Modern Information Retrieval
`Ricardo Baeza-Yates
`Berthier Ribeiro-Neto
`Unified EX1014 Page 1
`ACM Press
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`Unified EX1014 Page 1


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`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`ŽzZg‘$’j“•”;–g—?˜™šœ›$›$›g‘`—I–RžŸ Žz¡"g’bž£¢j¢£¤RŸx¥¦“•§$“•¢I“•;¨ Z©v—I–Rž Ÿ ¢j¢j ˜ “•ªU—I“•Z¨C©€Z’5Žz$«¬R—I“†¨S”¡ˆª ˜ –g“†¨Sª;’b‘$¤Y­®¨ ˜$¯_° Ÿ±ŽO¡C² ¯Ÿ ³g³>“•¢jZ¨t´ž£¢Iµ•žœ‘0¶8;¨S”U«AªZ¨C¶]“•«·“•—jž£³¸v³e“†¨>g¬’b”;– ¹ ªU—jžº ª;’jµ•;»¸v¢j¢jžh¼CŽz¡C½Z¾|½¿g¸¸¨S”;µ•ªZ¨R³ªZ¨R³ˆŸ ¢j¢j ˜ “•ª$—jž£³CŽz$«Sª;¨“•ž£¢ —I–g’bZ¬R”Z–RZ¬R— —I–Rž ´CZ’jµ•³ ¯Àz–Sž_’j“•”Z–g—j¢±Z©—I–Rž ªZ¬R—I–RZ’b¢_Z©Á—I–“•¢±´;’jÂ`–Rª;§$ž ]žœžh¨ˆªU¢j¢jžh’b—jž£³`g‘k—I–Rž£«Ã“†¨ˆª ˜£˜ ;’b³ª;¨ ˜ ž»z“•—I–—I–RžŽO;g‘$’j“•”Z–g—£¤]¥±ž£¢I“•”Z¨R¢ ªZ¨R³ˆÄª$—jžh¨g—j¢_Ÿ ˜ — š£›$ÅUÅ ¯Ÿ¦µ†µY’j“•”Z–g—j¢_’bž£¢jžh’b§$žœ³ ¯3Æ  Sª;’b— Z©Á—I–“•¢_¬ggµ†“ ˜ ª$—I“ǏZ¨ «:ªZ‘A]ž ’bžb’b>³>¬ ˜ ž£³n¤Y¢j—jZ’bžœ³`“†¨Cª’bž£—I’j“•ž£§;ª;µv¢j‘>¢j—jž£«0¤S;’±—I’bªZ¨R¢j«·“•—j—jž£³0“†¨CªZ¨g‘A©€;’b«Z’_g‘kªZ¨g‘&«Až£ªZ¨R¢£¤Sžbµ•ž ˜ —I’bZ¨g“ ˜ ¤Y«Až ˜ –Sª;¨“ ˜ ªZµ€¤g–SU—j ˜ Zg‘$“†¨R”¤8’bž ˜ Z’b³>“†¨S”k;’ U—I–Sžb’b»O“•¢jžU¤]»O“•—I–RZ¬R— žb“•—I–Sžh’5—I–Sž g’j“•Z’5»z’j“•—j—jžh¨0]žb’b«·“•¢j¢I“•Z¨ ;©—I–Rž ¬gµ†“•¢I–Ržh’:Z’±ª·µ†“ ˜ žb¨ ˜ ž]žh’b«·“•—j—I“†¨R”`’bž£¢j—I’j“ ˜ —jž£³ ˜ Zg‘$“†¨R”A“†¨C—I–Sž È_¨“•—jžœ³ˆÉ “†¨S”U³U«"“•¢j¢I¬Sžœ³g‘ —I–Rž_ŽzZg‘$’j“•”Z–g—v¶n“ ˜ žh¨S¢I“†¨R”Ÿ ”$žb¨ ˜ ‘¶8—j³]¤U›$¾ ÀU—j—jžh¨g–SªU«ÊŽzZ¬g’b—˦Uª$³]¤$¶YZ¨R³;¨k´ÌšœÄ›$º±¸ ¯´Í–g“†µ•žA—I–Rž ¬ggµ†“•¢I–Sžh’–Rª$¢_«Aª$³gžž£§$žh’b‘kªU—j—jž£«·R—¦—j:—I’bª ˜ ž ª;µ†µ ˜ Zg‘$’j“•”;–g— ;»z¨Sžh’b¢±ªZ¨R³0;S—jª;“†¨]žh’b«“•¢j¢I“•Z¨t—j·’bžhg’b>³e¬ ˜ žA«AªU—jžh’j“•ªZµ€¤S“†¨Cª©€ž£» ˜ ªU¢jž£¢_—I–“•¢_–SªU¢¦g’bZ§Už£³0“•«·]U¢j¢I“†µ•ž ¯ŽzZg‘$’j“•”;–g—¦–RZµ•³gžh’b¢ Z©v«AªU—jžh’j“•ªZµÁ»z–“ ˜ –ˆ–SªU¢¦¨R$—z]ž£žb¨ˆª ˜ Â>¨RZ»zµ•ž£³g”$žœ³ªZ’bž žh¨ ˜ ;¬’bªU”$ž£³ˆ—j˜ ;¨g—jª ˜ —_—I–RžMg¬gµ†“•¢I–Ržh’ ¯¡ˆªZ¨g‘&Z©Á—I–Sž³žœ¢I“•”Z¨Rª$—I“•Z¨R¢ ¬S¢jž£³kg‘0«Aª;¨>¬©®ª ˜ —I¬g’bžh’b¢ ª;¨S³&¢jžhµ†µ•žh’b¢ —jA³>“•¢j—I“†¨R”Z¬g“•¢I– —I–Sžb“†’g’b>³e¬ ˜ —j¢ ª;’bž ˜ µ•ªZ“•«:ž£³ªU¢_—I’bª$³gž£«AªZ’jÂg¢ ¯ Ÿ ³g³e“•¢j;¨´Cž£¢Iµ•ž£‘&¶8;¨S”U«AªZ¨C¶]“•«·“•—jž£³ˆ–SªU¢¦«:ª$³gžž£§Užh’b‘kª$—j—jž£«·R— —j:¢I¬gµ•‘&—I’bª$³gž·«:ªZ’jÂk“†¨©®Z’b«AªU—I“•Z¨tªZ];¬S—±«AªZ¨>¬g©€ª ˜ —I¬’bžh’b¢±ªZ¨R³ˆ—I–Sžb“†’g’b>³e¬ ˜ —j¢ «:žh¨g—I“•Z¨Rž£³ˆ“†¨C—I–“•¢_]>Z ¯ ŸÌµ†“•¢j—±Z©v—I–Rž —I’bª$³gž£«AªZ’jŠ³žœ¢I“•”Z¨Rª$—I“•Z¨R¢ªZ¨R³ˆ—I–Sžh“†’;»z¨Sžh’b¢_ª;]žœªZ’b¢ ;¨ˆSªU”$ž §$“†“†“ ¯Àz‘$]žœ¢jž£—z“†¨tŽOU«·g¬S—jžh’5¡ˆ>³žb’j¨ˆg‘0Î;ÏÄ’j“†¨g—jž£³ˆªZ¨R³0]Z¬g¨R³0“†¨C—I–Sž È_¨“•—jž£³CÐ>—jª$—jžœ¢ Z©ÁŸ «Ažb’j“ ˜ ªÑ8“†’b¢j—¦g’j“†¨g—jž£³šœ›$›$›­IÐ>Ò Æ ¾;ÓÔ½Z¾šbÓsÕ$›$ÅG½Z›;ÓIÖ× ØZÙÇÚ£ÙÜÛ£ÝßÞ)ÙÜàØ;ágØZâmã·ágÚ£áäÇåSæSçÙÜèæébÙÇè8éœê çàäÜÙÜë>ágÚ£ÙÜåSèíìkáÚ£áŸ ˜ ªU—jªZµ•U”Z¬RžM’bž ˜ Z’b³0©€;’ —I–g“•¢z]>ZÂ&“•¢ ª;§;ªZ“†µ•ª;µ•žA©Ü’bU«—I–Sž Ò)’j“•—I“•¢I–C¶]“†’bª;’b‘Þ)ÙÜàØ;ágØ;âÍågîã·åSèæRØZï>ۜÛ0ãáÚ£ágäÜåSæRçÙÜèæébÙÜè8éœê çàäÜÙÇë>áÚ£ÙÇåSèíì`ágÚ£áÒzªUž£ð£ªZӀñ3ª$—jž£¢£¤RË ¯ò° Ëz“ ˜ ª;’b³G²¡ˆ>³gžh’j¨ˆ“†¨g©€Z’b«:ª$—I“•Z¨C’bž£—I’j“•ž£§;ª;µ3ó·Ëz“ ˜ ªZ’b³gkÒzª$ž£ðœªZӀñzªU—jž£¢£¤SÒ3žh’b—I–“•žb’ Ëz“†]žh“†’b;Ó Æ ž£—j ¯ ¯-˜ « ¯­Ü¨ ˜ µ†¬S³gž£¢ g“†µ†“•U”Z’bªZg–S“ ˜ ª$µv’bžh©€žb’bžh¨ ˜ ž£¢_ªZ¨R³0“†¨S³gžh¼ ¯­sÐeÒ Æ ¾ZÓÔ½Z¾gšhÓsÕ$›UÅ>½;›ZÓs֚ ¯ ­Ü¨©€;’b«Aª$—I“•;¨C¢j—jZ’bªU”$žªZ¨R³`’bž£—I“•ž£§;ª;µv¢j‘>¢j—jž£«A¢ ¯ ­ ¯ ËO“†ôžh“†’b¤]Òzžb’b—I–“•žh’5³žŸ¦’bªvõ¬;öbÆ ž£—j¤Yš£›UÏ$¾ZÓ ¯ ­j­ ¯Àz“•—Iµ•ž ¯÷SÏ$ÏGø ¯ÒzÕ$ù š£›$›U›¾>½UÎ ¯¾$ù;ú>³ ˜ ½eš ›U›ZÓbš£¾U¾$Õ$Վ¦­€Ä
