`A Sefor Macintosh™|
`puso Version 25|aeaPRCT
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 1
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 1


`The Official America Online® for Macintosh Membership Kit & Tour Guide
`Copyright © 1994 by Tom Lichty
`All rights reserved. This book may not be duplicated in any way without the express written
`consentof the publisher, exceptin the form ofbrief excerpts or quotations for the purposes of
`review. The information contained herein is for the personal use of the reader, and maynot be
`incorporated in any commercial programs, other books, databases or any kind of software
`withoutwritten consent of the publisher or author. Making copies of this book, or any portion
`for any purposeother than your own,is a violation of United States copyright laws.
`Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Q A Te
`Lichty, Tom
`The official America Online for Macintosh membership kit & tour
`4A uz }523
`guide / Tom Lichty.-- 2nd ed.
`° f 92of
`. cm.
`Rev.ed. of: The official America Online membership kit & tour
`guide. c1992.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 1-56604-127-9
`1. America Online (Videotex system) 2. Macintosh (Computer)
`I. Lichty, Tom.Official America Online membership kit & tour guide.
`Il. Title.
`QA76.57.A43L523 1994
`Book design: Marcia Webb
`Cover design: IMAGE Communications; adaptation: John Nedwidek
`Index service: Dianne Bertsch, Answers Plus
`Technical review: Tim Barwick, Ed Ferguson, Kelly Richmond, Marshall Rens: America Online
`Editorial staff: Angela Anderson, Laura Bader, Eric Edstam, Tracye Giles, Pam Richardson
`Production staff: Patrick Berry, Cheri Collins, John Cotterman, Dan Koeller, Dawne Sherman,
`Marcia Webb, Mike Webster
`Proofreaders: Eric Edstam, Sharla Green
`Second Edition
`Printed in the United States of America
`VentanaPress, Inc.
`P.O. Box 2468
`Chapel Hill, NC 27515
`FAX 919/942-1140
`Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
`Theauthorand publisherof this book haveusedtheir bestefforts in preparing the book and the
`programscontainedin it. These efforts include the development, research andtesting of the
`theories and programs to determinetheir effectiveness. The author and publisher make no
`warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programsorthe documenta-
`tion contained in this book.
`The author and publishershall notbeliable in the eventof incidental or consequential damages
`in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performanceor use of the programs,
`associated instructions and/or claims of productivity gains.
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 2
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 2


`About the Author
`Tom Lichty is Senior Consultant andInstructor for the University of
`Oregon Portland Center, and authorof six computer books, including
`Desktop Publishing With Wordfor Windows, Mac, Word & Excel Desktop
`Companion and The Official America Onlinefor Windows Membership Kit &
`Tour Guide, all published by Ventana Press. An enthusiastic memberof
`the online community, he may be reached at MajorTom on America
`Online, or onthe Internet.
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 3
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 3


`........seccceees seseeeenccsesccnsceescescreecenerensessenssscoeees MIM
`he T
`Tarting tN!
`TOUP .cccsssccssssscsssssscsesssssscscscsenece
`WhatIs America Online? ..........ccccseccessvescseees vevescesenscssccsscanee @
`it’s a Telecommunications Service « it's One Big Thunder-Lizard
`Computer *
`It’s Software Installed in Your Computer» It’s a Resource
`« It’s a Community
`HOw to USe This BOOK...........sssccsscessccrscescssssvcceveceseecceccess -16
`How to Use This Book as Documentation * How to Use This Book
`as a Book
`Chapter 2
`Making the Connection...sss25
`Things YOu'I NCO” ......cccsscsssressssststeersssensesssecceeseeereeerevscees 20
`The Computer * The Telephone Line * The Membership Kit
`The Modem « The Money * The Screen Name « The Password
`Installing the SoftWAre .......ccccssssesssscccssneneecccceeneecceseeeersseees BL
`The Initial Online Session ..........cccsssssccssssescetssceerseccesescoeeses .37
`Configuring the Telephone Connection * Selecting Your Local
`Access Numbers * The Temporary Registration Number & Password
`¢ Your Name & Address © Providing Your Billing Information
`* Choosing a Screen Name & Password « A Letter From the President
`Where to Go From Here............ccecececesevsesss sssvcsesessaseverescces 46
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 4
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 4


