`?I5f11 2:57 PM
`(shastra1dTag *) bunch~>things{a]);
`ShastraInt0ut(fd, &pShmInfo—>shmId);
`putstringonchannelifd, REQ_SEND_MSGPICT, “putco11SendMsgPictHandler{1")
`shas§ra1dTagout(fd, {shastraIdTag-x) bunch¥>things[B]);
`PictData8ites0ut(fd, pPCBites):

`putCol1RecvdMsgPictHand1er(fd, buf)
`putString0nChannel(fd, REQ_RECVB_MSGPICT, "putCo11RecvdMsgPictHandler(
`putStringOhChanne1(fd, buf, "putCo11RecvdMsgPictHand1er(J"):
`} /
`putcollstartXSCnt1Hand1er(fd, pSIdTag)
`put5tringOnChannel(fd, REQmSTART_XScNTL, "putcollstartxscntlfiandler()“}
`shas{raIaTagout(fd, pSIdTag):
`* *

`putCo1lEndXSCnt1Hand1er{fd, pSIdTag}
`putStringUnChanne1(fd, REQ_ENfl_XSCNTL, "putCoI1EndXSCnt1Hand1er()");
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`} /
`Face-book's Exhibit No. 1002

`7I5f'11 2:57 PM
`* Function
`patcollsendxscntlflandler(fd, huf)
`bunch m (hunch0fThings *) buf:
`putstringonchanneltfd, RE0PSEND_XSCNTL, ”putcollsendxscntlflandler()"};
`(shastra1dTag *) bunch~>things[%]):
`putString0nChanne1(fd, bunch->thing5[1], "putcollsendxscntlfiandler(J"):
`bunch = (bunch0fThings *) buf:
`pxscaites 2 (xscntlnatas *) bunch~>thingsE1]:
`if (kerne1ShastraId.1IPAddr == 1oca1ShaIdIn[fd].1IPAddr) {
`pshmlnfo = psesflgrCo11Data—>pShmInfo0ut;
`if (lpshminfo->shmDirty) {
`pshmlnfo->shmDirty : 1;
`? n : 16240)) ==
`((n > 16240)
`n = 8;
`if (shMemReuseSegment(pshminfo;
`) {
`fprintfistderr, “putcollsendmsgxscntIflandtert)—>cou1dn‘t
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_SEND_MSGSHMXSCNTL,
`(shastraIdTag *) bunch—>thingsi9]);
`Shastralntuuttfd, &pShmInfo—>shmId);
`putStringOnChanneI(fd, REQ_SEND_MSGXSCNTL, ”putCollsendfisgxscntlflandler
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7I5I11 2:57 PM
`(shastraIdTag *) bunch—>things[B]):
`XSCnf1Bité50ut{fd, pXSCBites):
`* Function
`putColIRecvdMsgXSCnt1Hand1er(fd, buf}
`putstringonchannelifd, REQmRECVDmMSGXSCNTL,
`put5tring0nChanne1{fd, buf,‘"putcollaecvdflsgxscntlflandIer(}");
`} /
`* *
`putCO11StartPntrHandler(fd, pSIdTag}
`put5tring0nChanne1(fd, REGWSTARTMPNTR, "putcoltstartPntrHand1er(}"):
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag}:
`* *
`putCo11EndPntrHandIer(fd, pSIdTag)
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_END_PNTR, “putCo11EndPntrHand1er()"J:
`ShastraIdTag0ut{fd, pSIdTag);
`Page 71 0!. 83
`Facei3ook's Exhibit No. 1002
`} /
`putCo11SendPntrHand1er(fd, buf)
`_ bunchOfThings. *bunch;

