`Appendix 4 . Plotting Emission Spectra
`l UJ e-
`QL----2~3-----L----i----2~Q----L---~----~1L7~Q~Q~Q~c_.m_ 1
`E - - - - -
`Fig. A 4.1. The emission spectrum of Ba2 W03 F 4 [2] as <P A vs A (a) and as <P£ vs E (b). The
`maximum in (a) is at 490 nm, and in (b) at 19 700 cm- 1
`• Note that 490 nm corresponds to
`~20400 cm- 1
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0236

`The figures refer to the rele vant section(s ) in the book
`ACEL 10.4.3
`afterglow 3.4, A III, 9.5 . 1, 8.3.1, 8 . 1.4,
`ALE 10.4.3
`a particle 9.2
`alkali halides 3 .3 . I
`Al 2 0 3 : Cr3+ l, 2.2
`ambipolar diffusion 5.4
`amplification 3.6
`amplifier 10.5
`anharmonicity 4.2
`antenna effect l 0.3.2
`antibody 1 0.3.1
`anti-Stokes emi ssion I 0.1. I
`apatite 6.4.1
`APTE effect 1 0 . 1. I
`astrophysics 9.3
`Auger transition 4.6, 6.5, 7.3
`BaF2 3.3.10, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5.5, 9.5.7, 9.5.8
`BaFBr : Eu2+ 8. 1.3, 8.3.2
`BaFCI : Eu2+ 8 .2. 1, 8.3. 1
`BaF2 : Ce3+ 9.5.6
`BaF2 : Eu2 + 4.5
`BaF2 : Yb2+ 4.5
`BaMgA1 100 17 : Eu2+ 6.4.1
`Ba2 MgW06 5.3.2
`Ba3 (P04h : Eu2+ 8.3.2
`Ba5 Si04Br6 : Eu 2+ 8.3.2
`BazSiOs : Pb2+ 6.4.2
`beam index tube 7.3
`Bi 3+ 5.3.2
`BizGe309 9.5.3
`Bi4Ge30 12 3.3.7, 3.3.9, 5 .3.2, 9.3, 9.4,
`9.5.3, 8 .3.3
`Bi1zGe02o 3.3.9
`bipyridine 10.3.2
`Bi4Si30 12 9 .5.3
`black body radiation 6.2
`bound excitons 3.3.9
`Bridgman-Stockbarger method 9.4
`Ca2A}zSi07 : Ce3+ 4.2.2
`CaF2 : Yb2+ 4 .5
`calorimeter 9.3, 9.5.5, 9.5 .3
`CaMo04 4.2.2
`Ca5 (P04 )3F: Sb3+ , Mn2+ 1, 5.2, 6.3, 6.4.1
`CaS04 : Eu 3+ , y S+ 10.2
`cathode-ray phosphor 7. I
`cathode rays 7 . 1
`cathode-ray tube 1 7.1
`l , 2.3 .2, 3.3.9, 4.2. 1, 4.4, 5. 3 .2,
`8 . 1.2, 8.3. l
`CaW04 : Pb2+ 3.3.5
`Ca3 wo6 2.3.2
`CdS in Cd32S14 (SC6H 5 )36
`C dS in yeast cell l 0.6
`CdS in zeolite I 0.6
`CdW04 9.4, 9.5.2, 8.3.3
`Ce3+3.3.3, 5.3.2
`[Ce c 2.2.1 ]3+ 4.2.2
`CeF3 5.3.2, 9.4, 9.5.5
`CeMgA111019:Tb3+5.3.2 , 6.4.1
`CeP5 014 9.5.6
`ceramics 8.2.2
`CERN 9.3, 9.5.5
`charge compensation l 0.2
`charge transfer transition 2.3.1 , 2.3 .7 , 3 .3.5 ,
`chemical analysis I 0.2
`chromaticity diagram 6.2, 7.1
`color 2.3.1
`l 0.6
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0237

`color center 2.3.8
`color coordinates 6.2
`color point 6.2
`color rendering 6.2
`color rendering index 6.2
`color television tube 7.1
`color triangle 6.2
`Compton effect 9.2
`computed tomography 8 . 1.4, 8.3.3 , 8 . 1.4,
`concentration quenching 5.1, 5.3
`conduction band 4.5
`configurational coordinate diagram 2 . I, 4 .2
`contrast resolution 8. 1.4
`cooperative luminescence 10.1.1
`cooperative sensitisation 10.1.1
`coprecipitation 6 .3
