J » )
`Europaisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office europeen des brevets
`© Publication number:
`0 1 1 9 0 0 9
`A 1
`© Application number: 84300821.0
`© Date of filing: 09.02.84
`©Int CI.3: G 01 P 3/50
`G 01 C 22/02, G 04 B 4 7 / 0 6
`© Priority: 09.02.83 US 465274
`@ Date of publication of application:
`19.09.84 Bulletin 84/38
`© Designated Contracting States:
`© Applicant: Nike International Ltd.
`3900 S.W. Murray Boulevard
`Beaverton Oregon 97005(US)
`© Inventor: Frederick, Edward C.
`107 Main Street
`Kingston New Hampshire 03848(US)
`© Representative: Frost, Dennis Thomas et al,
`WITHERS & ROGERS 4 Dyer's Buildings Holborn
`London, EC1N2JT(GB)
`© A device for determining the speed, distance traversed, elapsed time and calories expended by a person while running.
`A © A device for measuring the speed of a person vwrrte device for measuring the speed of a person winte
`running along a surface is disclosed. A pressure switch or running along a surface is disclosed. A pressure switch or
`transducer (3) located in a shoe senses when a foot of the transducer (3) located in a shoe senses when a foot of the
`runner is in contact with the surface and produces a foot runner is in contact with the surface and produces a foot
`contact signal having a duration proportional to the time the contact signal having a duration proportional to the time the
`foot is in contact with the surface. A radio frequency foot is in contact with the surface. A radio frequency
`transmitter (1) is coupled to the pressure switch or transduc- transmitter (1) is coupled to the pressure switch or transduc-
`er (3) and transmits the foot contact signal. A radio frequency er (3) and transmits the foot contact signal. A radio frequency
`receiver (4) receives the foot contact signal transmitted by receiver (4) receives the foot contact signal transmitted by
`the frequency transmitter (1) and a microprocessor (5) the frequency transmitter (1) and a microprocessor (5)
`coupled to the radio frequency receiver (4) calculates, solely coupled to the radio frequency receiver (4) calculates, solely
`from the foot contact signal, an output speed signal repre- from the foot contact signal, an output speed signal repre-
`senting the speed of the runner. A liquid crystal display (7) senting the speed of the runner. A liquid crystal display (7)
`coupled to the output of the microprocessor (5) displays the coupled to the output of the microprocessor (5) displays the
`speed of the runner in accordance with the output speed speed of the runner in accordance with the output speed
`signal. signal.
`Croydon Printing Company Ltd.
`Garmin EX1023 Page 1


`FIG 4.
`PRO.‘ OR .1
`— WIT" RA”
`R F
`R F
`Garmin EX1023 Page 2
`Garmin EX1023 Page 2


`invention relates generally
`the field of measuring instru-
`is p a r t i c u l a r l y directed
`ments and
`f o r
`to a method and apparatus
`the speed, distance
`time and
`running elapsed
`calories expended by a person while running.
`increasing numbers of cardio-
`recent years, concern over
`illnesses reported each year has
`to much greater p u b l i c
`importance of maintaining good physical body condi-
`awareness of
`the development of a wide v a r i e t y
`This concern has spawned
`fitness centers and other similar commercial establish-
`of health spas,
`ments. While many of these facilities offer excellent fitness programs,
`large number of individuals are foreclosed from participation because
`time, financial resources or a convenient s c h e d -
`they do not have the
`to a professionally supervised fitness program. Many
`to devote
`fitness program of
`to their own
`individuals have,
`jogging is also
`regular jogging. As used herein,
`two words are used interchangably.
`running and the
`therapeutic effects on
`long been recognized for
`Jogging has
`lower- blood
`increases cardiopulmonary fitness, helps
`the body.
`pressure, decreases cholesterol and triglycerides associated with heart
`Jogging is also one of
`the easiest e x e r -
`disease and reduces weight.
`requires no athletic ability and can be done almost
`cises to do.
`any time and any place with a minimum of equipment and w i t h o u t
`Garmin EX1023 Page 3


