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`l\ecnunt Nun1ber:
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`Nnh·m~ Flc~nw direct ~tny questions tu:
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`Page 1 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 1

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`~nformation tectn'liO!ogy -loca~ and metropolitan
`area networks ~
`Part 3:
`Carrier sense muitipte access with collision detecti'on
`{CSMA/CD! access method and physics~ lcrvHr
`t~:ttt);~~- ~:1::· ./L~-::::~~s rn.·~.-c=Mjjii¥.=· p,mr.· sr->irtl&"ilh:~tJ:>..~ tl:iJ .<:d(Y?.it/ t~t :r:t£ d# ¢~:!.-~Uh;hu~ wr
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`Std &'J? 1. i@G:didiVon
`Page 2 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 2

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`Page 3 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 3

`International Standard ISO/IEC 8802~3 : 1993
`ANS!JlEEE Std 802.3~ 1993 Edition
`~This t~dtLioll cvntairi~ ,t.,NST/H~!EE Std 80~L~)-1.&8b,
`ANSl!IEEE Sd S02.:k- Fl8G, ANSliiEEE Shl 802.;1d. 1987,
`ANEWEEE Std 802.Jb,JB85, ANSI/IEEE St<l 80~03<•1987,
`/0~31/lEEE Sed BOZ.~li-1990. &mi
`l\'> i'rom fvhidenane\' BBHoL iil.1
`Information technology-
`Local and metropolitan area networks-
`Pa:rt 3:
`Carrier sense multiple access with
`collision detection (CSMA/CD)
`access method and
`physical layer specifications
`Technical Committee on Computer Communications
`of the
`IEEE Co:mputer Society
`Ahstraet: Thi;o Local and l\<Ietropolit;m Ar>'<* Neb.No:rk standard, IS0!1EC i:Sf\02,8 • 1993 [1~'\JSl/IEEE Std
`802.3, 1993 Edition], specifies the rnedm access control eharactctisttes fo- the Carr:ier Sense .Multiple Access
`with CollL:;ion Detection (CSMA!CD) access method. It a.lso spe6fies tJw nHYlia, Ml·)i1inm Attachment Unit
`il\:IAU) and physical layet repeater unit fur 10 ?vlh/s baiieband and broadband systems, and it pnNides a
`l Mb/.s baseband .implementatinn. Specifications for l\L\U types 10BASE5, HJBASE2., FOIEL !fiber optic 1n(cid:173)
`10BROAD3G, 1 BASE5, and. :WH/s,,SF> Tare included. System considBrations for multiscg~
`ment 10 Mb/s baseband networks arc provided. Layer md sublayer interface specifications are aligned to
`the 180 Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model and 8802 mndels, The 8802<1 internal mmid
`is dBfined and used,
`Keywords: data proc.:~ssing, information interchange, local area netwot·ks, mode oi' data transmisskm, nd·
`vmrk interconnection, rnndeli:;
`Adopted ns an Inte!!:'nntionul St11ndard by t.he
`lnte.rnationd Orgunkathm fnr Standani.Lwtion
`and by tl:w
`Interna.tinnal Ek~>tNteohniN\1 Commission
`FublisJ:wd by
`The Institute <~f Electrical and Eleetroniu; Engirwers, luc,
`Page 4 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 4

`ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Eler(cid:173)
`trotechnical Commission) form the specialized syt:>tem fur world,;vide standardizadun.
`National bodies that are members of ISO or JEC participate in the devdC~pment of Intenw.(cid:173)
`tinnal Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to
`deal with particular fidds of technical activity ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate
`in Hdds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and nongovern(cid:173)
`mental, in liaison v:ith ISO and JEC, also take part in the work
`In the field of information technology, lSO and TEC have established a joint technical com(cid:173)
`mittee, ISO/IEC JTC L Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical commit-(cid:173)
`tee are cin:ulated to national bodies flw voting. Publication as an Intentatinnal Standard
`requires approval by at least 75% ofthe national. bodies casting a vote.
`In H185, IEEE Standard 802.3·1985 was adopted by ISO Technical Committee 97, lnfbrmc.(cid:173)
`tion processing systems, as draft International Standard lSO.:IliS 8802-3. Following the pmce(cid:173)
`dun•s described above, the Standard \Vas subsequently approved by ISO and published as ISO
`8802-3 : 1989, incorporating ISO 8802-3/DAD 1 which had resulted from tho adoption by ISO
`in 1987 of ANSWEEE Std 802.;'.la_
`A further revision was subsequently approved by ISO/lEC .ITCi 1 in 1990, incorporating
`ISO;TEC 8802-:3/Amendmcnts 2 and 5,
`A third edition, published in 1992, incorporated IS0t1EC 8802-3/Amendments :3 and 4.
`This fourth edition cancds and replaces ISOr1EC 8802<{: 1992 and incorporates IS0r1EC
`8802-3/Amendnwnt 8, Maintenance Ballot; Amendment 7, Layer mancrgetru,:nt; and l\.mend(cid:173)
`ment 9, S:vstNn considerations f(w nwltiBegment 10 i'tfb I e baseband networks and Twisted(cid:173)
`pnir mediurn attachment unit (J;fAl/! and baseband medium, type lOBiLSE~T. TheSi1 amend~
`ment« \Vere approved in 1992.
`For the purpose of assigning organizationally unique identifiers, the Institute of Electrical
`and Electronics Engineers, Inc, USA, has been designated by the ISO Council as the Regis(cid:173)
`l:rat:ion Adhority. Communications on this subject should be addressed to
`Registration Authority :for ISO/IEC 8802-3
`do The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`,145 Hues Lane
`P.O. Box 1831
`Piscataway, N.J 08855-l:~:n
`During the preparation of this International Standard. information was gathered on pat(cid:173)
`ents upf\n which application of this standard might depend. He levant patents w<:.•re identified
`as belonging to Xerox Corporation. However, ISO and IEC cannot give authoritative ur com(cid:173)
`prehensive information about evidence, validity or scope of patent and like rights. The patent(cid:173)
`holder has stated that licenses wiH be granted undtsr rea;;tli!able terms and conditions and
`comtnunkations on this subject should be addressed to
`Xerox Corporation
`PO. Box 1800
`StamJord, CT 06904
`lnte.rnation<.d Organization for Stand<1rdi:ration!lntE:rnation<;.l Electrot:eclmital CommiBsion
`Case postale 56® CH-1211 Geneve 20 ~Switzerland
`Page 5 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 5

