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`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2005
`Genentech Exhibit 2005
`Page 1 of 108


`Inc. Date"#4q
`To maintain document/film
`integrity, do not add or
`delete notes/materials
`to this notebook.
`Imaging Dept
`Page 2 of 108
`Page 2 of 108


` ON December 7_
`19 <7
`biter te Mehecea.
`mm Marck"/, 1991 pages /-I,.
`P.O. BOX 238
`— P
`age 3 of 108
`Page 3 of 108


`Genentech Laboratory Notebook Procedures
`Important steps for maintenance of your notebooks:
`Use dark permanent ink to record all of your work in your notebook on a daily basis. Sign and date
`each day’s entries.
`Permanently affix all attachments without covering any other entries. Please attach copies of any
`computer data entered into your computerfiles. These data are considered part of your experimen-
`tal record.
`Make any changes in data in dark permanent ink and, if appropriate, initial and date in the margin.
`Ensure that the original entry remains visible. Leave no open areas. When the book is completed line
`out any unused portion of a page at the end of each experiment.
`Have a witness who understands and is aware of your work, but who is not directly involved in your
`project, sign and date your notebookentries (not later than one month after you do the work).
`Don’t hold back data for later entry and don’t keep a "rough draft’ notebook.
`Report the quantitative or qualitative results only. Avoid over broad and potentially inflammatory
`comments like "failed experiment", "doesn’t work", or "toxic compound.”
`The source and character of starting materials should be described. Preferably, refer to the notebook
`pages describing the starting material and its method of preparation.
`Be sure your notebook record is understandable. Omit abbreviations or slang that would not be
`understood by others working in your field.
`It is helpful to introduce each experiment with a state-
`ment of purpose, and make liberal use of cross-references to related experiments. While sufficient
`detail should be included to enable reproduction of experiments, it is acceptable to refer to conven-
`tional or published procedures. However, record any changes you may make to such procedures.
`Record your ideas too, not just experimental data. This is important to demonstrate when an inven-
`tion or thought occurred to you, and is an important part of establishing priority in inventorship
`contests. Don't hesitate to broaden the scope of your ideas;
`there is no reason to limit them to
`specific experiments planned for the next few days, although you should include as much detail as
`possible. Your notebook will not be published and there is no penalty for guessing wrong on note-
`book idea entries, so don’t hesitate to let your imagination run.
`Try to keep a different notebook for each product and/or project. Please complete the table of con-
`tents indicating which product and/or project this work concerns.
`Genentech’s success, and with it your own prosperity and research support, depends upon the quality
`and timing of your work. This may require that we prove what you did and when youdid it in the face
`of a contrary challenge. Such challenges have and will continue to arise in judicial proceedings, in patent
`validity or infringement or challenge, inventorship priority contests and productliability actions. The
`key to winning in such cases is the ability to supply appropriate evidence.
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`Table of Contents
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`Table of Contents
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`Table of Contents
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`Table of Contents
`Page 11 of 108
`Page 11 of 108


`Page 12 of 108
`Page 12 of 108


`Page 13 of 108
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`A190 aS
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`Witnessed & Understood by me,
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`Page 13 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 14 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Retorded by
`Page 15 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 16 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 17 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`>) miro
`Date o Invented by
`Page 18 of 108


`Srse (EE
`ReGbrded by
`Page 19 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & “nt” me,
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`a6 .t.9o
`Page 20 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`invented by
`Page 21 of 108


`Date 9 , rf Daje

`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`A¢gorded by
`Page 22 of 108


`Inwapinoyfp Date
`Rétorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`b> 6. ¢I
`Page 23 of 108


`Witnessed & Understgod by me, g RR|DateDate
`veerhl Ab17O pearhaiifl al ifje 90
`Retorded by
`Page 24 of 108


`*|Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 25 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`To Page No.__—
`Invented by
`Page 26 of 108


`Page 27 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Invented by
`Page 28 of 108


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`DateJG: Ox
`Page 29 of 108


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`Page 30 of 108


`Page 31 of 108


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`Page 34 of 108


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`Page 36 of 108


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`Page 38 of 108


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`Page 39 of 108


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`Page 40 of 108


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`Page 41 of 108


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`Page 42 of 108


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`Page 43 of 108


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`Page 45 of 108


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`Page 47 of 108


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`Page 49 of 108


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`To Page No.____
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 50 of 108


