`1“ Named Inventor
`: Michael Tasler
`: Kim, Harold J.
`Serial No.
`Group Art Unit
`: 2181
`Filing Date
`: March 11, 2005
`Confirmation No.
`: 8978
`Docket No.
`: Expressly Abandoned
`Mail Stop “0fl‘ice ofPetitions ”
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG (“Papst” or “Applicant”) petitions the Director under
`37 § C.F.R. 1.182 for expedited review of the accompanying petition under 37 C.F.R. § 1.55 and
`37 C.F.R. § 1.78 for a delayed priority claim. Applicant requests expedited review due to
`currently pending litigation and prosecution of patents related to U.S. Application No.
`11/07 8,77 8. Early notification of the granting of this petition is respectfully requested.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 1/54

`Based on the reasons set forth above, Applicant respectfully requests that the Director
`grant this petition.
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge any fees which may be required regarding
`this filing, or credit any overpayment, to Deposit Account No. 19-0513. Should no proper
`payment be enclosed herewith, as by a check or credit card payment form being in the wrong
`amount, unsigned, post-dated, otherwise improper or informal or entirely missing, the Director is
`authorized to charge the unpaid amount to Deposit Account No, 19-0513.
`Date: November 10, 2016
`/Jason A. Murphy/
`Jason A. Murphy
`Registration No. 63,423
`Customer No. 69995
`Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts
`22 Century Hill Drive, St. 302
`Latham, New York 12110
`Tel. (518) 220-1850
`Fax: (518) 220-1857
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 2/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 2/54

`1st Named Inventor
`lVIichael Tasler
`Kim, Harold J.
`Serial No.
`Filing Date
`Docket No.
`March 11, 2005
`Group Art Unit
`Confirmation No.
`Mail Stop "Office of Petitions"
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG ("Papst" or "Applicant"), petitions the Director under
`37 C.F.R.. § 1.55 and § L78 t{x a delayed claim of priority. The above-referenced US
`Application No. 11/078,778 ('"778 Application") is entitled to domestic priority to U.S.
`Application No. 10/219,105, filed August 15, 2002, which is a divisional application of U.S.
`Application No. 09/331,002, filed June 14, 1999, and is also entitled to foreign priority to PCT
`Application No. PCT/EP98/01187, filed March 3, 1998, \Vhich claims priority to Gem1an
`Application No. DE 19708755.8, filed March 4, 1997.
`It has recently come w Applicant's
`attention that the filing documents accompanying the '778 Application mistakenly omit a
`specific reference to U.S. Application No. 09/331,002, the National Stage of PCT Application
`No. PCT/EP98/0l187; this omission is a result of an administrative error. Applicant intended to
`claim priority to each prior-filed lJ.S. Application and foreign application in the fibng documents
`accompanying the '778 Application, which is evidenced by the record. As such, a delay in
`expressly claiming such priority to i.J.S. Application No. 09/331,002 has resulted, which
`Applicant seeks to correct by this Petition. Applicant further contends that the entire delay
`between the date the benefit dairn was due and the date the benefit claim \vas filed was
`For the reasons set fo1th in this Petition, Applicant contends that the Patent Ofii.ce should
`GRANT this Petition under 37 C.F.R. § 1.55 and §1.78.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 3/54

