United States Patent [19]
`Ono et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Haruo Ono; Satoshi Kinoshita; Fusao
`Suga, all of Tokyo, Japan
`[73] Assignee: Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
`Appl. No.: 339,179
`[22] Filed:
`Apr. 14, 1989
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Apr. 18, 1988 [JP]
`Japan ........................... .. 63-51776[U]
`Jun. 15,1988 [JP]
`Japan ..
`..... .. 63-79116[U]
`Oct. 31, 1988 [JP]
`Japan ................ .; ....... .. 63-142496[U]
`[51] Int. Cl.5 ............ ..I ............................. .. G01C 22/00
`........... .. 364/561; 235/ 105
`[58] Field of Search ............. .. 364/561, 565, 566, 564;
`235/105; 272/DIG. 9; 377/242; 324/165, 166
`References Cited
`------------- " 27241241655 2
`$31“ at
`2179720? 3/
`/ 41/3 29
`4’igg’gog 32980 Li‘ :5 et '
`4’22o’996 9/1980 Segre}; """"" "
`4:223:211 9/1980 Allsen a iii-.41....
`.. 235/105
`4,387,437 6/1983 Lowrey et a1,
`4,466,204 8/1984 Wu .................................... .. 235/105
`4,510,704 4/1985 Johnson ............................ .. 255/105
`4,571,680 5/1982 Wu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 364/561
`4,651,446 3/1987 Yukawa et a1.
`4,741,001 4/1988 Ma ..................................... .. 364/561
`2192475 1/1988 United Kingdom .............. .. 255/105
`Primary Examiner-Parshotam S. Lall
`Assistant Examiner-Michael Zanelli
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Frishauf, Holtz, Goodman &
`I Woodward
`An exercise measuring instrument according to the
`present invention employs an acceleration sensor which
`comprises a piezoelectric piece having a pair of piezo
`electric elements stuck to each other. An output wave- ‘
`form of the acceleration sensor is supplied to an ampli
`?er, gain of which is changed in accordance with an
`exercise mode selected out of a walking mode, an exer
`cise-walking mode and a jogging mode, and thereby an
`output level of the ampli?er is kept at somewhat an
`equal voltage level, although the voltage level of the
`output waveform of the acceleration sensor is different
`between the exercise modes. This improvement allows
`an accurate measurement of exercise
`34 Claims, 21 Drawing Sheets
`D'spl‘éllgglj?T?oL ;J> DISPLAY SECTION
`Q J‘ ~ J‘
`49 S
`> M
`55 _ _ _ _
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`U.S. Patenf Oct.9, 1990
`Sheet 1 of 21
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`US. Patent Oct.9, 1990
`Sheet 2 of 21
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`US. Patent Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 3 of 21
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 4 of 21
` R1
` R3
` R4
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 5 of 21
` _.IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIll;_mmpzaoo___Ho/.fifi“_.5
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`US. Patent Oct.9, 1990
`Sheet 6 of 21
`2 .
`1 0
`FIG . 6 A
`F l G . 6 B
`7 (sec)
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`US. Patent Oct.9,1990
`Sheet 7 of 21
`5TH I 6TH I 7TH
`2ND I 3RD I 4TH

`LAPSE (sec)
`F I G- 7 A
`10 - I‘ I I * q‘ + I
`5 ~
`LAPSE (sec)
`Garmin EX1010 Page 8


`US. Patent Oct.9, 1990
`Sheet 8 of 21
`(mv) 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH
`1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH
`LAPSE (sec)
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 9 of 21
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 10 of 21
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`US. Patent Oct.9, 1990
`Sheet 11 0f 21
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`US. Patent 0¢¢.9, 1990
`Sheet 12 of 21
`/- S 1
`+ X —> X
`x X -> Y
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`US. Patent Oct.9,1990
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`US. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 14 of 21
`Sheet 14 of 21
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 15 0f 21
`IOI 1
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`FIG. 15
`Garmin EX1010 Page 16


`US. Patent 0¢¢.9,1990
`Sheet 16 of 21
`> lO2e
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`Garmin EX1010 Page 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 17 0f 21
`16 Hz
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`Garmin EX1010 Page 18


`US. Patent '
`Sheet 18 pf 21
`SOUND /"3
`s <- o
`Garmin EX1010 Page 19


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 9, 1990
`Sheet 19 of 21
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`US. Patent
` .om.m2SOMEWomm<m.mE--I..II
`Garmin EX101O Page 22
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`The present invention relates to an exercise measur-
`ing instrument in which exercise in walking, jogging,
`nmning, and the like is measured utilizing an accelera-
`tion sensor which uses a piezoelectric element and the
`like, and the measured exercise is informed.