`a s s i s t a n c e .
`times, jogging has also gained acceptance
`In more
`its recreational value as well and
`is recognized as a positive
`f a c -
`in establishing psychological stability. The popularity of jogging
`today is well documented by the large numbers of products and
`l i t e r a -
`ture available
`the running public.
`in. many exercise and sporting endeavors, there exists
`in the
`prior art a wide variety of devices
`for aiding
`those who
`simplest running aids are basic pacing
`timers as disclosed
`in U.S.
`Patent No. 3,540,344
`to Veech and U.S. Patent No. 3,882,480
`t o
`timers generate a repetitive audio
`tone signal at
`intervals for pacing the strides of the runner. The
`length of
`the . i n t e r v a l b e t w e e n
`is adjusted
`the pace of
`to suit
`t h e
`individual jogger.
`r u n n i n g aids known
`the prior art such as
`There are other
`p e d o m e t e r s as disclosed
`in U.S. Patent No. 4,053,755
`to S h e r r i l l .
`the number of .steps taken and for a p a r -
`These devices usually count
`the approximate distance traversed can be d e t e r -
`ticular stride
`timers and p e d o m e t e r s are useful to
`While pacing
`the jogger,
`in several areas.
`they are deficient
`is known
`For example,
`t h a t
`increase as s p e e d
`above a c e r t a i n speed, stride
`length begins
`The relationship of stride
`is not d i r e c t l y
`to speed
`is different for each jogger.
`therefore, a dif-
`p r o p o r t i o n a l and
`It is,
`the correct stride length for an
`individual jog-
`task to determine
`ger at various speeds. Thus, pacing timers can provide no more
`a constant running pace and pedometers are only useful as an a p p r o x i -
`mation of distance traversed.
`Running aids known in the prior art are further deficient
`in that
`the runner while providing only marginal utility
`they add weight to
`its a c c u r a c y .
`the a m o u n t of
`information available and
`t e r m s of
`the speed of
`it has become desirable to accurately measure
`runners., both
`training and during
`a m a t e u r and p r o f e s s i o n a l
`Garmin EX1023 Page 4


`that are
`readily available
`the prior art, such measurements were made with a
`stop watch
`runner over a known distance. Heretofore,
`has not been possible
`to obtain accurate
`instantaneous speeds o f
`runners using the measuring devices currently known in the prior art.
`in mind,
`ideal running aid s h o u l d ,
`f o r e g o i n g
`be light
`in weight;
`serve a number of useful functions;
`provide m e a s u r e m e n t s
`be reliable and easy to use; and.
`provide accurate m e a s u r e m e n t s of speed, distance
`t r a ~
`versed, running time elapsed calories expended and o t h e r
`the overall object of this
`provide a new and
`the disadvantages of
`improved running aid which overcomes
`the p r i o r
`art devices and substantially
`the amount and accuracy of
`information available
`the jogger.
`to provide a new and
`A specific object of
`the speed of the runner or
`improved running aid in which
`jogger can
`be easily and accurately determined.
`A further specific object of this
`to provide a new
`the distance
`improved running aid in which
`the runner
`traversed by
`or j o g g e r c a n b e easily and accurately determined.
`further specific object of this
`A still
`to provide a
`improved running aid in which
`the elapsed
`time of
`new and
`can be determined.
`Another specific object of this
`to provide a new and
`the calories expended by
`in which
`improved running aid
`runner or
`jogger can be easily determined.
`Garmin EX1023 Page 5


`A still further specific object of this
`to provide a
`new and
`improved running aid which also
`time of
`the date,
`day, stop watch and alarm signals.
`A still further object of this invention
`to provide a new and
`improved running aid having
`the above advantages which
`weight, relatively inexpensive and
`is convenient to use.
`invention comprises a measuring apparatus having a foot
`contact sensing transducer or switch located in the shoe of
`j o g g e r
`runner for providing a first output signal when a foot of the runner
`in contact with the running surface and a second output ·signaI when
`is not
`in c o n t a c t with. the surface. Laboratory tests have
`that a definite relationship exists between
`length of
`t i m e
`that a foot of a runner
`in contact with the running surface and the
`speed at which the person
`running. At speeds between a p p r o x i -
`mately 4 and 12 minutes per mile
`this relationship is approximately
`linear and can be accurately determined for each particular person.
`the running aid of
`initially using
`is set to a calibration mode
`in which the precise foot c o n t a c t
`time/speed relationship of the user
`is determined. This
`is accomplished
`the user running a measured distance at two relatively constant but
`the running aid
`the calibration mode,
`distinctly different speeds.
`measures and stores the length of each foot contact
`time, the n u m b e r
`foot contacts and the running elapsed time for each calibration run,
`and calculates the average foot contact
`for each run.
`time and speed
`the- relationship between contact time and speed is linear, a lin-
`ear equation is used and
`the constants for
`the equation are c a l c u l a t e d
`two sets of average foot contact
`times and associated speeds.
`A line drawn between the calculated points, and
`linear e q u a t i o n
`its specific constants calculated, thus represents
`the relationship
`time and speed. Accordingly, for a given foot
`between foot contact
`time, speed can be accurately determined.
`Garmin EX1023 Page 6