`Oil March 4, i997, Applieant tiled German. Paterrt Applieatiori No. l97l)875.Ԥ_8.
`Within twelve months of tiling German Patent Application
`Applicant filed PCT Application No. l’CT/’El’98./Gl l87 on March 3,
`l9EP8, claiming priority to
`Gerrnan Patent Application. No. l97€l875.‘3.8.
`Applicant tirnely entered the US. National Stage by filing US. Applicatieii No.
`{39,"33l,O{32 on .lune lzl, £999, new US. Patent No. 6,470,399. This National Stage entry
`application properly olaiined priority to PC’? Application No.
`l.3(iI'l‘;"El.398,"Oll8? anrl German
`l’atent Application No. 19788”/'55.S,‘
`While US. Application
`()9/’33l,()(}2 was co-peiioliiig, Applicant
`filed a
`CliVlSlOll3.l application, US. Application l0/219,305, on Aagiist E5, 2002, now US. Pateiit
`No. 6,895,449. US. Application ll}/2'l9,l{}5 properly clainiecl doinestie priority to US.
`l)9./33l,002, arid foreign. pi‘ioi'ity to PCT/’EP98.:"0ll87 and ‘German Patent
`Application No. l97U=S755.8.2
`The "/78 application., winch. is the sribiect of this Petition, was tiniely fiietl as a
`Coiitiniiation application of
`./-‘ipplicatioii No. 30/2l9,l 05 on March 1 l, 2005.3
`'l"rtinsrnittal Forth aeeoniptiiiying the “.778 Application shows that the box niarkerl '“‘Coiitinnation”
`is selected, and lists US. Applieatioii No. 10/255,105 as the prior~tiletl application.“
`The Oath and Declaration filed with the “.778 Application lists the foreign priority
`inforrnatioii, specifically listing PCT Application No. PCTEEPQS./'0ll87 and German Patent
`Applieatiori No. l97l)875.Ԥ.8.5
`A Bibliographic Data Sheet for the ’77S Application issued by the Fatent Office
`on 20, 2906 lists the eon.tinuing data (US. Application. No. l0/'2l9,l05) and the fQf.'f.’.i,g1’l
`{Gerniaii Patent Application
`l97()8755.8 and l.3’C'l‘ Application No.
`l’C'l"/El’9S."{}l l87!}.‘l
`1 U.S. Patent No. 6,470,399, cover page, (86), (30).
`Z U.S. Patent No. 6,895,449, cover page, ({ԤfZ)., (30).
`3 U.S. Application No. ll./O'78,778, Utility Patent Application Traiisiiiittal Forrii, provizleti as Appendix A.
`4 See Appeiidix A.
`5 US. A.ppli.catipii No. l l/$78,778, Oath anal Declaration, prpvideti as Appendix B.
`6 See ‘778 Application, Bihlingrapliie Data Sheet, proxziziezi. as Appemlix C,
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 4/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 4/54

`On the same i3i.‘oiiog.raph.ic Data Sheet: for the "778 Appiication, the Exarniner
`verified and ackriowiedged by signature that foreign priority was eiriinred, anti that 35 U.S.C. §
`119 efawd) conditions were inet.7
`The "778 Appiicetion pnbiished on Eniy 2t, 2005 as US. Pritent Appiierition
`Pribiication No. 2905/9160 3 99, with accurate foreign appiicatioir priority data listed on the cover
`On Iniy 28, 2005, the Patent Office issued a Notice of Aiiowabiiity for the ’77S
`in the Notice ofAiiowa‘oiii>:y, the Examiner nckirovviedgeti “ail” of the ciairns for
`forieigri priorii'y.‘° In particniar. the Exaniiiner indicated that the “C€31’ii.i.i€I.i
`documents have been received in Appiication No. ()9.'.>.>E,()()2”.“
`copies tifttie priority
`apphcations were
`a.t‘ter: US. Application
`1.1,/£378,778 that ciaiin doinestic priority to US. Appiieation ()9/’33E,()()2 flied on June 34, E999,
`anti foreign pi'ioi‘it7_y to i’C'i‘.«"Ei*98/Oi E87 fiieci on March 3, E998 anti Geinreir Appiication No.
`i97(3S”/'.55.7:‘s‘ flied on March
`1997 (US. Appiication No.
`'i'£,"467,(Y/'3, now US. Patent No.
`879667144,” US. Appiication
`ii./1i67,t)92, now US. Patent
`9,189,437,” US.
`Appiicatioir No. 11/928,283, pnbiisired as US$008/’02{)9()88,” and 1.1.8. Appiicatioir No.
`12/89i,443, now US. Patent No. 8,594,746”).
`{in Artgnst 24, 20E 6, Appiierint was rnatie aware of an atinriiristrative error that
`inistakeniy emits a specific reference to US. Appiication No. 09/331,002 in the fiiiirg documents
`accoinpanying the ’”/78 Appiication, prompting the Appiicant to tile this Petition.
`7 See Appendix C.
`U.S. Pze1ei1tApp1ication Puhiieatioii No. 2(H)5/Oi6{)i99, cover page.
`9 See ’778 Appiication, Notice ofAiim>.rabi1iay, provided as Apperiziix D.
`10 In’.
`H In’.
`L"-KS. ?aten1No. 8.966.144, Co}. 1, iines 8»--13.
`US. ?2tten1No. 9,i.=:<9.437, Co}. 2, lines 843.
`Patent A.ppEi.c?:tiim Pni>Ei.catii)o No. ?.O()8,/’€.>2.()9()8%§<,
`Pat-en1No. 8,:">04.746, (for. 3, tines 8---16.
`at [@001].
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 5/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 5/54