`‘H5111 2:5? PM
`bunch = (bunchOfThings *) buf:
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REG_SEND_PNTR, "putCo11SendPntrHand1er{)");
`(shastraIdTag *) bunch~>things{@]};
`putString0nChanne1(fd, bunch—>things[1], "putCo11SendPntrfiandler()"):
`* Function
`putCo1ISendMsgPntrHand1er(fd, buf}
`bunch = (bunch0fThings *} buf;
`pPntrD = (shafioubles *} bunch—>thingsE1]:
`if (kerneIShastraId.1IPAddr == 1oca1ShaIdIn[fd].1IPAddr} {
`pshmznfo = psesngrCo11Data—>pShmInfo0ut;
`if (!pShmInfo~>shmflirty) {
`pshmInfoe>shmDirty = 1;
`n 2 strlenfmsg) + 1:
`if (shMemReuseSegment(pShmInfo, {(n > 16249)
`fprintf(stderr, ”putCo11SendMsgPntrHand1er()~>cou1dn't
`memcpy{pShmInfo—>shmAddr, msg. n):
`? n : 10240)) ==
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ“SEND“MSGSHMPNTR,
`(shastraIdTag *) bunch—>things[0]);
`$hastraEntOut(fd, &pShmInfo~>shmId);
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REO_S£ND_MSGPNTR, "putCo11SendM5gPnfrHand1er()"}
`(shastraIdTag *) bunch~>thingsE@]}:
`PntrBite6ut(fd, pPntrD};
`Page 72 ol"83
`Facebook’s Exhibit No. 1002

`7f5I11 2:57 PM
`putCc11RecvdMsgPntrfiandlerifd. Kufl
`putS§r§ng0nChanne1(fd, REQ_RECVD_MSGPNTR, "putCo11RecvdM5gPntrHand1er{
`putstrifigonchannellfd, buf, "putCo11RecvdMsgPntrHand1er{)"}:
`* Function
`putcollstartcursorflandlertfd, pSIdTag)
`putstringonchanneltfd, REO_START_CURSOR, ”putCo11StartCursorHand1er()")
`ShastraIdTag0ut{fd, pSIdTag}:
`* Function
`putCo11EndCursorHand1er(fd, pSIdTag)
`putstringflnchannelifd, REO_END;CURSOR, "putEo11EndCursorHand1er{)");
`Shastra1dTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`* Function
`putcullsendcursorflandler(fd, buf)
`bunch = (bunchOfThings *) buf;
`putString0nChannel(fd, REO_SEND_CURSOR, "putcollsendcur5orHand1er{)“}:
`ShastraIdTag0uf(fq' £shastraIdTag *) bunch—>things[@]):
`putstringonchanneltfd, bunch—>things[1}, "putcoltsendcursorHand1er()"):
`Page 73 of 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`* Function
`putcoltsendmsgcursorfiandlerifd, buf)
`715111" 2:57 PM
`bunch ='(bunch0fThings *) huf:
`pcursorb = (shanoublés *) bunch~>things[I};
`if (kerne1ShastraId.lIPAddr == Iocaishaldlnifdi.1IPAddr) {
`pshmlnfo = psesflgrCo1lData->pShmInfo0ut;
`if (!pShmInfo~>shmDirty)
`pShmInfo—>shmDirty = 1;
`n-= str1en(m5g) + 1;
`if (shHemReuseSegment(pshmlnfo,
`J {
`fprintf(stderr, “putcollsendflsgcursorflandlerf)—>cou1dn‘t
`memcpyipShmInfon>shmAddr, msg. n):
`((n > 18240)
`? n : 19240)) an
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_SEND_MSGSHMCURSOR,
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, {shastraIdTag *) bunch->things[B]);
`ShastraInt0ut{fd, &pShmInfo->shmId);
`putString0nChafine1(fd, REQ_SENDmM5GCURSDR, "putcallsendnsgcursorfiandler
`(shastraIdTag $) bunch~>things{0}};
`CursorBiteGut{fd, pcursoro);
`* *
`putCq11RecvdMsgCursorHand1er(fd, buf}
`putStringOnChanne1(fd, REO_RECVD_MSGCURSOR,
`putString0nChanne1{fd, buf, “putCol1RecvdMsgCursoraandleri)"):
`Page 74 of 83'
`Facébook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 2006