`British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
`Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`Baeza-Yates, R.(Ricardo)
`Modern information retrieval / Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`1. Information storage and retieval systems. I. Ribeiro, Berthier de Arafijo
`Neto, 1960- . II.Title.
`Unified EX1014 Page 2
`Unified EX1014 Page 2


`t.—clii1imisioiia.l \-'c:ct.01‘ial sspaccz and SE£1I1(lB.I'Cl linear etlgehra U}'.)(‘-I‘i11'.iOl1§-.3 mi \-'<‘(".mr;~s.
`1901‘ the classic pi‘ol_ml)ilisi.ic model, the frainmx-'i:irk is (‘.A.iIl'l[)t).SC('l of sets. etnmla1'r:l
`tirnulialiility opemtioiis, and the [3-a.;.-‘us’ theorem.
`In the l.'B'll1‘r1.iI1(lE‘1' of this clia.pter._ we Cli.‘-.2(,‘ilSr& the m1‘;~; IR 1I‘i()Llt.‘l.‘i Sl1OWI‘l
`in l.4‘igiire 2.}.
`'i‘hroughoi1t'. the L'liE-5(.‘.1iSi-i'lL"iI1._ we (lo not vxp1ir.'iti_i-'
`iJ1>it.ai1i.i:i.t:r the
`L-.ompoi'1e1'its.-1 D_._ Q, F. a.nd R{q,-_,d_,- of earth 1I1()(li‘l. Sm;-li mr1ipom=.1ii.s .‘-LliUi_llL'l be
`quite cletti‘ from the R'li.‘s'CilSSiCJl'I and C2111 he ea.-:«'il3= ii1fe.rrerl.
`2.5 Classic Information Retrieval
`in this ;-ser':tim1 we briefly pwscziit the tlirve ('?lE1.‘_-i.H‘lC 1' in ii1fi'Jri'm'i.tioii T‘(':l'-1"i£':E‘»-'£1l
`I1.£i.l'l1F..‘l}r: wit! Buoleaii. Elli‘.
`\,'<*:.:tor_, £i.‘I1Ll the }'J1't'Jl_‘JE1lJill.‘3il(' Jill..N'lL‘l,-1‘.
`2.5.1 Basic Concepts
`Tilt‘. c:la5sic lI1U(l(*.li-E in iiiibiiiiatiuii i‘::t1‘is':\'al <?<iIi.~'irl:.=i‘ that m:':h cl<Jr.'Liiim1t
`is alv-
`i’(‘I‘I1i>i. An iiir'1’e.r tr-“r-rrr
`::at:1‘il':ecl by {it stat. of repmistriitiitive l<€‘_\-'WUTll.‘-a'
`is :~;-iiiiply ii {tlmciiim-.1it} worcl whose :-.4€’.I1lé11'Ji.iC..‘i
`hs.=lp;~: in 1-::1m>iiiln'~1'iii;_;; the L'itI}(.‘l|.—
`merit”:-; iiiziin ilieme:-;.
`iIlflE‘X l.€!1‘lIl:':i are 11:"-_'.P(.l to imle): 'rlll(l
`:-w'L1il1}l1'r'l.I"l;’.£‘ this
`Iii g‘eiieml._ iiidex terins aJ:¢"~ n1a,i1il_*_v 11011115 l'Jt'i('£1ilt:1f" nouiis
`i18.\"E.’ nmitniiig by tl1t:111;~';elx=e.~; and thus, their .":‘(‘lI’lE].I}til'.f:-4 is f‘.?1.‘.~?iE.‘l‘ to ir.i<':ii1if_\_' £i11Ll
`to grmap.
`»h.cljeL-tit-‘ea ?l.lLlV'E¥TlJS_, dllfl
`t:o1i1ie':u:.tiVe.;-; are l<=.~s.~5 L1.~;et'iil
`<z}-' work riiaiiily 3,3 (301Il])ll'r.‘.1ll('=.I1T-.'~.'.
`iiiigglir he iriter<.a.~itiiig_;
`in E‘t)I1E-§lCi(.‘.I‘ all the distirict v.-'01'(ls‘ in a. duciiinent (?0ll{'.t“.ill)1l
`23.:-1 index t.:_:r1n.~s. F01‘
`is‘lopt.ed by :-soim-r Wei: S(?£'11'(_'-ll E!1l,‘_{iI)(‘h its f.ll!vit",11SS(':{l in
`iiistaiirte, this }.1.ppT‘()€|.(‘ll
`C.‘-lieipter l3 [in wliirh traee, tlie rlociiiiieiit logical '\-'l(:\-\-' is f1r.!£ !r_:.'ri‘).