`37 C.F.Ii'.
`1.575’ Claim Far Fareign Priaihy
`(is) In g'ei2era.:.’. Ari appiicam; in it rirmpr0'v'isi0iiei appiication may cieim priority to (me Ur
`more prior foreign applications under the eeiiditieiis specified in 35 U.S.C. 119(3)
`tiimugh (ti) and (f), 172, 365{a) Laird {ii}, arid 386(3) and (E3) arid this section.
`(e) [)e!ayedpzi'i0rity ciaintz. Uniess such ciaim is aeeepteti in accordance with the pmvisions
`of this paragrapir, any ciaim fer priority imdei‘ 35 U_S.C. i19(a) r.h_r0r.igh ((3) at (if), 365(3)
`or (h), or 386%} or (‘{3} not presented in the manner required by paragraph (ti) or (hi) of
`this sectieh duriiig ehdency arid within the time period provided by pei‘agi‘apii (Ci) of this
`seetieri (if appiieabite) is cohsitiered to have been waiveri.
`ii‘ a claim fer ptfi,O1’i,i.:y'
`considered to have been waived under this section, the ciaiiri may be accepted if the
`priority ciaim was iiiriiriteiitietraiiiy deiayed. A petitiah ta accept a rlefayed claim far
`priarity ahafier 35 U.S.{.’. 5198:) thraaggh (a) at (f), 36:5-'(a) 03'” {£1} , tit‘ 38t'i(a) ar (1)) mast
`he accampamierl by:
`(I) The [}Fi0t°i{V claim made!‘ 35 E].S.C. I19(a) thmagh ta’) 0:“ {)9 , 365(a} at (h) , 0!‘
`386{a) at {h} in an appiieaticm data sheet (§ 1. 76(h){6) ), ittertztétiiihg the_fi2reigh
`apphicatiati ta which priarity is eiaimed, hy speefiyihg the appticatian ttamber,
`eaaatry (er imeilectttal prapetty attthm*ity}, day, mahth, and year 0;" its filing,
`tmiess ftrevirmsiy submitted;
`(2) A certified capy afthe fésvreign appiieatian, am‘.'ess' p:*evi:}as'Iy submitted 03" an
`exception in paragraph {h}, (if, or Qt’) af this section: applies,’
`(3) The petitiaa fee as setfirrth in § 1.1 17(m},' and
`{4} A statement that the entire delay between the date the priarity claim was a’ae
`hatter this sectiam and the (late the priority data: was flied was tmihtehtiahal.
`The {Firearm/’ may reqtzi1'e attdititnzai ihfirmtatian where there is a am-istian
`whether the defray was atzintentiahai’.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 6/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 6/54

`37 C.F.R. § 1.78 Ciaiming Benefit Of Eariier Filing Date and Crass-References to Other

`for a contintietl prosecution application filed antler
`(d}(".Z) Except
`nonprovisional application, international application designating the United States, or
`ititer,n,ational tlesign application designating the United States that claims the ‘tieneiit of
`or more priontiletl nonprovisional
`rlesignating the United States, or international design applications designating the United
`States lZ1’lLlS'i contain, or he anientietl
`to contain a reference to each, such prior—l‘ile<i.
`application, identifying it by application niiniber (consisting of the series cotle and serial
`nninher), iriteiinational application nninher and interiiatiohal filing date, or international
`registration nnrnber and filing date under § H.023.
`ll‘ the later—iiled application is :5
`nonprovisional application, the reference required by this paragraph must he inclutletl in
`an applieatioti data sheet (§ l.76(h)(.‘§))t The rei’eretice also must itletitity the relationsh,ip
`of the applications, nanicly, whether the later—tiled application is a continuation,
`divisional, or
`eontirinati0n—in—part. of
`pI‘i0I‘—flied nonprovisional
`ititerriational £t}’J}'Jll,C§:l'{l,Ol’l, or internatiotial (.lf.’.Slf§,11 appltication.
`(e) Delayed c2.’aims wider :35 U.S.C. I20 , 1'2], 3656:), or ;l86'{c)_;‘br the herzefir ofa prz"0r~
`filed rz0rzprm'isirmm’ appficatzforz,
`intcrnatiozial application, or z'r2ter;iati0rzaZ design
`:.tpp,4’icatz'mz. If the reference required by 35 TUSQC.
`iZO and paragraph (d){‘.?;) of this
`section is presented after the time period provitletl by paragraph {(1)8} of this section, the
`claim under 35 U.S.C.
`i210 , l2l , 365(c} , or 386(0) for the benefit of a priomflled
`copending no,n,proVi,sional, application,
`intternatiorial application designating the United
`States, or international design application designating the United States may he acceptetl
`ifthe reference required by paragraph {(M2) of this section was unintentionally delayed,
`A petition to accept an tthintentiahalh; dcleryert chrirrr attdcr 35 U.-S.C., I259, 121, :1’65(c),
`or :1’86(c) for the benefit ofa priorufiiert application rims! be accompanied by:
`{I} The reference required by 35 U.S.,C. ,If2t’i and paragraph (d)(2f) afthis section
`in the giritrrmfiiett appiicatiort, airless’ previaasty .§'ahmittea’_;
`{3} The petitiah fee as .s'etf:'9rth in
`1.1 7(m:j); and
`(3) A statement that the entire tteiay hetweeh the date the benefit chtim wits dare
`tmrter paragraph (d)(3.} of this section and the date the benefit claim was
`filed was rmirtterttirmal. The Iiireetar Witty require atiditiahai irzfarritrttiart
`where there is it question whether the delay was ahirtterttiortal.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 7/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 7/54

