`weel; without even cunsitlering the statistics
`for the Atari 5'1’!
`chive.wustl.ednl. There is a daily inllnx of
`progratits into the “h/lSDOS_Ul’l,(')r\l7S"
`tlircclory, and the latest demos and other new
`soiitwa re are often posted there litst. I recently
`tlownloatletl a demo ol"tl'ie l'.t*iitti:£::gs' .9 game
`which was enouz_:_,l1 to revive I.ennnminglnania
`for an all too short while.
`“Dc:-e" O'Neill. who eheclts uploatled tiles for
`viruses and to make stII'e the software is not
`eopyritglitetl material. In Fact. uploatling copy-
`I read the group ret;ularly,
`riglitetl material to any Internet host is a big
`and the topics there range l’l't)l1'l heriehmarlt-
`no-no. A large repository For List-t'—creat:-.'tl
`ing ol’ video Frarne r:1te to the lack ol".~‘lcep
`H.«riy)r.=rm scenarios was shut down by the ad-
`caused by playing Stat r‘vi’e:'ei'3‘ fiirrifizzttiriii.
`ministration at Kaitsas State Uitivetsity due to
`The hottest topics right now are discussions
`lrom Tl‘ll'I’.'I:—Sl.‘\'.l)’ about one
`of strategy (and cries for ltelpll
`in Ul'nZwrt
`There was a proinise to szly sotuetltiltg ll.ll'-
`Ur:rlt*i':r:rn:!'r2’ H and Snn- (.15-ntna H.
`eopyrivh ted
`program which
`ther alJout Uiyiluiitrtqil on the Internet.
`up1oatli:d by an iI’i't:.S'pU[l5il.}lC user.
`while s ace prohibits n1ei'ro:n going into too
`The MS-DOS games archive is located on :1
`In addition, there are big MS-DOS game
`out '
`I. etail. sttllice it to s:t_\' that e-mail is lots
`computer at Lowell University in M:tss:Iel1t1-
`repositories at the Unix-’ersit_v oFMiehigan [ar-
`quicker lh:1n postal play. and computer adju-
`setts. (The internet address is l"tp.t1lowell.edlI.l
`the sl1:u'ewate titles front
`tlic;tu.:rs lprogtarns known to
`llie Diplotnacy laitliliil as “the
`JtIt.lge") are available on Iiosts
`in the U.S.. Australia. and
`Sour h rllrica to handle Inost of‘
`Apogee and Epic are :1v:1iIahle.,
`as \vell as demos oFInany popli-
`lar commercial
`titles. 'lil1ere is
`also a directory of‘ nothing hut
`text adventures and a large di-
`rectory of mist1ell:1neo1Is garne.-:
`which run the gamut From a
`primitive Sprtt.'r' Iiirratdeis clone
`to the ilnptessive “sltnot
`‘em up" C:}rl'rn't.5.t.
`which rivals many current couuuetcial tiller"-
`ings. Directories for patches and utilires can
`also be found liere, and there is even a com-
`prehensive archive ol'the electronic nutg-.w.iI1e
`(.7:rri:t*lifylei'. which icztlures reviews (including
`scteeusllotsll oi‘ new and existing products.
`Files are cottiptessetl with PKZII’. :1lIIl1()ll1l‘l
`several other compression fimn-.ns are aliin
`used. The :1t‘cl1ive is
`Inaintailietl by Brian
`It‘ is now possible to play computer games,
`talk about computer games, and even design
`computer games (in a fashion) on the Internet.
`the lmnltltceping chores. Now
`ili only someone would write
`an SVGA from end lot the
`ehive.mstlos.eduI and Oaldand University
`lU:ll£.U21lw.'l:ll1tl.C(lU]. among others, and .1 sn-
`perb collection of ll’/mr¢’nw.t sotitw-are at
`University ol‘ Indiana IFtp.ciea.indiana.etlu].
`There is even an archive at the University of‘
`luwal which is devoted to game solutions,
`hints and walltthronghs! One 0F the largest
`general arcliive sites (probably the busiest as
`well) is the litliititls "wuarcliivc" at \Xr’asI1inp_-
`ton University
`jutlge output!
`Well. that's a whirlwind tour of‘ Internet
`gaining. We tloclted at a lew olthe major ports
`oli call, but there are rnany hayous and back-
`waters to be explored. and the good news is
`lh:u there will soon be easy access to all of‘
`them. The growth olithe Internet L‘l1SLII‘I'.'.‘i that
`this vast ocean oli data. discussion :1nd diver-
`sions will soon he lapping at ever_vont:‘s lap-
`top. ilit isn't soalting their shoes already. (So
`tort: irwliy my soel-:.-a are so wet!) cow
`Strategies of the Month
`A monthly column to improve the quality of play
`SOLITAIRE'S JOURNEY - Many games, like Klondike the
`“standard” solitaire, can't be won every game, but you will have to play
`with some level of skill in order to get your average above the standard
`averages that have been set-up. It may take some practice at the game.
