Genentech Exhibit 2002
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2002
`Celltrion V. Genentech
`Page 1 of 68


`To maintain documonvfilrn
`integriiy. do not add or
`delete notesfmaleriah
`to this notebook.
`Imaging Dep
`Inc. mull
`Page 2 of 68
`Page 2 of 68


`nomoox no. _¢_____
`RO. BOX 238
`Page 3 of 68
`Page 3 of 68


`Genentech Laboratory Notebook Procedures
`Important steps for maintenance of your notebooks:
`Use dark permanent ink to record all of your work in your notebook on a daily basis. Sign and date
`each day’s entries.
`Permanently affix all attachments without covering any other entries. Please attach copies of any
`computer data entered into your computer files. These data are considered part of your experimen-
`tal record.
`3) Make any changes in data in dark permanent ink and, if appropriate, initial and date in the margin.
`Ensure that the original entry remains visible. Leave no open areas. When the book is completed line
`out any unused portion of a page at the end of each experiment.
`Have a witness who understands and is aware of your work, but who is not directly involved in your
`project, sign and date your notebook entries (not later than one month after you do the work).
`Don’t hold back data for later entry and don’t keep a "rough draft" notebook.
`Report the quantitative or qualitative results only. Avoid over broad and potentially inflammatory
`comments like "failed experiment". "doesn't work", or "toxic compound."
`The source and character of starting materials should be described. Preferably, refer to the notebook
`pages describing the starting material and its method of preparation.
`Be sure your notebook record is understandable. Omit abbreviations or slang that would not be
`understood by others working in your field.
`It is helpful to introduce each experiment with a state-
`ment of purpose. and make liberal use of cross-references to related experiments. While sufficient
`detail should be included to enable reproduction of experiments, it is acceptable to refer to conven-
`tional or published procedures. However, record any changes you may make to such procedures.
`Record your ideas too, not just experimental data. This is important to demonstrate when an inven-
`tion or thought occurred to you, and is an important part of establishing priority in inventorship
`contests. Don't hesitate to broaden the scope of your ideas; there is no reason to limit them to
`specific experiments planned for the next few days, although you should include as much detail as
`possible. Your notebook will not be published and there is no penalty for guessing wrong on note-
`book idea entries, so don't hesitate to let your imagination run.
`10) Try to keep a different notebook for each product andlor project. Please complete the table of con-
`tents indicating which product andlor project this work concerns.
`\ Page 4 of 68
`Page 4 of 68


`I/L. C W.)
`WNW 41>S’ W _,
`W 405’, 7/?4 “wigs: new:
`W 405’ W W W 1
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`Table of Contents
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`ix \
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`Table of Contents
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`Table of Contents
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`TITLE M943“... 7
`From Page No._
`- BookNo.
`4921.2M3199...” i ‘-‘ f: -:
`932.9239 .
`3991-1599 .
`' 99295
`. 939—9939
`- 89/199.
`_‘ 1592.520 '" _
`V/7.- 52E
`93.2—- 0397"
`2999-}?4’5 2592 . 2953499
`” "' "
`‘ 9.99
`_' 9-53.
`1. F252
`i .9999
`1999-2:6.2.99) (m9)
`. 1929925
`1909—925 _.
`994,965. 969—2795-
`. 999-19:
`199—9999--- E99 .999 --9T9S”-c999
`-.--_ 2259 -9.99-;1-_- 9w- “. 9-99:
`-- _ --. --.._..-
`- ::-_:i
` .ML. 1557‘.(WW?—
`. _292-25 9/929, __
`999920 -= 9999
`. -2,
`1299199499) .9999
`, _. _ - .
`. 43.99923)
` .
`Page 13 of68
`‘ b
`r' M
`Page 13 of 68