`Fm."f~word to International Standard ISO/lEC 8802~3 : 1998
`This standard is part of a family of standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. The relation(cid:173)
`ship bf4ween this standard and thH other rnmnbers of the f:qmily is shown below. <.Tht:! numbers in the fig(cid:173)
`ure refer to ISO standard numbers.)
`·11_____ _8 8 0 2 -2 -------~1
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link layers as defined by the ISO Open Sys(cid:173)
`tems Interconnection Bask Hefiommce Model (ISO 7498 : 1984). The access standards define four types of
`medium access technologies and associated physical media, each appropriate for particular applications or
`system objectives, Other types are under investigation.
`The standards de:fining these technologies are as f()llows:
`ISOt1EC 8802-:1 [Al'>JSI/IEEE Std 802.3, 1893 Edition], a bus utilizing CSivVJCD as the access
`ISO/lEC 8802-4 [ANST/l:E~EE Std 802.4-H!SO], a bus utilizing token passing as the access method,
`ISOt1EC 8802--5 [ANSit1EEE Std 802.5-1992], a ring utilizing token passing as the access method,
`ISO 8802-7, a ring utilizing slotted ring as the access method.
`ISO 8802-2 [A.NSIIIEEE Std 802 2-1989], Logical Lin!? Contro! protoco!, is used in conjunction with the
`medium ao:ess standards.
`ISO/IEC 10038 [lli'l'Sl!1EEE Std 802, lD, 199a Edii;ion], M.ed!a access CMttrol (11-:fAC:J bridges, specifies an
`architecture and protocol for the interconnection of IEEE 802 LJ\Ns below the MAC service boundary.
`The reader of this document is urged to become familiar with the complete family of standards.
`The main body of this standard ser<.res fi:Jr both the ISO/IEC 8802-a and .1\NSIIlEEE Std 802.3 stan·
`dards. IS0/1EC and IEEE eaeh have unique foreword sections, The Annex applies to the IEEE standard
`only_ The Appendixt:'S serve as useful reference material to bnth standard,;:.
`Page 6 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 6

`ANSI!IEEE Std 802.3, 1993 Edition
`If<~J;;g Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IE.EE
`Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Mr;m-(cid:173)
`bers nf the committees serve voluntarily and vvithuut compensation. They are not necessarily
`members of the Institute. The standards rleveloped within IEEE represent a consensus ofi:be
`broad expertise on t.he subject within Uw Institute as well as tbose activities outsidE' of IC'KE
`which hnve expressed an int<.ore~>t in partkipating in the development ofth~c' standard.
`Use of an iEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existenee of an IEEE Standard does not
`imply that there are no other ways to produee, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide
`othPr goods and servin;s rdated to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the vk;w(cid:173)
`point expressed at the drne a standard is approved and issued is O>Ul'~jeet. to change brought
`about through developrnents in the state of the art and comments received from users of the
`standard. Every IEEE Standard is surdeded to review at least once every five years for revi"
`sion or reaffi.rmation. ·when a document is more than five years old, and has not been reaf..
`fins-wd, it is reasonable to condud<:' that its contents, although still of some value, dn not
`wholly reflect the present state of the art. Uo;ers ar<:' ~:autioned to check {{I dd:ermine that they
`have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard,
`Comments for revision nf IEEE Standards are wdcon:w fnJ:m any interested party, regard(cid:173)
`less ofmem1wrship affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions br changes In documents should be in
`the -[()rm of a propo~wd ehange of text, together with appropriate supporting comments
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portiorw nf
`standards as they relate to specific applications, When the need for interpretations is brought
`to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses,
`Since I.KEE Standards represent a umsensus of all eoncerrwd interests, it is irnportant to
`ensure that any :1nL:rpretation has also received the nmeurrenee of a balance of interests. For
`this reason IEEE and the members of its teclmicai conunittees are not able to provide an
`instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where tho matter has previ-(cid:173)
`ously received formal consideratiorL
`Comments on standards and n•quests for interpretations shuuld b~· addressed to:
`Serretary, IEEE Standards Board
`345 East 47th Street
`New York, ffi' 10iH7
`IEE.E Standards documents are adopted by the Institute of Electrical and Elednmics
`Engineers without regal'd to whether Uvjr adoption may involve patents on articles, ma-(cid:173)
`terials, or processes. Such adoptiom: does :not assum.e any liability to an:y patent owner, nor
`does it assume any obligation \Vhatever to parties a.dnpting the standanls dtw::uments.
`Page 7 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 7