`Recorded by
`Page 51 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Invented by
`To Page No.__
`Page 52 of 108


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`Page 53 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me, Date eri)|D
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`Recorded by
`To Page No.___
`Page 54 of 108


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`ra ded by
`Page 55 of 108


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`Page 56 of 108


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`Page 57 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Invented by
`To Page No.___
`Page 58 of 108


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`Page 59 of 108


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`Page 60 of 108


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`Page 61 of 108


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`Page 62 of 108


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`Page 64 of 108


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`Page 65 of 108


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`Page 66 of 108


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`Page 67 of 108


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`Page 68 of 108


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`Page 69 of 108


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`Page 70 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Recorded by
`Page 71 of 108


`hme Ceaenmeal
`lnvinfanyf§ Chih
`ALA re
`A corded By

`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 72 of 108


`he Leck |
`Book No. Slis/9e
`L202 Cathak nee tVid, VL
`The dist Vakraat patent CatebpMeypac
`| pnake| faredA [A bai d | Deut pAs (iliyo VH(a pk a} w.LVRAe
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`Lecpet tey aah Mb EREE SuaeS
`2) DHLe |.)
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`ot|[GhGathosps NekPindee
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`Page 73 of 108
`Page 73 of 108


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` Project No.
`Book No.
`TITLE /Qicd,
`f bemannt YAS
`| C
`Senet ok | Lot fB
`es) feed |
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`fgr’wy ctraicheJo
`Page 74 of 108
`Page 74 of 108


`Project No.___a Book No.
`Ta Apeed ae ee eps
`Lown) pAS -PODe Maz|foftom1)
`gh p62)
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`PvE md Ap Doe. Cnnigend.
`Page 75 of 108
`Page 75 of 108


`of 00 Mae fo chen ech.
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`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No.__
`fifa Cat ne PAE
`YAS= 70T Hyd -
`t Agel Aertsep Hecke|
`jae te
`mtbent tp
`Page 76 of 108
`Page 76 of 108


`Project No.
`ff Book No.______
`a Page No.
`ofdy / ra
`Uae rt TUBete i Chale Lf
`Hern beds
`Vaxmt f (fea:
`{ Ke-,
`Cothal UsrScoms
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`rave deat HE ff whey
`Osh Al? toss
`fe tf esbow had 103%
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 77 of 108


`Project No.
` TITLE Puieh. 4 HevmnndSOSPAS WH) Ve
`“fr fit? 3
`p Rsk Stel
`Cone eo oy pid
`Wn prety bpd hub f, 3654p
`Une prunher, GX A Jpbbl See éY
`PAS VAG) fs Be|= feesae 52
`to/ pews hyne.
`“aonpe feBTEr
`Page 78 of 108
`Page 78 of 108


`riedagAsef40sPASBook No. 67
`Project No
`UPat OEserge
`ay fxn|aoV| on aremmee eeen
`CHhake ec Yavle Avc|
`| Mee |. oe Pata
`BIT!) Sack|AceZ me | a
`catefe — 8 a
`Lis taeeer!
`{tSnldenied ianosy, C
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`CCTM Cen %
`+ onistrte JL
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 79 of 108
`Page 79 of 108


`fy |
`Cp és #4)
`lt) aah(i
`2)Yecd) ¥/| Ag!
`ra -
`Project No.
`Book No.
`/ 6)
`LOR Ost M*|
`| oma GAS Hae
`at“03 t
`-4M brerdey 5
`vy{> (hale
`= | Apa7 +AE
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`dy # fhei
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`Bo chefy Kos 0 dn i)
` §) vey? | Los! inet,
`pl acl nia er
`eke? lefDpot
`“| pas. ul + Y. us bopred_|
`Page 80 of 108
`Page 80 of 108