`Project No.___
`Book No.___ TITLE
`”6" WWW“
`From Page No.—
`70 PHE
`71 m 73
`72 L30
`73 THR
`74 ILE 81
`75 sea
`76 SBR
`77 VAL
`78 GLN
`79 ALA
`80 GLU
`81 ASP
`82 LEU
`83 ALA
`04 VAL
`NR 05 TYR
`86 mm 93
`87 CYS
`88 GLN
`e9 ASN
`90 HIS
`96 TYR 100
`96 PRO 101
`97 LEU 102
`98 THR 103
`99 PHE 104
`GLY 100 GLY 105
`THR 101 GLY 105 2-4'
`THR 101 ALA 106
`GLY 102 GLY 107
`THR 103 THR 108 0-‘6
`LYS 104 LYS 109
`VAL 105 LEU 110
`THR 106 GLU 111
`V'AL 107 In 112 1.36
`mg 12'E¥§~1L_3"
`Fm- PDE £11": MIN-tut
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA—CA was
`NUMRES molecules 16.2
`Res Dist
`1 Asp
`3 VAL
`4 MET
`5 THR
`6 GLN
`7 SEE
`7 PRO
`8 SER
`9 SER
`10 LEU
`11 51:6
`12 VAL
`13 SER
`14 ALA
`15 GLY
`16 GLU
`17 ARG
`10 VAL
`19 THR
`20 MET
`21 SER
`22 (:75
`23 LYS
`24 SEE
`25 SER
`25 GLN
`28 SER
`31 ASN
`31 pm:
`32 LEU
`33 ALA
`34 mp 41
`35 TYR
`gm 35 cm 43
`cm 37 GLN
`m 43 p30
`43 PRO
`44 LYS
`45 LEU
`46 LBU
`47 ILE
`48 TYR
`49 CL!
`50 ALA
`51 51:2
`52 THR
`53 ARG
`54 GLU
`55 SEER
`56 GLY
`57 VAL
`no 53 pao
`MR 59 A52
`60 ARG
`61 pm:
`62 THR
`63 GLY
`64 SEE
`”(R 68 THR
`65 CL!
`69 ASP
`‘4 533
`65 0.90
`65 cm!
`65 SER
`“R 63 mg
`69 0.96
`59 SER
`70 0.31
`70 TYR
`71 0.45
`72 LEU
`73 THR
`74 0.7.
`76 THR
`77 MET
`78 GLU
`79 0.95
`79 ALA
`80 0.61
`so GLU
`up 81 ASP
`82 ALA
`35R 03 Am 83
`up 34 ILE 84
`HR 85 TYR
`86 mm 35
`as 67 C115
`88 GLN
`88 0.4a
`89 GLN
`HP 90 TR?
`95 PRO
`96 LEU
`97 ILE 95
`98 mm 96
`99 PHE
`@Y 100 GLY
`run 101 ALA
`Gm! 102 GLY 100
`”R 103 THR 101
`L‘l'S 104 LYS 102
`VAL 105 LEU 103
`“R 106 GLU 104
`VAL 107 Ill! 105
`LI] 100 us 106
`114109 m 107
`rron PDB files: 1fbd.test
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA-CA was
`NUMRES molecules 1:2
`Res Dist
`1 GLU
`4 L80
`5 THR
`6 GLN
`7 SER
`7 PRO
`8 23‘
`8 AI}.
`9 ILE
`10 THR
`11 ALA
`12 ALA
`13 SEE
`1, LEU
`15 GLY
`16 cm 17
`ARG. 17 us 18
`18 VAL
`,HR 19 THR
`“18,, 20 ILE
`saair 21 THR
`22 o.“
`0 28
`THE} 23 SR 24
`cm 24 m 25
`”R 25 52.2
`”R 25 SER
`26 SER
`27 SER
`30 55R 30
`31 SE‘R
`32 L30
`33 H15
`m 34 TRP
`35 NR 35
`36 cm 36
`0.3a .
`37 GLN
`3g LYS
`38 SER
`41 THR
`ALA ‘42 SER
`PRO: 43 pm)
`ms? 44 LYS
`mu 45 PRO
`W ,6 mp
`47 IL}:
`48 'I'YR
`.9 cm 49
`5p 50 ILE
`1 22
`51 SER
`52 LYS
`52 0'74
`53 LEU 53
`1 02
`no 54 M 54
`no 54 SER
`an 55 SER
`2 19
`cm 56 cm 56 126
`“L 5-, VAL
`no 58 PRO
`59 ALA
`m 60 ARC
`m 61 PHE
`m ' g
`‘3 2:
`‘3 3.3
`add/L7 H2470! WM...
`— -
`To Page No.3.—
`Witnessed l Understood by me.
`Invented by
`Page 14 of 68
`Rocordvod by
`Page 14 of 68