`CONQUERED KINGDOMS: ¢ Using a well mixed force is quite
`essential. It is important to support one type of unit with another that can
`eliminate their nemeses. This type of a combination can devastate your
`opponents onslaught. This mix is also vital when teleporting with a
`wizard. A wizard with only archers being telcported into an area in
`which you have not explored could quickly be eradicated by a few
`catapults. - A great challenge: Try not utilizing any dragons on map 5.
`This is a challenge that should only be tried after using all the unit types
`several times.
`BATTLES OF DESTINY - Artillery is a very important unit type that
`can wreak havoc upon anyone‘s front lines. They are by no means the
`most powerful unit, but they can punch holes in that “unbeatable”
`defense that some speak of. - If you have not tried all three methods of
`startin g, you may want to try some of the others. It is almost like
`playing a completely different game. The strategies you will need to
`employ change significantly if you are playing for a set amount of time
`or an unlimited game.
`Quantum Quality Productions
`1046 River Avenue. Flemin ton. N. J. 03822
`(_'irt.‘lt- l\’t.-.m'r-r .‘>it‘."L’.l(‘(’ ti.-if-al
`Pttgr 76
`lacking into the Internet
`Getting access to an Internet account isn't as
`easy as picking up a phone and subscribin . as
`with the commercial networks. Most users 0 the
`lutetnet have accounts tlltougli their nssocizltion
`with an 0l'g:lnl?.:l.|Il0l1 with Internet! Usenet ac-
`cess; usually .1 large ::nmpan_v with government
`connections or a tmiversity. Stunt: ut1ivetsiti<:s do
`olrer accounts to private individuals For :1 fee. but
`most restrict access to melnbcrs of the school.
`The only other way for one to get access is
`through a private bulletin board system [BBS]
`that is an "t:-llieial" Userretllnterriet site. Many
`privnte B855 have access to :1 limited nu Inbet of
`Usenet news groups and nlilet
`limited e-mail
`capability. Finding such a board is :1 matter of
`poking around the B355 in your area. Phone
`numbers and infotlnatiolt can usually be liiuntl
`in local computer weekly magazines and at local
`use-r-group meetings.
`There are several good sources 0l"ll'll‘0l'l'l'lLlIi(JlI
`on the lnternerl'Usenet. A nice overview of
`worldwide netwotlts is John Qnartcrlnnitis lilac
`Klr‘Int?'.".\.'. Comp.'m:i' Netrvorles mid (Cbnfi-rt-neiirg
`ll7nrM:ui'de. published by Digital Press.
`12 Crosby Drive. BL’-ill-Old. MA 0I73U' (800)-
`543-8321. Qu:u'term.1n
`monthly newsletter‘, Mrtrrfx Nerw. which covt:ts
`the Internet, among others. Contact Matrix in-
`Formation and DlI'l.'Cl2()l'}f Services. 7l.l|
`Suite 500. Austin. TX 7870], (S12) 32¢)-9031.
`Other general
`sources include Btvtrtltovttrl}
`Mrtgrrzim', 5970 S. Vivian St.. Littleton. CO
`80] 27.
`(303) 973-4222, and UrnlEn:'
`\vhich can he iiuluitl on most cotnputcr pul)lica—
`Lion ll|.‘WSSl'flI‘ldS. claw
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation 15‘;i$£’."-fl'(lt‘Z‘3"‘fi’.*"‘l"6-' “"”“""
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 76

`In the Old West. you couldn't tell the bad guys from the
`good guys by how ugly they were (you had to rely on the color
`ottheir hats}. But in Freddy Phadras, FrontferPharmact'St even a
`scrawny, sissified, oneeared Pharmacist can be a good guy.
`AI Lowe, creator of Leisure Suit Larry, spins a yam of school-
`marms and chorus girls with hearts o’go|d, cowboys and Indians.
`and vannints and heroes. |t'sthe brand-new, ageold tale of
`Freddy Pharkas, a gunslinger who gave it all up for his love of
`pharmacology. Together with his faithful Indian compa nion,
`Srini Bagdnish, Freddy sets out to save bucolic, boring
`Coarsegold from a fate worse than Hollywood adaptation.
`So don't just groan at all those old horseopera cliches.
`Be one. Strap on your spurs for a saga that skewers every
`j Western under the sun. Mosey on down to your software store
`and ask for FreddyPhad<as, FrontierPhannadSl‘.
`And smile when you say that.
`=-E? SIERRAE See your local retaileror call 13003266654.
`Cl’d° R”"d"’5°"’“' "39
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation Ex 1025 p 77
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 77

`A Trip Into the Fiery Environs of TSN’s
`winion was at lovely port. ruled by a king.
`All races were welcome and times were
`ltappy. Then trouble arrived in the Fornt
`Ul:Al'll:tlw'.l<l.'.1l‘l Slowfoot, :1 wiitard tl1:1t the king
`invited to live in :1 c:1stle on the island. Arrtak-
`tr |’L.r\'1‘E RS:
`I'll ICE;
`l<iat1didn’t play nice and one night, whether hy
`intent or misadvettrttre. evoked a volcanic erup-
`tion. The volcano (named Yserhins) huried his
`digs it1 l:1v:1. Now the place is only open to the
`more adventurous tourist trade. That's where we come in.
