Fast Routing Table Lookup Using CAMs
`Anthony J. McAuley & Paul Francis1
`Bellcore, 445 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07962-1910, USA
`This paper investigates fast routing table lookup
`techniques, where the table is composed of hierarchical
`addresses such as those found in a national telephone
`network. The hierachical addresses provide important
`benefits in large networks; but existing fast routing table
`lookup technique, based on hardware such as Content
`Addressable Memory (CAM), work only with flat
`addresses. We present several fast routing table lookup
`solutions for hierarchical address based on binary- and
`ternary-CAMs and analyze the pros and cons of each.
`1 Introduction
`The central function of any communications switch is to
`route a call or packet to the appropriate destination. Simply
`put, this involves searching a routing table—a table
`composed of <address, associated information> entries—
`for the information needed to route the packet to the
`appropriate output port (or ports, in the case of multi-cast
`addresses). An entry in the routing table corresponding to a
`certain address
`the switch some associated
`information for deciding how to route the packet.
`Ideally, routing table lookup should complete in the time
`it takes to read the packet off the link, or if cut-through
`switching is being performed (where the head of the packet
`is routed out before the tail arrives), the time it takes to read
`the address off the incoming link. As bandwidth and
`switching speeds increase, the time allotted to do the
`1. Recently published under the name of Paul Tsuchiya.
`lookup decreases to the point where a software/RAM-
`based approach is not fast enough. A hardware structure
`called tries has been suggested [1]; but, for many lookup
`applications, it can be inefficient in memory or too slow.
`Exploiting the inherent parallelism of Content Addressable
`Memory (CAM) is attractive; but existing solutions [2] [3]
`[4] are limited to non-hierarchical addresses. This paper
`describes CAM-based architectures that provide low
`1. Recently published under the name of Paul Tsuchiya.
`latency over a wide variety of address structures.
`Sections 2 and 3 review the lookup function and address
`types. Section 4 categorizes existing lookup algorithms
`based on various memory hardware. Sections 5 and 6
`describe six methods of using binary- and ternary-CAMs
`for routing table lookup. We conclude with a table for
`deciding between the solutions based on the address size
`and format.
`2 The Lookup Function
`This section describes the routing table lookup function
`that is executed every time a packet arrives at a switch.
`2.1: Simplified Lookup Function
`If the switch is connection-less (e.g. an IP network),
`then each packet header contains the complete addressing
`information needed to do the lookup function.
`If the switch is connection-oriented (e.g. an ATM
`network), then most data packets need contain only a
`connection identifier. The complete addressing information
`(e.g. E.164 or IP address) is contained only in the first
`packet (e.g. SMDS) or in a special packet carried on the
`signalling channel (e.g. basic ATM). The connection
`identifier can be assigned by the sender or the switch; but,
`in either case, the connection identifier is a mnemonic
`representing all the address information.
`The purpose of the connection identifier is increased
`efficiency. The connection identifier comes from a small
`number space compared to the address information. As a
`result, most of the packets of a connection do not need to
`carry all the addressing information, thus shrinking packet
`size. Further, the lookup function is simplified, because the
`size of the search field is reduced.
`The connection identifier lookup function is a simplified
`case of the more general routing table lookup function. As
`such, any solution to the more general routing table lookup
`function, with its sparse address space, can be applied to
`the connection identifier lookup function (although it may
`not be the most cost-effective solution). We therefore
`focuses on the general routing table lookup function.
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 1

`2.2: The General Routing Table Lookup Function
`Up to this point, we have oversimplified by describing
`the input to the lookup function as being a simple address.