`Foreword to .ANS1!IEEE Std 802.:3, 1993 Edition
`fThis Foreword io oot n part af this !ntanati,mal3trmd;ud nr of AJ\ISlffEEE 802.:3, 1883 Edition.;
`This standard is part of a i~:unily of standards for local and metropolitan area netv<orks. The rdationship
`behveen the stand.ard and other memben.; of the family is shown below. (The numbers in the figure refer to
`IEEE standard numbers.)
`8 . .,
`8C22 LOGlC.AL Ui\K
`Be~;? A
`B0~~-3 I
`t;~]l ~;
`f.\()~! i3
`" Formerly WEE Std ollz.JL.
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link layers as defined by the International
`Organization for Standardization (ISO) Opetl Systems Intcrumncction. Basic ReJl::rence Mndel (ISO
`7498: 1984). The access standards ddine G.f'IVtoral types of medium access and associated phys~
`ical rncd:ia, each appropriate for particular applications or system objectives. Other types are umier· inv(•sti(cid:173)
`The standards defining theEn technologies are as follovvs:
`Overview and, T'his standard provides an overview
`<>IEEE Std 802':
`to thf; family of IEEE 802 standards. 'I'his document forms part
`oft he 802.1 sc0pe of work.
`" IEEE Std 802.1H:
`"TSOiTEC 10088: 19:18
`IANSJJTEEE Std 802. 1D1
`"lEEE Std 802.1E:
`LA.i'\'/I\L:\N :Vlanagement. Defines an Open System Interconnec(cid:173)
`tion (OSI; management.-eornpat.ible un::hitedure, :md serviees
`and protoeol dements for use in a Ll"...L"i!'J environment for
`performing remote management.
`kL'\C Bridging. Spefifies an architf:,cture and protocol for the in·
`terconnecUon of IEEE 802 LANs bdow the 1\:l.t\.C service
`System Luw:l Protocol. SpeciHc:s a set of services and protocol fbr
`those aspeets of management concerned ·with the loading of sys(cid:173)
`tems on IEEE 802 LANs,
`111 ISO 8802-2 iANSUIEEE Std 802.2]:
`Logical Link Control
`"'IS(HEC 8802-:3 \i\NSJ/JE.E:E Std 802.3]: CSMNCD Acecss Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Dte 802 Archih.:tture ~.:.nd Overvl€\~/ Spedfi.;.'at.ion" originally knG\Vil as IEEE Std 8!J2.1A> has bt:en rBnutnbered a:?i tEEE Std 602 Th.i~
`has been done to a·~commociale mcognition of U>e> base ~'amhn:t ·in a farniJv af standards. H.efererwe>< tu JJ:<.:EE Std 802.1A should be
`~~on;:xidered a~ ret~~rences to IE !~~E· t:)ttl 802.
`Page 8 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 8