`715111 2:57 PM
`* Function
`putSetCo1lPerm5Hand1er{fd, arg)
`*bunch = (hunch0fThings *) arg;
`pSIdTag = (shastraIdTag *J bunch»>things{B]:
`pPermTag = (shastraIdTag $3 bunch~>things[1};
`putStringOnChanne1(fd, REQ_SET;COLLPERMS, “putSetCo1lPermsHand1er(J");
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pPermTag):
`} f
`* *
`putSetSesmCo11PermsHand1er{fd, arg}
`*bunch = (bunch0fThings *) arg;
`pSIdTag = (5hastraIdTag *) bunch—>things[0};
`pPermTags = (shastraIdTags *) bunch—>things[1];
`putStringDnChanne1(fd, REQ_SET_5ESMCOLLPERMS,
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTags0ut(fd, pPermTags};
`* Functian
`putcollsetlxnnodeflandler(fd, plxnflode)
`unsigned long
`Page 75 0! 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7i5f11 2:57 PM
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_SET_IXNMGDE, "putcollsetlxnmodefiandler()");
`ShastraULong0ut(fd, pIxnMode):
`} /
`* Function
`putCo11SetF1oornodeflagdlerifd, pF1oerMode)
`f ;
`unsigned long
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_SET;FLO0RM6DE, “putcoilsetFloorModeHand1er(
`ShastraULong0ut(fd, pF1oorMode);
`} /
`putCo11SetSesFormatHand1er(fd, pSesFormat)
`unsigned long
`put5§r§ng0nChanne1(fd, REQ_5ET_SESFORMAT, "putto11SetSe5FormatHand1er(
`ShastraULong0ut(fd, psesFormat);
`} /
`* Function

`putCu1lGrabTckenHand1er(fd, pSIdTagToken)
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_GRAB_TOKEN, "putCo11GrahTokenHand1er(J“);
`ShastraIdTag0ut{fd, pSIdTagToken):
`} /
`* *
`putCo11FreeTokenHand1er(fd, pSIdTagToken}
`Page 76 0! 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`735:1: 2:57 PM
`putStringDnChanne1(fd, REQ_FREE_TOKEN, "putCo11FreeTokenHand1er()”):
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTagToken);
`} !
`* *
`putCo11Te11TokenHand1er(fd, psIdTagToken)
`putStringDnChanne1(fd, REQ_TELL_TOKEN, "putCo11Te11TokenHand1er{)");
`ShastraIdTagOut(fd, pSIdTagToken};
`} /
`putCo11AskTokenHand1erifd, pSIdTagToken}
`putString0nChanne1(fd, REQ_ASKwTOKEN; “putCo11AskTokenHand1er()"):
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTagToken);
`* Function
`if (shaKernF1ags[fd
`} else {
`/* CHECK actually initiate retry~connection sequence */
`} /
`Page 77 of 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`735/11 23.57 PM
`int putCo11CommMsgTextHand1erIfd, pSmSIdTag, pTo5IdTag, pSIdTag,
`int fd;
`shastraIdTag *pSmSIdTag;
`shastraIdTag *pToSIdTag;
`sha5traIdTag *pSIdTag;
`char $sbMsg:
`putstringonchannellfd, REQUCOMMHMSGTEXT. “putco1{CommMsgTextHand1er(}“)
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSmSIdTag};
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, p{oSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`sendDataString(fd, sbnsg);
`* Function
`int co1lCommM5gTextfiandler(fd}
`int fd;
`char msmsg;
`int outFd;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &5mSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &sIdTag};
`smsg = cmReceiveString{fd):
`switch(routeFront5IdTagToFd(&to$IdTag, &outFd,
`case route_FRONT:
`putCo11CummMsgTextHand1er(0utFd, &smSIdTag, &toSIdTag,
`&sIdTag, smsg):
`case route“ERROR:
`} s
`printf(sb0utMsgBuf, “Done nu %s\n", REQ_COMM_MSGTEXT};
`} /
`Page 1'8 of 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`int putcot1CommMsgTextFi1eHand1er(fd, pSmSIdTag, pToSIdTag, pSIdTag,
`int fd:
`shasfraIdTag $pSmSIdTag:
`shastraIdTag *pToSIdTag:
`shastraIdTag *pSIdTag:
`char kshflsg;
`putstringonchanneltfd, REQ_COMM_MSGTEXTFILE:,
`5hastraIdTagOut(fd, pSmSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pToSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`sendDataString{fd. sbMsg):
`vism 2:57 PM
`} /
`* Function
`int fd;
`char *sMsg:
`int outfid;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &smSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag}:
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &sIdTag);
`sMsgj= cmReceiveString(fd);
`pufcol1CommMsgTextFileHand1er(outFd, &smSIdTag, &toSIdTag,
`} s
`printf(sb0utMsgBuf, "Done mm %s\n", REQ_COMM“M$GTEXTFILE):
`} /
`* Function
`int putCo11CommMsgAudioHandIertfd, pSmSIdTag, pToSIdTag, pSIdTag, sbfisg)
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`TISI11 2:57 $5M
`int fd:
`shastraIdTag *pTo$IdTag;
`'shastraIdTag *pSIdTag;
`char *sbMsg;
`putS§r§ng0nChanne1(fd, REQ_COMH_MSGAUDIO, "putCol1CommMsgAudioHandler(
`ShastraIdTag0ut{fd, pSmSIdTa9}:
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pToSIdTag};
`5hastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`sendDataString(fd, sbfisg);
`} /
`int col1CommMsgAudioHand1er(fd)
`int fd:
`char *sMsg;
`int outFd;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd. &smsIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &sIdTa9);
`sfisg = cmReceiveString(fd):
`switch{rOuteFrontSIdTagToFd(&toSIdTag, &outFd,
`case route“FRUNT:
`putcol1CommMsgAudioHandler(outFd, &smSIdTag, &to$IdTag,
`&sIdTag, sMsg):
`case route;ERROR:
`} s
`printf(sb0utMsgBuf, “Done ~- %s\n”, REQ&COMMfiMSGAUDIO};
`} /
`* Function
`int putCo11CammMsgAudiofilefland1er(fd, pSIdTag, pTaSIdTag, pSmSIdTag, sbflsg
`Page 80 0! 83
`3'-‘acebook's Exhibit No- 1002