`\’\-"0 ptistpoiiir
`+1. c,lis(:u:-ssimi on the pr0h1:_=.i'n of how to gt:-m*rii.t.e i]‘I.(i.E.‘.K terims imtil C-lizipter‘ T.
`wliere the issue is cm-'e.rerl in cietiiil.
`the-it not till
`:'lo(-ui11e1_it._, we 110'l'-l(_‘.(:
`Given a set of index I,(.‘1"Il1r':'~ for {-1
` (K1118-ll_‘_y’
`iiee.t‘i1l for Ll(Eé:;I_‘.I'ii‘)lI'1,"_’,' the dnciiimziit CUI1i.eT1i.‘H,'. iii fat:-t,
`ll1(fI‘t.! are inciex
`l.ei'm.~3 wliicli are saiiiiply ‘.-'21gIlE?I‘
`thzm otliei‘:-;.
`Ilecitiiiig on the lTIJD{'JI‘L:;111t".(' of at
`term for HL1l1.1ll1Z1.I"i'Zillg i..l'1f'3 (roim-:1it:«: of +1.
`(‘lL'.iI.‘.‘[l]1.LF,‘Yii. is not 3. 1-I‘i\"iE.1l
`tliifi <iifiic_'.11lty._ tlivrtr are properties of an inrlex IIEITI1 vi,-'hic.h are vn:ail_\'
`':1l)(i‘€Vi]i('.h are useful for evaliiaiiiig tlu: potzzntial of a E-(‘U11 as r%1i.t‘.l1. Fm‘ iii:-:'LH.1J(‘(?.,
`miisider 2+. r:ollet:tic:in with E). l11111f.lI‘(i(l i-l’1(Jll>s‘Elll('.l dm:iime1it.~:. A WtJl‘t'i whic..l'i a.1)p(::u':<
`in each of the r_mr..= hui'i<h‘ed tl)(JLl.‘-.%€-l.l](l clocu1ne1it.~s is cmr1plu1;el‘i-' tieeelcvss as an index
`term bec2t1.1.~'se it clues not tell uh‘ .=i1iythii1g‘ about Wlll(‘.ll (i0{‘L‘I1l'1(’IJ.i'.'.~i the u:~:er might
`be iI1i'.E:‘-I(!ST-£L’.L'l in. On the other liaricl, EL word whiczh :-ippeam in just five (lt)L".i1111(‘.J‘ii..‘u‘
`is quite iiseful
`lietta.i.1i-se it Iiarrows down c0ii;~sidc-.i‘2il3l_x-- the .s';.i;u:<'- of {iOE.'UI11fE11i'.£-3
`wl'iiC.l1 might he of illlit-Z'l‘i).'3T. to the user. Thus,
`it .~;l1milti
`lie :.*ltaa.i'
`index t.<2r1'r1s have x-'ei1‘yi1ig relm'a.nce wht.~.11 i.i.eietl to -.'ir.i-'.;:.~1‘ihe clurriuiienii C01iT.(‘I'Il'.‘~'.
`T his eHet:t is f‘.EtpL111'E‘.(i t.h1'm1gli the aeeigiiiiitaiit oi'1ii1mei‘i::-al i.i.:eighf.~? to each imiex
`term of a. clocumeiit.
`Unified EX1014 Page 3
`Unified EX1014 Page 3


`CL.-XSSIC‘ IN FOR.1\IATlCJN 1t.E-”1"HII~_?\-"Al.
`ti1- be a fi('JC‘11l11E'-11L, and -ir.r,-‘_,- 3 U be a -ri=r-gight
`l!L‘;.' he an .‘iIl(iE‘X teriii,
`I:‘L.*-$5-i(.\t.’i‘cli.t_"(i witii the pair (A3-.(1_, This weight qua.ntiiir_\=.' the iI7npOI‘F:111(.?(.‘
`tit" the
`imicv: T.t"FlL'l for (ti-sr.'t‘ii3iI1g,' thv <.h:t_:11111(_=.I1t stemaiitic tI0l‘n'.t‘l1i'i-'~.
`:1 ge.t'nc':n'r.-
`F.-tf. f be Ht:-' 7r::mrt’.:cr‘ t.:f;imir:.1: ts.-'t' in. the .s'y..~'.'?‘.r:‘r;r1 (2.-mi rh hr:
`if-i"']‘H. K H]. .
`_ 313}
`thy .901 of uh‘.
`r-reach mdr-.e' farm.
`53- of (2 dot:-wnzrmf.
`For‘ an.
`.'t:hu'h I.’f:c.Jt'.*€ not
`{hr-. clot:-ri.1rm.'-raj.
`'Ei‘l'_J' 2 ti.
`I-1"’-?(.h. Hts:
`:'1.'~''ir."rT€.rt an m.rrie-'3'
`If.‘F"IH r=r'r.'t‘o-1‘ ff;
`7'e:p7'res<t=rt.f.t'rI by d._.,
`[rt Us
`it. f-rm<'r.‘i':m that.
`<:r..=;.s'r_:."-i'rL£<’rE wife.
`the: m.a'c:.r
`is-1-;r.r_r A'_.
`‘IN may J'—r.h‘rirt.r&-:rJ..-4iurrrti e=t'-r:f'm'
`,g¢[:rt)] = I15.-:.,'..5'.
`li_’.1"1l'l w<~ig'i1r._~; a.1'c tlstiaiiy asstniiied I.-U hv mutu-
`we iE!.LE¥1'
`ztlh-' imhrpr*1iLh'-i'it.. T1115 iiimiis that kiiowiiig the we-.ig'iit
`as.~3u(_'.i::'Lt.t=.d with the
`pair {:’+_..n’__;_':
`tail:-s us l1f.)Ti1ii1E,' athmit
`the weight. H"l'_iJ‘_-', E1f'§St_.1("i}1if‘.(i with the pair
`{‘,t',;__- ].t1“.); This is cicr211'i_\-' at Him1:iiific_'at.io11 i.)t’E?'i1‘llF:‘u(t
`(Jf_‘.(‘.111'I‘{"liCL'!.‘«f of indr-x i.(‘.1'IJl.H" iii
`:1 <i:_wmuz=m E-LI't-“ not l1llE.‘()1‘l‘E‘.iI-Li.U{.i.
`(.‘.<;=1i:-sidvr, for i1i;4;t.a.1iL'-.c.*.._ that the terms (‘om-
`ii1f_i€.‘X as, git-'ezi t..ir_zt:u1nr.:1)t' which t".{)\'f-.‘T;'5 the arm. of
`gi-i:tr".*‘ zmil n.r'e‘ri.Irm’st arr‘ lt:%(t1'i
`co1npI.1te‘-.r .m:t.woi‘k.~‘. FI'F.‘t'1LLt?I1i..iv\_'_. in this (i()t‘.t1Yll(.‘Ui'-_. the a.ppear:s.m.-v. ot'u11P of tiiestz
`t\T(J v.-'or:,i:-.: a.tt1‘acrI...5 the: 3-ppe;11‘ai'ir:(.=. of the Othf-‘.‘L“. Thus~‘.. these two wurrls are (.'.t:n‘1‘:..‘.—
`h'a.r.L=r.i £1I1f_i i.i1P.i1' wc~.ight.:-; E_‘(]lI.i{i rcrftertt t.hi.~4 correhition. Vt-"hih\ 1m1tt1a.i il1Cit.‘I)!‘?I1{ii&‘l1(1t3
`I-.¥L’(‘I1‘1:-5 to ht‘ as
`:-4tl‘()11g siiiiuplitic-ation, it,
`(i()L‘..‘_~‘. ésilllpiiffy’ the task of ticnnptltiiig ilit'it'E}(
`terLx1‘v.'(:igi1t-:3" stud aiizm-'.~.' for feist. raliking miiiptitatiull. Ft.1rt.tJ9riiir:I‘e, Tttiiitlg mi-
`\*a111t.ag_J,(' rJfi11<.h':x t.o1'm c0I‘t‘Lrh'a,r.io1i:3 for i111p1‘m-'ir1g' the firm} (iOC.'l1I1Jt-T’l1L I‘é111i{iTly,‘ is
`:1» siiiipinr t.-«mic.