`----------------~················· -------···········'-""""·······------------·
`"'ISO!lEC 8802-4 lANSl/IEEE Std 8024!: 'Token Bus Access Method and Physkal Layer Spceifications
`"' ISO/lEC 8802-5 [ANSJILCEE Std 802.5]: Token Ring A.ccess Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`.. IEEE Std 802.6:
`., IEEE Std 802.10:
`Metropolitan Area Network Access Method and Physical Layer
`Interoperable Local.Axea Network Security, Currently Cordains
`Secure Data Exchange (SDE)
`ln addition to the family of standards the fo!lmving is a recommended practice f(Jr a cmmnon tedmoiogy:
`., IEJ;";g Std 802.7:
`IEEE Recommended Prm::tice for Broadband Local Area
`The reader of this document is urged to become familiar with the complete family of standard"
`Conformance Test Methodology
`Another standards series) identified by the number 1802, has been established tu identify the eonfb:rm(cid:173)
`ance te·st methodology documents for the 802 family of standards. This makes the correspondenee between
`the various 802 standards and their applicable confnruw.nce test requirements readily apparent. Thus tho
`eonf(n'rnance test documents for 802.3 are numbered 1802.3, the confonnance test dm:ument:s f(w 802.5 will
`be 1802.5. and so on. Similarly. ISO will use 18802 to number conformance test standards for 8802
`This edition of the standard detlnes 10 l'vib/s baseband and broadband implementations and a 1 Iv1b/s
`basdxmd implementation of the Physkai Layer using the CSl\1.,_;\/CD acces~> method, It is antic.ipated that
`futun; editions of the standard may provide additional implementations of the physical layer to support
`different needs (for example, n1edia, and data rates).
`This standard contains state-ofthe-art material. The area wvered by this standard is undergoing evolu ..
`tion. Revisions are anticipated to this standard ·within the nt'XL few years to clarify existing material, to
`cor:red possible errors, and to incorporate new related materiaL
`Readers wishing to knmv the state of revisions should contact
`IEEE Standards Board
`Institute of Eiectrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc
`PO Box 1331, ,145 Hoes Lane
`Piscataway, NJ 08856-1a:n
`The JEEE 802,:3 Working Group ackno\viedgcs and appreciates that many concepts embodied in this
`standard nn~ based largely upon the CSivL4/CD aeces::; mdhml earlier described in The .Ethernet specifka~
`tion as written jointly by individual,;; ftorn Xerox Corporation, IJigital Equipment Corporation, and Intel
`Corporation. Appreciation is also expressed to Robert M. Metcalft' and .David R. Boggs fi)r their pioneering
`work in establishing the original co.ncepts.
`Page 9 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 9

`When the IEEE 802,3 Working Group approved the original standard (ANSI/IEEE Std 8023-1985) in
`1983, it had the following membership:
`Phil L Arst
`Robert F, Bridge
`Charles Brill
`G. J, Clancy
`John Davidson.
`Ralph D0Ment
`Hank (H. NJ Dorris
`Judith Estrin
`Richard Fabbri
`In"''td Fromm
`MITLon C. H;,£"uer
`Bryan Hoover'
`r;,,"orge )) . ,Je Ia tis
`Harold \V. Katz
`Donald (;,Loughry, Chair
`Dooald E, Kotas
`William P, Lidinsl'Y
`Lam·ie Lindsey
`William D. Livingston
`Daniel Maltbie
`,Jerry McDowell
`G. Kenneth Mlller
`Robert L. Morrell
`Wende!! Nakamine
`W. V Neb[.,Lt
`James ~elson
`Thmnas L. Phinney
`David Potter
`Rc•b<"rt. 8, Printis
`Gary S, Robinson
`Robert Rosenthal
`Gary Stephen"
`Daniel P. Stokllsberry
`Ke!L F. Sum01o;r
`Daniel Sze
`'~/ictor J. Tarassov
`P. K Wainwright
`Lyk Weiman
`Hugh E. \Vhit<·
`Choa-Ping \Vu
`Nick Zades
`Mo R Zonoun
`Additional individuals who contributed actively in the development ofthe original standard (ANSI/1EEE
`Std 802.3-l98fl) throughout its elaboration were
`Juan Bulnes
`R.on Crane
`Dane El\ir;l;
`Alan Flatman
`Maris Graube
`Guy Hm'kins
`Dean Lindsay
`Then. T. Liu
`Ruberl Moles
`Tony Lauck
`Soseoh St. Amand
`Rich~rd Seifert
`l"athan Tobol
`Mark Townsend
`Hoger Van Brunt
`Be Vicklunrl
`Chns Wargo
`H.ichard Williams
`Ron Yara
`The ECNIA TC24 Committm; on Communication Protocols also provided helpful input in the development
`of this standard.
`When the IEEE 802.:3 \Vorking Group approve.d Al'\JSit1EEE Std 802.3a-1988 (Section 10) in Kovfmlber
`1984, it had the following rrwmbership:
`Donald C, Loughry, Chair
`Alan Flahmm., Chair, Type JOBA8E2 Task Force
`Menachem Abraham
`R V. Balakrishnan
`William Belknap
`Charles B1·ill
`J unn .Bulnes
`Stephen Cooper
`Ronald Crane
`John Davidson
`Mark Devon
`Phil Edholm
`Gregory Ennis
`.Judy Estrin
`Hichani Fmnsen
`Ingrid FI"Omm
`Robert Galm
`Rich Graham
`Guy Harkins
`Greg Hopkins
`tfm~ l{.p:n ned v
`Hiroshi Kobayashi
`Tony Lauck
`William Livingston
`Hugh Lngan
`Leland Long
`Andy Luque
`Dani;;] Maltb:ie
`Stevf~:n !>'Ioustakas
`1NmHlei1 Sakarnirw
`Lloyd Oliver
`Aidan Paul
`David Potter
`Eugene Rellly
`,l'o;leph Rickert
`Gary Robinson
`Rob,;rt. Rosenthal
`,foseph St. Am3tnd
`Walter Schreuer
`Stephen Soto
`Gar.Y S1)encer
`R1;,bert. Sun1n1ers
`Pat Thaler
`Geoff Thompson
`Wendell Turner
`David 'VVhit.;
`Lawrence Vv1ute
`Hich William<1
`Ron;;ld Yara
`Mo Zonoun
`Page 10 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 10