`However, the input can be both source and destination
`address, and other information that can collectively be
`called Quality-of-Service
`information. QOS
`includes such implicit path information as low cost, low
`delay, high throughput, low error rate, and so on. This
`information is combined with the address for the lookup
`function. QOS information may also be explicit, such as an
`long-distance Inter-exchange Carrier (IEC) indication. In
`this case, the QOS information may take priority over the
`addressing information altogether, for instance because a
`switch is only concerned about getting the packet to the
`appropriate IEC. This priority effect also exists with
`hierarchically structured addresses. Here, one part of an
`address takes priority over another part in the routing
`For the remainder of this paper, we consider an address
`to potentially include both source and destination address
`and the QOS information described above. The way the
`addresses are assigned in a network affect the routing table
`lookup function; therefore we next look at three general
`address structures. This covers the full range of address
`types that one is likely to see in practice. In particular, it
`covers a wider range than previous work on hardware-
`assisted routing table lookup [1].
`3 Three Types of Address
`This section considers two addressing structures (flat
`and hierarchical) and two hierarchical address assignment
`algorithms (fixed-position and variable-position).
`3.1: Flat Addresses
`The simplest addressing structure is a flat address space,
`where we simply assign each destination a unique address
`chosen anywhere from the address space. This is seen, for
`example, in ethernet addresses and for local connection
`identifiers. This method has the advantage of simplicity;
`but is limited to small networks, where routing table size is
`3.2: Fixed-position Hierarchical Addresses
`Hierarchical addresses, such as those in the telephone
`system, greatly reduce routing table size. Figure 1 shows a
`small example, representing a subset of seven nodes (ovals)
`visible to a switch (not shown) with three levels of
`hierarchy. The telephone numbers are the standard US 10-
`digit code: where the “X” digit is a wild card, meaning that
`any digit matches that position. Table 1 shows the
`corresponding routing table. This routing table has
`addresses with four different fields: one 10-digit, two 6-
`Figure 1 Fixed-position address hierarchy
`(with decimal addresses)
`Table 1
`Hierarchical address example
`Address (decimal)
`Next Hop
`Port A
`Port B
`Port C
`Port D
`Port E
`Port F
`digit, three 3-digit, and one 0-digit. For example, the switch
`has direct connections to two 6-digit switches that handle
`the 201-829 (via Port B) and 201-876 (via Port C)
`exchanges. The final entry is a 0-digit default switch that
`routes to everything else (via Port G).
`Consider a packet with address 201-829-4484. It
`matches three of the entries (201-829-XXXX, 201-XXX-
`XXXX, and XXX-XXX-XXXX). In this case, the best
`match is the one that matches on the most non-wildcard
`digits; thus the 201-829-XXXX represents the best route
`(port B), and perhaps the only correct route. A packet with
`address 908-829-4698 would be forwarded over Port F.
`Here, even though the 829-4698 part of the address
`matches 7 digits in the first entry, any mis-matched digits
`(908 instead of 201) results in a mis-match.
`We can model the general lookup function as follows.
`The routing table consists of a list of address/mask pairs,
`and the associated information that gets returned as a result
`of the lookup. For example, Table 2 shows how the entries
`in Table 1 would be stored. The input to the lookup function
`is the packetAddress. If the size of a mask is the number of
`1 bits in the mask, the result of the lookup function is the
`associated information of the entry with the largest mask
`such that: mask&packetAddress = address, where & is the
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 2

`Table 2
`Address and mask for Table 1
`Address (decimal)
`Mask (hex.)
`Figure 2 Variable-position address
`hierarchy (with binary addresses)
`bitwise logical AND function. The flat routing table
`lookup, then, is a special case of the hierachical lookup
`function where the masks are all 1’s.
`Unlike the above example, just because two addresses
`are at some level i of the addressing hierarchy does not
`mean that they have the same mask (as it does with for
`instance telephone addresses in the USA). For instance,
`subnet numbers in IP addresses can fall on arbitrary bit
`boundaries [5]. Notice also that the 1’s in the mask need not
`be contiguous. Indeed, there are known address assignment
`algorithms that can efficiently utilize the address space by
`taking advantage of variable-position (and in some cases
`non-contiguous) masks. Examples of this are kampai
`addressing [6], and variable-position subnet number
`assignment [7].