`Project No.
`Book No._.__
`From Pay. No._
`Z; 1::
`73 THR
`74 ILE 75
`75 SER
`76 SER
`77 LEU 78
`78 cm 79
`79 PRO
`80 CL”
`81 “SP
`82 ILE
`83 ALA
`84 THR
`85 TYR
`86 TYR
`87 cars
`ea GLN
`e9 GLN
`90 TV“
`95 LE”
`95 PRO
`97 "R g?
`33 3:;
`10° 6”
`101 CL" 10°
`102 GLY 101
`103 THR 102
`104 LYS 103
`105 LBU 104
`106 GLN 105
`107 ILE 106
`191 111111.191 215i:
`From PDB files: 1FBQ.TEST
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA~CA was
`NUMRES molecules 162
`Res Dist
`m THR
`‘ .1
`. 52
`- ._
`Witnesaod 8: Understood by me,
`Invented by
`Page 15 of 68
`Recorded by
`Iran PDB files: 1FB4.'X'EST
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA-CA was
`MES molecules 1&2
`Res Dist
`.09 .
`. 43
`. 46
`. 27
`0012Ol22l2l0l0O0O00O022222lO0 o
`Page 15 of 68


`Project No.
`Book No.______
`ran Page No... -
`4' *
`_ - -_
`_ w
`L —-
`__ _
`A ""
`__._ _
`' +‘—1—-' - +-
`- — —T——‘——r—b— .4... h...—
`___,______,__ __
`_ _ __ . _
`-" '
`“ "
`. .-
`Fro. PDB files: 1fbl.tcst
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA~CA was
`mas molecules 14.2
`Res Dist
`3 VAL
`5:8 42 st:
`~ mu
`4 LE”
`63 Am 65
`m 5 THE
`64 SER
`- CL"
`5 CL"
`6 0-1‘
`65 LYS
`"0 7 PRO
`7 0'“
`66 SEE
`8 FRO
`67 GLY
`9 55“
`68 THR
`A” 10 ALA
`1° 0'“
`69 SER
`5'“ 11 SE“
`11 0'”
`o 14
`12 GLY
`0.36 m 70 ALA
`m 13 TH“
`13 0'”
`71 SER
`"‘0 1‘ PRO
`72 LEU
`15 G” 15
`73 ALA
`cm 16 GLN
`74 ILE 76 0.2,
`“G 17 “RS
`75 SEE
`18 VAL
`76 GLY
`m 19 THR
`19 0-5‘
`77 LEU 79
`IE 20 1”?
`78 GLU
`33% (535R 5; 8-3:
`79 SER
`Tm 23 TH:
`80 GLU
`24 G y
`81 A39
`82 GLU
`m 25 53“
`gm 3: :3:
`84 ASP
`A3; ”MS?
`28 0'3.
`85 TYR
`29 0'29
`86 TYR
`87 cys
`28 GLY
`0.40 m 88 Am 90
`x i3 :3 g;
`89 ALA
`m 31 SER
`90 TR?
`32 VAL
`34 0'”
`91 A58
`m 33 I”:
`35 0'”
`68A 92 ASP
`34 TR?
`94 SER
`94 LEU
`35 m 37
`38 0.6'
`95 ASP
`36 GLN
`96 GLU
`u 37 GLN
`“R 97 PRO
`0 50
`38 VAL
`98 GLY 100
`40 PRO
`ME 99 Pm: 101 0'93
`m 41 LYS
`GM 100 GLY 102
`m 42 “S ‘3 2-”
`HR 101 GLY 103
`‘2 ALA ” 1-"
`ELY 102 GLY 104 089
`no 43 PRO
`”R 103 THR 105
`. LYS
`44 LYS
`us 104 LYS 106
`45 LEU
