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`0 Z >r
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`U C i Z 0 C
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`Solaris 2.2
`SLIP (dialup)
`.1.29 BSD/3861.0 SunOS 4.1.3
`BSD/386 1.0
`Portion of the class B network 140.252 used for all the examples in the text.
`All the hosts are in the tuc . noao . edu domain.
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`~ Page 2
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 2


`IP Header
`15 16
`4-b't h d
`16-bit identification
`8-bit time to live
`16-bit total length (in bytes)
`13-bit fragment offset
`8-bit protocol
`16-bit header checksum
`20 bytes
`32-bit source IP address
`32-bit destination IP address
`options (if any)
`UDP Header
`15 16
`16-bit source port number
`16-bit destination port number
`16-bit UDP length
`16-bit UDP checksum
`8 bytes
`data (if any)
`TCP Header
`15 16
`4-bit header
`16-bit TCP checksum
`U ‘ P R ' F
`G K H T N N
`options (if any)
`data (if any)
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhi it 1007
`Page 3
`16-bit source port number
`16-bit destination port number
`32-bit sequence number
`32-bit acknowledgment number
`16-bit window size
`16-bit urgent pointer
` _
`20 bytes
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`Page 3


`TCP/lP|Ilustrated, Volume 1
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`Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series
`Brian W. Kernighan, Consulting Editor
`Ken Arnold /]ohn Peyton, A C User's Guide to ANSI C
`Matthew H. Austern, Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard
`Template Library
`David R. Butenhof, Programming with POSIX® Threads
`Tom Cargill, C++ Programming Style
`William R. Cheswick / Steven M. Bellovin, Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker
`David A. Curry, UNIX® System Security: A Guide for Users and System Administrators
`Erich Gamma / Richard Helm/ Ralph Johnson/John Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of
`Reusable Object—Oriented Software
`Erich Gamma / Richard Helm/ Ralph Iohnson/John Vlissides, Design Patterns CD: Elements of
`Reusable Object—Oriented Software
`David R. Hanson, C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software
`Mark Harrison/ Michael McLennan, Efiective Tcl/Tk Programming: Writing Better Programs with
`Tcl and Tk
`Michi Henning / Steve Vinoski, Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++
`Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming
`S. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet, and
`the Telephone Network
`John Lakos, Large—Scale C++ Software Design
`Scott Meyers, Effective C++ CD: 85 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
`Scott Meyers, Effective C++, Second Edition: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
`Scott Meyers, More Eflective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
`Robert B. Murray, C++ Strategies and Tactics
`David R. Musser/Atul Saini, STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the
`Standard Template Library
`Iohn K. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
`Craig Partridge, Gigabit Networking
`I. Stephen Pendergrast Ir, Desktop KornShell Graphical Programming
`Radia Perlman, Interconnections, Second Edition: Bridges and Routers
`David M. Piscitello /A. Lyman Chapin, Open Systems Networking: TCP/IP and OSI
`Stephen A. Rago, LINIX® System V Network Programming
`Curt Schimmel, l,lNIX® Systems for Modern Architectures: Symmetric Multiprocessing and
`Caching for Kernel Programmers
`W. Richard Stevens, Advanced Programming in the LINIX® Environment
`W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
`W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the
`LINIX® Domain Protocols
`Gary R. Wright / W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation
`Please see our web site (http: / / for more information on these titles.
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 5
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 5


`TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1
`The Protocols
`W. Richard Stevens
`An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
`Reading, Massachusetts - Harlow, England - Menlo Park, California
`Berkeley, California - Don Mills, Ontario - Sydney
`Bonn - Amsterdam - Tokyo - Mexico City
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 6
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 6


`UNIX is a technology trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd.
`The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for special sales.
`For more information please contact:
`Corporate & Professional Publishing Group
`Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
`One Jacob Way
`Reading, Massachusetts 01867
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Stevens, W. Richard
`TCP/IP Illustrated: the protocols/W. Richard Stevens.
`p. cm. ~ (Addison-Wesley professional computing series)
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-63346-9 (V. 1)
`1.TCP/IP (Computer network protocol) I. Title. II. Series.
`TK5105.55S74 1994
`Copyright © 1994 Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
`or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
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`America. Published simultaneously in Canada.
`Text printed on recycled and acid-free paper.
