`(Only tor new non provisional applications under 37 CFR 1. 53(b))
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`t:a ~-
`(,? i
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`;:-: i
`S:: "I ..
`CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`8. Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if apoab/e, all necessary)
`Computer Readable Form {CRF)
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`i. D
`ii. D
`CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies); or
`Statements verifying identity of above cooies
`PTO/SB/05 (08-03)
`Approved for use through 0713112006. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`- '11nder the Paoerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no nersons are reouired lo resoond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OMB control number .
`Flexible Interface
`Express Mail Label No. EV541427914 US
`Mail Stop Patent Application
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`1 .0
`2. [!]
`3. 0
`Fee Transmittal Form (e.g., PTO/SB/17)
`(Submit an original and a duplicate for fee processing)
`Applicant claims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`[Total Pages 23
`(preferred arrangement set forth below)
`- Descriptive title of the invention
`- Cross Reference to Related Applications
`- Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D
`- Reference to sequence listing, a table,
`or a computer program listing appendix
`- Background of the Invention
`- Brief Summary of the Invention
`- Brief Description of the Drawings (if filed)
`- Detailed Description
`- Abstract of the Disclosure
`[Total Sheets 2
`4. 00 Drawing(s} (35 U.S.C. 113)
`[Total Sheets 3
`5. Oath or Declaration
`a .o Newly executed (original or copy)
`10. D
`13. D
`14. 0
`15. D
`1s. D
`17. IX]
`Copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`(for continuation/divisional with Box 18 completed)
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s)
`name in the prior application, see 37 CFR
`1.63(d)(2) and 1.33(b ).
`6 .0 Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.76
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document{s))
`0 Powerof
`37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`English Translation Document (i'[!!J/icable)
`Copies of IDS
`12.0 Information Disclosure
`Statement (I DS)/PT0-1449
`Preliminary Amendment
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`Nonpublication Request under 35 U.S.C. 122
`(b)(2)(B)(i). Applicant must attach form PTO/SB/35
`or its e~ivalent.
`Other: ... ~.i:t.ifi9~~-~- 9f. !;~P.~~.l?. m~!I;. ~-~.VQ9~ti9fL ....
`. . Qf P.r:iQr ;;1.11P. .G.nim. 9.f. N..ew. P.9w~.~ Rf .Attl:lm!i':v. ...
`18. If a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite information below and in the first sentence of the
`specification following the title, or in an Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`0 Continuation
`of prior application No.:1.~f.?~~~~~~- ............
`Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`Examiner Harold J. Kim
`Att Unit: 2182
`Prior application infonnation:
`For CONTINUATION OF DIVISIONAL APPS only; The entire disclosure of the prior application, from which an oath or declaration is supplied under Box
`Sb, is considered a part of the disclosure of the accompanying continuation or dlvislonal application and is hereby incorporated by reference.
`The incorporation can only be relied upon when a portion has been inadvertently omitted from the submitted applicatlon parts.
`Customer Number:
`I 22862
`Name (Print/Type) I Michael A. Glenn
`I ~~
`Correspondence address below
`I ZipCode I
`I State I
`I Telephone I
`I Fax
`Registration No. (Attorney/Agent) I 30 176
`I Date I March 11, 2005
`This collection of mformatton 1s required by 37 CFR 1.53(b). The information 1s required to obtam or retam a benefit by the public which 1s to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete,
`including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form' to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Mail Stop Patent Application, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the fonn, call 1-BOO-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 1