`47:51:: 2:57 PM
`int fd;
`shastraIdTag *pSIdTag;
`5hastraIdTag $pToSIdTag;
`shastraIdTag *p5mSIdTag:
`char *sbMsg;
`putstringonchanneufd, REo,_,coMM,_MsGAun:xoFILE,
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSm5IdTag}:
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pToSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag);
`sendDataString(fd, sbmsg};
`* Function
`int fd:
`char *sMsg;
`‘int outFd;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &smSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn{fd, &sIdTag):
`sMsg = cmReceiveString(fd):
`switchtrouteFrontSIdTagToFd(&toSIdTag, &outFd,
`case route;FRONT:
`putCo11CommMsgAudioFi1eHandler(outFd, &smsIdTag, &toSIdTag,
`&sIdTag, sMsg):
`case route_ERROR:
`} s
`printf(shGutM5gBuf, "Done —~ %s\n", REQ_COMH_MSGAUDIOFILE);
`} /
`int putcoIlcommmsgvideoflandter(fd, pSmSIdTag, pToSIdTag, pSIdTag, shfisgi
`int fd;
`Page 81 of 83
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`715111 2:57 PM
`shastraIdTag *pSmSIdTag;
`shastraIdTag $pToSIdTag;
`shastraIdTag *pSIdTag:
`char *shMsg;
`putS§r§ng0nChanne1(fd, REQuCOMM~MSGVIDEO, “putcollcommflsgvideofiandler(
`Sha5traIdTagGut(fd, pSmSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pToSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag}:
`sendDataString(fd, sbflsg};
`} I
`int co11CommMsgVideoHand1er{fd)
`int fd;
`char *sMsg;
`int outFd;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &smSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &sIdTag):
`sMsg = cmReceiveString(fd}:
`switch(rnuteFrontSIdTagToFd(&toSIdTag, &outFd.
`case routemFRONT:
`putcollcommmsgvideofland1er(outFd, &smSIdTag, &toSIdTag,
`&sIdTag, sMsg);
`case raute_ERROR:
`} s
`"Done —— %s\n“, REQ*CeMM_MSGVIDEG);
`} /
`* Function
`int_putCo11CommMsgVideoFi1eHand1er(fd, pSmSIdTag, pToSIdTag, pSIdTag,
`) i
`nt fd;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`é WSfi12£7PM
`shastraIdTag *pSmSIdTag;
`shastraIdTag *pToSIdTag;
`sha5traIdTag *pSIdTag:
`char *sbMsg;
`putString0nChanneL(fd, REQ_COMMmMSGVIDEOFILE,
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSmSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pToSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTag0ut(fd, pSIdTag};
`sendDataString(fd, sbMsg);
`} /
`int collcemmflsgvideoFileflandler(fd}
`int fd;
`char xsflsg:
`int outFd;
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &smSIdTag);
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &toSIdTag):
`ShastraIdTagIn(fd, &sIdTag):
`sfisg = cmReceiveString(fd};
`switchircuteFrontSIdTagToFd(&toSIdTag, &outFd,
`case routewFRONT:
`putcol1CommMsgVideoFi1eHandIer(outFd, &smSIdTag, &toSIdTag,
`&sIdTag. snag}:
`case route,ERROR:
`} s
`printfisboutusgsuf, "Done —— %s\n“, REQ”COMM_MSGvIDEOFILE):
`Page 83 of 83
`Facehook's Exhibit No. 1002