`ISBN 0201633469
`141516171819 MA 020100 99
`14th Printing July 1999
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 7
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 7


`"[0 Brian I<errzz'ghan and Iohn Wait,
`for their encouragement, faith, and support
`over the past 5 years.
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 8
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 8


`Praise for TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
`“This is sure to be the bible for TCP/IP developers and users. Within minutes of picking up the text,
`I encountered several scenarios which had tripped~up both my colleagues and myself in the past.
`Stevens reveals many of the mysteries once held tightly by the ever—elusive networking gurus.
`Having been involved in the implementation of TCP/IP for some years now, I consider this by far
`the finest text to date.”
`— Robert A. Ciampa, Network Engineer, Synernetics, division of 3COM
`“While all of Stevens’ books are readable and technically excellent, this new opus is awesome.
`Although many books describe the TCP/IP protocols, Stevens provides a level of depth and real-
`world detail lacking from the competition. He puts the reader inside TCP/IP using a visual approach
`and shows the protocols in action.”
`—— Steven Baker, Networking Columnist, Umlr Review
`“TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 is an excellent reference for developers, network administrators, or
`anyone who needs to understand TCP/IP technology. TCP/IP Illustrated is comprehensive in its
`coverage of TCP/IP topics, providing enough details to satisfy the experts while giving enough
`background and commentary for the novice.”
`— Bob Williams, VP. Marketing, NetManage, Inc.
`“... the difference is that Stevens wants to show as well as tell about the protocols. His principal
`teaching tools are straight—forward explanations, exercises at the ends of chapters, byte—by—byte
`diagrams of headers and the like, and listings of actual traffic as examples.”
`— Walter Zintz, UmL\‘World
`“Much better than theory only W. Richard Stevens takes a multihost—based configuration and uses
`it as a travelogue of TCP/IP examples with illustrations. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I is based on
`practical examples that reinforce the theory — distinguishing this book from others on the subject,
`and making it both readable and informative.”
`—-— Peter M. Haverlock, Consultant, IBM TCP/IP Development
`“The diagrams he uses are excellent and his writing style is clear and readable. In sum," Stevens has
`made a complex topic easy to understand. This book merits everyone’s attention. Please read it and '
`keep it on your bookshelf.”
`— Elizabeth Zinkann, Sys Admin
`“W. Richard Stevens has produced a fine text and reference work. It is well organized and very
`clearly written with, as the title suggests, many excellent illustrations exposing the intimate details
`of the logic and operation of IP, TCP, and the supporting cast of protocols and applications.”
`— Scott Bradner, Consultant, Harvard University OIT/NSD
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`Chapter 1.
`TCP/IP Layering
`Internet Addresses
`The Domain Name System
`Client—Server Model
`Port Numbers
`Standardization Process
`Standard, Simple Services
`The Internet
`Application Programming Interfaces
`Test Network
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`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Chapter 2.
`Link Layer
`Ethernet and IEEE 802 Encapsulation
`Trailer Encapsulation
`SLIP: Serial Line IP
`Compressed SLlP ‘
`PPP: Point—to-Point Protocol
`Loopback interface
`Path MTU
`Serial Line Throughput Calculations
`Chapter 3.
`lnternet Protocol
`IP Header
`IP Routing
`Subnet Addressing
`Subnet Mask
`Special Case IP Addresses
`A Subnet Example
`ifconfig Command
`net stat Command
`IP Futures
`Chapter 4.
`ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
`An Example
`ARP Cache
`ARP Packet Format
`ARP Examples
`Proxy ARP
`Gratuitous ARP
`arp Command
`Chapter 5.
`RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
`RARP Packet Format
`RARP Examples
`RARP Server Design
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`TCP / IP Illustrated
`Chapter 6.
`ICMP:1 Internet Control Message Protocol
`ICMP Message Types
`ICMP Address Mask Request and Reply
`ICIVIP Timestamp Request and Reply
`ICMP Port Unreachable Error
`4.4BSD Processing of
`ICMP Messages
`Chapter 7.
`Ping Program
`Ping Program
`IP Record Route Option
`IP Timestamp Option
`Chapter 8.
`Traceroute Program
`Traceroute Program Operation
`LAN Output
`WAN Output
`IP Source Routing Option
`Chapter 9.