`is a n t i c i p a t e d
`running aid will only be calibrated
`The correct foot contact time/speed relationship for
`the u s e r ,
`the constants
`linear equation,
`is virtually
`stored and need only be redetermined when
`the running aid
`is used by
`a different person. Alternatively, the foot contact time/speed relation-
`linear equation with average constants,
`for the a v e r a g e
`runner can be
`initially stored in
`the running aid and can be used with-
`out re-calibrating the device. This would relieve the user from h a v i n g
`initial calibration process. A suitable empirically
`to go
`d e t e r m i n e d
`l i n e a r e q u a t i o n with a v e r a g e c o n s t a n t s would b e
`y (speed - min./mile) =-1.46 + 41.5 x (contact
`in seconds).
`the device at
`the user need only start
`run mode,
`beginning of
`the jog or run.
`Foot contact
`then d e t e r m i n e d
`and converted
`to speed using the above-described relationship between
`time and speed.
`foot contact
`traversed is merely calculated
`is determined, distance
`Once speed
`the product of the speed and elapsed
`C a l o r i e s
`the empirically derived equation:
`expended may be calculated
`traversed, with body
`Kilocalories = 0.98 x body weight x distance
`traversed being in kilometers.
`weight being in kilograms and distance
`is a perspective view of a jogger showing a foot sen-
`Figure 1
`in the shoe of
`sor, battery and
`the jogger and a r e c e i v e r
`and microprocessor worn on his wrist.
`Figure 2 is a sectional view of a running shoe showing the
`t r a n s m i t t e r .
`tion of the foot sensor, battery and
`is a graph showing the relationship be
`Figure 3
`in seconds and speed
`in minutes per mile.
`tact time
`inter-connection of the
`is a block diagram showing the
`Figure 4
`various elements of the
`tween foot con-
`Garmin EX1023 Page 7


`in detail to
`the drawings, the measuring apparatus
`Referring now
`of this
`invention consists of a number of
`i n t e r r e l a t e d elements as
`in Figures 1-4. With r e f e r e n c e
`i n v e n t i o n
`to Figure 1,
`transmitter 1, battery 2 and foot sensor 3, all of which a r e
`in a shoe of
`the runner as will be explained in more detail
`below. Also shown
`in Figure 1
`is radio receiver 4
`located on
`wrist of the user for receiving a transmitted signal from
`transmitter 1.
`Receiver 4 may alternatively-be located at a remote site so
`p e r f o r m a n c e of
`the runner can be monitored by another p e r s o n .
`to receiver 4 is microprocessor 5 for processing
`the r e c e i v e d
`the speed of
`runner, distance
`tranversed, r u n n i n g
`time and calories expended by the runner, the values of which
`may s e l e c t i v e l y be displayed. Microprocessor 5 also provides for nor-
`mal watch functions, such as time of day, date, alarm and stop w a t c h
`signals which may also be selectively displayed.
`the loca-
`is a sectional view of a shoe and
`Figure 2
`tion of transmitter 1, battery 2 and foot sensor 3. Transmitter 1 and
`the sole of
`its precise
`the shoe with
`foot sensor 3 are
`location not being critical as long as foot sensor 3 reliably provides a
`first output signal representing the foot of the runner being in contact
`foot of
`the ground and a second output signal r e p r e s e n t i n g
`in contact with
`the ground. One suitable loca-
`runner not being
`tion for foot sensor 3 is in the medial arch area of a midsole.
`the sensor.
`this area, sufficient pressures are generated to activate
`to pressures gener-
`The pressures, however, are relatively low compared
`to the sensor is
`the midsole so that damage
`in other areas of
`For example, Figure 2 illustrates transmitter 1 and s e n s o r
`in gas filled chambers of a midsole. Battery 2 is shown
`3 carried
`it may be easily and c o n v e n -
`in the side of the shoe so that
`- mounted
`iently replaced when required.
`Garmin EX1023 Page 8