`Devices such as a pedometer are well known which
`are used to count the number of steps taken by the user
`of such devices while he or she is walking or jogging for
`the health. For example such devices are shown and
`described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,144,568, 4,192,000,
`4,223,211 and 4,387,437.
`In pedometers described in the above U.S. Pat. Speci-
`fications, a magnetic sensor or a mechanical sensor is
`used as a sensor detecting walking or jogging. This
`results in a relative complexity in the sensor-construc-
`tion and thereby the devices are made not only large in
`size but also are easy to be damaged by an external
`shock and the like.
`While, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,510,704 and 4,651,446 dis-
`close techniques where pedometers are installed in
`Boots or shoes in which pedometers a piezoelectric
`element is used. Though in both the above U.S. Patents
`an electronic circuit -is not concretely disclosed for
`processing a signal supplied from the piezoelectric ele-
`ment, it is considered that in case an electric signal
`generated by vibration of the piezoelectric element is
`relatively small, the electric signal is amplified by an
`amplifier and the number of steps is calculated by
`counting points at which a level of the amplified electric
`signal varies.
`By the way, the above-mentioned pedometers using
`the piezoelectric element are installed in Boots or shoes,
`but when these pedometers are worn for example on the
`wrist or the waist of the user of the device, the electric
`signal generated by the vibration of the piezoelectric
`element is extremely small, so that an amplifier with a
`high gain must be employed for accurately detecting
`the electric signal.
`the piezoelectric element generates an
`electrical signal having a certain amplitude when the
`user is walking, and it also generates another electrical
`signal having an amplitude greatly different from that of
`the former signal when the user is jogging. Therefore,
`there is a disadvantage that if the amplifier is set to a
`“high gain”, the electrical signal generated when the
`user is walking may be detected while the electric signal
`generated when the user is jogging catmot be detected,
`because of the excessively large amplitude of the electri-
`cal signal resulting from the high gain of the amplifier.
`On the other hand, there exists another disadvantage
`that if the amplifier is set to a ‘‘low gain”, the electric
`signal may be detected which is generated when the
`user is jogging but the signal can not be detected which
`is generated when the user is walking, because the sig-
`nal is too small to be detected.
`The present invention has been made in order to
`overcome the disadvantages stated above. It is an object
`of the present invention to provide an exercise measur-
`ing instrument which is extremely simple in construc-
`tion and can be used to firmly count exercise in walking
`and jogging.
`In order to achieve the above mentioned object, the
`present invention is construction as follows:
`an exercise measuring instrument comprising: an ac-
`celeration sensor to be worn on a body of an exerciser,
`for outputting a waveform signal representative of an
`acceleration which is received by said acceleration
`sensor in response to movements of said exerciser; am-
`plifying means connected to said acceleration sensor for
`amplifying said waveform signal outputted from said
`acceleration sensor; selecting means for selecting one
`exercise mode out of a plurality of exercise modes, each
`of which represents a type of an exercise performed by
`said exerciser; amplifier-gain control means connected
`to said selecting means, for varying the amplifier-gain of
`said amplifying means in accordance with the exercise
`mode selected by said selecting means; exercise-measur-
`ing means for measuring exercise data in said selected
`exercise mode on the basis of said waveform signal
`amplified by said amplifying means; and announcing
`means for announcing the exercise data measured by
`said exercise-measuring means.
`The present
`invention constructed as mentioned
`above, allows to firmly measure exercise in walking,
`jogging and the like with an extremely simple construc-
`tion and has a merit that the instrument according to the
`invention can be made compact in size.
`FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of an elec-
`tronic wrist watch in which an exercise measuring in-
`strument according to the present invention is installed;
`FIG. 2 is a view illustrating a construction of an
`acceleration sensor shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a view effective to describe an operation of
`the acceleration sensor;
`FIG. 4 is a view illustrating a voltage waveform
`generated by the acceleration sensor;
`FIG. 5 is a view illustrating a circuit arrangement of
`the exercise measuring instrument according to the
`present invention;
`FIGS. 6A to 6C are views illustrating signal wave-
`forms outputted by the acceleration sensor;
`FIGS. 7A to 7D are views illustrating relationships
`between number of steps and the signal waveforms
`outputted by the acceleration sensor;
`FIG. 8 is a view illustrating a circuit arrangement of
`other embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 9 is a view illustrating details of RAM 52 shown
`in FIG. 8;
`FIG. 10 is a View illustrating details of a waveform
`shaping section 47 and a counter 48 shown in FIG. 8;
`FIG. 11A and 11B are timing charts of the circuit
`shown in FIG. 10;
`FIG. 12 is a flow chart of the circuit shown in FIG.
`FIGS. 13A to 13D are views illustrating display
`FIG. 14 is a view illustrating a circuit arrangement of
`a further embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 15 is a view illustrating details of RAM 101
`shown in FIG. 14;
`FIG. 16 is a view illustrating a construction of display
`electrodes of a display section 102 shown in FIG. 14;
`FIG. 17 is a View illustrating display states of display
`section 102d shown in FIG. 16;
`FIGS. 18, 19 and 20 are flow charts of circuits shown
`in FIG. 14; and
`Garmin EX101O Page 23
`Garmin EX1010 Page 23


`FIGS. 21, 22 and 23 are views illustrating changes in
`display states of the display section.
`The present invention will concretely be described
`(First Embodiment)
`FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of an elec-
`tronic wrist watch to which a pedometer is installed. A
`watch glass 2 is provided on an upper surface of a wrist
`watch casing 1, and a mode-selecting switch S4 and a
`stride-length setting switch S3 to be described in detail
`later are disposed on a side wall of the casing 1. A sym-
`bol 3 represents a housing of synthetic resin on which a
`liquid crystal display panel 3a and a symbol 4 represents
`a circuit board. On the circuit board 4 are mounted an
`acceleration sensor 5 and a LSI 7, as will be described in
`detail below, in addition to electronic parts of a quartz-
`crystal oscillator and the like (not shown in Figure).
`The circuit board 4 is also formed with a terminal sec-
`tion 6 through which signals are supplied from LS1 7 to
`the liquid crystal display panel 3a. In addition, the cir-
`cuit board 4 is formed with a battery receiving portion
`8 where a battery 9 is accommodated. A symbol 10
`denotes a base plate. The housing 3, the circuit board 4
`and the base plate 10 are integrally stacked onto each
`other, forming a watch module which is to, be accom-
`modated within the wrist watch casing 1. A symbol 11
`denotes a rear cover.
`FIG. 2 is a view illustrating in detail the acceleration
`sensor 5 shown in FIG. 1. A piezoelectric-element piece
`16 comprising a pair of piezoelectric-elements 16a and
`16b of a thin plate coupled to each other is received in
`a cylindrical metal case 15. One end of the piezoelec-
`tric-element piece 16 is fixed onto a bottom of the metal
`case 15 and the other end thereof serves as a free end.
`Ends of a pair of lead wires 17, 18 are electrically con-
`nected with soldering to portions in the vicinity of the
`fixed ends on side surfaces of the piezoelectric-element
`piece 16 and the lead wires extend outwardly away
`from the metal case 15.
`The piezoelectric-element piece 16 is fixed onto the
`bottom of the case 15 such that the side surfaces of the
`piezoelectric-elements 16a, 16b face to each other are
`disposed perpendicularly to the surface of the circuit
`board 4 shown in FIG. 1.
`Hence, when the user of the device wears the elec-
`tronic wrist watch mentioned above on his or her wrist
`and walks or runs moving his or her wrist up and down,
`the free end of the piezoelectric-element piece 16 con-
`tained in the acceleration sensor 5 vibrates in the direc-
`tion indicated by allows shown in FIG. 3.
