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`Samsung v. Image Processing Techs.


`Mie!oe LALALEee
`Character Recognition
`UMMARY —— Photoelectric scanner analyzes printed numerals and pro-
`vides electrical output usable in computers and other business machines.
`Reader recognizes 400 characters per second. Operation is independent of
`type style or size of number above minimum width
`Senior Engineer
`Laboratory for Electronics, Inc.
`Boston, Massachusetts
`serially and sorts by successive
`Photoelectric Scanner
`The scanner consists of a column
`of photocells whose outputs are
`modulated by the black portions of
`characters. The photocells are se-
`quentially gated into a common
`buffer. Figure 1A shows how a mag-
`nified image of a number is pro-
`jected on the photocells. Figure 2
`shows the scannercircuits.
`Figure 1B shows the photocell
`_ outputs. The effect of sequentially
`gating the outputs into a common
`buffer is shown in Fig, 1C,
`Table I—Pulse-Code Combination
`Pulses Per Pulses Per Combina-
`Page 2 of 6eo
`Noté that the first digit of the
`coded combination represents the
`total number of black pulses per
`scan and the second digit represents
`the number of long black pulses per
`HIS READER recognizes Arabic
`as printed matter
`passes through it.
`Paperis not restricted as to color,
`thickness, opacity,
`roughness or
`Ink need have no special
`qualities. The depth of the impres-
`sion on the paper is of no signifi-
`cance, and at no time does
`reader come into contact with the
`The character reader cannot read
`all type styles, but is not dependent
`on any one style. Minimum type
`width is approximately ds:
`in. for
`the widest digit. There is no re-*
`striction on maximum type width. *
`The reader is not dependent on the
`height of
`the type providing the
`size is not larger than the aperture
`of the reading station. A common
`type height is about 4 inch.. Most
`print imperfections will not impair
`4s With checks moving into thé
`“reader at 16 per second, it recog-
`nizes 400 characters per- second.
`The reader is able to read 1,600
`characters per second, however, and
`could be made to operate at twice
`this speed.
`The reader is designed to operate
`Numerals printed by character reader
`FIG. 1—Optical system of
`Page 2 of 6


`~, $5965
`Pulse Generator
`The waveforms at the output of
`combining network B appearas in
`Fig. 1C. The total pulse generator
`produces one pulse for each black
`region of the numberand serves as
`a noise filter in that an input pulse
`must exceed a certain width for an
`output pulse to be generated.
`The long-black pulse generator
`(see Fig. 4)
`is also a pulse-width
`In this case a pulse must
`exceed a predetermined length for
`a long-black pulse to be generated.
`For example, a pulse must equal or
`exceed the length shown in Fig. 1C.
`The output of
`the total pulse
`generator and of
`the long-black
`pulse generator,
`along with the
`System trigger, are next sent to the
`encoder unit. Three pulses, each
`appearing once during every scan
`period, are derived from the tapped
`delay line and also sent
`to the
`encoder. These pulses, in the order
`of their time sequence, are the com- °
`Parison pulse,
`the read-out pulse
`and the reset pulse.
`Six instructions constitute the
`ELECTRONICS — February, 1956
`FIG. 3—Scanningstation of character reader
`program of the character reader.
`(1) Count the total number of
`black pulses per scan.
`(2) Count the number .of long-
`black pulses per scan.
`(3) Combine the results
`discrete combinations as shown in
`Table I.
`If adjacent scans are not
`identical, put the most recent scan
`into shift-register storage and shift
`the register.
`(5) If adjacent scans are iden-
`tical, put nothing into storage and
`do not shift the register.
`(6) When there is no character
`under the reading station, advance
`the register but put nothing into
`A block diagram of the encoding
`unit shown in Fig. 5. The system
`trigger P,, operates an electronic
`switch which routes the total pulses
` total-pulse
`counter A and total pulse counter B
`through gates G,. The electronic
`switch also routes the long-black
`pulses P,, into long-black counter A
`and long-black counter B, alter-
`nately, through gates G».
`Scan Comparison
`Alternately switching input
`formation P, and P,, into pairs of
`for Business Machines
`There are photocells above and
`below those required to cover the
`numberto accommodate chan'ges in
`the vertical registry. See Fig. 3.
`Each photocell is an input to a gate -
`whose other input is connected to a
`tap of a multiple-tapped delay line.
`The outputs of the gates are com-
`ween bined in the common buffer B.
`Each photocell is individually con-
`nected to network B by sending a
`pulse down the multiple-tapped de-
`lay line. A pulse sent down the delay
`line corresponds to a scan. No at-
`is made to synchronize the
`LINE 4057
`start of a scan with the entry of a
`character under
`The uncertainty of the start of
`the scan with respect to the edge
`of the character to be scanned is
`reader overcomes
`registry problem by utilizing the
`scan not
`to recognize the
`character but to tell the recognition
`circuit to look for recognition on the
`second scan.
`Page 3 of 6