`Project No.
`rimeSpteaytib)eeednGeastections____Book No._ 69
`From Page No._
`fe}Yee 67Ace,
`3ieLF {Ziel
`= 5bbp ghwezee, i
`a (ae.
`eh ke-AcT -
`= NO HeF
`ESP Melle
`#7 Eg+Ml
`- 3 Prive:
`veEe KE—Acel
`S$ 2b. ° pulfry.
`hf[ESDAA "Xho ~My
`| Me Berke
`{4s (Care
`Vieto + (CEE
`| ae
`4h PA3(C I£/o Ce - #y
`— 7G ie abet.
`fie taxtob0 {bce
`be) [CC BIEN.
`feth: pRB HIP Irant Ae irtahs,
`atok47,Vol ee) Qual!|
`Understood by me, Eebea
`NL Reéordedby
`Page 81 of 108
`Page 81 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`#/ Aps2,HOSE Chipsetfren
`rytht) pas Fo.
`“ic| #s
`c #4
`ve St
`tae Mis tn
`| at a HE
`79 lial
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`Merkys BAI Ashe]
`fleeA8* Cant 1z4
`AS(C) Taga
`fal 2eller
`pas) Fret Hore
`nt te Shaw lone f
`KAZ Sil.
`To Page No.____
`Page 82 of
`Page 82 of 108


`Project No.
`8 Dab} YC (6) ly fect] «ee|- S>o be ~a - 08page
`Book No.
`ms_f4! ve(o)
` From Page No.__
`sf> fo
`OX Acey[.
`Fiew brs ah sfe/60 ff? Love
`1) pas vt (6) #73
`Aecl +8 - S72 4p. Fey
`BSE — 4,
`“Ws Fass :
`z) :
`s)pas yeh) #¥
`fx 4 72, b+,
`fms a Aco? Re Pine .
`¢) Pk-ry ae272
`1) PAA
`feawt®,. A fhe vbH IY 5 prt
`pa Wlnet & 1s Bs spf
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`orded by
`Page 83 of 108
`Page 83 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Pa eno.NB /“H/E& Se |— =>
`lah| At
`ny tet.
`| f GP
`fr parhr_can}
`Me |ad (k-flas
`3 ~43 et— fheden
`4 4S bbe
`phy 5 $4— Lal,
`r : —GtL4 = fanf..|
` Witnessed & ae me,
`Page 84 of 108
`Page 84 of 108


`| bolt 4, Cyl
`| cok leoele |Pret. AML
`| HK Ager
`Page 85 of 108
`Page 85 of 108


`Project No.
`BookNo.______—‘TITLE oft, phust bh
`OY- 2x (odiedOL
`To Page No.
`Lowe) ) 293 bs. hiars Ll) — Famchet omy 20Aesny,
`SOmk 4 Sey ¢ LOL Proton Aoffis t |
`2) 213 Memranrenlus phe #2 (f1/%») oA dete nn |B Aen,
`Sakchy4 oat A-
`8) g/t ALGtyes | Jr 2 hid todo. SetSys coh
`Wad dae indenAe, pal cfnm mesaop,
`[by aet GeeleleAske (TTT rr
`6) Brspab RAL pesKekgd|poleies (Pyhs)
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 86 of 108
`Page 86 of 108


`Project No,.._._
`nmeBeGAS1b-ChawgVerna3-b-0YBook No. 75
`From Page No.#8
`21DVE naan, Cat eoratsthancosh,
`te fuLLL2ghob
`ite &Ky Cut a LE Wehoe? eg: Sb.i
`bo bp<5 C2£ bs Coes
`6L. Ace y Lele|sot <2. faiStal,
`i) Ace t Ade|4 £ +70
`2) Fla [A 74?||fo lickak el bate
`%) 4.4 Ble =| No bent!|Wee Ad.
`4) Xmal
`~| pret ave Pe der
`bp g-2y besa
`ot aa =
`flogBh # I lms
`wid cd Ls od
`i tfAce?22Z, ares |
`aeunatt ABHSou.
`KD eeWA feel f
`1 41 ~fALS
`}—pastkefbeste} —+-—+
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 87 of 108
`Page 87 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`6/13] %. ae Ha g-d-Ae | day |
`| 7A |
`2 feltofank Ang fetme fa late te oe GA—
`From Page No.__
`Previous yt wf oY A
`2.) Con eof
`| biad. -|/5 dbs bonL shad«hal es hig
`| Cyne TbeAihimornghnfhe MoninsA
`he oe
`| ape | Me de ete
`| Avery ‘Et.
`i? 1LAL
`Green din
`TeA,Jolt | SFiS) | x+
`Page 88 of 108
`Page 88 of 108