`The 5l1.1t|tiwt11' Ystrrhius
`I.lnlir11iIt.-tl llnur i11 one {slit}-‘J
`S l 3.‘J5;|h llll
`'ll1t- Sit-II.'1 |‘\'t-lt_.-mllt, plus 5-l.lllI.ln1tmlh I'(1r
`u'IlZL‘I.“.L'- lo Meslietutl Land.
`Joe \'h:ur.1
`PUEil.lSHEFtJ’HUS'i‘; lite Sierra Nt‘I\v\'OIlt
`Coil rsegoftl. CA
`Into the Volcano
`of Death
`In; Smmtel (Vger) Bnlter ll
`l titticltly tttrned oil the
`lot a l'i.1tt1re version.
`sounds lrom my PC spealter.
`Your Presence is Requested
`The lirst order ot"'h11siness in playirtg Her-
`lzitrs is creating one or more characters. There
`are six classes. eight races, and two align menrs
`(l1arn1o11_v and chaos).
`'l‘l1e classes are tltieli
`knight. h:1rhat’ian. rattger. cleric and wi;tatt.l.
`'l'he seven races are elves.
`trolls. ores. gnomes.
`gretnlitts and l1:1ll'ling_s. To create :1 cltatacter, one chooses a class and
`race. Then one can choose the aI'tworl~; that will
`character or design the character in detail and leave the ; rt work until
`later. The faces are very helievahle. hut it would be nice to havea greater
`selection {)F(?xprC$Sl()l1S and ltatirstvles. The player may freely jump haclt
`anti Forth in the creation process. but once one leaves :1 section, the
`points one has spent from that pool are set. One allocates points lrom
`separate pools to stats, spells and sltills. The :itatstha1ot1e111:1y raise :1re
`strength {the better to womp on _votI my dear). delettse, (the harder to
`he woinpetl on}.
`:tgilitv which helps one elude spell elFeets, and
`initiative which tletertnines who womps \vl1en. Three other stats
`|1it points and n1an:1 points)
`increase r1:1tt1r:1lly as one
`ad v:111ces in level.
`The Sbzrzzbttr r{f''t"7.r'rrr is The Sierra Ne-tworlt's entry into multi-
`player roleplaying on the comptttcr. liach person can run one ch:11'2tt.'ter
`at .1 time and be joined h_v up to three other ltiettds to hat.‘l<. slasli antl
`puzzle their way through the depths ofthe volcano in which the action
`takes place.
`resents :1 5-D you-are-there perspective a la Drtttgeati
`The game
`ri:t'rt5rt't' or U rirmr Ui1c2't't'rurJt'i’rt". There are I
`I areas in l’:en’2r'rtr. each
`identical except For name, and they serve to separatt.' the pl.'1}’L‘l'S into
`communities of ill to Sf}. One ntay have as ntany as six cliaracters in
`the srahles reatlv For play and simply seiect the de_«;ired character l)(.'lit)l't:
`entering one tthtltese areas.
`tl1e screen is split i11to three sections. The upper
`lelit window shows what the party sees. Undet'ne:1th this is :1 small text
`window where dialogue from the players and game tne.-:s:1g_es appear.
`The right side olithe text window has a scrollhar tl1at 111:1}? he ttsetl to
`review past ntessages. In the middle of this hat is :1 loel: that, when
`clicked upon, freezes the text window so that an important message
`can be studied.
`The tigl1t—l1ar1d side of the screen shows the portr:tits oli plztyers in
`the part)’. Each of the portraits ma_v he esantinetl
`to gain litrtlter
`information about oI1esell:1t1d o11e's fellows. A large :tte:t in the middle
`may be used to show phtyer inlorntatiott. :1 map olithe level the party
`is on. or the names tifplayers who are on the
`111ap.'l'ht‘:l‘1ott0m part‘ shows icolts for player
`inventor_v, spells, skills and game options f’
`such as saving the player's position.
`All ol"the artwork is static. Tltongh the look
`nlithe ttnclergrountl is pl -asant, but not spec-
`tact1iar.tl1e still shots oFtl1eIt1ot1st'erst1t'e very
`l)t.':llI{il‘L1ll,\' drawn, with few exceptions. The
`sa111e pictures are used For monsters of the
`same mtegory. For cxatnpic, the picture that
`represents the sahertootlt also represtmts ice
`lions, tuanticores (yechl) and others oftl1ec:1t
`fitmily. For now, no sound hoard.-: are s1Ip-
`ported. hut Sot1ntlhlast'er support is promtsetl
`ES!’ “amst.ea‘"°”°"°“i‘?t’:"t’.‘.‘§i'lt?a.““§"t't‘.t-3“
`mm,‘ m Mn ,mza-t_e,_H'
`‘=5 W" '-'0"!
`I“:-on Ff.\|tl'}".t.
`There are three groups or‘ spells: attack, tleleitse and utility. which
`l!‘nt)tlll:\’ atrrilntres. heal or provide inlbrmatiott. ilihere atre 24 spells.