`The f\)Hnwing persons >Vcre nn the balloting committee thu approved A:'\ISI/IfDEE Std 8023-1885 f{rr sub·
`mir<sinn tu the IEEE Standards Bnani:
`\:V. Admm;
`Y, Bat:g
`K Beaun:gurd
`J. De;;ker"
`f.~. Jh:rgaitni~~i
`A. Ca.rratn
`(}, C.arso.n
`S. Ct:tt~krw.:h~rb
`S. Chandn;,
`F. Chang
`C. Chao
`G. ChBD
`P ChHn
`K. Chon
`R. Clww
`G. C!inqu10
`L (>Jtt\m
`R. De~Ja.rd\nc:;
`C. Eldridgo
`P EnBbw
`J. l:.St~rh:hrch
`M. r.'iguern1
`D. Fi~hH
`J. Fletdwr
`W. Fnnta
`R Gngliant)
`D. Can
`M. Gnwhe
`M. Greene
`R. Gust:.n
`K. Ihrrb;.wgh
`G. Harkins
`It .Hr~tringtr•n
`H. Hellha~n
`L HeseltA>n
`D tbslep
`C. l:hbbs
`S IIdbde.r
`L HuLton
`P. lnduia.go
`T hhlda
`,J. ,Jekrne::t:::hy
`0 .. E:.aiw
`S. Kt>k
`K Katwff
`C. Ke1i5ler
`l.J. Kirs-c:hen
`R Kolm
`T. Kuki
`H Kunk«l
`vr Ln;
`V Lasker
`It L<L•ghlin
`F Lim
`T. Llu
`J. Lw
`lL lougb:ner
`D. Lou;;hrv
`T Lm1henkillbi
`D. M!tnehe<'kr
`Irl ."Marc0
`D Maltem
`D M<etnork
`D .Mld:As
`L Mon"''
`D Morrt~:l
`J. Nfur.n.y;:;nn~
`R. N~hi;n
`n Of:mvit
`C. 02tf.'r<lkher
`M. Papii
`S. Peter
`D. Phuoc
`:'T Phlt:l.rtfJV
`<T PO\Vf:!r c•
`A Recid<
`M. f{,,pko
`F R.estivo
`L Hk.h
`R. Rosenl.b!
`P. !hmsadri
`8 s~~H"!Gt{ienko
`ll Sui>h{
`t• Sttuer
`N. Schndd<•w.ind
`0 SediH
`D. Shq12,rd
`D. Slwtcr
`H SnicnKHt
`G Steph><rm
`C, Stilld.mwr
`K. Snxnner
`~: ~(;~~~~~A i
`D. Tdher
`J, T()nrret.
`I\. Tu
`.D. H.mballgh
`<J. \f~)rhl(::;;
`A. \V!mnber(':{'r
`W. Wenker
`T \Vh,hio'F'
`T Wolf
`F. W'dtf
`Page 11 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 11

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`Page 12 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 12