`linear relationship between
`Figure 3 r e p r e s e n t s
`the amount
`in seconds
`that a foot of
`in contact with
`t h e
`running surface and
`the speed
`in miles per minute being run as empiri-
`cally determined for a particular runner. This relationship, while d i f f e r -
`for each person,
`the same person over
`the normal
`range of running or jogging speeds.
`Figure 4 shows
`interconnection of the various components of
`the apparatus of the
`invention. As shown
`in Figure 4,
`foot sensor 3
`provides a first output signal when
`the foot of
`the runner
`in con-
`tact with
`the running surface and a second output signal when
`t h e
`is not
`in contact with
`the surface.
`Foot sensor 3 may be a
`mechanical switch of suitable size and configuration as already known
`the art or may be a miniature pressure
`transducer such as Model
`No. 140 manufactured by Precision Measuring Company of Ann A r b o r ,
`further shown
`the output of sensor 3 is coupled
`in Figure 4,
`transmitter 1 which
`includes means for encoding t h e
`to radio frequency
`output of
`foot sensor 3 onto a
`t r a n s m i t t e d signal.
`Transmitter 1
`the art
`may also be of
`type a l r e a d y known
`a s
`m a n u f a c t u r e d by National Semiconductor under Model No. LM 1871.
`t h e
`f r e q u e n c y s e l e c t e d
`T r a n s m i t t e r 1 may operate on any
`27 MHz or 49 MHz band using amplitude or
`frequency modulation.
`to transmitter 1.
`Battery 2 supplies power
`is received and deco-
`t r a n s m i t t e d signal from
`transmitter 1
`d e d by receiver 4. Receiver 4 may also be of the
`type known in
`t h e
`prior art such as manufactured by National Semiconductor under Model
`to receive
`No. LM 1872. Receiver 4 may also be selectively
`signals of several different
`transmitters operating on different frequen-
`the p e r f o r m a n c e of several runners may be m o n i t o r e d
`cies so
`from a remote location.
`received and decoded by receiver 4, the
`transmitted signal
`to microprocessor 5. Microprocessor 5 may be s e l e c t e d
`is coupled
`Garmin EX1023 Page 9


`from various m i c r o p r o c e s s o r s known
`the prior art, including Model
`No. CDP 1805AC m a n u f a c t u r e d by Radio Corporation of A m e r i c a .
`Microprocessor 5 executes a stored program
`in prom 6 to process the
`received signals from receiver 4 into
`the speed of the runner, d i s t a n c e
`t r a v e r s e d and calories expended.
`Microprocessor 5 also maintains
`time and provides normal watch functions such as
`t i m e
`running elapsed
`of day, date, alarm and stop watch timing signals. The various values
`calculated by microprocessor 5 are displayed on display 7
`through dis-
`i n t e r f a c e 8.
`Calibration mode 9, run mode 10 and watch mode .
`11 of
`the device are switch s e l e c t a b l e through
`input switch c o n t r o l
`interface 12.
`typical calibration mode will now be described with reference
`to Figure 4. The calibration mode
`is entered by depressing a
`i n t e r f a c e d
`switch which
`to microprocessor 5
`through appropriate
`Interface _6- provides any switch
`input switch control logic
`interface 6.
`debouncing that is required.
`The user also inputs a first predetermined
`distance for the first calibration run as also indicated by box 9.
`the beginning of
`first calibration run, the calibration sequence
`input switch, not shown. During the calibra-
`started by an appropriate
`the m i c r o p r o c e s s o r determines the length of each foot con-
`the number of foot contacts from
`first and s e c o n d
`time and
`These determined foot contact
`output signals of foot sensor 3.
`and numbers of foot contacts are stored
`internal random a c c e s s
`the end of
`first calibration run, an average f o o t
`m e m o r y . A t
`contact time is calculated by summing all of
`t i m e s
`foot contact
`the number of foot contacts. Also,
`the elapsed time
`and dividing by
`the speed of the run in minutes per mile
`the run is determined;
`time and distance; and
`the calculated
`c a l c u l a t e d from
`the elapsed
`is stored.
`value of the speed
`is again
`run a p r e d e t e r m i n e d distance
`In a second c a l i b r a t i o n
`inputted. The calibration run is repeated at
`selected by the user and
`a d i f f e r e n t speed, preferably a substantially different speed, than the
`Garmin EX1023 Page 10