`When :1llocat'it1§.; points For spells. one should take t.‘are not to punt
`up the level olia spell too much before one can see how touch that spell
`will cost to cast per level. There are I2 levels for each spell. and one
`can only cast the level that one has paid ll1eiI'tlt1t:s to. That n1ayt11e:1I1
`that :1 spell may he inelli‘.'ctive at low levels. or it may mean that one
`c;:11r1ot:1l}b1'tl to cast it at ltigltet levels until one has gained several more
`experience levels.
`The 24 sltills are divided into groups: hy
`cl1:1raeterel:1ss. Iiach classhas Fo11t'sltills which
`are delattlts for that class. 'l‘hen, some sltills
`l"ron't otlter classes will he acqttired as one rises
`in levels. antl others may heact'|11iretl as the
`reward lt>rt:on1pleting t.]t1est's. Home sltills :Ire
`active all
`the titne. such as weapon skills.
`others must he invoked during ntovemetu or
`:. comh:1t. For the starting player, the empliasis
`here. should he on weapon skills at first. he-
`' cause haclting will he the primai-y tne:u1s or
`tlisposing oltnolisters lot the lirst levv levels.
`Tl‘t(.'l't.' are only 27 places to carry items. Six
`olithem lot items worn, one place where items
`‘ .5
`Prt'_Q(' F8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, 1‘§§2'."’I’(')'2‘5,‘j§‘."'!"8‘~' “"”"'“'
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 78

`‘rruniuvfwnnrs/’vu u:
`- X1
`of Dynalnifs /lr'¢'.f cf.')'Jr' )"rrnf'fi'r. COJ'?.:',"J'J'J'I£'r' Urn
`’ e':Ifc':rr'rSi|111:|atiaI1 ofrlic Year. The latest
`G‘rm.' War‘P:’(zm'.r::1:1srcrpiccc I.'l'1iI‘JS|!BL§ '
`u Ilallivily uruund thr: world to rclivc the hr.-rni.-sm 0|:
`WW2 European air <:ornl1:Ir;_,/’
`Stra[;__§1n.a..1?-¢5:f"1{i?r:n‘t-.;i('.l~<.."x})lt)sivc ground support missions.
`Strafc: an enemy I".1(I.1r installation, then pull up and escape
`through :1 fink-filled sky. Destroy bridges and V-l rocket sites
`in the Lightuilrgs and T]1uI1d::rbult.s of the 9th Air Force.
`Painstaking hismricafi :aL'cur:1cy and cutting-cdgc 35p:1cc
`technology make Act: On? I:'rr:'rrpc the pinnacle oF\V\V2
`High: simulation.
`* Fly For Great Hrir:1in.(ic-rmrmy or the U.S. and battle
`Famous aces like Ac|o|FG:1l1:md. Wally MCLL-od. and
`Iolmny jolmsrm.
`* Pilot 25 classic wurbirds including thc P-5 1 D Mustang.
`the Fockc—WLII!‘ 1901.7. and the Me5scr5I:|1n1iIt 262.
`* Unmatclmcd graphic detail incltldcs squadron markings.
`instru|11r:r1L-puI‘lL~ct mckpils. and Iiisroricrllly zmrhcntic
`* Launch ground ;u'[:u:l<s on targets such :15 the Gcrlmlll
`Panzer IV. and ':l'l<.‘ Ducit zuupiiibious truck.
`VISIT mun l.O(IZ.«\|. snF'I'\w.m=. RF.TAll.F.R on CALL (800) 326-665410 ORDER.
`Circle Reader Service #90
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 79
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 79

`_ This spell will even work in combat. which is
`' nice as one has to sttrvive i:1 order to collect
`the goodies. lliall ()l‘[l1L'p:ll't)’ dies. one is sent
`to the opening screen and may enter
`again at the top entrance.
`After .1 while, most
`liglttitig will become
`routine. All nietuhets in the party will cast
`death darts and most‘ olirhe Iuonsters will die.
`‘lhose that are left will eventtt-ally sueeumla.
` "I"D‘|.| urn THE Bfll1LEl
`lim'tunatel_v. most Flglttfi may he [led Iiom.
`mu sou-mas gala pietesand earned :3 F;
`emeriente |3Da‘I'II$!
`YOU SEE‘ Heal Potion
`‘ Since Fighting talces more time tha.-it lleeiog,
`YOU SQ!‘ Heal. |’0Ii0n_
`YOU if! I'é5'lOl'iU IO Hill l'lQIl.ll'll
`‘ this is welcome For those in a llllI'!'}' to com-
`‘I'l'.|U enwmter Snake. tsnatte;l1 c.
`plete a quest hefote leaving. liscept lior loca-
`tion-triggered encounters.
`tlte nutuher oli
`opposing monsters is nicely tailored to the ntunhet oli people in the
`Quest for Story
`eschangetl between pla_vers appear. and 20 in
`two hugs. This is not nearly enough to carry
`all the quest items one will act 11it'e. special
`items that can cast spells,
`:I|‘lLl potions to
`restore health points and mana. llilt were not
`lot" the mana trick (explainetl later). players
`would he popping l'):!(‘.l\’ and liort h to the store
`:1l'i'er ever_v otlter fight, a rather laI'ge Iuti.-ianee
`and a imt'.ess whit'.l‘t l l‘.!('.lll.‘\'L‘ \\’['Illl{l (}l.Iit.‘lil_\-'
`ilegrat e the pm-Formant‘.t-. of the game.