`At this time, each of the piezoelectric elements 16a,
`16b attached on the piezoelectric-element piece 16 re-
`ceives pressure and tension alternatively. Therefore, a
`positive and negative charge are alternatively induced
`in both the surfaces of the piezoelectric-element piece
`16. That is, when a negative charge is induced at the
`side surface of the piezoelectric-element 16a, a positive
`polarization charge of the same quantity as the negative
`charge is induced at the side surface of the piezoelec-
`' tric-element 16b and the polarization charge becomes
`maximum when the piezoelectric-element piece 16 is
`deformed maximally.
`Hence a voltage corresponding to the polarization
`charge induced at both the side surfaces is generated
`across the lead wires 17, 18. FIG. 4 is a graph indicating
`a relationship between the above voltage and accelera-
`tion resulting from vibrations, impacts and the like ap-
`plied to the acceleration sensor 5, where the axis of
`ordinates indicates an output voltage (V) and the axis of
`abscisas indicates an acceleration (G). As shown in
`FIG. 4, the induced voltage is proportional to the accel-
`eration which is applied to the piezoelectric-element
`piece 16 while the user of the wrist watch is running.
`FIG. 5 is a view illustrating a circuit arrangement of
`the present embodiment.
`A symbol 5 denotes the acceleration sensor, which is
`constructed as described with reference to FIG. 2. One
`of the lead wires of the acceleration sensor 5 is earthed
`and the other lead wire is connected to a positive input-
`terminal of an operational amplifier 23. An output ter-
`minal of the operation amplifier 23 is connected directly
`to its negative input-terminal and the operational ampli-
`fier 23 serves as a voltage follower. A resistance R1
`connected between the output terminal of the opera-
`tional amplifier 23 and a positive input-terminal of an
`operational amplifier 24, and a capacitor C1 connected
`between the positive input-terminal of the operational
`amplifier 24 and the earth compose a low-pass filter,
`which attenuates high-frequency components contained
`in an output signal of the operational amplifier 23,
`thereby smoothing said output signal. The output signal
`of the operational amplifier 24 which receives at its
`positive input-terminal the signal of the operational
`amplifier 23 is in part supplied through a feedback resis-
`tor RfI0 the negative input-terminal of the operational
`amplifier 24. Respective one-ends of resistors Ri1, Riz
`and Ri3 are coupled to the negative input-terminal of the
`operational amplifier 24 and their other ends are earthed
`through transfer-gate circuits TG1, TG2 and TG3,
`open/close operations of which circuits are controlled
`by an open/close control signal supplied from a mode-
`setting section 26 which will be described later. The
`values of the resistors Ri1, Riz and Ri3 are given under
`a condition of Ri1 <Ri2<Ri3. A capacitor C2 connected
`between the output terminal of the operational amplifier
`24 and a waveform-shaping section 25, and a resistance
`R2 connected between the input terminal of the wave-
`form-shaping section 25 and the earth compose a liigh-
`pass filter, which eliminates a direct-current component
`from the output signal of the operational amplifier 24.
`The waveform-shaping section 25 comprises a circuit
`which shapes waveforms of signals delivered from the
`operational amplifier 24 to obtain pulse signals. A sig-
`nal-producing section 22 is composed of the above men-
`tioned circuit sections.
`Now, a construction of the mode-setting section 26
`will be described. The present embodiment has three
`modes, that is,_a walking mode which is set while the
`user of the instrument is walking at a normal walking
`speed such as a strolling speed, an exercise-walking
`mode which is set while the user is walking for exercise
`with relatively long strides and at a relatively high pitch
`for the purpose of physical training, e.g., strengthening
`the heart and lungs, and a running mode (a jogging
`mode) which is set while the user is running at a higher
`pitch than that of the exercise walking. A mode-select-
`ing switch SA is used to select one of these modes. A
`one-shot circuit 27 generates a one-shot pulse signal
`each time the mode-selecting switch SA is operated. A
`mode counter 28 is a divided-by-3 counter which incre-
`ments the count by “+1” each time it receives a one-
`shot signal from the one-shot circuit 27. When the count
`Garmin EX101O Page 24
`Garmin EX1010 Page 24


`is “O”, the walking mode is designated; when “1”, the
`exercise walking mode is designated; and when “2”, the
`running mode is designated. The mode counter 28 de-
`livers the count data to a decoder 29 and a central pro-
`cessing unit (CPU) 21. The decoder 29 controls the
`above mentioned transfer-gate circuits on the basis of
`the count supplied from the mode counter 28, that is,
`the decoder 29 makes the transfer-gate circuit TG1 “DN
`state” when the count is “O”, the transfer-gate circuit
`TG2 “ON state” when the count is “1”, and the transfer-
`gate circuit TG3 “ON state” when the count is “2”.