`IP Routing
`Routing Principles
`ICMP Host and Network Unreachable Errors
`To Forward or Not
`to Forward
`ICMP Redirect Errors
`ICMP Router Discovery Messages
`Chapter 10.
`Dynamic Routing Protocols
`Dynamic Routing
`Unix Routing Daemons
`RIP: Routing Information Protocol
`RIP Version 2
`OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
`BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
`CIDR: Classless lnterdomain Routing
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`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Chapter 11.
`UDP: User Datagram Protocol
`LIDP Header
`UDP Checksum
`A Simple Example
`IP Fragmentation
`ICMP Unreachable Error (Fragmentation Required)
`Determining the Path MTU Using Traceroute
`Path MTU Discovery with LIDP
`Interaction Between UDP and ARP
`11.10 Maximum LIDP Datagram Size
`ICMP Source Quench Error
`LIDP Server Design
`Chapter 12.
`Broadcasting and Multicasting
`Broadcasting Examples
`12.4 Multicasting
`Chapter 13.
`IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol
`IGMP Message
`IGMP Protocol
`An Example
`Chapter 14.
`DNS: The Domain Name System
`DNS Basics
`DNS Message Format
`A Simple Example
`Pointer Queries
`Resource Records
`Another Example
`14.10 Summary
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`TCP / IP Illustrated
`Chapter 15.
`Chapter 16.
`Chapter 17.
`Chapter 18.
`TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol
`An Example
`21 1
`BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol
`BOOTP Packet Format
`An Example
`BOOTP Server Design
`BOOTP Through a Router
`Vendor~Specific Information
`TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
`TCP Services
`TCP Header
`TCP Connection Establishment and Termination
`Connection Establishment and Termination
`Timeout of Connection Establishment
`Maximum Segment Size
`TCP Half-Close
`TCP State Transition Diagram
`Reset Segments
`Simultaneous Open
`Simultaneous Close
`TCP Options
`TCP Server Design
`Chapter 19.
`TCP Interactive Data Flow
`Interactive Input
`Delayed Acknowledgments
`Nagle Algorithm
`Window Size Advertisements
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`TCP /IP Illustrated
`Chapter 20.
`TOP Bulk Data Flow
`Normal Data Flow
`Sliding Windows
`20.4 Window Size
`PUSH Flag
`Slow Start
`Bulk Data Throughput
`Urgent Mode
`Chapter 21.
`TCP Timeout and Retransmission
`4 21.6
`Simple Timeout and Retransmission Example
`Round-Trip Time Measurement
`An RTT Example
`Congestion Example
`Congestion Avoidance Algorithm
`Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery Algorithms
`Congestion Example (Continued)
`Per-Route Metrics
`ICMP Errors
`21 .1 1 Repacketization
`21.12 Summary 5
`Chapter 22.
`TCP Persist Timer
`An Example
`Silly Window Syndrome
`Chapter 23.
`TCP Keepalive Timer
`Keepalive Examples
`Chapter 24.
`TCP Futures and Performance
`Path MTU Discovery
`Long Fat Pipes
`24.4 Window Scale Option
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`TCP /IP Illustrated
`Timestamp Option
`PAWS: Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers 351
`Tfl'CP: A TOP Extension for Transactions
`TCP Performance
`Chapter 25.
`SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
`Structure of Management
`Object Identifiers
`Introduction to the Management Information Base
`Instance Identification
`Simple Examples
`Information Base (Continued)
`Additional Examples
`ASN.1 and BER
`SNMP Version 2
`Chapter 26.
`Telnet and Rlogin: Remote Login
`Rlogin Protocol
`Rlogin Examples
`Telnet Protocol
`Telnet Examples
`Chapter 27.
`FTP: File Transfer Protocol
`FTP Protocol
`FTP Examples
`Chapter 28.
`SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
`SMTP Protocol
`SMTP Examples
`SMTP Futures
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`TCP /IP Illustrated
`Chapter 29.
`NFS: Network File System
`Sun Remote Procedure Call
`XDR: External Data Representation
`Port Mapper
`NFS Protocol
`NFS Examples
`l\lFS Version 3
`Chapter 30.
`Other TCP/IP Applications
`Finger Protocol
`Whois Protocol
`Archie, WAIS, Gopher, Veronica, and WWW
`X WindowtSystem
`Appendix A.