`f:u:.'|.. iiunt: of the nia.n_\; £ipp11m.ci1v.3 p1‘0pr).*~:¢3€'l
`in the 1m.~'st.
`ha."-s r_:ir.azs,r‘l_v ('i£’ni(iI).‘~‘tFili'.(.‘(i that imtex term r_‘m‘1'ei;i.t.i01'is
`are u.i'1vn.1it:i.gc:m15 [for
`ralilaiiig 111i1.‘[3tJ5<?H] with gv1it2I':\.i c.<.':iiectioi'is. Ti1e2i'efurr2._ LIl1i(I‘S'.‘n‘ (.'i€&11'i}'
`.~eta.r.<rd oth-
`xx-1‘ a.~;;~sL1n1:.‘. muttl.--ti
`itu"h2pe11dem:Lz aiiitzarig index t.eriiis.
`In C'hapter :3 we
`(ii."u'('-‘LiE'-'~.‘% 11'l(}(iE‘T"IL r‘<zt.i'im'ei.i TI.‘-(‘i]I1iqL1E‘.‘-E which are ha::r.>d on term c_-.0rr:;2i:-1t_ir.m.~4 and
`i1a.\'£) hmzu t.rA:~'t0ri HI.1r'.LtL:rssf11ily with pa1'tic.ular (::')il:rc.t.in1i.~_<. Tiirzse .‘~.'IIEL?i'?i‘:-$863.‘-.'
`EiP.(‘IIl to if)? ;sh'm-‘i‘\-'
`.~+Jiit'ti11g,' the mt1'rent t11itle1‘sta.1iding'
`t.m=x-'ards it more fEL\-'OT&tiJi(‘
`View of the :isvt‘11iI1v:~::s of term cun‘el2t1.i0n.'-; for infm'n'mI.imi I‘€‘tI"iE‘\-'E.ti
`The di)U\-'(‘ detiiiilioiirs I‘>rm=i:.'ic.~ .'~_n.1131Jt>rt for (iii-i{.’L1.‘é‘.-iiI.'lf§ thir t.i1I't\(:e <".tms::-;i(’ iItfor-
`111-atirm 1‘etric\-‘£11 llN'.)fi{?iS. 11amt':1_\_-'. the Buraltauii, the x-'0c:tc:r. Etllfii thv pi‘t.nha.i.1ili.'~stit':
`1iiodoi.~a. as we imw tin.
`.5.2 Boolean Model
`Tim Buoitzan model is 21 simphz ]‘€!t1‘iE.\-‘Hi nmdel i.)a.soL'l on set. iCi1E1t’)‘J‘_"_\_' and B(.1L'JiQ&l-ll
`fl.ig,'t:hret. Siiice i'.i1E’.
`('(J1].C.E!DL of a. set is quite intuitive,
`til!‘ Boolean Jiiuciei pm-
`Vities it f1‘étIl'].(.‘-\'L't')Ti:: which is e.a:a}-' to g1‘EL-Sp by a.
`t:0n1n'ir.a11 11:"-it.‘-1' of an IR .~;_ys4r.u1J1.
`Furtherrnorzr, the (1115-','i"iE‘:-I are .'~spec:ifler_i as Boohran t:xp1‘e.s:3ic)115 which imve pret'i5:e
`(_.'i\-‘on its i11h<‘re.i1t ssiinpiicity and mat fl‘}I'fl1il.i.h5IlZl. the Br..u;ii(2a.1i mor_l<'.]
`ceived g1‘ea.t. n:r.t.eI1t.io11 in past \\_-'E‘.E1l‘:$ micl vas adnpteci lay imtiiy of the va1‘ly
`brniiierciai i'.Pii)ii(}g'I'it[I1ili(.'— S}-’SiT(3l11-.5".
`Unified EX1014 Page 4
`Unified EX1014 Page 4


`Figtlre 2.3 The 1hrt=<—'
`i"[)11_i1_l}1a’.‘1..iV£~? cm11]:m1ici11.s for the quiet},-'
`iq —— kn
`t.-he B001eaI'1 model :‘_«'11tTe1‘2-; from iimjur dz‘awlm:fks. First‘
`i:-a Em;-:c(i U1} :1 binary d<2ci.«‘io11 Cl“ii'.(?l‘i()1l [i.e.._ £1 dtrciiimriii. is
`its re.1.i"ie\-'*r_1.1 stra,1'.vg_\'
`p1‘er1iL:1.eci to bv s_=ir.lii-=r 1‘(!il':5V’E\-I1i'. or ii0n—1'e1uva.1'iL) withollt any notimi of a grading
`rsmie. which p1‘v\-'ents gooci
`rer:.riev:Ll ps.'1'fc_arImmc<>. Thu.'~;. the Bt')()1(.‘FFl.l1 mc;»t.1+:l
`in rc=aliL‘\_-' 111U('h IIJI_‘Jl‘(.‘ a.
`c1211‘.-A {iTl&si~i?é1(i of inf01‘11ia,r.io11} 1'nt,1‘i(5:\'ui 1IJ.tTJ(i(‘.i. Sr=.('c;nid.
`xx-hilt: B‘.)01(‘~Lln L‘X[)I‘i?.‘3!-§iOI‘LS lime ]'J1'€t’_‘.iS+;".
`s.~?eLmi1ii.ic:s. f1'eqi.iei1t,ly it
`is not simple to
` an i1if'omiat.imi nved i1iLo it Buolzr-an a.=.xpres.~sic:11. In fart‘ nicast ll!-%E!1‘S find
`it (.iii’fiCl_]ii. and E1“-'i{\‘\r"8.l'l'i in K?-XD!.'(_’-S5 thvir t’1l.iF_‘.I“}"
`l‘(?qL1(‘-£s'ih' in i'.(‘.I.“m.'5 of Boolean (ax-
`przassioiis. The BL'JU].(.’a'1.l1 <~.:-:pre.=.+.=:io11.=s a.:rr.1.1a.l1_x,' fumi1.i1a‘r.a:d by 113'-iE'.l‘:-i ofteii 'r_‘\.I'(‘ quite
`ifsou. (f.’.Iiapter 10 for n. iiiure t}mrr;n_ig-11 di.‘3C1lSSi()I] on this issiie). T)ospit.e
`t-hi.‘é-30 drawbwrks. thv B[f1()iL°.a11 inndei is still the (i0I‘I1i11?.l1lL model with C.('JlIlI‘I1(31'Cii!.i
`tiOf‘1ll'[1(‘-lli". datnba:-sL= .‘1‘_‘y'.‘-il-i'!Il1:'5 and provides a. gomi stmniiig point. for T-h0S(‘. new to
`the iield.
