HU\ l1r11tn1. 1•I
`111111• 1. r,-rl,,, 1111, ,1.11 ,, 111 I I' t',1)!, ,
`\\ tl hl1,,·.,,h1,·1.1 \1 .. 1"'"',l,, 11 n1'•'t1,n1 ..
`~,, tlw lnh:rn,-, ,1.1nd,n .. t 1h11 ,, 1111
`p, 1111~ ,,t, h•r \\lf 1J~•fl tU)!.1h,·
`lllh.' J ,It.. Ith' ,lut.111111.·nh "-11.thh:d In
`!It ll' ._uuld J .un.1~,· 1h"· 111t.. r••p1:r
`.,h,hl\ p-u ,m1,,:,I 11\ J,1\ .1 .uhl ll h.
`\pplic11ri1111 'Ji:111pla1c:-
`~ applets aimed
`at wooing ISYs
`· lh l1.11tt l}ornl,m
`1 ic, 1,1,
`\\ I \, "' J p,•J .. llt'
`\h·,d1 1~1~ 1 ... m.1\ 1n ,n11h~-u t!q ..... ·o
`d,11,,· 1111 ,.\h.._11 ... vll ( of l'"' hu,.:,·
`.. J .H1t;l' 111 J'h1,flh h , , h, ,l}'t I olJ-l
`11111nh,111,10, t ,111' \,,II mu,,.111 .. t.·
`1,, \ ~Tl1,j11,1n l1.·mpl.1h.-, ,h-,1~n,d
`t" 11.10',t,•r rn 1h "tllh. "I'• •t ' l I h,
`1ull ,,.1k,f,·\d .. r
`111.idti on
`1,1r tlh, 11h rr;1,,·
`I h, 11'f'h,.,11,•11
`\\llh .:1 ,h.·\d,,r,r
`1 .. 111, \\ 1U 1.ld,w 11u
`' q'l <I ,I" p,111 ,11
`,,.b .. JJ', .... \1 1p.1Lm,h, ,t.,11 .. ·1 ~11
`"' ,.,y,,, ....... lhl
`,u1•J 11•11nl 11h lthl,·
`\'l.11t,•11u ..
`\\"md11\'l, \ I ' 11l.n1 .. . 111.i I fl' l ,.
`.uht ' d"'~-'I'" ht 'l'LLI, ,1 "'"'"lT•'r:
`,-tfwr h 1, 11,u, ,1f l 111\ t,. tlh·, thh•t
`tlh ,,-..11 ,h, • •hli1J"L!f111lh -...,ui.~ ..
`llH h nq•l.1h"' \\ th 11 ,
`loi! 1.1lh
`\ , t , .. ,11•,·.. 1 nh na
`J\ .ul.1t11t
`, 1.1
`, 1h·~ l.111,.-1 thn \\Iii f,, 1' .. ltl ,•J 1fh
`NETSCAPE , ·u.,• : I
`NIW 1111 CII FIi i WHI LIii
`•1w11. . . --.. .. ..., ...... 11111r
`w1 lll:•t ...._ In most enterprise networks
`that weak link is the WAN con(cid:173)
`. t", \ nection,la_ .........
`. ClF J
`lllllwtdll:E I lw .. llt
`11111 nt 18111 won't
`outrace your LAN, but it
`• #, .., ............... lllllr'ce
`t~ l
`enables your enterprise l9 stand up under the
`strain of increasing demands. See page 69.
`..... ~-..... ..
`Warp,4: De final Frontier?
`Merlin may be 0S/2's last incarnation
`d,m111 ,, ! ·'J'f'lt1i. ,lt1t•n,. utdu..lm!!
`lhl• 1. t•l1l1'.1t1\·'... ,1 .1r ( IIIK,· .tppli
`, Jlh•II ,u tk . l ,1111, 1,\' \1.•f,,J'Jth;f_U
`" ,•rr .. \~ btl \\'l,h11111! \\t•r,11'"'·
`~ind 'ut1111.11,\ ,h:m,t ,•q' \. l<1.•l1,h
`r,·r,t Ul.ll tn h• r11 1.11 u,n Jll.111 ,1!,!1.' r,
`,t,, IJ th ,'11t' I Cht.' Ill\\ 1, ·" .! ,h1r"'•
`IH\I \\ 111 pto\ td,· .~
`,cr,11•U "'
`.,1.'h1...t~' 1.' l ~1mmun1, .111on, t 1•r1,,\
`· OS/2 t•••i:• : I
`/l, /,/ \ .. 11111r/l
`llt\l \\It I 111tt11,t I\ l 1tllh.h 1h,
`11,·,i \L· r,1un 111 1 ,, ~ \\.up I.ah·
`n,· \I 1111111th JUJ h.'pu ... 111t1n 1la·
`'.! ltu produ .. 1 .... 11h· uhuu .,tt..(cid:173)
`n,·t\\1•1k -,1.lilrh.,·n1
`.\t ,1,... 't.'J\I , .,! _; inlJ1hilh, 11,,n rn
`,.,n I ,.uh.1,,.,. U\~I hJII .11111t,u11u·
`th.II \'1,,•r,1011 ..f .U \\111 Uh. hhl,• .1 l :I )
`,J111pl,·1 \\ Ith ,l' t11 ,HI\' ,hSU ... , .,1,•,I
`"' C7'
`"' cc ... ...