`cost reduction 6 .5, 9.5.5
`covalency 2 .2
`Cr3+ 2.3.1, 3.3.4
`critical distance for energy transfer 5 .2,
`Cr20 3 2.2
`cross luminescence 3.3.10, 9.3, 9 .5.7, 9 .5 .8
`cross-over effect 8.1.2
`cross relaxation 4 .2.1, 5.3 . 1, 10.2
`cryptand 4.2.2, 1 0.3.2
`cryptate 4.2 .2 , 10.3.2
`Crystal Clear collaboration 9.6
`crystal field 2.2, 2.3.I, 3.3.3
`crystal growth 9.4, 8.2.3
`CsCaC1 3 9.5.8
`CsCdBr3 10.2
`CsCI 9.5.8
`CsF 9.5.8
`CsGd2F1 : Ce3+ 9.5.6
`Csl 4.4, 9.5.I
`Csi:Na+ 9 .5 . 1
`Csi:TJ +9.4, 9 .5 . I, 8.3.3
`CsPbC13 3.3 .9
`Cs2 U02Cl4 5.3 .2
`Czochralski method 9.4
`d 10 configuration 2.3.6, 3.3.6
`decay curve 5.3.1
`decay time 8.3. 3 , 3.2
`deep center emission 3.3.9
`degeneracy 2.3.I
`delocalization 3 .3.9
`diffusion length 5.3.I
`diffusion limited energy migration 5 .3 . 1
`donor acceptor pair emission 3.3.9, 4.6, 7 .3
`Dy3+3.3.2, 4.2.1
`Einstein coefficient 3 .6
`effective charge 6.5
`efficacy 6.4. I
`electric dipole interaction 5.2
`electroluminescence 10.4
`electromagnetic calorimeter 9 .3
`electron gun 7 . I
`electron hole pair 4.4
`electron hole recombination 3.3 .9
`electron lattice coupling 3.2
`electron transfer quenching 4.5
`electron volt A II
`emission 3.I
`emission spectra A IV
`energy gap law 4.2.I
`energy level diagram 2 .3. I
`energy loss parameter 4.4
`energy migration 5.3 5.3.2
`energy transfer 5 , 5.4, 6.4. I , 1 O.I . I , 9 .5 .5
`E~+ -doped fibers 10.5
`Eu3+ 3.3.2, 4 .2 . 1
`[Eu c 2.2.1] 3+ 10.3.2
`EuAI3B4012 5.3.1
`EuA103 5.3 . 1
`[Eu c bpy.bpy.bpy] 3+ I
`Eu3+ chelates I 0 .3.2
`EuMgAl110 19 5.3.1
`EuMgBs010 5.3.1
`Eu203 5.3.1
`exchange interaction 5.2
`excitation 2. I
`.excitation spectrum 2 .1
`excited state absorption 10.I.2
`exciton 2.3.9, 5.4
`exciton emission 3.3.1, 3.3.9
`exponential decay 5 .3.1
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0238

`eye sensitivity curve 7.3
`fast diffusion 5.3. 1
`F centre 2.3.8, 8. 1 .3
`4f - 5d transition 2.3.4
`F.H pair 3.3.1, 8.1.3
`Hat panel display 1 0.4.3
`flicker 7 .3
`fluorescence A III
`fluorescent lamp 1
`fluorescent lighting 6.2
`fluoride glass 10. 1.2
`fluorite structure 10.2
`ftuoroimmunoassay I 0.3.1
`flux 7.2
`Hying spot scanner 7.3
`forbidden transition 2.3. I
`forced electric dipole transition 3.3.2
`free charge carriers 2.3.9, 5.4
`free exciton 3 .3.9, 5.4
`Frenkel exciton 2.3.9, 5.4
`frequency A II
`frequency doubling I 0.1.1
`Forster - Dexter theory 5.1
`y-ray camera 9.3
`y-ray spectrometer 9.3
`GaP 3.3.9
`garnet 6.4.1
`gas-filled detector 9.3
`Gd3+ 3.3.2, 4.2.1 , 5.3.1
`GdAl03 5.3. 1
`GdAI03 : Ce3+ 9.5.6
`GdB03 : Pr3+ 6.4.2
`GdB 30 6 : Eu 3+ 4.2.2