`3.3: Variable-position Hierarchical Addresses
`Figure 2 shows a view of a network similar to that used
`in the example of Figure 1, with seven areas (ovals) and
`three levels of hierarchy, but employing variable-position
`addresses (numbers inside the ovals). An area has the same
`locality for routing as the example of Figure 1.
`Table 3
`Variable-position addressing example
`Address (binary)
`Next Hop
`Port A
`Port B
`Port C
`Port D
`Port E
`Port F
`Port G
`Table 4
`Address and mask for Table 3
`Address (binary)
`Mask (binary)
`The numbers inside the ovals represent the addresses
`that switch has control over: that is, the numbers which are
`below it in the hierarchy. For example, the bottom oval in
`Figure 2 (11110X00) has two addresses associated with it:
`11110000 and 11110100. The oval above this one
`(11X10X00) has four addresses associated with it:
`11010000, 11010100, 11110000, and 1111100. From this
`small example, we can see that the addresses are much less
`rigidly structured than in the telephone example. Each area
`has a number of addresses equal to some power of 2.
`If a switch has access to the seven areas shown in Figure
`2, it will have a variable-position addressing table like that
`shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the address and mask
`derived from Table 3. The lookup operation is the same as
`that already described for fixed-position hierarchical
`addresses (matching entry with largest mask).
` For the routing table lookup function, there are
`important differences between fixed-position hierarchical
`addressing and variable-position hierachical addressing.
`The main difference with respect to this paper is that there
`are potentially many more mask combinations that must be
`considered in the lookup function for variable-position
`addressing. The consequences of this will be brought out
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 3

`later in the paper. (The other major difference is that
`variable-position masks are not necessarily contiguous.
`However, this difference only affects software-driven
`routing table lookup, and so is not a factor in this paper.)
`4 Routing Table Lookup
`This section briefly reviews the general approaches to
`the lookup, using RAM, binary-CAM and ternary-CAM.
`4.1: RAM-based Lookup
`The RAM has two major operations:
`• Write an entry into a specific address
` Read an entry by its address.
`There are a number of (software) algorithms used to
`perform the lookup function using standard Random
`Access Memory (RAM).
`A RAM can be perform the lookup in a single cycle if
`the data being searched (i.e. the packet address) is used as
`a direct index (RAM address) into memory. In this case, the
`size of a RAM is determined by the size of the search field.
`For example, with a 16-bit search field the RAM size is
`64K (216) words. The number of words stored in a RAM
`has no effect on this size and cost. Thus, if there were only
`256 words, each with a 16-bit search field, the RAM must
`still have 64K words. The size and cost of the RAM when
`used as a direct index grows exponentially with the search
`field. With current RAM technology trends, a 24 bit search
`pattern is the practical limit of an economic RAM-based
`search engine.
`A linear search is the most efficient algorithm for table
`lookup, requiring only one entry per active address. If the
`entries in the routing table are searched in order of largest
`mask first, then the first match will be the best match. Of
`course, the linear search runs in time O(N), where N is the
`number of entries, and so can take considerable time.
`A faster approach is to form a tree search: using a binary
`tree, a patricia tree, a trie tree, and so on [8]. In general,
`these trees can push the search time towards logN. In the
`case of the binary and patricia trees, the log base is 2. The
`log base can be increased, thus reducing search time, but
`for sparsely populated address spaces, this can result in
`unacceptable memory requirements [1]. Furthermore, even
`this search time may be excessive. For a high speed switch,
`the allotted search time can be measured in a few tens of
`instructions or less.
`Under good conditions, a hash function can execute the
`lookup function in constant time [8], only slightly slower
`than direct access. The worst case search time, however,
`can be considerably worse than that of the tree searches.