`The Reception
`Upon entering the lieltl oli play. the first
`things one will see are the three strttettues
`t'l‘I:'l[ contt'ol :1 player's life. Tltere is the ilittxrerti where one may l'L".lLl
`posts lirom players and easily determine who is there. One may also
`converse with anyone in this area hy clieltittgon their tuune and typing
`a message. Next. is the castle-lilte stt'tIentre called the Guild Hall that
`serves as :1 training; hall, getieral store and pawnshop.
`lit.-lore tloing
`anvtlting else. one shoultl enter the lteep and purchase eqttipment.
`l.astl_v, there is the volcano itselli with a top and hottom eI'nranee. il"l1e
`hottom entrance is For people who have saved their position and need
`to step out to the store to get a cup tll\l‘l1:tl1:I or such lilte. One m:t_v
`teleport out and re-enter l1t.'l't" without ltaving to slog all the way lmtrlt
`down on Foot.
`(iotnhat worlts as a series nli rountls. and each 1T1t.'l‘I1l1L'l't)l_tl‘l(: party
`gets In :lCl once every round. l:..'ICl'I rounrl one rnay hack with a weapon.
`cast a spell. use a skill or use sotnet'l1it1g in one's paclt. Wltelt all the
`party ltas heen polled. their :tctions' results and those t)li[i‘It! ntonsters
`are shown in the small text wintlow helow the picture olithe monsters.
`fit liegititiittg pla_ver sltoultl
`At this point, the pla_ver ma_v he tleatl.
`espeet to die :2 for. However, in most ea.-aes. someone else in the party
`will he ahle to cast a l't’.'SuSCil.:1tt: spell and hring, the pl:t}'I..'1' hack to life.
`This is not the case lot qtiest ent:ounters. Quests are the staple diet
`of aclventurets in the volcano. The rew:tttls lor completing, them are
`quite generous. in some cases. skills or stats are hoosted or weapons are
`gained. rather than esperiettce. Even at the higltest levels. the later
`quests were qttite exciting.
`I Iiiuntl my palms sweaty ..
`on several oct.'asious. espe- -
`cially during the Quest of
`the Four Pampers. The li- ,
`nal battle took about a halF 5
`hour and was nip and melt
`For a party ol"nineteenrlt to i
`rl'tirty—liFth level pla_veI's.
`l Wm ni|$-rgfiflgeawgtlm
`was a level 1.‘) ww.:1rd at the Wmggflmugfghfighm
`I did not die during
`the fl0l'1l', hut was occasion-
`all_v dthwn tn under ten hit
`points. I-'\hottt EU niintttes into the light. I had no mana ‘points and was
`using items to east spells.
`I had one'ge lelit in :t 5l.:tl[l"t}li Lile when
`.*'\rnal<l<ian finally expired. In the linliltil quest, l was at level 273 and
`with -.1 level 35 l:I2u'hari;tn and a level 84 cleric. Several times during the
`runtiing ligltts I was tleatl atttl these two ilayers were tlown to 5,000
`or fewer hit points. Since many high level monsters can tleliver hlows
`of‘ multiple thousantls of hit points we miglu well have all tlietl. Most
`quests can be completed in one or two hours and may he resumed at
`a later titne ilnecess:1ry. A couple oltlte quests require the participation
`of another party. l thought tltis was a nice touch, and l[ was not hard
`to lind:1nothet party that would cooperate.
`{lamps fifilla
`tltott met at
`‘Titus iiaut keyh iitttitpilwttltrlrol panel nllaitrlng
`tau fit easily trttatt the his tiflliottl lilting your eyes all llte
`W" ll"! llll’ Ollll Will T0 I'll’!
`l503l 686-I809
`54‘.‘:'£l {OB diary: + sfipflrmtfiag
`Dealer fltquiiihs n-drama
`order lat $23.95 plus
`Send chedt or matte
`ipping and handling to:
`5-1.lJ[ltt.!Jt 5100} lot
`3025 Tintltenline Dr. Eugene, OR 97405
`t"‘I'rt‘tlv _‘ir.-rri: t'
`Party Time
`There is a social life grow-
`ing under the \.-'tllL‘.'i1‘It_). Tliis
`is assisted hy the ease with
`which one may eommuni-
`care while there. _ltIst typing
`and hitting return semis a
`tnessage to the party. One
`tna_v speak to :tn_vone in an
`at 'a by typing, their name
`Followed by a colon. Mes-
`lI]:t}’ l)t' .'it:l'lt H! t.‘Vt.‘l')’-
`Hera-Iexs. 3 Damn uemes. one on the saute level hy
`mm Pturnanrs.
`ti: neg
`Toe elimtmter-1 Prmtasls. E
`elielting on the map hutton
`with the mottse.