`The tcpdump Program
`BSD Packet Filter
`SunOS Network Interface Tap
`SVR4 Data Link Provider Interface
`tcpdump Output
`Security Considerations
`Socket Debug Option
`Appendix B.
`Computer Clocks
`Appendix C.
`The sock Program
`Appendix D.
`Solutions to Selected Exercises
`Appendix E.
`Configurable Options
`BSD/386 Version 1.0
`SunOS 4.1.3
`System V Release 4
`Solaris 2.2
`AIX 3.2.2
`Appendix F.
`Source Code Availability
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`This book describes the TCP/IP protocol suite, but from a different perspective than
`other texts on TCP/IP. Instead of just describing the protocols and what they do, we'll
`use a popular diagnostic tool to watch the protocols in action. Seeing how the protocols
`operate in Varying circumstances provides a greater understanding of how they work
`and why certain design decisions were made.
`It also provides a look into the imple-
`mentation of the protocols, without having to wade through thousands of lines of
`source code.
`When networking protocols were being developed in the 1960s through the 1980s,
`expensive, dedicated hardware was required to see the packets going ”across the wire.”
`Extreme familiarity with the protocols was also required to comprehend the packets dis-
`played by the hardware. Functionality of the hardware analyzers was limited to that
`built in by the hardware designers.
`Today this has changed dramatically with the ability of the ubiquitous workstation
`to monitor a local area network [Mogul 1990]. ]ust attach a workstation to your net-
`work, run some publicly available software (described in Appendix A), and watch what
`goes by on the wire. While many people consider this a tool to be used for diagnosing
`network problems, it is also a powerful tool for imdersttmding how the network proto-
`cols operate, Which is the goal of this book.
`This book is intended for anyone wishing to understand how the TCP/IP protocols
`operate: programmers writing network applications, system administrators responsible
`for maintaining computer systems and networks utilizing TCP/IP, and users who deal
`with TCP/IP applications on a daily basis.
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`TCP /IP Illustrated
`Organization of the Book
`The following figure shows the various protocols and applications that are covered.
`The italic number by each box indicates the chapter in which that protocol or applica-
`tion is described.
`Chap. 7
`l Ping
`Telnet &
`17, 18,19, 20
`21, 22, 23, 24
`UDP i
`IP —? IGMP 13
`3’9' 10
`[4 LT; v
`2 Data
`(Numerous fine points are missing from this figure that will be discussed in the appro-
`priate chapter. For example, both the DNS and RPC use TCP, which we don't show.)
`We take a bottom—up approach to the TCP/IP protocol suite. After providing a
`basic introduction to TCP/IP in Chapter 1, We will start at the link layer in Chapter 2
`and work our way up the protocol stack. This provides the required background for
`later chapters for readers who aren't familiar with TCP/IP or networking in general.
`This book also uses a functional approach instead of following a strict bottom-to-
`top order. For example, Chapter 3 describes the IP layer and the IP header. But there
`are numerous fields in the IP header that are best described in the context of an applica-
`tion that uses or is affected by a particular field. Fragmentation, for example, is best
`understood in terms of UDP (Chapter 11), the protocol often affected by’it. The time-to-
`live field is fully described when we look at the Traceroute program in Chapter 8,
`because this field is the basis for the operation of the program. Similarly, many features
`of ICMP are described in the later chapters, in terms of how a particular ICMP message
`is used by a protocol or an application.
`We also don't want to save all the good stuff until the end, so we describe TCP/IP
`applications as soon as we have the foundation to understand them. Ping and Trace-
`route are described after IP and ICMP have been discussed. The applications built on
`UDP (multicasting, the DNS, TFTP, and BOOTP) are described after UDP has been
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
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`TCP/IP Illustrated
`examined. The TCP applications, however, along with network management, must be
`saved until the end, after we've thoroughly described TCP. This text focuses on how
`these applications use the TCP/IP protocols. We do not provide all the details on run-
`ning these applications.
`This book is self—contained and assumes no specific knowledge of networking or
`TCP/IP. Numerous references are provided for readers interested in additional details
`on specific topics.
`This book can be used in many ways. It can be used as a self-study reference and
`covered from start to finish by someone interested in all the details on the TCP/IP
`protocol suite. Readers with some TCP/IP background might want to skip ahead and
`start with Chapter 7, and then focus on the specific chapters in which they’re interested.