`TE-Eli? BEi_.A77‘r'
`A brief review of the record makes clear that Applicant intended to ciairn dornestie
`priority to US. Application
`09/331,002, through US. Application No.
`i0./"_Zi9,iGS, and
`foreigii priority
`to Gerrnan Patent Application
`i9’.7O8755.8 through PCT Applit;atiori
`i’(fT/l§ii’98/0ll87. For instance, the 7§‘ra'nsn1ittal
`i37orrn accornpanying the "778 Applicatiori
`indeed lists US. Application
`10/219,305 as the prior—fileLl application,” and the Oath and
`Declaration lists both PCT Application No. PCT,r’EP9S."(l'i'l87 and Gernian Patent Application
`The Patent Oi’i‘ice even coni’irn'is that foreigrr priority was ciairneii in the
`W78 Appiication,
`Related applications iiierl previous and suhseqiient to the ‘"778 Application
`also ciairned doinestic priority to US. Application
`O9/331,002, as well
`forei_gn priority
`hack to March 4, i997’. Considering the above facts, it was reasonable for Applicant to believe
`that the priority cliairi of the ’778 Application was properiy ciaintieti, as iirrtenried sirree the tirne
`of tiiing the ’"/78 Application.
`Very recently, on August 24, Zfllfi, Applicant was rnade aware that the filing tioeuinents
`accon'ipariyirig the "/78 Application rnistaheriiy ornit a specific r'ei’e.r’ei’ice to pre\Iiousiy~i'ilerl US.
`Application No. ()9/'33l,()(}2, despite specificaily referring to US, Application No. 10/2l9,l()5
`and each foreign priority cloetinient, "fliis omission is simply an arirninistrative error that has
`gone unnoticed for over eleven years.
` l-lowever, Applicarit hereby siihniits this i3’etition for a. tleiayed claim of priority to U
`Application No. 09/331,082 and foreign priority therefroin.
`The rleiay for this ciairn is
`unintentional, for at least the reasons provirlerl herein: 1) the convincing evitieiiee that Applicant
`aiways interrtietl to claim priority to US. Appiication
`09/'33l,Cr(}2 and toreigni priority
`therefrom, 2) ackriowiedgerrierit by the Patent Office that the "$78 /-implication was entitierl to
`priority haelr to March 4, 1997, 3) recent discovery of an arirninistrative error, and 4) the swift
`nature with wnicli Applicant petitions the Patent Office upon learning of the error.
`i6 See Appendix A.
`f7 See Appenciix B.
`‘3 See Appenciix C,
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 8/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 8/54