`There :tre many guilds of players that hold orgatiiirul events. and
`most of the gtiiltls have staltetl out areas as ullIL'lI'" territory. where
`t1ten1l)erstiFtl1;1t guild m:1_vl1el'otIntl most ol"rhe time. A liigh majority
`oi‘ the people there are li'ie:u.lly.
`l1L'lpl’l.ll and quite generous oli their
`time. As £1 new pla_ver.
`l never had any trouble lit1tlin;__>,"oltlet-" pl'.tyets
`{"rmtJ'm.'i*t' l.'irmt:'H_!_-
`Pettttoner Mtcrosoft Corporatton, Ex. 1025, p. 80
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 80

`:~:I\‘Hg..{c L-num\.'
`Oppnmrnr.~‘ nnl
`only act but think u:+m1_r
`I'l:\-'Ui|.|E1't‘II1.dr}-' arriI“ix'i'.i|
`1-.'(‘l‘l'Ii{l fur the fiI'>sl
`IE4 inn.‘
`frznnu;-:'~ of
`.1m| D}-'I1;I1nix':-;
`to crucutc
`"\:irt1m|" f-EII"l'|IfiS}‘.
`iuurs: than sixty
`ll l1I<:.1:.~h mpu. rI1u:11.1n
`III:I_:I-Jal Pt'1\\'0i'5-
`.'\urI1n:' ur Thu Prmrc uf (.'Ju:u.u
`“.*\ rnitsivag and cr1gagi'rI_L{
`_1{rlTilI.' where (hr u=::H-
`hmu-tf ccflgu curs u=::H—
`H«'n'¢r)‘rd (ll Krmidrar. "
`.-\ntI|ur ul Hlr Kn|_::'.\ H:m.:m.'r
`,gi'¢'ul [n'M:' and
`"I fa:c|'
`\'rlH"i]"u’H'lI'rll:I Hm!
`]1ir.':‘a.‘ uj mm-
`f'r'L'u'ua1 um‘ |[I(l.\'L’{[
`Jcjmn my u.-ark."
`.-\u:|mr :1l'\\"l|'1'IllI:J1[.'I
`“Thu Mn.'rI of a,-n1IIMrIin_I,g
`yuur gurrlu ll-'l:lJ| H huulri
`in mm H:
`t'!Iri('ha'1Ig run! I unnsl
`.'1L':I1‘IH_\* L’I1dnr.n':' II. "
`|.l Lu‘
`l_1.¥L‘;’gi:§I[1l3E.F'EI!_.~'.~_T L
`. .1
`cincmatic inu-n—
`ziily u|' Hch‘uyuI
`at K1‘muI'u1'.
`|‘n|u-phi}-'iI'I_L', 1,-mm‘
`nm the Ncu-' Ym'JL: Tinws
`Ix’ ff! um 1'
`at KrrmJr1r
`l;1unchu.< :1|l—ncu' iqqcmls
`vi" Widl-:::111i:i.
`.<Inr§-'-lc1EiI11_- and
`\‘i.~'.u;1L~' iImm'rsc ynu in
`l_|1u.' tIu:_~l
`lI.':1lI.‘utIL. LIL'[§I1lL'L|
`I;u-n.-my 1-wt vn-nmi.
`' W
`'''::n', :|
`Visit y0L11‘ local sufvtw;-1|‘: 1‘L'-.1:-ailucl‘ or Call (800) 32645654 to order.
`Circle Reader Service #91
`Pet1t1oner Mlcrosoft Corporatlon, Ex. 1025, p. 81
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 81

`to go out with. Older pl:1‘\'t:I':-' will lrc
`-ting .
`adept at newbie ancl prot:-.-u them.
`tltum ' " 1l1‘ll1l:1l't'.‘lC‘\'t'.'l5 qlllCl\'.l)' :lIlLl lcztclting '
`short cuts to l:um.' and lort't1t1u.
`. Q11
`or much to spt-ntl
`and tl‘lL'l't.'
`'15 it
`s_\tstt'n'1 can he 5lLIg,g'.'
`. Also. ctasltrcs will l1;1pp::n
`rt.-ncln.-.~: s.':tuI‘:1 ‘
`"ops users ll can no lungcr
`' as rltr nt-twor '
`support. Sinct: TSN relies on Tclcnet to L'&ll'J'_\'
`It :1CI'n.‘i.‘i the country, Ft‘
`prohlcnts art‘
`also l‘l1t:lI‘S. Over Ncw Yeatrs Day.
`cl" .‘
`l‘Il'll1f_7_ll'Ig clown c.lU.{lU[} u.‘
`. ln this time since. tl1iI1gs- '
`llatlty ztrountl
`the edges. Patio .
`ill‘ group
`tr; .'
`5l1:w:: ot::.'tn':'etl. but tltittgs :tppL':ll' to lac:
`‘ 3 tlowu.
`A new rt:\'ision of }”st’i'."2r‘.rr5 is conting 1‘l'I:ll
`' will fix some of the hugs in the g:trm-. During
`I11ypl:1}-', I Fotiml I1olntg.~:tl1;:I all-t -
`l [l1L‘Plfl)'{‘rS iI1:tn;1tlvL-r.-:ct
`'|‘l1t:t'e:1rc .\‘(.’\'t?I2‘tl bttgs that may
`tnlum :ltlV1lI1lE1gC(ll‘l))' the] '
`, crs.