`The performance is a function of the size of the hash
`memory and the number of addresses that must be searched
`in a given time window (after which a hashed entry will be
`timed out). While the routing table, because of hierarchical
`addresses, might be relatively small (10’s or 100’s of
`entries), the number of addresses that might potentially be
`searched can be large. This number depends on user traffic
`patterns, that can be hard to predict, especially for
`emerging data networks. Therefore, the amount of memory
`the search
`time needed for hashing might be
`unacceptably large.
`4.2: Binary-CAM-based Lookup
`A CAM has three major operations:
`• Write into the next free location
`• Search for a word match.
`• Read matching entries.
`Data may be transferred to or from an CAM without
`knowing the memory address2 of the word [4]. Binary data
`is automatically written to the next free word. To read a
`word the user must first do a search operation. Then, if
`there are multiple matches, the CAM decides (based on
`some internal state) which matched word to read next.
`Reading is useful because a CAM word has two parts. The
`most important part is the search-field, which is the part of
`the word that is matched with the search pattern. This
`typically contains the addresses of the known destinations.
`The CAM word also contains a return-field, which is the
`information returned during a read. This contains either the
`related information or an index.
`All the CAM lookup algorithms are similar to the
`parallel search used in a RAM; however, the size of a CAM
`needed for direct access is determined primarily by the
`number of words that require storage. The size of the search
`field only affects the number of bits a word requires. For
`example, with a 10-bit search field, 10 bits per word are
`required. Thus, if there were only 256 possible inputs, each
`with a 16-bit search field, the CAM must have 256 words -
`with each word being at least 16 bits. The size and cost of
`a CAM grows linearly with the size of the search field and
`the number of entries.
`The simplest CAM application is filtering, because it
`does not require any returned information other than the
`existence of the address. For example, to implement the
`network address screening function in SMDS, a CAM can
`be loaded with a list of valid/invalid network addresses.
`When a packet arrives, its address is used to search the
`CAM. Only if the CAM flag indicates a match/no-match is
`the packet processed.
`If the amount of associated information is small (e.g. an
`output port index number), the CAM word is can store the
`2. Some CAMs require addresses [3]; but addressless-CAMs
`are preferred for networking applications, because they directly
`store related information and reduce overall complexity [4].
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 4

`related information in full. This direct access is fast
`(requires a single CAM read) and has low complexity.
`However, because the size of the CAM word is limited (by
`cost), the associated information must be relatively small,
`currently the maximum economic size is around 100 bits.
`If the amount of associated information is large (e.g.
`because a large lower layer encapsulation address is
`required, or because multiple outputs are listed in the case
`of multicast forwarding), the CAM word is unable to store
`the related information. It therefore stores a unique index.
`The index is read, just as with direct access; but now the
`index is used as an address to read a RAM. This indirect
`access requires both a CAM read and a RAM read. Indirect
`access is therefore slightly slower and more complex than
`direct access; but allows more associated information.
`4.3: Ternary-CAM-based Lookup
`A ternary-CAM [9] has the same three major operations
`as a binary-CAM; but, while a binary-CAM stores one of
`two states (0 and 1) in each memory location (i.e. in each
`bit of a word), a ternary-CAM stores one of three states in
`each memory location (and also allows the search pattern
`to be one of the three states). We represent the three states
`by: 0, 1, and X. A ternary-CAM stores a don’t care
`condition in the extra state (X), effectively allowing each
`word its own personal mask register. For hierarchical
`addresses, the ternary-CAM allows the address and mask
`information to be combined in a single ternary word.
`We will introduce algorithms to perform lookup using a
`ternary-CAM in Section 6.
`4.4: Cost Comparison
`As a first order approximation, we assume the cost per
`bit of a:
`• Binary-CAM is ten times the cost of a RAM.
`• Ternary-CAM is twice the cost of a binary-CAM.
`Since the entries in general routing tables tend to be
`sparsely populated over the (network) address space, direct
`indexing of the packetAddress into RAM is prohibitive.