`VAL 105 LEU 107
`0 20
`46 LEU
`”R 106 THR 108 0'25
`' h'
`47 ILE 49
`VAL 107 vAL 109 0'32
`m 48 TYR
`LEU 108 LEU 110
`49 TYR
`_L_._ _,.
`,_ _
`50 A50
`51 A59
`m 52 LEIU
`us 53 LEU
`no 54 PRO
`m 55 SER
`cm 56 GLY
`57 VAL
`58 SER
`nc 60 A30
`m 59 ASP
`nu 61m 63
`. L
`__ 4
`“'0'? PDE F1135: 1FB4‘TEST
`mmxum dLStance CUtOff for CA—CA was
`WES molecules 152
`Res Dlst
`1 53R
`74 11.2
`2 figs
`2 3'3:
`75 94m 75
`“R 5 THR
`76 GLY
`6 cm 6 0'41
`77 LEU 77
`7 PRO
`78 GLN
`a 0'3‘
`79 ALA
`8 “2
`9 0'5.
`80 GLU
`“R 13 313“.
`10 0'40
`81 A59
`0 48
`82 61.0
`55R 11 SE“
`11 0"
`83 ALA
`G” 12 G”
`12 0'53
`84 ASP
`"R 13 ALA
`l3 0'8
`85 TYR
`1" PRO
`14 1'“
`TR 86 TYR
`1g ELY
`1.1g ._
`87 cuts
`7 0'”
`88 GLN
`17 ARC
`89 SER
`1" VAL
`90 TYR
`19 ”R 19
`3(1) 315:
`8‘13 ._ ASN
`91 ASP
`22 cats
`92 ARG
`“R 23 THR
`23 0'"
`95 L120
`97 AAG
`0 71
`a“ 2‘ G”
`g; 8'50
`98 VAL
`32 fig:
`26 0‘3:
`99 FEB
`ER 27 gm 27 1'”
`GLY 100 GLY 100
`ASN 27%“
`27A 0'”
`THR 101 GLY 101
`GLY 102 GLY 102
`0 58
`278 0.61
`THR 103 THR 103
`33 ii:
`32C 2:},
`LYS 104 LYS 104
`30 0:5,
`VAL 105 LEU 105
`HR 31 ms
`0 fl
`THR 106 THR 106
`32 VAL
`32 0'”
`VAL 107 VAL 107
`33 LYS
`33 0'“ '
`LE'U 108 LEU 108
`GLY 109 A80 109
`m 34 m 34
`0.79 1‘
`35 0."
`35 TYR
`36 cm 36 0.” 4- - +——
`——L— + 4
`- +
`37 cm 37
`0.74 =
`1.02 L__._+ _
`41 THR
`m ‘2 m ‘2 1'"
`‘3 PRO
`‘3 0'” '— '
`44 LYS
`0.04 ,
`45 La;
`45 OJ} L.
`,_+_ _
`1,04 '
`53 PHE
`59 ALA
`“---J—-L-—— -—w- — -—
`60 ARG
`61 pm:
`62 SER
`0.14 t,
`0.60 1
`63 VAL
`_—*" ' 1"“ SER
`64 SER
`0.03 r—‘F-JI—-r-—+- ~*—+——-v— — ~
`65 LYS
`- —-..—4.— —— _ .
`66 SE‘R
`L._ L ,
`67 GLY
`68 SEE
`69 SER
`0.47 f
`70 ALA
`0.22 ‘
`LEU 72 L80
`71 THR
`_ ALA
`73ALA 73
`0.36 ___4_
`— -
`. .4.
`— v—T «-
`_ ._ .1
`4—-—-—+——-4—-—-—| -
`. T
`-———+v—4- ——-Y- -+—+—
`w -
`" *"r'"
`— — —
`— —4—— —-4 —— .— —+
`+—~I———1— T
`—— ~4- —f——
`— — ——+
`. L-----...4_+~.+_._4__4:_.
`.1__._'_ fifih T—‘rj-TMW —J.—_Y__I .___+.—.-__.1_~.
`F~‘ -v—+’_"‘""“
`‘L‘P-fi—L‘"+—~'-—*—o— [
`To Page No. 5:.
`Witnnuod l Underotood by me.
`Page 16 of 68
`Rocordod by
`Page 16 of 68