`/ =!<>l==!==!<2i<>k>l<**>k=(<>k**>k*=i<=§<$7=k***i!<**¥{<*>k=k>¥***>§=>i€*>k$***=i<>k*=+<=i¢*=i<**=k**=§=****>i==k***$$=i=***=k***
`This SHASTRA software is not
`a person to person basis, solely for educational use and permission is
`in the Public Domain. It is distributed on
`NOT granted for its transfer to anyone or for its use in any commercial
`product. There is NO warranty on the available software and neither
`Purdue University nor the Applied Algebra and Geometry group directed
`by C.
`Bajaj accept responsibility for the consequences of its use.
`Page 1 oi 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`715111 2:57 PM
`* Function:.createMainCmdShe11 (private)
`char *sName:
`wgfiaincmdsheil. wgMainCmdForm;
`/* Create the menu popup'she11 */
`wgmaincmdshell = XtVaCreatePopupShe{1(”mainCmdShe11",
`topLeve1Shel1WidgetC1ass, wgParent, NULL):
`*-Create the menu form widget used to position thé widgets inside
`* the
`/* menu window *2
`wgMainCmdForm = xtvacreatenanagedwidget("mainCmdForm",
`wgmaincmdshell, NULL);
`sName = reso1veNameFram2Base5{pSesMgrAppData~>sDirBase,
`pSesMgrAppData—>sDirDefs, "bitmaps/termina1.xbm“);
`wgName = Xtvacreatemanagedwidget(“hostNameLabe1“, xmLabe1widgetC1ass,
`xmmame = XmStringCreaté3imp1e(shortenName(kernetfiastwameiJ;
`Xtvasetvaluestwgwame, Xmwlabelstring, {XtArgVa1) xmName4 NULL};
`* Create the button box and state box objects that are inside the
`* menu
`1* window */
`Function: createfiaincmdfiuttonfiox (private)
`} /
`* *
`Page 2 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7a'5I11 2:57 PM
`*rgsbNu11[} = {NULL};
`abuli = {
`static button
`{"ki11", &wgMainKiIl},
`{"quit". swgfiainouit},
`huttonBoxCreate{"mainBtnsBox", wgParent, abu, True);
`/* Create a choose one object to select one 5ystem-*/
`pcoShastraFronf = chooseOneCreate(NULL, coNoInitia1Highlight,
`wgMainKi11, choose0neTestCB,
`(XtPointerJ pcbRrgPopup, wgMainKi11,
`"Choose Local Frontmend", 239, NULL);
`rgsbmull, coNoInitia1High1ight):
`IR treate a choose one object to select one system */
`pcoshastrasesflgr = choose0neCreate(NULL, cowolnitialflighlight,
`(XtPointer) pcbArgPopup, wgMainKi11,
`"Choose Remote Sesmgr", 263, NULL);
`rgsbwull, coNoInitia1Highlight);
`1* Create a choose one object to select one system */
`pcoShastraKern = choose0neCreate(NULL, coNoInitia1High1ighi,
`wgMainKi11, choose0neTestCB,
`(XtPointer) pcbArgPopup, wgmainxill,
`“Choose Remote Kernel", 26a,.NULL);