`;1}.Jr3e.iit in a
`Tlie Tiocnhzall 1n:_‘nit=1 tE(lL1Si(iETS then iridex twin:-; £u‘r.‘. pI"{.’.'3£?1li. 01'
`.-'\:s a 1'e:.~:u1t, the iiidox Li-.‘.1‘1i1 weiglits aw 3h.‘H11]T1(3('.i to be all binary. i.e.,
`11:,-_J E {I}. 1}. A q1.1m‘§-' q is cnuiposeri of iI1d(’X tcriii;-; liiikeci by t.h1‘ee (.’L'Jl'iTJl3(‘.i'.-i\-‘E’!-ii
`not,u.n.d,:.>:-.T1nm, :1 qm=.i'_y is :~sser1r.ia1l}' a COYIK-'E‘.11UOTlai B:’)()i(‘.E1.l1 BXpl'(-‘{-$.‘SiU1l which
`(‘(1.11 he raz1)r(=se111.e:'i as adi.-s_j1i11r.'tion (.If(‘UI1j1lI1()tiVé.E‘(E!(1’£iJl‘:-$ i.r-.._ in :1‘.-1'5;-'r'1.r.;ri.c:t‘.?f.-1'6: -nw‘~
`mar.’ fr.I?‘?:I. — DN F}. |:"r_:r i11sst.zu:utv, the query [q = kn ,=“-.
`11L‘-pj] n-an he writtmi
`in d‘Ls_j1imrti\-'(r nor111a.lf01‘11i:i;-s [g‘a’,,[,lf —: (1, 1, 1) V {L 1._ (fl)
`"-J [1, 0, 0}]. Whf?l"i'_=.E!E1('.h of
`HM‘ E‘l_)IllpUI]{’.Il1.S- is a i)i.I‘1E11‘j; wuiglitecl ‘\'E!(‘.i10T :].SSt')Cil:1tL‘d with Li'1(‘- ltuphr £_'.?ca._ A3,, Aer}.
`'Ii1::rse iJi.'t‘lEl.I'_}’ weiglitmi \’(.‘(.’iL(.}1‘S are cn.Hr..-cl
`tlica ('(‘rDj‘l1I1i"T.i\-‘F!
`i.‘0mp0I1e-.Iii.s of rfignf.
`Figiire 2.3 illiisatratcs the three c.0nj1.:m':t.iv<: cm111.m11ent.s for the qL1v1'_\_-' q.
`1.-'m'~mbi’r:-..=:' are all
`the 2'.ndr3:r
`For mt: Boolrsmr m.odr=.£.
`'-3; i.e., U,';,J-,' C {U._1}. A q-u.e:ry q is :1 co-rme-rat-ion.u.E Boriittrm r2:zcp¢‘r:a-3-slon. Let
`rjr:m_,c be the d-.a'..::jm2.<-?fz'.-vie‘ -nr2rrn..aJ fmm for the query Q. Fm‘i‘hr;::r‘_. Eat rfil. be rm-y of Hi-1".‘
`(:0-rijir.-r1.{:ti:.'e r:ompor1—r-:n.ts of (fignf. The si.r:zi£r1.7‘-eTtg,r of a doc:-u.-rr1.e:n..t d_j
`to the query :3
`rifrejénecf as
`.9i'r?1(rijar}:| ¢ {’
`if E?“ I’
`{gm E q;m‘f} A W"‘*" giidii 1‘ .‘é’1'[‘IrcJ.\-I
`Unified EX1014 Page 5
`Unified EX1014 Page 5


`(_II..»\.‘:t§‘5]fjI INHOHA-IA'1'l0N I{.I2TRIE\-'AL
`-is r'rJ£r-":'rm.i
`If .-r.e":n..[r.iJ _. q) = 1 {ht-1*‘: Ute: Bonita.-I1 mortar’. p'r‘ed'£L:fis Th.a.t H1»: dot:-mn.(;'ia.t rfj
`to Hire guesry q .j""3f1f
`-m.-fight‘ not 5.9"}.
`thr-L gm-.:rh'rrt.i'«:m.
`-21.x‘ fhrif the‘ d»rIc‘t:.In.t'<1r1.f
`is 110T r‘r-:£m..'r1'ra.£.
`-nr;'.I.’c':-'mt.£. U1" mm-
`is (:it.h(.‘l‘
`that eztetl
`The B0:J1ea.L1 model p1'edi:::t.s
`i:-s nu notitm of em pa.-rtfru.’ m.a.t'r.‘h. L0 the :111.1e1“_\''1.'~s. For
`let dj he 31
`for V»-'i1i(‘i’1
`'— (0.1.t}}. Dm‘It1'11e11t
`t.I'1(= im_i(':.‘( t.t:1‘1I1 Fa, hut ire (‘(JlJ.réi(i("‘I‘EI(i 11n11—1'el:_=.vaL1t- to t.h+'.‘: qI.1m‘_V it;
`:2 K“ -(‘#5.
`The main tlfh.-'IfJ.'.f'.'.-fFr.m[3.€§ of the Btmlcmi niodci 21.10 t-he clean ft'_J1‘I’11&}iiSlI‘l ht‘.-}1it1t'_l
`the II3(}(i(‘-i and it.'~'s SiIIJ.pli(‘-it_\-'. The main di5‘a.<f'L'(1.11-tagr3.s El.l‘(‘ that <=x2.u‘t.-'}.1iug2_;
`imty tearl to I"{‘TI"i(:‘\-’:l-I of FUU few or too 111a11_v d:_n:L1Ji1entS {see (_'.}mpt{:1‘
`it is well kllovm t.ha.t. iI'1(lE‘){ ’rm‘1i1 v.-' (‘+1.11 i(l£l(.i to at. rstlbstalltiat in1prt'_‘:\'t'21n:2Iit.
`in n".’r.1‘it=\-'nl perfmliiaiiee. Imtex L.eI'm weigliting hriiig;-s 11:; to Llita vs-_‘(.'t<_:1' 1'r1::1d(%i.
`2.5.3 Vector Model
`is t.u(')
`iti.‘}?_. 605] 1‘trt-ngiiizm that Lhe Lise of‘ biliary,‘ xx-'vig'l1t.~:
`The \'t‘f‘.t'.t'Jl‘
`iiiiiitiiig; a.1u_i }JI‘c.:}';t'_Js(.‘:5 .11
`f‘1‘i1.I11£,'\‘.-'t_JI‘i»<' in v.'hic'}1 }m1‘ti2.1l 11i:~.L<_'hi11g 1:‘: 1'n.15sih1t‘. This
`is‘ El.('('()lll[)]iHiLli‘-{.1 hy assiglliiig 'n.o?;r—tJmr.1';r‘y weigiim to iIl(i(.’X t..L:r11Lr+ in q1_1t_'.i'i:.'=.5 and
`in {'iUt'i1‘1111(‘-1'1i-:-1'.
`'l'he:st* term \\r(-iglits are 1.1h-ima.te1}-“ 1.1S:1c] tn r‘01111)11t¢.: the :ir:_q'r‘:-:r'
`of xiii:-2I..’ti.r-.if_r,r bt':t.wt:m1 onvh t}o(:11111o11t E-§T.01‘(‘(i
`in the s_\-Stet]:
`tmsfl the Iisstri‘ q11t21‘_\_-'.