`From Plfii Nu.
`Project No.
`Book No.
`2 . 50
`From PDB files:
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA-CA was
`NUMRES molecules 1&2
`Res Dist
`. 87
`. 46
`. 46
`. 09
`. 02
`. 51
`. 75
`. 16
`. 79
`. 27
`. 96
`. 69
`. 38
`. 99
`. 39
`. 50
`. 65
`. 32
`. 4O
`. 28
`. 43
`. 37
`. 91
`. 31
`. 89
`. 01
`. 39
`. 39
`. 4 0
`. 58
`. 4 3
`. 4 3
`. 71
`. 43
`, 37
`. 46
`. 48
`. S7
`. 39
`. 51
`. 31
`. 30
`. 16
`. 28
`. 24
`. 15
`. 19
`. 81
`. 34
`. 42
`. 42
`. 59
`. 33
`. 34
`. 11
`. 08
`. 25
`. 62
`. 72
`. 36
`ALA .
`TRP ,
`VAL '
`I‘Hnuud I. Underlined by m0,
`Page 17 of 68
`To Page No.—
`Page 17 of 68


`Book No._______
`Project No.
`From Page No._
`. .. ....._
`In. PDI files: lfbj.telt
`minu- distance cutoff for (IA-CA was
`Auuzss molecules 152
`Res Dist
`1 ASP
`”3' 2m 2
`3 VAL
`W 4 MET
`5 THR
`cm 5 GLN
`3 PRO
`9 51:8
`rm 10 SER
`m‘ 11 LEU 11
`ALA' 12 SER
`A1)“ 13 VAL
`m 14 SER
`15 m 15
`an 16 GLY
`CU" "17 CL”
`”5 '15 ARC
`m ‘ 19 VAL
`m.‘ 20 THR
`ILE' 21 MET
`W 22 SER
`23 CYS
`an 24 LYS
`25 SER
`26 SER
`m 27 CL“
`3“ 28 5“ 28
`m 29 LEU
`31 pm:
`32 LEU 39
`33 ALA
`m 34 TRP
`In 35 TYR
`36 GLN
`37 GLN
`us 38 LYS
`an 39 PRO
`40 GLY
`m 41 cm 43
`an 42 PRO
`no 43 PRO 50
`44 LYS
`m 45 LEU 52
`m 46 LEU 53
`:11 47 ILE
`m 48 TYR
`cw 49 GLY
`50 ALA
`5- 51 SER
`52 THR
`53 ARG
`54 GL0
`55 SER
`56 GLY
`57 VAL
`no 58 PRO
`59 ASP
`60 ARG
`m 61 PHE
`an 62 was
`69 0.11
`63 GLY
`64 SER
`0 5.
`Gm 55 Gm 72
`51m 66 SEER
`67 GLY
`68 THR
`gm 59 AS?
`70 PHE
`71 THR
`72 LEU
`NR 73 THR
`80 o.“
`ILE 7, RE 81
`75 SEE
`75 5m 33 031
`77 VAL
`78 GLN
`79 ALA
`80 GL0
`81 A5,,
`82 LEU
`83 ALA
`84 VAL
`91 03‘
`Tm 85 NR 92 0.3.
`86 TYR
`87 CYS
`88 GLN
`Gm 89 ASN
`90 Asp
`90 HIS
`91 HIS
`1 90
`94 ”R 100 1'”
`95 L30 102 1'“
`MR 95 THR 103 1'“
`97 PHE 104 1'1,
`90 Gm 105 1'” .
`99 m 106
`G“ 100 Gm, 107 0‘"
`THR 101 THE 108 0.7]
`ms 102 ms 109
`m 103 LEU 110
`GL0 104 cm 111 OJO
`m 105 ILE 112
`LYS 106 LYS 113 1.3,
`ARG 107 MG 114
`- "7 "Tar
`- _
`Fm PD” £11“: lfbj.test
`Maximum distance CUtOff for CA—CA was
`“RES molecules 15?
`Res Dist
`1 ASP
`m ms
`3 VAL
`W ‘ LE”
`5 THR
`7 SER
`cm 6 CL”
`6 “2°
`8 PRO
`O 48
`9 ALA
`ILE 10 ILE 10
`11 MET
`12 SER
`13 ALA
`am 14 SEE
`“U 15 PRO
`16 GLY
`17 GLU
`”5 18 ”S 18
`19 VAL
`"R 2° THR
`2° 0'25
`21 MET
`m 22 ”R 22 0‘”
`23 CYS
`23 0’”
`”A 25 ALA
`”R 26 S“ 26 0'"
`“R 27 5“ 27
`“R 28 S“ 28 2'”
`m 29 VAL
`" m 31 TYR
`us 33 TYR
`up 34 TRP
`HR 35 TYR
`36 GLN
`37 GLN
`us 38 LYS
`0.40 ....
`an 39 SER
`cm 40 GLY
`f“ 41 THR
`41 a” 4
`no 43 PRO 43
`us 44 LYS
`no 45 ARG
`up 46 TRP
`47 ILE 47
`HR 48 ”HR
`49 A5?
`49 1.4-
`50 THR
`51 SER
`52 LYS
`53 LE!)
`53 0.1:
`54 ALA
`54 0.7:
`55 815R
`an 55 GLY
`57 VAL
`57 0.1.
`no 58 PRO
`59 VAL
`us 60 ARG
`"a 51 PHE
`83R 62 SEE
`22 23;
`55 GLY
`o 36
`66 SER
`7 Gm 67 Gm 67
`68 THR
`69 53R 69
`70 Tya
`71 SEE
`0 43
`72 LEU 72
`73 THR
`74 ILE
`75 SER
`75 SER
`m 77 MET
`78 GLU
`79 THR
`80 GLU
`0 47
`81 ASP
`82 ALA
`82 0'78
`m 83 ALA
`84 GLU
`85 Tya
`35 0'15
`Tm 86 TYR
`87 cys
`88 GLN
`89 CL"
`39 0'19
`90 TR?
`90 100
`91 GM 91
`9? ARC
`93 ARG
`9‘ AS"
`HS 95 PRO
`96 THR
`97 ““3
`98 CW 97
`99 GLY
`G“ 100 G” 99 0-1‘
`{HR 131 THR 100 0.38
`VS 1 2 ”S 101
`533 133 L3” 102
`1 4 6“” 103 0'“
`L3” 105 ILE 10‘
`' LYS 10" LYS 105 0-6‘
`31353974129- L05