`Effective on 12/0812004.
`Fees fJUrsuant to the Consolidated AfJfJtoDriations Act. 2005 (H.R. 4818).
`Application Number
`PTO/SB/17 (12-04)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2006. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`. .
`t JnrtP.r thP. P:inP.rwnrk RArlur:tinn Art nf 1 !=a~fi nn nP.rsnn!;; MA rP.nuirM tn rP.snonc1 tn A r.nUP.ciinn nf infnrmminn t mlp_c;s it rti.~nb:l~ ::. valirf OMR r.nntml numhP.r
`Complete if Known
`March 11 , 2005
`First Named Inventor TASLER
`Examiner Name
`For FY 2005
`[Z] Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket No.
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that aoolv)
`D Check D Credit Card D Money Order 0None DJother w'1ease identify):
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Number: 07 -1445
`[Z]lcharge fee(s} indicated below
`Deposit Account Name: Glenn Patent Group
`For the above-identified deposit account, the Director is hereby authorized to: (check all that apply)
`[]J Charge fee(s} indicated below, except for the filing fee
`IIZJ Credit any overpayments
`~Charge any additional fee(s} or underpayments of fee(s)
`under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card Information should not be Included on this form. Provide credit card
`Information and authorization on PT0-2038.
`Small Entitll
`Small Entitll
`Small Entitll
`AQQlication Tl£Qe ~ ~ ~ Fee($) ~ ~ Fees Paid {~}
`Small Entitll
`Fee DescriQtion
`Each claim over 20 or, for Reissues, each claim over 20 and more than in the original patent
`Each independent claim over 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim more than in the original patent 200
`Multiple dependent claims
`Multi(!le De(!endent Claims
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid (il
`Total Claims
`~ Fee Paid m
`= 0.00
`- 20 or HP=
`HP = highest number of total claims paid for, if greater than 20
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid{~}
`lndeQ. Claims
`= 0.00
`- 3 or HP =
`HP =highest number of independent claims paid for, if greater than 3
`If the specification and drawings exceed 100 sheets of paper, the application size fee due is $250 ($125 for small entity)
`for each additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof See 35 U.S.C. 4l(a)(l)(G) and 37 CFR l .l6(s).
`Number of each additional 50 or fraction thereof ~ Fee Paid lil
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`/50 =
`(round up to a whole number} x
`- 100 =
`Non-English Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Fees Paid (il
`I Registration No. .30 176
`Telephone {650) 474-8400
`March 11, 2005
`Name (PrintfTvoel Michael A. Glenn
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.136. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefll by the public which is to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete,
`including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you require to complete this form andfor suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 2

`Approved for use through 9130/00. OMB 0651-0031
`Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.10
`Express Mail Label No. EV 541427914US
`I herebycertifythatthis correspondence is being deposited with the United States
`Postal Service with sufficient postage as Express Mail in an envelope addressed to:
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Docket No. SCH00102D-C
`March 11 , 2005
`on - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Kristianne Serrano
`Typed or printed name of person signing Certificate
`Note: Each paper must have its own certificate of mailing, or this certificate must identify
`each submitted paper.
`Attached to this coversheet please find the following documents:
`- Certificate of Mailing (1 page);
`- Utility Patent Application Transmittal (1 page);
`- Fee Transmittal (1 page, in duplicate);
`- Copy of Combined Oath and Declaration (signed) (3 pages);
`- Copy of Revocation of Prior and Grant of New Power of Attorney (1 page);
`- Specification (23 pages);
`- Drawings (2 pages); and
`- Return postcard.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.03 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the individual case.
`Any comments on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark
`Office, Washington, DC 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, DC 20231.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 3