`rgsbmull, coNoInitialHighlight};
`/* Create a choose one object to select one system */
`pcoshastrasys # choose0neCreate(NULL, cowoinitialflightight,
`wgMainKi11, chooseOneTestCB.
`(XtPointer) pcbArgPopup, wgMainKi11,
`“Choose Remote System“, 206, NULL):
`rgsbwull, coNoInitia1High1ight);
`Page 3 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7.r5i11 2:57 PM
`XtAddCa1lback(wgmainouit, xmNactivateCa11back, mainquitca, NULL}:
`Xtnddcallback(wgMainKi11, XmNactivateCa1lback, mainKi11CB,
`(xtPointer} pcoShastraFront);
`} 1
`* *
`Function: createTextStatusBox (private)
`n = 0;
`XtSetArg(args[n3, Xmwrows, 5.}:
`XtSetArg(args{nJ; XmNcolumns, 46);
`XtSetArg{args[n], Xmweditable, False);
`XtSétA rg(args In] , Xmrdediirbiiode,
`'XtSetArg(args[n}, XmNscro11BarDisp1ayPolicy, XmAS“NEEDED);
`wgStatusText = XmcreateScro11edText(wgParent, “mainStatusText",
`args n):
`* Function: createflainDbgButtonBox (private)
`abu[} = {
`static button
`{"getKern", &wgDbgGetKern};
`{”getSys“. &wgDbgGetSys}.
`{”checkSys", &wgDbgCheckSy5},
`{"getSosm”, &wgDbgGetSesm},
`Page 4 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7i5f11 2:57 PM
`{“get$mFr", &wgDbgGetSmFr},
`{“checkSmFr", &wgDbgCheckSmFr}.
`buttonBoxCreate("dbgfitnssox", wgParent, abu, True):
`XtAddCa11back(wgDbgCheckSys, Xmwactivatecailback, dhgCheckSysCB,
`(XtPointer) pcushastraxern);
`XtAddCal1back(wgDhgGetSys, XmNactivateCa11back, dbgGetSysCB,
`(XtPointer) pco$hastraKern);
`XtAddCal1hack{wgDbgGetKern, Xmflactivatecallback, dbgGetKernCB,
`XtAddCa11back(wgDbgCheckSmFr, Xmnactivatetallback, dhgCheckSmFrCB,
`(XtPointer) pcoshastrasesngr);
`Xtnddcallback(wgDbgGetSmFr, XmNactiuateCaI1back, dbgGetSmFrCB,
`{XtPointer) pcoshastrasesflgrl;
`XtAddCa11backIwgDbgGetSesm, XmNactivateCal1back, dbgGetSesmCB,
`(XtPointer} NULL);
`mainKi1lCB(widget, xpclientnata, ca11_data)
`xpclientoata, ca11_data;
`*pco = (chooseone *) xpclientnata;
`strcpy(pcbArgPopup~>msg, “chooseSystem"};
`pcbArgPopup»>operation - endsystemoprnz
`/* no call for name */
`pcbArgPopup->fwantArg = 6;
`pcbArgPcpup—>wgInitiator = widget:
`/* Pop up the choose one object xx
`chooseUneMobExec(pco, widget};
`main0uitCB(widget, closure, ca11_data)
`closure, callmdata:
`strcpy(pcbArgPopup—>msg, “Confirm Action”):
`strcpytpcbArgPopup->prompt, "Please Confirm Action"):
`pcbArgPopup—>fWantArg = 0;
`pcbArgPopup->wgInitiator =
`/* call for name */
`Page 5 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No.