`\\<'hen the IEEE 802.3 Group approved ANSI.!IEEE Std 802.3c-1985 (9.1-9.8) in ,July 1985, it had
`the fbUowing membership:
`Donald C. Loughry, Chair
`Geoffrey 0. Thompson., Chair, Repeater Tash Force
`Menachem Abraham
`Keith Albright
`R. V Balakrishnan
`William Beiblap
`Richard Bennett
`Charles Brill
`Jmm Hulnes
`Stephen Cooper
`Paul Eastman
`Phil Bdbdm
`Gregory l!~nnis
`Alan Flatman
`Richard Fransen
`Ingrid .Fromm
`Pv-.J!:l<'Jtt Galin
`Shamd Gandhi
`Rich Graham
`Rkhatd Gumpertz
`Hacene Harit.i
`Guy Harkin~>
`B'n;d Huang
`Stephen ,J anshego
`Donald Johnson
`Kwj, Yung Jung
`Paul Kellam
`Jue Kennedv
`Hin:>shi Kobayashi
`Lee LaBarr€
`Tony Lauck
`John Laynor
`Willianx Livingston
`'1\m:"j Lockyer
`James Lw::as
`Andy Luque
`Daniel Maltbk
`Steven Mcust.akas
`Lloyd Ohver
`/\.idan Paul
`David Putt.or
`Eric Rawson
`J nscph R.kkert
`Gary Robinson
`Timothy Rock
`David Roos
`Robert HoBentbal
`,Jo:seph SL Amand
`Walter Sehreuer
`Semlr Si.razi
`Stephen Soto
`RobHt. Summer>1
`Pat Thaler
`Wendell Turner
`Marc Warshaw
`Ronald Yam
`The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved ANSlJIEEE Std 802.3c-1985 (9,1-
`9.8) for submission to the IEEE Standards Board:
`Marshall Abrams
`,John Adams
`\Villiam B. Adams
`8 R Ahoja
`P. D. Amer
`Willirun Aw~n
` Baeg
`V!;;y A. Balleager, Jr.
`Edwardo W. Bergamini
`H . .F, Boley
`Paul W. Campbell, Jr.
`tlecn·ge S, Can~on
`L Y, Cheung
`Kilnam Chon
`T; I\!<:~.( GhJw
`w. r·. IAww
` Cohen
`Allen F. Conrad
`Robert 8. Crovlci~r
`Michel Diaz
`Philip H. Enslow, Jr.
`Judith Estrin
`John W. Fendrich
`H;:.:..:rvev A, :F\·;.:".":e.::-nan
`R ,J. Gagliano
`Patl:"i!:k Gonia
`Ambl.lj G·oyal
`Michael D. Graf'bner
`~1arill Graube
`Nabushin> Hamada
`Joaeph L. Hammond
`S u: Harris
`• .J. Haugdab!
`C. W. Hobbs
`,Jim P. Hong
`PaulL. Hutton
`Richard Iliff
`Geu.r;:-e D. ,Jebtis
`Karl H. Ketlermavr
`"1!aden Kozunovi~
`Samuel Kho
`David Kollm
`Sastri L. K<~ta
`Hirayr M.. Kudyan
`TakahibJ Kuki
`Le-e LaBarre
`Wai~~hnn La1
`Lanse M. Leach
`Stephen E. Levin
`F. G. Lim
`\Villiam Livingston
`Don C. Loughry
`Jo8eph F. P. Luhukay
`\!eli Marco
`Marco Marsan
`,Josl.'vh Massi
`Darrell B. Mcindoe
`Patrick S. Mcintosh
`David S. Mi!lman
`Aditya N Mishm
`David E. Morgan
`Mike Morganti
`Kinji Mod
`D. J, Mo1-:r\g
`H. T. Mzmftab
`Dale /'>.. Murray
`Ruth Nelson
`J. Dumw ·North<:utt
`Charles Oest;.m~idwr
`W!.:;rge Pamwakl
`Ttwmas L. Phinney
`David Potter
`John Pot.vcek
`Gary 8, Robinson
`Rd:-ert Ros~nthal
`Gian Paob Rossi
`Dmnd ,J. Hypka
`S, I. SarnovJenko
`Norman F~ Sdmeid•;,wind
`O><car Sep-dveda
`Omri Serlin
`D, Sheppard
`R .. !\if. Simmons
`L. Simonen
`David W, Slover
`Stephen Sot.o.
`Fred Streoss
`Bart W, Stuck
`Tatsuva Sud a
`Bfstathios D. Sykas
`Daniel T. W. Sze
`A' N. Tantau.i
`Mariu Tlikoro
`H. C. rrorng
`Donald F. Towsley
`Wei~Tek Tsu.i
`M. Tsuduya
`Hi-~hard Tung
`Stanko Turk
`L, David Umbaugh
`,James Vorhies
`PearlS. C. Wang
`Don Weir
`Alan J. Weiss berger
`'Nllliam J. Wenker
`Ba:rl ,J. Vlhitaker
`Michael Willett
`Oren Ylwn
`Page 13 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 13