`- 6
` Table II—Shift Register Storage (Numeral Three)
`Page 4 of 6 |
`pendently of whether the counts ap-
`pear in the A counters or the B
`counters. The first
`scan of
`character is detected in buffer B,
`and used to generate an inhibiting
`signal whose duration is 13 scan
`periods. This inhibiting signal, ap-
`to gate G, prevents
`recognition of an identity on the
`two scans of the character,
`Subsequent scans of the character
`are prevented from generating ad-
`ditional inhibiting gates by the 14-
`character-period gate generator ap-
`plied to gate G, to disable it for the
`duration of the number.
`2nd read-in
`3rd read-in
`4th read-in
`Interrogate in core row
`in core row
`in core row
`in core row
`6 5
`identical counters provides for com-
`‘paring adjacent scans for identity.
`The counters hold the input infor-
`mation until they are reset by reset
`pulse P,, which is electronically
`switched through gates G, once each
`Scan alternately to reset both B
`counters and both A counters.
`The comparison is accomplished
`in gates G, once each scan after the
`counters have received their input
`information and at a time de-
`termined by the comparison pulse
`P.. Oneof the six comparison gates
`will respond only when the input
`data P, and P,, have remained
`constant from one scan to the next,
`Scan-to-scan identity in the long-
`black counter allows the comparison
`pulse to appear at the output of
`buffer B.,. Scan-to-sean identity in
`the total-pulse counter allows the
`comparison pulse to appear in the
`output of buffer stage B,,. A pulse
`appearsat the output of both of
`the buffer stages only when scan-to-
`scan identity is indicated by both
`the total-pulse and the long-black
`counters. This is the necessary con-
`dition to pass the signal
`gate G,
`to the identity-gate gen-
`After the A and B counters have
`been compared for identity they are
`read out by read-out pulse P.,. If
`there has been no identity the read-
`out pulse appears at the output of
`gate G,. The electronic switch then
`allows the read-out pulse to appear
`alternately at the input of the G,
`It enables the outputs of
`either the A or the B counters to
`appear at
`the outputs of the ap-
`propriate G, gates.
`The B, buffers then show the ac-
`cumulated count per
`scan inde-
`K= X1,000
`FIG. 4—Long-black pulse generatoris pulse-width detector
`The coded combination (Table I)
`of total-pulse and long-black count-
`ers is formed by the G,. gates. Only
`one or none of these five combina-
`tions can appear during one scan.
`The prime combinations are ob-
`tained in the B,, buffers.
`The instruction to put into stor-
`age is accomplished implicitly when-
`ever a signal appears on one of the
`code-combination lines. The
`storage register is shifted or ad-
`vanced by the system trigger P,,
`when the trigger is enabled to ap-
`pear at the output of gate G,,. Sys-
`tem trigger P,, appears and the
`register is enabled to advance when
`_& permissive
`signal appears on
`either one of the two inputs to the
`B, buffer. One input is connected
`to the identity-gate generator and
`allows the register to shift unless
`there is an identity.
`Between characters, the outputs
`" of both the total-pulse counter and
`the long-black counter are zero.
`This combinationof 00 is not sensed
`for identity in the G, gates; there-
`fore no identity signal egn be gen-
`erated. Also, since the code com-
`bination 00 has not been explicity
`Page 4 of 6


`there is
`formed in the G,, gates,
`nothing to put into storage.
`Readiness for interrogation is de-
`tected in buffer B, which is con-
`nected to the seventh and last stage
`of storage. ‘The first signal at the
`output of B, passes through ghte G,
`and generates a gate whose dura-
`tion is 14 sean periods. This ‘gate
`connected to B, enables the register
`to advance on the next
`Subsequent signals at the output
`of B, during the character storage
`time are prevented from passing
`. through gate G, by the 14-character-
`period gate generator,
`the latter
`being energized by the system
`trigger that occurs after the first
`output signal at B,. This particular
`system trigger is broadened in the
`matrix interrogation-pulse genera-
`tor and ig then usedin the diode
`Shift Register Storage
`_Each block in Fig. 6A represents
`‘one magnetic
`core. There
`thirty-five cores arranged in five
`columns of seven each. Each of the
`five colunins is used to store one of
`the five discrete code combinations.
`Information is always-read into
`row 1 and remains in row 1 until
`a shift signal is applied whereupon
`the content of row 1 is advanced
`to row 2,
`Access to the information in the
`cores is available only during the
`shift-pulse time. As indicated in
`Fig. 6A, a single shift signal suffices
`to advance all thirty-five cores.
`2 Figure 6B shows the scanned
`character THREE. The total number
`of pulses 7 in scan one is one. There
`are no long pulses L (code 10). For
`scan two: T = 2, L = 0 for code 20,
`Scans three, four and five also yield
`code 20.
`In scans six and seven,
`T = 3, L = 0 for code 30. Scan
`eight contains only one Jong pulse
`FIG. 5—Encoding unit which carries out
`the instructions comprising the program of the character reader
`ELECTRONICS — February, 1956
`Page 5 of 6.
`Page 5 of 6