`x & The Official AOL Tour Guide
`chapter 3
`Online Help & the MEMbe°SSuu... cette AY
`Getting Help .......cccccvecssecssscssevsessseecersccesccsserseseeescesensseesss AG
`Off-Line Help» Online Help
`GUICES 20... ..cccccvcscscccenevcrsesssceseccnccssscesscscecssssssssensesssasonsesens OF
`MEMbELS......ccsscccssscccsesscsensccsseccsessscesssceeascesescsseescseneconneeees OF
`The Member Directory * Member Profiles
`Chapter 4
`ic Mail
`S]CLFONIC MAIL... ccccccccccccccttccrtertteeertetsseeresenerreteeerres
`What Exactly Is Electronic Mail? ............ccccssecesssscessseseesesereee DO
`Why Use E-mail? ..........ccsscccssecscesssccsssscncnsseaseccesccceneccceeescenes DD
`A Circular EX@rcise ..........cccsccsecsssenecscsseccvccsssascnsccesccsccscesooes DD
`The Mail MEN ........scccccssssceccetscscceesscscsseesscccssenssceeesscsessees OF
`Composing Your Mail * Alternative Mail Sources * Checking Mail
`You've Sent * Buttons in the Mail You’ve Sent Window
`* Reading New Mail « Buttons in the New Mail Window « Printing &
`Saving Mail * Forwarding Mail * Replying to Mail * Checking Mail
`You've Read « The Address Book
`Gorilla FOO .......sssessccsscccscccseevecsssesssseesenessssssssssssssesssscssesee IO
`Mail-Filing Strategies * Formatting Messages « Internet Mail
`Attaching Files to MESSAGES.........ssssscsssssssersccssssescssssceseeees IM
`E-mail Alternatives
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 5
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 5


`Contents a xi
`Chapter 5 COMPUTING .0..........cscsscsssscsccssssrssessserserseneees sesessessesee 123
`The Beginners Forum..........ccecsscssseseees senseesenseees sossssssscsseses 124
`Industry CONNECTION ........ccceccccecccccceceressssssssssccsceeasscsssssees 128
`TNE FOTUMS .........cccsesceessereesceresesees seaseeses sseessssasscessssceessenes 131
`The Music & Sound Forum ¢ The Utilities Forum
`* The Graphic Arts Forum * The Online Graphics Viewer
`DOWMIOACING FilS.........::sssescccssssccessssccssecseevesccsscccseese wos 140
`What Is Downloading? « A Downloading Session
`¢ File Compression & Decompression
`Uploading Files ...........cccscccssssscsscccceressceccecessssscssssssceceeeevee 159
`The Uploading Process * Concluding the Uploading Process
`Chapter 6 TOCGaY’S NQWS.........ccsccssessescssseesreeserssecessessessseseeeeees 165
`TOP StOTICS ......cscceccreccecesseccosrecetccsccscees cocvesccececssesssesesesess 105
`SAVING ASticleS...........ccccssesssrrsescecsscccseaes secscsccsscsssscessssesss 106
`Printing Articles * Searching the News ¢ U.S. & World News
`* Business * Market News * Top Business * Entertainment
`¢ Sports * Weather
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 6
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 6


`xii & The Official AOL Tour Guide
`The NOWSStANG ....cccccccssescsssssscsecesseesssessoessseessseeseeeene 183
`Macworld Online ......ccccsssscseesessssceecnseennesscesanessosesenceessanes 183
`TIME ONline ........ccccsccssssssssscrescescancccscesesen eas cnnccesannens eases 186
`Q@tIMES ....ssccssccesscssscscccesoreccensesessaasesseenenaansesesasnseseee eeeeeees 189
`Chicago ONE ........sescceenoorsecersrscsssssonsecsorsrsceenareessasoneees 191
`SPOrts occessseesssccsnessstsseesessesssccsnecsnessesssscessssanenanenensotes 193
`The NCWS s..scccossscssccnsccrscceeceesvenseeeesssnssaascaecenessensssssereeeeees 193
`The Message Boards..........sssesssersscessserecsseossesanecenaneaaneoeess 194
`The Grandstand ........csrsccccscsecereccrsscnsccrscssaseasscncsssrsoresceeees 197
`EntertainMent..............ccccsscsscsscssscsccsesceneeneseneesees 201
`,What’s Hot ccceuavaesavaseacsseesasesenavacscecessscesesnsscsnsecsscssssessensss DOM
`CHItiCS’ CHOICES .......seccsscrscessccccrsereeressnsnesereesnsancaeane senses eeeees
`Hollywood ONMING ccccecccceccececcececcssscvssssersscescscsscecesssrseeeneses 208
`Book Bestsellers vcocapuavaescsacsensenenseesesssssscsssesesacensessseossenee DOG
`CArTOOMS...cceccsccccccncssssescecesssessccccssccerensnaenessscoseseeaaneeeresess 210
`Columnists & Features ONIN’ .........sceorrrersersseresssscovesensoesr
`The Grateful Dead FOrum ........ccccsscccserssennnneeesecoscessessnsres 216
`The Trivia ClUb ..........cccscrcsseecssrscscnssccsenoreneesonseasansneneae cesses
`Chapter 7
`Chapter 8
` a
`Chapter 9
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 7
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 7