`~ ... z
`CSSl - (O IR~
`01 H33Z M DOC
`lW3MllU~30 S1Wl1SS
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`St OJ • • JIOS JH - IU) ••••••••••••••••••••
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`L()91< F'M ~A t£TW0R1<I t(; REV I £WS I NS l DE
`INTEL EX.1219.003


`Stal ......
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`.... ....,
`SawrU .....
`,,.,,.., pr '
`1 I
`s ~~ to tum Its Navigator
`Web browsff Into COfflf)Ol lel ,ts..
`• Microsoft hosts a co, . . eoa, on Its OFS
`prococ:ol.a possible ~ fo r FTP.
`• SGML ge1i the baddng ol Mlcrostar.
`• NeuQpe appols to the Justice ~
`panment. saying M>me ol Microsoft's
`~ are unechlcal..
`12 Falcon a.ltes Its first flight 1n ~ form.
`12 Dlt.l Genefa1 is rNdy to compete with
`HP and Compaq In the hlgh-powered
`--, • .._ Fwd wil speadthe-..lth otSun's
`p,ogrammll 19 langu,age.
`20 Compaq cuts the p,icfl ot Its ProllnN
`and Oesq,,o PCs.
`a ~ adds pcJWlff and NT su,,pon to
`Its HiNotlt. ~ Mid Prloris lines.
`S2 Samsung makes multimedia friends
`S2 The Street Prices ol RAM haYe plum(cid:173)
`meted sina: "'-·
`S4 Color lf,)k-jet printers - ~ _.,
`from 1-to worlt In corpcnte offia:s.
`S4 Window ~ / Brion L.Mngston
`Affdef'S from around the globe are
`opemg up Windows with tricks.
`1 WIIWeblledMdogy~dimtssig(cid:173)
`ni6candy? ~ provide ansMn.
`S9 l.ow<ost.~appbtionsewn
`on the wr,from HP.
`n The Bug Rep«t: lDtus' Appoac:h to re(cid:173)
`solving a problffl, with Windows NT
`40 SAP Ks revo1s plans for Web-enabling
`Its R/3 IPl)ic.atblS suite.
`42 Hdp Ofsk/ llrffl Glass When~
`the globe, kttp iii touch with Compu(cid:173)
`., Mlaosoft Outlook '17. bel-. ls loaded with
`organlz.ational fututts that can ellml(cid:173)
`Nte those plies ol PIIP'f' In your office.
`4S IBM'J Java Virtual Machine will bring
`Java c.apabilitles to Windows 3.1 usen.
`4S Hot Seat: Fresh from •Jts Olympic ~s.
`IBM tOWllld e1ectron1c comme1tt.
`92 AutoVueProfesslonal 14
`92 QMS magicolor WX
`92 ~nt301.S
`4S The Web Hotllst: Artecon offffs numer(cid:173)
`ous enterprise stinge solutions.
`SO Eucba Pro 3.0 faces tough competition
`from Web browsff e-mail dlents..
`SO From the Ether I Bob Mcfcxllfe SmlU ISPs
`must form aschool to avoid being sw.1-
`lowed by bigger fish.
`" Macro Mania
`" OiskMapper
`N Fbtlt
`N Quick Bytes
`ff Netscape Nrilgltor 3.0
`S From the ~ Oesk I Mkhoel V'uord
`Netscape's component strategy may
`fiNlly prove that btffklng up lsn't hard
`M TM~Une/EdFosterlhtGripeVlne
`enco,nge-s rN<len'feedbadt and helps
`Jdentify their most prevalent concerns.
`M To 1M Ed/for Rffden vola: frustrations
`with Web downloM:I times •nd Win(cid:173)
`dows 9S's lim!Ultlons.