`The following inforrnation fnrtlier evidences that the entire delay was unintentional, and
`that the Patent Ofliee should GRANT this Petition.
`lN‘",l‘E§l“\‘l)l*1fi Ti} {.’.liAlh/l E’ Rl(}l§lTY BACBI; T0 lllhl
`EARLEEST Ell‘ll’EI*C'lll“i1’E l'<‘lLlNG l)A'l7E
`Applicant has always l’}’l?l(‘l.€
`l'\"l".lOW}”,,l to the Pateiit l'_}l’lice that it ihtendetl to tal-re a.dyant.age
`of the earliest effective filing date for patent applications concerning the subject niatter clisclosed
`in the ”'778 Application. Applicant tiniely entered the US. National Stage by filing Uil.
`Application No. {)9/’33l,{ll)“.Z on lune l4, E999. That National Stage entry application properly
`Ciai,l’}’lt’:(‘l. priority to PCT Applicati-on No. PCT,/El’98/’(ll l8"/' and Gerniiari Patent Application
`l97()8755,8.” Exhibiting the same desire to clairn priority to the earliest effectiyre filing (late,
`Applicant filed a divisional application, U.S. Application No.
`l(l,«"2l9,lG5, which properly
`clainred donrestic priority to US. Application No. Oil/';l3l,l)0Z, and foreign priority to PCT
`l?CT/’l?.P98/€lll87, wliicli clairns priority to Cserrnan l’aten_t. Application No,
`the two related US, l\lon~Proyisional Applications tiled hefore the ""778
`Application e>:pressly claimed priority to each prionfilecl US. application, as well as the foreign
`priority doetnnents.
`When filing the ’"/78 Application, Applicant
`intended to claini priority in the sanie
`nianner as before and talte advantage of the earliest effective filing date. Specifically, Applicant
`intentieri to claim priority as follows: continuation ofU.S. Application No.
`l0/".Zl9,lGS, which is
`a (.ll\7l,l~‘:it'_l}",l£ll, ol,‘U.St Applicati-on
`09/33l,0€l2, which is the National Stage of, and (.‘.-l,?‘,l',‘lS the
`benefit of and priority to,
` PC'l‘ Application No.
`l7‘C'l‘,«"l3l7‘98/OlelS7, which claims priority to
`Gerrnan Patent Application No.
`l97(l8755.8. Applicant claimed the identical priority chain in
`these prior applications, and the Patent Gffrce allowed Applicant to henefit from the earliest
`effectiye filing date.
`l\/lioreoyer, the and £361.‘.-l,?ll‘aE‘.'l,O‘.l,‘t l'lled with the "778 Application lists
`the foreign priority infonnatioii, specifically listing iPC‘f’l’ Application
`l3’€L‘T£‘.:"lil39§l,I"Ol i87 and
`Gerinan Patent Application No. E9788”/'55.S.2l
`indeed, if Applicant had no intention of clainiing
`priority tlirotigli US. Application No. (3983 'l,l.l(l2 hack to the earliest effective date provitieti by
`the Gerniiari priority cloenrneriti then these foreign priority doctiinehts would not have heen
`19 L"-KS. l*atent No. 6,470,399, cover page, (86), (30).
`*0 US. Patent No. 6,895i449, cover page, (62), ('30).
`*1 A‘ppei1dix,B.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 9/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 9/54

`preserit in tlie (Bath and Declaration. But tlie foreigri priority documents were listed in the Gath
`arid Deeiarzttioii, preeiseiy to claim priority to the earliest effective date.
`Appiicarit eoritirrtred the practice of ciaimirig the eariiest effective priority date in severai
`coritiiitiiiig applicatiohs iiied stihseqaerrt
`to the ’778 Application.
`For exarripie,
`c:oritiriuati.ori a.ppilQ£ti’.l0I}.S were frieri that iri fact eiairri dorriestie priority hack to US. Appiieatiorr
`{)9/33i,0O2 filed Jutie E4, E999, and foreigri priority to P(.‘.'f Appiicatiori
`filed March 3, E998 and Germari Application No. 197987558 fiied on i\/larch 4,
`i997. The
`feliowirig ztpplieatioris each eiairried priority to US. Appiicatioii Ne. 09x'33'l,0(32 arid beyond:
`US. Applimtiori No.
`ii..:"467,O92f3 US. A:{;1}Jii.Ca'{i.O1’i
`it/928,283,” arid US.
`Application No. 12/89E .44-)?‘
`in View ofthe repeated practice of claiihirrg priority to US. Appiicatioh No. G9./331,002
`arid foreign priority in rieiated appiieatioris both previous ariri. sirbsequerirt to the ‘T78 Appii.eati.ori,
`Applicant coiitetids that the ‘"778 Appiicatiori was ititeririerl to aiso claim priority in the same
`througli US. Application 09./33i,{}02, Ftirtiier, no Ccnmpeiiiflg or even satisfactory
`reasori exists as to why Apphcarit would piirposeftziiv orrrit
`at specific reference to US.
`Applicatiori No.
`()9/’33l.O{32 when every other £tp}'Jii.C3'iiO1’i
`takes arlvatitage of the earliest
`effective fiiirig date hy eiaimirig pr'ioi‘ity throiiigli US. Appiieatioti No. 09/33t,()(}2. The most.
`iogical expiaiiatiori
`is that air a<:hiiiiiistrative error occurred at
`the time of filing the “.778
`Application, which werit tiririotieed until very reeeritly. Appiicarit is thus takirig swift actiori to
`Clall’.'1’1 priority to US. Appiieatiori No. 09/33 1.002 arid. foreigri priority therefrorti, the delay in
`which was iirriiriteritioriai.
`Aecordihgiy, Appiiearit eoriterids that the Patent Office sliciild GRANT this Petitieri.
`In adciitiori to Appiiearit beiieviiig that the priority cliairi was properly estabiislierl at the
`tiriie of fiiirrg, the Patent Office likewise treated tlie ’”/78 Apphcatiori as effectively ciairrririg
`**' L"-KS. ?areritNo. 8,966,344, Co}. 1, lines 843.
`*5 US. ?ateritNo. 9139.437, Col,
`lines 843.
`*4 US. Patent A.ppli.catior1 P1Ei)llC€3il-1)!) No. 2()(}S,/’€>2.()9()88,
`Patent No. 8,:">04.746, Cot. 3, lines 8---16.
`‘fl [()G¢3l.].
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘IO/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 10/54