`(Only tor new non provisional applications under 37 CFR 1. 53(b))
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`t:a ~-
`(,? i
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`;:-: i
`S:: "I ..
`CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`8. Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if apoab/e, all necessary)
`Computer Readable Form {CRF)
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`i. D
`ii. D
`CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies); or
`Statements verifying identity of above cooies
`PTO/SB/05 (08-03)
`Approved for use through 0713112006. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`- '11nder the Paoerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no nersons are reouired lo resoond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OMB control number .
`Flexible Interface
`Express Mail Label No. EV541427914 US
`Mail Stop Patent Application
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`1 .0
`2. [!]
`3. 0
`Fee Transmittal Form (e.g., PTO/SB/17)
`(Submit an original and a duplicate for fee processing)
`Applicant claims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`[Total Pages 23
`(preferred arrangement set forth below)
`- Descriptive title of the invention
`- Cross Reference to Related Applications
`- Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D
`- Reference to sequence listing, a table,
`or a computer program listing appendix
`- Background of the Invention
`- Brief Summary of the Invention
`- Brief Description of the Drawings (if filed)
`- Detailed Description
`- Abstract of the Disclosure
`[Total Sheets 2
`4. 00 Drawing(s} (35 U.S.C. 113)
`[Total Sheets 3
`5. Oath or Declaration
`a .o Newly executed (original or copy)
`10. D
`13. D
`14. 0
`15. D
`1s. D
`17. IX]
`Copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`(for continuation/divisional with Box 18 completed)
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s)
`name in the prior application, see 37 CFR
`1.63(d)(2) and 1.33(b ).
`6 .0 Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.76
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document{s))
`0 Powerof
`37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`English Translation Document (i'[!!J/icable)
`Copies of IDS
`12.0 Information Disclosure
`Statement (I DS)/PT0-1449
`Preliminary Amendment
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`Nonpublication Request under 35 U.S.C. 122
`(b)(2)(B)(i). Applicant must attach form PTO/SB/35
`or its e~ivalent.
`Other: ... ~.i:t.ifi9~~-~- 9f. !;~P.~~.l?. m~!I;. ~-~.VQ9~ti9fL ....
`. . Qf P.r:iQr ;;1.11P. .G.nim. 9.f. N..ew. P.9w~.~ Rf .Attl:lm!i':v. ...
`18. If a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite information below and in the first sentence of the
`specification following the title, or in an Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`0 Continuation
`of prior application No.:1.~f.?~~~~~~- ............
`Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`Examiner Harold J. Kim
`Att Unit: 2182
`Prior application infonnation:
`For CONTINUATION OF DIVISIONAL APPS only; The entire disclosure of the prior application, from which an oath or declaration is supplied under Box
`Sb, is considered a part of the disclosure of the accompanying continuation or dlvislonal application and is hereby incorporated by reference.
`The incorporation can only be relied upon when a portion has been inadvertently omitted from the submitted applicatlon parts.
`Customer Number:
`I 22862
`Name (Print/Type) I Michael A. Glenn
`I ~~
`Correspondence address below
`I ZipCode I
`I State I
`I Telephone I
`I Fax
`Registration No. (Attorney/Agent) I 30 176
`I Date I March 11, 2005
`This collection of mformatton 1s required by 37 CFR 1.53(b). The information 1s required to obtam or retam a benefit by the public which 1s to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete,
`including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form' to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Mail Stop Patent Application, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the fonn, call 1-BOO-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 4

`Effective on 12/0812004.
`Fees fJUrsuant to the Consolidated AfJfJtoDriations Act. 2005 (H.R. 4818).
`Application Number
`PTO/SB/17 (12-04)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2006. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`. .
`t JnrtP.r thP. P:inP.rwnrk RArlur:tinn Art nf 1 !=a~fi nn nP.rsnn!;; MA rP.nuirM tn rP.snonc1 tn A r.nUP.ciinn nf infnrmminn t mlp_c;s it rti.~nb:l~ ::. valirf OMR r.nntml numhP.r
`Complete if Known
`March 11 , 2005
`First Named Inventor TASLER
`Examiner Name
`For FY 2005
`[Z] Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket No.
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that aoolv)
`D Check D Credit Card D Money Order 0None DJother w'1ease identify):
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Number: 07 -1445
`[Z]lcharge fee(s} indicated below
`Deposit Account Name: Glenn Patent Group
`For the above-identified deposit account, the Director is hereby authorized to: (check all that apply)
`[]J Charge fee(s} indicated below, except for the filing fee
`IIZJ Credit any overpayments
`~Charge any additional fee(s} or underpayments of fee(s)
`under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card Information should not be Included on this form. Provide credit card
`Information and authorization on PT0-2038.
`Small Entitll
`Small Entitll
`Small Entitll
`AQQlication Tl£Qe ~ ~ ~ Fee($) ~ ~ Fees Paid {~}
`Small Entitll
`Fee DescriQtion
`Each claim over 20 or, for Reissues, each claim over 20 and more than in the original patent
`Each independent claim over 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim more than in the original patent 200
`Multiple dependent claims
`Multi(!le De(!endent Claims
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid (il
`Total Claims
`~ Fee Paid m
`= 0.00
`- 20 or HP=
`HP = highest number of total claims paid for, if greater than 20
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid{~}
`lndeQ. Claims
`= 0.00
`- 3 or HP =
`HP =highest number of independent claims paid for, if greater than 3
`If the specification and drawings exceed 100 sheets of paper, the application size fee due is $250 ($125 for small entity)
`for each additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof See 35 U.S.C. 4l(a)(l)(G) and 37 CFR l .l6(s).
`Number of each additional 50 or fraction thereof ~ Fee Paid lil
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`/50 =
`(round up to a whole number} x
`- 100 =
`Non-English Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Fees Paid (il
`I Registration No. .30 176
`Telephone {650) 474-8400
`March 11, 2005
`Name (PrintfTvoel Michael A. Glenn
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.136. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefll by the public which is to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete,
`including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you require to complete this form andfor suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 5