`M OulckA>lfls your IT budget growing?
`•1 From 1M Editor In OIJd I Sandy Rttd
`Nidc~ DowntotheW,rea,lumn
`joins f>lll1Vl1Y and Bobby II The End.
`•1 II YeonAgolnlnfoWorldTht failed MK
`Chart~ showed that MK usen and 'BM
`usen are like oil and Miff.
`ff Down to the Win I Nlcholas ~rrley
`Ua:nse weirdness: Microsoft turns ab(cid:173)
`surd while Sun's PR misses the point.
`N Dlstributtd Thinlcing I s1.-rt Alsop A
`hearty goodbye marks Stewart'J final
`N Notes From the Fldd I RoMrt X. Crfngdy
`In the heat ot using lntemet &plorer 3.o
`with Navigator, error ~ wlll •p(cid:173)
`. . ~Resources
`n ~/Ediroriollnda
`S1 AT&T's Pff$ldent resigns to hffd • wire(cid:173)
`less communications SIMI-up.
`S2 Chlna'J strict regulations crHte a great
`Nnief for telecommunications groups.
`S2 Motorola designs a polite meuaglng
`dew.e for wireless~
`" BayNetwom'nnovMl!S~net(cid:173)
`worlt wpport wilt, Its One-Pria: Pl'ognm.
`" Salwa Netwo,ts'lntffl'le( deYlces allow
`<Ka:SS to various switching types.
`sa McNM ga1ns Secure-, •• desktop secu(cid:173)
`rity suite for networlt ffill\lgerS-
`65 Despite the hype. a can no longer be
`considered a networlt-i«Urity p,lll\llCN.
`ff IS managers trying to muimitt WAN
`efficiency get help from ISDN.
`n IS Surwwil~!Bobllwis Debunk the
`myths that Imply OYtsourclng ls more
`p,oductlye than your employfts.
`n ~ BullttlnBoord•nd Calmdat
`7• Oppenheimer packs •natytical power
`into Its portfolio.with SQl Flnandlls.
`77 OiMlcpm'Ad\oa,tr/kvlr, SmNo Non(cid:173)
`t«hnbt maMgffl continually miss the
`impottana, °' proa,u lmprOllel'nent.
`Low-cost ink-jet
`printers move onto
`corporate desktops,
`• Will Java have
`license to kill?
`Nicholas Petreley
`takes a look,
`page 97
`ary Cartell ·
`' keeps mutual
`funds in focus,
`page 76
`42 >y,,« and Neuron untangle the Web
`with devdopn,e ,t•tool upgn,des.
`rrp,uo,ts fik
`llfOWOllO AUGUST 26, 1996 hrrp://www.,
`INTEL EX.1219.004


`Anti-virus software
`lclfee la1tdes 1etnrk security suhe
`~ UlDOUDCtd ~ 1 , a dtslt(cid:173)
`eop KCurity suik far networit man(cid:173)
`'FlS that often anli·Yirus and m ·
`cryptioo imgn,tion. Tbe suite uses
`1ledudogy McAfttpined through
`a~ acquisition worth more
`than $23 million.
`Hdm Flynn. UI analyst at Gan·
`ncr Group Inc.., in Swnfonl. C.onn..,
`Aid the turnkey suite c:ould be a
`popular procbt b McAitt.
`""Ibey haft the largat nwut
`sbatt in the uti-virus mukd. and
`this is 'lffY hot pacbging. sin«
`U7plug)aphf is hot and rirwes att
`bot,· Flynn said.
`Seaft-1 a,pports Wmdows and
`Unix operating .,mms and con(cid:173)
`sists o( tlutt integnted moduJa:
`Nderyp(o provides tnnspam11
`mcrypdon o( ctat.. applications.
`and ~mail; V-arusScan implcmmts
`virus clet«tion and ~ ; and
`Wd,Crypto crukS mayplcd self.
`mnaing files.
`Bcause 1hr 6lcs F sdf-atract(cid:173)
`ing. tMt an be sent via Mn&il to
`anyone -
`n'C'n if IMf art not
`equipped with s«utt-1 or Wd>(cid:173)
`Crypco software.
`Ne1Cryp10 is based on the
`Ciphttlink t«hnology of FSA
`Corp., in Calgary, Alberta. Undtt
`1hr acquwtion agrttmcnt. McAftt
`acquittd the privately hdd com(cid:173)
`pany for 356,000 sbarrs of Mc-.
`Aftt common SIOCk..
`Unlike many other mcryptlon
`IOlutlons. Nderyp(o docs not re(cid:173)
`quire application modilicatioo, 1hr
`end-user training.