`Gd3Gas012 : ci3+ 8.3.3
`Gd3Gas0 12 : Tb3+ 8.3.1
`GdMgB 5 0 10 : Ce3+, Mn2+ 6.4.1
`GdMgBsOw : Ce3+ , Tb3+ 6.4.1
`GdzOzS : Pr3+ 8.3.3
`Gd20zS : Tb3+ 4.4, 8.2.1, 8.3.1
`GdzSiOs : Ce3+ 9.4, 9.5.4
`GdzSiOs : Tb3+ 8.3.1
`GdTa04 : Tb3+ 8.3.1
`glass 2.2, 4.2.2
`glass ceramics 10.2
`glass crystallization 10.2
`glow curve 3.5
`ground state depletion 7.3
`halophosphates 6.4. 1
`harmonic oscillator 2. 1
`H center 3.3.1
`high density excitation 7.3
`high energy physics 9.3
`high field electroluminescence l 0.4.1
`higher level emission 4.2.1, 5.3.1
`high pressure mercury lamp 6.2
`host lattice 2.2
`host lattice absorption 2.3.9
`Huang - Rhys coupling constant 3.2, 5 .3.2
`hydroxy-apatite 6.4. 1
`hyperbilirubinemia 6.4.2
`hypersensitivity 3.3.2
`immunology 10.3.1
`impact ionization I 0.4.3.
`impact process I 0.4.3
`impurity bound exciton recombination 4.5
`InB03 : Tb3 + 7.3
`infrared detection I 0. I . 1
`inhomogeneous broadening 2.2, 5.3. 1
`lnSb 5.4
`intensifying screen 8. 1.2, 8.3. I
`intermediate coupling scheme 2.1, 3.1, 4.2
`intervalence charge transfer 2.3.7
`inversion symmetry 2.3.3, 3.3.2
`ionising radiation 9.2
`Jahn - Teller effect 3.3.5, 3.3.7
`KCaF3 9 .5.8
`KMgF3 9.5.8
`KTiOP04 3.3.9
`KYF4 9.5.8
`LaF3 : Pr3+ 5.3 . 1
`LaF3 : Nd3+ 9.5.6
`(La, Gd)B 3 0 6 : Bi3+ 6.4.2
`lamp life 6.4.
`lamp phosphor 6. 1
`La20 3 : Ce3+ 4 .5
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0239

`LaOBr: Tm3+ 8.3.1
`La202S 4.4
`LaP04 : Ce3+, Th3+ 6.4. I
`laser 1, 3.6
`laser efficiency 10.1.2
`LiBaF3 9.5.8
`Li6 Eu(B03 )J 5.3.1
`lifetime 3.2
`light detectors 8.1.4
`light emitting diodes 1 0.4. 1
`lighting 6.1
`light output 4.3
`light yield 9.3
`Ln2 0 2 S 8.2. I
`localization 3.3.9
`low field electro1uminescence 10.4.1
`lumen equivalent 7.3
`luminescence A III
`luminescence efficiency 4.3
`luminescence immunoassay 10.3
`luminescence literature A I
`luminescent label 1 0.3. 1
`luminescent lighting 6.2
`luminous efficiency 4.3
`LuP04 : Ce3+ 9.5.6
`Lu2Si05 : Ce3+ 9.5.4
`LuTa04 8 .3. 1
`macrocyclic ligand 10.3.2
`magnetic dipole interaction 5.2
`magnetic order 5.3. 1
`maintenance 6.4. 1
`maximum efficiency 4.3, 7.3, 9.6
`medical diagnostics 9.3, 8.1.1
`medical radiography 8.1 .2
`mercury vapour discharge 6.2
`mismatch 5.3.1
`mixed oxides 6.3
`MgW04 6 .3, 6.4.1
`Mn2+2. 3. I, 3.3.4
`MnF2 2.3.1
`morphology 8.2.2
`multiphonon emission 4 .2 , 5.3.1
`multiwire chamber 9 .3
`muon 9.2
`NaEuTi04 5 .3.1
`NaF: cu + 4 .5
`NaGd02 : Eu 3+ 3.3.2
`NaGdTi04 : Eu3+ 4.2.1
`Nal 4.4
`Nal:TI+9.4, 9 .5.1, 8.3 .3
`NaLu02 : Eu 3+ 3.3.2
`NaYF4 : Yb 3+, E~+ 10.1 .2
`Nd3+9.5 .6
`near edge emission 3 .3.9