`f.i'u'2 I‘(‘f-I‘if2\'(?(] 1']fJf‘l1‘n1t’§I11'.{-é in :iv('1‘c‘:1.'~;ii1g order of thirs z.ieg1‘m‘. of .~'imii:-11‘-
`ity. L-he vector 1110:2191 1,ak(1s.=. into f.‘f_Jl1Si(,iF_!l‘FL1Ti{_'3I‘1 :10(:1111it:11t:~: which T.1'1a't.t.:::h the qum‘j\_'
`ft‘1'111.~a' 0111;’ [)a1‘tia1]y. The m:,' 1‘ <?tieC.t is that the 1'21I1kt=d :.t¢_:c.11i11r-_-nt ali-
`E-IWt.‘]‘ W1 is :1 lot.
`I11:)1'L'= ]')J."~‘..’L'IiEiL’ [in i..i.lE..‘ 91-.'eI1se t-hat. it hilt.’-t.(“1‘ 11mt.('t1(*.'~: the 11.‘~.'(.‘l'
`J11a.r.ir_m mxrd] sham the dcJ<'mntz11t. z1.11:~'wt31‘ rstzt. 1‘et.1' by 11110 Bticilmii II1(}(i(‘i.
`the -zt.'e'--igfzt
`Definition For the t.Ie"u:‘i‘.o-2‘ model.
`“"""""=""t3-W"-‘*5 U-"31-it *1-J-W="'U1':-d;'J
`izrr. H'J.(:
`qure-3"3.r mi’.
`rt.-iii‘: M5,: -pa.-fr [hgrg], 1r..u':'rrr'.
`r.a.-‘r.‘-.1'gra'i,tr1i'. Let arr,” hr’ the a:r:'.'3'g}r.if
`[:u.';:,‘,._ u;l,I, .
`is thr
`-i.':3r?1‘.m' r? 1:; xiezjimrzd as. sf
`.-1.9 he2fm‘r:'.
`thr: -e=r:r:to-:- for r:.
`iuf..rz.t mt'rr;r.E>e‘:r Uf'iI?.fJi{31?‘f£‘-?‘?IE.9 in ‘the:
`rt} is r'r'pr'r.*.sr<m’.c-itf by ah = {'t-t=1_\.J'.
`'e1.}.J- ].
`El. 11%;‘ qllttrjy q i-1-ft‘ 1'(=p1'L='::t:11ted as 1.-{iil1'Jt+]]:-ui1'Jl1E]..i
`rt} elllfi
`Tiierofrartt, n. uiim-i1111<‘i1t.
`'\-'E?L"-tOI'.‘u' as shmn-"n in Figlm‘ 12.4. The vector‘ Jmwiet prt')]'m.'-;(‘.:«' t-u EBV-'El.it1iti£’ the t.'i£*gI‘ee
`ti} with 1‘eg'a.1‘ti to the qL1t'2r_v q as l.l1(*. mrmiettitiii
`of 5-;i111ila.1‘ity of the L'i0(:1u1'1eI1t.
`ber.ween the vrzctms at; and cf. This c".-<:1rre]-artran can he q11a.11f.ifiot{. for iiistzuice.
`by T.-ilf."-
`t.'0.s"i'r:c: of Um:-.
`tmylc‘. }_H;‘—tW[.‘(.‘-11 tlitz:-;<z two \-'eL‘tr_:1‘r3. That. is,
`—--._- --— ---
`Unified EX1014 Page 6
`Unified EX1014 Page 6


` Q
`Figure 2.4
`'I"1'1e L‘O!_~'iI‘|{-‘ of 8 is a.ciopLcLl as .-se':n{rFJ-.q}.
`Ir? 21-73?‘ the HUTII15 oft.l1t.3 LiO('.11lI'1P1'lt anrzl queiry \-'(’L‘T.-OI‘:-i. The factor
`lg"! dmzs not atfferr. the reuiklng [i.e..
`t.h.c_=. <:11‘<ic1‘i11p; of thv.
`(i0(‘11lll£"I]iE-i:| 1:19?-(11156 it
`is the Salim for all <_h'.>(:1111ie11ts. Thv fnctmr |cf;;| D1'O\.-‘it'i(.’!-i a I1o1‘1112Lliz:u'.ic:»1'1 in the
`:«'pat_‘.0 of the {it')C'l11i1E’.I1I-H.
`'i'h11:~:. insmtad of
`II], s-2'-e11(q,:fJ-Z} \'&11'ie.-3fr0111Ut0+i.
`Si1ice-r:=,_J- ff»-_ U&.ll1Li'?f=,;_,;
`af’r::1r1pt.i11g; to p1'eL'ii:‘t Wi1t‘.T.i1£.‘l' a. rim‘-.L1meut
`is rczlevaiit or not. the x-'e(’t0r n1od:'_>.1
`rank;-s Lin":
`(lOC!.11u+;"I1f-.‘.w’ El.(.'('.'0I‘f'iill[r._', to their riegrcr-: of s-z'me'lara'rfg; to the qi.1r;+1‘_\-'. A
`ciomnizexit might be 3“¢'.-"f1”ie.".'t_=t_‘i
`(‘V011 if it nmt.c'.11ez-s the qiirzrg,-' only gm-r't:1'{:r.Hy. For
`iiist-a1ir'(:_, om‘ rem 0.‘-Sifi.if}iiHil at !;h1‘L:.~:iio1cl 011 .5inrz{d‘?-,q‘_J and 1“I_+'[T‘i(?V'L’. the d0t".‘llII1(-Elltri
`\'.'ith a tit:,§_g1‘<-‘<1 of siI1iilaJ‘it.}-' e1h:)\-1‘ that t111‘esl'1LJld. But
`to colnpiite miikiiigs we
`I1(‘(F(i Iirsf to .<apL::_:if'_\_-' iiow itithzx T..PI‘lIl weigiits. 2111‘. obtzminefl.
`\&'a}-'1-5. Thv work by
`Iurhrx term w<::ig'1iie< can he r_‘a1<:111a.t.£2ci in iriuiiy r1ii’fr:.rem..
`Saltori and _-\-Ir.‘Gil1 [(39% 1'e\'i<rw:«'
`\-‘arimi.~'s t.0r1i1-w:?ig,'h1;ing‘h11iq11e:-s. Iiert‘, we do
`not (iii-SCUSE-i 1_h::=.m in clertezii.
`I11s:t.uai.L'i, we :::01imiit1‘:1tc-. on n1iL«;:i<.I21tiug the main icjltrn
`hviiinri the 1110.51 (?fI(’tI![.i&'(‘ f,¢7i'Iii—w<zighr.iz1g T.£.‘(.’l1Iliql1(.’.'-i.
`iri£*.=1 is rclzued hr) the
`hen-;ir: p1"i11C‘ipi(‘-E-l which .s11ppo1'L 41111151-eJ‘i11g i,Pf'iJlli(']‘|l(‘..‘-1'. as f01iL':w.~s.
`Givmi :1 <:oiier:.r.itn1i CI‘ of nbje<‘t..~a and +1 -r.'o1_r,ru.r:deRt:ripl.i01i of a SM. .4, the goal of
`it Silliple t'.1L1st.(41‘ii1g a.ig<)1'iLhI11 111i;_5ht. be 1.0 .'~;(zpa.1‘+1t<z Lhe‘ (‘()1iE.“t".Ti011 C-' of 0l)jer_'.Ls into
`two :-sets:
`#1 first. one whi¢:.h is f.‘0111p0h‘mi of r.:hjazc.1.s I'f..‘i1,t(-‘.(itU thv set :'i and FL .~:r_=co11d
`mu,- wiiich is (;'.C:IT‘Ipl.J.‘-$0-Ii of (Ji_)_]t’:‘{'1‘.':-5 not rolaiecl to thv :-stat.