`Wben the iEF::K Stm~(l<znlR 1hm:u apprDwd ANSI/IEEE 8td B023r-tSEG W.1 <L8) on T.hx:emher 12, HHYl,
`tt had the fuHowing membe!¥hip:
`Jmn<im U. fkilH
`FLLhE•• J. Evctl.\.i
`RnK (ifden~rhi<.tld
`g,Jwmo;:l Ot~•bt.ti
`E\i·:;s·.f,~~'d ,) , (~r~h~x;
`Paul C, Cmn.m.ffi.go
`l'J,:,;rmh] C Fk<J~nt•kl~
`J"'? h;r~t»or
`I.h,~iill L Gokibmg
`K~'lnlli\-h D. Hai.ddx
`J~dt 'Ki<l.!l.
`JmH·~th L. Ku~v£in,r;t;Y'
`l::«bg K'l.bdr;y
`H V L<wroan~
`L<>i!Yt'<nl~(' v. \'MC\lH
`Dl>r-.dd 'f. Mkhii.d"
`Fn1nt L. &'""
`Cliffn.-0 0. S\1-';.~M()...'l.
`,l. Hkham \''!f;g!f>~
`W. t>. WHk"'''"
`Cha.d<~ J. \VyLic
`AN8!/IEKE Std &'lLU.k:.·1.9B5 W<.\l! approved hy tlu; lLmcrkan Ni\ti()nal St<mda:nb hntltuho m.1 .hme 4,
`When th.e IEEE S02.a Wnrking Chuup approved ANBlfi.GEFl Std. 8HL~M-l9i:W (9.$), it had th(~ fbUu;t,.i:n.g
`Donald C. L:n:q~hry.
`8teve:tl. .'[\bwst.a'k:a.s. C'fu;dr, J"n$k Fortt:
`M~~fi;:$r.h&..n~ Ahr-&
`K~itit Alhlght
`&ilh Aml>;
`,J '"''"'·Pi<''<l A~h; '~
`R Y. P..r;.J..d;:ri<l:m1>l1
`"fd B:;;-;n.nwtt
`U:: .. rh><fkW
`,J urw B tdn!'>~
`F.r;k;r~ C1;rq;itd!
`l,.,lf;; C'tt<>l':VN><O
`All:l.lrt C!>l<l!'I\U.o:.
`f'ek£ Y.ffi.w<B
`H,,I)'>XE()XO<} lh;ky
`Jeff gbdi.q;
`GLmfnnv.) Enrk:-~
`Ahn .fl-il.b:'l<m
`.Kk.:.'laTii FrRL~~'l
`krr.r\d F':rv-ru.m
`~brk CedmU
`Adi Gdkrt
`Rh.h nr,>hft<r<
`Hk.h Gm:r'~~.n,.r.
`lcb,;~.m; l-b~t1
`Llcyd H~~tky
`Hf'"''"""~ Hf<'"'¥
`(~h~trl~?~ l-f<;J:lr:~~r
`\'\'khM! dl!g~~ .. ~
`Du:t~Aki J<.>lliJJ.~<m
`M'>;<> ,kJh""'"'·"'
`Kwi·-Yu~Jt>....g ~Ju:n.g
`:&b tt g:.iih>";;h
`f'tm! fuJlm.n
`s~ctt &~k·
`flt 1-ociu Kdtaj'klilhi.
`Hiddiiu~'~ Kt~nbw~
`f~r~ L~~!""~
`Wrt~·oo L;.t'.d.qubt
`T:errv I..i~t.k·\~~r
`I.kro '!.'-' L.<['h~y
`,hone< Lu.rnjj,
`Am!y Lwp.~
`Umod Ohoro;·
`Akf~n F~t11
` Pk!\'e
`Ed<: 1!0.'1!;'1.>\in
`J, .. '"'"il~ fil<'k<trt.
` ;khw.<J<l
`'ri.UH)i;}.y ftr..>k
`u.,,q &Qii
`W~lt.u·r &b:r~ex
`f%.mi( f:lh"l'.od
`lhvH Smith
`N«thi1n. Tr;t:;",,!
`Cat~m~ ~l~v,m:;.w:;ew~~i
`W;mrkll Tw·"~"
`SrJ&"ph. Wit!ili'Jw
`Hron'! WiHL'liD$
`·~ Gb.~r L~
`Jn~~ra If.&c.~i!.::rf0.r"
`Paw! f.>r;tl.t'.rl~\
`s:~~s:tF ~::-~~'l
`Sim K~~Me
`hti·d~.:l-t~ L-:.~:0.
`hodan<; Mt<.TI:hitw
`J ~~ J.\:kt.!{mR
`P~'l:~'r 'l.hn1u:tt
`Tlw IEC T'C&a CommrttH:o rm J.nfn:rmatkm Tedmnbgy Equiprrwd Hho pmvid~·d very lwipftll inpnt tn th.t~
`d~veinpment uftlw FOIRL Sh.n.dard \G5!L
`Page 14 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 14

