No. 765,992.
`PATENTED JULY 26, 1904.
`A TTORNE rs _
`Garmin EX1015 Page 1


`No. 765,992. I
`w. B. PORTER.
`‘PATENTED JULY 26, 1904. '
`. ..
`Garmin EX1015 Page 2


`No. 765,992.
`Patented July 26, 1904.
`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. ‘765,992, dated July 26, 1904.
`Application ?led April 22, 1902.
`Serial No. 104,125. (No model.)
`To all whom, it may concern:
`Be it known that I, lVILsoN E. PORTER, of
`the city and county of New Haven, State of
`Connecticut, have invented a new and useful
`Improvement in Pedometers, of which the fol
`lowing is a full. clear, and exact description
`whentaken- in connection with the accompa
`nying drawings, which, form a part of this
`speci?cation, and in which~
`Figure 1 represents a front view of a pedom
`eter embodying my invention; Fig. 2, a re
`verse view with the, case removed; Fig. 3, a
`Vertical section through lines 3 3 of Fig. 2;
`Fig. 4, a top view in detail of the washer car
`rying one end of the mainspring; Figs. 5, 6,
`and 7, views of a modi?cation of my device
`corresponding, respectively, to Figs. 1, 2, and
`3; Fig. 8, a bottom view of one of the wash
`ers carrying one end of the mainspring; and
`Fig. 9, a top view of the washer carrying the
`other end, as illustrated in the modi?cation
`shown in Figs. 5 and 7.
`In all ?gures similar letters of reference rep
`resent like parts.
`My invention relates to pedometers or de
`vices for registering the distance traveled by
`a pedestrian carrying the same, and has for
`its object the production of a novel, simple,
`and efficient construction embodying the va
`rious improvements and combinations of parts
`set forth hereinafter.
`Referring to the drawings for a more par
`ticular description, the letter A designates
`the case, B the stem, and C the ring attached
`thereto by which the pedometer may be sus—
`D and D’ represent the plates adapted to be
`secured in any suitable manner to the case and
`upon which the movement is mounted.
`(Z represents pillars holding the plates in
`their proper relation with each other.
`E represents a lever carrying a weight (2 at
`one end and rigidly connected to a post 6’ at
`the other end, the latter having journal-bear
`ings in the plates D and in a bridge F, mount
`ed on and secured to the plate D’ by a screw
`f or other suitable means.
`Loosely mounted on the post a’ beneath the
`lever E is a ratchet G, connected to a pinion
`9, located between the plates D and D’. Two
`spring-pawls H and I, both of which engage
`the ratchet-wheel Cr, are secured, respectively,
`to the plate D’ and the lever E.
`A washer K, which may be formed, as shown,
`slotted at k, is ?tted on the post a’, where it
`is held by a frictional contact alone to nor-,
`mally rotate with the post. A spring L is
`coiled about the post and has one end secured
`to a lugf" on the bridge F and theother end
`secured by-any suitable means to the washer
`K. The washer K, having a merely frictional
`connection with the post a’, may upon the ap
`plication of sufficient force be turned on the
`post, so that the tension of the spring L may
`be adjusted to the proper nicety. Normally
`the tension should be su?icient to retain the
`weighted lever in its raised position (shown in
`Fig. 2) against the stop ill on the plate D’.
`Upon any jar of the pedometer, as in the step
`of the pedestrian carrying it, the weight of
`the lever overcomes for a moment the tension I
`of the spring and forces the lever down against
`a secondary stop N, from which point the
`spring will return it to its normal position.
`The stop N is in the form of a cam and is
`mounted on a post N and rotatable thereon.
`A gear 0 is also mounted on the post a to ro
`tate with the cam, and a spring-catch P, se
`cured to the plate D’, engages the gear to hold
`it in any desired position and until sufficient
`force is exerted to overcome the engagement
`of the catch. This secondary stop N and its
`associated parts are of substantially the con
`struction shown an d described in United States
`Patent No. 694,652, granted March 4, 1902,
`to Edmond Kuhn, assignor to the American
`Pedometer Company, and therefore needs no
`detailed description. Upon the movement
`down and up of the lever E the ratchet-wheel
`G will be rotated by the pawl l and held from
`reverse rotation by the pawl H. The move
`ment of the ratchet-wheel G is communicated
`through the pinion g by a train of gears, (not
`shown,) which may be of any suitable con
`struction, to an indicator or hand R, which
`travels around a dial S on the case A of the
`In the modi?cation shown in Figs. 5 to 9
`the parts are the same except that one end of
`the spring is not secured directly to the bridge
`Garmin EX1015 Page 3


`“I; but a disk T is provided with a down
`wardly-projecting sleeve V, having an axial
`perforation o, adapted to ?t loosely over the
`post 6’ and enter‘ a circular perforation in the
`bridge W. This sleeve is adapted to ?t so
`nicely in the bridge W that it is normally held
`rigidly'thereto by frictional contact, but may
`upon the exertion of suf?cient force or pres
`sure be turned therein. The spring X is con—
`nected to the washer K at one end and to a
`lug or post 6 on the disk T. By this means
`either or both ends of the spring are adjust
`able, the one in relation to the lever and the
`other in relation to the bridge.
`The spring should be adjusted so that it will
`permit the jar of the step of the pedestrian to
`throw the weighted end of the lever down
`ward to its full limit and then return it to its
`normal position, for if the lever fails to make
`its complete movement between the two steps
`the ratchet-wheel will not be turned the proper
`distance to accurately register the distance
`traveled. As the steps of various people vary
`and the length of the movement of the lever
`is changeable at will, the possibility of adjust
`ing the spring is essential. Moreover, by the
`constant jarring given to the pedometer, .and
`consequently to the spring connected to the
`lever, the spring is apt to be worn or lose its
`nice adjustment, which prevents the correct
`operation of the pedometer. By means of my
`improvement the spring may be readily and
`correctly adjusted at any time for either of
`. these reasons without removing any of the
`Having now described my invention, which
`may vary somewhat in its details without de
`parting from the spirit thereof, what I claim,
`and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—
`1. In a pedometer, the combination with a
`frame, of a weighted vibratory lever, a ro—
`tary post mounted on said frame and rigidly
`secured to said lever, stops for limiting the
`movement of said lever in both directions,
`registering mechanism operated by the move
`ment of said lever, a washer having frictional
`engagement with said post, a spring connect
`ed with said frame, and washer, and tending
`to normally hold said lever against one of said
`stops, said spring being adjustable to permit
`said lever to vibrate between both of said
`stops, substantially as described.
`2. In a pedometer, the combination with a
`frame, of a Weighted vibratory lever, a ro- '
`tary post mounted on said frame and rigidly
`secured to said lever, a stop for limiting the
`movement of said lever in one direction, a
`registering-train operated by the movement
`of said lever, a washer having a frictional con
`nection with said post, and a spring secured
`to said washer and adjustably connected to
`said frame, tending normally to hold said le-‘
`ver against said stop, substantially as de
`In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
`hand on the 18th day of April, 1902.
`Garmin EX1015 Page 4

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