`_.,_ _
`v -
`- - - - —
`-— — .
`Witness“! & Understood by me,
`invonlod by
`To Page No.
`Page 18 of 68
`Recon-lad by
`Page 18 of 68


`From Page No.
`Project No.
`Book No.
`Fro- PDB files: ltbj.test
`toff for CA-CA was
`$332332: :22 111
`. 29
`. 76
`. 87
`. 01
`. 55
`H on
`Lu \5
`a H
`HHHawnH Ul
`>- on
`M \|
`MN woo
`0.: N
`(A w
`.; w
`mm UN
`, 39
`_ 22
`. 20
`.,__... 191 __Q, 97
`From PDB files: lfbj.test
`Maximum distance cutoff for CA—CA was
`mas molecules 152
`Res Dist
`. 35
`. 51
`. 24
`. 39
`Wlmuud t Undwstood by me.
`Page 19 of 68
`Recorded by
`To Pogo No.___
`Page 19 of 68


`From Page No._
` Project No._____ - M
`Book No.___ TITLE M703? W
`JFAB and RHE are lambda-type REI, HCPL, FBJL AND ZHFL are kappa—type
`3) residues between parentheses are included in beta-sheet based on backbone
`dihedral angles and hydrogen-bonding patterns
`b) letter repeats above sequences correspond to beta-sheet strands
`c) L1, L2, L3 correspond to hypervariable loops
`d) @ first residue is PCA - pyroglutamyl
`a) small letter in sequence - Ca—Ca distance between proteins > 1.0 A
`G T)P)G(o
`P P S
`G A p g o
`G T)P)G(
`a s)v)G(.
`V)5 a 9(—
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`Page 20 of 68
`To Page No.
`Page 20 of 68