`nephelauxetic effect 2.2, 3.3.3
`Ni2+ 3.3.4
`nonradiative transition 4 . 1
`nuclear physics 9.3
`oil well logging 9.3
`one-dimensional energy migration 5.3.1
`opposite parity states 2.3.3
`optical absorption intensity 2.1, 2.3.3
`optical communication 10.5
`optical fiber 10.5
`optical line shape 5.2
`optical stimul ation 3.5, 8. 1.3
`ordered perovskites 4 .2.2
`pair production 9.2
`parabola offset 4.2.2
`parity selection rule 2. 1, 2.3. 1
`particle identification 9.3, 9.5.7
`particle size distribution 6.3
`Pb2+ 3.3.7
`PET 9.3, 9.5.3
`phase transition 10.2
`phonon assisted energy transfer 5.3. 1
`phosphorescence A III
`photoconductivity 2.3.9
`photodiode 9 .3 , 8.1.4
`photoelectric effect 9.2
`photoionisation 4.5
`photomu1tiplyer 9.3
`photostimulable luminescent centre 8.3.2
`photostimulable storage phosphor 8. 1.3
`phototherapy 6.4.2
`pigmentation 6.4.2
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0240

`p-n junction 10.4.2
`population inversion 3.6
`porosity 8.2.2
`positron 9 .2, 9 .3
`positron emission tomography 9.3
`pi3+ 3.3 .2, 3.3.3, 4.2.2, 5.3.1
`precipitation 8 .2.2
`primary colors 7 .I
`probe 10.2
`progression 3.3.7
`projection television 7 . 1
`PrPs014 5.3.1
`,psoriasis 6.4.2
`quantum efficiency 4.3
`quantum size effect I 0.6
`quenching 5.3.1
`quenching in ion pairs 5.3 . 1
`radiant efficiency 4.3
`radiation dosimetry 9.3
`radiationless process 4. I
`radiative decay time 3.2
`radiative energy transfer 5 .2, 9.5.5
`radioisotope 9.3
`rare earth activated luminescent materials
`rare earth ion 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 3.3.2
`RbBr: Tl+ 8.3.2
`RbF 9.5.8
`relaxation 3.2
`relaxed excited state 4.2, 5.3.2
`resonance condition 5.2
`ruby I
`saturation 7.1 , 10.1.2
`scintillation mechanism 9.6
`scintillator 9 . 1, 9.3, 9.5, 8.1.1
`s2 configuration 2.3 .5, 3.3.7
`screen(ing) 7.2
`second harmonic generation I 0.1. I
`selective excitation 5.3.1
`self trapped exciton 5.4, 9 .5 .5
`semiconductor 2.3.9, 3.3.9, 5.4
`sensitization 5.1
`sensitizer 5.2
`sequential energy transfer 1 0.1. 1
`shadow mask tube 7.3
`short range order 10.2
`single crystals 8.2.3, 8.3.3
`sintering 8.2.2
`site selective spectroscopy 10.2
`Sm2+3 .3.3
`Sm3+3.3.2, 4 .2.1
`small particles I 0.6
`Sn2+3.3.7, 6.4.3
`soft chemistry 4.2.2
`solid scintillator proportional counter 9.3
`special deluxe lamps 6.4.1
`SPECT 9.3
`spectral band shape 2. 1
`spectral overlap 5.2, 5.3 .2
`spin orbit coupling 2.3.5, 3.3.7
`spin selection rule 2.1
`Sr2Al6011 : Eu2+ 6.4.1 ,.,
`Sr4 Al14 02s : Eu2+ 6.4. 1
`SrF2 : Yb2+ 4.5
`Sr3Gd2Si601R : Pb2+, Mn2+ 6 .5
`(Sr, Mg)J(P04h : Sn2+ 6.4.3