`Exercises are provided at the end of the chapters, and most solutions are in Appen-
`dix D. This is to maximize the usefulness of the text as a self-study reference.
`When used as part of a one- or two—semester course in computer networking, the
`focus should be on IP (Chapters 3 and 9), UDP (Chapter 11), and TCP (Chapters 17-24),
`along with some of the application chapters.
`Many forward and backward references are provided throughout the text, along
`with a thorough index, to allow individual chapters to be studied by themselves. A list
`of all the acronyms used throughout the text, along with the compound term for the
`acronym, appears on the inside back covers.
`If you have access to a network you are encouraged to obtain the software used in
`this book (Appendix F) and experiment on your own. Hands-on experimentation with
`the protocols will provide the greatest knowledge (and make it more fun).
`Systems Used for Testing
`Every example in the book was run on an actual network and the resulting output
`saved in a file-for inclusion in the text. Figure 1.11 (p. 18) shows a diagram of the differ-
`ent hosts, routers, and networks that are used.
`(This figure is also duplicated on the
`inside front cover for easy reference while reading the book.) This collection of net-
`works is simple enough that the topology doesn't confuse the examples, and with four
`systems acting as routers, we can see the error messages generated by routers.
`Most of the systems have a name that indicates the type of software being used:
`bsdi, svr4, sun, solaris, aix, slip, and so on. In this way we can identify the type
`of software that we're dealing with by looking at the system name in the printed output.
`A wide range of different operating systems and TCP/IP implementations are used:
`- BSD/ 386 Version 1.0 from Berkeley Software Design, Inc., on the hosts named
`bsdi and slip. This system is derived from the BSD Networking Software,
`Release 2.0.
`(We show the lineage of the various BSD releases in Figure 1.10 on
`p. 17.)
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`TCP / IP Illustrated
`0 Unix System V/ 386 Release 4.0 Version 2.0 from U.H. Corporation, on the host
`named svr4. This is vanilla SVR4 and contains the standard implementation of
`TCP/IP from Lachman Associates used with most versions of SVR4.
`0 SunOS 4.1.3 from Sun Microsystems, on the host named sun. The SunOS 4.1.x
`systems are probably the most widely used TCP/IP implementations. The
`TCP/IP code is derived from 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD.
`¢ Solaris 2.2 from Sun Microsystems, on the host named solaris. The Solaris 2.x
`systems have a different implementation of TCP/IP from the earlier SunOS 4.1.x
`systems, and from SVR4. (This operating system is really SunOS 5.2, but is com-
`monly called Solaris 2.2.)
`0 AIX 3.2.2 from IBM on thelhost named aix. The TCP/IP implementation is
`based on the 4.3BSD Reno release.

`4.4BSD from the Computer Systems Research Group at the University of Califor-
`nia at Berkeley, on the host vangogh . cs .berkeley . edu. This system has the
`latest release of TCP/IP from Berkeley. (This system isn't shown in the figure on
`the inside front cover, but is reachable across the Internet.)
`Although these are all Unix systems, TCP/IP is operating system independent, and is
`available on almost every popular non-Unix system. Most of this text also applies to
`these non-Unix implementations, although some programs (such as Traceroute) may
`not be provided on all systems.
`Typographical Conventions
`When we display interactive input and output we'll show our typed input in a bold
`font, and the computer output like this. Comments are added in italics.
`bsdi % telnet svr4 discard
`connect to the discard server
`Trying .
`Connected to svr4 .
`this line and next output by.Telnet client
`Also, we always include the name of the system as part of the shell prompt (bsdi in
`this example) to show on which host the command was run.
`Throughout the text we'll use indented, parenthetical notes such as this to describe historical
`points or implementation details.
`We sometimes refer to the complete description of a command in the Unix manual
`as in if conf ig(8). This notation, the name of the command followed by a number in
`parentheses, is the normal way of referring to Unix commands. The number in paren-
`theses is the section number in the Unix manual of the "manual page” for the com-
`mand, where additional information can be located. Unfortunately not all Unix systems
`organize their manuals the same, with regard to the section numbers used for various
`groupings of commands. We'll use the BSD-style section numbers (which is the same
`for BSD—derived systems such as SunOS 4.1.3), but your manuals may be organized
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`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Although the author's name is the only one to appear on the cover, the combined effort
`of many people is required to produce a quality text book. First and foremost is the
`author's family, who put up with the long and weird hours that go into writing a book.