`Chapter 10
`Chapter 11
`Chapter 12
`Contents & xiii
`Personal FINANCE...esccccscccssssecssecscsscesscesceoscecesesees, 219
`Your Personal Stock Portfolio seeetersveserecssssssssrercsssscesecesceees 21D
`Quotes & Portfolios
`Morningstar Mutual Funds teseesseteneceseseesnsssensescsssssessssssesners 22B
`The Decision Point Forum sesseeseereesesecscessnsesecstecsssscceceeesesses 230
`Real Estate Online se eenscaerecesenersensesssscesencssssseeensesesesccccesceee DBP
`The EAASY SABRE GatWway........cccssssrscccssssvessssscccccssseresees 236
`Finding a Flight * Finding the Cost « Booking the Reservations
`THE Travel FOFUM.........scsccorcssssssscsscrscessessecetscsesceeerseccescees 241
`Travelers’ COMMCL.......:cessscccssssscssessessccessssssessrecccsssssssscsesee Q43
`AULOVANAGE’ ou... csssecsscsscsserssseeserssssssevscesctssescsssessrscsscesees 245
`Pictures of the World senses seascessrecenserceescscssssastecsescsssscescencee 24GB
`People CONNCCHION .......ecesecesesssscsessssscseseseeees.. 251
`TNE LOObY..........scssssssrcersserseessesssscsssccesssserssersscesssoreecses 252
`Entering the Lobby * Guides
`Exploring Other Public ROOMS...........sssssccsssssecesesssescccesees 256
`The Event Rooms Guide * The Event Rooms Schedule
`* Finding Other Rooms * The New Member Lounge
`Privat] ROOMS .......ssccsccccccssccssessssssssssssssssssscscesesscseseseseeces 266
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 8
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 8


`xiv & The Official AOL Tour Guide
`Chapter 13
`Chapter 14
`Chat ROOM Technique ........sssssccsvssssseerssceeessssreeeesessesrenesees DOD
`Cut & Paste * Getting Information About People in a Room
`* Sending an Instant Message * Highlighting & Ignoring Members
`* Chat Room Sounds
`Instant MCSSAGES ....csscssssccsssescssseceresersreesssssevsessorseccsseees DIT
`Center Stage & ROCUNA ........cscsseereseecerrcesseossesessreserseres RID
`CUBS & INCCLEStS v.ccccccecccsesssrccsssessetessesssssssees BEY
`Clubs Defined DOM
`Reference Materials
`Searching Online Databases seseccccsseceeecscseresescesesssscsessesccees DOF
`Message Boards seveseeessnsssscccsccesssssscesenssncnsssaccssccesorsessessnes ZIO
`Reading Messages * Browsing, Finding & Reading Messages
`* Posting Messages * Threaded Boards
`Libraries vecenenensnccacccssessscescescscnvscsscaccccecssesseseessesesesanscesseses BOO
`UILITASKING .........ccecssesssssccccceenennrssssncoseaannsersescessaaaaanesecens
`SeNiOrNet OMine’ ..........cscececsccscsrevescerereseencesenssanssnceeenneenes
`The Internet CONNECEHION oo...SID
`A Superset Of AOL........rescscecccernnersccsccnccesseessssceassonnaeoers 317
`Military Paranoia ............cccssesserenneessnsesseeeovesessnsesasanaaonesees 318
`Academic Anarchy.......cccsssccsscsssessrscssossosecsessssescessesesraees B20
`Internet AGCIeSSES .....sccsscsesessoesseescenseessessovsssssssesceesenneees OE
`International Top-Level Domains * US Top-Level Domains
`* Domain Names & Computer Names * User Names
`Mailing ListS............scsecserseseesesscsevscasccsreresenencccea esses esseenens
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 9
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 9