`Project No._.__
`TITLE W #2, W W BookNo._.___
`From Page No...
`3FAB and RHE are lambda—type
`a) residues between parentheses are included in beta—sheet based on backbone
`dihedral angles and hydrogen—bonding patterns
`b) letter repeats above sequences correspond to beta-sheet strands
`G) L1, L2, L3 correspond to hypervariable loops
`6) @ first residue is PCA - pyroglutamyl
`e) small letter in sequence - Ca—Ca distance between proteins ) 1.0 A
`A S G T)P)G(O R V T I S C T G)T)
`V S G A p q q R V T I S C T G S
`(P K L)L(I Y)R D A(M R)? S)G V P
`P K L 1 i f h n n
`I §(F S G S K §)E T(S A S L A I S)G L E A E D(E(S D Y Y C A S
`a R F S V S K S G S S A T L A I T g l O A E D E A D Y Y C O S
`————--L3 —————GGGGGGGGG
`Y D
`-— 1-
`RBI, MCPL, FBJL AND ZHFL are kappa-type
`a) residues between parentheses are included in beta-sheet based on backbone
`dihedral angles and hydrogen-bonding patterns
`b) letter repeats above sequences correspond to beta-sheet strands
`c) L1, L2, L3 correspond to hypervariable loops
`d) small letter in sequence - Ca-Ca distance between proteins ) 1.0 A
`o a K)»
`k(Y L N W Y 0 Q T -
`MCPL (k n(f L A W Y Q
`v P
`~ a S(n 1 q)a)g v p
`- A S(t r e)s)g v P
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`mm A R(F s c S)G 5x; T(S Y
`9 my T G 5x; 5 c T(D F
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`97 10-110
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`Minna-d l Understood by me.
`Page 21 of 68
`Page 21 of 68


`1 0
`From Page No...
`Project No.
`Book No.___.
`krd Lungth- a Angles for KAPPA variable light
`N—Ca Ca-C
`C-O C’N Cl—Cb
`C—R'CI N-Ca—C CI—C-O Ca—C-N 0~C~N l—Cl—Cb Cb‘Cn‘
`1.459 1.515 1.208 1.288 1.508
`ll0.0 120.5
`0.012 0.012 0.062 0.049 0.026
`Bon Lengths a Angles for LAMBDA variable light
`N~Ca Ca-C
`C-O C-N Ca-Cb
`C—N-Ca N-Ca-C Ca-C-O Ca~C-N O-C-N N-Ca-Cb Cb-Ca-
`1.453 1.514 1.217 1.298 1.522
`0.017 0.018 0.063 0.061 0.031
`Bond Lengths & Angles for KAPPA 5 LAMBDA variable light
`N-Ca Ca-C
`C-O C-N Ca-Cb
`C—N-Ca N-Ca-C Ca—C-O Ca-C-N O-C—N N~Ca-Cb Cb-Ca-
`1.452 1.510 1.190 1.288 1.510
`0.014 0.016 0.129 0.081 0.029
`Page 22 of 68
`Win-tossed 3: Undontood by me,
`Invent-d by
`To Page No.
`Page 22 of 68


`Project No.
`BookNo. u_“__
`From Page No._
`FB4L, BFAB and RHE are lambda-type REI, MCPL, FBJL AND 2HFL are kappa—type
`hll = human lambda light
`hkl = human kappa light
`a) residues between parentheses are included in beta~sheet based on backbone
`dihedral angles and hydrogen—bonding patterns
`b) letter repeats above sequences correspond to beta—sheet strands
`c) L1, L2, L3 correspond to hypervariable loops
`d) @ first residue is PCA = pyroglutamyl
`e) small letter in sequence = Ca-Ca distance between proteins > 1.0 A
`BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ---------Ll ----------
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