`Thank you once again, Sally, Bill, Ellen, and David.
`The consulting editor, Brian Kernighan, is undoubtedly the best in the business. He
`was the first one to read various drafts of the manuscript and mark it up with his infi-
`nite supply of red pens. His attention to detail, his continual prodding for readable
`prose, and his thorough reviews of the manuscript are an immense resource to a writer.
`Technical reviewers provide a different point of View and keep the author honest by
`catching technical mistakes. Their comments, suggestions, and (most importantly) criti-
`cisms add greatly to the final product. My thanks to Steve Bellovin, Ion Crowcroft, Pete
`Haverlock, and Doug Schmidt for comments on the entire manuscript. Equally valu-
`able comments were provided on portions of the manuscript by Dave Borman, Tony
`DeSimone, Bob Gilligan, Jeff Gitlin, Iohn Gulbenkian, Tom Herbert, Mukesh Kacker,
`Barry Margolin, Paul Mockapetris, Burr Nelson, Steve Rago, James Risner, Chris
`Walquist, Phil Winterbottom, and Gary Wright. A special thanks to Dave Borman for
`his thorough review of all the TCP chapters, and to Bob Gilligan who should be listed as
`a coauthor for Appendix E.
`An author cannot work in isolation, so I would like to thank the following persons
`for lots of small favors, especially by answering my numerous e-mail questions: ]oe
`Godsil, Jim Hogue, Mike Karels, Paul Lucchina, Craig Partridge, Thomas Skibo, and
`Jerry Toporek.
`This book is the result of my being asked lots of questions on TCP/IP for which I
`could find no quick, immediate answer. It was then that I realized that the easiest way
`to obtain the answers was to run small tests, forcing certain conditions to occur, and just
`watch what happens.
`I thank Pete Haverlock for asking the probing questions and Van
`Iacobson for providing so much of the publicly available software that is used in this
`book to answer the questions.
`A book on networking needs a real network to work with along with access to the
`Internet. My thanks to the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), espe-
`cially Sidney Wolff, Richard Wolff, and Steve Grandi, for providing access to their net-
`works and hosts. A special thanks to Steve Grandi for answering lots of questions and
`providing accounts on various hosts. My thanks also to Keith Bostic and Kirk McKu—
`sick at the U.C. Berkeley CSRG for access to the latest 4.4BSD system.
`Finally, it is the publisher that pulls everything together and does whatever is
`required to deliver the final product to the readers. This all revolves around the editor,
`and ]ohn Wait is simply the best there is. Working with John and the rest of the profes-
`sionals at Addison-Wesley is a pleasure. Their professionalism and attention to detail
`show in the end result.
`Camera-ready copy of the book was produced by the author, a Troff die-hard, using
`the Groff package written by ]ames Clark.
`I welcome electronic mail from any readers
`with comments, suggestions, or bug fixes.
`Tucson, Arizona
`October 1993
`W. Richard Stevens
`rstevens @noao . edu
`http: //www.noao . edu/~rstevens
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 22
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 22


`The TCP/IP protocol suite allows computers of all sizes, from many different computer
`vendors, running totally different operating systems, to communicate with each other.
`It is quite amazing because its use has far exceeded its original estimates. What started
`in the late 1960s as a government-financed research project into packet switching net-
`works has, in the 1990s, turned into the most widely used form of networking between
`It is truly an open system in that the definition of the protocol suite and
`many of its implementations are publicly available at little or no charge.
`It forms the
`basis for what is called the worldwide Internet, or the Internet, a wide area network
`(WAN) of more than one million computers that literally spans the globe.
`This chapter provides an overview of the TCP/IP protocol suite, to establish an ade-
`quate background for the remaining chapters. For a historical perspective on the early
`development of TCP/IP see [Lynch 1993].
`Networking protocols are normally developed in layers, with each layer responsible for a
`different facet of the communications. A protocol suite, such as TCP/IP, is the combina-
`tion of different protocols at various layers. TCP/IP is normally considered to be a
`4-layer system, as shown in Figure 1.1.
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1067
`Page 23
`Viptela, Inc. - Exhibit 1007
`Page 23


`Chapter 1
`Telnet, FTP, e—mail, etc.
`device driver and interface

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