`Contents fr XV
`NEWSSTOUDS......cccssscssscssscnsccescceccenscrsceressccsccesseeseeserscesces GUD
`Newsgroup Help * Netiquette
`WAIS Databases & GOphe rr ..........cceecssescescsscescerscesscessescssee OOD
`Gopher « WAIS « Conducting a WAIS Search
`Chapter 15
`Kids Onl
`OMY ...... ee eeecessttrccstsceccetsresssoresscescescesseres
`The Boards..........cccsccecscvscsacerssessessvccsssovscesesssccscscesecsseecess GAT
`The Librari
`S LIDIALI™SS........cssrcccccesrovcccsvesesnrsrencevesssececseesssesccscsseosess GAG
`ALrACK RIVE .........cccccsecscrcsevvesessscescecssesscsssssscsssccsscccscsnses GAG
`The Tree HOUSES........ccsccccccecerecscscccseceuccecs seonsccesscnsecccsesece GOT
`ME Onli
`ONIN .......ccssssecccecccereccecsceccccscseccsscssccsescssccssssccscsases OOM
`A Word to Parent......ccccccscccssccssccssccsscnscnecenscessenecescessenee GOD
`TOS « Instant Messages * Online Time © Parental Control
`Chapter 16
`UCALION ..... csc ccesscscssesserssessorserssrsscssessesetesssesscere SOD
`Education for EVCryone.......ssccccsccsescrssereesscessceenseeescereserese BOO
`National Geographic Online « The Library of Congress Online
`* The Electronic University Network * Smithsonian Online
`Learning & Reference for the Student...........cccssscssvveceseves SOF
`Princeton Review/Student Access * The Academic Assistance Center
`¢ College Board Online
`Learning & Reference for the Teacher..............ccssscssssesseeee O71
`Teachers’ Information Network « CNN NEWSROOM Online
`« NEA & ASCD Online
`Learning & Reference for the Parent ..........sscccessessscseressenee 370
`The Broadcast Media GHD
`National Public Radio Outreach Online * C-SPAN Online
`JUSt DOSSEItS .....ccccrcccesecececeececscesssecceresscesenesccesessesescessonees GID
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 10
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 10


`xvi & The Official AOL Tour Guide
`Chapter V7
`Chapter 19
`REfFErence DESK .........ccccssssccssscssssesessserssessesseseseesers GOD
`Compton's Encyclopeda......ccssserrcccrsrssscrsssecesessseessaeeveees .- 383
`Reference Help ..........ceee secveseensessssaeceescsesccesssssssaeseessceees SOO
`The Academic Research Service * AskERIC Online » Teacher Pager
`File S@arch.........csscsecsescssescsvees deveccecvaveesescsseceesscscesessesesses OO
`Online Databases .....sscscccsssccssecccssecceeseccersocsscsenssccesecseeesees SOA
`AOL Local Access Numbers * BBS Search
`The Marketplace .......ccccccsseesssseseteseessnensseeeees SOT
`Classifieds Online .........cssssccessecssceececcccceccceneneneneneeeeeneseeess SOT
`Shoppers’ AAVANaGE™........ccrerecccresescnsvssesssacccccseeaee sevseeeees 399
`FlashSessions & the Download Managerv.......... 403
`.....cccccccsscsssssssrseesssssssstssecsssessseese FOF
`What Are FlashSe€SSiOns?
`Futility REViSItEC ........ssecceeeeeene sesceaaccscccsssssescessnsscccsssesscsses 404
`Scheduling FlashSessions..........0000sevvvsssescsscccceceesecssssseses AIO
`FlashSession Setup * Attended FlashSessions * Delayed FlashSessions
`Reading Flashmail ..........sccssssseseeessevovvvesceseseseesseseeesesscssoeee 420
`Reading Incoming Mail * Reading Outgoing Mail
`The Download Manage?...........06 sesscccessessceecenecsssesenssssssnee 423
`Selecting Files for Downloading » Running the Download Manager
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 11
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 11


`Contents & xvii
`Chapter 20 Ten BeSt......eessecssceseeseescescesasessessessaessoseesesoeees 431
`TON BeSt TIPS .......cssssssscscsccececcsccscrscscescscrvescessssscescecssssseses FOG
`Ten Best Downloads. .........cccccosscscscsceseeeees seeseeceeccesererecseses 40
`Ten Most-Frequently Asked Questions of
`Customer Relations ............cccsessessevcrsscessscresssesscsrsseseseenees FOP
`Ten Best Ways to MakeFriends Online..............cccccsceececees 443
`Ten Best SMIICYS ........ccccccsecsesssssecssccssesessenscseccsssssssesssscenes FAD
`Everybody Outof the BUS! ..........sscssssssscscecsscectscscnsrececsere 446
`Appendix A K@YWOIMS..........cscsersssssrscrscrscsssersessssserssssssssserscrsserss FAT
`AppendixB COMMANA KEYS...ccccecsscetscsscrssstseseccsssssssssssseess FAD
`Appendix € Modems, Localities & CCL Files 0...eee ADD
`AppendixD On the ROAoc csccsccssetreetssesestsccesscsssessssesssees AOD
`Appendix E Preferences. ........cscsserscrrcrssesscrscssesssessesscssssssrssssss FO
`GIOSSAPYoe eeeesceesesseeeceeeeedeseeseceeeceaceeessceesceenceeeseess 501
`BiDTOGrAPNY........... cc sccsecssesesseessscssteseseestscsstseessteses DDD
`INGOX oo eccseccsssressseccsereeeee ceseeesevesrereesecserescereseseeceenesess 527
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 12
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1011
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1011, p. 12

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