`FIG. 6—Shift register storage with blocks
`representing magnetic cores (A) and the
`character THREE to be scanned (B)
`indicated by code
`which is
`During scans nine through twelve
`there is nothing under the reading
`station; 7=0, L=0 and no code
`exists for this combination. The
`contents of this paragraph are tabu-
`lated in columns 1 through 4 of the
`chart in Table II, The remainderof
`thé columns show how the coded
`data gets into storage and is ad-
`vanced to a knownposition.
`Column 5 shows whether or not
`the code combinations of adjacent
`scans are identical. Although scans
`9 through 12 are similar to the
`naked eye, the encoder does not in-
`dicate identity because it does not
`explicitly sense for the 00 combina-
`tion. This is the significance of the
`4 dash marks at the bottom of col-
`umn 4,
`Column 6 indicates that informa-
`tion is read into the shift register
`only on scans 1, 2, 6 and 8. Refer-
`ring to column 4,
`information is
`read into the core columns that
`store 10, 20, 30’ and 11 in that time
`sequence. Column 7 showsthat the
`register is advanced whenever there
`is no scan-to-scan identity (col-
`umn 5),
`Column 9 shows how thefirst bit
`of information (code 10) read into
`the register progresses from the
`first to the seventh row of cores and
`then out of the cores. Columns 10,
`11 and 12 show that the subsequent
`read-ins (codes 20, 30 and 11) will 3
`occupy core rows6, 5 and 4 respec-
`tively at the time the first read-in is
`at core-row 7.
`When thefirst read-in has been
`shifted out of the cores, codes 20,
`February, 1956 — ELECTRONICS
`Page 6 of6.
`30 and 11 occupy rows 7, 6 and 5.
`The blocks in Fig. GA indicate the
`positions in storage of the four code
`combinations that result from scan-
`' ning the figure THREE. This is in
`accordance with the basic instruc-
`tions built into the character reader
`at the time the interrogation pulse
`appears to check which character
`has passed under the reading sta-
`tion, The signal derived from the
`first scan shifting out of the reg-
`ister signifies to the reader that the
`scanned character has now been
`read into a known position in stor-
`age. The register must be inter-
`rogated for recognition on the next
`system trigger.
`Diode Matrix
`The diode matrix indicated on the
`encoder block diagram of Fig. 5 is
`shown in detail in Fig. 7. It con-
`sists of five groups of vertical lines,
`seven lines per group, which can be
`interlaced as many times as there
`are characters to be recognized.
`Each of the seven vertical lines per
`group is connected to one horizontal
`row of the shift-register cores,
`The expected character configura-~
`tion in a known position in the
`is stored by connecting
`horizontal and vertical lines through
`gates and buffers. Take, for ex-
`the number THREE whose
`code is 10, 20, 80, 11. When the 10
`is shifted out of the seventh row of
`cores the machine is instructed to
`interrogate the matrix at the time
`the next shift pulse occurs..
`At this new time the 20 will be
`in core-row 7, the 30 in row 6 and
`the 11 in row 5. Referring to hori-
`zontal line A in Fig. 7, gate G, is
`formed from the first wire of the
`20 register, the second wire of the
`30 register and the third wire of
`the 11 register. The references to
`wires are respectively synonymous
`to first,
`second and third coded
`scans. The final connection to gate
`G, is the interrogation pulse.
`The output of gate G, is called
`the THREE wire and its significance
`is that whenever the reader recog-
`nizes the- number THREE a pulse
`appears on this and only this line.
`The pulse then operates terminal
`equipment such as a sorter, printer
`or accumulator,
`Horizontal group B represents a
`more general case where a number
`can be represented by two sequences
`of coded scans. Recognition of the
`character yields a pulse at the out-
`put of either one of the two gates
`and the buffer combines the two
`possible outputlines to a single line,
`The remaining horizontal wires
`are shown to indicate that
`reader will recognize the remaining
`nine decimal digits.
`The author thanks M. Hale, S.
`Butcher, R. Preece and other mem-
`bers of
`the Laboratory for Elec-
`tronics for their contributions to
`this work. This development was
`sponsored by the Chase Manhattan
`FIG. 7—Diode matrix gives permanent coded storage of expected character
`Page 6 of 6

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