`V-a.g11v :_ieS<‘riptin1i here
`nit:-a.n.'~; that. we (‘lo 11¢;'rt'-
`imvte Cmiiplete i11f{::I‘r1'mLi:_m for ¢'h:trit,iiI1g p1‘E*('i:-;e1y which
`uhje¢'_‘.t.~s are and whivh ::n'<~ not in the set A. For i11st.:uic:e._ ()llt'.! mig__'ht be looking
`for 8. 55:21‘. A of(:eL1'.s' which hmwr it p1‘it'(.! C0m.pc:.-rahlr: to that of :1 Lexils -"100. Silltlfl it.
`is 1101. r_‘iea1' 17:-‘i'lE-It the i'.(.‘1”IJJ {1rJrn.;ua.rrI.b£&:lilemis e3c'r1t'.i1_\_-', there is 1101'. n p1'er‘.i.~;e (and
`ilniqiiej «:le.=sc:ript.io1i ufr.i1v set‘ .»'I. More .~';opi1i.~;tica.t.<rci c:iL1stcring algoritlixils might
`-anenipt to .‘-§(![Ja.1“cl.t(‘- the nnlijt-.c.ts of a collection into va.rir.:11:~: c.111stcr.~3 {or clasmzsj
`eivuordiiig L0 their pmpv.=1‘t.i:1:~:. For iiistance.
`]‘1il.EieI]t5+ of 3. doctor sp:*t'.ia.lizing
`in (::m::er (:U‘|.li(i be c]as.~;iiied into five £31213.‘-5082
`terminal. advaticed, 1I1et:1.'-;t.a5is._
`niiagiinsecl, and he>:i.1’r.h;u. Agaiii, thv possible CiEl..':i5 c1es:<‘1'ipt'ior1s might be iII].p1‘£?(.'iS€
`ufniici not unique) and the problem is one of decziding to Wi'1i(:il of these classes
`a, nczw patient sliouid bi.’ assigI1(.‘.Li.
`In what follows, hrm-'r3\'£=.r, we 011]},-' (iisttllss
`the Hiiripier vt'.e1‘.~5i011 of tilt.‘ i.'i11.'~JL(:‘l‘i1l}_£_,' problem {i.:=.. tlu: {"1119 which r_-o1I.'~;idt;—1's (ml;-'
`two C121.‘-it-i('.‘.S)
`i')(?(_'.£.i.ll.‘.%f‘. 2111 that is requirecl i:-a
`:1 ::1e(:isi011 on \'r'ili(tiL dm'.'.Ll11ie11L3 are
`to he rt:-.1cva111, an-.-.1 which Om‘:-; are predir.-tm.i to he: not reievzirit. [with
`1‘ega.1‘::1 to a giviau l.1iw‘<‘l‘ <1i1i'.e1'jy'j.
`Unified EX1014 Page 7
`Unified EX1014 Page 7


`£.'".‘-LAHSIC‘ INI-‘()R.T\'IATION RI:-'I'R.IE\"AL
`"Ii": View the IR ]')lT_Jb1f.‘.‘-lit eu-; om: uf(:l11.~1't0ring_, we refer to flu: m1‘ly work of
`\\-'1! think of the dor'11mE!nts as a :.':01]eCti011 (7 of Objects 2'1.11:.'i think of t-ht’.
`1lh‘t'.‘L‘ qm..=1'_\' as a {_\-'a.gLie]
`.~;~'[.':e::'i[i(.' of :1 wt 21 of 0l')j(?(:t.~+.
`[11 this :-«'('(‘11éi1‘i(). F-hi‘
`IR. p1't:fI')l(:r11 11.‘E\Il be 1‘vc111c:(‘d ‘rm the proh1e'.=.1'n r.:f:.'1eL.er111i11i11g which r.ic.:r‘I11J1ent.s are
`in Lhv Heat
`:1 and w]1iI.‘.h mms are not 1:i.v.._._
`the IR. pruhltrlu ("£111 }..w \-"Lewe(i as at
`r*l1IHt.eI‘i11g }'.11‘x:1I'11e1.n}. In a. r.']u.".~'t(*ri11g }'1mh1t‘111_, two n1n.i11 i.~:s«:11(‘.°s hm-‘v to hv Ft‘:-i()]‘\’(‘(l.
`First, 011:‘
`r1<r<"<.1;~; to (i(.=t:{‘1‘111i11(: what z-131.2 the fs.=a.tL11‘es which b+3ttt'.=.r‘ <1e'.=sc.I‘ibe the
`the fEI£i.T11I'I’.‘-h"
`to I1E_‘[(..‘l'IIlilL(.! what
`-.‘:§F.=C011d._ 011::
`in the set.
`\'.-'hiE‘h }.'mt.t.<.‘I' dist-i11g11i:~:l1 the 0hj(>(:r..~; in tho ;~;{'-I.
`_.-1 from the r(:1m1i11i11_g,' ul)jt?r:r.H in
`the mil:-mien (7. The fimt .-.:<.‘k of f+::at111'-2:4 provides for qua,11t-ific-31.1011 of s'm‘.-m--
`the semlnd .'w'vT_. hf featurvs p1‘u\'idr-*.~' for Q11et.1LI_-ifi('n.t.iL:1L
`of mfr-'r’—c=..’.u.‘~'1‘r:'-3' L1i:'~:r.~:iu1'1l:1triL_\-'.
`111o.~1'T :-€‘|](.'(.‘E‘{-ii-iflll
`(:111.~;t.(rriI1g a.lg,'c»rit.lm1.~; try to
`i;a1;u'u"(‘ l.}1e5<:'- two (.‘i'fE.‘('T{-5.
`Tn the \'£>c‘r.u1‘ 11'10c1t21.
`im1‘:.1-r.:111.‘.«'t.eJ‘iI1g 5i1}'1i]a1‘it-‘\' is q1.1an1'ifie<1I by 111£.*'«1511I‘i11g
`iusicle a documellt d‘,-. Suc}1 term fr‘s.~c111rer'u1y is
`the 1'aw f1'ec111em‘_x' of :1 term 3.;
`u5u;;.L1_\- 1‘:rfe1‘1'ed to as the ff fau::(.o':' and p1'u\-‘ides 011:: 111easL11'e of how well that
`r.p1-In d-:—e.'a'r‘1"ibe.~'
`the dL'JCllll1f.’IlT. m11t'v11’r:~: {i,¢.z..
`i11t1“a—tiotrumzrlnt L':lmI'a(.'L(*riz.2tlio11}.
`i11t.t3r—Lrl11:-;L(%1' di.~;.~;i111i1:1ri’rj,'
`in‘ q11:1.11r.ii'i0d by I1'1t?zL.-:111‘i11g,' the i11\-'<‘1‘;~:(=.
`of thr‘ frt=.q1.1mu'-._v of 21
`tcrrm k_..; a1m.'mg I-he d:'.)C11111e11t.S in the collecticm.
`fa(‘t.ur is 1L:«1.1{1.1L\‘
`I‘t!fm‘r‘r'-:11 tr: 3.54 the -2'm'<-'r'.st.'