`calibration run.
`the number of contacts and
`Foot contact
`e l a p s e d / a r e again d e t e r m i n e d and stored. At
`the end of
`the run an
`average foot contact
`time and speed in minutes per mile are c a l c u l a -
`first calibration run a first set of x,y values (xl,yl)
`for a graph of foot contact
`in seconds
`(x) versus speed
`is determined and stored.
`minutes per mile
`the second calibra-
`tion run a second set of x,y (foot contact
`time, speed) values (x2,Y2)
`is determined and stored.
`the speed
`time r e l a -
`to foot contact
`tionship has been experimentally shown
`to be
`linear, a straight
`two points would be representative of the foot contact
`to speed relationship for
`the particular runner.
`for a straight
`i s y = A + Bx, wherein B
`The equation
`the slope of the
`line and A is the y intercept.
`t w o
`Thus, once
`sets of x,y values have been determined, the microprocessor can calcu-
`the A and B constants for
`the equation
`following m a n n e r
`the straight
`t h e r e a f t e r
`the equation
`line (for
`the particular
`runner) can be used
`the speed y of
`f o o t
`to calculate
`the runner
`time' x.
`To calculate
`the microprocessor solves
`the B value
`the microprocessor determines the A value (y intercept) by
`T h e r e a f t e r
`the y
`the slope at
`solving the equation for
`intercept value,
`where x0 = 0 and by definition yo = A, so that A = y2 - Bx2. With
`the y2 and x2 values stored from
`the calibration run and
`the B v a l u e
`is determined.
`The calculated A and
`the A value
`already calculated,
`the particular
`then stored and
`B values for
`l i n e a r
`runner are
`Garmin EX1023 Page 11


`the manner
`is used
`equation y (speed) = A + Bx (foot contact
`described hereinafter
`to determine
`the speed of the runner merely by
`determining foot contact
`run mode
`s e q u e n c e will now be described with
`t y p i c a l
`the start of
`to Figure 4. Run mode 10 is entered at
`jog by depressing an a p p r o p r i a t e switch, not shown, which is
`run or
`to microprocessor 5 through
`input switch control logic
`As the shoe of the runner containing foot sensor 3, transmitter 1
`and battery 2 comes
`into contact with
`the surface, a first output sig-
`is generated by sensor 3 representing that a foot of
`the runner is
`in contact with
`the surface. When
`the shoe of the runner
`leaves con-
`tact with
`the surface, a second output signal is generated by sensor 3
`representing that
`the foot of the runner
`in contact with
`is no longer
`first and second output signals are coupled to RF
`the s u r f a c e .
`transmitter 1 and
`to receiver 4. The signals
`received by
`receiver 4 are coupled to microprocessor 5. Thus,
`the signals available
`foot comes
`into contact with
`at microprocessor represents when
`leaves c o n t a c t s with
`the ground and when
`the ground.
`Microprocessor 5 is therefore able
`to determine
`length of
`t i m e
`in c o n t a c t with
`the s u r f a c e .
`foot of
`t h a t
`r u n n e r
`Microprocessor 5 accordingly converts foot contact
`to speed using
`r e l a t i o n s h i p e s t a b l i s h e d during
`the calibration mode.
`the s t o r e d
`Preferably, the foot contact time which is used
`to c a l c u l a t e speed
`time d e t e r m i n e d by averaging a number of
`an average foot contact
`successive foot contact times, for example, eight successive c o n t a c t
`times. The calculated speed is accordingly selectively displayed on dis-
`play 7 through display interface 8.
`Interface 8 converts
`the usually
`to drive dis-
`low power output of a microprocessor
`to signals suitable
`Speed is continuously calculated by m e a s u r i n g foot c o n t a c t
`play 7.
`is instantaneously available for display. Microprocessor 5 also
`time and
`t i m e .
`maintains running elapsed
`Garmin EX1023 Page 12


`is c a l c u l a t e d , microprocessor 5 calculates distance
`Once speed
`traversed by
`taking the product of speed and
`t i m e .
`running elapsed
`The number of calories
`(in kilocalories) expended during the run,
`also calculated by
`taking the product of the body weight of the runner
`t r a v e r s e d in kilometers and
`in kilograms, distance
`the constant 0.98.
`Running elapsed time, distance
`traversed and calories expended also
`may be selectively displayed on display 7. These values may also be
`the read/write memory associated with m i c r o p r o c e s s o r 5 for
`indefinite period of time.
`virtually an
`to dis-
`In watch mode 11, microprocessor 5 selectively provides
`play 7 normal watch function such as
`time of day, date, an alarm s i g -
`time elapsed from a pre-
`nal when a preselected
`time occurs and the
`Obviously, many modifications and variations of the above p r e -
`invention will become apparent
`t h o s e
`ferred embodiment of
`the art from a reading of this disclosure.
`It should be r e a l -
`is not
`the p a r t i c u l a r e m b o d i m e n t
`the scope
`its scope
`to be governed only by
`disclosed, but
`the appended claims.
`Garmin EX1023 Page 13