`A stride-length setting section 30 comprises the
`stride-length setting switch S3, one-shot circuit 31 and a
`stride-length counter 32. The stride-length setting
`switch S3 is used to set a stride-length. The one-shot
`circuit 31 generates one-shot pulse signal each time the
`stride-length setting switch S19 is operated. The stride-
`length counter 32 counts one-shot pulses delivered from
`the one-shot circuit 31 to obtain stride-length data,
`which is supplied to CPU 21.
`A display_ section 35 displays, for instance, in a digital
`fashion data delivered from CPU 21.
`CPU 21 is provided _with a time-counting circuit (not
`shown) for obtaining the present time data and a count-
`ing circuit (not shown) counts the number of pulse
`signals delivered from the waveform-shaping section 25
`contained in the signal-producing section 22 in order to
`count the number of steps. CPU 21 further calculates a
`distance-walked or a _running distance by multiplying
`the counted number of steps by stride-length data deliv-
`ered from the stride-length counter 32 of the stride-
`length setting section 30, and also confirms the count of
`the mode counter 28. Thus, CPU 21 displays on the
`display section 35 the present-time data or the number
`of steps, the stride-length data, the distance-walked and
`the designated mode.
`With respect to the present embodiment, the opera-
`tions in the walking mode, the exercise walking mode
`and the rimning mode will be described hereinafter,
`(A) Operation in the walking mode
`The operation of the embodiment in the walking
`mode will be described first. The user of the instrument
`operates the mode-selecting switch SA and sets the in-
`strument to the walking mode before starting his or her
`walking, that is, when the mode-selecting switch SA is
`operated. The one-shot circuit 27 outputs one-shot
`pulse signal to the mode counter 28 to set the mode
`counter at “O” and thereby the walking mode is set. At
`this time, CPU 21 takes in the predetermined count of
`the mode counter 28 to display it on the display section
`35, thereby allowing the user to confirm by viewing the
`display section 35 whether or not the desired mode is
`set. Then the user operates the stride-length setting
`switch S3 to set stride-length. At this time, CPU 21 also
`takes in the stride length designated by the stride-length
`counter 32 and displays it on the display section 35, so
`that the user can confirm on the display section 35
`whether or not a desired stride-length is set.
`Having prepared in the above mentioned manner, the
`user starts walking. Movement of the user’s wrist causes
`the piezoelectric-element piece 16 of the acceleration
`sensor 5 to vibrate and thereby the acceleration sensor
`5 outputs a signal having a waveform as illustrated in
`FIG. 6A at the positive input terminal of the operational
`amplifier 23. The signal of the above mentioned wave-
`form is delivered through the operational amplifier 23
`acting as a voltage follower to the low-pass filter con-
`sisting of the resistance R1 and the capacitor C1 where
`the high frequency components of the signal are attenu-
`ated, and then the signal is further supplied to the posi-
`tive input-terminal of the operational amplifier 24. At
`this time, the mode counter 28 has been set at “O”, and
`thereby the decoder 29 sends an open/close control
`signal so as to make only the transfer gate TG1 ON. The
`operational amplifier 24, the feedback resistance Rfand
`the resistance R,-1 compose a non phase-inverting ampli-
`fier having a gain, 1+Rf/R,-1. The signal is multiplied by
`1+Rf/R11 and then supplied to the high-pass filter con-
`sisting of the capacitor C2 and the resistance R2 The
`signal amplified by 1+Rf/R11, the direct current com-
`ponent of which is eliminated by the high-pass filter, is
`supplied to the waveform-shaping section 25. The
`waveform-shaping section 25 deforms the supplied sig-
`nal into a pulse signal and delivers it to CPU 21. CPU 21
`counts variation points where the signal level changes
`from low to high to obtain step data and calculates a
`distance-walked data by multiplying the step data by
`the stride-length supplied from the stride-length
`counter 32 and then displays thus calculated distance-
`walked data on the display section 35. The display sec-
`tion 35 sequentially displays the step data and the dis-
`tance-walked data.