`Sealtt· l will ship Sq,L 30 and
`c:ost S 125 per user. Sile lictnses will
`c:ost S 100 per oocle. per 1,000 lltffl.
`Rtgisteml V-trusScan CUllomen
`CUI ~ at a SO ~rcml dis(cid:173)
`count until Sq,t. 13. All tlutt
`~1 modules will abo beavail(cid:173)
`abk sq,aratdy.
`FSA CUI be rachcd at ( 40)) 264-
`4822 ~ http://www.fsa.c.l.
`McAfft, in SUiia Oara.
`be racbcd at ( 40I) 988-3332 or
`• I
`Seagate plans unified software
`management for acquisitions
`make ii casitt for him 10 monitor
`backups on his liYe PC file sawn.
`Prrviowly, Sadowski had 10 USC
`Nomi I nc.'1 RConsole utility to
`check up on one Kr'ftf at a time.
`•Now I can just look at EucV-icw
`By Sltplim Lawwn
`Wttk unvdlcd a strategic plan to
`consolidate all o( its storage, nd·
`worit management, and ttparting
`IOftware into a aingLt rnana,emmt
`fnmewortt and posi(cid:173)
`tion WU1dows NT u
`iu strategic platform
`across 1hr board.
`TM broad range of
`applications Seagate
`has patched togdhff
`from a number of ac·
`in recent
`yttn will all be man(cid:173)
`agnbk with Atrium, a
`Unix console that will
`be ported 10 NT early
`in 1997. Seagate ac- Ell<WllW will~ 11 maMgffllmt console
`for Badcup Ex« 1111d Storoge Ex«.
`quired A1rium with its
`purchuc of Calypso
`and gd real-time data from all the
`Softwm Systems Inc. last May.
`sawn:' Badowskl said.
`In Seagate's core sto~ and
`Seagate officials said the com(cid:173)
`backup arena, EucV-- 2.01 will
`pany is migrating its applications
`form 1hr managantnt framework
`for both Backup E.uc. acquired
`toward NT because the 32-bit,
`from Attada Softwm two
`multitasking ~rating f}'ltem is
`becoming the platform o( choice
`stongc· mana~t applications
`inside corpontions for both appli(cid:173)
`from Palindrome Corp. that will be
`combined in the name Stonge
`cation devdopment and running
`managemmt consola..
`Euc. Seagate wiD add the JIO~
`·Establishing NT u their strait·
`apabilities of its V"ISU softwan to
`gic platform is a pc.rfect move;
`tbccurm,t EucV-itw. That software
`is a1rady offered on NT and Wan(cid:173)
`EucV-icw 2.01 will allow admin-
`dows 9S.
`~ had to raiK thansclvcs
`istraton to monitor and manage
`from the lcftl of chaos to one o(
`NT and NctWare scrven 1imulta(cid:173)
`order." Aid Michad ~ prcs(cid:173)
`neowly from a omtral location.
`ldmto(Strmgic Racarch Corp.. in
`Backup Euc for NetWart, Ver(cid:173)
`Santa Barbu&. Calif. "You CUI now
`sion 7 .11, can back up the entire
`NctWare Directory Servica Ex(cid:173)
`look at their product line and Stt
`how C'lffYthlng 6u togethtt:'
`tended Schema using Microsoft
`Paul Badowski. a senior ndWOrit
`.'1 Systems Managancu Sav(cid:173)
`specialist at Bdcan Engineering
`er. This gi>a admi.nistraton a back·
`up copy o( all nctworit-user rights.
`Group. a consulting company in
`Seagate is in Laite Mary, Fla., at
`Cincinnati, is a long-time Backup
`Euc usa. He said EucV"ICW will
`(407) 333-7SOO.
`SILICON VALLaY stan-upAheon
`Ndworb Inc. is joining 1hr rau
`toward Gigabit Edlcrnd networtt(cid:173)
`ing with a worltgroup switch and
`Allcm's producu will be on dis(cid:173)
`play at NetWorld+lntaop, in Al(cid:173)
` SeplaDbeT and attapttt·
`cd to lhip in l>eamber.
`Alimo WU formed in May by
`farmtrm!p07'tCSollJkra ~
`Technologia Inc., which built
`800Mbps High Pafarmana Pual(cid:173)
`ld IDCmaa products for rupa·
`compuun and high-ax! work(cid:173)
`~Allcm puns IO build 00 its
`aillUlgASIC ID dewlap a l .2.5Gbps
`dlip that an ddmr a full I Gbps o(
`An Allam represmtati¥t Aid 1hr
`maturity o( 1hr ASIC. which 1w
`-,al inccgrakd features. will
`allow Alimo to pria its produd.t
`adapccr will be priad at Ira than
`$2,000, 1hr rq,ramtativr said.