`sesMgrMaInCB. c
`73511 2:57 PM
`dbgCheck5ysCB(wg, xpclientnata, callfldata)
`xpC1ientData, ca11_data;
`*pco = (chooseone *) xpclientnata;
`strcpy(pcbArgPopup»>msg, "chooseKerne1”);
`pcbArgPopup~>operation = dbgchecksysoprn;
`pcbArgPopupm>fwant0prn = 1;
`/# no call for name */
`pcbArgPopup»>fwantArg = 6;
`pchArgPopup->wgInitiator 2 wg;
`1* Pop up the choose one object */
`choose0neMobExec(pcc, wg}:
`dbgGetSysCB{wg, xpC1ientData, callmdata)
`xpclientvata, ca11_data;
`(chooseene *) xpC1ientData;
`strcpy(pcbArgPapup~>msg, "chooseKern"}:
`pcbArgPopup—>operation = get$haKernFrId0prn:
`pcbArgPopup->fwantOprn = 1;
`/* no call for name */
`pcbArgPopup~>fwantArg m 9;
`pcbArgPopup->wgInitiator = wg:
`/* Pop up the chéose one object */
`chooseflneflobfixectpco, wg);
`} v
`dbgGetKernCB{wg, xptlientsata, ca11_data}
`xpclientbata, ca11*data;
`{ } v
`Page 6 01 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7I5i1t 2:57 PM
`pSId = shastraKernIds.shastraIds_va1Eiobjlndexl:
`kernFd = 1ocateKernFronts(pSId);
`if (kernFd < 6)
`fprintf(stderr, ”dbgCheckSys0prn{}—>kernFd = %d\n", kernFd);
`pSIds = getKernFrontSIds(p5Id):
`if trgsbshastrasys != NULL) {
`} r
`gsbShastra5ys = pSIds2StrTab(pSId3, PSIDSHOWALL);
`strcpy{pcbArgPopup~>msg, "chooseSys”);
`pcbArgPopup~>fwantArg = 0;
`/* no call for name */
`1* Pop up the choose one object */
`chouse0neMobExec(pcoshastrasys, pcbArgPopup->wgInitiator);
`dbgCheckSmFrCB(wg, xpclientflata, ca11_data)
`xpclientbata, ca11_data:
`xpco = (chooseone *) xpclientnata;
`strcpy(pchArgPopup—>msg, "chooseSesMgr"};
`pcbArgPopup->operation = dbgCheckSmFr0prn;
`pcbArgPopup~>fwant0prn = 1;
`It no call for name-*/
`pcbArgPapup~>fwantArg = 6;
`pcbArgPopup—>wgInitiator = wg;
`/* Pop up the choose one_object */
`choese0neMobExec(pco, wg};
`dbgGet5mFrCB(wg, xpclientnata, callwdata)
`xpClientData, ca1I_data;
`Page 7 0! 9
`é Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`M sesMgrMa'incs.c
`715:: 1' 2:57 PM
`: fcheoseone *) xpclientnata:
`strcpy{pcbArgPopup~>msg, "chooseSesmP);
`/* no call for name */
`pcbArgPopup~>fwantArg = 3;
`pcbArgPopup«>wgInitiator = wg;
`/* Pop up the choose one_object $/
`choose0neMobExec(pco, wg);
`etSesmCB(wg, xpclientnata, callmdata)
`xpclientfiata, caltwdata;
`} v
`{ } v
`pSIdTag m (shastraIdTag *9 & shastrasesmlds.shastraIds“va1[i0bj1ndex]~>
`smindex 2 1ocateSesmFronts{pSIdTag);
`if (smindex < 0} {
`fprintfistderr, "dbgchecksysaprniJ«>smIndex : %d\h”, smIndex);
`} p
`SIdTags = getSesmFrontSIdTags(pSIdTag):
`if irgsbshastrasys 2: NULL)
`} r
`gsbshastrasys mapSIdTag52StrTab(pSIdTags, PSIDSHOWALL}:
`choose0neChangeList(pcoshastrasys, rgsbshastrasys, cawoinitialflighlight
`strcpy(pcbArgPopup—>msg, “chooseSys“};
`strcpy(pchArgPopup»>prompt, "Enter Password:“};
`'pcbArgPopup—>operation - endsystemfiprn;
`pcbArgPopup~>fwantArg = 1;
`_/* call for name ml
`1* Pop up the choose one object */
`chooseonenobfixecfipcoshastrasys, pcbArgPopup~>wgInitiator);
`Page 8 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`7I5f11 2:57 PM
`* Function --
`outputTextTowidget(s, wg. pCurrentPosn}
`XmTextPosition *pCurrentPosn;
`if (pCurrentPo5n == 9} {
`currentPosn = XmTextGetInsertionPositian(wg);
`pCurrentPosn = &currentPosn;
`} else {
`XmTextSetInsertionPosition(wg, #pCurrentPosn):
`'XmTextRep1ace(wg, *pCurrentPosn, *pCurrentPosn, 5};
`$pCurrentPosn += 5tr1en(s):
`#ifdef WANTTHIS
`in buffer */
`/*~Save output
`if {strIen(saveBuffer) + str1en(s) + 1 <= MAXLEN)
`strcat(savefiuffer, s):
`} else {
`printf("Save-buffer overf1ow.\n");
`Page 9 of 9
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002