`Sr3 (P04) 5 Cl : E u2+ 6.4.1
`Sr2P207 : Eu2+ 6.4.2
`SrS : Ce3+ 10.4.3
`SrTi03 3.3.9
`SrW04 4 .2. 1
`stiff host lattice 4.2. 2
`stiffness 3.2
`stimulated emission 3.6
`Stokes shift 3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.7, 3.3.9, 4.2,
`4.2.2 5.3.2 6.4.1
`storage phosphor 8 . 1.3, 8.3.2
`stretching vibration 2. I
`strong coupling scheme 2.1, 3.1, 4.2, 5.3.2
`sunburn 6.4.2
`sun tanning lamps 6.4.2
`synchrotron 6 .5, 9.5.5, 9 .6
`Tanabe - Sugano diagram 2.3. 1, 3.3.4
`Tb3+3 .3.2, 4.2. 1
`[Tb c 2.2.1)3+ I 0.3.2
`TbAI03 5.3. I
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0241

`Te4+3.2 3.3.7
`television 7. I
`terminology A III
`Ti02 3.3.9
`thermal stimulation 3.5, 8.1.3
`thermally stimulated energy transfer 5.3.2
`thermal quenching 4.2
`thermoluminescence 3.5, 9.3
`thin film electroluminescence I 0.4.1
`transfer rate 5 .2
`transition metal ion 2.3. I, 3.3.4
`transition rates 3.6
`trap 5.3.2, 8 .3.2
`trap depth 5.3.2
`trap emission 5.3.2
`trapping 3.4, 3.5, 8.1 .3
`tricolor lamp 6.4.1
`two-dimensional energy migration 5.3.1
`two-phonon assisted energy transfer 5.3. I
`two-photon absorption I 0.1 .I
`two-photon emission 6.4.4
`two-step absorption I 0 . I . I
`u 6+3.3.8, 5.3.2
`ultraviolet car headlights 6.5
`uneven crystal field components 2 .3.3
`uo~+ 3.3.8, 5.3.2
`uo~- 3.3.8
`uo~- 3.3.8, 4.2.2
`upconversion lO. I. I, I 0.1 .2
`uranates 5.3.2
`vacuum ultraviolet 6.5
`VK center 3.3.1
`vibration 2. 1
`vibronic transition 3.3.2
`vo~- 3.3.5
`Wannier exciton 5.4
`wavelength A I I
`wavenumber A II
`weak coupling scheme 2.1, 3.1, 4.2, 5.3
`white light 6.2
`willemite 7.3
`wo~- 3 .3.5
`YAI03 : Ce3+ 9.5.6
`Y 3Als012 4.4
`Y 3Als012 : Ce3+ 6.4.1, 7 .3, 9.5.6
`Y3Als012 : Tb3+ 7 .3
`Y3(AI,Ga) 5 0,2: Tb3+ 7.3
`Yb2+ 3.3.3
`Yb3+, Er3+ upconversion I 0.1.2
`Yb3+, Tm3+ upconversion 10.1.2
`(Y, Gd)203 8.2.2
`(Y, GdhOJ : Eu3+ 8 .3. 3
`Y 2 0 3 :Cr3+ I
`Y 20 3 : Eu3+ 4.2.2, 5.3 . 1, 6.3, 6.4.1 , 7.3
`YNb04 5.3 .2
`Y 202S : Eu 3+ 7 .2, 7.3
`YP04 : Sb3+ 3.3.7
`: Ce3+ 4.2.2, 7.3, 8.3.2
`Y 2Si05 : Tb3+ 7.3
`Y 2Si201 : Ce3+ 7.3
`YTa04 8.3 . 1
`YV04 2 .3.2, 3.3.9, 4.4, 5 .3.2
`YV04 : Bi3+ 3.3.5
`: Eu3+ 1, 6.4.3 , 7 .3
`Y 2 (W04)J : Eu 3+ 7 .3
`X-ray absorption 8. I. 1
`X-ray imaging 8.1.3
`X-ray phosphor I , 9. I , 8. 1.1, 8. 1.2, 8.2. I,
`X rays 8.1 . 1
`zero-phonon line 5.3.2
`(Zn, BehSi04 : Mn2+ 6.4.1
`(Zn, Cd)S : Ag 7.3
`Zn3(P04h : Mn2+ 7.3
`ZnS 2.3.9, 4.4
`ZnS: Ag 7.3
`ZnS colloids I 0.6
`ZnS : Cu, AI 3.3.9
`ZnS : Cu, Cl 7.3
`ZnS : Mn2+ 10.4.3
`Zn2Si04 : Mn2+ 6.4.1 , 7.3
`ZnW04 9.5.2, 8 .3.3
`Vizio EX1018 Page 0242

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