`Tbe switch will be dmgDed for
`linking lugb-md lffWft with Etb(cid:173)
`fflld atgJDfflb.
`.._ obsawrs do not ap«I a
`Oipbir Etbnnd specific:ation until
`19!1l. AkOO Aid usen will be abk
`to download updated toftwatt to
`1hr AhN,o ASIC as 1hr standard
`Ahmo is based in San Jose,
`CaJil.. and CUI be ftaChcd at ( .4()1)
`Yellm NISI re11te·cantral sahes
`DANWAI& DATA A/1, Hilgra,tW
`Inc.. aod Avalan Technology Inc.
`haft all bu.nched bttfed•up Vff•
`sionsand upgrades to thrir(cid:173)
`QXllnll pacbees.
`Danwatt is offmng a comprc·
`hmsi~ mnot.e-<onllOI product
`with NdOp for Windows. Vttlion
`S.2, a remou software package
`with multipbtform support ror all
`&non o( Windows 3.x, Windows
`9S, aod Windows NT. u well u
`OS/2 and DO~ Danware's guest(cid:173)
`- SrqNrt U1WJ01t I host combimtion pack is priced at
`9 1•FOWOUD AUGUST 26, 1996 h11p;//Hw.1nfoworld co
`S29S and is available now.
`Avalan Technology's Remotely
`Possible/J2, Version 3.0, providts
`support for Windows NT 4.0 and
`was unYCilcd at the same time that
`NT 4.0 was·Jaunched on both the
`lntd and Digital Alpha plllforms..
`Remotely Posaibk/32 producu
`wiD begin llupping al 1hr md o( this
`mondi. Tb e~ padta,c is
`pMd atSl99; 1hr Scrwr padta,c is
`pMd at $399.AYalan abosupporu
`WUldows 3.x, Wmdows 9S,and NT
`J.Sl. Tbe Digital Alph.a aerver pack(cid:173)
`age will cost $499.
`At the same time,
`Hilgra,ew Is focusing
`on the OS/2 nwut
`with 1hr announcc(cid:173)
`mmt ol H ypcr Acuu
`Pro, which unites
`the capabilitja o( its ......S mrwte software penniu viewing of
`gmcral-~ corn- • ""'ltipl.e PCs amw mu/J;pk platfomu.
`munic:ations soltware. - - (cid:173)
`HyperAccas foe OS/2, and the
`mnote-control functions o( Hil(cid:173)
`grwve's KopyKat software.
`Hyper¥"S' Pro will be oftmd
`as an upgrade for SSO and retail for
`S199; it will begin shipping at the
`end o( this month.
`0anwvc CUI be rftchcd through
`Mutham Computer Corp. at (800)
`262-7S42.Avalan an be ruchcd at
`(800) 441 -2231. Hilgraeve Is at
`(313) 143-0S16.
`INTEL EX.1219.005


`I I I
`SIL,CON VALLEY start-up A.Jteon
`Networks Inc. is joining the race
`toward Gigabit Ethttnet network(cid:173)
`ing with a workgroup switch and
`Alteon'~ products will be on dis(cid:173)
`play at NetWorld+ lntaop~ in At(cid:173)
`lanta, in Seplanba and are expect(cid:173)
`ed to ship in Decanba'.
`Alteon was formed in May by
`forma~ofUltra Network
`Technologia Inc., which built
`1 800Mbps High PuformanGe Paral(cid:173)
`lel Interface products for super(cid:173)
`computers and high-end work(cid:173)
`stations. Alteoo plans to build on its
`mstingASIC to dewlap al .25Gbps
`chip that can delivff a full I Gbps of
`An Aheon repraentatiff said the
`maturity of the ASIC, which has
`sneral integrated features. will
`allow Alteon to price its products
`competitiwly. TbeGigabit Ethernet
`adapter will be priud at less than
`$2,000, the repraentatiff said.
`The switch will be designed for
`linking high..ffld savers with Eth(cid:173)
`ermt segments.
`Most obserffrs do not expect a
`,.ipbit &hand specification until
`1998. Alteoo said users will be able
`to download updated software to
`the Aheon ASIC as the standard
`Alteon is based in San Jose,
`Calif~ and can be reached at ( 408)
`- Stephm Lawson
`INTEL EX.1219.006

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