`715m 2:58 PM
`/** This SHASTRA software is not
`/** a person to person basis, solely for educational use and permission is
`l** NOT granted for its transfer to anyane or for its use in any commercial
`in the Public Domain. It is distributed on
`/** product. There is NO warranty on-the available software and neither
`f** Purdue University nor the Applied Algebra and Geometry group directed
`/$* by C. Bajaj accept responsibility for the consequences of its use.
`#include <stdio.h>
`#include <shastra/draw/drawdata.h>
`#inc1ude <shastra/drawfpict.h>
`#inc1ude cshastra/network/mplex.h>
`#inc1ude <shastra/network!server.h>
`#inc1ude <shastra/solid/imagelo.h>
`generateContoursFromPict(Prot5{pictData *,
`1, 3:
`char *sbIn;
`mLine = (mLineData *) ma11oc(si2eof(mLineData});
`sbln = cmReceiveString(fd):
`"%d“, &mLine~>nLines);
`mLine—>1ine5 = (linevata *) ma11oc(sizeof(lineData} *
`Page 1 of 4
`Facebool-Cs Exhibit No. 1002

`735:1: 2:53 PM
`for {i = 0; i < mLine->nLines:
`Line 2 &mLine—>Iines[i]:
`shin = cmReceiveString(fd):
`sscanf{sbIn, ”%d", &1ine—>number);
`line->array = (double (*){33) ma11oc(sizeof(doub1e) *
`3 * 1ine—>number):
`j++) {
`j < 1ine—>number;
`for (j n 3;
`sbIn = cmReceiveString(fd);
`sscanf(sbIn, "%1f%lf%1f",
`return mLine;
`mLine ='(mLineData *) ma11oc(sizeof(mLineData));
`f5canf(inStream, "%d", &mLine—>nLines):
`mLine~>1ines = (1ineData *) ma1loc(sizeof(1ineData) *
`for {i = 6: i < mLine~>nLines;
`i++} {
`line = &mLine—>1inesIi};
`fscanf(inStream, "%d", &1ine~>number}:
`1ine">aFFaY = (double (*){3]} ma11oc(si2eof(doub1e} *
`3 * 1ine~>number):
`j++) {
`j < 1ine~>numher:
`for (j = 6;
`fscanftinstream, “%1f%1f%1f",
`} r
`eturn mtine;
`} v
`writeLineImageFD(fd, mtine)
`int '
`Page 2 of 4
`Facebook's Exhibit No. ‘E002

`715:1: 2:58 PM
`i, j;
`char sbOutI256];
`sprintf(5bOut, "%d\n“, mLine~>nLines);
`for (i = 0; i < mLine~>nLines;
`line = &mLine—>1ines{iI;
`5printf(sb0ut, "%d\n", 1ine~>number};
`Page 3 of 4-
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`j++) {
`j < 1ine~>number;
`for (j = 6;
`"%1f %1f %1f\n“,
`writeLineImage(outstream, mLine)
`i, j:
`fprintftoutstream, "%d\n", mLihe—>hLines}:
`for {i = 9:
`i < mLine—>nLines:
`i++) {
`line = &mLine—>1ines{i]i
`fprintffoutstream, "%d\n”, 1ine~>numberJ;
`j++) {
`j < 1ine—>number;
`for (j = 9;
`fprintftoutstream, "%If %If %1f\n“,
`} v
`for (i = 0; i < mLine~>nLines;
`line = &mLine—>1ines[i];
`i++3 {

`7/5111 2:58 PM

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