`Approved for use through 9130/00. OMB 0651-0031
`Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.10
`Express Mail Label No. EV 541427914US
`I herebycertifythatthis correspondence is being deposited with the United States
`Postal Service with sufficient postage as Express Mail in an envelope addressed to:
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Docket No. SCH00102D-C
`March 11 , 2005
`on - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Kristianne Serrano
`Typed or printed name of person signing Certificate
`Note: Each paper must have its own certificate of mailing, or this certificate must identify
`each submitted paper.
`Attached to this coversheet please find the following documents:
`- Certificate of Mailing (1 page);
`- Utility Patent Application Transmittal (1 page);
`- Fee Transmittal (1 page, in duplicate);
`- Copy of Combined Oath and Declaration (signed) (3 pages);
`- Copy of Revocation of Prior and Grant of New Power of Attorney (1 page);
`- Specification (23 pages);
`- Drawings (2 pages); and
`- Return postcard.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.03 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the individual case.
`Any comments on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark
`Office, Washington, DC 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, DC 20231.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 6

`Flexible Interface
`The present invention relates to the transfer of data and in particular to interface
`devices for communication between a computer or host device and a data
`transmit/receive device from which data is to be acquired or with which two-way
`communication is to take place.
`Existing data acquisition systems for computers are very limited in their areas of
`application. Generally such systems can be classified into two groups.
`In the first group host devices or computer systems are attached by means of an
`interface to a device whose data is to be acquired. The interfaces of this group are
`normally standard interfaces which, with specific driver software, can be used with a
`variety of host systems. An advantage of such interfaces is they are largely
`independent of the host device. However, a disadvantage is that they generally require
`very sophisticated drivers which are prone to malfunction and which limit data
`transfer rates between the device connected to the interface and the host device and
`vice versa. Further, it is often very difficult to implement such interfaces for portable
`systems and they offer few possibilities for adaptation with the result that such
`systems offer little flexibility.
`The devices from which data is to be acquired cover the entire electrical engineering
`spectrum. In a typical case, it is assumed that a customer who operates, for example, a
`diagnostic radiology system in a medical engineering environment reports a fault. A
`field service technician of the system manufacturer visits the customer and reads
`system log files generated by the diagnostic radiology system by means a portable
`computer or laptop for example. If the fault cannot be localized or if the fault is
`intermittent, it will be necessary for the service technician to read not only an error
`log file but also data from current operation. It is apparent that in this case fast data
`transfer and rapid data analysis are necessary.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 7

`Another case requiring the use of an interface could be, for example, when an
`electronic measuring device, e.g. a multimeter, is attached to a computer system to
`transfer the data measured by the multimeter to the computer. Particularly when long(cid:173)
`term measurements or large volumes of data are involved is it necessary for the
`interface to support a high data transfer rate.
`From these randomly chosen examples it can be seen that an interface may be put to
`totally different uses. It is therefore desirable that an interface be sufficiently flexible
`to permit attachment of very different electrical or electronic systems to a host device
`by means of the interface. To prevent operator error. it is also desirable that a service
`technician is not required to operate different interfaces in different ways for different
`applications but that, if possible, a universal method of operating the interface be
`provided for a large number of applications.
`To increase the data transfer rates across an interface, the route chosen in the second
`group of data acquisition systems for the interface devices was to specifically match
`the interface very closely to individual host systems or computer systems. The
`advantage of this solution is that high data transfer rates are possible. However, a
`disadvantage is that the drivers for the interfaces of the second group are very closely
`matched to a single host system with the result that they generally cannot be used with
`other host systems or . their use is very ineffective. Further, such types of interface
`have the disadvantage that they must be installed inside the computer casing to
`achieve maximum data transfer rates as they access the internal host bus system. They
`are therefore generally not suitable for portable host systems in the form of laptops
`whose minimum possible size leaves little internal space to plug in an interface card.
`·A solution to this problem is offered by the interface devices of IOtech (business
`address: 25971 Cannon Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44146, USA) which are suitable for
`laptops such as the WaveBook/512 (registered trademark). The interface devices are
`connected by means of a plug-in card. approximately the size of a credit card, to the
`PCMCIA interface which is now a standard feature in laptops. The plug-in card
`converts the PCMCIA interface into an interface known in the art as IEEE 1284. The
`said plug-in card provides a special printer interface which is enhanced as regards the
`data transfer rate and delivers a data transfer rate of approximately 2 MBps as
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 8