`Therefore, it is necessary to either use a slower, software-
`driven search of RAM, or go to a hardware-based approach
`such as CAM (or a hybrid). Often, the time of the software-
`driven RAM search is unacceptable. With higher speeds, at
`some point it is necessary to go with the faster and well-
`bounded search time of a CAM.
`Thus, although approximately an order of magnitude
`more expensive in terms of hardware, CAM-lookup
`solutions can offer superior performance compared to even
`the most sophisticated RAM-based search algorithms
`(careful management of the scarce CAM resources can
`help reduce costs - see Appendix A).
`5 Binary-CAM Lookup Algorithms
`This section describes three binary-CAM lookup
`algorithms/architectures: B1, B2, and B3 (B1 and B2 are
`well known and are included only for completeness).
`5.1: B1 (Single-Cycle Single-Logical CAM)
`A binary-CAM is directly useful for flat address lookup
`(or lookup for a switch at a fixed position in the hierarchy).
`The system loads the CAM words with the routing table:
`i.e. the address and the associated information or index.
`The system also loads the mask register so that only the
`address is matched during a search (the associated
`information is masked). After loading the address,
`associated information, and mask, the CAM is ready to
`perform routing table lookup.
`When a packet arrives at the switch, the system extracts
`its packetAddress. This packetAddress is used to search the
`CAM. If there is a match, the system reads the associated
`information in the subsequent cycle. After initialization,
`the CAM returns the associated information or index in two
`cycles: search-read (CAM search and CAM read).
`If a new entry needs to be loaded into the routing table,
`the system adds the entry into the next free location. If an
`old entry needs to be removed from the table, the system
`selectively deletes that entry.
`Method B1 is fast and has low complexity; but is only
`suited to flat addressing applications, because it only has a
`single fixed mask and assumes there is only one match.
`5.2: B2 (Multiple-Cycle Single-Logical CAM)
`If it is necessary to use more than one mask register,
`such as in hierarchical addressing, we cannot use method
`B1. We must be able to use different masks and have
`multiple search operations. A binary-CAM using multiple
`cycles works well for fixed-position hierarchical address
`The system loads the CAM words with the address and
`the associated information (or index); but does not fix the
`mask register.
`the system extracts
`When a packet arrives,
`packetAddress and begins multiple mask loading and
`search operations. In the first cycle, the system loads the
`mask register of the address furthest down in the hierarchy
`(see Figure 1): that is, with the largest (most 1’s) mask in
`the routing table (see Table 2). Then it searches (using the
`packetAddress) the CAM for a match. If a match occurs, it
`reads the associated information or index. If no match
`occurs, the second cycle begins and the system loads the
`mask register with the mask containing the second most
`1’s. The system again searches for a match. If a match
`occurs, it reads the associated information or index. If no
`match occurs, a third cycle begins. The system continues
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 5

`through all the masks until a match is found (or if all else
`fails there is a default—a mask with all 0’s).
`In each cycle at most one match can occur. This is
`because masks only match things in the hierarchy at the
`level of the mask and below. Since the most specific
`(lowest in the hierarchy) mask is tried first, and since the
`routing table lookup sequence ends with the first match, we
`can have only one match. For fixed-position hierarchical
`addresses, the worst case number of cycles is twice the
`number of hierarchy levels plus one: write-search-write-
`search-......-read (Mask write, CAM search, Mask write,
`CAM search,....CAM Read).
`If a new entry needs to be loaded into the routing table,
`the system adds the entry into the next free location. If an
`old entry needs to be removed from the table, the system
`selectively deletes that entry.
`Method B2 is slower and more complex than method
`B1; but is better with fixed-position hierarchical addresses.
`The number of cycles is bounded by the number of
`different masks, which for fixed-position hierarchical
`addresses is equal to the depth of the address hierarchy.
`(Note that the number of masks with variable-position
`hierarchical addresses can be much larger than the
`hierarchy depth, so this method may not be good for such
`addresses.) Since the address hierarchy tends to be shallow
`(the international telephone network address is only four
`levels), the number of cycles is small3.