`l1t'J\'t’IL'\'l'.'l'. Ont: in p:u'tiu.Il:u' give.-i |}l:t)'L‘F.‘:'
`I 5.000 cxpcricncc points litr
`ntctlly cnrttring ."ll'I{l
`ll.'.'1\«'ll‘lg :1 room without lighting the
`<:rt:. 'l"l1is has p:'otlLIc::tl plnyt.-rs with levels in the |tt1ntlI't'tl:i
`laucn playing only 3 lbw tl:1ys.
`Wltilt: luntling on tltlests, l haul lrcqttctlt oc-
`casio11 to ask other ='
`L'l'(.' to L':ll(-‘..':1l1
`l.u\Pl{.}] U15 ‘r\"l1
`item or the UI'(.lL‘I‘ in which to do tltings.
`:tlw:ty5 I'ct:t:ivt:tl :1 response
`was lI'icI1tlly
`and helpful.
`are restlnretllo FIJI! l1F:alIl1'
`Hr.-rt-. as ulscwht-rr: on TSN.
`tom ‘
`amen! salt. In zatl; mediate. and
`tnanns nadonna.
`In my D‘ “Elm “M “W m
`.-'vl:m_v ;_wln_v<:rs go ;1l'0l.1 I1 Ll in pairs '
`llt: plawmg.
`1 must l1(.ll'I
`was not enerw
`immtmc to tliisaspcct n]}’Sl.'ll:
`'- mun -- g‘o“ m?r%s Wu
`cx 1L't‘t quitu:
`of‘ :1tEI..'I'llll'}I1
`\'t‘Jll|..'§1l‘l(). givcn ;
`"'<:ncll}' nattt
`-. Most olithc time. C\’t3'l'_\’Ul1t.' t.‘ontluL'l:i
`Ll1t'1mclvc:: within bout
`ours -
`'it any large group of pcoplc.
`Ll1L'I‘L' will he :1
`lisw latggatrds who
`' not
`litllly ulltlurstuutl gtnotl
`n1;mt1t:I'5. One l
`nly to complain hy hit ‘
`the complaint lnutton
`that xtppcurs on
`- TSN mcnu untl action
`be taltcn.
`'|'l1<-rem-c;11sogui|clw:trs wl'It.'I‘t.' mort: org‘
`‘tctl conflict l'alx'('$ plttcc.
`As part ol’ the map and
`t_v suction ol"t
`ncnu. it
`is possible to
`:.'.|1;tllt-Itgc other |‘I:‘Il'tlCS. C '
`lc11§.;L‘:: ol" this l'l'.1l'lII't: produce nothing ul
`vnlurc. Itm.-.xpt'ri::I1cr:For killing {ltl1L‘rpl:1.}'rCl'S. and no ltL"lTIS ltittlt.-ss
`ha.-: tllc plI:'l<pr_It.‘l-CL‘! skill). Sontc people still do it tltottglt. A way on '-
`this: l'I;1S hcun provitlcd, ltowcvcr; one tmty Sll
`‘ “niut::" taitcsellatiitl
`not be liable to ht-i
`h-.1ll-;-ngcd_ Onc
`:y ;1.
`l1t'ing_ioim:tlso tlm
`cwill not ht: jo‘
`l1_v others wl
`vatiting lot
`" '
`9- -'
`Brickbats of Outrageous Fortune
`'I'lu: gl'C{ll m:tjorit_y ofimy t.'.\pt:riL'I1ct' with l’:t'r'i’2.*'rr.rl1:ts bccl
`21 lt-w llics
`strttgglittgilt [l1(.‘Ull‘ltr11 '
`tltt: lirst lcn lcvcls or so. Inoncy ccttscs to matter. 1 httvt: llllllltlllli now
`]oI.1rney’s End
`e t‘_.'1I‘I be t:ntt:rt;1init1g,, hut what Imtde this an CXI
`are the mm _=
`’UULl people with wlticli I vcntu"
`ht: sav
`Tltcrc is no subs!"
`' hc r:oInp:mit'.-r1sl1ip ofotltttrs and l’3'r'.=‘/)r'rr_r
`givcs onr: '
`tilt. t
`.' onr: woultl wixh For the lI1[L'|'ilI..'lIlI.}|1 that in lllt?
`C()1't.' oi‘ this game. I now lmvt: :1 Immhcr ofpcnplc whom [ c¢:-I1.-.'itlc|'
`good Fritsntls. and I will be playing long after" [l'1l$;‘tI"LlClL'i5 5'-|.ll)I11ll.FI.'Ll.
`Most (}l‘ll‘lI..' people I met were tltorougltly atldit;t<:{l
`l’3‘r.’:'l;i:r5:tt1tl to
`TSN in gcrtcml. ‘|'l1osn;' who Imsscs.-: the I
`icy w
`he wcll scwctl
`to try ot1 ' “N and }’:t*r'l5r'ri.t.
`03:: to journey lllL'FL'. hc
`sure and
`lot’ Vgcr (or Vgt:I'clscwl1c
`and 3:1}! hi. cow
`@099 n
`C \V
`. .