`priority to at ieast March 4, 1997 Via the PCT /-‘ippiication and the German priority document.
`For instance, the Patent Office issued a Bihiiographie Data Sheet for the ‘"778 Appiication on
`June 20, 2006, which iists the continuing data (US. Appiication No. ifi/219,105} and the foreign
`appii.eati.oris (PCT Appii.eati.ori
`PCT,/EP98,/{Bi i8”? and German Patent Application
`197087558 )9“ On the same Bihiiographie Data Sheet for the ’778 Appheation, the EK£li’11iI}é:‘:i‘
`Verified and acknowledged by sigriatnre that for‘ei_gii priority was ciainied, and that 35 U.S.Ci. §
`119 (a—d_‘; conditions were 1’11E:'t.'27
`Further, in a [Notice ofAi.iowahi.iity. the Patent (Jfiiee indicated that “Cei'tihe<i. copies of
`the priority dosztinients have been reeeiveri in Appiieation No. {)9/’33i,{)€}2”33
`evidencing the
`Patent Office (and Appiicant’s) understanding that a cornpiete priority chain hack to the
`09,/331,002 Appiieation and the foreign appiieations had been properiy estabiished.
`Not only do these Patent Ofhee doctirn.en.ts f.’.V’i.£i€2.FiC€
`that the Patent Office treated the
`’”/78 Apphcation as having a proper priority chain, but, when viewed by Appiicant. they wotihi
`have served as reinforcenient that the priority chain was indeed fiied correotiy, and that no
`further or corrected eiairn for priority is required. Thus, any tieiay in fiiing this Fetition was
`u¥}i.1’1‘tt’:3.’}.i’i-()£1ai., given the Patent {} treatn:ient of the ’"/'78 Appiieation. at arid after the time of
`Acoordingiy, ./-‘ippiicant contends that the Patent Office shouhi GRANT this Petition.
`‘L55 ANE} §7i.78 ARE MET
`Appiicant contends that the requirernents of 37 C.F.R. § 1.55 and § 1.78 are inet with this
`Petition. Speciiieaiiy, 37 CPR. §i.55 requires, in pertinent part, “[a} petition to accept a deiayed
`eiaini for priority. . ninst he aceonipanied by:
`{E} The priority an appiication data sheet (§ i.76("‘o}(6)), identifying the
`foreign appiicatiori to which priority is eiairneci, by specifying the application
`I.1l31'I’Ei'3€f.'n couritry (or inteiieetiiai property authority}, day, nionthy and year of its
`filing, uriiess previousiy siihrnitted;
`(2) A certified copy of the foreign appiictition, uniess previousiy. , .;
`{3} The petition fee as set forth in
`i.i7{rn); arid
`E6 See Appendix C.
`"3 See Appenctix D.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I1/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 11/54

`(4) A statetnent that the entire deiay between the date the priority eiairn was due
`tinder this section and the date the priority eiairn was fied was
`Appheant stibniits aiong with the Petiti-on at priority eiairn in a eerrected Ftppitfifétiiioii. data sheet."
`A preiiininary ainendinent to amend the specification to inciade a reference to the priority chain
`in the speeitieation is aiso provided herewith.“ The certified copy of the foreign appiication
`{Csen.naii Patent A ii<:a.ti-en No. 197087 55.8} has aireari
`been suhrnit.ted on the record as
`recognized hy the Patent Ehitice in the Notice of rAxii(‘)‘N£tbii.ity.3' The fee has been paid
`sitnnitaneousiy with the submission of this Petition. Appiioarit contends that the entire deiay
`between the date the priority ciaini was due and the date that the priority eiaiin was fiied was
`unintentional. As noted above, Appiioant initiaiiy ciaiined priority over eieven years ago, but
`cine to a Very recent <i.isce\«'ery of an ariniiinistrative errer at
`the time of tiiirig the ‘$778
`Appiieatioii, Appiicaiit swiftiy fiies this Petitinn.
`Likewise, Applicant contends that the specific retpiireinent of 37 C.i~'~'.R. § 1.78 are met
`by this Petition and the acenrnpanying riootinientation. Speeiiieaiiy, 37 C.F.R. §i.”/'3 requires,
`“{3} petition to accept an 'uii.‘i'£‘tE€iiii(‘1fia.iiy'(‘ié:‘3i£ty'€(i
`eiaini. . .nn:ist he aceoinpanied ‘by:
`(E) The reference required by 35 U.S.C. 320 and paragraph ('d)(2) of this section to
`the priormfiied appiication, unless previousiy stihrnitted;
`2.) The petition fee
`set forth in § i,17(in); and
`('3) A staternent that the entire deiay between the date the benefit ciairn was due
`under paragraph (r.i_‘;(3) of this section and the date the ‘oenetit ciaiin was iiied
`was tininteritienai.”
`Appiieant stihinits aiong with the Petition a reference to the prior-tiied appiieatioh, in a corrected
`appiication data sheet.“ The preiiininary aniendnient stihtnitted herewith tiirther references the
`37 c.r.n. § 2.55.
`30 See Appendix
`3’ See Appendix F.
`See Appendix D.
`33 37 r:.r.r<.
`34 See Appendix E.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I2/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 12/54