`From Page No.__..Hts ae Aas TBEbof|shdeBd eeRealoddssangLose Athe
`Les 4) he YAS - bY Teclcbaelelheaset
`2) fe psd Fey. a
`Die Isi 349-57to)
`1)fe Fh >” waa!
`[er2AG | aoe
`biitrasGAS=L AMISflimaig Yeg/alt_|eke
`) tetas|Ghs4Mb LA/be Cabs Todd Piast[tee
`6) hiee ___t jrupe |2.Yale Asap)!||i(HA
`5) Soper CaledCs,
`[fff fp ff i
`Project No.
`Book No.
`Page 89 of 108
`Page 89 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`TITLE UledINA paths
`From Page No.__Cele WeAett ofHareEBA js. Lok,
`Tens! ALVA pip B84yf
`REGAL CeaedPaul Cub,rp) Ty
`; ke yostlheLr, a
`iVae Yhsohhotaodtis ft
`Le pailehsLeyee (i-h1 a |
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`p=b=eeTo Page No._—
`Page 90 of 108
`Page 90 of 108


`TITLE PlemsfVeyI Ap , ALA Ma 3-8-8 Book No.
`aKk a bef Pron CPu-<% Fat CAKE, Le.
`wh Oy cf aut Shh SAY ea St,
`Lh by ek5k
`(Lor Gust
`) 3SF yt
`PA Chess
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Project No.
`14 prye ff AlUih die US Ha 3-5-8
`Ma Cs f Aare.
`>) a Max Arcrhar
`eethet thon is pol
`and .
`dnlre June Ban Shas |
`beh 2680p tn Gre
`ie Ble ayn ‘|
`3-5-8 a Hi
`Page 91 of 108
`Page 91 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No.__
`4D5 Chimera
`a) ifFO
`—> pA9
`4D5light chain chimera
`differs from the original version (dh158) only in that the non-
`silent freebie mutations have been removed: V104L:T109A
`—_> pAlo
`4DS heavy chain chimera
`differs from the original version (dh160)only in that the non- .
`silent freebie mutation has been removed: QIE
`Hu4D5 Heavy Chain
`Expt #
`coming soon (hopefully)
`PAT lee2 5 DMA heh
`pale tare hy?pif ifm
`a ee
`Page 92 of 108
`Page 92 of 108


`TITLE Kedar A
`| A
`From Page No.__
`p4 q Ald ALS
`Project No.
`Book No.
`sfte. Ne:Titlefgeat_Gend(pA 12 | Lae ertChede
`Exp &
`LMA \
`Cle eco
`Lif, Ager urretDNA
`1) (47 how8 = Cael Ebadabs
`p44 Ahad fee iGel
`i took
`ediedine~ (Marka aig
`pAlo Hho YS =) Fol ayy,
`PALO Chnw Yo | Bact, nee.
`fhmMany Cha =LtdaPar
`SS Geek OeCul DMA
` To Page ae
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 93 of 108
`Page 93 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`flee uf
`role HOS bbeerencodlVar S merO tore dha|Ar ghee
`Set rt The ae ils
`one _pltle Aral
`Reed et
`aet Gash Lyoabekafont
`lnans: Mhtr vec pSc6RsLeleLM (omae Ae
`_S Hees
`¢. (-d.4)
`|) Webs
`Shag, tr Coms fre hoot
`erpee bea cn,
`pSit hard 2-C-
`Ob char
`Ct oe i-/h 6 f5eE8af Mama|(2er Lishe >
`H akabac KeVows.rd TepesTielwm ¢ jle¢aiad.
`¢) Make SOU Armael AS, $4|Aled. lodeale'| ,
`"Mantel! psil PAS on, PALES: v.
`3) Rosure SeifAhan) g~les} PabatesbAlol:a of Mok aul ps« Sof ail
`MulKPNE Site oh PSO/PAS
`«anna Deitel esle and
`ps vilfec G Ape,
`Witnessed & Iya
`To Page No.
`Page 94 of 108
`Page 94 of 108


`nneCost 4 SbYar5con}Car 6 hhh aa -
`From Page No.__
`¥ 21/92
`is DfAyas 4
`2/2 bf
`el be
`Masher 1% p22 - RSENS
`Ot mit af Abba,
`/ GLacha (ea-+;
`“almaby me,
`brgebm R=Ny FayofpO ICP a
`{2, ~/43 Vac
`frets CA AM,
`saad i
`«Cru _th tc!
`To Page No.
`Page 95 of 108
`Page 95 of 108


` ee|
`Project No.
`Book No.______—S°=s‘
`TITLE ost 4
`! Kk, cide
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