`Tlw fulluwing ptTsunb wer<J on the balhtiug comnJitt('f·: that appn:rvcd ANSI/IEEE Std 802}Jd- F187 U! 9l
`fin submi;<sinn to the JCEE Stundards Hoard:
`\.VillJ;:::.rn B, A:rJ~~~m:~
`S. R Ahuja
`William i\y£n
`Ed.u;J.fdn \V B'crg;l.mid
`~:· .. ,'/. Chc;~ng
`1\dn.::.n:, Chew
`\V. F, Ch~PN
`\!ll-ht~/.~·~ Coden
`A. F. C<mrad
`Hffbfrt S. Gr'O\'~deY
`i\lidwl DLn
`\L L J)irnPJHn~klS
`>1, G. f)uns.3<.::u1
`;'hi Lip H. Endow. Jr.
` r:l:stdn
`~h.~hn \V. F'e-r~drkh
`!L fr,_:,l~~nRn
`S G::mi~t
`;{, L. u~>rd0.C
`\lar~s Gn:;ube
`Jo;)erh lh
`St<2pben !:h.1ri:c
`J . .'h:lt 1-fiiugd;\l;i
`C W. llobbs
`P;~ui f.Iuttr;n
`E D .Jc;~on
`H . . K.dkrmiiyr
`.\t Eezunnvic
`Sarnue.l Knn
`S. E. Kille
`David 'Kc·CnJ
`'.L~~knhlku R.~·!~:i
`Let: LaBa!T0
`\V ;iJ ... :-=~urn L;:~,.
`L><n~•;: ;\-1. Lea•::h
`E>Jw:lrd Y. 1-<'£'
`FL C. Lightburn
`F. C Liw
`Wilbun D. Liviq:;,kw.
`Dnn C, Lz{ugb.J'V
`,bBeph F. ?. Lubukay
`W;:,.Slwn Ll•k
`tvh~rct~ Meh
`Dand R \klntkm
`[> S. :'<>L:Into,,h
`UaJe. N . .rvJutTD?
`R.. R Nd;;nn
`J. D Norchcut
`Ch.aT!Pi\ Oe'-:tt?.n:-ic:ller
`Ynung: ()h
`J . .\1 Pt•t<xt+
`~YT~v·>:;1 Hf::r~kn
`Cbr\· S. Hob!n~;nn
`n~;b~;~rt HrJsenthai
`ChJn Paolo Hos~~i
`Da,·k J
`S T. S::lmi<_','k;nL:o
` nd
`On::.ri St~.rHn
`J) HV'<PP"rd
`R.m• Si nn.mGm:
`.J. B. Sinc.lair
`L. Sint.mwn
`Tom St:'<ek
`Ctuvi J'/. St: Ueb:·w~r
`Fred Stra u:-:;B
`T::..L~:..tya Sud<!
`I%stii.thio': D. Sy.~nn
`Danid T. \V 8«'
`/\.h~n:.:.,d !'.,L TanU:n"/;:1
`D. F.
`SLanko Turk
`L David t~~nLaugl1
`.} T Vorhies
`f'nd S. C. W:>ng
`1\>n \Vni.r
`,;'l.~,l:.ln J. \Veissbur~:er
`\V·, S \\r\:~nkt?l'
`lo;:l.d ,; Whic;tker
`l}c:-: an 'V/bilUe
`Michael \Villetl
`D0nd C Wood
`\Vhen the IEEE Standards Board a.pprovul A1~SI/IEEE Std 802.3d-1987 HUJ! on December 12, El85, it
`had the following nwmbership
`Tlona!d C. l<'leckenstein, Choir
`Andrew G, Salem, 8ecrctwy
`,LJ n;<" H. Ihc;;\li
`I\=-::n.t'li.s B~)-rb:~.!J:}
`M;;,rshnll L. Co.!:'!
`,Lmws M. fhly
`St,pher, H. Dilk><l
`Eug~::ne P_ Fognrty
`J;JV Forster
`K::,·meth D. H.;:,ndri;,:
`)p;irJ N. Hnwdl
`LB7<1Jc K Kt'lT
`Jack Kinn
`L .. K~~{q.~n agf:'- .!..;.·
`FdvnwJ Lohse
`John l\1ny
`Lawr·enc~~ V ~\fcc,~~ a
`L. En1';;,; :\kCLm::;
`Do1Mld 'L Michm>!.·'
`L. Jdm f-Lnkiae
`,John P. l:l.Jgam<t.i
`(}~tv S.;on
`;ti; L Rose
`J:l.obn-t E. Rt:untn'·e
`Wiliinm K 'L1dwlwrrv
`Wilihlm B. Wilkt'n<>
`Hden M. Vv'o,yJ
`t\.NSI;IEEE Std 8G2.dd l 987 "<Vm' np]mJv"-d
`the Amvritan National St8ndurds Institute on February 9,
`Page 15 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 15

`t.r ·:
`FhltVdd t:. {AiU!lbt';;:".,
`fCihftiJ;:llJ36 7'\:r;~::A 1:\\v·:·~·:::<·
`K&t~:nae.lte¥.:rt .A,~lhr~~1tHHa~
`-Ad·''''""' ~"''1--c:)
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`w:er·(: qn. t.l"1.u
`,; •':ibit lJJ i'iw fHJJn:n.iH)h>it to tb::! IEEE Slnndnrd:'; fj,y,r;j·
`·:, :·:·{::vn::.t:.:
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`Page 16 (of 293)
`RUCKUS Ex 1006-pg. 16

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`\:H;dd L. <hHhit'$
`Wmtr:.wth U. fht.dth:
`h··:r~n }{, j{:y¢.~~-t
`J::$~~k iliG.t.t;:t
`tlN:l ffu)'!ii]i.
`Lh+ f%1lkmi:ng WJBttiltw;:t'l:hd p:
`l)1#tmid (;, !>wagin'y.i Ch.,rtir
`ll0'b1ttt Otdln,
`Tyoe Jlht.S£6 Tosh ffi\ln)(r
`Nh~t.<idt~tt!J Ahrt.b.1m
`fh~~ th A.lh ri4ht
`!tdth /k$:Hi,dlmm
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`Ln::: !b.~b::::·
`{.);~>.~::~~ (H~:'i::Wt

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