`priority chair: in the Sp€CifiCaEiO11.35 The fee has been paid sirnuitaheeusiy with the submission of
`this Petitieri. Applicant €.‘.0I,1Ef.’.1’}i€,iS
`that the entire deiay between the date the priority eiatirri was
`due arid the date that the priority eitiim was fiieci was unintentioriai for at ietist the reasons
`previi ed ztbtwe.
`Aecordihgiy, Applicant eeiitends that the Paterit Office siieiiid GRANT this Petition.
`H E.
`Based on the reaseris set forth ahevet A,f)pii€.‘.é§,1’3.‘i
`respeetftiiiy requests that the Patent
`Office GRANT this petition under 37 C.F.R. § L55 and §i."/'8.
`Tire Patent Otiice is hereby authorized to charge any fees which, niay he 1'f.’.C}_?,1i‘i,”t.°.{i
`regarding this fiiiiig, or credit any 0verpa.yrrieiit, te Deposit Account N0. E9~05l3. Sheitid no
`preper payment he eneioseti iierewitn, as by a check or credit card payment ferrn being in the
`wrong amount, unsigned, pest—i'iated, etiierwise impmper er iriferrnai er eritireiy missing, the
`Corrnnissiener is autherized to charge the uripaici amount to Deposit Aecmirit Ne, 19—0:"s1
`Date: “November 10, 20 i 6
`iasen A. Muifpiiy
`Registration No. 63,423
`Cust0ri:iei' Net 69995
`Sehrneiser, Qisen 8: Watts
`22 Century ii-iii? Drive, St. 302.
`Latharn, New York 12%. 18
`Tel, (518) 229-1850
`Fax: (518) 220-i 857
`35 See Appericiix F.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I3/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 13/54

`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I4/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 14/54