`compared with a rate of approx. 1 MBps for known printer interfaces. The known
`interface device generally consists of a driver component, a digital signal processor, a
`buffer and a hardware module which terminates in a connector to which the device
`whose data is to be acquired is attached. The driver component is attached directly to
`the enhanced printer interface thus permitting the known interface device to establish
`a connection between a computer and the device whose data is to be acquired.
`In order to work with the said interface, an interface-specific driver must be installed
`on the host device so that the host device can communicate with the digital signal
`processor of the interface card. As described above, the driver must be installed on the
`host device. If the driver is a driver developed specifically for the host device, a high
`data transfer rate is achieved but the driver cannot be easily installed on a different
`host system. However, if the driver is a general driver which is as flexible as possible
`and which can be used on many host devices, compromises must be accepted with
`regard to the data transfer rate.
`Particularly in an application for multi-tasking systems in which several different
`tasks such as data acquisition, data display and editing are to be performed quasi(cid:173)
`simultaneously, each task is normally assigned a certain priority by the host system. A
`driver supporting a special task requests the central processing system of the host
`device for processor resources in order to perform its task. Depending on the
`particular priority assignment method and on the driver implementation, a particular
`share of processor resources is assigned to a special task in particular time slots.
`Conflicts arise if one or more drivers are implemented in such a way that they have
`the highest priority by default, i.e. they are incompatible, as happens in practice in
`many applications. It may occur that both drivers are set to highest priority which, in
`the worst case, can result in a system crash.
`EP 0685799 Al discloses an interface by means of which several peripheral devices
`can be attached to a bus. An interface is connected between the bus of a host device
`and various peripheral devices. The interface comprises a finite state machine and
`several branches each of which is assigned to a peripheral device. Each branch
`comprises a data manager, cycle control, user logic and a buffer. This known interface
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 9

`device provides optimal matching between a host device and a specific peripheral
`The specialist publication IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 05, page
`245; "Communication Method between Devices through FDD Interface" discloses an
`interface which connects a host device to a peripheral device via a floppy disk drive
`interface. The interface consists in particular of an address generator, an MFM
`encoder/decoder, a serial/parallel adapter and a format signal generator. The interface
`makes it possible to attach not only a floppy disk drive but also a further peripheral
`device to the FDD host controller of a host device. The host device assumes that a
`floppy disk drive is always attached to its floppy disk drive controller and
`communication is initiated if the address is correct. However, this document contains
`no information as to how communication should be possible if the interface is
`connected to a multi-purpose interface instead of to a floppy disk drive controller.
`It is the object of the present invention to provide an interface device for
`communication between a host device and a data transmit/receive device whose use is
`host device-independent and which delivers a high data transfer rate.
`This object is achieved by an interface device according. to claim 1 or 12 and by a
`method according to claim 15.
`The present invention is based on the finding that both a high data transfer rate and
`host device-independent use can be achieved if a driver for an input/output device
`customary in a host device, normally present in most commercially available host
`devices, is utilized. Drivers for input/output devices customary in a host device which
`are found in practically all host devices are, for example, drivers for hard disks, for
`graphics devices or for printer devices. As however the hard disk interfaces in
`common host devices which can be, for example, IBM PCs, IBM-compatible PCs,
`Commodore PCs, Apple computers or even workstations, are the interfaces with the
`highest data transfer rate, the hard disk driver is utilized in the preferred embodiment
`of the interface device of the present invention. Drivers for other storage devices such
`as floppy disk drives, CD-ROM drives or tape drives could also be utilized in order to
`implement the interface device according to the present invention.
`ZTE (USA) 1003, Page 10

`As described in the following, the interface device according to the present invention
`is to be attached to a host device by means of a multi-purpose interface of the host
`device which can be implemented, for example, as an SCSI interface or as an
`enhanced printer interface. Multi-purpose interfaces comprise both an interface card
`and specific driver software for the interface card. The driver software can be
`designed so that it can replace the BIOS driver routines. Communication between the
`host device and the devices attached to the multi-purpose interface then essentially
`takes place by means of the specific driver software for the multi-purpose interface
`and no longer primarily by means of BIOS routines of the host device. Recently
`however drivers for multi-purpose interfaces can also already be integrated in the
`BIOS system of the host device as, alongside classica

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