`A d e v i c e f o r m e a s u r i n g
`t h e s p e e d of a p e r s o n w h i l e
`s a i d d e v i c e c o m p r i s i n g :
`r u n n i n g a l o n g a s u r f a c e ,
`f o r s e n s i n g when a
`a f o o t c o n t a c t s e n s i n g means
`f o o t of
`t h e r u n n e r
`in c o n t a c t w i t h t h e s u r f a c e a n d
`p r o d u c i n g a f o o t c o n t a c t s i g n a l h a v i n g a d u r a t i o n p r o p o r t i o n a l
`in c o n t a c t w i t h t h e s u r f a c e ;
`t h e
`t i m e
`t h e f o o t
`(1) c o u p l e d to s a i d f o o t c o n t a c t
`t r a n s m i t t i n g m e a n s
`t r a n s m i t t i n g s a i d f o o t c o n t a c t s i g n a l ;
`s e n s i n g m e a n s f o r
`f o r r e c e i v i n g s a i d f o o t c o n t a c t
`r e c e i v i n g m e a n s
`t r a n s m i t t e d by s a i d
`t r a n s m i t t i n g m e a n s ;
`(5) c o u p l e d to s a i d r e c e i v i n g m e a n s
`p r o c e s s i n g m e a n s
`s o l e l y f r o m s a i d f o o t c o n t a c t s i g n a l , a n
`f o r c a l c u l a t i n g ,
`t h e s p e e d of
`t h e r u n n e r ; a n d
`t h e o u t p u t of s a i d
`d i s p l a y m e a n s
`t h e s p e e d of
`t h e r u n n e r
`f o r d i s p l a y i n g
`p r o c e s s i n g m e a n s
`a c c o r d a n c e w i t h s a i d o u t p u t s p e e d s i g n a l .
`The d e v i c e of c l a i m 1, w h e r e i n s a i d p r o c e s s i n g
`f o r p r o d u c i n g o u t p u t
`i n c l u d e s a t i m e r means
`m e a n s
`t i m e
`t i m e of day and
`t i m e s i g n a l s r e p r e s e n t i n g
`t h e
`s a i d d i s p l a y means
`e l a p s e d f r o m a p r e d e t e r m i n e d
`f u r t h e r c o m p r i s i n g m e a n s f o r d i s p l a y i n g s a i d d a t e ,
`s a i d
`s i g n a l
`o u t p u t s i g n a l r e p r e s e n t i n g
`(7) c o u p l e d
`t h e d a t e ,
`t i m e ,
`i n
`( 7 )
`t i m e of day and s a i d e l a p s e d t i m e
`t i m e s i g n a l s .
`The d e v i c e of c l a i m 2, w h e r e i n s a i d p r o c e s s i n g
`f u r t h e r
`i n c l u d e s an a l a r m o u t p u t s i g n a l when a p r e -
`m e a n s
`s e l e c t e d t i m e o c c u r s .
`The d e v i c e of a n y o n e of c l a i m s 1
`f u r t h e r c o m p r i s e s m e a n s f o r
`s a i d p r o c e s s i n g m e a n s
`in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h s a i d
`to 3, w h e r e i n
`t i m i n g a
`o u t p u t
`r u n n i n g e l a p s e d
`t i m e and g e n e r a t i n g a s i g n a l r e p r e s e n t i n g
`Garmin EX1023 Page 14


`t i m e e l a p s e d f r o m the b e g i n n i n g of
`the r u n .
`The d e v i c e of c l a i m 4, w h e r e i n s a i d p r o c e s s i n g
`f u r t h e r c o m p r i s e s means
`f o r c a l c u l a t i n g ,
`s o l e l y
`from s a i d f o o t c o n t a c t s i g n a l and s a i d r u n n i n g e l a p s e d
`t i m e , an o u t p u t d i s t a n c e s i g n a l r e p r e s e n t i n g
`t h e r u n n e r and means
`f o r d i s p l a y i n g s a i d o u t p u t
`t r a v e r s e d by
`t h e d

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