`Unfortunately, the system must keep track of where it is,
`load the mask register with a different value each cycle, and
`check for completion. A faster, simpler alternative, if
`suitable hardware is available, is method B3.
`5.3: B3 (Single-Cycle Multiple-Logical CAM)
`In a single logical CAM, words share the mask register
`and data bus; so, if only a single search cycle is allowed, all
`words must receive the same search pattern. (A single
`logical CAM may be composed of more than one chip; but
`the same mask is applied uniformly to all words). A single
`addressing with a single search-read cycle. This section
`describes the use of multiple logical CAMs for hierarchical
`address lookup with a single search-read cycle. This is
`particularly useful
`for fixed-position hierarchical
`addressing, such as exists in the current telephone
`numbering scheme.
`When addresses are hierarchical, two problems prevent
`table lookup in one cycle with a single logical CAM:
`3. The number of cycles will on average be less than half the
`hierarchy depth, because method B2 begins with the larger masks
`- and larger masks are for frequently used: 1) nearby destinations
`that are low in the hierarchy, or 2) high access links that are higher
`in the hierarchy, but uses more detailed information.
`no match
`Port C
`Port B
`no match
`6 201-
`10 201-
`Port B
`Figure 3 Lookup with multiple logical CAMs
`variable “field” matching (different addresses need
`different masks),
`• “best” matching, (choose the winning match chosen
`from the multiple entries that can match a given
`To overcome the variable field matching problem we
`use multiple logical CAMs. Words in different logical
`CAMs have their own mask registers. The system chooses
`which logical CAM to store data and sets its mask value.
`Therefore, even though they receive the same search word,
`each logical CAM has its own search pattern, one for each
`different mask.
`To overcome the simultaneous matching problem we
`add logic at the output to filter through only the best match.
`This match prioritizer automatically selects the best match.
`Figure 3 shows a system with three logical CAMs and
`match prioritizer, that translates the hierarchical addresses
`shown in Figure 1.
`The system stores the addresses in different CAMs
`depending on their depth in the hierarchy. It stores all ten
`digit addresses (e.g. 201-829-4698) in the bottom logical
`CAM, and sets its mask (mask-10) to FFF-FFF-FFFF (see
`Table 2). It stores the six digit addresses in the middle
`logical CAM, and sets its mask (mask-6) to FFF-FFF-0000.
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 6

`Finally, it stores all the three digit addressees in the top
`logical CAM, and sets its mask (mask-3) to FFF-000-0000.
`The final entry in table I does not need a CAM, because it
`is simply the default if no matches occur. With each logical
`CAM masking out the bits that are its wild-cards, the
`CAMs generate the correct matches in one search cycle.
`When a packet arrives at the switch, the system extracts
`its packetAddress. This packetAddress is used to search all
`the logical CAMs simultaneously. If there are multiple
`matches, the match prioritizer distinguishes which is the
`best match. For the example shown in Figure 3, where the
`packetAddress is 201-829-4484, the top two CAMs
`produce matches. Each logical CAM has a fixed priority
`and a single output is guaranteed. For the example shown
`in Figure 3, the prioritizer picks the lowest logical CAM
`which produces a match: in this case it picks the middle
`CAM. The prioritizer only enables one buffer (the middle
`buffer in this example) to drive its signal (indicating port B
`in this example) onto the output bus. After initialization,
`the CAMs return the associated information or index in two
`cycles: search-read (CAM search and CAM read).
`If a new entry needs to be loaded into the routing table,
`the system adds the entry into the next free location of the
`corresponding logical CAM (which stores entries with the
`same number of active digits). If an old entry must be
`removed from the table, the system selectively deletes that
`entry from the corresponding logical CAM.
`Method B3 is fast and has relatively low complexity. It
`adds extra hardware; but this can be economically
`integrated onto a single chip. Also, it allows only a limited
`number of masks; but, as we have said, a few masks are
`sufficient for fixed-position hierarchical addresses. As the
`number of masks increase, however, it becomes more
`economical to use a ternary-CAM.