`. .
`See MPz:P chapter 650 ccmcemmg witty patenf a;:apf.-caban conforms.
`Fee Transmmai Form (e.g.‘ PTO/SSH 7;:
`(Submit an angina; and a dapficafe for fee prccessinga
`AfiP5i€?é3n‘< C53i?7‘~3 1-‘-ma“ 9F’*i’i’-3? ’513?U$-
`$88 37 CFR 1.23’.
`{Tami Pages 23
`(preferreu a.rr3ng&men.' se? mm beiowj
`fieficiiifciiflu-§§”§?;§?§ 8‘ D
`er a cr:mg>ute:' program iisiing appenoix
`~- fiackgrcund cf the invention
`-» Sn‘:-zf Summary 93‘ he invention
`— SM? Desrifipiién 0? We Dmvfifigs -.’-9'!’ Y-7r'&d)
`. Deiafied ileszmptian
`- cgagmgg)
`- Abstract of the Disskzsure
`Approved far use thmugh 0'7:'31!2€I-{$6. OM33 0$51~i3i332
`U3. Paien: and Trademark Qffecs. U5‘ DE PARTMENT OF CDMMERCE
`Evfiéww U
`Mai: S‘-tap P!
`Ccsmmisfiianarfax Fatenis
`R0. B-cix1&:Sf3
`Nemmma VA 223.w_.345a
`3’. 3:3 CD--ROM <3-r Ci)-R in dupiicate, éarge zabie or
`com puter Pragram (Appendix)
`8. Nutiestjde andior Amino Acid Sequence S-ubméssi-an
`{if 5;:
`iicabie, aii assesses;/)
`Computer Readabie Foam (CRF)
`spew‘-°a*‘°” $W3“°e US“-‘*9 W
`[:3 CD~R0M er 00-8 <2 wwem: or
`fl. {:3
`iatements verifving isientigy :31‘ above miss
`Asségmnent Papeis (csver sheet 8» d0eument(::)}
`3‘? CFR 3.'f3(k:z} Statement
`;""’3 Power of
`(svhan mere is an assignea)
`Engiish Transiaxion Decumen: (if a
`information Eaisciosure
`Cogies of 2:35
`Statement -(£DS5)1$>'3'O--1449
`Preiéminary Amendment
`Reium Receipt Pcstcard (MPEP 503)
`(snaulci be specificafly itemized)
`Certified C-spy of Priarity Dacumertt-($3
`(if foreign pr:‘on‘ty is claimed)
`Nmpublicafion Request under 35 5.18.6. 122
`{b)-(2)(B}(i). Appiicant must attach fem“; PTCHSBISS
`_ [33 gflfgf “é;‘;?~‘§"a{e me EXWESS , $3’. R&_Wg§fiQ.n_’___
`.3.F‘3$.QF. K?
`.. .
`18. if as C:-CBNTENUENG APPLKZATEGN, Che‘pry the raquisire :'r;fcmna:ion beiow and in the first semen;-=_=. -cf the
`specification fcfio-wing the rifle, or in an Appiicatian Data Sheet undar 37 CFR 11. 75:
`cf prior applicaflcn N031 0‘ 2199105
`[Tole-18939625 2
`4. @ E)ravs'Sng{s}(35U.S.C.?'13)
`{Totai Sheets
`5) Gem er Dexiaratian
`Newiy executed (m1‘ginaEc:rc,apy}
`Cam from a prior appsicaeaon (3? cm 1.53:5);
`(for c:on!inua:ian/ciivisianai vvith flax 153 comgiatedg
`Signed skaiement atéached deleting :swenta:{s§
`name in the prior applicafion, see 37 CF52
`i.6.'$(-t3){2) and ‘E.33(2))».
`5. {:3
`Apphcaiitm Data sheet. See 37 cm 1.715
`:3 Divisfionai
`Q C antia1uation~in—paz? (C59)
`21 82
`11!? Unit:
`Exa.-rxiner Harem '3' Km?
`Friar applicaticrr infozvnaubn;
`For <.‘.€)f~3T!N£3A'T$0N GF €}E\ii&5kC3?-ML A15‘-‘$’$ cmiy; The entire diseziosurca as? the prism‘ appiécation, firom sviuich an oath or an-zlarati-an is suppfied under Q0):
`59:, is considered a part of ‘She disciosure of the: mccomgsanying continuaescm at diviskmzai appfikzatéor-. zsnd is tienaby incorparateck by rsferenca.
`The incorpcration can om); be wiisci upon when a portixm has. been inadvaree.-my csmittom from the submmaci appsicasian parts.
`Customer Number.
`OR :3 Ccsrrespan-sienna address beiow
`xs requared by 31 CFR !.53(L2), The informaiicm is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the pubis: which is it: may (anti by ihe
`E5 sclieciion of iniormat
`tion. C-znnfidentiality is governed by 35‘:‘ 122 and 37 CPR 1.14. This coiiection is estimatea to take 12 mimsses is sompiei-a.
`USPTO to pmcess} an ap
`i:1<:.iudirg gatheying. pre-pazmg, and suhmiiiing ihe wmpietéd application fornrfta the USPTO. Time wiil vary deg:-znding upon the individual casa. Any osmmenis
`can the ammmt of time yau require to zzorngsieia (his fcrrn andior suggeslicns for radudng this burden, smxuid be sent {Ci ma Chm‘ m§s:rma€io.-1 Gffiwr. US‘ $’a'ienS
`and Twaciemam (mine. LL55. Deparirrient of Cuanryserce. RC3. 802: $658. Alraxancina VA 223131456. [)0 NOT SENS‘ FEiE$ OR COMPLETED FORMS TO T?-i3‘.:‘~
`ADDRESS. SEND TG: Mai! Slop F-aiam Appticaiion‘ Commissioner for $’aism5_ F-‘.0. Box 3-$50, ma-xamiria, VA 22313»$45C=.
`iiyuu need assmance in scmpieting the iczrm, cail 1~eea-FY0413? and seieci opticvv 2.
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - ‘I5/54
`HUAWEI EX. 1005 - 15/54

`PTO/S8117 (12-013)
`Agpmved for use mrcvugh 97iEH.i2§>O6. OME 0551-0632
`U.S. Pawns and Trademark Gffice; US. DEFb§RT:‘s3iEi-3T GF COMMERCE
`Umim Sim Pannmmrk Redursinn mg of 1995 an narmns am ranzzirsafl in rssszmmri in :3 rnsierflinam nf ':n9n€m.::fin.':
`ume=_~:.\- ":9 dixramvs an vaiiri (EMR rnmmi ruxmhnr
`Efiecfiva on 12i‘C¥é§12G0«‘J.
`Fees pursuant to the Consciidaied Anomnriations Aer

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