`(B) Operation of the embodiment in the
`exercise-walking mode
`The operation of the embodiment in the exercise-
`walking mode will be described. In this case, the mode-
`selecting switch SA is operated in the same manner as
`the mentioned above in order to set the mode counter
`28 at “1”, thereby making only the transfer gate TG2
`“ON state”. Then the stride-length setting switch S3 is
`operated to set a stride length to be taken during the
`exercise walking to the stride-length counter 32. After
`completion of the operations mentioned above, the user
`of the instrument will start walking. ‘The user will walk
`with his or her arms bent and moving his or her arms
`more strongly and faster than during walking in the
`above mentioned mode. Therefore, as illustrated in
`FIG. 6B, a waveform of the signal supplied from the
`acceleration sensor 5 to the input terminal of the opera-
`tional amplifier 23 is higher than in the walking mode,
`and also its period is shorter than in the walking mode.
`In the same manner as in the walking mode, the signal
`having the waveform mentioned above is delivered to
`the positive-input terminal of the operational amplifier
`24 through the operational amplifier 23 and the low-
`pass filter consisting of the resistance R1 and the capaci-
`tor C1. As mentioned above, the mode counter 28 has
`been set at “1”, and thereby the decoder 29 makes only
`the transfer gate circuit TG2 “ON state”. In this man-
`ner, the operational amplifier 24 connected with the
`feedback resistance Rfand the resistance R,-1 has a gain
`of 1+Rf/R,-2 which is lower than that in the walking
`mode. Hence, the signal is multiplied by 1+-Rf/R12 and
`supplied to the waveform-shaping section 25 through
`the high-pass filter consisting of the capacitor C2 and
`the resistance R2. Since the voltage output from the
`acceleration sensor 5 is higher than that in the walking
`mode as illustrated in FIG. 6B, though the gain of the
`operational amplifier 24 is lower than in the walking
`mode, the signal will have the somewhat same voltage
`level as in the walking mode and said signal is supplied
`Garmin EX101O Page 25
`Garmin EX1010 Page 25


`(Second Embodiment)
`to the waveform-shaping section 25. The waveform-
`shaping section 25 deforms the signal multiplied by
`1-i-Rf/R,-g to a pulse signal and supplies said pulse signal
`to CPU 21. CPU 21 sends the step data and the distance-
`walked data obtained during the exercise walking to the
`display section 35 and the display section 35 displays the
`supplied step data and distance-walked data.
`(C) Operation in the running mode
`The operation of the embodiment in the running
`mode will be described. As in the same manner as in the
`walking mode and the exercise walking mode, the oper-
`ation of the mode-selecting switch S4 sets the mode
`counter 28 at “2” and causes only the transfer gate
`circuit TG3 to be ON. And then the stride-length setting
`switch S3 is operated to set a stride-length to be taken
`during running to the stride-length counter 32. After
`completion of the operations mentioned above, the user
`starts rrmning. The user will run, moving his or her
`arms more strongly and faster than during the exercise
`walking. Therefore, as shown in FIG. 6C, the wave-
`form of the signal to be supplied from the acceleration
`sensor 5 to the positive-input terminal of the operational
`amplifier 23 is higher than in the exercise-walking mode
`and the period of the signal is also shorter than in the
`exercise-walking mode. The signal having the‘ wave-
`form mentioned above is supplied to the positive-input
`terminal of the operational amplifier through the opera-
`tional amplifier 23 and the low-pass filter consisting of
`the resistance R1 and the capacitor C1, as in the same
`way as in the walking mode and the exercise-walking
`mode. By the way, as mentioned above,
`the mode
`counter 28 has been set at “2”, and the decoder 29
`causes only the transfer gate circuit TG3 to be ON. The
`operational amplifier 24 combined with

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