`6 Ternary-CAM Lookup Algorithms
`The section describes how the ternary-CAM’s built in
`mask registers can be used to overcome the variable field
`matching problem for hierarchical addresses (in essence, a
`ternary-CAM is a multiple logical CAM system, where
`every word is a separate logical CAM).
`6.1: T1 (Single-Cycle Single-Logical CAM)
`Method T1 exploits the CAMs predictable ordering
`when reading multiple matched data. For example, the
`RCAM [4] always reads the matching entry that was
`entered first (in other words, the RCAM is First In First
`Match (FIFM)). If
`the system empties
`the CAM
`completely, then it knows that the order in which it puts the
`addresses into the CAM will also be the priority order.
`The system stores the addresses (and their associated
`information or index) in order, starting with the lowest
`Table 6
`Variable-position Address Priority
`Address (ternary)
`Implicit priority
`addresses (largest mask) in the hierarchy. Since we know
`that multiple matches will be read out lowest level
`addresses first, the “best” match is guaranteed. Table 5,
`Table 5
`Fixed-position Address Priority
`Address (decimal)
`Implicit priority
`shows how the data would be stored for the fixed-position
`addresses from Figure 1. The top address has the highest
`priority (7) and the bottom address has the lowest priority
`(1). Table 6 shows the implicit priorities for the variable-
`position addresses from Figure 2. With the ternary-CAM
`loaded in this ordered way, the CAM generates correct
`matches in one search cycle.
`When a packet arrives at the switch, the system extracts
`its packetAddress that is used to search the CAM. If there
`are multiple matches, the CAM picks the one with the
`largest priority. For example, if the packetAddress of
`11010000 is matched against Table 6 it results in three
`matches: XXXXXXXX (priority 1), 1XXXXX00 (priority
`4), and 11X10X00 (priority 6). In this case, the switch
`correctly chooses the 11X10X00 entry. After initialization,
`the CAMs return the associated information or index in two
`cycles: search-read (CAM search and CAM read).
`If an old entry must be removed from the table, the
`system selectively deletes that entry. But, in the general
`case, if a new entry needs to be loaded into the table, the
`Petitioners' EX1027 Page 7

`Table 7
`Fixed-position Address Priority
`Address (decimal)
`Priority (binary)
`Table 8
`Variable-position Address Priority
`Address (ternary)
`Priority (binary)
`system must totally re-initialize the CAM and re-insert all
`entries in the proper order. There are, however, a number of
`techniques (see below) that can improve the update
`performance for specific applications and CAMs.
`Method T1 is fast, has low complexity, and works well
`for all
`types of hierarchical addresses: particularly
`variable-position hierarchical addresses. The main
`drawback is the slow updating.
`6.2: T2 (Multiple-Cycle Single-Logical CAM)
`This section describes how to simplify the update
`operation by replacing the inherent priority (used in
`method T1) with an explicit priority field added to each
`word. This priority is based on the address depth in the
`hierarchy; the deeper the address, the higher the priority.
`The system loads the CAM words with the addresses,
`the associated information (or index), and adds a priority
`field proportional to its depth. Table 7 shows the priority
`filed associated with the fixed-position addresses from
`Figure 1. Table 8 shows the priority field associated with
`the variable-position addresses from Figure 2. Resolving
`the priority with the priority field takes multiple cycles.
`Note that the order in which entries are added is irrelevant.
`When a packet arrives at the switch, the system extracts
`its packetAddress. This packetAddress is used to search the
`CAM. Each cycle the system combines the packetAddress
`with a different priority word. In the first cycle of the
`search, the system sets the priority field equal to all X’s,
`except for the most significant bit which is set equal to 1.
`Only those address which match and have the most
`significant bit of the priority equal to 1 produce a match. If

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