`2 g 2
`. .
`O O
`§8§ 9
`g I C
`a only game that sends you
`Iously detalled
`5 like
`lhla one, showing y
`sensor Flaws every turn ...along
`with clear. complete stats on
`each slarshlp you tleslgn,
`and rnaneuvarlndlvldunlly
`up .. 21 ....r...... W...
`syste-n1a...p[ua status
`reports on star- ’
`haaemlgrobes and
`asters a you
`control I
`The Next Empire
`la a completely
`game, over 6 years
`In the making.
`Each universe is
`a unique, complex
`garnlng envlr
`men! popul
`with 21 allen
`I: blow the h
`players llchln
`otl anyone w
`eta In their
`' $7.50 per turn; no hidden loos
`or double turns
`- fast game I
`slow game
`weeks per turn] or
`as weeks per turn]
`0 clear, c
`cise rule
`rn your g
`In t:
`Hncnrmy voted at Paul
`grams in I no
`Reality Simulations, Inc.
`PO. Box 22400
`Tempe, AZ 85285-2400
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 82

`More Mind-Munching Madness
` from the Cr,atorsof Gobliiins,
`. as puzzling as a,_1Rub_ics Cube with. a, bqd.‘ i.1,ttitz_i%deL._?"
`. you will warit to
`“. .
`snatch. this one up. Its
`intelligent design. and
`_ 1.-utegrmd looks wit!
`=1 hook you right from
`the Star‘ I
`—Game Players _Magaz|'ne
`_' .
`-thl? flit!"
`rnfzte m 3' min tease: 3
`fins game will meet
`3’0“"'n9ed5'- ”
`Here's what they're
`saying about
`(1. delightful
`“. .
`mr'.1: of adventure
`andpuzzle gum-
`Eng that
`leave I
`your gray matter
`positively fried‘);
`._\-"deg Games and
`“._ . . graphics rm?
`hand-drawn, 256-color
`works of art .
`. Highly
`-The Newark Advocate I’
`“There is pl.-2-niy good
`fun here for the gfaphic .'
`“adventurer . _. .”
`-Computer Gamirig world
`-The Newark A"di.roce-it_u‘te-_
`".-:'.= -
`"'*~ '\‘
`"Jrfié .53?!‘Way‘
`You fa::I'I‘o! two mew }JHr£1'J'0r_:rs fiwps...
`...:::_]!:.‘é:_': :tr::'rw'r:d' b:'rti1:'-5etrr3Fi:gp:rzzles...
`’face o_fl'wir}J -realiy _wu£ra’_fbi'£z's.""
`' Circle Render Sr.-rvice #92"
`__7a_rrg,-'.7'p"m (PST) Monday-Friday} Outside u.s_._ CalI 209-683.-44_68 3am-_5;';a_aiag,gg;g4ig;a,gagesg,gyau-oh;
`flarlfil Ihn . farm Familil
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 83

`A Survey of On-Line Games
`hile artifit:ial computer opponents
`and role—playing partners are a con-
`venient and often r'evvatding aspect
`UiCtJt1tpllter' gaming. we lice]
`the best
`opporiertdptrrtuer is a huruau one. At C'C.-"W,
`we helieve very strongly that
`gaming in virtual.
`tele-communicated envi-
`tortments is the Iirttrte Ul'i[l‘.lCl1Ul)lJr\-'. No rnat-
`ter l‘l0WS(‘Jpl1l$[iCfl[CLl the artificial intelli enee
`algorithms hectune. or how user-friend y the
`in terrace. the computer will never be able to
`match the perverse gaming hrilliance of the
`htrman mintl. And besides.
`the computer
`doesn't care much ir"_vorr gloat.
`This listing_ nf'g:t111e.-;
`is designed to give
`teader's an overview of the n1Lll|.'i—pl.‘1)’(.‘r expe-
`riences available on several commercial on-
`these |3r'ieF
`services. We hope
`LlL‘SCt‘ipti0l1S l‘l‘Iif.;l'|l' prompt some of: those
`vamers who have never had the pleasure of
`1r1man—to—htrn1an gaming to “reach out and
`touch" Fellow l][)l)l1)'iS[$. You rnitght make :1
`liiend or two. and you'll certainly have a good
`Air Warrior on (iEnit_-
`\‘i/hen garnes are not part oitht: basic service
`fee. we will list the ext r'a hour'lj.u"n1on th I)! costs
`Air Warrior (C Enie): i'\'.esrnai's classic game
`of nurlti—pl:1}-'er' air comhat, covering the era
`lionl WWI th tough l{I:)l'I2'¢1. was one of the first
`on—lir1e gtrrrres to Lise :1 3__r,r';rpltie fi'onr—end. The
`latest version. Si/(T/l Air ‘.-‘I’/m"r'."r,=r, is reviewed
`in this issue. \Vorr.l has it that the Air Warrior
`section ol'_(iliI1it: is r)'JehangoLrt Forair-comb-.1t
`itiults. $6.UUr'lrI'.
`ruug-t’ 33'-I

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