`tfcJL.'u'm:e:'m'. fi*‘t‘-gm‘;-r;r.c‘y or Hm 2'Jffr.1r't£0r.
`The 111«:>T.i\'e1ii01L for 11S'd§.'§e of an iulf fa(.'t.or is that
`Lt‘.-11115 which upp:'.~.a1' in 1na111_\'
`21.11! not
`\-‘e1‘}-' 11;~;t:ful for (ii.-;t.i11rr>;11'1.'-;hi11g'
`rvlm-'n11t F1(J(‘111l1(?IlI- frolu n
`[1OI1—l'i!1E?\':.‘t.l1T o11:=, AH wit.-11 good c‘l11:~:ttrring' e1]g2;u1‘ir.l111m.
`r.l1(‘ 111us+t L"-l'1l‘<-’ri\'c‘
`woigl1ti1Lg .'~‘.cl1<‘1L1(=.'~s for IR. III‘_'\'' to h+11+111r‘(‘.
`t.}:r‘s«‘<- Two r‘-filer-.’r..~:.
`.isy.!~'I.é"nr u.n.rr’ Hg hr:
`a'.uu::u'mt:n..L~' E-It
`T.-(if N ha": Hit? r‘.0faaT 'n.'u.mlr<=I' U
`L621 fre.rh=.,-
`t.r;:-rm }r-
`re.-m::.e')t:i" of dor.':'u.m-(:nI.:»‘ in '1:,rf:.£:.:/a U ;: £n.rJ:.'.'r;
`{? Hat" mm:fJr"r' of f.1'n:.:e.- Her (firm
`‘Put:-'j'fifi'ue:r:.L'y of £»=."r"m. kg in 1'.:'a1<;: u.’r)r'mm-:-Irf. {I}
`IQ "is
`'m.r:m‘1'o-Iz(.'u.'. -in J.'.h.r-.'
`I..r'.'e'f. of afh..».~.
`r}‘.r)r.=r.r.rm:?'rt ¢:r§_?-)4’.
`fchra mJ1‘m.rr.£i2r‘ri f-r':"q-7.r.r'm:y
`- of ft-‘rwrn !a:,-
`-.i.~: g-:'.r.Ir-rs by
`fed :1‘
`. I
`rm1.;rrIr1:r.u.m. is c:c.emp-'r1.£r.'ri mm‘ 1'J‘.H fi£I'.f‘i'ifa‘..*.' u.=h.sI<"h. uni n2.e'.r'2fmn..r"rJ.' in Hart
`:3 Utfi
`- the (for:-"u.-rrmm .t1.'_?-,
`If mt:
`tmvrl kg a'.r_>e':._w' not apperar in (he tfcJr.?1mz.€'r:.f.
`= U‘
`5t':'?‘- idf1:.
`tEor:umr;:-xzf. fr'r:'q-mizrarrg; for kl-_. hr: _qi?..'»r;:'n.
`'be.9t kn.rJ'u.=n.
`-14.5-c -33¢:mhr.!.'Liuh-éch. rm: _r.3z':!w: by
`I. n‘
`M‘ = fi._-;'
`><1.<3g__,' ——l
`Unified EX1014 Page 8
`Unified EX1014 Page 8


`H‘. e.‘m"iu.£-do-I1. of a‘.fu'.'~: fa-:‘m.u..'.'rL.
`0-I‘ h-_r,r
`.‘3'uc:'L It':?‘m--'u.'(3'i_qfLting .h'f'I'{L(.Ef_F,PiE?3 (1-TE? (:a.Hr:'d flf—id_f
`IE3.\'}.‘lI‘E'H.‘~‘.‘i()1‘1 for the weight 11',-‘J are <.iv5(.'1'ibe(i in an
`\'a.1‘ia.fio11s of L-he .'1hcy.'¢':
`ill!-t‘1'('-:-%I.i.1lg papm‘ by S;11t.n11 mu! l:’:1LL':kie_v whieh n.ppt:a1'ed in 1988 [E96]. 1-lowevel‘.
`in p,v11(=.ra1. Lhr:
`a}_'n')k-‘e ex1:n‘e3Him1 Hil{)11i(.i p1‘0\‘ide :1 good weightillg .‘.4.f.‘.i‘1(E1'I1(.‘. for
`Hit‘ the q1.i€:’I‘}'
`.‘}éLlr..ou a,n<.i H1,l(’ki(‘f_»' 5L1gg{est
`r.<"r‘m w0i_y,'}it'.'~s,
`'3 ‘hHL‘‘—--) X 109' —
`(.F "- -,
`whswe fr‘:-'q._._,£. is the mw f'1‘c:q11c‘11¢:}' of the Lerm In in the text of the inf0r11mt.i011
`].'f-_‘t_{‘I.1t“-.‘_wT. q.
`"1"i1¢§111:1i11 :1rfle.r:r.m'.u:1g_,Ie:.s of the \=<"rtt<'i1‘111ml<r1 am}: {1} its f.(*r111—w:_=ig]1LiI1g aehenw
`i111p1'L_.n.-'e.*.'-.' 1‘er.1'i(*v-:11 pt*rf(ir1i1auu;'t'.='. (2) it..‘_«‘
`]T1E}.I‘F-iéli ma1.Chi11g 5rraf.t3_9,j__.' allows l‘E‘.i‘I‘i(':‘\"cl.i
`of ticmilliexits that r1p;Jr:'J;r‘.-i'm.r1Hr: the qL1el‘}'
`1-Iliri {3} its m;-sine rank»
`mg f'[;rn1u1;1.
`;-:u.1‘ts the (If)(‘l1]I1(?I1i.E-i H.(.’f.'.f.)1'(iiil§:’, to their tieg,'1'£=e of 5_a‘i1‘nilm'i’ry to the
`q1.1e1'_\'. Th:_--ci1‘'al1}-', L.h(.=.
`\-'e{."Lt_ar' mcidvl hm; the d'.é.h‘<I.d-r.'r1.-I2.rfrigri that iiidex t.(..'i“I11h‘ are
`:-L!-1':-4111116..‘-(i to ho. 1Il11t.l1.21—ii_\_'
`ilL{iE'.‘[}I;'1lLiE!Til {1-tqilafiuii 2.3 riioesa not :u'm1J.11L for index
`I1-rm ci(:}Jza11tit’I1ciz-5}.
`I'Imve\'c'1'. in pm.r':t-ice.
`t':o1'1si(i<!mti0r1 of t‘-erni
`might be it c1i!:;aLi\‘a.11I'.e!.,r_{t:. Due to the lu(:a1iLjy (_':f‘1I1:111y teriii de}:aeI1ri<‘11<:ie;-s_, their
`itI(iiésf‘I"il'[1‘i11El-17-(3 dpp1i(:ati1'.m tn all the tit)£’1l1lJ.£‘I1i..‘_-'-
`in the (‘()iiL‘-C.1.iUI1 might in féict.
`huif the ox-'c~.mi1 pe.t‘J}_11'1ILa.Iice.
`Despit.r:- its .~.'i1L1pliL'.iL._y, 1-he ven"i.m‘ ll1m'i{‘.l is a 1‘:35iiieI1r. nirakiiig .~.a'l.-1'ateg}-' with
`_aLr1w1'al <_‘<_'1|1e(:tiu11.~:.
`It yi¢.!1(is I'éLIlk{‘.f_i zulisvcei‘ s(rt

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